How to get rid of dampness. Down with the dampness! Causes and remedies

Humidity in the house is a common phenomenon, it is formed during washing, cleaning the room, when washing and cooking. But in some houses it is within the normal range, while in others it is increased, in this case the question arises "why does high humidity appear in the house and how to prevent it?"

With its excessive amount, windows, glass and mirror surfaces, stains appear on the walls, often with a bloom of mold, all this is accompanied by a musty unpleasant odor. What should be the humidity of the house without causing problems? The norm is considered to be 30-60%, it is measured with a special device - a hygrometer. In addition, it must be remembered that even normal indicators can change for various reasons and it is quite difficult to maintain a normal humidity level, especially in summer period because the air is dry in winter heating devices.

Of course, every owner who is faced with this problem wants to know how to get rid of the humidity of the house, because it causes a lot of inconvenience and, in addition, spoils the aesthetic appearance of the home. Due to constant dampness on the walls, ceiling and in the corners, a fungus can form, which is dangerous to human health, it causes chronic colds, allergies and bronchial asthma. Children are most susceptible to changes in humidity, their immune system suffers from this, and it has a detrimental effect on the home.

How to get rid of humidity at home?

Many factors can affect dampness in a house: weather conditions, the proximity of large bodies of water, building a house on an area with high flowing groundwater, poor ventilation and not regular ventilation of rooms.

To protect the house from high humidity, a mass was invented good ways but in order to achieve maximum effect and eliminate this problem forever, you need to apply these methods in combination. Naturally, such measures will require certain financial costs, but they will soon pay off, since they will help to avoid repairs and expenses for medicines.

Humidity rate in the house

Before you start fighting dampness, you need to determine the moisture level. As mentioned above, the humidity rate in the house should be between 30-60%, the 45% level is considered the most optimal. Having convinced of its excess, you can begin work to eliminate it.

The most effective way will be to carry out repair work in a damp room and carry out waterproofing. So, for example, a dry cement-based mortar is perfect for waterproofing basements. In the bathroom, floors are waterproofed using liquid glass... Besides, external walls dwellings are treated with plaster with a cement base, and several such layers need to be made. You can "dress" the walls in a special protective water-repellent coating. These measures will prevent moisture from entering the house.

To reduce air humidity, modern dehumidifiers are used, which are divided into household and industrial ones. Households are used in residential premises, they are very compact and lightweight, so they can be carried from room to room and installed in any suitable place. Such devices are quiet and easy to use.

Heating devices will be a good option for eliminating the problem, especially in autumn and summer, when dampness on the street more than ever affects the increase in humidity in the room. Frequent use during this period of time will dry out the damp air and prevent mold. But on the other hand, if the house is already heated, such devices can harm health. Today, on store shelves, you can see a large number of chemicals that eliminate high humidity. They effectively deal with this problem, but only act for a certain amount of time.

Why does it appear in the house high humidity, modern double-glazed windows, or rather their poor-quality installation, have a significant impact. In order for the air in the room to circulate correctly, the windows must be installed above the heating devices, radiators, this prevents the glass from freezing and the appearance of moisture on it. Excess items on the radiator or a very large window sill sometimes interfere with heating window glass... In the first case, you should get rid of the interfering object, and in the second, you need to make holes in a large window sill. Sometimes the reason lies in the glass unit itself, which may be defective and have a defect. The company that installed the window incorrectly is obliged to solve this problem.

Often, the increase in humidity is caused by frequent drying of clothes in the room or malfunctioning pipes in the bathroom, poor ventilation or its complete absence. To eliminate dampness, you need to check the pipes and, if necessary, replace them with new ones, check the ventilation system. Whenever possible, laundry should be dried outside. It happens that things that are not sufficiently dried after washing end up in the closet, this also leads to dampness and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is worth drying the laundry as best as possible and preferably in the fresh air.

Oddly enough, but too wet soil in indoor plants, it can also contribute to dampness. You can not often and abundantly water the plants without letting the earth dry out properly.

How to reduce humidity in your home?

To the question "how to remove humidity in the house?" there are a lot of answers, the most important thing is to identify its cause, and then choose the most the right ways to eliminate it.

High humidity is typical for old residential buildings in need of overhaul... All of the above measures to eliminate it in in this case will not help. There is only one way out - to do complete renovation dwellings using wood and drywall, which are natural materials... Drywall is famous for its ability to absorb excess moisture, and, if necessary, on the contrary, release it. Therefore, it is excellent for regulating indoor humidity.

But still, how to reduce the humidity in the house if its level has exceeded everything allowable norms? The most simple and effective way there will be frequent ventilation of the room, especially after cooking, washing and water treatments... In summer, it is better not to hang the windows with curtains, then Sun rays dry rooms faster. An excellent device that dries air is a fan traditionally used to cool it. It is impossible not to mention the modern household appliances to reduce moisture. These are expensive air conditioners, special hoods, and simple appliances on affordable price... Such devices absorb excess moisture in the air to an optimal level, protect the house from mold and mildew, provide rooms with dryness and warmth, as well as a pleasant smell, which is also important.

How to lower the humidity in your home?

There are other methods to reduce the humidity in your home. It is effective chemical agents produced on the basis of absorbents, moisture absorbers. During their use, excess moisture enters the tank. You can use these drugs as needed.

If there is no ventilation in the house, its installation will be required immediately. This work can be done by the landlord himself or by inviting a master. A through hole is made in the wall of the problem room, which is closed with a lattice both inside and outside. A recuperator is preliminarily installed between the gratings, it will draw out raw air from the room, while leaving heat in the room.

Occasionally, desiccant tablets can help with the problem and can be found at hardware stores.

Before you can reduce the humidity in the house to the desired level, you should find the cause of its occurrence, eliminate it and use tips to prevent its reappearance.

In the process of dealing with dampness, many people forget that excessive dryness of the air is no less harmful to human health, therefore the main task- do not overdo it and "adjust" the humidity to the optimal level.

The dampness in the house is unbearable - there are ways to eliminate it!

The smell of dampness in an apartment can not only ruin your mood, but also harm your health. In the fight against this scourge, it is both important and A complex approach, and an accurate understanding of what methods can be used. In this article, I will tell you in more detail how to get rid of the smell in the apartment and prevent its further appearance.

Causes of an unpleasant odor

Before you get rid of dampness in the house, you must clearly understand what is its source. There may be several reasons:

  1. You were recently flooded by neighbors from above. This is one of the most common reasons for the smell of dampness in the apartment, which will not be so easy to get rid of. A similar situation may arise if you live on the upper floors of a house whose roof has long been in need of repair.

  1. Do you live in an old Khrushchev building on the first floor? Most likely, the unpleasant one spreads from the basement of the house and penetrates into your apartment through the cracks in the covering.
  2. The smell of mildew may have been the result of poor insulation. water pipes, on which condensation constantly forms. Check all communications carefully for the need for additional insulation.

  1. A damp smell in your home can be caused by poor ventilation. It is possible that she simply cannot cope with the steam coming from the kitchen and bathroom. As a result, condensation settles in the corners of rooms and provokes the formation of mold.
  2. In rare cases, dampness and mold can form due to excessive enthusiasm for floriculture. If you have a whole greenhouse in your house, watering which you forget about airing, do not be surprised at the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  3. Notice that the bath towel smells damp? The problem can arise from the abundance of moisture in the bathroom, where you shower or dry the bedding.

We solve the problem with dampness

The method you use to get rid of the mold odor depends on the cause. So the first thing you have to do is figure out what triggered the problem. Below I will talk in more detail about the ways to deal with the scourge.

After the flood

The most common situation is that you are flooded by negligent neighbors. If the flood was severe, then most likely you will have to resort to repairs. In this case, the first thing you need to do is dry the house thoroughly, eliminate traces of mold on the walls and ceiling. During the repair process, use a primer with special antibacterial additives.

If the flooding turned out to be not so catastrophic in scale, the instructions for action are as follows:

  1. First of all, check the humidity level in the apartment. If it is high, install a heater or dehumidifier in the house, they will help get rid of moisture.
  2. Buy a special aerosol odor absorber.
  3. Dry every piece of clothing, shoes, and carpet. From upholstered furniture it can also emit an unpleasant odor, so it's definitely worth drying out.

  1. Wipe down all surfaces with vinegar - it will do a great job of both mold and odor.

In bathroom

The main reason for unpleasant dampness in the bathroom is a poor hood. You can solve the problem in one of the following ways:

  • Install a more powerful exhaust fan.
  • To carry out renovation work and carry out a new hood.
  • Put a heated towel rail in the bathroom.

To get the moldy smell out of your bathroom, use bleach - it alone is great helper in the fight against this muck. Moreover, the price of such a tool is available to everyone. Treat all surfaces with bleach or chlorine-based detergent, paying particular attention to the joints between the tiles.

The steam cleaner works no less effectively, which can be used to clean any surface in the apartment.

In the basement

A damp basement in a house is not an easy problem. Get ready to do a titanic job.

  • First, inspect all pipes in basement... If they are leaking, then they must be replaced.
  • Check the waterproofing of the walls and ceiling. If necessary, you can use the services of a repair company. If you decide to do it yourself, then use special solutions and mixtures to help prevent moisture penetration. Follow the directions on the packaging exactly, otherwise your plaster will be of little use..

In the closet

It is much easier to get rid of the damp smell in the closet than in the basement. For this, it will be enough:

  • Remove all clothing from the cabinet and dry it. Hang heavy winter items in the sun and keep them there for two or three days, for light items a few hours will be enough.
  • Clean the cabinet with a vinegar solution or a little bleach. After that, be sure to leave the doors open for a while, and all the windows in the room open.

  • Clothes that have developed mold must be urgently dry-cleaned.
  • Wash bed linen, dry in the sun and iron through a damp cloth.

Healthy recipes

In this section, I will supplement the tips, and you will understand exactly how to get rid of excess moisture in the apartment. I will suggest a few very effective recipes to create a detergent:

  1. As I said, chlorine is the # 1 enemy of harmful fungi. Dissolve 1 part chlorine bleach in 10 parts water and wipe all contaminated areas with this solution.

Since the component is very toxic and has a strong odor, cleaning should be done with gloves and a respirator.

  1. High humidity leads to the formation of a fungus, which will help to cope with undiluted hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate all black spots on the walls and ceiling with it, then rinse thoroughly and wipe dry. This recipe is not suitable for painted surfaces, because peroxide can eat away colors..

  1. Regular table vinegar will help remove the smell. Spray the affected areas with a spray bottle. Wait literally a couple of hours, then rinse these places with plain water.

As preventive measures repeat the procedure after 10 days. Do not forget to thoroughly ventilate the room to get rid of the characteristic aroma.

  1. Not sure what to do with new mold? Use soda! Dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in 200 ml of water, soak a soft sponge in the solution and wipe problem areas with it. Then spray the surfaces with water.

Then wipe the walls and ceiling again with a baking soda solution. Remember, you cannot rinse the soda off the second time - it will prevent the appearance of mold..

  • Place small containers of salt in corners where dampness is observed. Crushed pills are just as good. activated carbon that need to be changed every week.

Instead of a total

I told you how to get rid of moisture in an apartment, the most in effective ways... Hopefully with these tips you can solve the problem in as soon as possible... And to never resort to extreme measures, try to dry things on the balcony or outside, and constantly ventilate the apartment.

Many more useful information on the topic you can find out from the video in this article, and for clarification of incomprehensible points, write in the comments. I think your fight against the bad smell will be short and effective.

Dampness and high humidity in the house, especially in some of its places - this problem is faced by many. This may be due to poor ventilation, constant presence water, Construction Materials that were used in the construction of the house.

Dampness and high humidity in the house, especially in some of its places - this problem is faced by many.The reason for this may be poor ventilation, the constant presence of water, building materials that were used in the construction of the house.

As a result, we notice black spots on the walls and in the corners, often deteriorating paint, which painted walls or some objects.

5 effective remedies for dampness

And, of course, dampness in the house is harmful to the health of the people living in it. It creates a favorable environment for fungi and bacteria, for mites. Because of this, a person often develops allergies and diseases of the respiratory system.

Fortunately, there are different natural products that help neutralize high humidity in the home.

1. Soda

Soda is known as a good natural deodorant, antibacterial and whitening agent. She is also one of the better means to fight high humidity in the House.

Its absorbents help get rid of mold, neutralize bad odors and remove dark stains from walls.


  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of oxygenated water (20 ml)


  • Pour the baking soda into a container and mix it with oxygenated water.

Mode of application

  • Apply this paste to damp spots. Then remove it with a brush.
  • Do this procedure at least 2 or 3 times a week.

2. Sea salt

Due to its absorbent properties sea ​​salt is one of the best moisture-reducing agents in confined spaces.

Its components disinfect, help get rid of unpleasant odors and mold stains.



  • Pour salt into small bags or saucers and add lavender essential oil to it.

Mode of application:

  • Place these bags of salt in confined spaces that you want to keep moisture out, such as closets.
  • After 2-3 weeks, replace them with new bags of lavender salt and oil.

3. Borax

Borax (sodium tetraborate) has become very popular in last years... It is not nearly as harsh as bleaches and, due to its anti-fungal action, helps in removing mold from walls and tiles.


  • 1 tablespoon borax (10 g)
  • 5 cups of water (1250 ml)


  • Put on rubber gloves and dissolve borax in water.

Mode of application

  • Spray the areas you want to remove mold with this solution. Let it work for 30-40 minutes, then remove the rest of it with a napkin.
  • Repeat this procedure at least once a week.

4. White vinegar

White vinegar, an eco-friendly, antibacterial product, is used in household for solving various problems.

Thanks to the natural acids it contains, it inhibits the growth of mold on the walls, neutralizes bad odors and reduces moisture.

Vinegar can also help cleanse tubs, toilet bowls, tiles, and other damp surfaces.


  • 1/2 cup white vinegar (125 ml)
  • ¼ cups of water (62 ml)


  • Dissolve white vinegar in water and pour this solution into a spray bottle.

Mode of application

  • Shake the solution before use. Spray them dark spots and mold stains.
  • Let it dry. Its excess can be removed with a napkin.
  • If stains are difficult to remove, use pure vinegar (don't dissolve in water).
  • Do this while cleaning at least 3 times a day.

5. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil is excellent natural detergent. It kills bacteria and inhibits mold growth.

It is ideal for cleaning places with high humidity, such as a bathroom. It can also be used for cleaning closets, for keeping good condition windows and doors.


  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree essential oil (30 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Mix tea tree oil with water.
  • Pour this mixture into a spray bottle.

Mode of application

  • Spray with the mixture tiled walls, bath and other places where water often gets in and where the humidity is high.
  • Let it work for a couple of minutes. The remains can be removed with a sponge or a piece of cloth.
  • Do this 2-3 times a week.

You notice signs of high humidity, mold in your house and feel bad smell? Then prepare one of the remedies that we have listed, and get rid of mold and moisture before they cause serious problems with the health of you and your loved ones.

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If you, entering the room, feel a musty smell or see dark spots on the shelf or walls, this is mold. The dampness is to blame. It is detrimental to health, furniture and the home itself. It is imperative to fight with it.

Find the reason first

There can be many reasons for the increase in humidity in the house. Before taking measures to eliminate moisture, you need to find its causes.

To determine the cause of moisture on the wall, you can test it with foil. Dry a part of the wall with a hairdryer. Attach the foil to this place tightly and secure it there (with tape). If after a day the foil becomes wet on the outside, it means that it is condensation; if it is wet under the foil, it means that moisture seeps out from the outside.

Damp spots around windows and doors can be caused by water leaking into cracks after rain. If there are stains under the windowsill, the reason may be in the drip line, which is designed to drain rainwater. Check if it is present and not covered with cement.

To determine where the roof is leaking, you can hose it down and see where the leak is. If the roof is not leaking but wooden structures wet, then condensation is the culprit. Humid air from rooms rises and condenses on cold surfaces. Then it is necessary to establish ventilation of the attic.

Check pipes for leaks, especially if they are embedded in a wall or floor. It is better to leave such pipes alone and make a stroke.

To make the house breathe

There are several ways to deal with condensation.

  1. Open windows in warm weather.
  2. In the kitchen and bathroom you need to install exhaust fans with humidity sensors; desiccants can be used.
  3. Also, doors and windows should not be sealed to combat condensation. Now they make windows with micro-ventilation. It does not give drafts, but it helps to get rid of moisture.
  4. If possible, dry your clothes outside or on the balcony.
  5. Cover boiling pots with lids and close doors to rooms to prevent steam from spreading to other rooms.
  6. If you are going to change the plaster on the walls to improve waterproofing, be sure to knock down the old one and let the walls dry out. Then plaster with anti-condensation plaster. It picks up moisture in wet time and gives it back in dry time, and air bubbles in it protect the walls from moisture.
  7. For waterproofing a monolithic floor, you can cover it with a waterproof compound, and on top with a cement mortar with fine sand. To avoid raising the floor too much, you can use a self-leveling material.
  8. For kitchen and bathroom finishes, choose an anti-condensation paint. It absorbs water from humid air and can return it back when it gets dry.

Give a steam out

To combat moisture in all its forms:

  • let the steam out that forms inside the house (in the kitchen, bathroom, when drying clothes);
  • organize constant ventilation, install hoods;
  • insulate the floor, walls, ceiling from moisture from outside;
  • dry the house with heating or ventilation in warm, dry weather.

Let your home be cozy and warm!

In this article, you will learn about the main causes of dampness in an apartment or house. We will also talk about how to eliminate these causes and restore the normal microclimate of the home. You will learn about the traditional and most modern methods solutions to the problem of dehumidification.

With the change of seasons, almost all owners are faced with increased humidity due to melting snow. The range of negative phenomena is great: from mild discomfort to "crying" walls and mold. Let's consider some of the most popular cases and causes of dampness in living quarters, as well as ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon.

Any changes in the microclimate have their own reason, by influencing which, you can change it. Dampness has its own "sources", which the owner may not know about, or not attach importance to them.

Reason # 1. Poor ventilation

Owners often “forget” about the device of forced ventilation during repairs because of economy, relying entirely on windows and doors. In our apartments, the project provides for the ventilation of two rooms - a bathroom and a kitchen. The living quarters have vents, windows and balconies for ventilation. Of course, ventilation lowers the room temperature by blowing out warm (and humid) air, so in cold period it is rarely used.

The dehumidification effect in summer is achieved by mixing dry air from the street with steam-saturated internal "exhaust" air. During periods of transition, especially in early spring, atmospheric air saturated with vapors, but at the same time remains cold. Accordingly, airing does not bring the desired effect.

How to fight

Check the ventilation arranged according to the project - the draft should be noticeable. If the draft is good in the kitchen and bathroom, and dampness is not removed, there are three options for solving this problem.

1. Forced exhaust ventilation. The device of such a system, although it will entail certain costs and inconveniences, will solve the problem of dampness once and for all. A branched hood has its drawbacks - power consumption, duct system, background noise. The minimum that can be done is to install a fan in the kitchen duct.

2. Installation of the recuperator. A ducted room recuperator such as PRANA, Reventa or an analogue is a more modern and ergonomic element that solves two problems at once - humid air extraction and fresh air inflow. Many models are heated for operation in winter period... The cost of a duct recuperator is from 340 to 380 USD. e.

Video: PRANA duct recuperator

3. Use a dehumidifier. This device allows air to pass through itself, collecting excess moisture and filtering it. Such a device is very effective - it removes dampness from the room within an hour. In this case, the composition of the air remains unchanged. The moisture is collected in a separate container and drained. The device can optionally be integrated with filters, ozonizers and fragrances. The cost of such a device for a room of 30-50 sq. m is from 140 to 220 cu. e.

Reason # 2. Source of moisture

In private houses, these are septic tanks or shambos located close to the house. They saturate the soil with water, the water flows under the house, the soil, the surrounding foundation or basement becomes damp. The same with atmospheric waters flowing down to the split blind area. Dampness in the basement and in the floor of the 1st floor is guaranteed.

In apartments it can be:

  • leaking roof;
  • defect in the drain or overhang of the roof, directing atmospheric water to the wall of the apartment;
  • windy side of the house - rain constantly falls on the wall of the apartment;
  • constantly flowing taps, plumbing;
  • a large amount of water on the ground floor - aquariums, a swimming pool, a sauna;
  • evaporation of condensation on the windows (which collects due to poor ventilation).

It is difficult to name other trouble-free open sources of moisture in the apartment, but in each case everything is possible.

How to fight

Eliminate the source. Fix the roof or drain, move the septic tank, protect the wall from atmospheric waters. If the reason is in an open source, waterproofing should be done with a liquid composition. Remember that waterproofing is applied from the side of the moisture source.

Reason number 3. Unheated room

Extreme heating savings on the principle of "only warm air in the room "- the most common reason for the dampness of the" crying walls "of an apartment or house. The wall should be heated to at least half the thickness. Then the dew point (the place of condensation formation) will come to the side of the street. The frozen wall shifts the dew point closer to the warm area, and sometimes even to the inner plane.

This problem often "works" in conjunction with a lack of ventilation. Abandoned or low-heated rooms become damp very quickly - Decoration Materials collapse in 2 seasons, the structure loses up to 5-6% of its strength annually (in addition to natural wear and tear). It is highly undesirable to combine heated and unheated (according to the project) premises under one roof.

How to fight

Increase heating. Try to calculate how much damage your home can get from the merciless dampness and the amount you will save on heating. Then compare these amounts and make a conclusion. Of course, the insulation must be of high quality and timely.

If it is not possible to increase the temperature, install fans on the heating devices and provide short-term ventilation - the humidity will equalize. Do not leave the house unheated, if you are going to return - find someone who will heat it.

Reason number 4. Incorrect insulation

Thermal insulation of walls with cheap and lightweight foam or expensive modern extruded polystyrene foam has already gained momentum and is becoming a welcome event for residents of apartment buildings. Almost no one ever makes a thermal calculation of the walls of an apartment to determine the thickness of the insulation. Therefore, when choosing a layer of insufficient thickness, the wall continues to freeze and damp.

Life in such a "thermos" can spoil the dampness in the apartment and the inevitable fungus. The reason is the same dew point, which is snugly located between the panel (wall) and the insulation plate. In addition, the vapor permeability of the sonicated materials is close to zero, and this is not the only problem with the foam. Cheap material produced handicraft way, extremely flammable and toxic when heated. Keep this in mind when preparing to insulate your apartment.

Video: problems with expanded polystyrene

How to fight

Explore helpful articles from experienced engineers and builders. Understanding the physics of processes will save you not only dampness, but also many other troubles. There are two unmistakable options for insulating an apartment:

  1. A deliberately excess layer of polystyrene insulation. A thickness of 100-150 mm guarantees that the dew point is outside the wall (in the thickness of the insulation) for any region.
  2. Breathable insulation. Mineral wool, ecowool, any type of ventilated facade. This is guaranteed to get rid of moisture in the walls.

Dampness in an apartment can provoke the appearance of mold, which, entering the body, becomes the cause of human viral diseases. In addition, humid air by itself is not suitable for everyone. Weakness, soreness, spontaneous loss of performance - what can happen due to excess moisture in the air. Therefore, the elimination of moisture is a concern not only for the native walls, but also for yourself and dear people.