Which means soft pink. What does the white color of flowers mean? What does pink color mean?

    White is a symbol of purity and perfection. It includes all the colors of the spectrum and is associated with virtue and divinity. It has a cleansing effect on human energy.

    People who choose white for their color are usually neat, honest, and sincere. But sometimes they can be very demanding.

    Positive "white" keywords: intactness, completeness, dedication, openness, unity, lightness, versatility, revealing the hidden and the false.

    The first lady sets the tone

    The century is popular to dress little boys in sailor suits - so that girls are forced to leave Rosa. Paoletti, author of Pink and Blue: A Story of America's Girls of Boys, Smithsonian Magazine. The fact that Rose became a symbol of femininity outside of the nursery, and Hollywood stars like Jane Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe were also part of the president.

    The first lady went this far in The White house that employees and representatives of the press received the nickname "Pink Palace" - even the bathroom and the head of the bed itself strong man in the world were pink. Many housewives were very eager for the First Lady.

    Negative "white" keywords include isolation, sterility, stiffness, frustration, stiffness, boredom.

    Hang a mirror opposite front door or directly against the bed. In the first case, the energy is immediately directed back to the door, in the second it destroys the marriage or (which is also bad) causes a rival to appear on the horizon.

    From generation to generation, the theory of floor color has become increasingly evident. In the wild sixties and during the emancipation, Rose was temporarily given a bad name and was considered a symbol of the oppression and infantilization of women. Today we want to devote ourselves to fun color effects again. Do you know this: the sun goes away under the evening sarthrosis?

    People who love pink are very very protective

    This is why girls are given the same color, because they should need the most protection. All genders - boys and girls of all ages - love to be protected protective hand... Pink is considered the color of the heart, a wonderful lifestyle and sentimental feelings. Gentle, sensitive and dreamy people who need a lot of attention and warmth love this tone. They are born connoisseurs who admire everything that brings joy and joy. Pink lovers are gentle, reserved people.

    White brightens up and illuminates dark rooms. It gives a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.


    Red is the color of vital energy. It is a very stimulating and energizing color that heightens human passions. In nature, red is used to attract the opposite sex. It warms and activates, attracts the eye and communicates danger. It can be used to raise body temperature and increase blood circulation.

    They want to build trust before they become available. When they have built this trust, they are warm-hearted, compassionate people. Pink loving people also feel gentle and affectionate and want others to be protected and cared for. Pink loving people are very harmonious and need a lot of confirmation. With their cheerfulness, they try to re-adjust the uncertainties.

    They want to be a hive in all situations and often show off their wonderful temperament - their vulnerability. Always looking for protection and love. They are told about a penchant for kitsch, which, more closely, is a way to prove love. Attention to detail and love for loved ones. They are usually characterized by this unconventional creativity, which is sometimes reflected only in the smallest detail. But with their creative nature, they were able to keep a little childhood in their hearts. Next time we will devote ourselves.

    People who prefer this color are bold and courageous, but can be vengeful. They are often optimists. But this color is also inherent in hot-tempered, sociable types.

    Positive "red" keywords: leader, perseverance, struggle for one's rights, creation, dynamism, persistence, appreciation, multiplication, rebirth, gratitude, pioneer.

    Only one color captured my heart: Pale Dodgwood, a beautiful and noble delicate pink clay. Pink is one of my favorite colors besides blue, gray and white. Naturally, my attention has changed: from shiny pins on the arms and doll clothes to simple and noble blouses, sweaters, coats. One of them remained from childhood, love for pink patent shoes. Sometimes the color pink does it wrong. Today, unfortunately, there is still one color or the other with Rose, which is made only for babies or girls.

    There are so many nuances and shades of pink or pink that pink can be worn even as an adult and can look particularly noble. The outfits in color stand out in black style and elegance because they look noble and timeless. Since Afrosa is not equally hot pink, there is a lot to consider when choosing a color. Look at your skin tone first. Best on the neck, near the ear. Or take a closer look at your veins around your wrist. If they shimmer a little bluish, you have a cool shade and therefore pink skin.

    Negative "red" keywords: physical violence, lust, intolerance, cruelty, destruction, warmongering, hooliganism, stubbornness, shamelessness, shame, guilt.

    Red should be used in rooms where activity and energy are needed.

    Dress in red when you want to look bold, extravagant and sexy.

    If they shimmer a little greenish, you have a warm and therefore slightly yellow skin tone. If you know this, you can be very helpful in choosing colors. So you know right away which ones make you stand up and look fresh. For example, you can also prevent purchases. Pink with a very light yellow color, works harmoniously with warm skin and pink, with a tinge of bluish color, is better suited for cold skin tone. You can also do this in all other colors. However, you should always try hard, as there are exceptions.


    Orange is the color of creation. The color of optimism, freedom and motivation for action. He reveals the hidden capabilities of a person, helps to get rid of fears and depression. It symbolizes good nature and stimulates sociability.

    People who wear orange are proud, independent, have a strong influence over other people, and strive to become popular.

    But once you find your colors, little can go wrong. Combined, pink bright colours such as white, cream, beige, camel, light gray, pink, as well as contrasts such as black, blue, cool yellow and gold. Since pink is pretty cute and playful, keep your outfit simple and laid back on details like ruffles or sleeves.

    If you don't want that, girl and elf. If you like pink color you should consider adding this or that garment to this beautiful color. The shops have wonderful blouses, pants, clothes, bags and shoes. Don't be sure yet, start with a simple shirt, scarf, or fabric. If you like it then you can laugh about the noble cashmere sweater, simple dress or a timeless blouse. A pink blouse under a blue or gray sweater always looks noble and timeless.

    Positive "orange" keywords: strength, mercy, generosity, tolerance, excitement, inexhaustible energy, fearlessness, sociability, justice, love of freedom.

    Negative "orange" keywords: pride, pessimism, forgiveness, deliberateness, a tendency to take and not repay debts, self-justification, deception.

    It is good to use orange in social rooms. People will be friendly and open.

    The message contains affiliate links. Rose is the most controversial color of the present. Like no other, it has become a political issue. From the toy industry and fashionable clothes stylized as the color of a pretty girl on the one hand, feminist movements reiterate pink and pink nuances as a strong color of femininity and independence for themselves. Pink is the color of the future, precisely because of their conflicting past and political overtones. We must free Rose from its old meaning as a faint, soft color and rethinking.

    From a man to a girl's color

    Rose is not only in fashion, but metaphorically with many associations. Fresh lovers lead "to pink clouds", optimists see the world through " pink glasses"And it looks like a blooming life on English language In pink. Actually, all the beautiful paintings - but still, naivety, constraint and a certain weakness in the color of the Rose always resonate.

    Use orange when you want to look fun, young, funny and relaxed.


    Yellow stimulates mental capacity and helps the assimilation of information. Useful for insecurity and shyness. Brings laughter and joy. Like orange, it helps revive the love of life.

    Colour energetic people perhaps talkers or artistic, creative personalities.

    This was not always the case: Until the century, the Rose was reserved for men because it was expensive to dye fabrics and therefore reserved for the more respected male. In the days of Marie Antoinette, pastel colors such as pink and blue were equally popular among both sexes, but after French revolution prevailed dark colors and coarse fabrics among men are in vogue. With pink suits. It was only a few hundred years before Drake became a model for the style in pink tuff.

    This ensures that generations of girls grow up not only with completely unrealistic body ideals, but pinks and pinks are perceived as a color for well-dressed, well-dressed girls. Color scheme flares were few in popular pop culture of the past century: The Pink Panther was the most likely counter-design for Pink's numbness. Sleek, smart and always with surfer excellence, he leads Inspector Clouseau, Eliza the anteater and Sheriff Donnerknall. Always well dressed in a pink full body suit.

    Positive "yellow" keywords: agility, quick wit, joyful outlook on life, originality, diligence, sensitivity, tolerance, honesty, fairness, self-confidence.

    Negative yellow keywords: acrimony, sarcasm, treachery, absent-mindedness, ignorance, love of chatter, criticism, intolerance, inclination to discuss others, absent-mindedness, stupidity.

    For several years, organized resistance fought against Rosa's oppression. The feminist movement has conquered color in various ways. In fashion, Rose is the color of watches, even for men. The so-called “pink tax” refers to the fact that products specifically designed for women, such as shaving foam, perfumes and grooming products, are more expensive than the same men's items, despite identical ingredients.

    Strong pink, not safe black

    Therefore, Rose is political in both directions - as the color of positive, strong femininity, as well as a negative example in places where industry and society discriminate against women. So, assuming you like the color. Boys and girls, women and men - Rose can become a symbol of a more just and free future for all. Pink, as a color, should be normal for everyone, just as it should be normal for women and men to get the same thing.

    Yellow can be used in rooms where concentration and vigorous mental activity is needed.

    Yellow in clothing works the same way as orange.


    The most harmonious and balanced. The color of emotional relationships is conducive to love. Helps relieve negative feelings and eases anxiety. Calming effect on nervous system... It is a fresh, natural color that symbolizes life and harmony.

    In addition to political and social commitments, recognizing this color with its moving history also helps. Of course, everyone is still free to wear the colors he likes best - if pink isn't, fair enough. Surely there is a whole piece of unconscious fear behind it, not for serious attention in a pink T-shirt. Stop it! "Rose" and "bully" are no longer opposites, it is necessary to spread this message and establish it.

    And big changes can start small too - and if there is only a pair of pink socks. About the preferences of certain colors, it is necessary to draw certain conclusions about the character, essence and behavior of a person. There are a number of color tests that can help you understand a person's personality and psyche.

    People who prefer green are usually compassionate and sentimental, love companionship. They are persistent and trusting.

    Positive green keywords: discernment, tact, practicality, stability, efficiency, generosity, developed imagination, progress, reform, commitment, sociability.

    Negative green keywords: jealousy, resentment, forgetfulness, selfishness, greed, lack of imagination, disorder, frustration, hypochondria, deficiency.

    Many companies and authorities are involved in color tests during test trials, as well as color tests in therapeutic and therapeutic areas. A general, single scheme in which all people with the same favorite color fit into it does not exist, with color tests who classify personalities in this way should be skeptically bypassed; here you can simply read trends. Depending on the state in which a person is, he affirms, ignores or denies a certain color. Favorite favorite color can reflect the current internal setting, that is, the quality and feelings that you live.

    Green can be used in any room.

    Wearing clothing is almost always acceptable. You will be visible, but without aggression.


    Blue is a cooling and calming color. It symbolizes peace, tranquility, wisdom and poise. Disposing to rest and relaxation. Instills confidence in a better tomorrow.

    Blue is preferred by people seeking spiritual achievement. Not selfish, but sometimes spineless.

    In the same way, it can reflect the needs and qualities of life that you are simply unconsciously trying to bring into your life. This means that favorite colors can change in a person's life and may look completely different in different life phases and life situations that testifies to liveliness and individuality.

    And what's your favorite color?

    Red is loved by 14, 3% of Germans, color is passion: red lovers are intensely experiencing and enjoying the joys of life. Green lovers - strong people want to rise and come from a middle-class environment. Yellow Friends are looking forward and especially dedicated. A warning is needed against the "blacks": they want to impose their will on others, spend a lot of money.

    • The blue lover wants to make a career and prefers Japanese cars.
    • Favorite animal: a cat.
    • Pets: Dogs are allowed.
    There are quite gender differences in the popularity of flowers.

    Positive blue keywords: wisdom, patience, truth, achievement of reason, spirituality, philosophy, contemplation, calmness, healing, honesty, devotion.

    Negative blue keywords: weakness, emotional imbalance, anger, superstition, complacency, sentimental love, coldness, deceit, rancor.

    Blue is perfect for lounges, bedrooms, wherever you want to experience a sense of peace.

    A color that is desirable to use when you want to look naive, indecisive and innocent.


    Promotes inspiration and fulfillment of desires. The color of devotion and justice.

    Blue indicates loyalty and friendliness, but also independence.

    Positive blue keywords: sensitivity, organization, rule-keeping, idealism, fortitude, purification, intransigence, obedience.

    Negative "blue" keywords: fanaticism, fascism, submission, ritualism, confidence in one's own infallibility, deceit, addiction.

    If you want to look serious and inaccessible, then give preference to blue.


    The color of the highest kindness, love and wisdom. It is a powerful color companion to leaders. Sharpens vision and senses. Helps balance physical and spiritual energy.

    Perhaps people preferring purple are somewhat prone to importance. They probably have a good feeling. dignity... But they may not be aware of their own shortcomings. Creative personalities prone to mysticism.

    Positive "purple" keywords: management, dedication, dignity, humanity, ingenuity, oratory, creative mindset, unlimited, medium ability, faith, secret leadership.

    Negative purple keywords: fraud, cruelty, arrogance, bombast, venality, careerism, megalomania.

    Purple is good for meditation rooms.

    In order to intrigue someone, to create the impression of an incomprehensible and intelligent person, it is good to use this color.


    Black is a mysterious and mysterious color. Symbolizes the unknown and hidden.

    Black is preferred by calm, strong and dignified people. But black can also act as a denial of everything and symbolize insecurity and a gloomy perception of life.

    Positive "black" keywords: motivated use of force, creativity, learning, foresight, meaningfulness, hidden treasures.

    Negative "black" keywords: destructiveness, use of force as a manifestation of weakness and selfishness, suppression, depression, emptiness, abstinence, limitations.

    Color for the expression of independence, sophistication and authority in clothing.

All of the above information is based on data from psychology and the modern Intuitive School of Feng Shui.

Classic Feng Shui is built according to slightly different laws. The main role in it is played by the Yin-Yang ratio and the interaction of five types of energies, which, for simplicity, are called 5 elements. They are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. They enter into certain relationships with each other. The most important for the use of flowers (on entry level application of Feng Shui) is the Circle of Generation. In this Circle, the elements interact favorably, alternately reinforcing each other.

I continue the block "psychology of color", and today is next in line pink

Pink is red, diluted with white. In his associations, he combines the sensuality of red with the innocence and purity of white. Since his associations are completely different than those of red, he deserves to be taken out separately =).

First, we need to clarify what exactly we usually mean by pink. As I said earlier, this is a whitewashed red of all shades - from orange-red to blue-red. Cold "baby" pinks, watermelon, salmon, coral pink, and blush are considered pink. Fuchsia - magenta shades stand separately. They are also considered pink because they contain a white impurity and red.

What is pink associated with?

It is a delicate color associated with childhood and naivety

from the nursery carelessness and immediacy

Therefore, pink is often found in sweets

Pink is unusual, a little sensual, but very airy, so it is associated with dreaminess

WITH faith in a fairy tale

Like red, this is the color of love, but if red is passion, then pink is romantic love and light flirting.

Soft, slightly warming pink is an unusually delicate and sexy color, more exciting than the rest are pink.

Pink is associated with fragility

Warm pinks are associated with a soothing, more mature feminine energy .

Brighter shades and colors close to fuchsia are associated flirting and the desire to please. They are often used for memorable fashion looks.

Negative associations of pink .. do not differ from positive ones .. it’s a matter of taste, which side to turn. For some, this color is TOO childish, frivolous, sweet, weak.

Pink color in culture
In modern European culture, pink is considered the color of girls, although this was not the case before - but I'll tell you about this in the facts about the color.

In different cultures around the world, corals have been credited with the properties of their color to heal from depression, restore joy to life and promote the development of intuition.

Pink is often associated with daydreaming.

In Russian there is an expression "pink dreams" (there are also blue ones)

In many languages ​​there is "to look at the world through rose-colored glasses" - a negative association of pink - to perceive everything too easily and naively, not the way it is.

In English, "To be in pink" - literally - to be in pink - means the same thing as in Russian "to be in chocolate" - that is, a state when everything is going in the best way.

However, there is also a negative association - in English, during insanity, they see not a squirrel and little green men, but pink elephants. =)