Abyssinian well. How to close an artesian well: temporary conservation and liquidation procedure Installation of an Abyssinian well

The water supply of most dachas and cottages built outside the city is carried out from a well drilled on the site. AT summer time there are no problems with the operation of this source. With the onset of the cold season, there is a risk of freezing of the casing and supply pipes. In order to prevent interruptions in the water supply, the owner of the house has to think about how and how to insulate the well for the winter. You can protect the building from freezing with the help of improvised materials: dry leaves, sawdust, peat, straw or hay. It is more efficient to use modern mineral wool insulation used in construction for thermal insulation of structures. The installation of a caisson, a sealed metal or plastic well, which is closed for the winter with a lid insulated with foam plastic, allows you to solve the problem once and for all. In any case, work on the insulation of the casing and pipes supplying water to the house must be carried out in advance.

What material and how best to insulate?

The choice of heat-insulating materials is made taking into account the climatic conditions of the area. At the same time, the depth of occurrence also plays a role ground water at the location of the well. In regions with a mild climate, where the thermometer rarely drops below minus 5-15 degrees, you can get by with inexpensive natural materials: sawdust, straw, high-moor peat, dry leaves. A box is made around the wellbore and the selected material is poured into it. Protect the heat insulator from moisture ingress, so as not to reduce its heat-insulating properties.

High-moor peat, used to insulate the wellbore, is poured into a self-made box of barrels or wide diameter pipes

Insulation of industrial production is recommended to be used in regions with a more severe climate, a high level of groundwater, which in combination leads to significant freezing of the soil. Select materials based on specifications and cost square meter. You can stop at polystyrene, basalt wool, penoizol, glass wool, polystyrene. These heaters are also used in preparation for winter operation wells equipped with electric pumps.

It is known from the school physics course that air has the worst thermal conductivity. Therefore, it is recommended to leave an air gap 5 cm thick between the casing pipe and the thermal insulation layer. This air gap will additionally protect the well from freezing. By the way, in modern heaters the specified property of air is used. Foam materials include the smallest air bubbles, which increase their thermal insulation qualities. The thickness of the insulation layer should be at least 30-35 cm.

The well, which is actively used in summer for watering the garden and water supply to a private house, needs to be insulated with improvised materials in winter

Work on the insulation of a water well is usually carried out in the following order:

  • sheathe the riser with fine-mesh metal mesh, retreating from its walls at a distance equal to 5 cm;
  • then they put a metal casing on the structure, leaving the necessary space between it and the mesh to accommodate the insulation;
  • backfilling of sawdust or other material selected for well insulation (backfilling material is not rammed);
  • install a tin tray under the valve that extends beyond the metal casing, maintaining a slight slope to prevent moisture from entering the insulation.

For safety, you can carry out insulation using an additional heating system. A small heater is installed in the well, as well as a floating frost sensor. When a thin ice crust forms on the surface of the water in the well, the sensor is triggered and the heater is turned on, which contributes to the melting of the ice. With such an arrangement of the well, it is possible to protect it from freezing, reducing energy costs.

Insulation of the eyeliner to the house - a pipe in a pipe

It is possible to reduce the volume of earthworks when laying a route from a well to a house using horizontal directional drilling, as well as soil puncture technology. The water pipe is placed in a "case", the role of which is played by the pipe larger diameter. The pipe, together with the cable that feeds the pump, is placed in heat-insulating cylinders made by manufacturers of mineral wool or foam insulation. If necessary, the damaged pipe can be easily pulled out of the "case" and replaced. To facilitate the process of removing the pipe from the protective casing, a cable can be used.

The laying of an insulated pipeline from the well to the house is carried out according to the "pipe in pipe" principle. This helps to protect the supply pipe from freezing.

Emergency option - resuscitation with boiling water

If extreme frosts or power outages caused the well to freeze, you can try to revive it with boiling water. To melt the ice plug in the well, you need to take a metal tube with a diameter of 10 mm. Then put a rubber hose on this tube, connecting a funnel to it. The tube is lowered into the well until it stops in the ice plug. Then they begin to pour boiling water into the funnel. Under influence hot water the ice will begin to melt gradually, and the tube will smoothly go down. After a few minutes, it will be possible to clear the well of the formed ice.

In the case when the well is in order, and water does not enter the house due to frozen pipes coming from the pump, then a decision is made to replace them. If the walls of the water supply system have not cracked under the influence of frozen water, then you can try to insert a heating wire directly into the pipe using a special device. In this case, a cable is selected that is allowed to be used in water supply systems.

Installing an insulated box

In regions with a mild climate and slight frosts, it is not necessary to install a caisson. The head of the well, together with all the equipment, is placed in an insulated box, which is opened if necessary. The protective structure can be built of wooden building materials or lined with bricks. FROM inside walls are covered with heat-insulating material. In addition to insulation, such a design can also perform a decorative function if original ideas design.

Insulation of a well in regions with a warm climate is carried out by building a small house in which equipment and piping are hidden

Plastic caisson as the best way to insulate

Well insulation using a plastic caisson installed in a dug pit around the casing string to a depth of 2.5 meters

When extreme low temperatures in the caisson well, it is recommended to install an additional cover with insulation directly above the well in order to exclude the possibility of water freezing in the pipes. Installation of this element is carried out in advance, since it is undesirable to open the hatch in severe frosts.

Insulate or repair: what is more profitable?

When deciding on the need to insulate the well, remember the proverb about the sled that needs to be prepared in the summer. Therefore, do not delay the start of well construction until late autumn, when the ground is already shackled by hard frosts. Do the work yourself in the warm season, spending the minimum amount of money for this. Remember that a failed due to freezing water can be much more expensive than purchasing heaters or a caisson. You cannot cope with the work on your own, invite specialists who, upon inspection, will tell you how to insulate the well in the best way.

) from ancient times conquered people with ease of installation and ease of use. Its popularity continues to this day. But many are interested in whether the Abyssinian well will freeze in winter?

If it is drilled in a heated room, and the simplicity and compactness of the needle allows this option, then there will be no problems with operation, regardless of the season. Those who made a well on the street are concerned about the question: is it possible to use the Abyssinian well in winter? Can. But there are some nuances here. It is clear that it would be best to simply mothball the well until spring, because this is exactly what most summer residents do.

For this you need:

  • remove the pump, regardless of whether it is mechanical or electric;
  • drain the water from the pipes so that they do not burst during frost (if mistakes were made during installation, it may be necessary to additionally blow out the pipes to get rid of residual water);
  • close the head tightly with dense polyethylene or plastic.

If the needle is located in a region with a fairly warm climate, then the pump can not be removed, but insulated. But even in this case, the water must be drained.

This is what an Abyssinian well looks like in winter

It happens that the Abyssinian well has to be used in winter. If this is a one-time case, then just connect the pump, pump up required amount water, and then mothball the well back. Please note that when using electric pump water must first be pumped into the pipes so as not to spoil the pump.

Arrangement of the Abyssinian well for winter use

It is worth arranging if the water supply is used regularly in winter.

There are two options here:

  1. Transfer to a heated room (suitable only for sufficiently powerful electrical units), and run a pipe or hose to the head. In this case, it will be necessary to insulate the pipe and the head of the well. In warm regions, several layers of mineral wool and polyethylene are sufficient for sealing. In cold regions, this may not be enough, in which case a heating cable is required. Or the supply pipe is buried below the freezing level.
  2. Construction of a caisson. It is rarely used for this type of wells due to the high cost of its arrangement or the proximity of groundwater.

It should also be taken into account that initially the idea of ​​the Abyssinian well came to us from hot Ethiopia, and was not designed for operation in cold weather. Often, its insulation is an order of magnitude more complicated and more expensive than the cost of arrangement and installation.

More information in this video.

Read also:

How to make an Abyssinian well with your own hands? Features of working with a drill for an Abyssinian well The maximum depth of the Abyssinian well for drilling


How to mothball a well for the winter - this issue must be resolved before the onset of cold weather and in the dry season. Well conservation is applied if you decide not to use it in winter.

This means that you will no longer be able to use water either in the house or on the street. The well will be tightly closed, access to it will be terminated. The water supply leading from her to the house will be blocked. If you decide on this option, we will consider in more detail what methods of well conservation exist.

Features of using a well in winter

If we proceed from the fact that the water mirror is 8 meters, and the freezing depth of the ground cover is 2 meters, then there is nothing to freeze in the well closed for the winter. The weak point in terms of freezing in any water supply system using any type of well is the pipeline through which water enters the dwelling. If water remains in it, it will begin to freeze already at zero temperature, which leads to damage to the pipe, and sometimes to failure of the entire system.

The installation of the pipeline system must be carried out below the freezing zone of the soil - 1.5-2 meters. Often, in order to save money, they equip the well with their own hands, do not take into account these installation requirements. The results can be the most deplorable.

If in your area the connection is made at a shallower depth, then it is additionally recommended to lay a heating cable. Its installation does not require much knowledge and skills. Of the simplest methods, it is recommended to lay foam polystyrene plates with a thickness of at least 10 cm on top, cover them with a film or fiberglass. Sprinkle more snow on top.

Therefore, removing water from the system is the main stage in the conservation of the well and water supply for the winter. Already when designing a plumbing system on suburban area you need to decide whether you will live here permanently or only in summer season. If there are doubtful places in the pipeline, then it is imperative to provide for the drainage of water. At the same time, it must be understood that not all liquid will go away after simply opening the taps.

Therefore, it is better to plan and implement the installation of drain pipes in bends and other problem areas, which will allow you to completely remove water from the entire water supply. It is also recommended to install a tee in the line, through which air could remove the remaining moisture from the system.

The sequence of stages of well conservation for the winter

Preserving a well for the winter is quite simple, you can do it yourself, on your own. Preparation for winter conservation of the system, if you are not going to operate it in winter, begins in the warm and dry season, no later than September. The stages of well conservation for the winter include the following mandatory actions:

  1. turn off the water supply;
  2. we drain the water through pipes or taps located at the lowest points of each pipeline junction. A compressor can be used to purge the system;
  3. remove residual water from plumbing fixtures;
  4. if there is a boiler, then it is necessary to free it from water through the built-in drain pipe, and at the same time disconnect the water supply hoses;
  5. we disconnect the pumping station from the water supply and, after draining, we blow it with air;
  6. we dismantle watering pipes laid above the ground, since modern designs often allow this to be done without any special complications;
  7. we disconnect the submersible pump from electricity and leave it in the well, nothing will happen to it: it is below the freezing point;
  8. open the check valve, thus drain the water into the well.

Pay attention to the choice of location for the valve. It should not be installed where access to it is difficult, and it cannot be replaced or repaired. The best place for check valve– immediately after the pump. Such models borehole pumps, like Grundfos, Pedrollo, Lowara, have a built-in check valve.

How to freeze an Abyssinian well for the winter

The water in the Abyssinian is below the freezing point, so nothing will happen to the well itself. The main task is to drain the water from the pipes and cover the mouth properly.
Actions during the conservation of the Abyssinian well:

  1. remove the pump, drain the hose and put it in a warm, dry and securely closed place;
  2. we drain the water from the pipes, if necessary, blow it with air;
  3. fasten on a pre-made thread head. It will protect the neck from rain, wind, snow, dust, leaves, and other external influences;
  4. the head is hermetically sealed with a film or plastic cap.

It is recommended to chlorinate the well. We dissolve dry bleach (30-40 g) in a bucket of water and fill it at the rate of one bucket per meter of well. Chlorine, flowing into the well, disinfects the water, destroying bacteria and various debris. Leave it like this until spring. In the spring we open, pump out and operate.

Well conservation with an installed adapter

The downhole adapter is a device for tight connection water pipe with a well below the freezing level of the soil. A well with an adapter can also be used in winter period. In this case, the pipeline leading to the house is laid in a trench with a depth of at least 1.6 meters. At the same time, a hydraulic tank and automation are installed in the house.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Turn off the power to the pump.
  2. Open any faucet in the house.

The well is equipped with an automatic relief valve. When the water pressure in the system drops to 0.5 bar, the valve will open, water from the pipeline will merge into the well.

Do I need to pump a well in winter

Prolonged inactivity adversely affects the condition of the well. It begins to silt, the quality of water deteriorates. For example, filter sand wells are very dependent on the intensity of operation (silt up and fail quickly if they are not used in winter). It is recommended to pump them at least once a month for 20-30 minutes.

After the end of the winter period, it is important to competently restore the work of the water intake, that is, to swing the well. The task is to lift the layers of silt and sand from the bottom and squeeze them out of the pipe.

  • We use the vibration method. We lower vibration pump into the well and alternately, either lowering or raising the device, loosen the deposits at the bottom. The procedure is repeated until a clear liquid is received. The pump is periodically cleaned of dirt. Make sure it doesn't sink to the bottom.
  • Another variant of the buildup is produced by the method of punching and ejection to the surface of small particles of silt and sand, caked on the bottom. We use the method used in brine wells, operating on the principle of "squeezing brine". We lower a pipe of a smaller diameter into the well until it stops at the bottom. From above, we connect a hose to it, and let water through it with great pressure. The water jet squeezes out deposits and sand particles come to the surface. When gravel particles appear, we stop the process, remove the narrow pipe. We lower the pump and pump the water intake in the usual way. The disadvantage of this method is that the strainer may not withstand the pressure and break.

Periodic pumping of your own well prolongs the life of the water intake structure.

Construction of the caisson

If you want and have the opportunity to install a water supply system according to all the canons, then you need to build a caisson. It will deepen the well to the freezing point.

Manufactured in different forms. For the construction of a well, round ones are suitable. Caissons are made of concrete, metal or polypropylene.
The polypropylene unit is the easiest to install, you can mount it yourself, with your own hands.
At a price, plastic caissons are cheaper than metal ones, but the most durable of them can cost tens of thousands of rubles. The cheapest ones are made of concrete rings.
Installation includes the preparation of the pit, the installation of the tank, the installation of the appropriate equipment in it, and its adjustment. A hatch is installed on top.
The caisson also serves to protect the well from the penetration of groundwater and rainwater.

Conservation of the well for the winter will make it possible for it to remain clean for winter time and ready to go by the start of the spring season.


see photo

Arrangement offline source water supply in the form of a well is the most optimal solution to the problem of providing water to private households. Pumping a well immediately after drilling allows you to get crystal clear clean water, but if we want to be able to use it all year round, you need to provide a complete infrastructure. It includes the arrangement of a well for the winter and the construction of a caisson, which is a well that protects the system from aggressive influence. environment. Making a caisson for a well with your own hands is absolutely realistic.

The well can be both insulated and decorated at the same time

Why you need to equip a well

Do-it-yourself well construction includes a whole range of activities. Properly organized infrastructure and insulation of the caisson make it possible to protect the pipeline network, the well and the functioning equipment from freezing, and prevent contamination of the internal surfaces of the mine shaft.

The improvement of the source allows you to ennoble it, that is, to create an attractive appearance. In addition, conditions are created for convenient maintenance of the structural elements of the system.

If a sharp drop in ambient temperature is possible during the cold season, the water supply source must be insulated. When equipping a well, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • at high level the location of soil water exceeding the freezing point, the protective structure should be located above the surface of the earth;
  • equipment is best placed in a heated room with permanent residence in home;
  • if the residence is periodic, the equipment should be placed in an underground caisson, since, unlike a cold house, it maintains a positive temperature;
  • the water supply pipe is enclosed in a protective casing in soils subject to swelling, the cable electrical supply- in a pipe made of dielectric material.

In such a caisson, both the equipment and the person are comfortable

Without a caisson, arranging the wellhead with your own hands is also possible; in this case, you will have to install an adapter. Well with adapter without caisson - the most a budget option her arrangement. How to equip such a well in the country can be seen in the photo.

Well insulation methods for the winter

To insulate the well for the winter, they are used various methods. The arrangement of a well without a caisson is carried out especially carefully. If the pumping equipment is located at a shallow depth, a special house is built for it. It will also help to insulate the well correct installation casing pipe. While doing installation work provide additional measures for heating the pipeline system.

The cardinal solution to the issue is the arrangement of the caisson structure.

If the pump is shallow, make a special house

In order to protect the aquifer and pumping equipment from the adverse effects of the external environment, a special room is installed above the well. If the pump is not deep, it is placed above the ground in the form of a house.

The well house can have the most different design

To reduce heat loss around its walls, you can make an earth embankment, slightly deepening the pavilion built in this way into the soil. It is quite possible to make and insulate a special house with high quality with your own hands, although aesthetics appearance such a structure is highly questionable.

It will help to install a casing pipe for the head

The shaft of the mine is reinforced with a casing pipe. It communicates directly with a clean water source, so outside dust, melted snow, and other precipitation should not get inside it. This is fraught with the appearance of harmful bacteria in the system, which is very difficult to get rid of.

Well head arrangement options

To prevent this phenomenon, the casing is sealed with a steel cap called a cap. Holes are made in it for the passage of communications and there is a reliable hook for pumping equipment. All butt joints and mounting holes sealed with rubber seals.

The cardinal decision is to equip the caisson

Most in a radical way The solution to the problem is the equipment of the caisson. It is an insulated container located at the required depth large sizes. The equipment placed in it functions seamlessly regardless of the temperature fluctuations of the environment and weather conditions.

This is achieved by high-quality thermal insulation of the lid and walls of the tank. In addition, the convenience of access to equipment for repair and maintenance is improved. Maintenance. The bottom of the caisson is placed deeper than the freezing level of the soil, which helps to constantly maintain a positive temperature in it. Available in metal or plastic containers. With your own hands, you can cast a well out of concrete or lay it out of brick.

The metal caisson is welded from steel sheets with a thickness of at least four millimeters. Its disadvantages include susceptibility to corrosion and the need for mandatory insulation. To positive qualities applies high degree waterproofing.

Plastic caisson installed quickly and easily

The concrete tank is made by pouring concrete mix into the formwork or by mounting ready-made rings, often used for arranging wells. Due to the fact that this material absorbs water well, it will need to provide reliable waterproofing.

The brick has a low thermal conductivity, therefore, a caisson made from it most often does not require additional insulation. It is only necessary to lay waterproofing from the side of the soil. This design is the easiest to make yourself.

Plastic products have good water resistance, are quite light in weight and easy to install. They are made industrial way and with high-quality insulation can be located on the surface of the earth.

It may be necessary to insulate or heat the pipeline

If during the cold season the ambient temperature drops to sharply negative values, it will be necessary to insulate or heat the pipeline. Currently produced heaters make it possible to solve this problem for almost any climatic conditions. Various materials are used as heat insulators, such as mineral wool and basalt fiber, polystyrene and polyurethane foam. All of them perform their functions well, but each has its own operational features.

Passive insulation of the pipeline does not provide a full guarantee of safety against freezing. Its risk increases significantly if the well is used not constantly, but periodically. In this case, it is necessary to heat the system with a heating cable. It can be laid both on the outer and inner surface of the pipe.

Options for insulation and heating of the water supply

In the first case, you need to ensure the tightest possible fit. heating element to the pipeline. Cables for internal laying must meet all electrical safety requirements and under no circumstances emit toxic substances during operation.

Options for additional protection during installation

During installation work, additional options protection. In order to be able to preserve the line, the pipeline network is made with a slope in the direction of the source with the installation of a check valve. When the pumping equipment is turned off, water from the pipes flows by gravity back into the shaft, while it is important that there are no cavities where it could linger.

Sometimes the water supply pipe is placed inside a larger pipe. The air gap between them insulates the structure, the outer pipe can be introduced into the heated room, in which case the efficiency of the system is significantly increased.

Attempts to prevent freezing of water by increasing the internal pressure in the pipeline are doomed to failure.

It is enough to recall from a school physics course that the temperature of its crystallization decreases by one degree with an increase in pressure by one hundred and thirty atmospheres, but such parameters are unattainable in everyday conditions.

We make a caisson on our own

If we decide to make a caisson on our own, we must have the skills of a welder or be able to lay bricks. You can equip it from concrete rings, but, since they have very big weight, to do this work on your own will not work, you will have to use loading equipment.

Plastic caissons are made exclusively in the factory, their cost is quite high. The easiest way is to make a structure of brick or metal. General scheme the arrangement of the caisson involves the following actions:

  • A pit is dug around the casing, which is planned in the geometric center. Its dimensions are determined by the dimensions of the caisson.
  • A hole is cut in the bottom of the tank to be mounted, corresponding to the section of the casing string, and the structure is lowered onto it from above.
  • The supply cable and pipeline are being installed.
  • The manufactured caisson is covered with soil up to the top cover.

Pumping equipment, shut-off valves, measuring instruments and various automatic devices. For ease of access to technical devices a ladder is installed in the caisson, and it is supplied with an easily hinged lid.

Concrete construction - the most reliable

The most reliable in operation is considered to be a structure made of concrete. In its manufacture, monolithic reinforced concrete or rings with a diameter of one and a half meters can be used. In the latter case, the involvement of workers and special equipment will be required.

Concrete casting

To equip a concrete caisson around the casing, a pit is dug with a depth of at least two meters. Further work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • stepping back from the edges of the pit by about eighty centimeters, they mount a reinforcing belt;
  • construct the formwork, set the laying of the opening for communications and cover the formwork with plastic wrap;
  • then the concrete solution is poured;
  • after its curing, technological holes are made for the passage of communications;
  • the head of the caisson is also reinforced with a metal mesh;
  • perform waterproofing of the walls of the structure.

Overlapping concrete caisson

If for the construction of the caisson are used concrete rings, then before laying they must be treated with bituminous mastic, otherwise they will let water through and quickly become unusable. They need to be mounted with the maximum fit of the mating surfaces. Laying is carried out using loading equipment.

You can fold a brick container with your own hands

It is quite possible to fold a brick mine with your own hands. The design requires minimal insulation, is characterized by strength and reliability. The tank, depending on the need, is given any shape and size. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Pre-equip strip foundation. To do this, a trench dug along the perimeter of the pit with a depth of half a meter is poured with a concrete solution.
  • After it has cured, waterproofing of the strip foundation is performed.
  • Start from the corners of the caisson brickwork. It is carefully controlled using the building level.
  • When erecting walls, technological holes are provided.
  • On top of the brick well, a floor slab with a hatch is installed and the head of the caisson is mounted on it.

Brick caisson construction

The pit for the installation of the caisson is dug either exactly according to its size, or with some excess of the dimensions of the container. In the first case, the brick will fit snugly against the walls of the pit, you will have to work less with a shovel, but atmospheric precipitation will penetrate into the remaining cavities. In the second - after raising the walls and curing the solution, it will be necessary to perform soil backfilling.

Really equip a metal caisson

If there are sheets with a thickness of more than four millimeters, it is realistic to equip a metal caisson with your own hands. For its manufacture, you must have the skills of a welder. We should strive to fulfill the minimum number seam joints as they are the most susceptible to corrosion. The sequence of actions in the manufacture of a metal caisson is as follows:

  • sheets are cut according to the shape of the tank, its bottom and hatch are cut out;
  • a hole is made in the base for the passage of the casing string;
  • a hole for communications is cut out in the side wall;
  • are welded side walls and the bottom of the caisson;
  • a head and a hinged lid are installed on top to provide easy access;
  • all surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of rust, degreased and primed;
  • the container is painted and covered, for example, with automotive anticorrosive.

Sheet metal caisson

In a metal tank, it is necessary to provide for the installation of stiffeners, otherwise the soil pressure may deform its walls. Internal surfaces products in without fail Periodically, they are again subjected to anti-corrosion treatment and painting.

Insulation of the caisson structure for the winter

To reliably insulate the well, you can not do without special materials. The main parts of the caisson structure are located underground, therefore, the materials for their insulation are presented special requirements. They should not lose their performance under the pressure of the soil, wrinkle and deform.

Excellent water-repellent properties are needed, since when soil water penetrates into the insulation, it will be destroyed during their crystallization. If the heat insulator material is of interest to rodents, they will drag it along holes or gnaw moves in it, thus destroying its insulating qualities.

External insulation of the caisson from concrete rings

It is possible to insulate a caisson for the winter both from the inside and from outside. With the internal location of the insulation, the integrity of its layer is not affected by the movement of the soil and other adverse external factors. The most commonly used foam or polystyrene foam.

One of the main differences between these two wells is the location of the pump.

In the Abyssinian well version, the pump is located on the surface of the earth, near the well with casing pipes the pump is submerged inside the well. You may have heard that Abyssinian well, whose pump is on top, can only pump from a limited depth. This is true to some extent, but total length the well does not matter, the static water level is important here.

Recall that the static level is the distance from the water surface inside the well to the surface of the earth.

The choice fell on the pumping station, the Abyssinian well was drilled in the bathroom.

The second and main difference between these wells is the diameter of the pipes, for an Abyssinian well, the diameter is usually 32 mm, for a deep well, these are black pipes 125 - 133 mm. Abyssinian well can give less water, 1000 liters per hour is considered a good result. While in a well with casing pipes, 2000 liters per hour or even more is considered the norm. If you plan to use well water for washing machine, water heater, shower cabin, you will need to maintain a certain water pressure in the system.

In sand or limestone wells in the Moscow region, in order to maintain pressure, in addition to submersible pump you will need a pressure switch and a hydraulic accumulator with a pressure gauge, that is, you need to make serious investments in the arrangement. In the variant of the Abyssinian well, it is sufficient to install a pumping station, this is a modified surface pump that already has a hydraulic accumulator pressure switch and a pressure gauge. A big plus of such a pump is that if any element fails, it will not be a problem to replace it. In a well with casing, if the pump fails, it will need to be pulled out of the well, which will take much more effort.

If you choose a well for a house in which you do not live permanently, but come, for example, only for the summer, then the Abyssinian well will be a good option.

If you also plan to visit occasionally in the winter, and the rest of the time the house will be cold, the Abyssinian well is definitely not the best way, since every time you have to disable surface pumps and drain water from it so that it does not freeze, and reconnect it upon arrival. In the variant of the well with casing pipes, in order for the system to freeze more than once in the winter, it is necessary to go down into the caisson and open the drain valve.

When choosing a well, a cable for heating water pipes

If you often plan to come in winter and at the same time you do not want to open and close the valve to drain the water every time, then there is an automatic drain valve that allows you to drain the water without leaving your home. If you are planning to drill a well for the house you live in, then consider drilling an Abyssinian well inside the house itself. Since if you drill an Abyssinian well on the street, you will need to insulate the pump or install it in the house so that it does not freeze in winter.

A big plus of the Abyssinian well in the Moscow region is its price, since it has a lower cost and labor costs for drilling. It is very important to calculate in advance the cost of not only the well itself, but also all the equipment necessary for operation, because if you drill an Abyssinian well on the street and want to use it all year round, then in addition to the cost of the well itself, you will need to insulate the pump, excavation, concrete rings for the caisson, their installation and waterproofing, if pumping station is outside the home. As a result, the cost of such insulation can negate all the benefits in the price of an Abyssinian well in front of a well with casing pipes. We have already talked about where it is better to drill an Abyssinian well.

And so let's summarize, what is the best well to drill in the Moscow region?

If the water on your site lies close, you don’t have a four-story mansion, you don’t need a large water flow, and you didn’t plan to spend a very large budget on a well, then I recommend thinking about drilling an Abyssinian well. In almost all other cases, I would recommend that you drill a classic well with casing pipes.

You can order an Abyssinian well in the Moscow region