What is the best way to take bcaa. Vsaa - how to take for maximum effect! What are BCAAs for?

Hi all! We continue the topic of sports nutrition and in today's issue we will talk about a very important nutritional supplement - about BCAAs or, more simply, about amino acids.

BCAA- this is such an abbreviation, which, translated from English, means amino acids with a branched side chain. We will not delve into this meaning, since this is a dry and boring biochemistry for many. Much better and more useful for us, it will be to understand this issue from a practical point of view. Do you agree? Then let's go!

Food choices and supplements are more important than weight and hours of study, and sometimes it turns out that time spent in the kitchen can be more relevant than in the room! Most athletes are very careful when it comes to aspects that can improve their form. The most important thing that everyone should remember is that the most important points the introduction of the main proteins, supplements or nutrients are: before, during and after training. During exercise, the body acts like a sponge, and nutrition during exercise will lead to massive gains and more efficient fat burning.

How does BCAA work on muscles?

BCAAs contain three essential amino acids. What does the term "indispensable" mean? This means that the body cannot synthesize such amino acids on its own and is only able to receive them from the outside, that is, with food or supplements. They are combined into one complex, since only when they work together will the desired effect be achieved. And now, let's look at the most important properties that BCAAs are famous for.

What should take place in the cells

The best way to take in nutrients is to create three mixed shakes, one 10 minutes before your workout, another during your workout, and a third right after your workout. This is the first ingredient you will want in your smoothies. Otherwise, the number of repetitions will be very low.

This process is repeated with each set of exercises, carbohydrates are involved in the glycolysis stage. This process eventually leads to greater resistance to effort and higher intensity. In addition, carbohydrates have an important effect on hormones, especially insulin. This hormone increases protein synthesis and keeps cortisol at normal levels.

Energy component

BCAAs give our muscles energy. As you know, the main source of energy for strength training is glycogen. The body stores its reserves for good and consumes it as an emergency fuel during intensive loads. However, there is another type of intracellular fuel that is formed directly during the execution of exercise. This is ATP. Its combustion occurs before the body supplies new materials to replenish it. This, by the way, is due to the fact that the muscles get tired sooner or later and we are no longer able to continue training. The presence of BCAA in the body will be able to extend our workout and make it better and more intense.

The question we still need to answer is what do carbs recommend? The ideals are those with a high glycemic index, dextrose and maltodextrin. The amount of carbohydrates added to shakes depends on the goals of each and the somatic type. A 20 to 60 gram shake is a good start.

The next ingredient is obviously protein. Proteins should be added to shakes because amino acids are the main allies in muscle development. Proteins are made up of various acidic amines. Insulin helps to improve the transport of acid amines and their absorption into the muscles. That's why we need enough amino acids in the system, so in shakes.

Anti-catabolic function

BCAA amino acids protect our muscles from fiber breakdown. A drop in overall energy levels causes our adrenal glands to secrete special catabolic hormones that destroy our muscles. And the destruction occurs due to the fact that now proteins act as energy, of which the muscles actually consist. For us bodybuilders, this is just a disaster! It's not for this that we train up to a sweat, so that later, let our muscles into energy consumption. And to avoid this unpleasant situation, it is recommended to take BCAA before training. The presence of such amino acids in the body suppresses the secretion of catabolic hormones, since we will no longer need additional "muscle" energy.

Proteins become even more important towards the end of training. After a workout, muscles enter a catabolic phase, which leads to muscle breakdown. The main goal is to make the transition to the anabolic phase in which the muscles develop. The post-workout period is called the anabolic window because the muscles are extremely sensitive for up to two hours of nutrient intake.

If you wait 3 hours before taking such a shake, the process will be improved by only 12%. It is not true to say that time in the diet is critical! We talked about creatine here. Creatine monohydrate is probably the most popular supplement among bodybuilders. We discussed above how creatine phosphate is degraded during exercise and how it helps to increase energy levels immediately. This will allow you to lift higher weights for multiple reps.

These were the two main functions of BCAAs, but in addition to them, these amino acids have a number of other advantages, namely:

- Helps in the "building" of muscles

- Accelerate the fat burning process

- Maintain testosterone levels

- Reduce muscle pain after exercise

- Promote faster muscle recovery

How to drink the capsule version of BCAA

Over time, its introduction will lead to significant muscle mass. Given that high glycine rags increase insulin levels, blood creatine will be transported to muscle tissue along with ingested amino acids. Start with 5-10g of creatine monohydrate before and after your workout.

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body, squeezing about 50% of the free amino acids in the blood and muscles. It is considered an essential amino acid because the body can create its own glutamine from other sources of amino acids. However, during periods of effort, such as during exercise, the body cannot create enough glutamine, so it will need to be supplemented.

Summing up, we can say that BCAA is a versatile nutritional supplement that helps increase muscle mass, the growth of strength indicators and at the same time, the protection of muscles from catabolism.

Most likely, at this moment, many will have a question - why then were proteins invented, when BCAA also performs their functions, namely the construction of new muscles? Yes, proteins are really responsible for the formation of new muscle fibers. However, for starters, they need to break down in the body, to amino acids, and this does not happen immediately, but at rest, when we recover from training. Thus, the effect of BCAA is manifested directly during the training itself and immediately after its completion. This is the main difference from proteins.

Glutamine has two main functions in the body. The first is to take on the role of a precursor in the synthesis of other amino acids, and the second must be converted into glucose, which is necessary for energy levels. If it is consumed during exercise, it slows down the catabolic phase. Glutamine has a positive effect on hormone levels during exercise and when it ends. This will help replenish glycogen requirements after exercise. The ideal amount of glutamine revolves around 2-5 grams added in three shakes.

Take BCAAs before and after your workout

When and how to take BCAAs?

About 30% of our muscles are made up of amino acids. And doing in the gym, we spend about 20-25% of amino acid energy. And accordingly, in the process of training, a sharp deficiency of BCAA is formed, and in order to somehow compensate for it, the body begins to break down muscle proteins to amino acids and throw them into the furnace of metabolism.

Branched chain amino acids

Start with small amounts and increase over time. main role glycogen is conserved. The usual dose is 4 grams of valine, 2 grams of isoleucine, 2 grams of leucine per serving. Valina may help treat liver and gallbladder disease and protect these organs from negative impact harmful substances, even alcohol. Doses can be 5-10 g or even 20 g per day. So these 5 ingredients put together in right time, will get synergy and will significantly help in the development of muscle mass.

To put it simply, from heavy training, we simply lose some of the muscles in order to use them as fuel to continue working with weights. That's the way we are and there's nothing you can do about it. However, it is possible to protect our muscles from destruction if we take BCAAs directly during training.

As for their use immediately after training, this will ensure the speedy recovery of muscles. In other words, our muscles will begin to grow immediately after leaving gym. Actually, this is what the meaning of the use of BCAAs comes down to. And the best time for this, we repeat, will be during the training itself and immediately after it ends.

Choosing the Right Supplements

As a rule, throughout his career, a bodybuilder is looking for new, better and effective ways achieving progress. In the old days, the rule was to not eat 2 hours before training and take a fast-absorbing protein concentrate containing carbohydrates immediately after training. Similarly, one immediately after waking up in the morning and one with a slow absorption before bed.

Now, for years, scientists have told us that, according to research, a pre-workout protein shake is just as important as a post-workout protein shake. Some time ago our magazine talked about a new way to use protein concentrates.

Best time to takeBCAA- before training or during training, literally 10-15 minutes after it starts, as well as immediately after it ends. The optimal dosage is 5-10 grams at a time.

Also, they can and even should be consumed on rest days immediately after waking up. And this is especially necessary for people with an ectomorphic body type, who have difficulty gaining muscle mass. This technique will perfectly cope with the problem of morning catabolism. For endomorphs and mesomorphs, taking BCAAs in the morning is not necessary, but it is not contraindicated either.

Increasing the volume of muscles

So let's review what we know so far. If we take a protein concentrate and carbs immediately after a workout, progress can be 25% higher than if there was nothing. If we take protein concentrate and pre-workout, 30 minutes and then progress even more.

If we take protein concentrate in small portions and during training, progress can increase by an impressive 50% compared to those who do not take the concentrate. The more you get from the concentrate you buy, the better. This is when blood is pumped in large quantities into the muscles you need, and if it is full nutrients, there is no question of getting into a catabolic state, destroying muscle tissue in order to obtain the amino acids and glycogen needed for contraction and repair.

The best BCAAs on the sports nutrition market

The sports nutrition market is expanding every year. New products and brands are emerging. And sometimes, for a person who is not savvy in this matter, it becomes very difficult to choose the supplement he needs. But, as always, we have prepared for you the TOP 3 products of this category. The main criteria are popularity among athletes, quality and price.

Protein shake - introduction

I wish I had this information when I was 16 or 20 years old. Put 4 perfect protein cups in a shaker or other dish, mix with water and take a pre-workout sip, then every 3-4 sets and you will see a difference within 1-2 months.

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You can find the full range of BCCA in the online hypermarket " Zel-sport-pit.ru» A wide range of products, will allow you to choose sports nutrition for almost any budget. Well, that's all. You received the basic and most necessary information about these amino acids. In new releases, for those who are especially inquisitive, we will talk about this and other additives in more detail. In the meantime, see you soon friends. Add our site to your bookmarks and stay tuned for updates. Bye!

If you exercise regularly, you are likely to pay more attention to nutrition in order to maximize results. curriculum. And if your goal is muscle growth, you are probably giving Special attention the amount of protein you eat. They stimulate muscle growth, strength, energy and help eliminate excess fat.

Amino acids are the main component of protein. Of these, 9 are essential, meaning that the body cannot function without them. Also, what makes them unique and effective is that they are not metabolized in the liver, but in muscle tissue. This means that the muscles can immediately use these amino acids as fuel, converting them into energy.

Isoleucine, valine). These 3 amino acids make up 35% of all amino acids that are in the muscles, they are needed to start the processes of anabolism, better recovery of the body after physical exertion. BCAAs are also anti-catabolic, which means they help maintain your muscle mass and suppress levels of the stress hormone cortisol. BCAAs are essential amino acids (they are not synthesized by the body), which means that we can only get them from food or additional sports supplements. In this article, we will talk about how to drink BCAA and how to check the quality of the purchased product.

Leucine has the greatest impact on protein synthesis; similar to other branched chain amino acids, leucine is metabolized in the muscles, and its administration can increase energy, stimulate muscle growth, isoleucine plays an important role in stabilizing blood sugar and nitrogen levels; also supports muscle recovery after intense training, valine is an essential amino acid for function nervous system, regulates the immune system and supports muscle regeneration. When bound to leucine, it supports muscle growth, increases strength and energy. They will help prevent fatigue during training and speed up muscle recovery.

  • Anti-catabolic effect;
  • The growth of lean muscle mass;
  • Burning subcutaneous fat;
  • Growth of power indicators;
  • Stimulate protein synthesis.

As you can see, BCAAs will always be useful to you - both during the period of mass gain and the drying period, and amino acid complexes will also be useful to you during aerobic training.

Every time you train with weight, you are overloading your body. If the immune system is not working properly, muscle recovery will be poor, and the risk of disease will increase significantly. These factors, as well as a balanced diet and training program, make weight loss easier.

Increased protein synthesis increases muscle growth even in the absence of weight training by increasing own production anabolic hormones, namely testosterone, growth hormone and insulin. In addition, to prevent exhaustion, they can also be applied during training.

BCAA intake

Not everyone knows how and how much to drink BCAA correctly. The dosage regimen will depend on your goals (mass gain or weight loss), and dosages will depend on your preparedness and individual needs. How to drink BCAAs while gaining muscle mass? In the mass gain phase, it is recommended to take BCAA 3 times - before, during and after training. It is also useful to take such amino acid complexes right after you wake up to suppress morning catabolism.

Now let's talk about how much to drink BCAA. Professional athletes recommend taking no more than 8g of these amino acids per dose. Also, experts say that the most effective will be a 3-time intake of BCAA, smaller doses will also be effective, but will not fully cover the needs of the body of an athlete who trains intensively. You can take such sports supplements all the time, no cycling and breaks are needed, no harm and side effects BCAA complexes will not cause.

Now that we don’t have a question - how much and how to drink BCAA in capsules or powder, we can already come to the final stage - buying and using products. Here are a few BCAA facts to help you choose a quality product:

Video on how to drink BCAA