How to clean the inside of the microwave from fat at home. How to clean the microwave and easily remove even stubborn dirt

Many housewives have no idea how to clean old fat inside the microwave. Complete cleaning of the "insides" of a snow-white pet will not take more than 15 minutes at home, if you know how to correctly approach the procedure.

The microwave oven has long and firmly established itself in kitchen space every hostess. This smart and compact technology warms up ready meals saving energy and precious time.

This is a real rival to the household stove: depending on the available functionality, it cooks, bakes, grills food. At the same time, time costs are reduced several times. Unsurprisingly, using the microwave has become a daily ritual.

Safety engineering

  1. Before use liquid products unplug the device from the outlet.
  2. Do not use metal brushes or abrasive products to clean the enamelled surface: this will damage the enamel.
  3. The use of water during cleaning should be minimal: there is a risk of flooding vital important details microwave ovens.
  4. Do not disassemble electrical appliance independently, even if there is a possibility that contamination has penetrated inside. Use the services of specialized services, which is much safer and more reliable.
  5. Do not experiment with household chemicals that are not designed for microwave cleaning. It can harm you and your home appliances.

Effective folk remedies

Cleanliness in the house is a laborious process that requires a lot of time and money. Modern products greatly facilitate the process chemical industry, but many prefer the time-tested "grandmother's" recipes. They work no less efficiently, but cheaper and more environmentally friendly.

Lemon acid

Great cleaning method household appliances... Replace citric acid with perhaps fresh lemon or other citrus. Citric acid neutralizes unpleasant odors well, but often you should not resort to its help: with regular use, the acid destroys the enamel.

For cleaning you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. citric acid(or 4 tbsp. l. citrus juice).

Having previously mixed water and citric acid in a container, we place it in the microwave. Depending on the degree of soiling, set the timer for 2-5 minutes. Then, for more effectiveness, wait about 10 more minutes. After the procedure, grease and burn can be easily removed with a soft sponge.

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A wonderful remedy that will help in the fight against even stubborn dirt. It is not recommended to use it constantly, otherwise housewives risk the beauty and integrity of the enamel coating. The disadvantages of the method include the smell: it is very caustic, open the windows in the room while cleaning.

To cleanse you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.

Combine vinegar with water in a deep container. Put the solution in the microwave for 3-5 minutes (depending on the degree of soiling) and turn on the mode to maximum. At this time, the fumes work for the hostess and the vinegar fumes soften the old fat. After the timer indicates the end of work, leave the device closed for another two minutes. After that, dirt can be easily removed with a simple soft sponge. Then clean again with water, removing any vinegar residue from the walls.


Baking soda costing a penny replaces a lot of expensive products. Soda condensate has proven itself as a fat purifier, but heavy pollution soda can't handle. The product gently removes small to medium stains from the surface without damaging the enamel.

For work you will need:

  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Dissolve the baking soda in a bowl of water, then place in the microwave for 3-5 minutes and turn on to maximum power. During this time, the soda forms condensation, which will soften the fat and burn. After switching off the appliance, wait another 2 minutes, then remove the grease with a damp soft cloth.

If somewhere the stain does not rub off, baking soda will come to the rescue: put a small pinch on a rag and remove the dirt. Remember, baking soda is abrasive and can leave small scratches on the shiny stainless surface.

Purchased products and chemicals

Chemical industry products are firmly established on the shelves of every home: in a matter of minutes, they clean any surfaces from contamination, returning the items to their former shine and pristine whiteness.

There is also special chemistry for cleaning microwave ovens, but if there are none at hand, others will do, which will always be found in the arsenal of housewives. It is important to take into account their consistency and structure - abrasive substances will not bring any benefits to the enamel. Detailed description possible options consider in the table.

MeansDosageMode of application
Dishwashing liquid0.5 tspApply a drop of the product to a soft, damp sponge, lather and place in the microwave for 30 seconds. With the same sponge, wash off the softened dirt, remove the remnants of the product with clean water.

  • 4 tbsp. l. wiper;

  • 2 tbsp. l. water.

Prepare a solution with ingredients. Apply to a soft sponge to remove dirt inside and out microwave oven.
Fat Removal Sprays1 tbsp. l.Most often, these products are sold with a spray bottle on the package. A few clicks are enough for a complete cleaning inner surface products. Remember to rinse off the cleaner with plain water.
Fat Removal Gels1 tspThe grease remover gel works great on the toughest stains. Using a soft sponge, apply the product evenly to the surface. If the dirt is heavy, leave the gel on for 1-2 minutes. Rinse off the remaining product thoroughly with water.
Laundry soap1 tbsp. l. soap shavingsDissolve the soap in a bowl of warm water, put into oven for 2-3 minutes at maximum power. After the time has elapsed, carefully wipe the walls of the device with the same solution until all contamination is removed. Clean any soap residues from the microwave oven with clean water.
  • It is easier to prevent contamination than to remove it: use special covers when working with the microwave. You can replace them with plastic bags or baking paper.
  • Set aside 1 day per month to clean the inside of your microwave. This will help to avoid a large accumulation of fat on the walls, and will make the process of cooking and heating food more hygienic.
  • Do not rush to close the microwave door after use, let it stand open for two or three minutes: during this time, the smells of food will disappear, and the generated steam will dry out.
  • Ideally, remove any dirt after every cooking if grease gets on the walls.

Keeping the microwave clean on a regular basis will save time and effort when general cleaning and prolong the joy of using this useful au pair. And the cleanliness of the inner surface is a guarantee of health!

Can not imagine modern kitchen without a microwave oven. She is indispensable for fast food or warming up any food and drink. But sooner or later, on the inner surfaces of the device appears frozen fat and burnt food splashes. You don't always have free time to clean your microwave after every reheat.

How to clean the microwave from fat inside quickly and without special efforts? There are several ways that housewives can easily clean the chambers in microwave ovens.

Before you wash the microwave from the fat inside, you need to remember the basic rules. They will ensure the safety of the hostess and the safety of the device:

  • Before starting cleaning, be sure to disconnect the oven from the mains by pulling out the plug from the socket. To prevent water from getting on the plug, and when turned on, a short circuit occurs, wrap it with a plastic bag.
  • In the process, do not use metal scouring pads and dry cleaners with coarse abrasive particles - they can damage the wall surfaces.
  • When cleaning, try to be gentle with liquids and cleaning products. They should not fall behind the walls of the device and on its sensitive elements, otherwise, after turning on the microwave oven, it may fail.
  • Do not use chlorine-based cleaning agents or other aggressive preparations. household chemicals.
  • Use heat-resistant glass or ceramic containers for water that are free of metallized stripes and patterns.
  • During washing, try not to damage the magnetron - the main element thanks to which the microwave oven heats food.

Try to clean the microwave and remove fat deposits at least 1-2 times a month - light dirt is removed much easier than old ones.

Tip: Kitchenware and hardware stores sell plastic microwave hoods. They are different sizes and differ in diameter and height. Pick up such kitchen accessory you can use any microwave oven. It is inexpensive, and its benefits are enormous - all the splashes remain on the hood, which is much easier to clean than to wash the entire stove.

Baking soda

You can use baking soda to remove grease from the inside of the microwave. This method is suitable for light to medium soiling, but it is unlikely to cope with old splashes:

  • Pour half a liter of clean water into a container and add 1 tbsp. l. with a slide of baking soda. Stir the powder until the grains are completely dissolved.
  • Put the soda solution into the oven chamber, close the door and turn on the appliance at maximum power.
  • Heat the water for 20 minutes. When the stove turns off, do not open the door for another 5 minutes. During this time, soda vapors will settle on the walls of the chamber and soften the dried fat.
  • Open the door, unplug the microwave, remove the plastic ring and the rotating tray from the oven.
  • Wipe all the insides of the miracle stove with a sponge or viscose cloth, from time to time moistening it in a warm soda solution - first the upper wall of the chamber and a heating element, then lateral surfaces, bottom and door.
  • Clean the ring and pan with the same solution.

Tip: In especially difficult places, rub the surface of the walls with the hard side of a kitchen sponge, dipping it into dry soda powder. The baking soda does not have aggressive abrasive properties, so it will not damage the decorative layer of the camera.

Soda is an excellent antiseptic, so it will help not only cleanse dirt and grease, but also destroy pathogenic microflora.

Table vinegar is a versatile cleaning agent. Any housewife can safely use it to clean various household appliances and surfaces, including microwaves:

  • Pour 50 ml of 9% table vinegar into a half-liter container of water.
  • Place the water in the microwave and turn the microwave on to maximum power.
  • Set the opening time for 10-15 minutes.
  • 5 minutes after the appliance has finished working, open the door and start cleaning. The procedure is the same as described in the previous method.
  • Finally, wipe the stove with a damp cloth moistened with clean water- this will remove the remaining vinegar from the walls.

Many women are confused bad smell vinegar, which is released during the heating of the liquid. It is recommended to use vinegar in ventilated rooms, and during operation to open a window or vent to ventilate the vapors.

Tip: You can remove the unpleasant smell inside the microwave with the help of products that can be found in every kitchen. It is enough to leave a saucer with dry baking soda or ground coffee in the chamber, and the stagnant smell will disappear in the morning. A similar effect will be from lemon, if you cut it into several thick slices and wipe the surface of the walls with them.

Lemon acid

The citric acid used for culinary purposes is also useful for the miracle oven. How to remove fat from the microwave using citric acid? Very simple - the procedure is similar to the previous ones:

  • half-liter container with water and 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide) citric acid.
  • The operating time of the device is 10 minutes at maximum power.
  • The holding time between the end of heating and the opening of the door is 15 minutes.

Citric acid can be replaced by 2–4 lemons, from which you need to squeeze the juice into a container with water: the higher the concentration of the solution, the easier it is to wash the "insides" of the microwave.


Knowing how to quickly wash the microwave without special detergents, you can quickly return it to its previous shine and cleanliness. Now every housewife can safely say: “I clean my miracle stove easily and quickly. At the same time, I use products that are safe for health and do not spend money on the purchase of expensive household chemicals. "

In the century modern technologies you can't do without amenities anywhere, even in the kitchen. Therefore, the question of how to clean the microwave from fat inside is very acute for most housewives. After all, a microwave oven not only saves time and effort of its owner, it is very convenient and is one of the most simple devices on the kitchen. However, like other things, it requires constant care from its owner. Indeed, during the cooking process in the microwave, food remains remain, fat gets on the walls, and it is not possible to wash it with conventional means, since this is not convenient enough and can harm the device itself. If you are interested in how to clean the inside of the microwave from fat, then you should study in detail the instructions for using the device and pay attention to folk remedies for getting rid of fatty contamination of fat.

Naturally, the easiest way to get rid of grease and put things in order in the oven is to purchase a special microwave cleaner - you can buy it at any household chemical store or in a household appliance store. However, unlike the result of his work, the price of this product is too high, and he is not always able to decide how to clean the microwave inside from fat deposits.

You need to wash it very often, even if you do not put the dish open, but cover it with a special lid that prevents fat from spilling onto the walls. All the same, the steam that is released during cooking gets on the walls of the stove and naturally contaminates them.

Specialized cleaning products

The most familiar and simple way to clean the stove from dirt, plaque and soot is to purchase a special cleaner for it, which will help you to easily clean old dirt. Many housewives use just such a method for these purposes, refusing to believe that folk remedies will somehow help in the process of combating pollution.

There are a lot of such products on the market, of which you can choose the one that is right for you. They differ not only in composition, but also in smell. Since they are aimed not only at cleansing, but also at combating excess odors that eat into the walls during the cooking process.

Such funds must be selected depending on the inner coating of your stove. Expensive microwave options can be covered expensive materials, including enamel. Nobody wants to spoil such a coating, especially with a cleaning agent, and it is quite easy to spoil the surface of the walls. Therefore, for these types of microwave oven coatings, there are special cleaners on sale that are able to deal with dirt and do not spoil the coating.

You need to choose such a tool very carefully, taking into account not only the features of your oven, but also your preferences. In the process of choosing a product, you should worry about purchasing a soft sponge without an abrasive part.

The easiest ways to clean your microwave

The easiest way to get rid of the remaining fat on the walls is with plain water. But she needs to do more than just wash the inside of the oven. In order to clean the walls, water must be poured into a container and placed inside the stove to warm up. Be sure to choose a bowl that is wider so that the evaporation of water is faster and more active. In this case, an ordinary glass will not help you, since its area is very small and evaporation from it cannot occur quickly, which will not allow you to clean the walls well. It is with this method that housewives get to know in the first place when they ask themselves how to clean the microwave at home. This cleaning method is one of the simplest and most effective. It only takes a minute from you to collect water and put it in the oven for ten minutes to heat up. Then you need to wipe the walls dry with a soft cloth, without using abrasive substances. This cleaning technique does not require the use of expensive grease-removing agents.

This method is perfect at a time when there is no time for a complete cleaning. But it will only be effective if you do regular cleaning and the plaque has not accumulated in you for years. Fresh grease stains can be removed very easily with this method.

We clean the microwave with baking soda

Many kitchen items every housewife is accustomed to cleaning it with soda; it seems to many that due to the fact that this abrasive is small, it does not spoil the surface. However, for microwave ovens, especially those whose walls are covered with ceramics on top, cleaning with soda is strictly prohibited. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to clean the microwave with baking soda. This method is also not particularly difficult, but its effect is much better, and it allows you to wash more complex dirt. To do this, take a bowl again and pour water into it, into which we pour three tablespoons of soda. Then stir the contents of the bowl a little. As in the first option, we put the toe in the microwave and set the maximum power mode, set the timer for fifteen minutes. In order for the oven to wash well from dirt, it is recommended to leave the bowl after heating in the oven for another half hour and only then take it out. If after the procedure, dirt and plaque still remain, then you can easily repeat the procedure again, only by reducing the time.

As a result of cleaning, drops form inside, together with which you can easily remove both dirt and grease residues. This method of how to clean the microwave from fat is non-contact, which is why you can easily use it for an expensive stove.

There are many more non-contact ways to clean the microwave from grease. For example, instead of adding baking soda, you can easily use vinegar or lemon. These two products are excellent at dealing with stagnant grease on the walls and evaporate well when heated together with water.

We clean the microwave with vinegar

Many housewives are wondering how you can remove fat from the microwave with vinegar. To clean the oven well with this product, you will need a couple of tablespoons of vinegar. The processing method, in principle, is no different from the previous ones. You will need to mix the component with water in a wide bowl and put it on the maximum temperature for fifteen minutes inside the oven. With the help of the solution, you can not only effectively clean the oven, but at the same time easily eliminate unpleasant odors inside the oven. After all, the smell eats into the walls very strongly, in some cases no worse than soot or fat. If you use the microwave oven to the maximum, fry fish in it, bake meat, grill chicken, then you just need to periodically clean your oven from extraneous odors that accumulate inside it.

All of the above methods are excellent not only for cleaning from dirt, but for getting rid of extraneous odors. The most important advantage of these methods is that after carrying out these procedures, no odors remain inside the stove. Unlike some special means for cleaning, containing various citrus aromas, sea ​​wave etc., which can only mask the smell.

Using vinegar is ideal for everyone except people who cannot tolerate unpleasant odors. The method is really very quick and convenient, you can use it to clean the oven quite in short time without much effort.

Using salt to clean the microwave

However, there are situations when a person simply does not have enough time even to carry out such simple and quick procedures. For such people, there are very simple ways cleaning. For example, salt and coal are ideal absorbent properties. They help to absorb many harmful substances from the external environment, even some gases.

If you want to know how to clean the microwave in 5 minutes, then you should familiarize yourself with the following cleaning method. He will help you, and save time and not spend a lot of effort. To quickly eliminate unpleasant odors, after cooking in the oven, just take a saucer and pour ordinary salt there, after which you need to put it inside and close the door. So we leave it until the morning, and when you wake up, you will be surprised to notice that there are no smells inside at all, the salt will absorb everything.

If the situation is such that you have not cleaned the stove for a long time and all the smells have simply eaten into the coating itself, then salt will not save you. Here, your assistant will be Activated carbon... To do this, you need to take a package of coal and grind it, then put it on a plate and put it in the oven all night in the same way, and you do not need to turn it on. If you want to know how to clean the inside of the microwave at home, then you should pay special attention to this method.

Using lemon to clean the microwave

Lemon juice or acid is two effective means, which help to quickly and effectively solve problems with microwave pollution. Moreover, if you use not acid, but fresh lemon juice, then you will get another pleasant bonus - your oven will smell good. But it is worth remembering that if the microwave oven is covered with enamel from the inside, then you should not constantly use acid components to clean it.

For cooking, you will need to acquire the following components:

  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • citric acid -1 tbsp. spoon or 2 small lemons;
  • wide capacity.

We prepare the cleanser as follows: pour acid or leftover lemons into a container and fill the contents with water. Then we take a bowl and put it inside the microwave. We turn on the temperature to the maximum and set the time on the timer from 5 minutes to 15, depending on the degree of pollution. Then we leave the bowl in the oven for five minutes, after which the walls can be wiped with a damp cloth. If after the procedure there is still contamination, then you can additionally wipe them with a solution of lemons. This cleaning method is quite effective and will help you keep the oven clean at all times. This way you can not only completely clean your stove, but also completely eliminate unpleasant odors from it.

If you want to combine "business with pleasure" and remove odors and clean them from dirt, then fresh lemon juice is ideal for these purposes. Take one lemon, cut it into wedges and place it in a bowl filled with water. Then put it in the microwave and turn it on for twenty minutes. Exactly this method will ideally help you deal with two problems at once.

Basically all effective ways How to clean a microwave is based on the principle of a water bath and evaporation of cleaning agents that are easy to prepare at home.

Using a sponge and fairies

Seeing the name, everyone will think that it is here that we will talk about mechanical cleaning of the oven. However, you are wrong. Of course, you cannot do without this type of cleaning in any case, but this method is slightly different from it and will become ideal solution for cleaning not very dirty ovens.

What you will need:

  • a sponge for washing dishes (except metal);
  • water in a bowl to wet the sponge;
  • any dishwashing liquid.

So how do you clean the microwave this way? To do this, you need to moisten the sponge well in water and squeeze a little detergent... Then we foam it well. Put the sponge in the detergent in the microwave and put it on maximum power for 30 seconds, but most importantly, make sure that the sponge does not start melting. Then we wipe the walls with the same sponge. The essence of this method is that the vapors from the detergent evaporate during heating and soften the plaque that is on the walls and all dirt is easily removed.

This method is not particularly effective if you have not been cleaning the oven for a long time and there is dirt on its walls that has accumulated there for months. In this case, it will be better to choose a more effective method.

How to properly clean your camera:

  1. First you need to get the ring.
  2. Then we take out the glass plate.
  3. First of all, we wipe the top wall.
  4. Then we take up the sidewalls.
  5. And only then the bottom of the chamber is washed.

In order not to start up your stove and wash it from strong dirt much less often, it is recommended to use a hood during cooking, which not only helps cooking, but also protects the walls from the ingress of fat from food. The hood can be replaced with a simple cling film or glass plate.

You do not need to often clean the microwave with vinegar and citric acid, especially if the inner lining is enamel.

And one more important point, which you need to know, if during the cooking process your food exploded, then its residues on the walls should be removed immediately, and not wait until it dries.

To clean the latter is quite a task, because fatty growths are not so easy to remove. They firmly eat into the walls of the chamber, and it is terribly inconvenient to scrape them off. However, there are several ways to help you clean your microwave with minimal effort. They will help to cope even with a very dirty microwave. Cleaning will cease to be hard labor. And now we will consider these very methods.

Microwave cleaning options

How to clean the inside of the microwave? Quick way- this is not a myth at all. Any of them takes a certain amount of time. But with these methods, everything will be much faster than just scrubbing the camera by hand. However, the point is not to shorten the cleaning time, but to make a minimum of effort and get the highest quality result. There are the following methods to clean the microwave chamber from fat deposits:

  1. Steam cleaning.
  2. Cleaning with soapy water.
  3. Cleaning with soda.
  4. Eliminate fat with vinegar.
  5. Use of citric acid.
  6. Peeling with orange peels.
  7. Cleaning with lemon.
  8. Using dishwashing detergent.

All of the above options help to achieve practically perfect result... It should be noted, however, that not all of the methods described in this material are suitable for regular use if the inner chamber of the microwave is covered with enamel. For example, vinegar or citric acid has a damaging effect on enamel coatings. However, let's move on to a detailed examination of all of the above methods. And the first is the option with steam cleaning.

Steam cleaning

Many modern microwave ovens are equipped with a steam chamber cleaning option. But even if there is no such function, you can create it yourself. Steam cleaning the microwave is good if the dirt isn't too bad. If we are dealing with old pollution, then no steam will help here. In any case, steam cleaning the oven (at least at the first stage) does not hurt. What is needed for this? Nothing at all:

  • a bowl of water (approximately 250 milliliters);
  • microwave;
  • damp sponge or tissue.

And you need to do the following. Place a bowl of water in the microwave (cleaning will be done later), turn on the microwave oven at maximum power and set the timer for five minutes. After that, the bowl must be taken out and the walls of the chamber wiped with a damp sponge or napkin. The principle is that the steam will slightly dissolve the fat accumulations, and they can be easily wiped off with a regular sponge. But only if the savings are not old. Then such a trick will succeed. If the fat layer is too old, then it's time to move on to the following way.

Cleaning with soapy water

This method does not involve desperate hand cleaning. And this is another answer to the question of how to clean the inside of the microwave. The quick way is that the soapy water vapor will bring the old fat to the desired condition, and then it can be easily removed. What you need to clean the microwave in this way:

  • container with soapy water (250 milliliters);
  • microwave;
  • sponge or wet wipe.

You need to do the following: put the bowl with the solution in the microwave and turn it on for five minutes at maximum power. During the operation of the microwave, the vapors of the solution will be absorbed into the fat and make it pliable. Then turn off the microwave and wait for the camera to cool down. We take a sponge (or a damp cloth) in our hands and wipe the inner chamber with light movements. In this way, you can easily remove fat even from hard-to-reach places... But what to do if the microwave is very neglected? We'll have to resort to more radical ways... For example, cleaning the microwave with baking soda.

Cleaning with soda

This option must be used very carefully. The fact is that soda has a pronounced abrasive property. This means that there is a very high risk of damage to the enamel on the surface to be cleaned. Therefore, it is recommended to use not pure soda on a sponge, but its solution. You need to make a kind of soda bath for the microwave. Cleaning with baking soda is easy. Here's what you need to do this:

  • a bowl (or some other container) with a solution of soda (the ratio does not matter);
  • microwave;
  • sponge (moistened).

The algorithm of actions is as follows. First you need to put the bowl in the microwave and turn it on at full power for ten minutes. During this time, soda vapors should be well absorbed into the old fat and make it jelly-like. After that, you should take out the bowl, wait until the camera cools down, and wipe it with a damp sponge. You should not rub it especially hard, since fat soaked in soda vapors acquires abrasive properties. Enamel may be damaged. Another good option is cleaning the microwave with vinegar.

Cleaning with vinegar

This cleaning option removes even old grease build-up with a 100% guarantee, but it is even more dangerous than the previous one. Vinegar is too "vigorous" and negatively affects the enamel. And if there is no enamel, then you can safely use it. And then the microwave will always be clean. It has one more feature: vinegar completely discourages the unpleasant odor that inevitably appears with prolonged use of the microwave oven. What you need to carry out the cleaning process:

  • vinegar solution (0.5 liters of water per 50 grams of vinegar);
  • wide container that fits in the oven;
  • the microwave itself;
  • damp sponge or tissue.

There are several options for removing grease from the microwave. Cleaning in the first option is that you just need to wipe the chamber walls with the solution and leave it there for 10 minutes. Then all the fat (and the solution) should be removed. The second option is as follows. You need to place the container with the solution in the microwave and steam the chamber at maximum power for five or ten minutes. After that, the solution and fat should be removed from the walls of the chamber with a sponge. The second option is much more efficient.

Cleaning with citric acid

Citric acid is another good remedy for cleaning the microwave. It works like soda, but is much safer than the latter. Citric acid does not have an abrasive effect and does not affect the enamel in any way. And it cleans old fat no worse than soda or vinegar. But citric acid has another peculiarity: it corrodes some enamelled surfaces. But this is only if you overdo it with cleaning. To eliminate fat, you will need the following:

  • citric acid solution (50 grams per half liter of water);
  • wide bowl (or other container);
  • the microwave oven itself;
  • damp sponge or tissue.

You need to put the container with the solution in the microwave and turn it on for ten minutes at maximum power. Then you need to wait until the walls of the chamber (and the container itself) have cooled. We take out the container from the chamber and wipe the walls with a damp sponge or napkin. Now we have a clean microwave oven. Cleaning in this way helps to get rid of stubborn fat build-ups. But the bad smell will remain. If you need to fix it, then there is another way.

Peeling with orange peels

Microwave grease removers can be very different. But hardly anyone imagined that regular orange peels could be useful in this case. With their help, you can not only clean the microwave from dirt, but also achieve complete removal of unpleasant odors from the oven chamber. Many of the above methods lacked this. What is required for cleaning:

  • orange peels;
  • container with water (wide);
  • the microwave oven itself;
  • damp sponge or tissue.

The algorithm of actions is as follows. Put orange peels in a container of water. Then put the container in the microwave and heat it up at maximum power for five minutes. Then you need to let the crusts stand in the microwave oven for another half hour with the door closed. Then we take out the container and wipe it with a sponge or napkin. And you get a clean and fragrant microwave. If orange peels not at hand, then here's another way. Also using the power of citrus.

Cleaning with lemon

Cleaning the microwave with lemon also helps to remove stubborn dirt and unpleasant odors. Lemon juice has a pronounced disinfectant properties. It perfectly kills mold, mildew and various bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to use it. Since lemon is a natural product, it does not affect the condition of the enamel of the microwave oven in any way. For cleaning you will need:

  • two medium-sized lemons;
  • water (0.5 liters);
  • wide capacity;
  • microwave;
  • damp sponge or tissue.

You need to do the following. Pour water into a container and squeeze the juice of all two lemons into it. We also place the remains of citrus fruits in a container. We put the bowl with the resulting mixture in the microwave and heat it up at maximum power for five minutes. Let the container stand inside for another half hour. Then we take out the solution from the chamber and wipe its walls with a damp sponge or napkin. We enjoy the stunning aroma. This option is the most effective and safest.

Cleaning with dishwashing liquid

An excellent eco-friendly microwave cleaner is regular dishwashing liquid. For cleaning microwave ovens, options such as "Fairy" or "Dosya" are perfect. Other means can also be used. Many of them not only dissolve fat, but also eliminate unpleasant odors, which is also quite good. What is required to carry out cleaning in this way? The set is pretty modest:

  • dishwashing liquid;
  • sponge;
  • microwave.

You need to do the following. Take a sponge and drip "Fairy" onto it to the size of a regular coin. Then we foam it on a sponge. Put the sponge in the microwave and turn it on at minimum power for five minutes. If you use the maximum, the sponge will simply melt. And so the vapors of the detergent will settle on the walls with the fat and dissolve it. Then you just need to wipe the walls with another sponge. Then, when the camera cools down.


There are several ways to tidy up your microwave. Cleaning when using one of them is no different from the usual. Only a person does not have to rub the walls to pain in his hands. Most preferred are steam and orange peel (or lemon) peels.


There are a lot of means for cleaning the microwave from fat. They save time and effort. However, some of them should be treated with caution. For example, using baking soda or vinegar to remove tough stains can damage the enamel of your microwave oven chamber (if you have one). The safest options are citrus, steam, or dishwashing detergent. Basically, any of the above will help keep your microwave safe. perfect condition... The user's task is to choose the right one for him.

During the heating and cooking of food, the inner surface of the microwave oven "gets" the most, fat and food particles settle on it. Over time, the pollution hardens, layering on top of each other, and a seemingly clean device inside may be far from ideal. It is not so easy to clean a "running" microwave oven. It takes patience and some home remedies.

Safety regulations

Before you start cleaning your microwave, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  1. Before washing, be sure to disconnect the device from the mains.
  2. Do not use abrasives when leaving: powders and brushes.
  3. Do not allow water to enter the sensitive element (magnetron) and openings in the walls of the device.
  4. Neither outside nor inside does one need to use "aggressive" chemistry.

Attention! You cannot disassemble the equipment yourself, if there is a suspicion that there is contamination inside, it is better to contact the service. First, it can be damaged individual elements, second, the oven warranty is lost.

Steam cleaning

How to clean the microwave in 5 minutes?

You can very quickly clean the microwave oven only from fresh and small dirt. Procedure:

  1. Take a foam sponge, moisten well with water.
  2. Pour 3-5 drops of any dish detergent on it, foam.
  3. Set the minimum power, put the sponge inside and turn on for 30 seconds.
  4. During work, make sure that the foam rubber does not melt.
  5. Then remove the sponge and wash the softened fat and carbon deposits with it.


You can clean the microwave in this way if the dirt is not very difficult and not old.

  • Take a plate of water with a volume of 0.4-0.5 liters.
  • Place it in the oven and turn it on at maximum power for 10 minutes.
    Leave the door closed for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Remove the container and remove the softened deposits with a sponge.

Advice! For greater effect, you can add 1 tsp to the water. dishwashing liquid or 2 tbsp. l. soda.

Lemon acid

Various substances are added to the water to enhance the effect of the "steam bath". Acids have a destructive effect on fat compounds, literally dissolving them. After that, even old plaque can be easily washed off with a sponge or rag. In addition to the visible result, after this procedure, a pleasant smell remains.

Important! For internal enamel surfaces this way it is not recommended to use in order to avoid damage to the coating.


  • Pour 0.5 liters of water into dishes that can be used for microwave ovens;
  • Pour in 1 tbsp. l. acid and stir until completely dissolved. Instead of lemons, you can take the juice of 2 lemons and the peel from them;
  • Put a plate with the solution inside the device;
  • Start the microwave oven at maximum power for 10 minutes, wait another 5 minutes after turning it off;
  • Wipe with a sponge soaked in the prepared solution.

Table vinegar

You can use vinegar to remove stubborn dirt from the microwave and remove the burning smell. After the procedure, the dried fat softens, and it can be easily removed with a paper towel or sponge.

Important! Ensure good ventilation when handling and heating vinegar.

You should clean the microwave like this:

  1. Pour 0.5 water into the container and add 2 tbsp. l. vinegar (6-9%), stir;
  2. Warm up at maximum power for 5-10 minutes, it all depends on dirt;
  3. Turn off, leave to cool completely;
  4. Rub the walls with a damp cloth and rinse with water, wipe dry.

Vinegar and soda

Acetic acid with baking soda are effective helpers in the fight against any dirt in the kitchen. In addition, baking soda whitens the surface and removes yellowness. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Dissolve 1 tsp in 0.4 l of water. soda and 3 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  2. Put the container inside and turn it on at full power for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After turning off, leave the microwave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Then clean with a soft, damp cloth.

Advice! After the procedure, especially heavy soiling can be rubbed with soda, sprinkling it on a sponge.

Methods "without steam"

You can wash the inside of the microwave with laundry soap. When buying, you need to choose exactly brown - white bars with the same name do not have required properties... This simple product removes even tough dirt without damaging the surface.

The process is extremely simple: soap thoroughly soft tissue until foam forms and liberally moisten all dirty areas and leave for 10 minutes. Then rub the dirt thoroughly.

This method will save the microwave from burning. It is important to completely rinse off the lather, as it is undesirable to get it into food. Then wipe with a dry cloth.

Soap and soda

Using a solution from laundry soap and soda, you can clean the microwave from medium dirt. To prepare it you need:

  • grate a bar of soap;
  • add 0.5 l of water and stir until dissolved;
  • add 2 tbsp. l. soda;
  • stir again, pour into a spray bottle and process the inner and outer walls;
  • after 30 minutes wipe with a damp cloth and then dry.

Screen cleaner and special products

You can clean the microwave with a glass cleaner. To do this, you need to dilute it with water in a 2: 1 ratio. Moisten a sponge in the solution and wipe the surfaces. If there are dried particles, then moisten them abundantly and leave for 5 minutes. Then wipe with a clean damp cloth and dry.

Microwave cleaners are not cheap, but they quickly dissolve grease and deposits. They are used in extreme cases, when the layers are perennial, and folk methods no longer help. The composition of such funds contains rather aggressive substances, so you need to remember about protective measures. Most often they are available in the form of sprays that can be conveniently sprayed onto all surfaces of the microwave. You can buy them at home appliance stores ( the best option) and departments of household chemicals.

Advice! When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to which surfaces it is intended for. Chemicals that are safe for stainless steel can corrode the enamel coating.

The method of application for most of the funds is as follows:

  1. Spray evenly, avoiding contact with protective plate and ventilation openings.
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes (according to the instructions).
  3. Then remove with a damp cloth and dry.
  4. Keep the door open until the odor has completely disappeared.
  5. When working with chemicals, rubber gloves should be used. In some cases, a respirator.

  • During warming up, you need to use a special plastic cap. It will take over the spray that comes from the food. If it is not there, then any glass container will do, which should be placed on top of a plate with a heated dish.
  • Reduce the power of the oven to prevent food from splattering heavily.
  • If the food "explodes" during the heating process, then the remnants from the walls must be removed immediately.
  • To prevent stains from eating into the surface, it is enough to clean the microwave at least a couple of times a month.
  • Dried drops of fat can be removed with olive oil.
  • Do not use acidic cleaning methods often.
  • Activated charcoal will help get rid of the odor. To do this, you need to leave a couple of tablets inside the device overnight, the next morning there will be no unwanted aromas.
  • Use only special microwave oven cleaners and do not experiment with others. In addition to the tools listed in the article, nothing else should be used. This could lead to a fire hazard.