Than dishwashing detergent. The better to wash dishes - myths about laundry soap

In many families, the cause quarrels it becomes clarification of whose turn it is to wash the dishes this time, and they end with the words: “I didn’t hire you as a servant to wash dirty dishes after you every time!”. Experts have calculated that every day a woman spends 30-40 minutes of time washing dishes. And not only time, but also health. Many detergents are harmful to our body and stick to the surface of the dishes so much that after use they need to be rinsed all 15 times and then wiped dry. And this requires much more time and effort than you might think.

To date, the harm of funds for washing dishes- one of the most worrying issues for people who care about their health. After all, no one wants to eat from dishes that have a film of surfactants from detergent on the surface. Experts assure that the composition of surfactants, which form the basis of all detergents, contains formaldehyde, a toxic gas that has a carcinogenic effect and contributes to the development of cancer. In addition, formaldehyde can cause genetic changes in the body and lead to the development of birth defects in a child. After formaldehyde enters the body, headaches and joint pains, shortness of breath, fatigue and insomnia occur.

Rinsing thick foam from detergent from dishes we leave its remnants. They enter our body with the next meal. First, it causes dermatitis and, and then gastritis, stomach ulcers and hypertension may develop. In addition, all dishwashing detergents contain diethanolamine, a foaming agent that poisons the liver. Chlorine is also added to almost all detergents. It enters the bloodstream through the respiratory tract and poisons the body.

Many European countries have long abandoned the use of detergents containing harmful components. And in our country there is still no strict control over the production of dishwashing detergents, they can be sold even without a hygiene certificate. Currently, the test center for household chemicals has put forward a proposal that all detergents sold in Russia have certificates, and the All-Russian Research Institute "Sintez PAV" has for several years required that all dishwashing detergents be made from natural biodegradable materials so as not to pollute our water bodies with chemicals.

Scientists Institute Human ecology and environmental health recommend that pregnant women and those who dream of having a baby stop using dishwashing detergents. Surfactants, entering the human body, are destroyed and form peroxides that burn cell membranes. This can reduce sperm quality and lead to DNA mutation.

To protect yourself from negative exposure to detergents, of course, it is best to completely abandon them. But if this is unacceptable for you, then be sure to wear special gloves when using dishwashing detergents. Any detergent destroys the surface protective layer of the skin and penetrates through the pores of the skin into tissues. This can lead to reddening of the skin of the hands, eczema, allergies and the development of cancer. It is safest to wash dishes in dishwashers, they rinse the dishes many times and wash off the remnants of toxic substances as much as possible. Now in stores you can buy dishwashing detergents that are completely composed of their natural ingredients. For example, detergent brands EcoDoo, AlmaWin and Sonett. But they are expensive and not always effective.

Meanwhile, there are many environmentally friendly products which perfectly wash dirty dishes. This laundry soap, soda, mustard and vinegar. Laundry soap is made from organic substances, not petroleum products. It contains no dyes, preservatives or fragrances. Baking soda is best for washing cups. It has an alkaline reaction and removes plaque well. If you mix baking soda with mustard powder, you get an excellent detergent for washing greasy dishes and kitchen tiles. You can simply dissolve the mustard powder in hot water and wash all the dishes in this water, and then rinse them in running water.

Remove bad odors and disinfect dishes will help vinegar, citric acid and lemon. For those who are used to using detergents, we suggest making your own dishwashing solution. Grate laundry soap, dissolve it in a small amount of boiling water and add a little more soda.

If you are using detergents for dishes and you are sure that there are no residues from it on the dishes, check this with litmus paper. If, when applied to a freshly washed dish, it turns blue, it means that the remnants of the product still remained on the surface of the dish. In this case, carefully wipe the dishes with a clean cloth so that the poisonous PVA substances do not enter your body.

- Return to the section heading " "

The deeper chemical and technological developments penetrate our lives, the more often we think about safety and turn to the experience of our ancestors. For example, if we talk about safe dishwashing detergents, it is useful to remember how our mothers and grandmothers washed cups and glasses.

They used “penny” available improvised means to keep the dishes clean: baking soda, mustard powder, laundry soap, table vinegar, and they also knew a lot of secrets that allow them to wash off grease, soot, and limescale. Today, from the simplest ingredients, if desired, you can hand-craft an environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Let's turn to history

Fairy-type cleaning products appeared on the open market in the mid-late 90s of the last century. Then it was a breakthrough! One drop could wash a mountain of dishes accumulated after a birthday. And smells: spring bouquet, citrus mix, green apple... However, today the issue of safety rises above efficiency, economy and pleasant aroma. Expensive environmentally friendly products are increasingly appearing in advertising. But instead of overpaying for foreign innovative developments, it is worth remembering what Russian women used with success.

Do you remember how in K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s grief”, Fyodor called the runaway dishes home and promised to clean it with sand and pour boiling water over it? This is one of the old ways of washing dishes. In the old days, dishes were rubbed with sand, sedge, nettles, washed with lye (water infusion of wood ash). By the way, sand and grass are still in use among tourists.

Later, laundry soap, baking soda, and mustard appeared on the sinks of Soviet women. These products, which can always be found in any kitchen, perfectly wash dishes, while being completely safe. It is on them that one should be guided if the hostess is concerned about the safety of the detergent.

Magic soda and irreplaceable mustard

Baking soda is the most popular product for removing dark stains from a variety of dishes and cutlery. Having a fine-grained structure, it has a mild abrasive effect and cleans to a shine and a pleasant squeak. Baking soda can be used in two ways:

  • dissolve soda in water and wash (if necessary, soak) dishes in it;
  • Sprinkle baking soda on a sponge and wipe off dirt.

After treating the dishes with soda, rinse them thoroughly and wipe them dry.

Baking soda can be successfully used to wash mugs, tea cups, and glass goblets. It perfectly removes dark stains from tea and coffee. Many people are familiar with the situation when glassware with a corrugated pattern ceases to shine and becomes covered with a coating of dust left in the recesses.

Wine glasses, glasses and faceted glasses will acquire their original shine if you walk over the drawing with a sponge dipped in soda gruel, and then rinse the dishes with water. The same method will help to rid the plates of dark marks, as a rule, appearing over time on their lower part with insufficient daily washing.

Tip: Baking soda is great for removing grease, but you can't use it to clean non-stick cookware.

Mustard powder has properties similar to soda. It can be used in the same way: in solution or directly applied to a sponge. However, it is worth noting that mustard is more expensive than soda. But if baking soda is not at hand, then mustard becomes indispensable as an effective natural dishwashing detergent. Crystal shine and fat removal are guaranteed.

Vinegar for shine

Table vinegar is another resident of any kitchen that is always ready to help in the fight for the cleanliness of dishes. It is not used for daily washing of plates and cutlery, but if you need to restore the shine of glassware, rid it of limescale or disinfect it, you will not find a better remedy. Prepare vinegar water from:

  • 1 l. warm water;
  • from 3 tbsp. l. up to 200 ml of table vinegar. Depends on the purpose: 3 tbsp is enough to add shine to the glass. l., and for disinfection, you can take more.

To shine, rinse clean glassware with vinegar water. Treatment with an aqueous solution of table vinegar can also restore the shine to steel pots, ladles and pans. To do this, you need to wipe them with a sponge dipped in vinegar water, if necessary, rubbing the contaminated places more intensively, and wipe dry with a towel.

An aqueous solution of table vinegar (1:5) can be used to disinfect kitchen utensils such as cutting boards, a container for storing cutlery, a tray from under a dish dryer, etc.

Making your own dishwashing liquid

If you want to wash dishes with the usual “detergent” and not just lather a sponge with laundry soap and sprinkle with soda, you can cook it yourself. At the same time, it will turn out to be safe and not too expensive. We offer two options:

  • liquid agent;
  • cleaning paste.

Both products can be stored, so they do not need to be prepared every time before washing dishes. Both recipes contain soap. For liquid soap with soap you will need:

  • water - 0.5 l;
  • laundry soap (72%, 200 g piece) - 1/8 piece;
  • liquid glycerin - 5 tsp;
  • alcohol tincture of calendula - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • medical alcohol - 4 tbsp. l;
  • dispenser bottle.


  1. Grind laundry soap. This can be done with a grater or a sharp knife. Transfer the shavings to a saucepan.
  2. Place a saucepan of soap in a water bath. Gradually add water to it. You should get a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients from the list. Mix well and pour the product into a bottle.

To prepare a cleaning paste with soap, you will need:

  • hot water - 1 glass;
  • laundry soap - 1 piece;
  • 6 art. l. baking soda;
  • storage container, such as a plastic container.

Tip: when calculating the ingredients, when soap is taken in the amount of 1 piece (200 g), a lot of money is obtained. If you cook this pasta for the first time, it is better to proportionally reduce their amount by 2-3 times.


  1. Grind laundry soap with a grater. You can also cut it into small pieces with a sharp knife.
  2. Transfer the laundry soap to a saucepan and place in a water bath, gradually adding water. You can simply pour the shavings with hot water and let it brew, stirring occasionally. But this will take more time.
  3. When the mass with soap becomes homogeneous, add soda to it. Beat with a mixer or whisk and transfer the paste with soap to a container.

A few secrets for pure radiance

If the hostess decided not to use store-bought products full of chemicals, but to switch to soap, soda, vinegar and other natural products, she should know a few secrets:

  • darkened cutlery is well clarified by the water remaining after boiling potatoes. Soak forks and spoons in it for 6-8 minutes. Then they will need to be washed under water and rubbed.
  • If you don't have a brush handy, you can clean a bottle with a narrow neck by placing eggshells and a little water in it. It must be actively shaken, and then drain the water and the shell.
  • a glass decanter, the bottom of which has turned white from limescale, can be cleaned with vinegar essence (70%). Enough 1 teaspoon, which must be added to the water and pour the decanter to the contaminated place. After a few minutes, the solution must be washed off, and the carafe thoroughly rinsed with water.
  • if something burnt in an enameled pan, it is worth pouring 3-5 tbsp. l. baking soda and pour hot water just above the burnt spot. Bring water to a boil and leave to cool. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water.
  • a burnt pan will help clean table vinegar. Pour 200 ml of vinegar into it and add water so that it covers the burnt place. Boil for 5-10 minutes, then wash the pan with detergent.

When the question arises of how to wash dishes so as not to harm your own health, it is useful to remember the good old laundry soap, soda and vinegar. You can also prepare a special dishwashing detergent - the most natural, in the naturalness of the ingredients of which you can be 100% sure!

Do you prefer to use environmentally friendly products? Unfortunately, dishwashing detergents today are highly questionable, as they contain chemicals that are hazardous to health. What kind of liquid dishwashing detergent can be used without fear? Let's figure it out.

What is the danger of dishwashing detergents?

Today, a huge amount of dish detergent flaunts on the shelves of supermarkets:

  • powders;
  • liquid soap solutions;
  • gels and more.

With one drop of these products, you can wash a mountain of dishes that will sparkle with cleanliness. If these products are so effective in fighting pollution, then why do so many refuse to use them?

What is the harm from household chemicals?

  1. Gloves. If you wash dishes without gloves, then the skin of your hands will deteriorate.

Dishwashing detergent often contains a large amount of fatty acids that are harmful to the skin of the hands. Therefore, there is redness, itching, peeling. Do not neglect the use of gloves when washing dishes.

  1. Fund balances. Very often, the dishes are not completely washed and soap remains on them. Settling on the surface of the plates, harmful substances then enter the human body with food. Chemical components accumulate in the body and cause terrible allergic reactions, weakened immunity and even infertility.

Fact. Some detergent companies still use phosphates in their products. However, scientists have long proven that these substances, after getting from the sewer into water bodies or soil, promote and accelerate the reproduction of pathogens and algae.

This leads to the fact that the reservoirs begin to "bloom", the water acquires an unpleasant musty smell. And since the water we use is taken from reservoirs, the quality of our drinking water is also declining.

5 safe dishwashing products

It's no surprise that we're looking for safe dishwashing detergents. But what is the best way to wash dishes?

Here is a list of ways to safely wash dishes:

  1. Environmentally friendly detergents that are sold in stores. The disadvantage of this method is a rather high price.
Image List of funds

Bio-D- completely environmentally friendly product for washing cups, spoons and plates. It perfectly removes dirt from the surface of dishes and perfectly fights grease.

The composition includes coconut oil, glycerin, citric acid, water and more.

Price: about 270 rubles for 750 ml.

organic people- Safe dishwashing gel.

Compound will undoubtedly please lovers of environmentally friendly products - citric acid, natural glycerin, water, etc. You will not find chemically hazardous substances in it.

In addition, the product has a very convenient packaging with a dispenser.

Price: about 150 rubles for 500 ml.

Ecodoo with vinegar- a natural dishwashing detergent, one of the highest quality today.

As part of- ingredients that do not contradict environmental standards. The liquid perfectly removes fat, while it is completely washed off and does not remain on the dishes.

Price: about 600 rubles per 1000 ml.

  1. Dishwashing soda- a great option to wash cups and spoons and not harm your health. How to wash dishes with soda correctly? Everyone knows that soda perfectly removes dirt, therefore, it will clean the tea plaque on the cup in a matter of seconds. Soda should be applied to a moistened sponge and walked several times over dirty dishes. Then rinse the remains of the substance from the plate under running water.

Remember, soda can scratch the surface of any dish, as it dissolves in water for a very long time and has granules. It is best to wash the bottom of plates, pans, pots, etc. with soda.

  1. White- has approximately the same effect as soda. But can you wash dishes with white? It is very undesirable to do this, as it contains caustic chemical elements. But whiteness will perfectly clean toilet bowls, aquariums, filters and disinfect them.

  1. Mustard. Excellent absolutely safe dishwashing detergent - removes dirt, degreases

  1. Laundry soap- one of the most effective means to wash dishes without compromising health.

Laundry soap


Why Laundry Soap? Everything is very simple. Laundry soap is used by many even as a means for washing hands. It is made only from:

  • vegetable oils;
  • animal fats;
  • sodium hydroxide, which in moderation will not harm your health.

All products presented in stores are tested and comply with GOST. The components of laundry soap do not cause skin allergies, and also do not harm health and the environment.

Which laundry soap is bettertotal use to clean cups and plates? You need to choose the most yellow soap in color. It contains a lower percentage of fatty acids, but at the same time it perfectly fights pollution.

The more fatty acids in soap, the better it will cope with pollution. However, a high content of this substance will have a bad effect on the skin of the hands.

There is also white laundry soap, which smells good. During production, I add various flavors and dyes to it, which are not always environmentally friendly, and therefore can harm your health if they enter the body. White was better to use when washing clothes.

Making liquid dish soap from laundry soap

I'll tell you how to make liquid laundry soap for washing dishes with your own hands. So the instruction:

Stages Image Procedure
Step 1
You need to take laundry soap (30-40 gr.) And grate it.
Step 2
Add hot water (about 50 ml) to the grated soap. Put the suspension in the microwave. You can bring the solution to a homogeneous mass in a water bath. Mix.
Step 3
Add 400-600 ml more water to the resulting mixture. She must be hot. Mix.
Step 4
After the mixture has cooled, add glycerin to it - about 4 tablespoons. As well as vodka or alcohol - one tablespoon.
Step 5
Pour the resulting liquid into a convenient container with a dispenser. Dishwashing liquid is ready!

Cons of laundry soap

Laundry soap has many advantages, but to be completely honest, I can’t help but mention small disadvantages.

The biggest downside- some substances contained in it dissolve very poorly, so the algorithm for washing dishes is special:

  1. In order to remove everything from the surface of your dishes to the rest, you should rinse it thoroughly - hold it 5–7 times under running tap water.
  2. Laundry soap lathers very poorly in hard water. But if you prepare a solution whose recipe is in the table, then with one drop of such a liquid you can easily wash a mountain of dishes.


There are many safe ways to replace dangerous dish liquid, the most effective of which I have shared with you. Now it's your turn - choose which option suits you.

Can I wash dishes with laundry soap? This question arises not casually, but when there are doubts about cleaning products. The stores offer a wide range of household chemicals, which have proven their effectiveness many times in practice. Should I give up detergents?

Should I use detergents?

  1. Cleaning products are actually very difficult to wash off dishes. Particles of chemistry remain, and then enter our body, which can lead to a variety of consequences, but obviously not the best ones. Possible weakening of the immune system, allergic reactions and the occurrence of other diseases. Some even claim that the use of detergents can cause cancer.
  2. There are substances called surfactants (surfactants). They are in absolutely any detergent and can lead to:
  • infertility.
  • increase in blood cholesterol.
  • destruction of the immune system.
  • algae in sewers.
  • water bloom.
  • deterioration in water quality.
  1. Phosphates are another component of surfactants. They enhance their action. Therefore, in some countries they are banned for use in household chemicals.

Phosphates in detergents are very harmful to the body.

Harmful substances are everywhere, you can’t get away from them, but there are a few tips that will help reduce the amount of harmful chemicals in the body:

  1. Read the ingredients carefully. There are safe detergents, however, there are not so many of them, and they will cost much more than ordinary ones.
  2. Use of special sponges that can wash out more detergent than regular sponges.
  3. The use of harmless substances (soda or mustard powder).
  4. Manufacture of detergents. The process is not that complicated, you just need to make sure that phosphates and surfactants do not get into the composition.

Can you wash dishes with baking soda?

Laundry soap is one of the safest substances; it can be used for washing dishes.

In order for such a sink to be effective, and to wash off well from the dishes, everything must be done in warm water. But everything is not as simple as we would like. Several problems may arise.

The problem can be solved quite simply:

  1. Get a small bowl for dishes.
  2. Fill it with water and add baking soda to it.
  3. In this basin, wash dishes with laundry soap.
  4. After, rinse the dishes under the tap and leave to dry. Divorces will not remain.

Laundry soap and soda will wash dishes well

Baking soda can also act as a cleaning agent on its own.

As for greasy dishes, on which there are drops of fat. First, they will need to be removed with a napkin, and only then proceed to washing. Why not just increase the amount of detergent? And why once again harm the environment?

If the food sticks strongly to the dishes, then grate laundry soap into it, add soda and pour a little water. Stir, put on fire and wait for boiling. Turn off the fire and wait for it to cool down. After this procedure, the pieces of food will get wet and will be well peeled off.

You must have noticed interest on laundry soap. They indicate the content of fatty acids. Usually this figure is 64, and the maximum allowable according to Russian standards is 72.

Laundry soap that complies with GOST does not cause such severe harm to the environment and humans as ordinary detergents.

Laundry soap - does not cause severe harm to the body

Be careful! There is white laundry soap on the market. It smells nicer than brown, but it is not used for washing dishes, as its color and smell are the result of bleaching and perfumes. In addition, it contains an artificially synthesized preservative, BHT, which can cause unpleasant consequences after ingestion.

Do not use white laundry soap for washing dishes!

Like everything, laundry soap has its drawbacks.

  1. The most significant of them is the high content of insoluble particles, because of this it is necessary to rinse the dishes very well after washing.
  2. If you have hard water, then it may not foam well, for this you will have to add soda.
  3. Laundry soap can dry out the skin, so after washing the dishes you need to smear your hands with cream. There is another option, add glycerin to the soap (it is sold in a pharmacy, do not confuse it with glycine).

Dishes should be washed thoroughly after washing.

We prepare improved laundry soap with our own hands

You will need:

  • a saucepan, which is not very sorry;
  • soda;
  • glycerol;
  • a spoon;
  • grater;
  • ordinary laundry soap (not white);
  • molds;
  • essential oil of your choice.

Now let's move on to cooking:

  1. Grate laundry soap and place it in a saucepan.
  2. Add a little water, so that it is 5 times less than the chips (by the way, do not compress them).
  3. Place the saucepan over low heat and stir occasionally. Don't leave the stove.
  4. As soon as the liquid mass is homogeneous in the pan, add soda and mix until smooth.
  5. At the very end, add glycerin (no more than a tablespoon) and essential oil (it acts as a fragrance, only natural).
  6. Mix everything and keep a little on fire. As you notice that the mixture begins to run out and become viscous, turn off the heat.
  7. Do not wait until the mixture is very viscous and cool too, place it in molds (they must be silicone or special for soap, otherwise do not pull it out later).
  8. Once the soap has hardened enough, carefully remove it from the molds and place it on a mat to dry. Drying should take place in a well-ventilated area.
  9. Once the soap is completely dry, it can be used.

Now let's explain a little why this is an improved laundry soap. After adding soda, soap should lather better even in hard water. Glycerin performs the same function, but is also a good moisturizer, so the soap will not dry out the skin as much. Essential oils interrupt the unpleasant odors of ordinary laundry soap. Recommended scents:

  • orange;
  • pines;
  • juniper;
  • lavender.

Others may be suitable for amateurs, but the above are usually liked by everyone.

So, let's sum up. Laundry soap is perfect for washing dishes, it is much safer than conventional detergents, both for nature and for humans. At first, some inconvenience may arise from the habit, but health is more expensive, so you can quickly get used to it.

Grafova Polina

Research work on how it is better for housewives to wash dishes.



Municipal state educational institution secondary educational school No. 5

Regional competition for young researchers of the environment and school environmental monitoring.

Nomination: human ecology.

What is the best way to wash dishes?

4 G class

Leader: Berdinsky

Elena Leonidovna,

primary school teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 5

st. Gogol, 97

4 – 15 - 87

G. Slobodskoy 2014

Introduction 2

Chapter 1. Literature Review. 3 - 5

Chapter 2. Materials and methods of research. 6

Chapter 3. Results of the study and their discussion 7 – 8

3.1. Questioning.

3.2.2. Experience "Using a product that washes away fat in

Cold water."

3.2.5 Experience "Laundry soap is washed off the plates."

Bibliography. eleven

Application. 12 - 15


My grandmother ran out of dishwashing detergent. I went to the store with her. There was a huge selection of dishwashing detergents. Which one to choose?

This is how the topic came about. my research -"What's the best way to wash dishes?"

I hypothesized : the best dishwashing detergent is one that combines several qualities: it foams well, washes away grease from plates, does not dry the skin of the hands, is washed off the plate itself, inexpensive.

Target my research: explorewhat is the best dishwashing liquid. To achieve this goal, there were tasks :

  1. Examine the literature on the research topic.
  2. Select research methods.
  3. Conduct experiments
  4. To conclude.
  5. Give advice on the use of detergents.

My research was as follows plan:

1. Survey of adults.

2. Shopping

3 Experimental

4 Analysis of collected material

5 Compiling a memo

Chapter 1. Review of literature and information sources.

There was little literature on the topic of my research.

I read articles on the Internet from the AiF newspaper and an article by Y. Danchenko in the Novoye Delo newspaper No. 12 that modern detergents are harmful to human health, articles on the vsezdorovo website that talk about the use of laundry soap in everyday life.

I also used the materials of the book "Genealogy of things" (article Burovik K.A. "Soap") and the children's encyclopedia "I know the world."

An article by Pyatirikova Zh. “Patience and work will grind everything down” and articles from the Izvestia newspaper helped me find out how people washed dishes in the past.

I re-read some of the works of K. Chukovsky.

How did people wash dishes in the past?

The Indians in the stories of Seton-Thomson gave the dogs to lick the frying pans.

In ancient Korea, in the imperial kitchen, wood ash was dissolved in clay vats and heated to 45 degrees, then dishes were washed in it, rinsed in three boiled waters, adding lemongrass solution, coniferous solution. At the end, they simply rinsed in boiled water. Labor-intensive, but retained the exceptional taste of the products. [ 6 ]

The oldest villagers remember those times when the dishes were rubbed with brick chips. Even earlier, the dishes were washed with a solution of ash. Soda was good at scrubbing tea and other stains on cups and plates, soot on pots. Another folk remedy is nettle, which was instead of a washcloth. After it, it remained to douse the dishes with boiling water, and it shone like new. People who lived near water bodies used algae to wash dishes. Fat from dishes was easily removed with hemp leaves, a solution of mustard powder, hot potato broth. The pots boiled well with the addition of paper glue and soda ash. Pots become like new again, only after boiling they should be washed well. [5] Remembering Chukovsky's "Fedorino's grief", we learn that it is good to wash dishes with the help of river sand.

“Oh you, my poor orphans,

Irons and frying pans are mine!

You go home, unwashed,

I will wash you with water.

I will sand you

I will douse you with boiling water ... "[ 8 ]

Many grandmothers washed and now wash dishes using laundry soap. It is good at killing germs.

Where did soap come from?

History of soap.

Historians claim that the predecessor of modern soap was familiar to the ancient Babylonians. Clay tablets found in Mesopotamia dating back to 2200 B.C. , contain a detailed description of the technological process of making soap. Ancient Rome, Egypt knew effective recipes for detergents. The word soap comes from the Latin "sapo", the name of Mount Sapo in ancient Rome, on which the ritual of sacrifice to the gods took place. Animal fat, which accumulated after the burning of the victim, was mixed with the ashes of the fire, washed off into the Tiber River. Housewives, washing clothes in this water, noticed that the washing process was much easier, things became clean much faster. However, a bar of soap received its modern composition only in 1808, thanks to the French chemist Michel Eugene Chevreul. It was he who developed the soap formula at the request of the owners of the textile factory. It turned out that the soap is nothing but the sodium salt of a carboxylic acid. Laundry soap is one of the types of detergents. It is obtained in the process of cooling soap glue. Animal and vegetable fats are used as raw materials for making soap, which is important for its use: such a product does not cause allergies, being environmentally friendly. , [ 2 ] .

Modern housewives most often use dishwashing detergents, because. it is believed that they are better at washing off fat from dishes, do not dry the skin of the hands, they are more convenient to use. Is it so?

Many women buy products with additives, taking care of the skin of their hands.

Unfortunately, scientists have found that the balm is easily washed off with water, without leaving on the hands and, moreover, without being absorbed into the skin. Glycerin, on the other hand, instantly dissolves in water, without even getting on your hands. [ 3 ]

Conclusion: “emollient” additives do not benefit the skin of the hands. In any case, you should wear gloves when washing dishes, since all detergents dry out the skin.

How the product itself is washed off the plates.

Experts say that the substances contained in dishwashing detergents are very harmful, because. detergents are listed as household chemicals. Dish detergents have approximately the same washability. And you can't test it at home. In addition, laboratory studies show that it will not be possible to completely wash off surfactants from plates - microscopic doses will still remain.

Once in the human body, they are destroyed, which leads to various diseases: gastritis, ulcers, allergies and others. How do these substances enter our body? When rinsing the foam from the detergent, we do not wash off all the detergent to the end. Despite the fact that we washed the foam itself clean. And the remnants of this remedy already with the next meal enters our stomach. To completely wash off the detergent from the plates, scientists advise rinsing the dishes 70 times. Since this is very difficult to do, for simplicity, you need to at least wipe the dishes with a towel. [3], [4].

Conclusion: all detergents are very poorly washed off with water.

What happens. Are we harming our body when using detergents?

Chapter 2 Materials and research methods.

Detergents: soda, laundry soap, Cinderella detergent ( 19 rubles 70 kopecks), means "AOS" (49 rubles 20 kopecks).

Research methods: experience, questioning, photographic fixation (a CANON camera was used for photographing), work with literary sources.

Equipment: petri dishes, reagents, phenolphthalein.

Chapter 3 Results of the survey and their discussion.

3.1 Questioning.

Employees of school No. 5 in Slobodsky participated in the survey. 9 people answered the question "How do you choose dishwashing detergent?"


  1. Cheap and cleans well. (1 person).
  2. It lathers well and does not irritate the skin (2 people).
  3. Cheap (3 people).
  4. Rinses off dishes quickly and does not irritate hands (1 person).
  5. Washes grease off plates (2 people).

(Attachment 1).

3.2 Experiments to determine the best detergent.

3.2.1. Experience "The best means is that which is cheaper."

Target . Find out which detergent is more economical.

Location: school canteen.

Main part.

First, 1/3 of a can of cheap detergent was poured into the dishwashing tank. After washing the dishes, the kitchen worker told me that all the dishes were washed well.

The next day, at the same break, I poured a more expensive product into the tank, but 1/6 of a can. The kitchen worker said that this remedy is better, because. it could be used on more plates.


It turns out that a more expensive product is more economical, it will be enough for more dishes. This means that the one who buys a cheap product even loses money.

3.2.2. Experience "Using a product that washes off fat in cold water."

Target. Find out which detergent is best for removing grease in cold water.

Main part .

Pour a spoonful of sunflower oil into plates. The first plate was washed with Cinderella, the second with AOS. Both plates were washed in cold water.

It turns out that the main component of all detergents is a complex of "surfactants" (surfactants). These substances interact with the fat on the surface of the dishes. They form compounds with fat particles that are easily washed off with water, leaving no residue on the surface.

Conclusion: any detergent easily washes away grease in cold water.

3.2.3. Experience "It is better to wash dishes with a product that foams."

Target. To know, Which product lathers better?

Main part.

I poured 100 grams of water into two identical saucers. On two identical sponges, a drop of the product was applied. Foam from "AOS" was 3 times more.

(Appendix 2).

But scientists believe that it is not necessary to evaluate the foaming ability of detergents, since the surfactant washes everything off perfectly without the formation of abundant foam - this property is used in powders for washing machines.

Conclusion: foam does not affect the quality of washing dishes.

3.2.4. Experience "How laundry soap washes away grease from plates."

Target. Find out if laundry soap washes grease off the plate.

Main part

Vegetable oil was dropped onto the plate. The sponge was soaked in water and lathered with laundry soap. I washed the plate in cold water with a sponge. There was no fat left on the plate.

Conclusion: Laundry soap washes away grease from plates.

3.2.5.Experiment "Laundry soap is washed off the plates."

Target. Check if the laundry soap is washed off the plates.

Main part.

Phenolphthalein was dropped onto a plate with foam from laundry soap (phenolphthalein changes color depending on the pH level of the medium. itacid-base indicator that changes color from colorless to red-violet, "crimson" (in alkaline), the foam turned pink. This plate was rinsed in cold running water. Again dripped phenolphthalein, the color has not changed. (Appendix 3).

Conclusion: Laundry soap is completely washed off with water.

Laundry soap costs 16 rubles, it's cheap. It washes away fat from plates, it is quickly washed off the plate itself. Disadvantage: dries the skin of the hands.


  1. Experiments carried out

It is best to wash dishes with laundry soap. It is economical, safe, high quality. Dishes washed with a bar of soap shine with cleanliness, no streaks or films. And, if someone is used to using liquid detergents, then he will be interested in the recipe that I found on the Internet.

To make a liquid, you need: 25 grams of laundry soap, 0.5 liters of hot water, 4 tablespoons of glycerin, 1 tablespoon of vodka.

Cooking method: grate soap, pour soap shavings with a small amount of hot water and set to melt in a water bath (or microwave). While stirring, gradually pour out all the water. After the soap is completely dissolved, let it cool a little and add glycerin and vodka, mix everything thoroughly. We collect the foam that appeared as a result of mixing from the surface.

The result was a liquid mass without unnecessary chemical additives. It is very convenient to wash dishes. But it takes time to make liquid. [ 7 ]

And you can put small pieces (remnants) of laundry soap into a bottle and pour hot water. After a few hours, thick dishwashing liquid is ready (my grandmother does).

I also decided to make a memo for everyone who washes dishes. (Appendix 4).


  1. Burovik K.A. Soap: only facts // Genealogy of things - M .: Knowledge -1991
  2. Burovik K.A. Orlova N.G. Wash with clay in the morning! // I know the world.

Children's encyclopedia - M .: Astrel - 2002

  1. Danchenko Y. "New Case" No. 12 //
  2. According to the materials of the newspaper "AiF" //
  3. According to the materials of the newspaper "Izvestia" //
  4. Pyatirikova Zh. Patience and work - they will grind everything // www.
  5. Site in INTERNET //
  6. Chukovsky K. Fedorino grief//Collected works in two volumes - M.; True - 1990

Attachment 1

Reasons for using detergents

Appendix 2

The amount of foam when using different detergents.

Annex 3

Action of phenolphthalein.

Appendix 4


So that in the pursuit of clean dishes you do not have to pay with your health and the health of your loved ones, follow a few rules:

1 Wash dishes only with gloves

2 Use laundry soap and soda when washing dishes.

If you are using detergent:

1) first drip the product onto a sponge or into water, but not onto the dishes themselves (this makes it easier to wash off).

2) Rinse each plate under running water for as long as possible.

3) wipe the dishes with a towel (this way you can remove up to 90% of surfactants).

4) Keep detergent bottles closed to prevent toxic fumes. Enough of the fact that you breathe them while washing dishes.


Research work "What is the best way to wash dishes?".

The purpose of the study: to study which dishwashing detergent is better. It can be used in the lessons of the world around 3rd grade in the sections “We and our health”, “Our safety”, at the class hour for the aunt “Friends of Moidodyr” (grades 3-4), at the parent meeting on the topic “Our health”.

Abstracts for the research work "The better to wash dishes."

Grafova Polina , Grade 4, MKOU "Secondary School No. 5" of the city of Slobodsky.

Head - Berdinsky Elena Leonidovna, primary school teacher.

My grandmother ran out of dishwashing detergent. I went to the store with her. There was a huge selection of dishwashing detergents. Which one to choose? Appeared problem: what is more important when choosing a detergent funds

So the topic of my research appeared - “What is the best way to wash dishes?”

I hypothesized:

Target my research: to study which dishwashing detergent is best.


1. Study the literature on the research topic.

2. Select research methods.

3. Conduct experimentsto find out the similarities and differences on the example of some dishwashing detergents.

4. Draw conclusions.

Materials and methods of research

The object of the study is a variety of dishwashing detergents. itdetergents: soda, laundry soap, Cinderella detergent ( 19 rubles 70 kopecks), means "AOS" (49 rubles 20 kopecks).

Research methods:



Photofixation (for photographing, a CANON camera was used);

Work with literary sources.

Research results.

I started my research with a survey. I asked the employees of School No. 5: “How do you choose your dishwashing liquid?” The answers were different.

I studied the literature and information sources on this topic and found out:

  1. "Emollient" additives do not bringbenefits for the skin of the hands. Unfortunately, scientists have found that the balm is easily washed off with water, without leaving on the hands and, moreover, without being absorbed into the skin. Glycerin, on the other hand, instantly dissolves in water, without even getting on your hands. In any case, you should wear gloves when washing dishes, since all detergents dry out the skin.
  2. All detergents are very poorly washed off with water. Experts say that the substances contained in dishwashing detergents are very harmful, because. detergents are listed as household chemicals. Once in the human body, they are destroyed, which leads to various diseases. How do these substances enter our body? We do not wash off all the detergent to the end .. To completely wash off the detergent from the plates, scientists advise rinsing the dishes 70 times. Since this is very difficult to do, for simplicity, you need to at least wipe the dishes with a towel.

5 experiments were carried out. Thanks to them, I came to the following conclusions:

  1. A more expensive detergent is more economical, it will last for more dishes. This means that the one who buys a cheap product even loses money.
  2. Any detergent can easily wash off grease in cold water.
  3. Foam does not affect the quality of washing dishes.
  4. Laundry soap removes grease from dishes
  5. Laundry soap is completely washed off with water.


  1. Studied 8 literary sources on the research topic.
  2. Research methods have been selected.
  3. Experiments carried out to clarify the similarities and differences on the example of some dishwashing detergents.
  4. Based on the results of each experiment, conclusions are drawn.
  5. Compiled a memo with recommendations for the use of detergents for washing dishes.