Painted floors. Painting wooden floors

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How to Paint an Old Wood Floor

Coloring theme wooden surfaces cannot be called original, but those who are going to do this for the first time may find some tips useful.

The floors on our terrace and part-time in summer kitchen have been in need of updating for a long time. Here ordinary planed boards are laid. And not closely, but with intervals for ventilation: this is a semi-outdoor room, raised very low above ground level.


The preparatory work may take longer than the painting itself. First, prepare the materials and tools:

  • Floor paint. You can use any: acrylic, oil, enamel. Since our floors had previously been covered with PF enamel, we still use it now. But I would paint new clean floorboards with odorless acrylic paint;
  • Solvent. It is added to improve the fluidity of paints and make their consumption more economical. I used white spirit. In general the view suitable solvent always indicated on the paint can;
  • Brushes – small for the perimeter and large for the main area. It’s more convenient to use instead, but I didn’t have one;
  • Paint tray;
  • Masking tape;
  • Gloves;
  • Stirring stick.

You may also need a stiff bristle brush or sandpaper if there are areas of old paint that are peeling off on the surface.

First, prepare the floors for painting:

  • It is very important to thoroughly clean all the crevices, otherwise the brush will collect all the dust and dirt from them, which will instantly mix with the paint and be smeared on the surface.

  • Dry cleaning is not enough; the floors need to be washed well and allowed to dry.

  • After opening the paint, you should mix it and, if necessary, add a solvent: it is difficult to work with a thick composition, and a lot of it is wasted.

  • Mix the paint again until it is homogeneous and free of streaks and colors.


Before you pick up a brush, take care not to stain the walls or stationary furniture with paint. To do this, stick masking tape on them around the perimeter. It is impervious to paint and can be easily removed after use without leaving any residue.

Now you can start the main work:

  • Pour a little paint into the tray, into its lower deep part;

  • Take a small brush and brush it around the perimeter of the room. After dipping into the paint, excess is removed from it by pressing it against the ribbed part of the bath;

  • Then use a large brush or roller to paint each floorboard, spreading the paint along it. You need to apply a little pressure so that the paint fills all the small defects and recesses from the screws;

  • You need to start working from the far wall and move towards the exit.

I have two exits, so I closed the door to the backyard with a latch so that no one would enter through it, and painted, backing up to the stairs to the upper terrace.

The porch facing the garden was painted in the same way. But here the boardwalk was in worse condition to begin with, so a second stain will be required.

In a day or two (it dries quickly outside), when this layer is dry, the floors will need to be washed warm water with the addition of vinegar, and then paint again. This washing speeds up the final drying of the paint and removes oil traces from it.

Now I’d like to keep an eye on the cat so that J doesn’t get into trouble.

And here’s what happened without using masking tape, forgotten on an already painted area. No matter how hard I tried to act carefully, when painting the baseboard I touched the walls. Now you have to wipe off these marks with a solvent. It’s good that this is plastic, it won’t work with this number.


There is, of course, nothing complicated in the described process. This kind of work can be done by anyone. And if you take the time to thoroughly clean and clear the surface of the old peeling coating, then swinging a brush and comparing “it was and what is now” can even be pleasant.

September 29, 2016

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A sloppily painted floor or an old coating with peeling paint spoils the appearance of the entire interior of the room. Therefore, if the owners have already taken up the renovation of the apartment, they cannot leave the floors without updating. One of the most common The only way to freshen up a floor to this day is to paint it, despite the emergence of numerous newfangled coatings.

However, it should be noted that such a seemingly simple process as painting a wooden floor with your own hands also takes on new forms. If previously traditional for this element of the house was brown of certain shades, nowadays many creative apartment owners go for bold experiments, using all the colors of the rainbow, sometimes creatively combining them with each other.

Other homeowners still prefer not to take risks and do not change old traditions. And adherents of ecological interiors who strive to decorate their home with natural materials while preserving them natural beauty, cover plank floors with clear water-based varnishes or tinting oils.

However, no matter what transformation method is chosen, the wooden surface must be carefully prepared for the application of paints and varnishes.

For preparatory activities and directly for the paint application process, certain tools and materials will be required, the quality of which will directly affect the appearance of the finish coating.

Tools and materials for painting wood floors

Tools for work

So, the following painting and construction tools will be needed for work:

Basic tools: roller, brush, paint tray. The tray may have replaceable liners

  • A paint tray is necessary for maximum ease of use when painting the main floor area with a roller. You should not try to replace the tray with improvised containers, since everything in its design has already been thought out for comfortable work - it will never tip over from an accidental push, and it has a bevel On the one side– inclined a plane with a corrugated surface, which helps remove excess paint from the roller.
  • The roller will help carry out work faster, since it immediately colors enough large area. In addition, it ensures the evenness of the applied layers. It is best to purchase a roller with a long handle - then the work will be much easier and more convenient. When purchasing a roller, you need to take into account the length of the pile on the cage - it should be of medium length, otherwise the paint will lie unevenly.
  • Brushes different widths– you can’t do without them when painting the joints between the floor and baseboards, as well as places inaccessible to a roller.

  • Painting tape will be needed if you plan to apply several shades of paint to the floor surface, as well as for sealing those areas of the floor, wall or baseboard that do not require such design, but there is a high risk of accidentally touching them with a brush during work. Painting tape is waterproof, so it becomes a reliable barrier to paints and varnishes of any type. When the tape is removed, the surfaces underneath are completely clean.

  • Rubber and metal spatulas will be needed to seal gaps between boards when repairing or preparing the floor, as well as to remove layers of old coating.

Protruding irregularities and knots can be cut off with a chisel

  • A chisel becomes necessary for widening and clearing old putty from the cracks between the boards, as well as for cutting down protruding knots or other small irregularities protruding above the floor surface.

  • A scraping machine will be needed if the floor has an old varnish coating or in the case when its surface has many extensive defects and requires leveling.
  • A construction hair dryer with attachments will be needed when the plank floor has several layers of old paint coating. If the task is to make the floor smooth and aesthetically pleasing, then first you need to remove all these layers, and then move on to other preparatory measures.

We select materials

The materials for the work will need wood putty and primer, wooden slats for sealing wide cracks and, in fact, the paint itself. Very often, especially when using organic-based paints, an appropriate solvent will be required - to give the paint the desired consistency and to clean equipment and hands after completion of work.

Putties for repair work on a wooden floor

For sealing cracks in the floor will do some . Each of the compositions has certain properties that you need to know about when choosing a similar material for work.

  • Oil and oil-adhesive putties are made using glue, sifted chalk, drying oil and drier - a substance that helps the composition dry out quickly. However, despite the presence of the latter, this type of material dries much longer than other putties. True, after complete drying it is quite reliable and has a long service life.

Probably the most convenient one is acrylic putty.

  • Acrylic putty is made from talc and barite or gypsum with the addition of ocher and zinc white. It fills cracks well, is easy to level and dries fairly quickly. This type of material is suitable not only for filling cracks, but also for leveling small depressions if the floor is being prepared for painting. When hardened, the material remains elastic, so if the boards are slightly deformed, the putty will not come out of the cracks, but will take the desired position.

In order for such putty to adhere reliably, the cracks must be cleaned, rinsed and dried before applying it.

  • A homemade putty made from wood glue with the addition of fines is also suitable for plank floors. sawdust. This crack sealing material dries quickly and is easy to apply and level. The service life of this material is quite long.

In addition to putty, to prepare the floor you will need drying oil to impregnate the boards or a wood primer - they are necessary to protect the material from pests, as well as for easy and even application of paint.

Wood floor paint

Having chosen the putty, you need to move on to an equally important procedure - selecting the required paint.

The choice of floor paints is quite wide

Today in construction stores There is a wide range of different products available, and there is always the opportunity to find the most suitable one. Therefore, when going shopping, you need to be well prepared and know exactly what requirements the painting material must meet.

  • First of all, you need to take into account the humidity in the room where the floor is located, which will be covered with the selected paint.
  • Secondly, the type of floor wood and the condition of the boards are taken into account.
  • The third factor that needs to be remembered is the degree of load that will fall on the floor covering, since the intensity of traffic in different rooms may vary significantly. For example, in the hallway and kitchen the mechanical impact on the flooring is several times higher than in the bedroom or living room.

Most often, oil-based paint is used to paint floorboards, which over decades of use has proven to be particularly resistant to wear. It is also important that this is perhaps the most inexpensive option. However, do not forget about its main drawback - it takes a long time to dry.

Enamel composition is also quite often chosen - it is popular because it dries quickly and gives an even coating. Such paint is, of course, more expensive.

In addition to colorful floor compositions, impregnations and varnish on alkyd and acrylic, water-soluble bases are used. But they are suitable for covering new or ideally cleaned wood that has a beautiful textured pattern and color.

If the area to be painted is large, then you cannot limit yourself to one can. Having calculated the total floor area, it will be possible to exactly exactly determine how much paint will be needed. Very often, on the factory packaging or in the instructions for use supplied with the paint, the manufacturer’s recommended consumption for square meter wooden floor. If there is no such information, then you can calculate the approximate required amount, taking into account the fact that an average of 200-250 grams are consumed per square meter. composition per layer.

If you plan to cover the floor in two layers, then, accordingly, you need to buy 1.7-1.8 times more paint, how for one layer - it takes for the first coating more material, how for the next ones.

It is worth paying attention to the batch number of the purchased paint - it must be the same. Compositions of one article, produced in different times or on different lines, may differ in shade and tone. What will not be visually noticeable in the store may later appear on the painted floor surface.

Preparing a wooden floor for painting

Regardless of whether the old floor will be painted or a new one, just laid, preparatory activities necessary in any case.

Preparing the old floor

If you are restoring an old floor that has been painted in several layers, you will have to seriously work to bring the boards almost to their original condition.

The first step is to dismantle the old skirting boards and only then proceed to further measures.

Next, an inspection of the fastening of the boards with nails to the sheathing (lags) is carried out. Over the years of use of the floor, the nails could rise above the level of its surface - they must be sunk into the wood, otherwise they will complicate further cleaning of the floor plane.

  • If a thin layer of paint has been applied to the floor, it can be cleaned using grinding machine- tape, eccentric or disk type, which can often be rented in specialized stores, or invited to perform similar work by a master who has his own machine. Using this cleaning method, you can not only get rid of the old coating and renew the floor, but also level it to a completely smooth surface.

  • If the old floor covering consists of numerous layers of paint, then it will first have to be removed, for example, using construction hair dryer. After heating a certain area of ​​the floor, the paint is removed with a spatula or a special scraper, which is usually included with the hairdryer.

  • When the paint has been cleaned off and the inspection shows that leveling the surface is not required, all that remains is to clean the surface using a hand sander.
  • If it appears, with uneven relief joints of the boards, then you cannot do without a large sanding machine.
  • After the sanding process, all dust and debris from the surface must be carefully removed. You won’t be able to do this manually – you need a powerful (preferably a construction) vacuum cleaner.
  • Next, all large and small gaps between the boards are sealed. Narrow holes are simply filled with putty material, which is leveled with the floor surface.

  • Wide slots, if necessary, widen slightly upward. For them, slats are prepared, which are narrowed wedge-shaped towards the bottom along the entire length. Then they side surfaces are covered with a thin layer of putty or wood glue, and the slats are carefully driven into the openings of the cracks.

Sealing large cracks using slats - wedges

  • Areas of slats-wedges protruding above the surface after the adhesive has dried members are being spared plane.
  • After all repaired areas have completely dried, another grinding of the surface is carried out, which will finally smooth out all the unevenness. Then, thorough cleaning and dust removal is carried out, and you can proceed to the next stage.
  • The entire floor surface must be treated with hot drying oil or modern compounds primers. In this regard, it is, of course, more profitable to use ready-made modern impregnations, since they solve two problems at once - they work as an antiseptic and make the surface smooth, giving it good adhesive qualities, which will facilitate the subsequent application of paint. Any materials applied to the surface must be allowed to dry completely.

Video: preparing an old wooden floor for painting

Preparing the new floor

With a good installation of new floors, the boards usually fit perfectly together and no gaps should form, so this stage of work is immediately eliminated.

However, in order for the floor surface to be perfectly smooth and look aesthetically pleasing, especially if you plan to cover the boards with transparent paints and varnishes, you must sand it using a hand sander or sanding machine.

The floor must be primed, and best of all - twice

Next, the flat surface is also covered with heated drying oil or, and let it dry thoroughly. It is recommended to prime the new board covering in two layers, since the first of them will be almost completely absorbed into the wood, and the second will create an optimal surface for a brush and roller. In addition, high-quality priming will help save paint, because its liquid components will not be abundantly absorbed into the wood.

You can paint the floor in one color or use several shades, but, one way or another, the first layer, which covers the entire surface, is always monochromatic. Therefore, this is where you need to start the whole painting process.

  • Preparing paint for work involves thoroughly mixing it until smooth, since clots and lumps will interfere with the even application of the material to the surface.
  • During the work, paint will definitely get on your hands and clothes, so you should provide a work suit and put on your hands rubberized gloves or coat them well with vegetable oil.
  • Next, the paint is poured into the tray, then with a wide brush they begin to paint the floor along the walls, in the places where the baseboards will be installed.
  • Having painted the entire floor around the perimeter, proceed to painting the entire floor area using a roller.
  • After the first layer of paint has dried, baseboards are installed at the junctions of the floor and walls.
  • If necessary, wooden plinths at the joints between each other are coated with putty, after which it should dry well. Putty Once dry, the areas are carefully sanded with sandpaper.
  • Further, if wallpaper is already pasted on the walls or other decorative materials, masking tape is attached to them, right along the baseboards. It is necessary to protect the walls from accidental paint.
  • Using a narrow brush, paint the baseboards and leave them to dry. When the first coat of paint dries, apply the second immediately.
  • After repainting the baseboards, a second layer is applied to the entire floor area.
  • When the paint has completely dried, provided that the floor was planned to be made one color, it is recommended to wash the entire surface with a weak soap solution - this will eliminate the residual stickiness of the freshly painted coating.

Video: the process of monochromatic painting of a wooden floor

At this point you can stop painting and start arranging the room with furniture. But, having shown imagination, you can continue the work, making half two - or even tricolor. Naturally, in order for everything to turn out aesthetically and accurately, it is necessary to create a sketch of the future “work” in advance. As an example, we can consider an option where three colors were used.

  • As mentioned above, first the entire floor is painted with one color.
  • Next, you need to separate the areas of the floor that will be painted a different color. This is done using masking tape a certain width.
  • The pasted strips will not only clearly highlight areas of paint with a different color, but will also protect areas that should not be touched.

  • After the painted strips have dried, the masking tape is removed, leaving a clearly defined floor pattern, which is the result of using different tones of paint.
  • But in this case, the designer decided not to stop there and added a fine mesh to the floors white. A similar one (or some other) can be obtained using a stencil, which can be purchased ready-made, or you can make it yourself by applying a design to a sheet of transparent film and cutting out the necessary contour areas.

  • To apply a small pattern, it is better to use quick-drying paint, best of all, but even with it, such a mesh will have to be applied in fragments with certain pauses, since in a hurry there is a chance of smearing the paint applied next to it.

By doing something like this design decoration floor (such as in the picture or developed independently), you can make even the most ordinary wooden floor exclusive and original, surprising everyone with its ingenuity.

There is no need to think that you cannot bring a creative touch to the process of painting floors. By turning on your imagination and imagination, picking up a pencil and paper, you can come up with a real work of art, which you can then transfer to the floor of one of the rooms in your apartment.

Video: example of original floor painting in an apartment

With some effort and diligence, it is quite possible to do the job of painting the floor yourself. In this process, the most important thing is to properly prepare the surface and very carefully perform each of the stages of applying paint.

What color to paint the floor will depend on the design of the room. But here the main point will be the material of manufacture and the external environment. It is based on these signs that you need to decide what paint to paint the floor with.

Today we will look at this issue and give recommendations on application materials. You can also see the video and photos in this article where there will be a lot of useful and necessary information on this issue.

It is quite possible to apply any coating with your own hands, and therefore the price will not be high. The main thing is to decide what to apply correctly. There are many materials offered on the sales market, but this does not mean that any one can be used.

Before choosing, you need to look at which one is best suited and where. Below are instructions on the characteristics of different types of dyes.

Impermeable paints

Typically, impermeable paint is used on wood floors or finishes that are colorless. Various pigments enter into the structure of these, which reveal the natural texture of the wood during application.

You can find the following types of impervious paints on the market:

  • Acrylic
  • Polyurethane
  • Alkyd
  • Perchlorovinyl
  • Oily.

Let's look at the pros and cons (if they exist) of any type of material.

Perchlorovinyl paints

They are used for painting wood surfaces both internally and externally. They have excellent weather resistance characteristics, a rich color palette with bright colors and quite inexpensive. However, along with these advantages, there are also disadvantages, due to which perchlorovinyl paints are “retiring.”

It is possible to include among them:

  • Virulence, since an unstable organic solvent enters the structure of the paint, evaporating from the plane of the tree, has a negative effect on human health, and such volatile elements are also quite fire hazardous;
  • Coating cracking I;
  • Significant level of fading.

Oil dyes

Almost 10 years ago, oil paints were used with wild triumph among buyers. However, not because they were excellent, but because there was no other selection. Despite today, some people prefer to purchase oil-based paints and varnishes directly in order to improve the floors in their own buildings and apartments.

  • They have a bright deep tone, smooth homogeneous texture, significant stability to change temperature systems and most importantly - low cost.
  • The disadvantage is the long drying time; it will take about a day to dry. this paint, which is extremely, extremely sad. In this period of time, no one prefers to wait for a long time. After a few years, you will no longer enjoy having a smooth, shiny floor. And you will begin to see a rough and sometimes even cracked plane.
  • If you are thinking about how to paint plywood on the floor, then oil dye is completely suitable. After all, plywood has a limited thickness and oil paint will protect it perfectly.

Polyurethane paints

Characterized by great signs of wear resistance and stability to external influences, excellent safety qualities and durability, however, along with this, they also have disadvantages (how could they be absent).

  • Polyurethane paints have significant toxicity due to the organic solvents entering their structure.
  • The price of such materials is quite high.

Alkyd paints

They are used to protect wood surfaces from inside and outside rooms. They are characterized by significant resistance to precipitation and various temperature fluctuations and colorful colors. However, the disadvantages of such paints will force you to think 100 times rather than risk purchasing them.

  • During the dyeing period, a very powerful special aroma spreads, it remains even after drying. Of course, don’t think that it will be necessary for you to spend your whole life breathing paint, of course not. For everyone, without exception, during this period it is better to be in another place, so breathing such air is risky for your well-being, and after a few days, maybe even a few weeks, the “smell” will disappear.
  • Organic solvents entering the structure are quite fire hazardous, for this reason the paint catches fire very quickly and easily. Acrylic dispersion paints have been used in great demand in recent years and not in vain!

They have a number of positive aspects:

  • high weather resistance
  • moisture resistance
  • cold resistance
  • burnout resistance
  • large color palette (more than two thousand different colors)
  • reliability (up to ten years of service in the absence of the slightest disputes).

Of course, the only gloomy circumstance that upsets the good look is that the cost of acrylic paints is quite high, and of course the selection of manufacturers is not so great. Therefore in Russian Federation Such products are not currently produced. In this case, everything that comes to us “from over the hill” is not always of good quality.

For this reason, when selecting acrylic paints, be careful, drawing your attention to the labeling and state of the manufacturer. For a wooden floor from Spain or Germany, the paint is no worse than the widely advertised Finnish one.

Their structure is almost identical, and their properties are certainly similar. Why pay more when it is possible to purchase exactly the same thing, but at a more attractive price.

Colorless coatings for wooden surfaces

Transparent varnishes and impregnations belong to this species paint and varnish materials. Let's analyze each type separately.

Colorless dyes also include impregnations:

  • Acrylics differ in their significant absorption into wood. This makes it possible to maintain the flatness of the floor to the maximum. Such impregnations have every chance of having different colors, with the help of which it is possible to create an unusual and magnificent design. The composition is applied using an ordinary bunch or roller. Spraying is also provided, since not everyone is able to spend two hours of their required period spreading the impregnation on the floor.
  • Oil impregnations are used to protect, maintain and tint logs. They are perfectly impregnated, which is why the surface of the wood becomes strong, sparkling, and even the most moisture-resistant. For impregnation, oil is made from natural modified resins, usually linseed or wood oils.
  • The area of ​​its use is quite wide: living rooms, guest rooms, kitchens, bathrooms (see), village, swimming pool, in total, almost everywhere, including in the place where there is no heating. Simply update the oil impregnation if you add specialized products to the water for cleaning floors.
  • Varnishes have the weight of positive aspects. They leave the natural beauty of the wood, protect the floor plane from the harmful influence of external conditions, but in no way can they really enjoy a varnished floor, since a thin varnish film is in no way capable of protecting the flooring from chips, impacts, or any loads.
  • Even when the varnish has dried completely, without exception, it also remains quite flexible, mobile and moves with each defect simultaneously with the wood fibers. In general, there is no need to make sacrifices for the sake of beauty in order to move on a varnished floor only in slippers with soft soles.

Aspects of choosing floor paint

There are several criteria according to which you need to select the color for the floor.

Here they are:

  • Type of flooring(wood (see) or concrete);
  • Floor loads;
  • Wood texture (origin of the log);
  • Where will the painting take place? a: from inside a ventilated or unventilated building, on the street, this involves the continuous accumulation of weather precipitation on the plane, in circumstances of high atmospheric moisture, and so on;
  • Certain colors call for specific circumstances, and this: epoxy paints, for example, should only be done in well-ventilated rooms, in which case latex-acrylic paints are excellent for unventilated rooms;

Attention: For paint and varnish compositions for concrete placement, it is necessary to take into account in which place repair and construction activities will take place: if the room apartment type, in this case it is necessary to select a paint that has less toxicity.

In a similar way, by understanding several options, you can provide a detailed representation of the required color to the expert trader shopping center. The expert merchant should simply then advise you on which paint to choose for painting the flooring.

Wood flooring

Wood flooring should be coated with paint and varnish. This type of material used is considered to have low wear resistance.

Thus, if the wood is left and not covered with anything, it is unlikely that it will last you more than two or three years. After a little time, it may become moldy, rot, begin to swell, dry out and change shape, for this reason it is important to choose a more durable log for the log. optimal view coloring.

Without exception, all paint and varnish coatings for logs can be divided into 2 types: colorless and impenetrable. Clear coatings are specialized varnishes for parquet, where this type makes it possible to highlight the natural beauty of the wood. However, this topic is for another note.

However, we are interested in covering the flooring with one paint or another, and if we touch on multi-colored ones, in this case, in the period of our grandparents, oil paint from natural goods. In most situations, paint was made from ocher, and the most common color was blood chestnut (red).

The problem is that this kind of tone, according to the judgment of the manufacturers of paint and varnish coatings of these pores, had the ability to perfectly hide dirt in the floor.

  • Dispersion acrylic paints allow wood flooring to “breathe.”
  • To this day it is still on store shelves. oil paints, sold at affordable price, the staining procedure is quite simple. A strong coating that is formed by applying paint to wood flooring. It is guaranteed to serve you for about five years.
  • Dispersion acrylic paint has several positive aspects above others: a high coefficient of vapor permeability (the ability to “breathe”), solvents are not included in the composition in any way (thus the least type of fire hazard, no toxicity), the greatest adhesion to wood, lightness and practicality of covering the flooring, optimal protection from ultraviolet radiation, with proper care, the period of operation reaches up to twenty years.

Attention: In case you, after an indefinite period of time, wish to repaint the flooring with a different type paint and varnish material, in this case, try a water-acrylic solution. This mixture will give the minimum “reaction” from absolutely any paint and varnish material!

  • Opaque enamels have every chance of being used due to their low cost and simplicity, but in addition to this they perfectly overcome moisture, having a powerful waterproof quality.
  • Enamel paint generally dries faster on wood flooring.
  • The enamel adheres well to the plane of the log, without penetrating into its texture. As a result, the service life of the wood coating increases significantly. Another advantage of this type of paint and varnish material is the rapid drying period.

Concrete flooring

Let's try to figure out how to choose a color for a flooring made of concrete slabs (see), because this type of surface needs to be painted over according to most circumstances. Do not forget in this case that dust will regularly form in an unpainted concrete surface.

Do not forget, besides this, that concrete slabs that are not provided with paints and varnishes have every chance of being a factor in injuries (possibly tripping).

Attention: Here you will find the answer to how to paint a self-leveling floor. In the case of concrete, the main factor will be the peeling of the dye. Therefore, before painting, it will be necessary to prime the surface, only then will the coating stick.

  • In general, paint made from epoxy resin is more often used, which is why it is called “epoxy”. Applying an already delicate coating to a concrete coating provides you with an increase in wear resistance many times over (it is generally more correct to apply paint in 2 layers: first, a very thin layer is applied, which must be allowed to dry for about a day, then covered with a second layer of enormous thickness) .
  • Epoxy paint has a waterproof effect and increases the degree of overload. It is most resistant to chemical elements, and also has excellent adhesion to concrete surfaces.
  • Epoxy paints are suitable in open areas for concrete floors.
  • Let's say you need to cover the flooring in an open area, in which case you can directly select this type of paint and varnish material.
  • It is necessary to separately note the innovative concrete paint and varnish coatings, which are presented from European manufacturers. They are able to withstand heavy loads. Such colors are more suitable for industrial areas, but here it should be noted that Europeans paint floors in stadiums, where one of the disadvantages is great price product.

If you are deciding what to paint the floor in the steam room, then there is only one question, nothing is better, because here, in addition to the humid environment, it also affects high temperature and therefore any dye will not be safe. You can easily find what kind of paint to paint the floor in other materials in the article. The main thing is not the price of the dye, the main thing is that it is safe and durable.

Has always enjoyed enormous popularity because it is the most environmentally friendly pure material, completely harmless to the human body. Wood is durable and wear-resistant, but in order for its service life to correspond to reality, it is necessary to correct painting.


Before painting a wood floor, the most important thing is to choose the right tool, as well as it. The first step is to clean the floor from dirt, dust and greasy stains. This can be done with a regular soap solution, which will already give 60% purity. If there is a waxy coating on the surface, use a soda solution (7 liters per 1 glass of soda warm water).

Tools most often used when painting:

  • brushes of different sizes,
  • spatulas,
  • fine-pile rollers,
  • primer,
  • sandpaper,
  • repair tape,
  • dye.

After wet cleaning the floor, visually inspect it. It may have minor roughness, loose nail heads, or cracks. Roughness can be eliminated using fine-grained sandpaper; fill the crack or hole with sawdust putty or special putty for wood; hammer the nails in with a hammer.

After drying, remove any unevenness with sandpaper of different grain sizes depending on the layer of putty applied. Remove any dust on the floor again with soapy water (be sure to let the surface dry), and then proceed with the primer. The soil serves to prevent. The primed floor should dry within 3-4 days, now we can start painting.

Video about the technology of painting wooden floors

If you have an old one with paint residues, for complete cleaning, use special emulsions that contain paraffin, methylene chloride, ethyl alcohol and caustic soda. These compounds will prevent the paintwork from bubbling, peeling and preventing it from oozing chemical reaction. Also remember that all emulsions are toxic, so always follow safety rules.

Types of staining

Wooden flooring so it lasts a long time? First of all, you must choose the right paint. The assortment in stores or markets is so large that you can easily select a paint product for different types tree. Be sure to pay attention to the following factors: type of wood (whether it can be painted), service life and characteristic properties (humidity, percentage of drying oil), paint compatibility.

Wooden paint containing oil, alkyd varnishes and enamels. There are three painting methods: simple, medium and complex. The stages of simple painting are as follows: primer or putty is applied to a dry, cleaned floor, after drying it is painted over with a thin layer of paint, and after 2-3 days a second layer of paint solution is applied.

The second type is painting of medium complexity. It resembles the first method, but the important thing here is that the putty is applied in several layers. Each layer is cleaned after drying. Then a primer is applied and only after that they are painted in several layers.

Complex painting involves applying primer and putty in 2–3 layers, and after drying, more liquid putty, it is applied to well-stretched gauze with a spatula in the form of pressure. After complete drying and cleaning, putty again and only after that in several layers.

Painting features

You only need to apply paint thin layers so that wrinkles and bubbles do not appear during the process. Apply paint from the corner of the room; repair tape is attached where painting is not needed. Always let the paint dry after each coat.

To test dryness, simply press lightly onto the surface with a piece of newspaper. If it stops sticking, coat again. If you need to walk around the room even while painting, use plastic film. Then just carefully remove it starting from the corner. Painting with dispersion coating: apply layers only in the direction of the boards; here replace the roller with a brush.

And now the painting process is complete. But how to achieve the necessary shine? Be sure to rinse the surface hot water several times, wipe dry with a cloth and now you can apply clear varnish. It gives the floor some transparency and makes the tones a little lighter. Varnishing is also applied in the direction of the board. Start re-application only after 3-4 hours, but depending on the varnish, it may take two days. Before using the varnish, stir the contents well.

If the result after application does not suit you, sand the surface in those places where you see a flaw and apply varnish again. For further use, you can purchase various polishes, which, in turn, will prevent the formation of wear.

Question painting the floor should be given special attention, since this area of ​​the home is most susceptible various kinds influences. About the choice floor paints various types, wax, floor varnish and other materials, and how to paint the floor correctly and efficiently, we will tell you in this article.

Painting floors - advantages and disadvantages

    Among the advantages of painting the floor are:
  • resistance of the coating to moisture, since most paints applied to the floor are moisture resistant;
  • paint creates on the floor protective film, which protects it from various types of influences;
  • the coating becomes easy to maintain and can easily withstand any type of cleaning, both dry and wet;
  • application of paint is quick and does not require special physical effort; in addition, after the paint has dried, the floor is ready for further use;
  • This type of finishing is economical and affordable, therefore it is the most popular among alternative options.

    Among the disadvantages of painting floors in the house are:
  • low level of thermal insulation, in winter time walking on a painted floor does not bring comfort, so it requires the installation of rugs;
  • low level of wear resistance, this coating is not capable of being used for a long time and requires periodic updating;
  • low speed drying, most paints dry for two to seven days, during which time walking on the floor is prohibited;
  • the appearance of the coating is quite simple, so sometimes when arranging a special designer room, painting the floor is not the best option.

Necessary tools for painting

If you decide to paint the floor, then, first of all, we start with the selection necessary tools. High-quality floor painting requires the presence of: painting strips of different widths, and. When choosing a paint brush, you should opt for the so-called flat brushes of different widths. They are used to process floor edges, baseboards, corners, and other surface areas that are difficult to reach with a roller. Main part painting works It is better to do it with a roller - this will not only speed up the process, but will also allow you to apply the paint in even layers. It is best to use rollers with short naps, as too long naps will result in a rough or uneven floor surface.

Painting tape is used to prevent paint from getting onto surfaces that are not to be painted. Its main feature is that after removing the tape, no traces remain on the sealed area.

To make it more convenient to put paint on the roller, you need a paint tray. As a rule, these containers on one side have a raised bottom, beveled at a slight angle, with a relief surface, which allows you to remove excess paint from the roller.

To achieve flat surface wooden covering, it is necessary to remove excess knots on the boards using a chisel. A spatula and putty will be necessary if you need to fill existing cracks.

To protect your eyes you will need.

Initial preparation for painting any type of floor

Features of painting a wooden floor

There are several options for painting the floor, the choice of which will depend on the condition of the floor and the desired final result.
First way. Suitable for floors that have no visible defects, it is the simplest and fastest. First, the wooden floor is covered with drying oil or primer, after which it is given 2-3 days to dry. Next, the first layer of paint is applied, which dries for several days. When the surface is completely dry, apply a second layer. It may take 4 days to a week for the second layer to dry completely.
Second way. Used for floors that have cracks, gaps between boards or other imperfections. The preparatory stage consists of applying drying oil or primer, which dries well. After this, the floor surface is puttied using a special oil putty, which should be the same tone as the floor. The putty areas dry and are sanded, after which the procedure is repeated. Before painting, problem areas of the floor are primed and painted several times until the putty is visible. Next, two layers of paint are applied alternately, as described in the first method.
Third way. This painting option is very labor intensive and complex. finishing stage work that can be done in two ways. According to the first method, the floor surface is covered with drying oil, dried and puttied several times, with each layer of putty thoroughly sanded down. After this, the floor is puttied for the last time, a primer is applied and the surface is painted in three layers. The second method is that after the first layer of putty has been cleaned, the next putty-like layer of putty is applied to the surface of the wooden floor, on which tightly stretched gauze is applied and embedded in it. The surface dries, after which putty is applied a third time, it is cleaned, primed and painted in three layers.

After the last coat of paint has been applied, the surface must be allowed to dry completely, which usually takes several days. To check if the floor is dry, you can use a fairly in a simple way: just press your finger or a piece of paper onto the painted surface; if it doesn’t stick, you can safely walk on the surface.

After completing the work, you need to pay attention not only to whether the paint has dried or not, but also to the quality of the paint. The floor surface should not show through the lower layers of paint, stains, wrinkles, drips, marks from a roller or brush. If such defects are present, another layer must be applied.

Choosing a paint and varnish material for a wooden floor

When choosing a paint and varnish material, the type of wood should be taken into account; operating conditions (this includes humidity levels, temperature regime, is there heating); compatibility with the previous coating (if we are talking about old floors).

All paint and varnish coatings intended for wooden floors are conventionally divided into transparent (varnishes, oils, waxes) and opaque (paints, enamels).

Varnish is essentially dissolved natural solid resins; nowadays they are also synthetic polymers. Depending on the solvent included in the composition, varnishes are divided into several types: water-based, turpentine, alcohol-based, oil-based, polyurethane, urethanized, polyurethane-acrylate. The varnish penetrates into the pores of the wood no deeper than 2 mm, forming a film on the outside. Therefore, if in the future you want to change the coating, the old varnish can be removed by scraping the floor.

    There are cases when varnishing the floor is unacceptable:
  • the old floor was previously treated with drying oil or other oil compositions;
  • outdoor areas - terraces, gazebos, verandas;
  • in rooms with increased level humidity.

The most ancient method of covering a wooden floor is treating it with oil. This is an environmentally friendly technique. For these purposes, sunflower, soybean, wood, linseed oil. And also natural modified resins and synthetic polymers. The oil penetrates deeply into the structure of the wooden floor, providing a preservative effect on the material, which serves as protection for the coating from the effects of pathogenic flora and internal changes. An oil-soaked floor will not swell or dry out. You have the opportunity to choose an oil that will not affect the color of the wood. There are oils that change the color of the floor from whitish to red-yellow, brown and black. When impregnating a wooden floor with natural oil for finishing it needs to be opened with wax.

Wax floors have a golden hue and a silky glow. Linseed oil is used to make wax for covering wooden floors. beeswax and other additives. This coating has high moisture resistance, but is not protected from mechanical stress. In view of this, in high-traffic areas, use wax coating gender is unprofitable.

When painting, the floor is covered with opaque paint in order to protect the wood from mechanical stress and, if the quality of the wooden floor is not presentable enough, to preserve its natural structure. The main advantage of painting the floor is that it can be repainted several times if necessary.

When choosing paint, pay attention to environmental factor, the best option there will be a material on a water-dispersion basis that does not contain solvents organic origin. This type The paints are water resistant, have good adhesion to the surface and are color fast. To paint the floor in the kitchen or bathroom, it is recommended to purchase paint from acrylic base. It is more durable and resistant to moisture. Acrylic paint is also perfect for painting concrete surfaces. The resulting film is characterized by moisture resistance, so acrylic compositions can be used to paint floors in bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, balconies and terraces. The paint is easy to use and dries in 10-14 hours (see information on the can).

The most popular paints for flooring in residential areas are epoxy or alkyd compositions. Epoxy paint needs preliminary preparation, alkyd is immediately ready for use. Before using an epoxy composition, the surface is not primed; before alkyd compositions, the primer is applied in mandatory. Epoxy paint does not change over time appearance, this paint can be used to cover both indoor floors and the floors of terraces and verandas. It is also suitable for concrete floors. Keep in mind that it will be very difficult to change the color of a floor coated with epoxy paint in the future. To paint parquet, use alkyd enamel.

Painting a wooden floor is done along the horizontal movement of the wood fibers. It is preferable to start work from the perimeter of the room, namely from the baseboard.

If you have to paint the floor in a room with high humidity, then use waterproof paint for this purpose. acrylic paint. Worried about the health safety of paint? In this case, water-dispersion paint is suitable for you. Its advantages are long-term color retention and ease of application to a wooden surface.

    If you have old wood floors in your room, chances are they've already been painted several times. And therefore, it is worth focusing on the following points:
  • existing floor color (painting over a dark shade with a lighter shade may require more than 2 coats of paint);
  • type of previously used;
  • your financial capabilities and availability suitable paint in the store.

Alternatively, you can try to remove it completely old paint, scrape the floors. It will become a problem if there are nails hammered into the boards from above and hiding under a layer of old paint. In such cases, it is better to think about completely replacing the old wooden floor with a more modern coating. But parquet (almost all of it is made of oak), even old ones, is much easier to peel off. All that remains is to then coat the floors in two layers of varnish (with or without tint) over the primer.

Treating wood floors in a garage

A wooden floor in a garage will not be resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress unless it is pre-treated. When painting a wooden floor in a garage, you should choose a coating that would significantly improve the wear resistance of the wood. To obtain a wear-resistant coating for wooden floors, polyurethane varnishes were specially developed. They are 100% polyurethane in organic solvent without suffocating alkyd additives.

    Types of coatings:
  • glossy varnish for interior work;
  • impregnation for interior work;
  • glossy light-resistant varnish for exterior use;
  • light-resistant impregnation intended for interior/exterior use;
  • impregnation and wear-resistant varnish for light-colored floors for external/internal use.

The penetration depth of impregnations is 3–7 mm. After painting, a transparent or colored film is formed on the floor. After hardening, the finished coating is harmless to the human body. Such varnishes are used in temperate/cold climates. Can withstand temperatures from -50 to +100?C. Paintwork resistant to water, detergents, acids and aggressive salts in the temperature range -30+60? C.

Polyurethane varnish can be applied in the temperature range -15+40?C. The surface of the garage floor must be dry, otherwise bubbles may form under the coating. The floor should be pre-treated with toners, fire retardants and antiseptics. Only in this case will the coating be durable. Also before application polyurethane varnish The floor should be sanded and dust removed. For a matte finish, use polyurethane impregnation.

After the first layer of impregnation has been applied (approximate varnish consumption is 200 - 300 g/m2), you need to let it dry for 3-4 hours. Then you should remove the raised wooden pile. Use for these purposes sandpaper. Apply the next layer of impregnation at a rate of 150–200 g/m2. The varnish is applied in 1–2 layers, its consumption is 200–300 g/m2.

How to paint a fiberboard floor?

Sometimes, to simplify the work of painting an old floor, it is recommended to first cover it with hardened fiberboard. The sheets can be additionally treated with drying oil on both sides. This will have a beneficial effect if high humidity occurs in the room. After this procedure, you can begin painting with a roller. The brush is suitable for a wider format.

If they were laid fiberboard sheets, then only thixotropic ones are suitable for painting floors alkyd paints. You can also use products with additives that speed up the drying process. It is recommended to pre-treat the surface with a primer, then the paint will adhere better. It is better not to buy a water-based primer, otherwise the material will swell even earlier. This will create unwanted ripples on the surface.

Painting a concrete floor: features and technology

The quality of surface preparation directly affects the service life of a painted concrete coating. The first step is to remove dirt, debris, dust, old paint or bitumen from the floor. Take care to remove concrete chips, seal and putty small differences in the surface, if any. Using a special grinding machine, sand the surface. It is this process that will make the surface smooth and significantly improve the adhesion between the paint and the floor.

Using a vacuum cleaner or a regular mop will help get rid of dust. For dust removal concrete base purchase compositions of polymer origin. They will significantly improve the quality of concrete. To strengthen concrete surface use toppings - these are impregnations with a strengthening effect. Products with a hardening effect will increase the strength of the base and protect the floor from dust for 4 years.

To ensure better adhesion between the concrete floor and the paint, use a primer. Among the wide variety of this material, select the composition in accordance with the type of paint that will be used to treat the surface.

To apply the primer, use a foam roller, which helps to evenly distribute the primer on the surface. Applying a primer requires a special technology: first you need to mix it; To prevent the floor from being slippery, add a little quartz sand to the finished mixture; Apply the composition in two or three layers.

After purchasing and choosing paint for the floor, you should determine the type of tool used in the work. This can be a regular brush, roller or spray. The decisive factor in this matter will be the paint that will be applied to the surface. The latter option promotes better paint application. In addition, it is easy to perform, economical and takes little time to paint.

Next comes floor drying, which is carried out under certain conditions. When conducting this process The room temperature should be about 19 degrees, and the humidity should be up to 86%. The floor dries within three to eight days, it all depends on the drying conditions and the type of paint. After drying, the coating is ready for further use.

Choosing a paint and varnish material for a concrete floor

Often used for painting concrete floors polyurethane enamels. Coatings of this kind are highly resistant to atmospheric influences, are characterized by high environmental friendliness and efficiency, are not afraid of damage, and allow you to obtain beautiful glossy surface. Polyurethane-based enamel is applied at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees. It is necessary to pre-mix the components of the composition. This enamel is usually applied in two layers with an interval of at least 24 hours. A significant disadvantage of this coating is that the composition finally dries for about 2 weeks.

Epoxy and alkyd compounds are popular for painting concrete floors. Their qualities are somewhat inferior to polyurethane ones, but they are easier to apply and dry much faster.

The paint is applied to the concrete floor with strokes in various directions and then rubbed over the surface. The layers should not be too dry. It is better to apply 2-3 thin layers than one thick one. A new layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

After painting, you need to allow time for the floor to dry completely. Even after complete drying, it is recommended not to subject the surfaces to mechanical stress for 3-4 days.