What to do to stay healthy. What does a person need to be healthy?

The health of any person is his wealth. It is on a par with basic human needs, such as food or procreation. But, as a rule, if everything is in order with health, then we do not make any efforts to preserve it. And most often we do not protect it or cause irreparable harm. So what to do to be healthy and keep it for many years? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Scientists have proven that our health is 80% dependent on ourselves, on how well we take care of it. And 20% is what is given to us by nature. It is known from practice that you can maintain your health, as well as improve, or even completely restore, only by observing the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Consider the main positions that play a major role in the healing of the human body.

natural nutrition

How to eat to be healthy? This question worries many. The answer is extremely simple.

Any food should be prepared only from fresh, natural products. This should become the rule. The composition of natural products is well known: natural dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. And as a result, full assimilation by the body and benefits.

But the same cannot be said about products that are artificially enriched with these elements. It has been proven that artificially added vitamins and minerals will not bring any benefit, if not they can even be harmful.

As for products containing GMOs, there is no clear answer. Scientists are conducting research to find out exactly what effect they have on our body. Therefore, in this case, such products should still be abandoned.

It is desirable to take food at a certain time. Eating at the same time has a positive effect on the production of gastric juice. By adhering to this rule, you will soon notice that digestive problems have disappeared, and the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract has improved.

It is no secret that a large number of people are overweight. And overeating plays a huge role. Since the process of digestion in humans is slow, food entering the stomach is not digested immediately. Only after 2-3 hours it will be completely absorbed. A feeling of fullness occurs 20 minutes after the start of a meal. And in these 20 minutes you can eat much more than the body needs. This is how overeating occurs.

To avoid this, you must follow a number of simple rules.

  • Eat slowly. After 20 minutes, you will feel full, and you will not want to eat too much. Or leave the table with a slight feeling of hunger.
  • Stick to small portions of food. One serving equals two of your handfuls.
  • If you like to make frequent snacks, then not cakes or buns are best, but vegetables and fruits.
  • Add them to your diet as often as possible, as they saturate the body well.

A healthy lifestyle is not only a balanced, proper diet. To be healthy, you need to comply with some more conditions.

Physical exercises

Exercise every morning. Do any simple exercise for 10 minutes. Any set of exercises will do, you can even remember the exercises that you performed back in school. And then take a shower, preferably a contrast one. Such a shower increases blood circulation, and as a result, the nutrition of skin cells improves. A jet of water, hitting the skin, produces a micro-massage of the entire body.

As a result, for a long time, you will feel cheerful and energetic.


It is known that the alternation of mental and physical activity leads to increased performance. If you continuously perform monotonous work for two hours, then the accumulation of metabolic products occurs in the muscles and muscle tone drops. Conclusion: every 2 hours take a break of at least 10 minutes.

If it is not possible to conduct an active 10-minute “physical exercise”, then you can warm up while sitting on a chair. Tilt your head, stretch, make circular movements with your shoulders. You will be satisfied with the result. High performance and excellent health throughout the working day are guaranteed to you.

Many managers specifically arrange a short break every two hours of work for their subordinates. There is even a specially designed gymnastics for office workers.


Doctors strongly recommend being outdoors for at least two hours a day. And at the same time it is necessary to actively move. Physical activity in the air not only improves blood circulation and increases muscle tone, but also improves immunity. And this is very important in the autumn - winter season.

Go skiing or ice skating. This is the best combination of physical activity with ventilation.

And be sure to walk. You need to walk at least 1200 steps per day. Or 1.2 kilometers. You will gain not only health, but also develop endurance.

Now you know what to do to be healthy. The listed ways of maintaining health are suitable for everyone, without exception. They will help you stay in great shape. Regular physical activity and proper, natural nutrition are the foundation of health. Apply them in your daily life and the result will not disappoint you.

7 rules for good health and longevity

Hello friends! Let's talk about what is needed for health. Cases when a person with an incurable disease, with a disappointing diagnosis, repeatedly confirmed by more than one doctor, in spite of everything, not only continued to fight his illness, but recovered completely, are known to everyone.

Each patient, who has not given up, has his own method, but they all have one thing in common: confidence in the correct choice of the method of recovery and conscientious fulfillment of all tasks and loads of the chosen path.

Any doctor will confirm that it is better to prevent a disease than to fight it bravely when it is already there.

This article is written for those who agree with this statement, and for those who have already become hostages of various diseases. Basic general knowledge of human physiology will help to significantly improve the quality of life of any of us. All recommendations in this article are based on the laws of nature and common sense.

Why are we sick?

In the process of evolution, starting from the Stone Age, man was forced to move a lot, be in the fresh air, and eat natural food. He did not need to constantly examine and work with small objects. He went to bed at sunset and got up at dawn. Man lived according to the laws of nature, and so it was for many centuries in a row.

It is not surprising that scientific progress has made its own adjustments to the history of mankind. Along with the numerous benefits of civilization, mankind has received a huge number of side adverse factors. As you know, you have to pay for everything. And society pays for all kinds of benefits with diseases of the spine, gastrointestinal tract, and not age-related eye diseases.

With such a "bouquet" 90% of children graduate from school. In the future, in most cases, health problems only get worse.

Unfortunately, there is no special pill for sedentary work at the monitor, constant eye strain, lack of fresh air, and snacking on the run. But this does not mean that the quality of life cannot be improved.

7 rules

There are simple and effective health rules that will undoubtedly improve it. The main thing is to fulfill them.

The first rule is a hard bed. No one suggests going to extremes and sleeping on boards. Everyone can choose the required firmness of the mattress. Those who have problems with the spine should choose an orthopedic mattress.

The second rule is a hard pillow. Better orthotics. The role of the pillow is to create comfortable conditions for the rest of the third and fourth cervical vertebrae.

The third rule is exercise. It is necessary to choose a set of physical exercises with a load that corresponds to age and abilities. In order not to harm yourself, you need to take into account the diagnoses that you have. The complex must necessarily include exercises to stimulate capillaries, normalize blood circulation, and relax the spine.

The fourth rule is the "right" food. Of course, you should not give up your usual food. Moreover, natural products are a rarity in our time. But, it is quite possible to reduce the amount of fried, salty, sweet, fatty.

The fifth rule is life-giving moisture. Everyone knows that the body needs about two liters of water a day. Those who do not have contraindications (swelling) should not neglect the simple rule of fluid intake.

The sixth rule is walks in the fresh air. It has been noticed that dog owners who have to walk their pets daily in the morning and in the evening (and they do this in any weather) do not complain at all about the lack of time, they just learned how to use it rationally. Walking down the street makes it possible not only to enrich the body with oxygen, but also to rest our eyes from looking at small objects (type, monitor, phone).

The seventh rule is healthy sleep. The right amount of hours of sleep, for each individual. The general condition is to try to sleep during the period of the day that is planned by nature itself - at night. The quality of rest depends on all of the above factors.

Families with children should be reminded that the behavior of parents is a very serious element of upbringing.

This is not a reminder of charging, but charging with the child.

This is not a separate extensive lunch menu, but properly prepared dishes.

These are not punishments, in the form of deprivation of a walk, but joint walks in the fresh air.

To fulfill all of the above rules is not more difficult if the right choice is made in favor of health and longevity.

Share your health rules, and at the same time this article with your friends. Health to you and your loved ones!

To be healthy, you need not much - a good mood, pleasant company and the absence of bad habits. So said one of the famous writers, but what do we really need?

Physical and spiritual health

What does human health depend on? We all studied at school, university or technical school, and someone even managed to get two or even three higher educations. We studied subjects, and at the same time, no one ever taught us how to maintain and increase our health.

Whatever we do in this life and whatever we do, sooner or later we all turn to the health market. This is how a person works, that he remembers his health only when it (health) starts to leave, and runs away like water through his fingers.

And until this moment, each of us considers himself a healthy person. It doesn't matter that the liver hurts a little, and the pressure jumps, but the ambulance doesn't come, so I'm healthy. This is how each of us thinks.

If we are sick, then we go to see a doctor, naively believing that the doctor knows everything, and he will definitely cure us.

Have you heard the statement that all our problems come from ignorance? And this is a fact. We do not know how to be healthy people and go to doctors, pharmacies, healers, fortune-tellers, etc. We get more sores, empty our pockets and experience disappointment.

We do not know how to earn the required amount of money and again we experience stress and destroy our health. We live alone because we do not know how to properly build relationships with family and friends and again experience stress and destroy health.

As you can see, everything is closely interconnected in our life and each component affects the other. And human health is not only the health of the physical body, but also financial and emotional health. And all these spheres of life must be in harmony and one does not exist without the other.

Only then can we live a free, fulfilling life, enjoy and be in harmony with Nature and the Universe. And only in this case a person will consider himself a happy person.

And in this case, he will be able to help others acquire the same harmony and peace. And this will happen only if a person is engaged in the business that he likes, from which he experiences true pleasure and pleasure. Therefore, you need to learn always and constantly, since there is no limit to perfection and development.

To reach your happiness and experience harmony and unity with Nature. This will be what is called true human health.

It can be done all at the same time. Start restoring physical health, if it is not yet completely started, acquire knowledge and skills in what is called financial health and build harmonious relationships in the family. And there is another very important parameter - to develop your soul. All this is done together.

Golden rules of health:

  1. Maintain water balance, but you need to drink, not how much the society says - 2-3 liters per day, but how much you want, because each organism is individual, and therefore the needs are different.
  2. Eat right and balanced - 4-5 times a day in small portions, more vegetables, fruits, protein in the morning, a minimum of carbohydrates, before going to bed - diet foods with a minimum content of sugar and cholesterol.
  3. Active lifestyle - at least walks in the fresh air every day, at least 30 minutes.
  4. Communicate and love children - their spontaneity will tell you how to behave in life!
  5. Read more and develop in the direction you want - work and pleasure should go side by side, then there will be no issues with financial injections into the budget.
  6. Healthy sleep - get enough sleep, go to bed at 22.00, get up at 7 in the morning, a good mood will be provided.
  7. Smile more and enjoy life, no matter what, and in every problem situation, ask yourself - for worse or for better, but do not be discouraged, and life will put everything in its place. And where there were tears yesterday, there will be laughter today.
  8. Get rid of depressing thoughts, drive them away, do not hold anger and resentment towards other people, talk to them and resolve all issues without “departing from the cash register”, then you will not have disturbing thoughts.
  9. Take vitamin complexes and maintain immunity in perfect order, then various diseases will bypass.
  10. Love the Lord, say every day - I love you and enjoy every minute you live!

It is useful to meditate, to say positive affirmations - I am healthy, I am happy, I live in harmony with the Universe, all my dreams have come true, and there are no other statements without a particle in the current time. Such formulations balance the mind and develop the soul.

Happiness is life, the harmony of the physical and the spiritual. Reward yourself for good deeds, take care of your health and do not self-medicate. Joy to you and prosperity!

Most people mistakenly think that in order to be healthy, you need to follow a strict diet and spend a lot of time in the gym. But it is not so. You can find health through a few simple rules in your daily life. Get in the habit of making healthy choices when it comes to food, rest, exercise, and sleep. The sooner you start, the sooner you will feel better!


Part 1

healthy eating

    Drink more water. An adult needs to drink 2-3 liters (about 8 glasses) of water per day, and a child needs 1-2 liters (about 5 glasses). Beverages such as tea and coffee are excluded from this volume. Water helps maintain body temperature and flushes out toxins.

    Advice: if you don't like drinking plain water, add some lemon, lime or other 100% juice.

    Have breakfast. A light healthy breakfast is the key to health. With a breakfast that contains lean protein and whole grains, you won't need to snack before lunch. Studies have shown that those who don't eat breakfast eat more. In order not to overeat during the day, do not skip breakfast.

    Eat right. Half of the serving should consist of vegetables and fruits. Add to them low-fat foods rich in protein, dairy products and cereals. You will feel much better after switching to a new diet. At first, you will probably miss the sweet, but once you overcome this addiction, it will become much easier.

    • Remember that not all fats are bad. Healthy fats can be found in high-fat fish such as salmon or tuna, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These foods are essential for a balanced diet.
    • Try to spread your meals evenly throughout the day. You don't have to constantly snack on something.
  1. Eat at the right time. The right time to eat is the key to health. For easy digestion in the evening, have dinner between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm; avoid late snacking, which will load you with extra calories and can disrupt sleep. If you need a nighttime snack, choose unsalted nuts, seeds, fruits, or vegetables.

    Eat less meat. Vegetarianism is a good way to consume fewer calories and increase your intake of minerals and vitamins. Vegetarianism has a beneficial effect on the health of the cardiovascular system. Try if you do not switch completely to vegetarianism, then at least limit the consumption of meat. Choose a few days a week when you will not eat meat, and also replace red meat with chicken, turkey or fish.

    Limit your sugar intake. Carbohydrates are an important part of the diet, but fast carbohydrates are unhealthy. They contribute to a rapid burst of energy, and then a rapid decrease in it, which causes a feeling of hunger. Fast sugars, other than those found in fruits, are high in calories and contain no nutrients. Avoid fast carbs and added sugar, but you can consume sugar in limited amounts.

    • Fruits contain simple sugars, but they can be part of a healthy diet as they are full of vitamins and nutrients. Eat fruit with the skin whenever possible.
  2. Read the label carefully to choose the most useful product. Processed foods are often a bad choice, but sometimes you can find good options. A package of frozen broccoli is much better than the pizza next to it. In general, avoid processed foods whenever possible, but if that doesn't work, read the label and look carefully for added salt, sugar, and fat.

    Discuss with your doctor if you need to take nutritional supplements. Dietary supplements can be vitamins or minerals. Supplementation increases the absorption of nutrients from food. You can take a multivitamin every day or take a monovitamin that you are deficient in, such as calcium, vitamin D, or B12.

    • Do not start taking vitamins without talking to your doctor, especially if you are already taking any medications.
    • Remember that taking vitamins is not a substitute for a healthy diet.
  3. Try partial fasting for calorie control and endurance. Partial fasting means not eating for 12-16 hours. You can practice it every day or a couple of times a week. Fasting helps burn fat and increase energy endurance. This helps control calorie intake.

    • For example, have breakfast at 6:00 am and don't snack until 6:30 pm.
    • You can also try eating normally on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and fasting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
    • This diet is not for everyone. In particular, it is not suitable for people suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia. Check with your doctor before you start practicing this kind of fasting.

    Part 2

    Physical exercises
    1. Get yourself in shape. In addition to helping you lose weight and increase self-esteem, exercise also has a positive effect on the body and mind. A healthy cardiovascular system reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Sign up for a pool, walk or run in the park as often as possible.

      Maintain a healthy weight. Our constitution depends on weight and physique. A person with an endomorph constitution can weigh more than a person with an exomorph constitution.

      • Being underweight is bad too! Don't try extreme diets. There is no magic diet for weight loss - even if there were one, then you can not exclude nutrients from the diet. Slowly changing eating habits is safe and beneficial for long-term health.
      • You can learn how to lose weight without dieting from this article. Just remember that only real athletes who are able to burn a lot of calories can afford to make a diet error, but they don't because they know it's hard on the body. Even if you are consuming more calories than you need, make sure they contain healthy ingredients - the heart, brain, muscles, bones, organs, and blood are unable to run on empty calories.
    2. Alternate different types of physical activity. Just because you can run 8K non-stop or lift heavy dumbbells doesn't mean you're healthy. If you do only one exercise, then you will train only one muscle group. Try other types of exercise, like swimming or core training, and you'll be surprised you can't handle them!

      • What to do? Alternate workouts. Loading different muscle groups improves fitness and prevents injury, and also prevents boredom. Include aerobic and strength training in your workout plan. Your muscles will be happy with such loads.
    3. Exercise in moderation. It goes without saying that you need to train wisely. Each movement increases the risk of injury, so you must follow the correct technique for performing the exercises!

      Discover new possibilities. Being active isn't just about running down the sidewalk or going to the gym, it's about being active every day, all the time. If you walk 10 more steps here and there every day, in general, the difference will be noticeable.

      • Don't know where to start? Park the car away from work or from the entrance to the store. Ride your bike to work or school. Climb up the stairs. Get a dog and walk it every day. Take a walk in the park during your lunch break. Ride your bike to the coffee shop.

    Part 3

    emotional health
    1. Think positively. It is unbelievable what power the mind has over everything. A positive attitude towards a situation can turn an obstacle into an opportunity. You will not only feel better about everything that happens, but also strengthen your immune system, which will more easily cope with colds and diseases! Harvard researchers won't lie.

      • First, learn to be grateful. If you start thinking about some bad things, stop yourself. Instead, think of two things that you are grateful for. Your brain will understand this pattern over time and will itself rearrange your thoughts.
    2. Be satisfied. This recommendation means not only "to be satisfied with life" (although this is also), but above all "to love yourself and give yourself pleasure." If you are on a diet, then sometimes allow yourself a little sweet. If you want to watch a stupid TV show with popcorn, then do it. Even if it's small things that make you happy, do them.

      Think simpler things. If you focus on unattainable goals, it will make you indifferent and lazy. Why try to achieve the impossible? Think realistically. Undoubtedly, we must think about the future, but not about what will never happen.

      • It's much easier to be emotionally healthy and happy when you're focused on something. If you want to act in films, then think about screen tests and how to get into the film industry at all. "Now" always comes faster than "later" - put your goals in order!
    3. Fight stress. It is very important. If there are many reasons for unrest in your life, then everything else fades into the background. The house and consciousness are cluttered, and relationships become tense. Take five minutes to do this and think - how do you deal with stress? What are you doing to calm down and relax?

    4. Choose your friends wisely. Everyone knows that there are people who take away all the strength. But if you are friends with them just because they have a cool car or stylish clothes, then such friendship will not give anything but fatigue. Unfortunately, it is better for emotional health to get rid of such people in your environment. They do nothing good, but often we tolerate them to avoid unpleasant situations. Make a gift to your mental health and refuse relationships with such people. In the future, you will be satisfied.

      • Not sure how to recognize a toxic friend? How to end such a friendship? Read the wikiHow articles!
      • Spending time with friends is good. Humans are social beings, so try to hang out with people who make your life more fulfilling.
    5. Be more productive. One of the best ways is to say to yourself, “I have so much to do today!” You will seem to be constantly busy. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that if you concentrate, you can do anything. Now imagine that you are constantly productive.

      • Create a to-do list. A calendar or diary is great for this. And remember: think small. Set yourself small tasks that you plan to accomplish.
      • Remember to leave time for learning so you can always learn something new. This will prevent cognitive deterioration.
    6. Take breaks. This recommendation is similar to the step about being satisfied. Sometimes you need to do what seems necessary to you, regardless of what the world around you requires. Feel no guilt, just eat a Kit Kat bar, go to a club or get a good night's sleep. You will get twice the boost of energy if you do a pleasant thing.

      • This also applies to exercise. When a person constantly does the same exercise, his muscles get used to it, he gets bored and starts to take off. So instead of going for another run on Sunday, go to the pool. This is not laziness, these are new solutions.
    7. Find emotional balance. Even if all other aspects of health are in perfect order, it will not be complete if you suffer from mental instability. Everyone needs support sometimes, and there are a lot of little things that can help you feel better. If the problem is deeper, then you will need to learn how to deal with emotional pain or even depression.

      • Once you've finished working on yourself, start working on relationships with other people. Learn to recognize manipulators and, if necessary, learn to fight back in order to build healthy relationships later on.
    8. Don't forget to make time for creativity. For example, you can do music, theater or art. Art gives a sense of satisfaction, which has a positive effect on health. Listening to or playing music, dancing, acting in amateur theater or painting all improve mental and physical health. Express yourself creatively and enjoy the creativity of others.

      • Find a creative hobby or sign up for a class.
      • Get creative with your friends.
    9. Travel more. Traveling helps improve physical and mental health. Traveling allows you to grow creatively, relaxes and helps you learn something new. Traveling keeps you active and reduces your risk of depression.

      • Traveling can be an unaffordable luxury if you're on a tight budget. In such cases, try at least occasionally to go somewhere for a day or two.

    Part 4

    healthy habits
    1. Make a daily routine. A daily routine will help you set aside time for food, exercise, and stress reduction. Having a routine will also allow you to set aside time for hobbies and friends. Make your daily routine work for you!

      • On some days, change your usual routine so that life does not seem monotonous.
      • Change your daily routine until you find the most suitable option.

Sometimes, in order to let something new into life, you must first get rid of the old, superfluous, unnecessary. What to do to be healthy and slim? Just get rid of some things...

And it's not just about junk food or sweets, there are some bad habits that keep us from moving towards our healthy goals. That's what they need to fight.

So what do you do to be healthy? Get rid of excess:

Negative self-talk

Maybe you should stop being too hard on yourself? Just tell yourself, “I am strong. I can do anything! It is very important to compliment yourself, to encourage, to support yourself. The more we scold ourselves, the more difficult it is for us to cope with large and small troubles, as well as achieve our healthy goals.


Of course, high goals are always good, but scales can become a fierce enemy, and doctors will confirm this. If worrying about every extra kilo and scary numbers on the scales turns into an obsession, then it's time to get rid of the scales. Into their wastebasket. Forever and ever! It is important to remember that the numbers on the scales do not reflect the energy and strength that we invest in our development every day, so we forget about the numbers. We focus on results!

Exercises you don't like

Not everyone enjoys running, and that's okay. Trying to force ourselves to do a sport that we hate will not give good results, and will not increase motivation. There are many alternatives, other types of cardio exercises - choose what suits you and what you definitely like. Not suitable for a training camp? We take the bar. Don't like lifting weights? Forget about the bar, move on to yoga. We are experimenting. We are looking for another studio or another instructor. We are looking for exactly what will suit us, and what will bring not only benefit to our body, but also pleasure. But we never force ourselves to do what we do not like.

Trying to change your body

If we play sports because we hate our body and aggressively want to remake it, reshape it with the help of physical exercises, then this is sad. Exercise gives us a good mood, fills us with energy, improves health - in this way we show our respect for our body, show that we love it and take care of it. Love your body, don't try to "fix" it.

Cabbage (or least favorite food)

Many of us hate cabbage. So let's stop forcing ourselves to eat it! You don't need cabbage to be healthy. Okay, maybe it's not cabbage, but some other tasteless food that we don't like to eat, but we keep telling ourselves that this is "healthy food" and we "need" it to be healthy. This is all completely wrong! If our diet consists of foods we don't like, how long can we stay on that diet? We try something new, combine, look for something that will be both tasty and great to eat!


Targeting is cool. Fighting for perfection is unhealthy. When we set ourselves unrealistic or too high goals, we harm our mental and physical health. This desire for perfection may simply be a defense mechanism in a conscious or unconscious attempt to avoid being judged by others. We learn to direct energy to the process and the result, and not to the flawlessness of execution.

calorie count

Maybe we should stop counting them? Food is the fuel for our body, we need calories to keep the muscles elastic and the body strong. It is possible to keep track of what and how we eat, and still not be too concerned about counting calories. And if you really want to count something, then we count the nutritional macronutrients and monitor the daily balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


Clinical anxiety and constant stress take a toll on our mental health. It is because of stress that we can be overweight, flatulence, physical pain, skin problems and more. What to do to be healthy? Learn to relax and control stress. Try meditating on your own, signing up for yoga, or finding a good therapist.

All that is holding back

What often holds us back from becoming the best version of ourselves and living the best life possible? Maybe it's an unhealthy relationship? Or an unloved job that sucks all the energy? Let's go. People who don't support us. A job that makes us feel bad. Letting go of unnecessary commitments that hold us back from reaching our physical, mental, and personal goals. Enjoy the time, it's yours! We replace all this with activities that will help us get one step closer to the true goal, to work that will help us develop and grow, to relationships that will fill and give harmony.

We hope that we have answered the question "What to do to be healthy?". It remains only to act. Analyze your life and choose what is right for you. May everything work out for you!