How to properly plant flowers in the garden. What flowers can you plant in your dacha to make them bloom?

A summer cottage is cozy corner not only for growing vegetables and fruits. Citizens come here to relax. Even on small area There is always room for beautiful flower arrangements. They are made up of perennial and annual plants.

How to choose flowers for your garden?

Gardeners grow a wide variety of plants on their plots. In early spring, bulbous primroses delight the eye. Bushes are not rare perennial plants. However, the main plants for amazing compositions will be a variety of annuals. Unpretentious flowers - for the garden great solution. When choosing them, you should take into account the height and characteristic features.

Properly selected plants will provide continuous flowering from spring until the first frost.

Flower beds of annual flowers

The area of ​​the dacha plot is small. Where to plant flowers to get a luxurious landscape? Most popular for suburban areas mixborders, flower beds and modular flower beds. At the same time they select unpretentious plants, which will not cause much trouble. Flowers whose growing season lasts only a season are called annuals or flower beds. Most of them are light-loving plants. Therefore, annual flowers for flower beds are planted in open areas.

What flowers are planted directly in the ground in spring?

The most popular flowers: calendula, cosmos, cornflowers, marigolds and zinnia, matthiola and sweet peas, eschscholzia, asters and others. There are quite a lot of such plants. However, when sown directly into the ground, they begin to bloom in the second half of summer. Therefore, some plants are grown seedling method. This method will allow you to postpone flowering to the beginning of the summer season.

Growing seedlings

The timing of sowing seeds to obtain seedlings is determined by the characteristics of each plant. When planning a flower garden, you should determine which flowers to plant as seedlings and which to sow directly into the ground. Flowers can be grouped into several groups based on sowing time. It is not difficult to grow seedlings of species such as zinnias and asters, marigolds, celosias and annual chrysanthemums. They are sown in seedling boxes in mid-April.

It is more difficult to grow quality planting material plants whose characteristics require sowing seeds in March. During this period, additional lighting and the creation of the necessary temperature regime. IN this group You can include types such as snapdragon, kochia, sweet pea, petunia, gillyflower, salvia and others. Annual flowers for flower beds, grown in seedlings, are planted when stable warm weather sets in.


Where to plant flowers and how to grow them, each gardener decides individually. A mixborder is perfect for decorating a dacha - stripes that combine decorative and floral crops. They frame garden paths, as well as formed flower beds, flower beds, lawns, trunk circles fruit trees and even vegetable beds. Species such as salvia, calendula, tall asters and marigolds are perfect for mixborders.

When planning, choose plants that have different terms flowering. They are sorted by height. Even a novice summer resident can cope with this technique. Seasonal mixborders can be assembled from different plants. Annual flowers combine amazingly with vegetable crops. A garden mixborder can be composed of beets, carrots, legumes, dill and fennel. Kale and parsley look especially good. Vegetables combine with poppies, nasturtium, calendula and marigolds. They will not only be a decorative component, but also an excellent preventative against vegetable pests.


When determining the area where to plant flowers, it is necessary to take into account the size of the plant, their color, and the flowering period. Flower beds can be single-color or bright multi-colored. The site will be transformed by unpretentious flowers for the garden. They are preferred for several reasons. First of all, you can create different compositions from annuals. Moreover, every year they can be changed both geographically and in form. The florist, like an artist, creates, not with paints on canvas, but with representatives of the flora in the garden. allows you to choose them by color and aroma, as well as height. They grow quickly and already at the beginning of summer they will decorate the dacha with bright colors. We plant annual flowers in flower beds a certain scheme.

In this case, the number of plants that will make up the selected composition is calculated. Marigolds are perfect for flower beds. They are represented by various varieties that differ in flower color and plant height. Orange, brown, lemon, dark red inflorescences appear in June and decorate flower beds until September. Calendula is no less attractive. Terry species are especially spectacular. The height of these flowers reaches 50 cm. Bright inflorescences have an orange, yellow or lemon color. Flowering period - June-September. Petunia is especially popular. Plant height - 25 cm. Flowers have a variety of colors. Flowering will last from June to October.

Vertical gardening

At decorative design dacha plot will be required creativity. Small areas perfectly combine various Fantastically beautiful vertical flower beds. For them, climbing annual petunias, begonias and other hanging plants are used.

Vertical flower beds are quite compact. Can serve as a support garden gazebos, specially made supports or vertical structures. They are popular where they use plants that are capable of forming long climbing shoots.

Flower garden in the shade

The country garden is a shady area. Quite often it is empty. At best, the space under the trees is filled with lawns. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get into shady areas annual plants. In partial shade for a flower bed you can plant a few annuals. These are flowers such as balsam, and ever-flowering begonia, nemophila.

Modular flower beds

On summer cottages It can be difficult to find an open, sunny place to plant flowers. In this case, modular flower beds come to the rescue. This method is convenient and simple. And simple annual flowers that are planted in containers or decorative flowerpots are perfect for it. This method will allow you to place plants in any corner of the dacha.

They decorate gazebos, terraces, and recreation areas. Containers can be placed on both sides of the paths. If the area near the building is lined with slabs, some of them are removed. A flower module is placed in their place. It will have a geometric shape. The composition of a modular flower garden can be composed of hanging plants: petunias, nasturtiums and morning glory. It can be planar or three-dimensional, but the chosen shape of the module remains unchanged.

It is impossible not to admire the flowers. Probably there is no person who would not love them - different shapes, colors and aromas. But in order for them to decorate your yard, proper care is important, as well as location. Flowers are beautiful in themselves, but if they are arranged tastelessly, they will not produce the same effect as a thoughtful, neat and well-kept flowerbed.

In order for garden flowers to grow and bloom well, you need to know about them. individual characteristics– where to plant, how to water, what soil suits them. If you take into account the vagaries of each plant individually, they will thank you with abundant long-term flowering and will delight you from early spring to late autumn for many years. So that the soil all year round nourished and supported the flowers, it needs to be treated before planting. The most important thing is that it is loose, without compaction, so that the roots of the plants grow well and water passes freely to them. Be sure to remove all weeds. You can fertilize with organic or mineral fertilizers. For this purpose, you can use ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate or urea (30 grams per bucket of water, per square meter).

Planting flowers in prepared soil

If the ground is too hard, you need to add sand. The soil for phloxes, gladioli, irises, clematis is fertilized with a solution of manure and water, in a ratio of 1:5. If you don’t have manure and don’t want to spend money on fertilizers, there is a simple and completely free way to fertilize the soil for flowers. Collect all grass, weeds, and leaves from your yard. Grind and place them in a large container, pour warm water (10 liters of water per 3 kilograms of grass). Leave to ferment for 3 days, and then strain and fertilize the soil with this solution, 3 – 4 liters per 1 sq. m.. In this way you can fertilize several times during germination and bud setting. If you decide to grow flower seedlings for spring (asters, carnations), prepare boxes with earth mixture for this purpose. Place the seeds in furrows to a depth of 3 mm, cover with sand, spray with water from a spray bottle and cover with a ball of newspaper. When seedlings occur, the boxes should be placed on the windowsill.

How to plant flowers correctly

Garden shrubs can be planted in any weather, starting in March and ending in November. Many flowers that will bloom in the fall are planted in the spring. (asters, chrysanthemums, torch lilies). Grass And fern transplanted too early spring. Cold-sensitive bulbous and tuberous plants (gladioli, dahlias) are best planted at the end of April. Bulbs need to be planted at a depth three times greater than the bulb or tuber itself. If you do not adhere to this rule, the plant will not be able to develop properly.

Caring for garden flowers all year round

Only tulips need to be replanted annually. Irises, peonies, daisies can be planted very in a simple way- dividing the bush. To do this, simply cut off part of the rhizome and plant it in right place. Each plant has individual need in moisture, so they need to be watered accordingly. Some water directly below the root, while others water from above. Don't water the plants too much cold water, it is harmful to their roots. Perennial plants that remain overwintering in the ground need to be pruned in the fall and dry stems and leaves removed. In case cold winter they can be insulated using dry leaves, which are raked onto the bushes.

In winter you also need to visit the flowerbed. If there is not enough snow, throw snow from the paths. Between the beds with bulbs, perennials, and near roses, compact the snow tightly in order to destroy mouse passages.

  • Bulbous (tulips, hyacinths) They are dug up already in August.
  • Daffodils can grow in one place 3 – 4 years, but after this time, they also need to be dug up.

Bulbs put in boxes, dry and place in a dry, ventilated place for overwintering. Having carefully studied the flowering period of different varieties of garden flowers, you can easily create on your own personal plot a flowerbed that will bloom from early spring to late autumn. Arrange the plants so that those that are tall are further back and those that are shorter are in the foreground. In a flowerbed that has visibility from all sides, tall plants should be in the center, and low ones around them. This way you will not get a clumsy grove of flowers, but a neat, lush flowerbed.

If you want your flowers to delight you with beautiful blooms, it is important to take into account all the features of caring for them. Timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and weeding - the key to success as a florist.

In shaded areas of the dacha, where they come close to the surface groundwater, phloxes will fit in. They love high humidity and coolness. And in the sun they quickly lose decorative look. Subject to these basic conditions and the right choice of soil - without clay, with the addition of lime, with an average humus content - the bushes can grow for many years without special care and not lose their attractiveness.


These luxurious flowers were the heroes of legends, poems and novels many centuries ago, but to this day their popularity has not waned. New varieties appear every year, and in total about 70 thousand have already been bred.

The rules of care are simple: watering, periodically loosening the soil and occasionally weeding. Powerful roots can get water from the depths, so these plants tolerate drought very easily.

In good weather they bloom all summer. But they can also “take off their outfit” if prolonged rains begin or cold weather sets in for a long time. They live quietly in one place for several years, but it is not recommended to replant them. later than August so that they have time to take root before the cold weather.

So, first of all, we need to find out which flowers are best to choose for planting in the spring season. In March you can already work with crocuses, snowdrops, hyacinths and scillas. If you want your plants to delight you with their flowering from the very beginning of the season, you can first plant them at home in containers and then simply transplant them into a flowerbed. The main thing is that there should be a stable warm weather– no frosts at night, which will destroy the seedlings.

Among the annuals, verbena, dahlias, pansies and cloves. Experienced gardeners It is advised to pay attention to petunias, which are distinguished by their color diversity and long flowering throughout the season. At proper care they will be able to please you until the first frost. In addition, you can plant plants in pots or cache-pots, which can decorate any gazebo or attic. Begonias, fuchsias and hydrangeas, as well as climbing plants, are ideal for planting.

To make your site more well-groomed, you can decorate borders, for which it is better to use daisies, primroses, purslane - many of them will bloom at the beginning of the season and “live” until the first frost.

To get healthy and strong plants, you need to take healthy seeds. Before planting, it is advisable to treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes, especially when it comes to petunias and asters. And all due to the fact that these flowers more often than others suffer from a disease such as black leg. After work, be sure to dry the seeds. Seeds should be sown in advance by preparing bowls or boxes, and the soil should be properly “worked with.”

To do this, we make a special substrate from humus, soil and sand. To plant seeds, we create small grooves along the entire perimeter of the box at a distance of 2 cm, after which we sow the seeds in each hole. Next, water the soil and sprinkle with a small layer of soil (up to 1 cm). To maintain moisture, cover the box with film or a piece of glass, and place the container itself in a warm and dark place. In order for the seeds to germinate, they also require air, a temperature around +20 ° C, and remove the film every few days to allow the plants to “breathe.” When the sprouts sprout, we place the box on the windowsill, where it is light, while removing the glass. Once a stable temperature has established at night, you can begin planting seedlings in the garden.

The larger the plant bulb, the stronger the flower itself will be in the future, and therefore you should carefully read the instructions, which are always present on the packaging with the seedling. Despite this, plants can still be susceptible to diseases and fungus, and therefore each bulb must be treated with a solution Fundazola or potassium permanganate for half an hour. It is also important to use fertilizers that will help make the flowers healthier.

Suitable for the spring season complex fertilizers, which can be bought at any store for summer residents. At the same time nutrients It is advisable to use it in liquid form, since this way they will penetrate “inside” the plant. It is important not to overdo it with feeding, because high level salt concentrations in the soil will lead to rotting and death of the bulb. Although many people believe that autumn is the ideal time for planting, spring is excellent for this.

The main thing is to make sure that the first green sprout appears from the bulb! Temperature is also important - it must not drop below +10 °C at night, otherwise the bulb will simply freeze. It is necessary to carefully prepare the soil so that the planting of bulbous flowers in the spring goes well. Thus, plants do not like excess moisture, and the ideal soil for them is considered medium-heavy and moisture-permeable. If your garden has predominantly sandy soil, you will need to add compost. If the soil is too dense and does not allow water to pass through well, be sure to make a small drainage layer of crushed stone and sand at the bottom of each hole.

Advice: when working with bulbous plants, never use fresh manure, which can cause fungus. When planting plants, make sure that the bulb is directed straight down, and that the roots of the plants do not bend and are laid evenly. If all work is carried out with love and with full responsibility, you will get an excellent one that will become the pride of the garden.

The most the best decoration any local area is a flower bed with fresh flowers. They will tell you how to beautifully plant flowers in your dacha and planting schemes.

At first glance, in the work on creating a flower bed special effort no need to apply. In fact, everything is very complicated, since the master must take into account all the nuances, namely the type of plants, their compatibility and planting rules. Flowers must be selected not only by color, but also by the time of flowering, as well as by how well they can get along with each other. Gardeners are well aware that some plant varieties cannot exist next to others. As a result, working on one, even the smallest flowerbed, requires knowledge of a lot of nuances.

Having seen enough of how attractive flower beds look on the street, many are trying to bring similar ideas to life in their own adjacent areas or at the dacha. However, for most this is too much challenging task, since in in this case It is important not only to plant flowers according to a certain pattern, but also to combine various varieties plants.

To make your task easier, the diagram should be as simple as possible (Fig. 1). In addition, part of the “living picture” can simply be covered with gravel. This approach makes it possible to successfully separate different varieties flowers and achieve their high-quality flowering. Experts strongly discourage starting with complex schemes right away. Of course, a beautiful living carpet of bright flowers will be an excellent decoration for any local area throughout the summer. However, achieving this result can be very difficult. Most often, newcomers to landscape design nothing comes out complex circuits. It is better to choose the simplest options so as not to end up with only frustration and spoiled seeds.

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    Features of flower bed design

    The most nice option There are specially designed schemes for planting flowers in city flower beds. Summer residents rarely take such difficult steps and prefer to plant various plants in small groups. In this case, no plan may be followed. As a result, the garden plot looks bright and beautiful, but the effect is not as amazing as when using a special scheme.

    In order to aesthetically plant flowers in the country, you must first determine the place for planting. It needs to be carefully measured, and after all the calculations, a diagram must be drawn. Without preparation on paper, working on a flowerbed will be very difficult.

    Simple flower garden options

    As for how to plant flowers beautifully, experts recommend that beginners use round patterns, since working on such flower beds is considered the simplest. In fact, a lot depends on how the flowers are arranged.

    It is important to pay attention not only to the color of the plants, but also to their size. For example, in the very center of the circle you can plant a tall delphinium, and small ones along the edge bright flowers, for example, pansies of various shades. The rest of the space can be paved with beautiful flowers that will delight the eye throughout the season. To do this, you can choose nasturtium, marigolds, pelargonium or begonia.

    No matter how simple the idea may be at first glance, it is advisable to first draw a diagram. This way you can more clearly see how successful the arrangement of flowers will be. As a result, shades and varieties can be adjusted on paper.

    In addition to the circle, which is popular in all designs (Fig. 2), it is very simple and beautiful scheme The location of plants in the country may be a question mark or the letter “S” (Fig. 3). Often this planting is performed in two or three shades. You can also use different sizes of plants. They are arranged in neat lines along the main pattern. These types of flower planting schemes not only look very beautiful, but are also extremely simple to implement. As a result, the design of the local area becomes more elegant.

    Even from the most simple circuits By decorating your yard you can do something truly impressive. For example, you can mark out a simple round flowerbed in the central part, and plant flowers on the sides according to the diagrams question mark, located in a horizontal position. It turns out very beautiful.

    To avoid the growth of numerous weeds, it is worth filling the entire remaining space with special gravel chips. It can be plain or colored.

    As for the combination of colors in the flowerbed, novice landscape design masters should start with two types of plants; it is best to choose bright and contrasting colors, for example, red and blue.

    Sometimes it is not necessary to create complex color compositions. Monochrome schemes also look very attractive. You can choose several types of colors in the same range, but with differences in shade. Monochromatic flower beds also look good, but with plants different heights. It is necessary to take into account that the center should be high, and lower varieties of garden plants should be placed closer to the edge.

    It is somewhat more difficult to work with contrasting shades, since in this case precision when planting plants is very important. But if you approach this issue correctly, you can get a very impressive flower bed. Contrasting compositions are most often created when orange and blue, purple and yellow, as well as green and crimson colors are combined.

    Look good flower arrangements from similar shades. Such schemes consist, for example, of lilac, blue and pink or burgundy, red and pink. It is important that all colors flow smoothly from one to another.

    One of the simplest but most pleasing options is a neutral composition. These can be the simplest combinations of green tones with white or greenery with pink flowers. Experts say that if you create several small flower beds in neutral colors on your site, this will visually expand the space and make it lighter and more pleasant.

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    The most common option for planting flowers is circles; these flower beds are most often the central ones. Having a sufficiently large expanse of land, you can achieve a stunning effect if you plant flowers in an original way. When selecting plants, it is very important to observe seasonality. In this case, the flowerbed will turn out “without gaps”, since all the flowers will begin to bloom at the same time.

    As mentioned above, the most common is a round flower bed. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to plant the same flowers on it, although sometimes this option looks very nice. The easiest way is to work according to the “Circles” scheme, that is, plant plants in rings. It should be taken into account that the taller flower should be planted in the middle.

    A round flowerbed can be made more original. To do this, you should use the “Flower” or “Crown” scheme (Fig. 4). In this case, flowers in the shape of a flower or a crown are planted in the central part. A certain space around the picture should be filled with gravel, and after that plant several circles of contrasting or solid colors. Professionals often use not only gravel, which, by the way, can be painted any color, but also ground cover plants, lawn grass or colored decorative sawdust.

    Patterns inside a flower bed can be of all possible types. Subject to availability large quantity free space You can even create signs for planting.

    As for the shape, the circle is traditional and is considered the most simple option. However, other geometric shapes are also quite popular. It can be an oval or a rectangle. A flowerbed consisting of several rhombuses in a row looks good. Their edging can be made from only plants, for example, burgundy, and the middle can be paved orange, for example, marigolds.

    When creating garden flower bed with a complex pattern, it is necessary to use background material. Gravel may be it, but it is often considered boring. In this case, it should be replaced lawn grass. It is well suited for large circuits. If the flowerbed small size, it is worth using ground cover plants. They look good with a variety of patterns.

    What tools do you need to have?

    Create beautiful flower bed in your garden plot it is possible if you approach this issue responsibly. First of all, you need to stock up on the necessary equipment, without which gardening work it won't work.

    To plant flowers in a flowerbed in accordance with a pre-drawn diagram, you need to have a tape measure in stock; it will help you accurately mark out the garden plot for further planting plants. In addition, you will need tools such as a shovel, a wheelbarrow to work with the soil, a scoop and a cone for planting flower seedlings, a small rake and watering devices.

    All this is quite enough to create something very beautiful, spectacular and original in your garden for the whole summer. Don’t forget about the need to prepare seeds, bulbs or flower seedlings, without which you won’t be able to create a natural miracle near your home.

    Additionally you can use decorative elements, used in landscape design. These can be large stones, low vine fences, colored bricks and boards. Multi-tiered flower beds look good, but to create them you will need a strong frame.

    In order to properly decorate the local area with flowers, you need to understand at least a little about plants, and it is advisable to listen very carefully to the advice of experts. As for what flowers to plant, it is best to pay attention to the most unpretentious species, which will not require serious care for normal growth and flowering. If desired, you can form a flower bed of perennial flowers. This will save the master from the need to plant new seeds and seedlings every year. This is often what professionals do. That is, flower beds and designs are created from perennial plants, and the space around the borders is filled with annuals.

    Choosing plants to decorate the local area is a very responsible matter. It is important to take into account not only color scheme, but also the flower’s requirements for the quality of the soil, the amount of sun required and the tendency to grow. The last point is very important to consider when designing those areas where you plan to create a complex and subtle pattern. As for the soil, some plants need fertile soil, while others bloom better in alkaline. When choosing plants, you need to pay attention to their usual growing region. It is quite possible that the flowers you like simply do not want to grow and bloom in a certain climate.

    Working with the ground

    Before you start planting plants, it is necessary to carefully mark the area in accordance with the diagram prepared in advance. To determine boundaries, you should use pegs and threads.

    The soil for planting must be well dug up and loosened. It is necessary to start planting from the central part of the flowerbed. This is important, otherwise you can simply trample already planted plants. For greater convenience during work, you should use a special cone. It is well suited for planting bulbs and plant seeds. If seedlings are involved in planting, they must be removed from the pots as carefully as possible. Plants must be replanted together with their “native” soil.

    We must not forget about timely watering of the flower bed. It is best to carry out this procedure early in the morning or evening so that sun rays the plants were not burned.