The first stage of hardening is air baths. What are the benefits of air hardening for babies? Cold air baths

From the moment of birth, the baby is not an absolutely helpless and defenseless creature. Nature has endowed the child's body with all sorts of protective mechanisms, for example, thermoregulation, thanks to which he is able to avoid both overheating and hypothermia. All this is provided for in the physiology of the crumb so that, when he finds himself in a new environment with living conditions that are different from those in which he grew up while in the stomach of his mother, he could normally exist and develop.

Thermoregulation is an important ability of a newborn baby.

If you constantly create conditions for the child that resemble hothouse, then over time, innate protective functions will simply cease to function as unnecessary. Such excessive and irrational care can lead to the fact that any, even the most insignificant, draft will become dangerous for the little one.

It is at an early age that the stamina and resistance of the body to regularly changing conditions in environment... For these purposes, one should deal with the hardening of the crumbs with the help water treatments, air and sun baths. This method will not only prevent atrophy defense mechanisms but will also strengthen them.

Basic principles of hardening

Before you start hardening your baby, you need to find out the basic principles. this process... This is important so that the hardening procedures give a lasting positive result, and not, on the contrary, negatively affect the health of the crumbs. Hardening will be effective if the following rules are followed:

  1. Consistency and regularity. The child should be tempered constantly, regardless of seasonal conditions, without taking long breaks in the process. It is desirable that they become an integral part of the daily routine of the baby along with sleeping, washing, walking and playing. When the baby gets used to them, and this does not take much time, they will take on the character of ordinary daily activities.
  2. Consistency and continuity. It is necessary to gradually increase the duration of the procedures and consistently, not abruptly, lower the air temperature during the hardening process. This rule is paramount for children. early age and those who have a weakened body.
  3. Age and individual characteristics... When hardening, it is always worth considering the physical condition and age of the child. Special care should be taken when hardening weaker children, but you need to deal with such procedures with them in mandatory... In case of illness, it is necessary to find out from the doctor which of the procedures can be continued with at least a lesser force of influence. However, if it is necessary to stop hardening until the moment of complete recovery, at the end of the disease, the procedures will have to start from the very beginning.
  4. Good mood of the little one and freedom of movement. Hardening procedures will not bring the desired effect and will be rather useless if carried out with a crying and restless child. The baby should not be afraid of the hardening process.
  5. Monitoring the condition of the baby's hands, feet and nose before and during hardening. They should be and remain warm. Severe hypothermia due to cool air can adversely affect the child's body.

Air baths must be done regularly, while you need to monitor the state of the crumbs

Air hardening

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Air hardening procedures are very simple and do not require special knowledge, skills and devices. The only thing that will be required from parents is their time and desire to lay a good foundation in the health of their child. It is also useful to know how to properly temper and how long and how often to carry out specific procedures. There are three main methods of air hardening. It:

Ventilation of the room

The simplest method of air hardening, which does not require the participation of the newborn, is airing. The end-to-end method gives the best effect. To do this, open windows and doors in a ventilated area. Thus, the room will circulate air that has entered it from the street. Naturally, during this period, the child should not be there. Only after the room is filled with freshness, and the air temperature in it drops by 1-2 degrees, you can, after closing the windows, bring the baby back. There is no need to change the baby into warmer clothes after airing.

Ventilation is a must daily condition keeping the child in the house. This event will not only lower the temperature in the room, but also saturate the air with moisture, which is so necessary for the child's breathing.

When it is cold outside, the airing procedure should be carried out 4-5 times every day for 10-15 minutes. V summer season the windows in the house must be open at all times.

Pediatricians recommend maintaining the air temperature in the room where the newborn is most of the time, within 18-22 degrees Celsius. According to research results, more than heat indoors affects the rate of growth and development of the crumbs.

Walks in the open air

The more you are outdoors in the open air, the better. V summer time years on the street you can sleep, feed, play, exercise and so on. However, you need to walk not only in summer, but at any time of the year. It is important to dress the child according to the weather, while trying not to wrap him up too much.

After discharge from the hospital, all mothers are concerned about the issue of walking, namely when you can go out for a walk with a newborn and how long the walks should last. If the air temperature outside does not drop below minus 5 degrees Celsius, then a baby at the age of 2-3 weeks can be safely taken out for a walk. The first walk should not last more than 10-15 minutes. Gradually, this time needs to be increased and brought to 1.5-2 hours. It is advisable to walk at least 2 times a day. When it is warm, the number of walks can be more, and their duration can vary from 2 to 2.5 hours. You can walk between feedings both during the waking period and go to sleep for the baby. In principle, up to 1.5 years is preferable daytime sleep carry out the child in the fresh air.

As for the correct dressing of the newborn on the street, there are a number of signs by which it is easy to understand that the child is comfortable in the clothes that are on him. He:

  • sleeps soundly;
  • falls asleep easily and quickly;
  • breathes evenly;
  • does not sweat;
  • him pink color faces and warm limbs.

Walking with the child should be arranged as often as possible, while it is important to select the necessary clothes that are comfortable for the baby

In case of severe hypothermia, restless sleep is observed, the nose and limbs become cold, and the face becomes blue. Overheating is similarly characterized by restless sleep, plus the baby's forehead sweats and the skin becomes moist. It is also important that during walks the baby is more in the shade and is well protected from the wind.

Air baths are when a child is naked indoors or outdoors for some time. Procedures of this kind are beneficial for the body in that they:

  • increase the resistance of the child's body to infectious diseases, especially for infections that affect the respiratory organs;
  • contribute to the normalization of the thermoregulation process in babies;
  • prevent inflammatory diseases of the skin;
  • improve the condition nervous system, the baby becomes more calm;
  • increase the absorption and saturation of the body with oxygen;
  • cause good appetite and sound sleep.

Arrange indoor air baths with a newborn should begin 2-3 weeks after birth. It is also important to observe certain rules, namely:

  1. In the first month of life, air baths consist in swaddling, that is, when changing diapers, you can leave a naked baby lying for 1-2 minutes. It is enough to do this 2-3 times daily.
  2. At 1.5 months, hardening can be combined with gymnastics and massage, while gradually lowering the temperature to 18-20 degrees.
  3. Over the course of 6 months, the time of the procedures should be increased to 10 minutes, performing them 2 times a day. You can start with 3 minutes and add a minute every day.
  4. It is important not to overcool the baby in the process. When the first signs of hypothermia appear in the form goose bumps, you need to immediately put on the baby and in the future reduce the duration of the procedures (we recommend reading :). If sleep and appetite are disturbed, it is worth stopping air baths for a certain period.

Sunbathing is best done in the morning until the sun is too hot

In summer time perfect option Is a combination of air baths with sun baths. If the latter is carried out correctly, then they will have a very beneficial effect on the body. To the pluses of exposure ultraviolet rays can be attributed:

  • death of pathogenic microbes;
  • improving metabolism and absorption of nutrients;
  • improvement of the qualitative composition of blood;
  • increasing resistance to various diseases, in particular rickets.

It is important to know the measure in the use of sunbathing, so as not to harm the baby. Ideal age to start such procedures - 1 year, although you can start doing them as early as six months.

Sun hardening should be carried out in the morning from 9.00 to 11.00 or after 16.00. During these hours, the child will receive maximum amount ultraviolet radiation with minimal heat exposure. You can spend sunbathing when the thermometer shows more than 13-20 degrees in the shade. The first procedures should take about 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to bring the duration to 5-10 minutes, increasing it by 1 minute every two days.

When hardening a baby in the sun, it is important to protect it. To protect his eyes, you should wear a hat with large fields... Also, you need to start the procedures only half an hour after eating, and after they are finished, you can pour water on the baby with a temperature of 28-32 ° C. It is also worth considering the fact that children with redheads and blond hair are more sensitive to the sun and they overheat faster.

You probably noticed how fatigue disappears in the fresh air, vigor and cheerfulness appear, therefore, as soon as you have a free minute, you rush for a walk in the forest or park. These are air baths. This is a direct and relatively short-term exposure to air on the exposed surface of the body. This hardening method is so gentle that it is recommended even for newborns. Air baths can be general and local, they have a positive effect on strengthening the immune system. This method hardening can be used as an independent therapeutic procedure, as well as a preparatory or accompanying sunbathing. The effect of air baths on the human body consists of the total influence of a number of meteorological factors, such as humidity and air velocity, its temperature, diffused and reflected solar radiation... Thus, the main acting factors that determine the therapeutic effect of air baths are solar radiation and temperature irritation. It should be noted that the smaller the difference between body temperature and air, as well as the lower the humidity and the weaker the wind, the less the effect of the air bath will be.

How to take air baths

In order to properly take air baths, first you need to equip a special area - a kind of aerarium in the garden or on personal plot... This could well be a veranda with a wooden canopy, a shaded area under a canopy, or trees. If you need to strengthen your immunity, then full exposure is desirable while taking air baths. However, in some cases this is not possible, therefore, for this procedure, it is recommended to use summer clothes at a minimum, and in winter time make it easier.

Depending on the air temperature, air baths are distinguished cold (10-15 degrees), cool (15-20 degrees), indifferent (20-25 degrees), warm (25-30 degrees) and hot (over 30 degrees). During the reception of this procedure, it is recommended to bare the body gradually, first the arms and legs, and then other parts. It is best to start hardening with warm or indifferent air baths, that is, the air temperature should be about 20 degrees, and the air speed should not exceed 4m / s.

It is recommended to take air baths every day in the morning, about 30 minutes after breakfast. The duration of the first procedure should be 10 minutes, then every day you need to add 5-10 minutes and bring up to 1-2 hours or more. The duration of air baths, as a rule, depends on the weather and the general condition of people. Once you are used to prolonged sessions, try to gradually reduce the air temperature. A healthy person can bring the reception of this procedure even to a small sub-zero temperature... In cool weather, air baths can be combined with walking barefoot on the ground (floor), outdoor games and walks. In summer they are very popular. air-sun baths... For achievement maximum effect, after aerial procedures, you can take a shower or a bath, douche or wipe, and in the summer you can swim in the river or the sea.

Air baths: benefits and harms

Air irritation of the nerve endings that are embedded in the skin causes a reflex reaction internal organs, in particular the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. As a result, blood circulation improves, breathing deepens and ventilation of the lungs improves. As a result of the action of air baths, metabolic processes are significantly enhanced, and the condition of the skin improves. After a long day of work, a tense mental or physical work it is recommended to take air baths. After a while, your mood will improve and general state will return to normal. This procedure is of no small importance as a means of hardening the body, that is, as a means that increases the body's resistance to various harmful influences, in particular to infectious and colds.

Air baths are an excellent preventive measure that is recommended even healthy people... They are best used in conjunction with morning exercises and wet rubdowns, as essential elements of a rational regimen. Very often, air baths are also used as a therapeutic agent, especially for hypertension, for functional disorders of the central nervous system, as well as for pulmonary tuberculosis. However, remember that in this case it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Air baths are categorically contraindicated in acute diseases, fever, emaciated patients, as well as with significant violations of the heart and kidneys, tuberculosis patients with pleurisy and a tendency to hemoptysis. It is also not recommended to take air baths during menstruation, especially for weakened women.

Air baths should not be taken at low temperatures together with high humidity... Also, you cannot carry out procedures outside if there is precipitation or fog. When taking air baths in babies, be sure to be careful, because they have very weak thermoregulation. And the less the baby is, the weaker the thermoregulation. To begin with, you should teach your child to breathe fresh air. It is recommended to walk for about 3 hours a day, and do not swaddle too much. The kid should receive vitamins and minerals in accordance with age. It should be remembered that at the very beginning, air baths can cause not very good sensations in the body, and abdominal pain can occur. But over time, such sensations gradually disappear.

This type of treatment, such as prolonged exposure to air, in recent times called "veranda treatment", although it is obvious that prolonged exposure to air is possible not only on verandas. Only those parts of the body that are free of clothing are directly exposed to air. This method of treatment is considered less active than air baths, but here great importance has a duration. Of course, the forms of long-term exposure to the air are determined by local conditions and possibilities. In addition to verandas, it is quite possible to use balconies, sheltered areas in the garden, forest or courtyard. Patients, depending on how they feel, can lie (on couches, folding beds) or sit in a chair. The main thing here is that the patient is comfortable and that he does not get tired. Dress appropriately for the season and weather. In winter, cover yourself with a cotton blanket over your clothes. However, you should not wrap yourself up unnecessarily, it should not be either cold or hot. The duration of stay in the fresh air can range from a few hours to around the clock exposure to air. With this method of treatment, there is no need to be afraid of an overdose, because the longer you stay in the fresh air, the better. If, for some reason, it is impossible to stay in the fresh air for a long time, then it is recommended to open the windows wide in the room. Has great health-improving value night sleep with open windows or at least with an open window.

You probably noticed how fatigue goes away in the fresh air, vigor and cheerfulness appear, therefore, as soon as you have a free minute, hurry up for a walk in the forest or in the park. These are yours air baths... It turns out that these walks can be made even more rewarding! How, we will tell you further ...

We turn ordinary walks into useful ones air baths

Do you have an ear ache from city noise and dizzy from polluted air? Go for a walk in the woods, regardless of the air temperature, and use the readings of the thermometer outside your window to the advantage!

Air baths such a gentle way of hardening that I recommend them even for newborns.

It is best to start air baths in the summer. To do this, it is enough to walk in light clothes on a cool morning so that the skin feels "chill". But that doesn't mean you have to freeze and get sick. Undress gradually so that the body painlessly gets used to the temperature.

What you need to know about air baths

Air baths are general and partial. If you are in the fresh air completely naked, then this is a general air bath, if you bare only your legs and torso, then it is partial.

Also, baths are lukewarm, cool and cold - depending on the temperature. Lukewarm - more than 22 degrees, cool - 17-20 degrees, cold - less than 16 degrees.

Bathing rules

  1. It is best to take a "bath" in motion and take off your clothes very quickly. As soon as you feel a chill, dress immediately.
  2. After the procedure, put on clothes slightly warmer than what you usually wear in this weather, and lie on a hard surface with a roller under your head.
  3. Do not sweat under any circumstances.
  4. The best time for bathing is right after sunrise or at least before 10 am.
  5. Take a bath every day for a month, then give your body three days of rest. Follow this plan for up to three months.
  6. With a sick liver and diseases of other internal organs, baths can be taken longer.
  7. Start baths at 15-20 degrees, staying in the air for up to 30 minutes. Add 10 minutes every day until your time outside is two hours.
  8. Do not take a "bath" in windy weather.

Nature itself invents medicines for your body. You just need to learn how to use them.

The benefits of air hardening for the baby's body

Hardening does not apply to treatment methods, this is a preventive action, but if you adhere to this method of dealing with various colds, then parents can safely expect that their babies will be distinguished by high endurance and a strong immune system.

The specificity of the method of hardening a baby from a very early age by air procedures leads to the development of a persistent protective factor by the body in relation to different types harmful bacteria and infections.

Method of air procedures for newborns: how and how long to harden?

Experts advise, before carrying out procedures for hardening babies, to get acquainted with the basic principles of their effect on the child's body. Before starting the course, doctors advise you to turn Special attention on the following factors:

  • Individual characteristics and approach.
  • The sequence of the procedures.
  • Systematic implementation with a gradual increase in exposure factors.
  • Mixing general principles of hardening with local ones.
  • Gradual adaptation to new types of loads during air bath hardening of newborns.

Airing the apartment

The beginning of the course for hardening newborns is to ventilate the premises in which they are located. If the baby does not have individual prohibitions, regardless of the season, the room should be systematically ventilated. If it is too cold outside (from -100C), you only need to use the window, opening it for 15-20 minutes, monitoring the air temperature in the room. Experts advise airing the premises in the following format:

  • For newborns, whose doctors have recognized as absolutely healthy, ventilation of the premises should be carried out 3-4 times a day with an increase in procedures up to 7-9 times.
  • For children with minor health problems, ventilation is performed 2-3 times a day. After the child's health is fully restored, the number of procedures increases.
  • For babies who have colds with the threat of becoming chronic, hardening is performed in a gentle mode: at the time of airing, the baby is taken out of the room, and returned when the window (window) is closed. In the future, the number of procedures is gradually increased and with obvious improvements, they are brought to the standards that apply to healthy children.

In all cases, initially, when airing, the temperature drop in the room where the newborn is located should not drop more than 3-4 degrees. Later, provided that the baby responds well to the technique, the premises are ventilated for a longer period.

With babies with whom they begin to engage in this type of hardening from birth, in the future, there are practically no problems with hypothermia. Getting into nurseries, kindergartens, schools and other childcare institutions, where special attention is paid to airing, hardened children are much less likely to get colds than the category of babies who are usually called "hothouse".

Indoor air baths naked

Gradually, moving on to other procedures, with the help of which the child's body is tempered, specialists pay special attention to air baths, when the baby is completely undressed and allowed to stay in this position for some time. What is the use of such procedures and why infants are recommended this particular method of hardening from the very first days after birth:

  • The baby becomes less susceptible to infections and colds.
  • Thermoregulation in children who are hardened by taking air baths naked is noticeably improved: children are not capricious when the temperature changes, their behavior is calm, after the procedures the child remains active, but at the same time his sleep is distinguished by calmness.
  • The skin of the child has better protection in relation to lesions of the dermis and diseases that bother babies during this period: prickly heat, diaper dermatitis and others.
  • Children are distinguished by calmness, nervous breakdowns are not noticeable in their behavior, they are more active in development.
  • Children have a good appetite.

Initially, nude hardening is reduced to short-term undressing of the newborn at the time of diaper change. As a rule, 2-4 minutes is enough for a child to get used to such procedures in a week. Further, the child can be undressed more often, play with him, perform gymnastic exercises for the development of the muscular and skeletal system. After the first three months, the duration of the procedures can be increased up to 15 minutes, with a decrease in the room temperature to 18-200C.

Winter walks

Babies who are born in the summer are allowed walks in the fresh air almost from the first days of birth. The main condition for mothers is the correct selection of clothes, with the condition that the newborn is not too hot, but at the same time, he is not exposed to drafts.

In non-frosty winters, when the temperature drop does not exceed -50C, already at 2 weeks of age, mothers can take their babies outside for short walks in the fresh air. The first winter walks should take place in places where there are no strong drafts, accumulations of dust and other aggressive factors, for a period of no more than 15 minutes. Gradually increasing the time spent outdoors, already in the first 3 months of life, the baby can be outdoors for 30 to 50 minutes.

Walking in the fresh air should gradually increase in length of stay: for 6 month old babies, 2-3 times a day from 1 to 1.5 hours is the norm. At the time of walks, mothers should provide their babies with a comfortable stay in the fresh air: choose the right clothes, if necessary, use a blanket and other things so that the child does not freeze, but at the same time he is not too hot.

How can you determine that the newborn has the right set of warm clothes and that walks in the fresh air are good for him:

  • The child is not capricious, actively responds to toys suspended in the stroller.
  • The kid quickly falls asleep, his breathing is even.
  • After returning from a walk, all of the baby's things are dry, the baby's skin is not sweaty and at the same time pink.

It is rather difficult to answer the question: how long can you walk with a baby. If during sleep the child develops a bluish color under the eyes and on the cheeks, the nose becomes cold, the child is constantly tossing and turning - all the signs of hypothermia are visible on the face.

Sleeping in the fresh air

The most useful moment of walks in the fresh air for a baby is a nap. That is why, in the first months of a baby's life, parents are advised to buy a stroller of this format, in which the baby could feel comfortable at the time of sleep while walking.

Young mothers often ask children's doctors a question: why does the child spin in the room during sleep, often turns over, and falls asleep almost instantly on walks, and at the same time, his breathing is even, his complexion is pink, and the newborn himself is active and cheerful after such a rest. Fresh air, especially if walks are carried out in places where there is no dust, there is no loud noise, for example, in a park, gardens, squares, it is very useful for the body. At the time of sleep, the baby is fully resting: his breathing is even and at the same time the child practically does not react to extraneous sounds. If the possibilities for walking are limited, experts recommend using balconies and loggias, laying the baby for a nap, opening one of the windows completely, while keeping an eye on the absence of drafts. In this case, the walking procedure should be regular and at about the same time.

Contraindications for taking air baths in infants

Despite all the advantages of air baths, there are a number of contraindications that temporarily or completely prohibit such procedures.

  • The presence of an elevated temperature in the acute stage of colds.
  • Negative reaction of the baby.
  • Diseases of an infectious nature.
  • Deterioration of the baby's health: weight loss, appetite loss.
  • The presence of genetic diseases that have become chronic.
  • Prematurity.

If positive changes occur in the baby's body with age, then only after the specialists give permission, you can gradually teach the baby to change temperature regime by hardening method.

The fact is that the layer of air between clothes and our skin usually has a constant temperature of 27-28 ° C. As soon as we get rid of clothes, the intensity of heat transfer and heat generation increases.

At the same time, metabolic processes, blood oxygen saturation, muscle and nervous system tone are enhanced, and breathing improves. In addition, blood pressure normalizes, sleep, appetite and even mood improve.

How to take air baths: step by step instructions

  • The optimal start time for air baths is summer period, and in the morning.
  • This can be done indoors with windows open, or outdoors if there is no wind.
  • Suitable air temperature for beginners is from 22 ° C. At first, 10-15 minutes is enough, then add 10-20 minutes every day, bringing up to two hours.
  • After that, you can gradually lower the temperature. Air baths are warm (more than 22 degrees), cool (17-20 degrees) and cold (less than 16 degrees).
  • Accept air bath preferably on the move and remove clothing quickly. If you feel chills, get dressed.
  • Sweat should not be allowed during the air bath.
  • Try combining an air bath with gymnastics or barefoot walking.
  • After the air bath, put on a piece of clothing slightly warmer than you usually wear in this weather, and lie down on a hard surface with a bolster under your head.
  • In addition to morning baths, you can arrange these treatments before dinner.
  • Ideal if you can take an air bath by the sea, in the mountains or near the forest. The air there is enriched with phytoncides - volatile compounds with antimicrobial properties. They are also beneficial for the lungs, heart, blood vessels and metabolism. On the coast, ozone is better absorbed, due to which the level of hemoglobin increases, immunity is strengthened, and efficiency is stimulated.
  • If it is cold outside, there is rainfall or fog, as well as strong winds, air baths are transferred indoors so as not to get sick.

Air baths are recommended for infants, but they should be carried out taking into account the difference between children's thermoregulation and adults. To make the child well tolerate air baths, accustom him to fresh and cool air. Do not wrap up the baby either at home or on the street. Ventilate the room more often, make sure that the temperature does not exceed 19-20 ° C. Walk with him as long as possible.

People with poor health should start air baths with three minutes a day.

The duration of a course of baths is usually a month, then a three-day break, and again a month of procedures, and so on up to three months. But if there is a disease of the liver or other internal organs, it is recommended to prolong the treatment.

Air treatments are only the first step towards hardening. Having mastered them, you can safely move on to water.