How to machine wash a membrane jacket. How to wash membrane clothing in a washing machine

Membrane clothing is one of the latest advances textile industry... Its special fabric is made of synthetic fibers coated with the thinnest layer polymer film with microscopic pores. Unique membranes allow sweat to evaporate easily and quickly from the surface of the body, and moisture from environment practically do not get inside. This simultaneously protects the body from overheating and hypothermia. The only disadvantage of such clothes is that they need delicate cleaning. How to wash membrane clothing so that it does not lose its appearance and properties?

Three rules of washing

  1. Prolonged soaking. In most cases, membrane clothing is perfectly washed by hand without pre-soaking.
  2. Spin. After the wash is complete, you can wring out the garment. However, it is very important not to twist the fabric. To avoid damaging the membranes, use an absorbent cotton cloth. She copes well with excess moisture.
  3. Washing in a typewriter. Unfortunately, even the presence of special modes for delicate fabrics does not allow the use of modern washing machines for cleaning. membrane clothing... You have two options: learning how to wash things by hand correctly, or taking them to the dry cleaner on a regular basis.

Outerwear is constantly getting dirty even when worn very carefully, so sometimes it needs to be washed several times a season. Professional cleaning is not only expensive but also wears out on fabrics. If the clothes are free of serious dirt, you can easily cope with the wash yourself.


It is best to do the wash membrane tissue manually. Since the polymer layer is very thin, even a delicate machine wash can damage it. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to use ordinary powder. Its particles are too large and coarse. They easily clog into the pores of the clothes, thereby preventing them from "breathing" and reducing its protective properties. Fabric softeners and bleaches have the same effect.

You can cook home remedy for washing, by grating and diluting with water with ordinary laundry soap.

When choosing powder for clothes with a membrane, pay attention to its composition. Products with chlorine and its derivatives make microscopic holes in the tissue more permeable. As a result, clothes begin to get wet.

Most experts believe that membrane clothing should be washed with plain or liquid laundry soap. The main thing is that they do not contain chlorine. They gently clean fabric and do not damage membranes, but do not solve the problem of clogging with dirt. In this case, special tools will help you. But keep in mind that you cannot do such a deep cleaning too often. Try to wear your clothes neatly and not bring them to such a state.

So how is membrane fabric washed?

  1. Examine your clothing carefully. Memorize the most dirty areas and get everything out of your pockets.
  2. Unbutton the fur. If the fur does not come off (for example, the jacket has pompons), place it in a plastic bag and bandage tightly.
  3. Close all zippers. If necessary, protect the fittings from possible damage with several layers of adhesive tape.
  4. Fill a basin or bath with cool water (30-40 ° C) and dilute the detergent in it. Required amount calculate the powder according to the instructions on the package. If using laundry soap, prepare a soapy solution.
  5. Immerse your garment in water and start washing immediately. Do everything quickly but carefully. Do not expose clothing to mechanical stress.
  6. If you notice that some of the dirt does not come off, use a soft brush and lather.
  7. Rinse the product under the tap cold water and let it drain freely. You can now use absorbent wipes or gently wring it out.

Try to wash only one item at a time. Too long contact with water will not benefit the membranes.


After washing your membrane garment, be sure to dry it.

Membrane clothing is dried in an unfolded and horizontal position. Try to do this in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sun rays and the proximity of batteries. They can lead to burnout of a thin layer of membranes.

Additional care and storage

In order not to disturb the special structure of the fabric, do not iron it. This not only damages the membranes, but can also melt the synthetic layer of the jacket. If ironing is indispensable, use a steam generator or take the item to a dry cleaner.

In order to improve the water repellency of the membranes and protect them from contamination, spray the clothes with a special fluoride spray. Fluorine covers the fabric with a film that protects it, but does not interfere with normal air circulation. Regular use of sprays also helps things survive negative impact sun rays.

Membrane clothing is stored flat and upright. To prevent the membranes from becoming clogged with dust, cover it protective film made of fabric or polyethylene. After the end of the season, clothes made of membrane fabric must be washed, and only then put into the closet. This simple rule allows you to keep things looking great. You can get it out and start wearing it right away when needed.

Master these simple rules, and washing the membrane fabric will no longer cause you any difficulties, and the clothes will serve for many years.

Membrane clothing is quite popular and can be purchased at any store. Whereas, you will have to look for a detergent for washing membrane clothes. The popularity of this material for the manufacture of outerwear is due to its properties, which make it possible to protect against adverse weather conditions.

At its core, the membrane is not a tissue, it is a film produced according to certain technologies. The film is then applied to the fabric from which the garment is made. In this case, the fabric can be made of any fiber, since the application of the membrane film gives it full protective properties, regardless of the initial raw material.

Membrane items have a sufficiently high moisture resistance, while steam is easily discharged through the surface of the material, and cold air does not have access to the inside.


To wash clothes made of membrane fabric, a number of conditions must be met, since even the smallest trifle can ruin it.

When washing, in no case should you:

  1. 1 Use regular powder and fabric softener. This is due to the fact that standard powder creates a thick foam that can clog the micropores of the material, after which the fabric stops breathing. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use an air conditioner.
  2. 2 In no case should you use various bleaches and stain removers, active ingredient in which there is chlorine, since it leads to the destruction of bonds between the fibers of the fabric.
  3. 3 After washing, do not wring out the product, as strong twisting can damage the membrane film in the folds, which will damage the integrity of the cover.
  4. 4 Clothes made of membrane fabric absolutely do not tolerate exposure to high temperatures, therefore drying near a battery or in the open sun is contraindicated for such things.
  5. 5 Under no circumstances should such products be soaked or machine washed, even on a delicate cycle. A gentle hand wash is best in this case.

Basic requirements for detergents

Since the main task when washing membrane clothing is not to harm it, then when choosing products, it is worth considering some of the nuances:

  1. 1 The product should not contain chlorine, as it affects the water-repellent properties of the material.
  2. 2 Do not use oxygen-based bleach, as free oxygen particles clog the pores of the membrane and the fabric stops breathing.
  3. 3 The detergent must not contain large abrasive elements.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that popular powders (Tide, Persil and others), liquid analogues of these products, stain removers and bleaches for all types of fabrics, liquid soap, and products for wool products are in no way suitable for washing. , cashmere, silk (Laska, Vinsinka and others).

Range of matching products

Since the use of conventional powders in relation to the membrane is impossible, let's consider what detergents applicable to membrane clothing.

Firstly, if possible, it is still better to wash the membrane jacket by hand, but if it is not possible to do this, then in extreme cases you can use the most gentle mode of the washing machine without spinning.

Consider a list of the most popular and available funds used to wash the membrane:

  1. 1 DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion is a liquid balm detergent. It is usually used for cleaning various sports clothing made of synthetic fibers. The use of this agent will not have a negative effect on membranes, therefore it can be used as the material becomes dirty.
  2. 2 Nikwax Tech Wash. This is a wonderful tool, the use of which not only wonderfully fights against various types of dirt, but also has a positive effect on the fabric. This is due to the fact that the product impregnates the membrane layer of clothing and restores the breathable and water-repellent properties of the material. This product is indispensable if the membrane jacket has been washed with a regular detergent. A new wash with Nikwax Tech Wash will fix everything Negative consequences this step will wash out all powder particles from the pores of the membrane and restore the protective properties of the material. You can buy this drug at any specialized center that sells tourist clothing and hiking accessories.
  3. 3 Denkmit Fresh Sensation. Among its counterparts, this liquid gel for washing stands out for a rather low price. However, when using it, the membrane is not impregnated, therefore its protective properties are not restored, because of this, the service life of the clothing decreases. Therefore, the use of such a tool is not recommended quite often. But at the same time, the tool is able to clean clothes of any kind of pollution, leaving no trace of them.
  4. 4 Perwoll Sport Active. One of the most popular gels for washing sportswear and membrane fabrics. This drug has a consistency liquid gel For shower. It can also be used to wash shoes using a washing machine. The gel has a rather pleasant aroma and, when washed, impregnates the material of the clothes with it. Therefore, after drying, things have a pleasant aroma and are not susceptible to adhesion of other odors.
  5. 5 Textile Wash Plus Woly is another detergent used for washing membrane items. It has good detergent properties and does not harm the membrane film on the surface of clothing.

If you still cannot find a special detergent for washing the membrane, then ordinary laundry soap can help in this matter. To use this product, you must prepare a medium soap solution in warm water and wash the product in it. Such a solution remarkably cleans the fabric from any contamination, while it is easily washed off and does not clog the pores of the membrane with its particles.

The most the best option for products with a membrane, hand wash is used, however, it is also possible to use the gentle modes of the washing machine. There are several options for washing membrane garments:

  1. 1 Hand wash. The procedure for carrying out a hand wash is quite common. You need to prepare a container with warm water and put the product in it. After that, the clothes must be taken out of the water and rubbed with any means described above. Places with heavy pollution you need to rub especially carefully. Then the product should be rinsed under a stream of warm running water... If the dirt has not disappeared completely, then the procedure can be repeated. If everything has been washed off, then the product can be squeezed out a little, while avoiding twisting and strong compression. After that, the product must be laid out on a flat horizontal surface and left to dry completely. Avoid direct light on the item during the drying process, and avoid exposure to heat. It is advisable to place the item during drying in a ventilated place.
  2. 2 Washing in washing machine... If hand washing things is not possible, then you can resort to using a washing machine. But in order not to ruin things by machine washing, you should take some precautions. For example, these clothes should be washed separately from other things. If the item is large enough, then you need to wash it separately. In modern washing machines a program for the membrane can be set, if it is not there, then it is worth choosing the most gentle mode for washing wool or silk. Be sure to make sure that the temperature is set no higher than 30 ° C and the spin function is disabled, even the delicate one. Only then can the wash cycle be started. After the end of the cycle, you can gently spin the product. This should be done very carefully, avoiding twisting the clothes. Better yet, spin using a cotton towel. To do this, wrap the membrane product in a towel and wait a while until the moisture is absorbed into the towel. After that, the product can be squeezed out a little.

Drying of the product should take place without any heat exposure, avoiding direct sunlight. The product must be evenly distributed over a flat horizontal surface and left to dry completely. It is desirable to constantly ventilate the room in which the clothes are dried.

Care rules

Since the membrane cannot be exposed to high temperatures, ironing such things is strictly prohibited, since this will lead to the complete disappearance of all useful properties material.

After each wash, it is worth treating things with special sprays and compositions to maintain the protective properties of the fabric in its original form. The use of such tools allows you to create protective layer in addition to the existing membrane foil.

Using special detergents will prolong the life of membrane products, so take care of purchasing them.

For storage of membrane items, it is best to use special bags for outerwear to prevent dust from getting on the items. In this case, the product must be pre-washed and dried. Things should be straightened, be free from creases and folds and be in a horizontal position throughout the entire storage period.

What unites the numerous forums and blogs of tourists and skiers? Almost everywhere there is a lively discussion about the care of clothes from membrane tissues- waterproof and, at the same time, vapor-permeable ("breathable") material, which the leading sports brands use in the production of outerwear.

Over time, the tissue pores (cells) of the membrane become greasy and clogged over time, requiring cleaning.

  1. How to wash membrane fabric?
  2. Is it possible to dry things with a membrane in the washing machine and is the iron not harmful to them?
  3. What is impregnation and why is it needed?
  4. How to store membrane clothing?
  5. Where can I buy special care products?

"Major League" brought common helpful advice that will allow you to maintain the unique qualities of the membrane for a long time. Just be sure to check the label on the item!

1. How to wash?

2. How to dry and can I iron?

  • It is strictly forbidden to dry membrane materials on batteries, heaters, near open fire... It is not recommended to use a tumble dryer. All this leads to the destruction of the membrane.
  • For items made of membrane fabric, drying at room temperature in a flattened form and preferably in a horizontal position is acceptable.
  • Ironing of the product is not allowed, while gentle steaming is possible.
  • After washing, use special impregnations in the form of liquids or aerosols.

3. Why impregnation is needed?

The impregnation restores the water-repellent properties of the outer material so that the fabric does not get wet. The fact is that after a series of washes, the upper fabric begins to absorb water, does not get wet, but does not breathe either, and starts sweating from the inside. To prevent this from happening, the outer fabric is impregnated: it remains dry, breathes, and the comfort inside is maintained, the resistance of the clothes to dirt and dry cleaning is additionally increased, and its service life is increased.

In this case, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • Water-based impregnation properties are activated after exposure to clothing high temperature, which is achieved by drying.
  • The use of liquids or aerosols may result in small change material colors.
  • Do not restore water-repellent coatings on dirty things. in this case, the coating may completely collapse (the product must first be washed or cleaned).

For different types materials, there are various special tools. Impregnation Grangers Extreme Wash-in (nats) are designed to impart water-repellent and windproof properties to clothing made of natural materials... And impregnation will help to increase the resistance of synthetic clothes to pollution. Grangers Extreme Wash-in (syn / breath).

4. How to store?

  • Products are recommended to be stored flat, in dry, preferably ventilated rooms, protected from moisture.
  • Before storage, membrane clothing should be washed, and so that dust does not clog the pores, clothing should be packed in special duffel covers.

5. Where can I buy special means for cleaning and impregnating?

Special detergents for washing and impregnating membrane fabrics can be purchased in the network of sports stores "Vysshaya Liga".

For every self-respecting person who leads an active lifestyle and goes in for sports, about half of the wardrobe is occupied by thermal clothing made of membrane fabric. It is very light, allows you to move freely, exercise, run, which is always needed by an active person and an athlete.

In addition to practicality and comfort, this material has many necessary and useful qualities... It maintains a constant temperature that is optimal for the human body, which protects from freezing in cold weather and will not allow overheating in warm weather.

But since when running or any other active exercise, a person sweats a lot and unpleasant stains remain on clothes. In order to quickly and efficiently clean membrane clothing, you should know the important basic factors for caring for it.

Top - 5 effective means for high-quality washing of membrane clothes

For washing membrane clothing, you are strictly prohibited from using detergents that contain chlorine. For effective cleansing of this material there is a verified list of detergents for washing such clothes.

Here are a few of them:

  • ordinary laundry soap
  • Perwoll (Sport Active)
  • Nikvax Tech Wash
  • Denkmit Fresh Sensation gel
  • balm DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion

All of the above products are very effective for washing sportswear and are quite inexpensive. Of course, Denkmit Fresh Sensation Gel and Nikvax Tech Wash are considered the best from the list provided, as they saturate the membrane and keep it breathable and waterproof.

Helpful consumer comments

To leave a list effective means on the care of membrane clothing, a survey was organized among consumers. More than detailed information about the effectiveness of certain methods.

Here are some of the most interesting ones:

Since I have 2 children. you understand that our wardrobe is dominated by clothing made of membrane fabric. She is very comfortable and comfortable. But since children tend to constantly get dirty, they have to wash it very often. To maintain a bright color and useful properties, I use a special gel for cleansing Denkmit Fresh Sensation membrane tissue. It cleans stubborn stains very well and does not leave streaks, which is very good.

My husband and I lead an active and rather extreme lifestyle, so sportswear prevails in our wardrobe. In order for it to serve us for a long time, I always try to wash it by hand using special means. Having tried many drugs, I have chosen a few favorites for myself, which I have always started to buy. These are DOMAL Sport Fein Fashion and Nikvax Tech Wash. They dissolve stains very well and have a pleasant smell.


I always try to wash with my hands so as not to spoil things. Laundry soap is often practical in washing, it is more effective than ordinary soap, but it is not able to remove stubborn stains. For more serious dirt, I use Denkmit Fresh Sensation.


So that after washing things have a pleasant smell, I constantly use Perwoll. I also wash wine, grass or grease stains with it. But before washing, I soak the thing in cold water diluted Perwoll for an hour. It helps me a lot.

Since we have a very large washing seed, we have no less. In order to fight hateful stains, I soak clothes for several hours in special tool... I often use the inexpensive but effective Denkmit Fresh Sensation. I also used Nikvax Tech Wash specifically for washing membrane clothes, but I liked it less.

Basic rules for washing membrane fabric

The more competent you are to clean and take care of your belongings, the less you will have to spend on a new wardrobe.

Basic rules for hand washing membrane fabric:

  1. best washed in warm water
  2. it is advisable to dilute the product with water, and not pour directly onto the stain
  3. it is advisable to soak the item in diluted water for 15 minutes before washing
  4. after washing, do not squeeze too much (this may ruin the fabric)

Basic rules for machine washable membrane fabric. Also, membrane clothing is allowed to be washed in a washing machine. But here you have to act very carefully.

Basic rules of machine wash for membrane fabric:

  • it is advisable to wash things separately
  • select wool mode and temperature no more than 30 degrees
  • turn off the spin (very important)

Basic rules for the care of membrane clothing

Membrane outerwear has gained wide popularity due to the combination of a number of important characteristics - light weight, strength, heat retention, water-repellent properties, internal ventilation of the material. The membrane is used in the manufacture of garments for daily wear, sports, tourism, and an active lifestyle. In the pores of such a tissue, dust and dirt accumulate over time with outside sweating from the inside is absorbed. Questions of how to wash membrane clothing in a washing machine or by hand and how to properly maintain it in order to extend its service life are relevant for many of its owners.

Material features

Membrane clothing has a rather complex structure.

The membrane fabric has a perforated structure. The air heated inside the garment expands and, under pressure, excess heat is released through the small cells of the material. At the same time, the access of cooler air to the inside of the clothes is blocked due to the lack of the necessary external pressure for this. Thanks to this, the inside of the clothes is constantly maintained optimum temperature and keep warm.

The outer layer of membrane tissue is usually equipped with a special hydrophilic film. From the outside, the film does not allow moisture to pass through, but with inside vapor molecules and sweat particles freely pass outward through the layers of tissue. As a result, water does not get inside the clothes, while excess moisture is removed. The waterproofing of the membrane material is also enhanced by impregnation with special compounds in the fabric production process.

Washing clothes made of membrane fabric

The pores of the membrane material clogged with dust and dirt make it difficult to internally ventilate the clothing and remove excess moisture. Contamination of the outer layer of fabric leads not only to loss appearance clothing, but also reduce the degree of its waterproofing. For these reasons, the membrane needs special care and regular cleaning.

To avoid damage to membrane clothing and the loss of its qualities, you must remember the following washing rules:

  1. It is important to know how to wash a membrane jacket or other similar garments. Not everyone detergents fit for this. For example, powder particles can remain in the pores of the material, which will then lead to the formation bad smell, the formation of a favorable environment for various bacteria and tissue damage. Bleaching agents, conditioners and other compounds containing chlorine and aggressive chemical components change the structure of the membrane, additional perforation is formed and the material loses its water-repellent properties.
  2. When washing the membrane, use a specially designed detergent. Alternatively, solutions based on baby or laundry soap are suitable. If, for some reason, the membrane has lost its qualities as a result of washing, they can be restored using further processing special impregnations. Formulations suitable for membrane tissue can be found in specialized departments and stores.
  3. The material does not require soaking before washing membrane clothing. It is not recommended to process the membrane in a washing machine due to the risk of damage to the fabric structure under significant loads. Hand wash must be carried out in a container of a suitable size, filled with soapy water at a temperature not exceeding 40 °. In this case, you should not rub the products too much, rinse quite intensively in water and detergent.
  4. After washing, the membrane clothing must be rinsed in clean cool water until the soap composition is completely released from the fabric. Change the water as needed.
  5. Products from the membrane should not be twisted, you must wait until excess water drains. To speed up the process of removing moisture, you can use a towel or terry cloth robe. To do this, wrap them around a wet product made of a membrane, the terry cloth will absorb water.

After washing, the membrane must be thoroughly dried, observing certain standards.

Membrane Drying Conditions

For membrane clothing, only natural drying in a well-ventilated area is suitable

The washed items from the membrane must be straightened and all folds must be smoothed out with your hands. Ironing membrane products with a hot iron is strictly prohibited.

You can dry your clothes in an upright position or on a clean horizontal surface appropriate for the size of the product. The drying area should be well ventilated, and there should be no heat generating devices nearby. If items are to dry on a horizontal plane, they should be turned over periodically.

To dry the membrane, select locations without direct sunlight. As a result of exposure ultraviolet rays traces of burnout can form on the surface of the material, which can only be eliminated by repainting the clothes. Besides sunlight negatively affects the water-repellent layer of the fabric.

Rules for wearing and caring for membrane clothing

Exists following rules socks of outer membrane clothing that will help create an optimal climate for the body:

  1. It should be worn as a first underlay. Cotton and other fabrics worsen the microclimate inside the garment.
  2. For the second layer, wear wool or fleece clothing.
  3. The third layer consists of items of membrane outerwear.
  4. In the absence of severe cold weather, the second layer of clothing can be excluded or products made of lighter materials can be used for it.

Under the influence of precipitation, sunlight, temperature extremes and mechanical external influence the membrane loses its properties over time. The water-repellent protective layer becomes thinner, moisture begins to penetrate into the fabric.

Membrane fabric repels water, if it starts to get wet, it has lost its properties

As soon as water drops stop flowing from the surface of the garment or it gets noticeably wet during rain, it is necessary to take measures to restore the waterproofness of the material. To do this, you need to soak your clothes. special composition based on fluorine. There is a wide range of membrane products of this kind. They can be used not only to restore the waterproof layer, but also to prevent various contamination and damage to the tissue structure.

Water repellents are usually available in spray cans for ease of handling. The packaging or directly on the container with the solution contains information on the procedure for its use.

There are two main methods for applying water repellent compounds. The first is to spray it evenly over the entire inner and outer surface of the material. In the second method, the clothes must be soaked for a while in a concentrated or diluted solution. In both cases, things should be saturated with a water-repellent compound, then they should be well dried. Membrane products should be washed before processing with such preparations, otherwise the effectiveness of impregnation will be reduced. It is also important to observe the dosage indicated in the instructions. Exceeding the norm can reduce the air exchange properties of the membrane.

It is advisable to store membrane products in a flattened form, in a ventilated, shaded place. In this case, you can use special covers for storing clothes.

Compliance with the rules of washing and care conditions for membrane clothing will allow you to preserve it for a long time unique properties and extend the life of the products.