Beautiful azalea - care and breeding. Indoor azalea flower - care and proper cultivation

Azalea (rhododendron) is rightfully on the list of the most beautiful indoor plants. Bright flowers bloom in the middle of winter, creating a unique atmosphere in the room. However, this beauty is very whimsical and requires constant attention.

Who is Azalea

The homeland of azaleas (or rhododendrons) is the humid highlands of the northern hemisphere. In nature, the height of these plants ranges from 10 cm to 10 m.

When in the mid-18th century, the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus described 3 evergreen and 6 deciduous plants from this family, he classified the first as rhododendrons, and the latter as azaleas. Since then, rhododendrons, which are grown in closed ground(at home or in greenhouses) are called azaleas.

This plant is quite whimsical. However, all the care efforts are justified by the luxurious flowers that azalea bestows on its owners.

The stems and leaves of the plant are poisonous; azalea should be kept away from small children and pets.

Azaleas varieties

  • Indian. The main ancestor of varieties indoor azaleas - natural look Indian rhododendron, or Simsa, growing in humid mountain forests. He gave rise to many different hybrids. The flowers are large, bright, pink-red, up to 5 cm in diameter, usually located 2–6 in the leaf axils. There are other colors: white, yellow, red, cream, and two-color.
  • Japanese. The flowers are smaller than those of the Indian one. Japanese azalea is grown in the garden mainly in regions with a mild and humid climate. Flower colors are white, lilac, pink, red and red-orange.
  • Deciduous varieties. A series of hybrid varieties descended from Pontine azalea. These are shrubs 1–1.5 m in height. The flowers are very bright: white, yellow, orange, red, pink. They bloom at the same time or before the leaves bloom. Winter-hardy, can withstand temperatures down to -29 o C.

Photo gallery: azalea varieties

Deciduous varieties of azaleas are winter-hardy
Japanese azalea is grown in regions with mild and humid climates
Indian azalea - the ancestor of the most popular varieties

Living conditions in different seasons (table)

Spring-summer10–15 o C. This temperature is difficult summer time, even in middle lane Russia. Therefore, azalea rarely blooms in summer.Unacceptable direct hit sunlight, diffused light is required. You can take it out into the garden and dig it directly into a pot in partial shade.70–80%. Under the pot there should be a tray with damp pebbles or moss.
Autumn-winterIn October-December - 6–10°C (for successful formation of flower buds), in January-February - 15–17°C (this temperature stimulates flowering).Scattered light.Spray every day. The drops should be small, because large ones leave spots on the plant. During flowering, refrain from spraying.

Planting and transplanting

As a rule, azaleas are bought or given as a flowering plant. After the plant has flowered, the plant needs to be replanted.

It is not common to find indoor plants that require acidic soil with a pH level of 4–4.5. For planting, it is better to buy special soil for azaleas (or acidophilic plants, i.e. those that love acidic soil), since it is quite difficult to collect it yourself. Don't forget about the drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Root system Azaleas are superficial, so you will need a shallow and wide pot. The roots are very delicate, so the azalea is replanted by transferring an earthen clod. IN new pot then they just fill it up required quantity land.

Azaleas up to 3 years old are replanted annually in late spring, and older ones - once every 2 or 3 years.

Azalea care


The soil in the pot should always be moist - but not soggy. For watering it is ideal to use rain or melt water, in the absence of one - defended. Since azaleas love an acidic environment, you can periodically add lemon juice to the watering water (5-7 drops per 1 liter of water). Many gardeners use this method of watering: they pour it not into the pot at the root, but into a tray, and the plant itself “pulls out” the required amount of water.

Top dressing

For feeding, you should use a special fertilizer for azaleas. Feeding schedule: in spring and summer - weekly (the fertilizer must be prepared in accordance with the instructions). In winter and autumn, when buds are forming, the plant should be watered with a superphosphate solution (15 g of substance per 10 liters of water).


Proper, timely pruning of an azalea bush is the key to high-quality, abundant flowering. Pruning is done in May. New shoots are pinched so that 4–5 leaves remain on them. If a shoot appears near a flower bud, it is cut off.

You can choose the type of crown - tree-like or bush-like. To make a small tree, you need to select the strongest branch (this will be the trunk), and cut off the remaining shoots. The trunk should be tied to a support for stability. When the height of the shoot reaches the desired size, the top is pinched, after which the plant begins to branch. After this, you sometimes need to turn the plant, pinching the shoots, achieving a ball shape.

To form a bush, shoots are pinched at a distance of 10 cm from the surface of the ground. To ensure uniform development of the branches, turn the pot from time to time.

In subsequent years, this form is maintained, and weak branches that thicken the crown and unhealthy branches also need to be removed.

Flowering period

Azalea flowers are magnificent - their decorative nature attracts gardeners. Cut flowers stay fresh for a long time; one inflorescence can easily replace a bouquet. The plant blooms in winter, bringing spring freshness into winter everyday life.

The bud, swelling, produces 2–4 buds. When the flowers fade, they need to be removed along with the flower stalks, then the bush will delight with flowering longer. It is also necessary to remove the seed pods, since the plant expends energy on ripening the seeds.

Rest period

At the end of spring, when flowering ends, azaleas enter a dormant period. The plant is pruned, replanted if necessary, removed to partial shade or taken out into the garden. Watering, spraying and fertilizing do not stop.

Table: care errors and ways to eliminate them

Problem Cause Solutions
Leaves are fallingThe balance of living conditions is disturbed - the air is too dry or too humid, the temperature is too low or too highControl humidity levels and temperature
Spider miteIf it does not bloom, spray the plant often (the mite does not like a humid environment), and when flowering, use a soap solution and chemicals.
Leaves turn yellowChlorosis developsAcidify water for irrigation. Monitor the temperature level (15–16 o C). Spray with Ferovit or magnesium sulfate.
Damage by scale insects (you can recognize it by the brown plaques that appear on the leaves)Treat with soapy water. If there are large numbers of scale insects, use chemicals.
The leaves are dryingAzalea moth (visible to the naked eye, has the shape of a caterpillar)Collect pests by hand. Treat the plant with a chemical.
Low air humiditySpray, place on a tray with wet pebbles.
High temperatureMaintain temperature conditions (15–16 o C).
The plant is exposed to direct sunlightProvide azaleas with diffused lighting.
Insufficient feedingAdjust the feeding regime.
Little lightProvide azaleas with good indirect lighting.
Root rot due to excess waterReduce watering. You may have to replant the plant: remove it from the pot, wrap the roots with thin paper to absorb excess moisture, and leave for 2 days. Plant in new soil.
Leaves dry out during floweringNot enough waterProvide the flower with more water.
The leaves turn blackThrips damage ( small insect, not always visible to the naked eye)Treat with Karbofos (according to instructions).
Rhododendron mite infestationTreat with Diazinon (according to instructions).
The plant withers, does not bloom, or blooms poorlyPoor quality soilReplant the flower in high-quality soil. Adjust the feeding regime.
The tips of the leaves turn brownWatering with hard waterUse soft, settled water for irrigation.

Photo gallery: problems when growing azaleas

At the end of autumn, in some windows you can see the beautiful inflorescences of an amazing southern plant - azaleas. Several dozen delicate flowers of pink or white shades bloom at once on a small bush, due to which the leaves are practically invisible.

This is truly impressive sight, but not every gardener can see it. The reason is that azalea requires special attention and care, and whoever refuses to provide her with maximum care remains “on the nose.”

My neighbor claims that the Asian beauty does not like our weather variability and shortages at all. sunlight, so only a few manage to observe its elegant flowering.

She herself loves azaleas very much and can boast of her experience in growing these whimsical indoor flowers. Let’s try and take as much information as possible from what she told us about this bush plant.

The birthplace of this culture is India and China, as well as some countries in South Asia. There, azalea grows as a low evergreen shrub that has elliptical leaves and flat or tubular-shaped flowers.

Azalia inflorescences are very diverse in shape; they can be simple, double, or with fringed edges. The flowers are striking in their shades, among them there are monochromatic and variegated ones. Azalea blooms can be white, red, purple, coral and pink.

The leaves, up to three and a half centimeters in size, are slightly pubescent, have a dark green matte color below, and shiny on the outside. outside. Lovers of home azaleas most often encounter only two types of plants: Japanese and Indian azalea, but they are also very interesting, since many plants with unusual flower shapes have been bred based on these species.

Let's take a closer look at each of the representatives:

  • The Indian species is quite compact in size, measuring only 50 cm, while in open ground this species can grow up to 1.5 m. All representatives of this group have various colors, shapes, sizes of flowers, flowering times.
  • Japanese species of azaleas room conditions grows up to 60 cm, these bushes eventually develop a shape that is completely strewn with buds and inflorescences. The popularity of these particular varieties is due to their abundant flowering, although in other respects they are somewhat inferior. There are hundreds of varieties in this group that are used to decorate greenhouses, winter gardens, rooms and office buildings.

How to properly care for azaleas at home

Any exotic plant, grown indoors, will bloom brightly and grow actively if it is provided with conditions close to natural, and this is, first of all, room lighting, temperature and air humidity. These “three pillars” are based on the rules of care.

The rosalia flower, as I also call it, loves diffused light, which is why it is worth “settling” it on the eastern side; if this is not possible, then a western or northern window sill will do.

But, under no circumstances push it into the corner farthest from the window sill, this is tantamount to death, as the plant will die, or at best will not grow and bloom. The south is also not suitable; in direct sunlight, your pet will shed its leaves and stop growing, so before buying a flower, consider the possibility of arrangement.

The air temperature must be constant and strictly observed; any changes are detrimental to the flower. IN summer period the content should be at a temperature of + 19 to 21 degrees, and in winter a couple of degrees lower than + 16 – 19 degrees.

But this is not the most important thing; at the time when buds are being laid on the bush, the temperature should drop to +11-13 degrees. How to achieve these parameters, because in a city apartment all these unthinkable manipulations are practically impossible.

There is a solution - my neighbor, an azalea lover, installs an air conditioner next to them, which allows you to set the desired thermal regime and thereby please capricious beauty. When the heating season begins in our apartments, many people use the space on the loggia, because it is during this time that azaleas autumn time buds begin to form.

How to water and humidify the air

The main condition for proper cultivation, active growth and good health of the flower is timely moistening of the soil; as soon as drought occurs in the pot, the plant immediately reacts and begins to shed its leaves, thereby saying: “I don’t feel well!”

For the flower to feel good, the irrigation water should sit for two days and be slightly acidic. This is done using citric acid, a few crystals per liter of liquid are enough.

If the air is hot and it is impossible to reduce the temperature, the azalea is placed in a container with water so that the roots absorb the water and the soil is thoroughly wet.

In general, for this type of plant, humidity is a favorable environment, because in its native latitudes it is fully provided with moisture. To saturate the air around the bush with moisture, you can resort to several methods:

  • If the plant is in normal condition and does not bloom, you can irrigate it daily with warm, settled water, but during flowering it is better to abandon this idea, as the petals will darken and spoil the appearance of the plant.
  • Many gardeners use a container of water, which they place next to the azalea; it feeds on evaporation and feels quite comfortable.
  • You can use a humidifier.

Soil and nutritional supplements

The rules for preparing soil for azaleas are as follows: the substrate must be acidic, but there is no need to worry about this; today, ready-made soil is sold especially for azaleas, which meets all the parameters of acidity and nutritional composition.

For self-study soil will require coniferous soil, river sand and moss in proportions 2X1X1. Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and only then the soil mixture is poured out.

As for fertilizing, there should be a lot of it: in spring and summer, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate, ammonium sulfate and potassium sulfate are required. This mixture of components is added once every seven days in the amount of 10 g per bucket of water.

During the formation of buds and flowering, watering a solution consisting of 15 g of superphosphate and 10 liters of water is required. It is enough to feed the plant once a week so that it blooms long and luxuriantly.

Transplanting azalea

When the young plant has grown and the root system is already crowded in the previous container, the azalea must be transplanted into a larger pot. Such manipulations are required almost every year, while the plant is still gaining strength. After three years an adult bush can be left alone and replanted only once every three years.

It is necessary to replant after purchase two weeks later, when the plant adapts to home conditions. Provided that you bought flowering bush, you should wait for the end of this wonderful process and only then transplant it into new soil.

In order not to damage the roots of the flower, it is transferred to a new container. The earthen lump should not be destroyed, this is due to the thinness of the roots, the life of the flower depends on them.

The new container should be low, a drainage mixture is placed at the bottom, a small amount of soil, then a flower with roots, the side space is carefully filled with the remains of the soil. The root collar is not buried, it remains just above the soil level.

A newly planted bush should be cared for even more carefully, as it needs time to get used to new conditions.

The soil must always be kept moist and the temperature must be normal.

Possible diseases and harmful insects

Of course, if the grower follows all the rules for caring for this capricious plant, then it will not get sick. However, not everyone and not always manages to fulfill all the conditions, so we will tell you about some of the ailments to which azalea is susceptible.

  • Dry air and heat often provoke the appearance of pests such as spider mite. These insects quickly entangle the leaves and stems of the flower in a web, suck out their juices, after which the leaves turn yellow and are dropped. Here you can use grandma’s method: rinse the branches under the running shower and then use a soapy solution. If there is no result, processing is performed chemicals: “Fitoverm”, “Aktelikoy”.
  • Scale is also a common insect that attacks azalea foliage and appears as brown raised dots. In this case, Aktara and Karbofos are used.
  • Among the popular diseases is chlorosis, in which the edges of the leaves become covered with spots. yellow. This can be affected by the lack of iron and magnesium in the soil, so urgently feed the flower.
  • Fundariasis – fungal disease when dried leaves appear on the bush. The disease is introduced with the soil. Treatment with antibiotics or foundationazole will be required.

Plant Formation

Pinching and pruning are necessary procedures for azaleas, during which weak shoots must be removed. This stimulates the appearance of young shoots and the formation of flowering branches. Young shoots should be cut back to the fifth leaf, this will help them bloom profusely.

Try planting an azalea on your windowsill; it will give you a real fragrant “bouquet” of delicate flowers and thank you for your attention.

Many gardeners are happy to grow Azaleas on their plots. This decorative flower attracts many with its beautiful appearance. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it blooms in winter, when everyone around is so lacking in bright colors.

Homeland and distinctive characteristics of indoor azalea

The plant is a deciduous small bush with beautiful rose-like flowers. Azalea was first discovered in China. To this day, it can be found in nature in the countries of China, India and Japan, where plants create entire thickets.

Translated, Azalea means “dry.” And in fact, until the bush blooms, the plant can be mistaken for a long-dried bush with small, rough leaves that look like paper. Based on its appearance, in Asia the plant is called a British rose, and in Germany - an alpine rose.

With proper care, an indoor flower will bloom very beautifully and profusely, to the point that the leaves simply will not be noticeable under the flowers.

Technology for growing azaleas at home

Azalea requires difficult care, the plant is so capricious that even experienced gardeners they become confused. Most often, a donated shrub dies or becomes frail after flowering, and even more often after transplantation, due to improper care. The main mistake of inexperienced flower growers is ignorance distinctive features Azaleas. Most often they use the same care as for other indoor flowers.

Azalea and garden rhododendron are almost identical plants, although there are still differences. Currently everything garden species This plant is called rhododendron, and indoor plants are called azalea. They both look simply incomparable, as in winter garden, and on any windowsill.

Soil and flower pot

Due to the fastidiousness of Azalea, it is better to buy soil that has already been specially prepared for planting this flower. For excellent result better purchase carry out in a proven place so that there is exact confidence that the selected soil meets all quality standards. The soil must contain inorganic substances, to increase its acidity. Specialists selecting the composition of the soil replace the unique heather soil with coniferous soil. Before planting, it must be thoroughly drained.

It is better to opt for a large and light pot. Thanks to its shallow root system, Azaleas do not need a very deep pot.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Azalea prefers cool weather. The most optimal temperature is 12 degrees. IN winter months, which exactly coincide with the flowering period, fulfilling this requirement will not be difficult. A place away from the battery is all that is needed. In summer, the plant is in a state of relative dormancy. At this time, it is best to take the pot out into the garden or vegetable garden and place it in the shade of trees. When the first buds appear, the temperature should be much lower, about 6-8 degrees. Sometimes, to ensure a similar temperature, Azalea is placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

But nothing special is required from lighting. Like most indoor flowers, Azalea prefers bright, diffused light and does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Features of growing azaleas (video)

Growing azaleas from seeds

In order to grow a normal plant from a seed, you need to know a certain technology:

  • Planting begins in early March. Sifted, moderately moist soil is required. Do not sprinkle the seeds with soil under any circumstances, this will make it difficult for young shoots to germinate.
  • For irrigation, use a sprayer with a special solution (add 0.3 grams of sulfuric or oxalic acid per 1 liter of water).
  • Germination rate is approximately 70 percent. The initial shoots appear already on the 8th day, and full germination lasts more than 2 weeks.
  • After the leaves appear, the seedlings spread out at a short distance from each other.
  • At the end of summer, for replanting separately, you need to choose the right pot (pot diameter no more than 8 cm).

How to water rhododendron correctly

Constant moderate irrigation is the main point in growing Azaleas. The main thing is to maintain proper balance of moisture in the soil. Too much large number water can lead to excessive soil dampness, which is unacceptable for Azaleas. Besides It is also unacceptable to overdry the soil. In this case, the flower may begin to shed its leaves. For irrigation, only softened water should be used. A little acidified with apple cider vinegar or lemon water (add 10-15 drops per 1 liter).

Fertilizing scheme

It is necessary to fertilize Azalea when the first flowers appear and until the very end of flowering. It is better not to conduct any experiments with fertilizers, but to buy them in trusted places and use them according to the written instructions.

How to care for azaleas in winter at home

In winter, the air in the apartment is dry. The plant should be watered daily and carefully, especially at the beginning heating season. When irrigating, be careful not to get moisture on the leaves. There are 2 ways to overwinter a plant: cold and warm.. The first involves keeping the flower in a zone of low temperatures (+2-4 degrees). Since plants require a lot of energy during the flowering period, the soil must be constantly fed. Young shoots that have arisen near the flower buds need to be plucked out. A greening plant can be moved from place to place, but after flowering it must be installed in permanent place and don't touch it.

How to trim an azalea (video)

Varieties of azalea

Anyone who has seen Azalea during the flowering period understands that it is very difficult to tear yourself away from this unusual spectacle. Luxurious snow-white, pink, purple, yellow and red hats stun the human imagination. For this reason, all gardeners and hobbyists dream of adding Azalea to their collection.

There are more than 600 species of Azalea. Only a few of them are common in Russia. And all the diversity and riot of colors are created by Azalea hybrids (the most popular is the indica mix), created by crossing deciduous and evergreen plants. Their habitat is the countries of America, Europe, and Asia.

However, today, breeders use other variations of Azalea varieties. As a result, specialists received a huge variety unusual plants with an amazing shape of inflorescences. Descriptions of varieties and their photos will help everyone decide on the choice of a specific Azalea for everyone.

Japanese azalea is an excellent decoration for any greenhouse or garden. In indoor conditions, the bush can grow up to 60 centimeters. Often, mature plant, takes on the appearance of a dense pillow, completely strewn with open flowers and buds. The white beauty pleases the eye all winter.

The flowers of this variety of Azaleas are small, but they are located next to each other, which creates the effect of a lush bedspread. The plant is common among amateurs due to its rather unpretentious nature.

This variety was obtained by crossing rhododendron simsi. In indoor conditions, this plant grows into a small bush (40-50 cm). In nature, there are a huge number of species of Indian Azaleas, differing in their flowering periods, colors, shape and size of inflorescences.

Compared to Japanese variety, That V in this case the flowers are much larger and brighter. They can be terry or corrugated with smooth or plain edges. Indian azalea is very rarely found in yellow or orange color, and purple or blue flowers do not exist in nature at all.

Azalea Vogel

This variety is the most beautiful of all known varieties. The bush can reach 50 centimeters in height. Lush inflorescences can be any color from pink to purple. Azalea Vogel requires very complex and time-consuming care. Most often purchased in a store flowering plant cannot adapt to indoor conditions and dies, so before purchasing, you must carefully study the care instructions.

Azalea Niobe

This variety can grow up to 70 cm. The diameter of its flowers does not exceed 8 centimeters. They can be white or light green with red specks on the double petals.

This variety has single flowers, up to 7 cm in diameter. Their funnel-shaped shape goes well with lilac or bright crimson color. This variety is often used as a rootstock for plants, which grow very poorly.

Azalea Celestina

This variety is a bush medium height. It is grown mainly in the garden. The flowers have a bright crimson color. They're smooth small size(up to 6 cm), pointed at the ends.

This variety differs from the rest in small dark green leaves and bright double flowers of pale pink color. The petals are semi-double with intact edges. This variety blooms for only 20 days. The most basic difference between this pink beauty is that it cannot be irrigated during the flowering period.

Azalea verveniana mitterfuch

This variety has not bright green-gray leaves with sharp ends. But its main difference is the unusual pink color of the petals. Wide stripes on huge flowers look quite extravagant. The flowering period of this variety is also short, less than 20 days. At this time, spraying is contraindicated.

Madame Jean Peters

This variety is distinguished by bright pink small double inflorescences. The wavy petals change their tone from light to dark towards their edges.

Why doesn't a houseplant bloom?

In order for Azalea to delight others with colorful blooms at the dullest time of the year, it is necessary to observe all the important factors affecting the plant. Failure to comply with them may result in a lack of flowering.

  1. During the formation of flower buds, it is necessary to maintain the required air temperature in the room (from +6 to + 8 degrees).
  2. Need to create correct lighting. Azaleas need bright lighting without direct sunlight on the plant.
  3. It is necessary to constantly irrigate the plant, but within normal limits.
  4. Constant pruning and pinching of shoots leads to lush, healthy flowering.
  5. Must be used for feeding mineral fertilizers without chlorine.

Flower diseases and pests

The plant may be susceptible to attack by aelia moth, greenhouse whitefly and mealybug.

Aelia moth damages Azalea leaves. B Without human intervention, caterpillars can crawl onto healthy leaves until they destroy everything. The greenhouse whitefly is a carrier of many viral bacteria and diseases, including sooty fungus.

Various mites can also harm Azaleas. When a strawberry mite gets on a plant, the plant stops growing and gradually dies. Red disrupts the functioning of the queen cells of adult Azaleas. As a result, all the leaves turn brown, dry out and fall off.

To prevent these pests, various specialized commercial chemicals are used.

How to plant an azalea (video)

Azalea is popular among gardeners all over the world. And this is connected not only with the beautiful appearance flower, but also with its flowering period, because it falls at a time when the majority of indoor plants are in a dormant period. For this reason, Azalea is often given as a chic bouquet in winter.

Azalea is a decorative indoor flower that is distinguished by its charming, very delicate flowers. It attracts the attention of many flower growers not only with its beauty. The time for flowering is winter time years when most indoor plants do not bloom. Its homeland is the territories of India and China. In its natural environment it grows in mountain forests of the northern hemisphere. In Japan, the flower is popular in bonsai culture. Keeping him in the apartment is a real joy. But he definitely needs care and proper care. Only in this case can abundant, long flowering be achieved.

Common types and varieties of azalea indoor plants and flower photographs

Evergreen, low-stemmed, decorative flower. It is grown only in small pots. Flower growers often give preference to the white azalea, which is a neat ornamental shrub and a mix when several species are grown in one pot.

This look is so different abundant flowering that the foliage is sometimes almost invisible behind the bright colors of the inflorescences. Grows in the form of a small ornamental shrub. It is better to plant it in groups along garden paths. Compositions that combine low-growing and tall shrubs look very impressive. This species is frost-resistant, so it is well suited for growing in our region.

Heat-loving, decorative, evergreen. Blooms profusely, brightly and tenderly. The flowering period lasts more than two months. Belongs to the heather family. On at the moment There are more than 800 species of rhododendron that are grown indoors.

How to care for an azalea plant at home

Watering the plant

  • Azalea loves moist soil, so the soil should always be slightly moist and not dry out completely until the next watering. The best option- water once every two days with small portions of water.
  • There should be no water in the pan. A flooded plant may begin to hurt and even die under unfavorable conditions. You should be especially careful with watering during flowering.
  • Tap water is not suitable for irrigation. It needs to be given time to settle so that the lime can settle to the bottom and the chlorine content decreases.
  • If the soil is very dry and the azalea dries out, it is recommended to immerse the pot in water for 1-2 hours, and then allow it to drain and place it back on the tray. This will help the roots become saturated with moisture and the plant will come to life again.
  • During flowering, it is not recommended to spray with water.

Lighting Features

Azaleas should be placed on windowsills where there is no direct sunlight.

Although azalea loves good lighting, it does not tolerate direct sunlight. The best option is to create diffused lighting conditions. In warm spring and summer, it can be taken out into the open air or onto a balcony so that it can breathe and get enough oxygen. But do not forget to protect from the bright sun.

Optimal temperature for the plant

The plant is sensitive to temperature.

  • In the cold season, she needs coolness. It is recommended to keep it in a room with a temperature of 12-16 degrees.
  • In the warm season, the temperature should be moderate, that is, within 20-25 degrees.
  • If in the summer the azalea was at the dacha, it needs to be taken to warm home before the onset of cold weather.


For azaleas, a room with high air humidity is best suited. This is worth paying attention to during the onset of cold weather and the heating season in apartments. It is at this time that the air in many homes becomes dry. The flower needs to be regularly sprayed with water, and it is better to purchase special humidifier air. It will be useful not only for flowers, but also for health.

Soil and fertilizing for indoor azalea flowers

When purchasing soil for azaleas, pay attention to its acidity.

What should the soil be like?

The flower is also capricious regarding the choice of soil for growing. It is best to purchase a ready-made special substrate “Terra Vita” or “Azalea” with the addition of sand (1/5). You can use ordinary garden soil with added sand, or pine soil. But, in this case, additional feeding is required, because this land is not at all rich in nutrients. You should also pay attention to the acidity of the soil. It should have a pH reaction of 3.5-5.

How to feed azalea?

  • Experienced gardeners recommend purchasing fertilizer designed specifically for azaleas (fertilizer for rhododendrons).
  • Fertilizers can be used for different decorative flowers(Lux, Fertika and others). The main thing is that the fertilizer does not contain alkaline reactions.
  • The plant is fed in the warm season, starting from mid-spring and ending in September (before the onset of cold weather).

How to properly replant an azalea

Choosing the right pot

The container should be wide and flat, since azalea has a superficial root system. The bottom must be lined with drainage.

Care after purchase

Many people do not pay attention to the choice of pot when purchasing. Some do not even replant and continue to grow in the container in which the flower was located. This is not correct. Containers are completely unsuitable for normal development and growth, and soil even more so. Plants in stores are in shipping peat soil, which grows so close to the roots that it is sometimes even difficult to clean before planting at home. The containers are very small or narrow and elongated. The root system does not develop correctly. Try to pay attention to young plants that have just begun their life. It will be easier to replant them at home and adapt them for further cultivation at home.

Watch the video about why you can’t replant an azalea after purchasing it.

Reproduction of indoor azalea flower

  • Most often, propagation is carried out using cuttings. The process is painstaking and time-consuming, but the most common among all methods. Cuttings are prepared only from healthy, mature plants. This can be done no more than once a year and only in the spring. Remember that young cuttings quickly wither, and old ones take too long to take root.
  • Sometimes propagated by grafting. This method is more often used in greenhouses where indoor flowers are grown. You need to have professional skills and abilities to properly vaccinate.
  • It is extremely rare to resort to growing azaleas from seeds. The process is too time-consuming and difficult. It is chosen by professionals in order to develop new varieties.

Secrets of abundant flowering

Diseases and pests of azaleas and care for them during this period

Problems appear when improper care. It is better to carry out disease prevention in advance to prevent the appearance of diseases and pests. For example, once every two weeks you can spray the plant with a one percent Bordeaux solution. The flower can be attacked by spider mites or moths. These pests are controlled using a soap solution. To prevent their appearance, the soil should always be moist and the air in the apartment should not be too dry.

A very difficult flower to grow, before buying this flower you should learn how to care for it.

Very common in our apartments, we would recommend this plant for beginning gardeners.

Note to the florist

Why do the leaves turn yellow and fall off?

This may happen due to improper watering. Too dry or wet soil destructive to the flower. Due to direct sunlight, azalea leaves may also fall off and turn yellow.

What to look for when buying an azalea?

In the store you should give preference to a flower with unopened buds. Check for pests and dry leaves. Test the soil with your fingers. It should not be too wet or dry.

Modern varieties of azaleas amaze the imagination with an abundance of colors and various shapes petals. Since the plant is a flowering plant, it is popular and is often used to decorate the interior. Some people are so captivated by this flower that they create entire collections. different varieties azaleas and enjoy caring for them.

Azaleas are classified as beautiful flowering shrubs of the Heather family. In nature, it is widespread in Southeast Asia, the Himalayas, New Guinea, some European countries and the Caucasus. Initially, azaleas began to be called some types of beautiful rhododendrons. Translated, rhododendron means rose tree. Now both names of this shrub have taken root. Azalea is considered not too whimsical and quite suitable for keeping at home, where it will definitely please you with proper care.

  • Externally, rhododendron is a compact branched bush. Its young shoots are pubescent in the form of brownish or gray hairs.
  • The lanceolate leaves are also pubescent both above and below. Their size is 2.5-3 centimeters.
  • The flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-6 pieces and located in the axils of the leaves. The plant begins to bloom at the age of 3.
  • The flowering period lasts from January to April. At this time, the azalea looks very attractive, almost completely covered with delicate bright flowers.
  • The inflorescences have no smell.

The two main groups of rhododendrons are divided into Indian and Japanese azaleas. The first variety is often kept indoors. The Japanese azalea is a larger plant and is more suitable for keeping in the garden. Various indoor varieties Azaleas differ from each other not only in the color of the petals, but also in the timing of flowering, as well as its duration. The requirements for the conditions of keeping rhododendrons may also differ slightly.

Variety Lara

This variety is a champion in the number of fans. She is considered the progenitor of all other varieties. In nature, Indian azalea can most often be found in mountainous areas, growing in the shade of trees. This climate is dominated by fog and drizzling rain, and is quite cool there. Air humidity under such conditions is very high. This rhododendron is also called Sims' azalea. The plant has large flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, which can be of various colors, but most often the pink-red tone of the petals predominates.

At home, the flower is easily adaptable and delights with long, continuous flowering. Today there are varieties of Indian azalea with an ampelous and pyramidal shape. The favorite varieties of flower growers are: Madame Petrik, Marie Van Estvelde, Mistral, Lara. The plant is not afraid of cold; in the summer it can be planted in the garden and kept there until frost.

Azalea Indica (Mix)

Indica Bicolor D12

This variety is also sold under the name “azalea mix”. This plant is somewhat capricious in its maintenance, but this does not stop flower growers. If you approach the care of this plant correctly, it will not cause problems. Indica bushes can grow quite large. Its central shoot reaches a height of 50 centimeters and quickly becomes woody.

The color of the leaves of this species is dark green and they are quite small in size. Young shoots have reddish pubescence. Inflorescences can be red, pink, yellow, white, cream. Petals most often have a heterogeneous color, there are transitions of tones and contrasting edging. For this azalea, the composition of the soil is very important. She needs acidic soil and high organic content.

Note! It is better to prepare the soil for this type of azalea with my own hands, using 2 parts of peat and pine soil with the addition of 1 part of coarse sand. If this is not possible, choose a special soil with a high acidity level for purchase.

Azalea mix is ​​often grown on a trunk in the form of a spectacular tree. In caring for standard form Timely watering is very important. Temperature also has great value. In winter, standard Indica is kept at a temperature of 10°C, but during the period of bud formation the temperature must be raised to 20°C. It is mandatory to enter complex fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus.

Variety Sakuntala

For those who prefer delicate shades of flowers, we can recommend varieties with white petals: Sakuntala, Weise Sheme, Apollo. Sakuntala flowers are unusually large, up to 7 cm in diameter, double. There are small greenish specks in the throat, and the petals themselves are dazzling white. Weise Sheme is a variety with a characteristic tone transition from white to pink. Its flowers are funnel-shaped and have double petals.

Azaleas with pink inflorescences look no less luxurious. Varieties such as Enzette Dagmar, Leopold Astrid, Doberlug, Eri are distinguished by large flowers from 5 to 7 cm. If the variety is tree-like and not bushy, the plant can be grown as a bonsai. This will require patience and time. The container for growing bonsai should be shallow. The trunk is specially shaped, and special pruning is used for the crown.

Azalea bonsai tree - very impressive!

Having bought a beautiful azalea in a store or received it as a gift, some people get confused and don’t know what care to provide at home so as not to destroy the plant. Let's start in order.

Care after purchase

After purchase, the plant must be replanted, but not immediately, but after acclimatization. The flower experiences stress during transportation and being in the store. You need to give it time to get used to the new conditions and only then replant. In addition, it is not recommended to replant blooming flowers, which is how azaleas are sold. If you are worried that the plant is cramped in the pot, you can transfer it along with a lump of earth into a slightly larger container without disturbing the roots - such a transplant will be painless for the azalea.

You can relieve transport stress by spraying the plant with Zircon. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat rhododendron with phytosporin so that the plant, weakened by the move, does not develop fungal diseases.

Helpful advice: for faster adaptation, professionals recommend cutting off the inflorescences after purchase, then the azalea will direct all its efforts to growth in new conditions, but many regret it beautiful flowers and do not follow this recommendation. Do as you please in this matter.

To prevent the soil from becoming alkalized, the azalea must be watered with soft water. Ideally it should be melted or rainwater, but you can soften the usual tap water, adding a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice to it. A high alkaline index of the soil interferes with the absorption of phosphorus ions by the roots, which leads to a deterioration in flowering.

The soil should always be moderately moist. Don't let it dry out, but don't let it turn into a swamp. If the azalea is not watered in a timely manner and then abundantly saturated with moisture, this will lead to stress on the plant and the dropping of buds and leaves.

Note! It is very convenient to “water” the azalea with cool water from melted ice cubes. They are prepared in advance in a special mold with cells. Before watering, remove the required number of cubes from the freezer.

Important for azaleas high humidity air, take this into account. The moisture content drops especially during the period when the central heating. You can correct the situation by placing the pot with the azalea on a tray with expanded clay or moss, which is filled with water. You just need to make sure that the water does not reach the bottom of the bowl with the plant.

Regularly spraying the flower with a fine spray can also help. During the flowering period, you need to ensure that when spraying, moisture does not get on the flowers and buds - this will lead to the appearance of unsightly spots on them.

Azaleas prefer bright, diffused lighting, in which direct sunlight does not fall on the flower. The ideal location for rhododendrons is eastern and western window sills. On northern windows they will not have enough light, and on southern windows they will need to organize shading or place the flower a little away from the window.

In winter, azaleas bloom, and natural daylight hours are very short. During this period, the flowers are provided with additional lighting in the evenings and in cloudy weather. Fluorescent lamps are suitable for this. It’s even better if you can purchase a phytolamp. These lighting devices are quite expensive, but they are ideal for plants. For all their efficiency, phytolamps are economical to use, as they consume little electricity.

Everyone knows that azaleas feel comfortable in low temperatures. Of course, they will live with you at 20°C and above, especially since breeders are constantly working to increase the adaptive abilities of rhododendrons. But the ideal temperature for them is between 8°C and 18°C. It is at these values ​​that the flower begins to lay buds. It is good for azaleas if you have a cold windowsill in your house. To bring in coolness, you can open the window more often or keep it always ajar.

To achieve successful flowering of azaleas, experts recommend setting a certain temperature regime:

  • To lay flower buds from October to December, the flower is kept at 6-10°C.
  • For long flowering, the temperature is kept in the range of 15-17°C.

If your room is too hot, but there is glass balcony or loggia, you can take the pot of azalea there. Make sure that the temperature does not fall below 5°C. If the azalea remains on indoor window sill, cover the battery with something to protect the plant from dry hot air. Azalea blooming at low temperatures lasts two months, and in a warm room is reduced to two weeks.

In autumn and winter, when buds are forming, it is necessary to add superphosphate to the soil, dissolving 15 g of fertilizer per 10-liter bucket of water. Faded inflorescences must be removed, preventing the formation of seeds, which takes a lot of energy from the plant.

Immediately after flowering it is necessary to prune. All dried inflorescences, elongated and weak stems are removed. Young shoots must be pinched to stimulate branching. The bush is given the desired shape and compact size. Cut shoots can be allowed to take root. If you do not engage in formative pruning, the crown of the azalea will become more and more spreading, and fewer and fewer flower buds will form.

After flowering, the rhododendron will begin its growing season, so it is fertilized with fertilizers with a high nitrogen content.

Rest period

Azaleas do not have a pronounced rest period. Some people consider the dormant period to be the time when the plant does not bloom. But this is not entirely true, because the flower continues to grow. After pruning, the azalea is placed in a permanent place. Continue to water and feed until it is time to start stimulating flowering by lowering the temperature.

Successful cultivation of rhododendrons is impossible without taking into account soil requirements. What do you need to know about this in order to grow a beautiful and flowering plant?

When planting azaleas in ready soil it is necessary to choose a specialized substrate specifically for these plants. In addition, you need to pay attention to the shelf life in old soil chemical composition may change significantly. The soil for seedlings is also not suitable, since it contains a minimal amount nutrients.

The soil must have an acidic reaction, since the symbiont fungi living on the roots of azaleas, which help absorb microelements from the soil, die due to the high alkali content, and after them the death of the plant itself occurs. Study what the soil consists of on its packaging.

The substrate must include coniferous soil, and the required acidity must correspond to the parameters of 3.5-5.5 pH.

If you compose the soil yourself, then maintain the correct proportions: 2 parts of coniferous soil, 2 parts of leaf soil and 1 part each of peat, sand and heather soil. To make the soil more loose, you can add perlite or vermiculite, and for increased moisture capacity, you can add hydrogel.


Now there is no need to select fertilizer yourself. You can buy a specialized one, which is called “Azalea”. It is produced by different manufacturers. In the summer and spring months, rhododendrons are fertilized once every 7 days, in the autumn and winter - once a month.

To stimulate flowering, fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus, for example, Kemira Lux or Uniflor-bud, are used the day before. During the period of growth of new shoots, nitrogen should predominate in the fertilizer.

As long as the azalea feels good in the old pot, it is not replanted. If the plant has stopped growing and the soil in the pot dries out quickly, this is a signal that it is time to replant. It is best to do this immediately after flowering. The root system of azaleas is superficial, so it makes no sense to take a deep pot - let it be a little wider than the previous one.

A layer of expanded clay 3 centimeters thick is placed on the bottom; clay shards can also be used. A layer of pine bark is placed on the drainage; it increases the acidity of the soil. Then the plant, along with a lump of earth, is taken out of the old pot and briefly soaked in Kornevin’s solution. This helps flush out accumulated salts. After the procedure, the azalea is placed in a new container and the roots are covered with fresh substrate, lightly pressing it down. The root collar should not be buried when planting.

After transplantation, the plant is watered with the same water in which it was soaked and placed in a slightly shaded place. The first time after transplantation, the flower is periodically sprayed with zircon and under no circumstances fertilized. As soon as the azalea gets stronger and begins to grow, you can return to normal care.

There are 3 methods of propagation for rhododendrons:

  • dividing the bush,
  • cuttings
  • seed method.

The method of propagating azaleas by seeds has not gained popularity; the process is ineffective and labor-intensive.

Usually, a large bush is divided when transplanting. This must be done in such a way that each part of the plant retains its own roots. The root sections are sprinkled with crushed coal and a root formation stimulator. In order for the bushes to take root faster, they are pruned a little more than with regular pruning. Further care for these plants is no different from the generally accepted one.

You can root cuttings at any time from May to September. The length of the cut shoots should be 10-15 centimeters. Rooting should be carried out in a loose nutrient substrate at a temperature of 25°C, with the seedlings covered on top glass jar and ventilate periodically. This process is not fast at all. It will be possible to plant young plants in separate pots only after a few months, and they will be able to bloom only next year.

Cuttings of azalea: video

If not properly cared for, various rots can develop on the leaves and stems of azaleas. They are caused by a fungus and require the use of fungicides (Fundazol, Fitosporin) for treatment. It is necessary to prepare a working solution according to the instructions and spray the plant. Previously, all affected areas are cut out to healthy tissue.

Azaleas can be attacked by mollusks that chew through the leaves, making holes in them. For all these pests it is necessary to use industrial insecticides at the first signs of infection.

In greenhouses, the plant is kept in comfortable conditions, which cannot be achieved at home. To prevent the greenhouse azalea from losing color due to changes in temperature, it needs to be provided with a temperature of about 12°C. The warmer the room, the shorter the azalea's flowering time will be.

Some people cover a potted plant with snow or pieces of ice to lower the temperature, but this method also has its opponents. Keeping the soil moist and not letting it dry out is another important condition lush and long flowering. Slightly acidify the water for irrigation.

A beginner may encounter various problems in keeping azaleas. What most often worries inexperienced, novice gardeners?

Why doesn't azalea bloom?

Most probable cause this is that the flower was kept at high temperatures, which prevented the formation of buds. In the same way, a lack of nutrients or the fact that the plant is planted in unsuitable soil can affect it.

Why do leaves dry out and fall off?

This is the most common problem when keeping azaleas indoors. Most likely, the flower was too dry in the pot or the air in the room was too dry. Azalea does not tolerate either excessive dryness or waterlogging.

If the potting soil is too dry, soak the plant pot in water for a few minutes. When dry air becomes the cause of leaf fall, the plant is sprayed more often and placed on a tray with wet expanded clay. You can install a household humidifier next to the window.

The plant needs to be given attention at the purchase stage.

  • The more unopened buds on a flower, the better. Blooming flowers quickly fade, so do not chase the lush cap of inflorescences that completely cover the azalea.
  • The bush should not be too big or too small. Both of them adapt poorly to a new place. Choose a medium-sized specimen.
  • It is advisable that the soil in the pot is moderately moist. Excessive dryness or overwatering has a bad effect on the plant.
  • Leaves should not fall off or contain traces of pests or various damage.

If you care for your azalea according to all the rules, it will bring you only joy and aesthetic pleasure. At good conditions If kept, the flower will live in your home for many years.