What to make the roof from. The best way to cover the roof of a house: types and features

The topic of cheap building materials for country houses is always relevant, so in this article I decided to talk to you about the most affordable roofing materials. Below we will look at their main advantages and disadvantages, which will certainly help you decide what is better to cover the roof of your dacha.

Material options

Option 1: wave slate

The good old slate has been tested by more than one generation of summer residents, and it still has not lost its relevance. Moreover, it continues to be used not only for country houses, but also for permanent housing, which already says a lot.


  • durable - lasts about 40 years or even more;
  • resistant to temperature changes, frost and other negative atmospheric influences;
  • has good sound insulation properties, due to which it does not rumble during rain, like metal roofing materials;
  • has sufficiently high strength;
  • does not burn;
  • slate roofing can be easily repaired with your own hands by replacing damaged sheets;
  • not subject to corrosion.

One might not even consider alternative materials to slate if not for several of its disadvantages.


  • unattractive appearance, although familiar to each of us. True, the solution to the problem can be the use of painted slate, but it costs much more. Therefore, many summer residents, in order to save money, paint the slate themselves, which is also quite acceptable;

  • The slate surface darkens quite quickly and moss grows on it, especially on the north side of the building or if the roof is in the shade. Painting or treatment with antiseptic compounds again helps to solve the problem;
  • slate sheets are quite heavy, which makes working with them somewhat difficult;
  • due to their fragility, slate sheets may crack during transportation or installation;

  • Asbestos dust, which slate forms, is harmful to humans.

Price. The price of slate largely depends on its thickness and size:

Option 2: ondulin

Externally, ondulin strongly resembles painted slate, as it is a wavy sheet. But that's where its similarities end. The basis for this material is usually cellulose, which is impregnated with bitumen and other chemical compounds.


  • attractive appearance, and there is a large selection of colors on sale, which allows you to choose a roof covering that is in harmony with the color of the facade;
  • light weight - about 6 kg. Thanks to this, ondulin can be laid on the roof without dismantling the old covering, for example, directly on slate. In addition, the low weight greatly simplifies working with this material;

  • easy to machine;
  • resistant to biological influences;
  • like slate, it has good soundproofing qualities.

Unfortunately, the list of negative qualities of ondulin is larger than the positive ones .


  • short-lived - the French manufacturer of the same name provides a 15-year guarantee on the material. Manufacturers of cheaper ondulin analogues provide a guarantee of 10-12 years;
  • unlike painted slate, it quickly fades in the sun, and the color guarantee does not apply, since it only concerns water resistance;
  • has low strength. At high temperatures it softens greatly and even loses its shape.

In the cold, ondulin, on the contrary, becomes very fragile. Therefore, you cannot install it at temperatures less than -5 degrees;

  • when heated in the sun, the material begins to release harmful substances into the atmosphere;
  • the price is higher than the cost of slate;
  • It is almost impossible to clean the roof without leaving dents in it.

To fasten ondulin, it is necessary to use special nails that ensure tight installation.

Therefore, if you are choosing how to cover the roof of your dacha between slate or ondulin, I would recommend choosing slate. Ondulin can be used for temporary or outbuildings, gazebos, canopies, etc.

It must be said that initially ondulin was positioned exclusively as a cheap material for roof repairs. Hence its performance qualities.

Price. Depends on the manufacturer:

Option 3: euroruberoid

When considering how cheaper it is to cover a roof at a dacha, one cannot help but mention roofing felt. This is a rolled bitumen material, which in construction is used not only as a roofing covering, but also as waterproofing. As a rule, it is used for flat roofs, however, it can also be used for pitched roofs.

I’ll say right away that ordinary roofing felt is hardly worth considering as a roofing material, due to its fragility, unattractive appearance, and some other shortcomings. However, there is a so-called euroroofing material on sale, which is stronger and more durable.


  • high strength, since fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester are usually used as the base. Let me remind you that in ordinary roofing felt cardboard is used as a reinforcing base;

  • durability - according to manufacturers, the roofing covering lasts 15-25 years, and premium class euroroofing material lasts even more - 30 years. This durability is achieved thanks to modified bitumen, which has higher performance;
  • has an attractive appearance, thanks to the sprinkling of crushed minerals of different colors. Sometimes even glass chips are used for these purposes, although such a coating is very rare.

The coating not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the material from mechanical influences, as well as sun rays;

Please keep in mind that depending on the installation method this material can be divided into two types - for installation using a torch, for “cold” installation.


  • requires additional use of waterproofing;
  • in the market you can stumble upon not quality material, the main disadvantage of which is the fragility of the topping - over time it crumbles and is washed away by precipitation;
  • Installation should be carried out at positive temperatures.

Price. The price is largely influenced by the type of base, as well as some other factors:

Option 4: ceramic plastic

Keramoplast is a relatively new domestic roofing material developed by the company of the same name. It is a wave sheet that looks like painted slate or ondulin.

Its material composition uses a ceramic and polymer composition, hence the name.


  • has high strength and resistance to mechanical damage;

  • has an attractive appearance. At the moment, there are four colors of ceramoplast - black, terracotta, red, brown, however, coatings in other colors can be purchased to order.

It must be said that, unlike ondulin, ceramoplast does not fade;

  • does not contain toxic elements;
  • unlike painted slate, it is impossible to scratch, since the material is painted throughout its entire thickness;
  • does not change its performance characteristics over a wide temperature range - from -60 to +80 degrees;
  • good durability - according to the manufacturer, the service life is 30-40 years;
  • has excellent flexibility;
  • Not heavy weight- sheet weight is 9 kg.


  • in order to properly fasten the sheets, you need to “get your hands on it,” since the material needs to be fixed well, but not deform the wave;
  • ceramoplast is easily confused with low-quality analogues;
  • may shrink.

Price. A sheet of ceramoplast measuring 2 x 0.9 m costs an average of 470 rubles.

Option 5: metal tiles

A fairly common roofing material is metal tiles. It, of course, cannot be called a completely budget material, however, compared to the cost of ceramic tiles, the price of metal tiles is still affordable.

For those who are not in the know, the material is a galvanized stamped sheet painted with a protective polymer coating.


  • good durability - 30-40 years;
  • attractive appearance - the material imitates tiles, and there is a large selection of profiles and colors on sale;

  • tolerates both low and high temperatures well. Thanks to this, installation can be done at any time of the year;
  • has high strength - does not crack or break. The only thing is that mechanical stress can lead to deformation or damage to the polymer coating;
  • It is light in weight - the average leaf weight is 3.5-4.5 kg.


  • makes a lot of noise during rainfall. To eliminate this drawback, sound insulation should be used;
  • the material is susceptible to corrosion. If the protective coating is damaged, rust will appear on the surface very quickly;

  • There are low-quality metal tiles on sale, the protective coating of which quickly fades or even peels off, causing the surface to become covered with rust.

The most durable metal tiles are coated with PVDF. However, its cost is also the highest.

Price. The price of metal tiles, like the cost of other roofing coverings, largely depends on the manufacturer:

Here, in fact, are all the advantages and disadvantages roofing materials which I wanted to tell you about.


Now, knowing the main pros and cons of coatings, you can make your own right choice. I recommend watching the video in this article. If you still can’t make a choice, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to help you.


As you know, a competent choice of roofing material is the key to a reliable and strong roof. Today this issue is very relevant, since a huge range of roofing coverings suggests the presence of a mass of options that differ from each other in appearance, quality characteristics and price. When deciding what is the best way to cover the roof of a house, you should take into account some parameters that will help you determine which roofing covering will be more suitable. Of the roofing sheeting in this category, perhaps only ondulin, which is a wavy slate, can be distinguished. It has a fairly wide range of positive qualities, and also withstands high temperatures. In addition, the affordable cost of ondulin makes its use on the roof quite acceptable. Installing this coating is not at all difficult, which also refers to its positive aspects.

Another popular roofing material option is slate. In terms of quality and price ratio, this coating is quite good, since at its quite affordable cost technical specifications The materials are pretty good.

Technical characteristics of roofing coverings

When building a private house, the use of ondulin is quite acceptable due to its low cost, good quality and very light weight. The basis for creating ondulin is a solution based on bitumen and fiberglass, thanks to which the coating, although reliable, is not able to withstand significant temperature changes. For such a flooring, the installation of a continuous lathing system will be required so that the ondulin sheets do not deform and remain reliable.

Roofing felt roofing is an excellent option for temporary roofing. Bitumen mortar and cardboard are involved in its production, from which it becomes clear that the strength and fire resistance of the material are extremely low (read: "").

When answering the question of what is best to cover, we can say that using slate is a very good solution. It withstands bad weather and mechanical loads, and its low cost has made this material perhaps the most popular. Perhaps the main disadvantage of slate is its unaesthetic appearance, since this criterion today is often the number one requirement.

Another roofing covering that comes in many varieties is tiles. There are five main types in total, and each of them is different in its own way.

Roofing tiles come in the following types:

  1. Natural tiles, the raw material for the production of which is durable stone rock. Provided that all the requirements and conditions necessary for installation have been met, such tiles can last a very long time. The material has excellent resistance to any kind of impact, so its durability is fully felt. The most important disadvantages of this flooring are too much weight and the high cost of both the material itself and its installation.
  2. Sand-cement tiles. If it is difficult to decide which material is best to cover the roof, you can quite use this coating, which looks almost no different from natural tiles. But due to the greater fragility of this material, it must be transported and laid out carefully. One of the main advantages of the material is its affordable cost.
  3. The most common type of tile is metal tile. Its main advantages are low cost, light weight of the material and ease of installation, if you understand, since the dimensions of the metal tile sheet are large. Before that, it is important to make the correct calculations.
  4. Bitumen shingles related to soft roofing. With its help, you can equip even the most complex areas of the roof without spending a lot of time and without special material costs. Main disadvantages bitumen shingles– the need for a continuous sheathing, as well as poor resistance to natural influences.
  5. Clay tiles are increasingly used in modern construction due to a number of reasons. Therefore, without clear information about how best to cover the roof of a house, you should use the most convenient and at the same time high-quality option for covering the house.

You can also pay attention to such a one that has become lately popular material like Euro slate. Thanks to its lightness, installation of Euro slate does not pose any difficulties and is carried out quickly, without requiring the involvement of a large amount of labor. The insulating properties of the roof of the structure also improve.

Resistance to damage of any nature makes the service life of slate even longer. In addition, the appearance of the coating also matches all modern standards and allows specialists to implement almost any design decision regarding roofing.

Selection of roofing materials

When choosing roofing We should not forget, first of all, about the functions that it is intended to perform, as well as the comparison of standard criteria. Such criteria include the color combination of the covering with the walls of the house, the quality of the flooring used, as well as its price.

Coatings for commercial and technical buildings

The construction of any private house, of course, presupposes the presence on its site of special technical and utility-type buildings, the roof of which should also be equipped according to all the rules. However, for these structures, you can choose an inexpensive roofing covering based on practicality and at the same time reliability. Such materials include standard slate, the technical characteristics of which are quite normal and the cost is absolutely acceptable.

It happens that the appearance of the material does not harmonize well with the design of the site. To do this, it is recommended to paint the slate with a special paint, which can not only give the structure aesthetics, but also provide a roof additional protection from external influences.

Drawing a conclusion from all of the above, we can say with confidence that the roofing covering should be selected exclusively in accordance with the individual characteristics of each specific roof structure. The necessary knowledge of the characteristics of all materials will help you make the optimal choice that best suits each owner in terms of price and quality. If desired, any information about the types of roofing coverings with photos of samples and detailed videos their installation can be easily found on the Internet on specialized construction sites and forums. This is the optimal solution for installing a specific roof.

What should you pay attention to when choosing materials?

When deciding which material is best to cover the roof, it is recommended to be guided by the following criteria:

  • variety of material forms;
  • color ratio;
  • the weight of the entire roof (for the construction of a load-bearing roof frame);
  • price of coating and installation work;
  • indicators of reliability and quality of coating.

The weight of the roof covering is a very important parameter that must be taken into account when building a house, since a correctly distributed load on the load-bearing roof system and the roof itself will significantly increase the reliability and service life of the entire structure as a whole. For this reason, any calculations designed to calculate the load-bearing capacity of the roof must be performed before purchasing any particular roofing material.

Therefore, when choosing the best way to cover the roof of a house, you should take into account each of the characteristics of the roofing material used during the installation process.

A widespread covering today is soft roofing, the basis for the manufacture of which is bituminous materials or roofing felt. Such roofing will be optimal as a temporary covering or covering for technical or utility-type premises, where roofing systems are flat (more details: " "). The main disadvantages of this material are poor resistance to natural and mechanical influences and a short service life.

When building a country house, it is important to pay special attention to the roof. It performs essential functions that include protection from noise and precipitation. It is important that the roof is installed correctly and that the installation is made from reliable, high-quality materials. Then the structure will be strong and durable. The roof should not be blown or leak. In addition, it should look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious with the structure. Let's find out what is the best way to cover the roof of a wooden house, and consider each type separately.

Slate and roofing felt

These are the most affordable and economical options and are suitable if you want to cover your roof cheaply and quickly. Slate is a durable material that lasts 30-40 years. It is resistant to the negative effects of moisture and precipitation, mechanical damage, and can withstand snow loads. However, over time, the edges of the roof begin to crumble, fungus may appear on the surface, and the roof itself loses its original attractive appearance.

However, it is not recommended to use slate to cover the roof of a wooden house, since it is heavy and puts a heavy load on the structure and foundation. In addition, asbestos in the structure is harmful to human health, which violates the environmental friendliness and naturalness of a wooden house.

Ruberoid is an even more unreliable option, as it wears out in a short time. It is not resistant to the negative influence of wind, mechanical stress, or temperature changes. The most reliable and durable euroroofing felt with bitumen impregnation will last up to 25 years, and the cheapest and simplest - no more than five years. To increase the service life of products and increase sound and heat insulation, the sheets are laid in three to four layers. Among the advantages, we note easy and quick installation, low weight and low cost.

Roofing felt should be used with caution for wooden buildings, as it is highly flammable. But slate and roofing felt are excellent as waterproofing materials used to insulate the attic, roof, and foundation of a house. These are affordable materials that are easy to install. They effectively protect against moisture, groundwater and precipitation.

Corrugated sheet

An economical and affordable type of roofing, which is used for both construction and repair. With corrugated sheeting you can not only cover a new one, but also cover an old roof in a private house, bathhouse or outbuildings. This roofing is distinguished by versatility, strength and reliability, a wide range of colors and a long service life. Environmental friendliness and light weight allow the use of corrugated sheets for small structures and wooden houses.

Corrugated sheets are made of galvanized steel in the form of wide sheets with outlines in the form of waves or trapezoids. A protective and decorative layer is applied on top of the material. Easy installation allows you to install a corrugated roof with your own hands in short terms and at any temperature.

Among the disadvantages, we note that during installation or transportation the protective layer of the material can be easily damaged. This will cause deformation and corrosion of the steel. In addition, corrugated sheeting makes a lot of noise when it rains. When making complex roofs, including attics, a large amount of material will be required. Corrugated sheeting requires additional thermal insulation and waterproofing, and holes and cut points must be painted.

Metal tiles

This is the most popular and in demand material today, which is characterized by high wear resistance and strength, and a long service life of up to 100 years! Metal tiles are made from profiled galvanized steel, which is coated with polymer paint. It easily withstands moisture and various external factors, and resists mechanical damage.

Such a roof reliably protects from exposure to sunlight, retains its color and original presentable appearance for a long time. It is aesthetically attractive and environmentally friendly safe material. However, metal tiles are difficult to cut. In addition, such a roof must be insulated and have an additional layer of sound insulation. This complicates installation and increases financial costs, and after installation a lot of waste is left.

Metal tiles are lightweight, so they do not put a strong load or pressure on the structure and foundation. Due to this, the material can be used to create roofs with unusual configurations and shapes, to cover a house with an attic. Metal tiles are also suitable for covering light buildings and wooden houses, as they are environmentally friendly and lightweight.

Ceramic and flexible tiles

Ceramic tiles are a reliable and durable coating that will last over 100 years. The material is resistant to moisture, wind, precipitation and other external factors. It does not transmit ultraviolet radiation, and modern manufacturing and installation technologies increase physical properties and improve the appearance of the material. However, such material is expensive and heavy, so it is better not to use ceramic roofing for wooden houses and light buildings.

Flexible or soft tiles are made from fiberglass, which is impregnated with bitumen. On the surface of the roof there are stone granules that perform a decorative and protective function. The seamless material is distinguished by a wide selection of shapes and colors, resistance to moisture and temperature changes.

Due to softness flexible roof does not require additional waterproofing. It is suitable for implementing original design solutions, is characterized by light weight and simple installation, elasticity and high thermal insulation. But keep in mind that such tiles are more expensive than other types. In addition, it does not last long, about 20-30 years.


Ondulin is a wavy, lightweight and durable sheet made from organic fibers and pressed cardboard impregnated with bitumen. An economical option imitates slate, while it is an environmentally friendly and non-flammable material that is safe for humans and suitable for covering wooden buildings. In addition, ondulin is light in weight and does not give a strong load.

Ondulin sheets are characterized by high resistance to moisture and biological factors. No fungus or mold will form on the surface of the roof, and bacteria will not appear. In addition, ondulin does not emit harmful substances during operation. Condensation does not accumulate under the sheets.

The material is easy to cut and lay, so you can install the roof yourself in a short time. Ondulin does not crumble or break, and does not leave much waste after installation. The flexibility of the material allows you to design curved roofs, structures with vaults and domes.

In addition, you can easily select desired color and shade of the product. Ondulin roofing does not require additional sound and waterproofing. It is reliable, durable and moisture resistant, corrosion resistant and fireproof. An ondulin roof will last 50 years.

Natural roofing

Natural materials are most optimal for a wooden house. First of all, these include a wooden roof or shingles. It is important to choose the right type of wood and use translucent protective oils for processing. Then wooden roof will last more than 30 years. This design is distinguished by its aesthetic appearance, sophistication and harmony, 100% environmental friendliness and safety, easy installation and low weight.

Wooden roofing is best made from larch or cedar. Wood “breathes”, and when interacting with moisture (precipitation) it swells and closes, which guarantees reliable sealing. When dry, the shingles bend slightly, which ensures quick drying and ventilation. However, such a roof is highly flammable, so additional surface treatment with protective agents is required.

Reed roofing is another type of natural covering that is environmentally friendly and safe. This is a relatively new material, which uses specially grown water reeds. It is highly resistant to moisture and durable. The reed structure does not swell and retains its original shape. However, it is not yet widespread enough and is expensive.

The best coating for a wooden house

If you don’t know how to cover the roof of a wooden house, natural wooden roofs, ondulin and classic metal tiles are suitable options. You can use flexible tiles and corrugated sheets, and slate for outbuildings. It is important not only to choose reliable coverage, but also to correctly install the roof and rafter system.

Without the proper experience and knowledge in roofing installation, the roofing will shrink, leak, warp, and lead to other problems. To get high-quality results, contact professionals. The masters of the MariSrub company will perform roofing work reliably and quickly. Let's pick suitable covering, components and additional parts. We will carry out installation, insulation and waterproofing, and hemming the roof.

We will install attic roofing and complex structures of dormer windows! We offer a full range of services, which, in addition to installing the roof, includes the creation of a project and production of lumber for the project, installation of the foundation and frame, finishing, installation and connection of utility networks. We guarantee the quality of work and strict adherence to deadlines!

A material such as corrugated sheeting has long been known to everyone and is used in construction in a variety of roles - it is used to install fences, build garages and sheds, and also cover the roofs of outbuildings, small houses and even large mansions. Corrugated sheeting is produced in a variety of colors, so you can see houses covered not only with sheets of the same color, but also with a combination of shades. which looks very original.

To know how to properly cover a roof with corrugated sheeting, you need to carefully study the instructions and then purchase high-quality roofing and consumables, prepare all the necessary tools.

It is very important that you do not need to have special professional skills to cover the roof with this material. The main thing is to follow the technological sequence of work and not make mistakes that could lead to a roof leak, which will require bringing the coating to perfection.

Advantages and disadvantages of corrugated sheeting as a roofing material

Like any roofing material, corrugated sheeting has its pros and cons, which you need to know before purchasing it.

TO positive qualities This material includes the following:

  • The light weight of the corrugated sheet allows you to easily lift it to a height and, if necessary, level it at the installation site.
  • Optimal ratio of cost and service life of the material. With high-quality installation, the manufacturer sets a minimum service life of 12 ÷ 15 years.
  • Easy installation - the material is easily overlapped and screwed with special self-tapping screws.
  • The aesthetics of the covering – corrugated sheeting, thanks to the variety of colors, makes the appearance of the house neat and gives it individuality.
  • The relief of most sheet models includes special capillary grooves, which are designed to effectively drain water when laying sheets of material overlapping.

Negative qualities corrugated sheets can be called:

  • High thermal conductivity of the metal. Therefore, corrugated sheeting will not protect the attic from overheating or low temperatures. If this coating is chosen, good and attic floor, which suggests additional costs on thermal insulation material and its installation.
  • In windy weather, when the wind speed is 15 m/s or higher, any metal coating emits ultrasonic vibrations that negatively affect the human psyche. Therefore, in regions with constant windy weather, it is better to give preference to roofing coverings that do not vibrate in the wind.
  • Low sound insulation. If the roof is not equipped with heat and sound insulating material, the sounds of drops or hailstones falling on the roof will be clearly audible in the house.

Choice corrugated sheeting for roofing

Corrugated sheets can be made from galvanized metal sheets that do not have color coating. Such sheets are most often used to create temporary or permanent canopies, or to cover outbuildings. It is also often used to fence construction sites. Unpainted corrugated sheeting has a fairly low cost, but is not very suitable for covering residential buildings, since it has low performance characteristics and not very attractive in terms of aesthetics in appearance.

It is very popular, which has a decorative protective coating made of polymer compounds. This material is more durable and can withstand quite serious loads. Of course this is at correct installation, which largely depends on the slope angle of the roof slopes.

Several types of corrugated sheets are produced that have a protective and decorative polymer coating:

  • Bearing (N) - intended for covering the roof, ceilings and canopies.
  • Wall ( WITH) - used for the construction of fences, hangars, garages.
  • Universal (NS) - suitable for roofing, installation of fences, construction of garages, utility facilities, etc.

To cover the roof it is better to use a load-bearing one, but as a last resort You can use any of the above types.

In addition, this material varies in height and number of waves. The height of the wave (corrugation) is indicated by a number that is placed next to the marking of the type of corrugated sheet. For example, several models are presented in table:

MarkingAppearance of corrugated sheetsApplicationCorrugation height in mmMetal thickness in mmUsable width in mm
C10Wall10 0,5; 0,6; 0,7 1100
C18Wall18 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8 1000
S21Wall21 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8 1000
Roofing Wall35 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8 1000
C44Wall44 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8; 0,9; 1,0 1000
H60Roofing60 0,7; 0,8; 0,9; 1,0 845

A metal sheet of corrugated sheets can have one-sided or two-sided coating, but no matter what it is purchased for, it is better to choose a material that is protected on both sides.

The coating consists of numerous protective layers, the diagram offered to your attention clearly shows which layers cover the outer and inner sides.

External side roofing material:

  • The basis for corrugated sheets is steel sheet.
  • The steel is coated with a layer of zinc.
  • Next comes the anti-corrosion coating.
  • A primer layer is applied to it, which serves as a preparation for the polymer.
  • Then comes the colored polymer coating.
  • Often applied to a color polymer coating protective film(polyurethane), which will keep it from fading and peeling.
  • For transportation and storage of corrugated sheeting, it can be additionally covered with a film coating on top, which is removed after installation.

The inner side of the corrugated sheet is covered in the same sequence with exactly the same materials, but on some models there is no colored polymer film on the inside, while on others the sheet is coated equally on both sides. The latter, of course, have a higher cost, but their service life is much longer.

The color range of corrugated sheets is quite varied. According to the most conservative estimates, the color range is represented by no less than 30 shades, so choosing the right one will not be difficult. The color layer can be applied to the surface using powder or using a special polymer coating technology.

If we summarize the selection criteria, we can list the following:

  • To ensure that the material is of high quality and produced in professional conditions, you should ask the seller for a product certificate. If it is missing, then it is better to contact another store.
  • The markings of the material are checked, indicating its purpose, thickness and wave height.
  • The appearance of the material is assessed. It is necessary to pay attention to the evenness of the sheet, the absence of defects in the coloring and protective layer, the same shade of all sheets, and the uniformity of the coating. Appearance can tell a lot about the quality of corrugated sheeting - if upon inspection you find peeling of the coloring layer or burrs on the cuts, then it is better to refuse the purchase.
  • Another criterion is to check the corrugated sheet for bending - a high-quality material must be elastic, and if you try to bend it, it tends to return to its previous position. In this case, no trace of bending should appear on the coating.
  • External type decorative covering- polymer or powder. The most high-quality coatings Corrugated sheets are matte and regular polyester and plastisol. Coating details must also be included in the product certificate.
  • Material price. We must remember that you should not choose the cheapest material - it is unlikely to be of high quality. Moreover, all corrugated sheets have a very affordable price.

When the material is purchased, it is necessary to correctly deliver it to the construction site, and also carefully, without damage, unload it and raise it to a height.

Prices for various types of corrugated sheets

Corrugated sheet

How to avoid damage during transportation and installation of material?

It is important to highlight this issue because damage to the corrugated sheeting during its delivery, unloading and installation will significantly reduce the service life of the future roof.

This material is made from steel sheet, which is given relief by cold rolling in special equipment.

This material, laid as a roof, can withstand high wind and snow loads, but during its transportation, loading and unloading, the sheet coating may be subjected to unnecessary mechanical stress, which will lead to its damage. To prevent this from happening, certain rules for transporting, storing, carrying and lifting sheets must be followed.

  • Transportation of corrugated sheets is carried out by trucks. The sheets must be stacked on a rigid base of the body or on a special metal frame, which is fixed in the body at an angle.

  • After laying the roofing material in the car, it must be securely secured with slings to avoid friction of the sheets against each other when the car is moving, since this is what can lead to damage to the protective coating.
  • A vehicle transporting corrugated sheets must move at a speed of no more than 80 km/h.
  • It is very important to ensure that the unloading of the roof covering is carried out with the utmost care. If unloading will be done manually, it is advisable that each sheet is removed from the stack separately, transferred and placed in the place prepared for them. It is best to prepare a flooring of boards and plywood, covered with polyethylene on top.
  • It is necessary to ensure that none of the sheets are bent during transportation, since it will not be possible to return it to its original state, which means that when covering, gaps will form between the sheets, which will disrupt the evenness and integrity of the roof.
  • To lift corrugated sheeting onto the roof without causing harm to it, you also need to do it correctly:

- to accurately lift the material, you will need logs that are installed at an angle to the roof - these will be a kind of “rails” for the convenience of lifting sheets;

— sheets rise to a height of only one piece at a time;

— the installation of corrugated sheeting on the roof itself can be done by two craftsmen, but lifting the roofing material to a height is best done by three people — this is additional insurance for the integrity of the material and the safety of the work.

Now a few words about how not to damage the corrugated sheet during installation.

The maximum risk of damage to the material occurs if a large area of ​​the roof is covered, since during the installation and fastening process you will have to walk on the already laid roof. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right shoes for work - they should not only be comfortable, but also have a soft elastic sole that cannot damage the protective layer and will not slip on the roof surface. You can step on the fixed roofing material only between the ribs and only in those places where the guides pass, especially if there is a large step between them.

In order for the installation to proceed accurately, without unnecessary damage to the roofing material, you need to use only high-quality tools. To work you will need:

  • Screwdriver.
  • Roulette.
  • Scissors for cutting metal up to 0.6 mm thick.
  • Marker for marks.
  • Level.
  • Electric drill.
  • Rubber hammer.
  • Jigsaw or electric scissors.
  • A soft brush for sweeping away metal shavings.

It is forbidden to cut corrugated sheets with a grinder. The optimal tool for this is electric scissors.

Features of installing corrugated sheeting as a roof

In order for the installation of roofing material to be successful, it is necessary to take into account some features of the work.

Influence of roof slope on installation

Much of the process of covering with roofing material depends on the slope of the roof. It is very important to correctly position the boards or bars of the sheathing, as well as maintain the required amount of overlap of the corrugated sheets.

  • If the slope of the slope is 5 ÷ 10 degrees, then the sheathing is made continuous or the slats are nailed at a distance of no more than 5 ÷ 7 mm from each other.

The overlap of the sheets in this case should be horizontal in two waves, and the top row on the bottom row should be at least 300 mm. Moreover with such a small slope of the slope, the gaps between the corrugated sheets are most often filled with sealant, since there is still a risk of water flowing between them, especially in windy weather.

  • When the slope of the roof slope is 10 ÷ 15 degrees, the distance between the sheathing bars is 400 ÷ 450 mm, and adjacent sheets are laid overlapping on one wave. The top row should overlap the bottom by 200 ÷ 220 mm.
  • If the roof slope is more than 15 degrees, the sheathing bars are secured on the rafters on distance of 550 ÷ 600 mm. The overlap of sheets laid next to each other is made in one wave, and the top row overlaps the bottom row by 170 ÷ 200 mm.

To make it convenient to mark and fasten the sheathing, cut out the required size, for example, 600 mm, which will help to install the frame under the roofing much faster.

The procedure for securing sheets

It is very important to follow the sequence of laying sheets if the coating consists of two or more horizontal rows of corrugated sheets.

  • Laying of roofing material starts from the eaves. The outermost sheet is set strictly according to construction level, since the correct installation of all other roof elements will depend on its evenness. In addition, the laid sheets are aligned along the lower edge of the overhang - if this method of alignment is excluded, the lower edge of the roof will be uneven.

  • Upon completion of the installation of the first row, fastening the second begins on the same side of the roof from which the first was mounted. However, some craftsmen also practice a different approach - with sequential laying of the bottom and then the top sheet, or with a “ladder” laying - for example, two sheets below - one on top, that is, the top row is constantly “lagging behind” by 1 sheet.

The best option is if the length of the sheet is sufficient for the entire roof slope
  • If it is possible to purchase sheets equal to the length of the slope, then you should give preference to this option - this will reduce installation time, and the roof will be more reliably protected from leaks, since there will simply be no horizontal overlaps of the sheets.

Rules for fastening corrugated sheets

Carried out using special screws equipped with a press washer and a rubber gasket. To make the roof look aesthetically pleasing, the screws are usually matched to the color of the base material.

  • If the roof is covered with sheets that are continuous along the length of the slope, then the first sheet is temporarily fixed at the top below the roof ridge by 50 mm and at the bottom, on the overhang. The sheet should protrude beyond the edge of the overhang by 40 ÷ 50 mm. The upper distance left open will become a ventilation gap and will later be covered with a ridge element on top.
  • The second sheet is laid overlapping with the first by one or two waves, depending on the slope, aligned with the overhang of the first sheet and screwed with a self-tapping screw.

  • Subsequent sheets are laid and aligned along the overhang and fastened together at the crest of the wave. They are fastened from the cornice to the ridge with a screw-in step of 500 mm.

  • When 3-5 sheets of corrugated sheeting are laid and they are aligned along the edge of the overhang, they are permanently secured to the sheathing. The sheets are attached to the sheathing at the bottom of the wave, immediately after the sheets overlap, and then, passing one wave, along the bottom of the second.
  • If two or more horizontal rows are laid, then in the strip of their overlap they are secured with self-tapping screws along the bottom of each wave.

If corrugated sheeting with a polymer coating is installed, then after screwing in the screws, it is recommended to remove the resulting metal shavings to avoid damaging the protective coating of the roofing material. It is completely swept away from the coating using a soft brush.

It is also necessary to stipulate the requirement that under no circumstances should corrugated sheeting be secured to the sheathing with nails or rivets, since such fasteners will not hold the sheet when a high wind load occurs. The wind can easily tear off the roof covering, leaving the nails in the sheathing bars.

Installation of additional elements

In addition to corrugated sheets, the roofing structure also contains other elements that help protect the structure from the penetration of precipitation into the attic. It should be noted that the presence of even one formed or unclosed gap in the roof can seriously damage the ceiling, as well as the walls and ceiling of the house.

TO additional elements roofing includes ridge, valleys, lining of pipes passing through the roof, eaves boards and others.

Skate attachment

After completing the installation of the corrugated sheets, at the highest point of the roof, its edges are covered with a ridge.

The ridge is secured with the same screws, through the top of the corrugated sheeting waves, in increments of 200 ÷ 300 mm. To make the fastening reliable, when installing the sheathing, it is necessary to provide two longitudinal boards on both sides of the ridge in advance.

When installing the ridge, it should not be pressed tightly against the highest point of the roof - between it and inner surface the ridge element must remain ventilation gap.

If a semicircular type of ridge is installed, then special plugs are installed and secured on its end sides.

Since the ridge is assembled from individual elements, they are also overlapped. Simple ridges shaped like an angle should have an overlap of 120 ÷ 150 mm, and semicircular (tiled) ridges should have an overlap of 100 ÷ 120 mm, aligning them along the stiffeners.

Use it in our article.

Finishing the gable part of the roof from corrugated sheets

To eliminate the possibility that the corrugated sheeting will be torn off by the wind from the end side, the gap between the sheets and the sheathing is closed with wind angles or planks, which are placed on one side of the corrugated board, and the other on the first rafter facing the end of the building. The plank is also secured with self-tapping screws in increments of 400 ÷ 500 mm.

Cladding of the end part of the roof. 1 — wind strip, 2 — screws

Since the planks are also made up of individual elements, they are laid with an overlap of 70 ÷ 100 mm.

Attaching the cornice

The cornice is installed before the base roofing material is laid. It plays both a decorative role, covering the side connections of the rafter system, and a functional one, preventing splashes when water flows from the roof into the drain from falling on the wooden parts. In addition, brackets for laying the gutter are attached under the eaves or on top of it.

  • Most often, drainage brackets are first secured to the sheathing with self-tapping screws at a distance of 500 ÷ 600 mm from each other. They are lowered below the sheathing by 100 ÷ 150 mm.
  • Then the gutter is installed on the brackets.
  • After this, the cornice strip is installed and nailed or screwed to the bottom board of the sheathing.

  • The corrugated sheets are laid on top of the eaves strip, and must be aligned in such a way that water flowing from them directly falls into the fixed gutter

Installation of the valley

Installation of a valley is not required for every roof, but only where it has a complex configuration with profile breaks. If there is a junction of two planes facing downwards, then you cannot do without installing this element.

The endow consists of two parts - internal and external.

  • The inner part of the valley is laid before the roofing is laid. It is attached to the junction of two roof planes and fixed to the sheathing with roofing screws in increments of 350÷500 mm. The individual parts of the long valley are laid, starting from the cornice and rising to the ridge, with an overlap of 150 ÷ ​​200 mm.

  • After the sheets of corrugated sheets are laid (with a shift to the inner part of the valley by 80 ÷ 100 mm), a layer of porous sealant is laid between them and the inner part of the valley. This material will prevent leakage during rain. Then corrugated sheeting through the bottom of the waves in increments of 400 ÷ 500 mm along with bottom The valleys are screwed to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.
  • After this, silicone sealant is applied to the edges of the corrugated sheets, and the outer part of the valley is laid on it. Just like the inner one, it is composite, so its parts are overlapped by 100 mm, starting installation from the cornice and coating the joints with sealant.

  • After this, the outer part of the valley is screwed with self-tapping screws to the corrugated sheet.

Fastening snow guard

Snow guard- this is an element that will prevent sudden snow from falling off the roof spring period, holding it and giving it time to melt and drain or evaporate.

Snow guards There are two types - these are peculiar strips in the form of corners, scrolling in checkerboard pattern, or horizontal tubular barriers installed in special brackets.

The brackets are attached to the surface of the corrugated sheet at a distance of 900 ÷ 1000 mm. Then special tubes with threads along the edges are inserted into the holes in them, onto which, after installation, metal plugs are screwed.

Both brackets and strips snow guards are attached through corrugated sheeting to the sheathing. When fastening the planks, they are screwed through the top of the wave, so gaps are formed between the plank and the corrugated sheet, through which melt water will flow out.

Wall profile covering the joint between the wall and the corrugated sheet

If a corrugated roof is adjacent to a wall, then the joint between them must be closed to avoid leakage. For this purpose, there is a special shaped strip - a wall profile, which is mounted on the wall using anchors, and onto the metal profile with self-tapping screws screwed into the crest of the wave.

Silicone sealant can be used to seal the joint between the plank and the wall. In addition, it is advisable to make a groove in the wall to hide the upper curved edge of this profile in it. After installation, the groove can be sealed, for example, cement mortar or tile adhesive for exterior use.

Seals for corrugated sheets

Seals are used in roofing works for closing gaps at the junctions of the covering with the wall, in places of “fractures” of hipped roofs and under the ridge.

Seals usually have an adhesive layer on one side, covered with parchment, which is removed before installation and the material is glued in the right place.

Designing the passage of a pipe through corrugated sheeting

If the chimney pipe of a stove or fireplace, or a ventilation duct, passes through the corrugated sheet covering, then you will have to work on it. But before carry out work By exterior decoration joints, must be installed around chimney internal apron, which mounted before laying on the corrugated sheeting.

An apron is installed around the pipe from separate metal adjacent profiles. On the walls of the chimney, using a marker, mark a line along which a groove will be punched to bend the upper edge of the adjacent profiles into it. Then it must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and washed with water.

After this, the so-called tie - stripe metal sheet with flanges, which are mounted from the pipe to the cornice. The tie is necessary to drain water accumulating behind the pipe during rain.

After this, the lower part of the apron must be secured for sealant, on sheathing and lay a tie on the sides of the pipe, and install the upper edge in the groove, also on the sealant. When installing parts of the adjacent strip, you must ensure that they overlap each other by 150 mm.

After interior work will be completed, installation of corrugated sheets is underway. When the roofing material is laid around the chimney pipe, the outer flashing strips are installed, which are secured to the pipe and to the ridges of the corrugated sheeting on the roof.

General sequence of roof covering with corrugated sheeting

So, knowing how to install all the additional elements and the corrugated sheeting itself, you can consider the sequence of work on covering the roof with this roofing material.

  • The first step rafter system covered . It is laid from the eaves, overlapping the slope horizontally by 100 ÷ 150 mm. The film is secured using a stapler with staples on the rafter legs.
  • Counter-lattice bars are nailed to the rafters on top of the film, which will create the necessary ventilation gap between the film and the roofing material. The size of the bars should be 400 × 500 mm, that is, the ventilation gap will be 400 mm.
  • The sheathing of the slopes is arranged perpendicular to the counter-lattice. Here you need to provide additional ridge boards - they are placed on both sides of the roof ridge. Also, additional boards or bars are mounted around the chimney pipe and at the joints of the roof planes to secure the valley (inward corner) or ridge element (outward corner).
  • Next, wind boards are fixed to the gable sides of the roof.
  • Then the brackets for the drain gutter are attached to the bottom board of the sheathing, and the gutter itself is laid.
  • The cornice strip is nailed to the outer board of the sheathing.
  • The next step is to secure the inner part of the valley, if it is necessary in the roof structure.
  • Then you can proceed to waterproofing the chimney pipe. A tie is laid along its edges, going to the cornice - it is attached on top of the cornice strip. Next, install and sealed elements of the internal apron adjacent to the pipe.
  • Having dealt with the internal additional elements that should be under the roofing material, we proceed to the installation of corrugated sheets. To pass the pipe in one or two sheets, an opening of the required size is measured and cut using electric scissors. The edges of the corrugated sheeting should cover parts of the apron attached to the sheathing and come close to the pipe. It is possible to leave a gap of 50 ÷ 70 mm.
  • Next, at the junctions of the two roof sections, the outer part of the valley is fixed.
  • After this, they are fixed at the highest point of the roof metal elements skate.
  • The last step is to attach the windproof corner.

So, as you can see, there is nothing supernatural in laying such a roof. Having studied the sequence of work and the technology for their execution, enlisting the assistance of reliable assistants, acquiring required material Having prepared the tools, you can safely begin covering the roof with corrugated sheets on your own.

And at the end of the publication - a useful video with the intricacies of the process of installing a roof from corrugated sheets.

Video: important nuances when laying corrugated sheets as a roof

In the construction and renovation of a house, the condition of the roof plays a role huge role: it must reliably protect the structure from precipitation, have an aesthetic appearance and a long service life. Depending on what material the roof will be covered with, the cost of construction depends.

Manufacturers use modern technologies to diversify the coating. Most often used:

  • slate;
  • ondulin;
  • corrugated sheeting;
  • roofing felt;
  • tiles (metal, bitumen, concrete, wood, ceramic).

Technical characteristics determine strength, reliability, resistance to precipitation and cost. Re-roofing better and cheaper is the dream of every private home owner. When choosing budget option it is necessary to make a choice what qualities the roof will have.

Common requirements:

  • waterproofing;
  • sound insulation;
  • safety;
  • durability;
  • presentable appearance.

Owners of a private house with complex design the roof takes into account the plasticity of the materials, the possibility of using it to clearly repeat the shape of the ceiling.

To cover the roof of a wooden house, lightweight material is selected so as not to increase the load on the foundation. Experienced builders advise taking into account the features, calculating risks and costs, this applies to owners who want to reroof an old house. In such cases, it is not recommended to use slate, concrete and ceramic tiles, which can weigh down the building.

One of the most economical options, which does not require large expenses and time - roofing felt. Suitable for flat and pitched roofs, it has many advantages: high waterproofing, low price, ease of installation. Without special skills, it is quite possible to cover a house with roofing felt yourself.

This soft roofing material is divided into several types:

  • glassine – cheap option when a special coating is applied to a base impregnated with bitumen;
  • Rubumast is the easiest to use;
  • roofing felt with a synthetic or fiberglass base;
  • Euroruberoid is a modern material based on bitumen-polymer masses with a long service life.

Which roofing material is best to cover the roof of a house is a choice that depends on several factors: financial feasibility and planned service life. Most often, roofing felt is used for roofing temporary and outbuildings, cottages, garages, and outdoor toilets.

Reference! Inexpensive roofing material is not durable. Suitable for temporary use, used more often in small summer cottages.

When choosing, you should pay attention to several factors:

  • appearance (the roll must be smooth, without creases, folds, tears or cracks);
  • condition (should not stick to your hands, with an even, monochromatic coating);
  • packaging (each roll must be wrapped in paper with markings);
  • have a GOST stamp, detailed description: technical specifications, manufacturer information, batch number and production date).

Roofing felt is often used as an additional waterproofing intermediate layer when covering slopes with other materials.

Traditional roofing material time-tested and for many generations - slate. Asbestos cement sheets have a high level of strength and heat resistance. They are durable and affordable.

Key Features:

  • high noise insulation;
  • strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • lack of electrical conductivity;
  • low cost.

Advice! The slate covering loses its attractiveness over time and becomes covered with moss. If possible, it is recommended to periodically clean the slate of build-up and prime it.

The slopes of houses covered with slate will last at least 30-40 years. If one of the sheets is damaged, it is easy to replace. The sheets are hard and can easily withstand heavy weight.

Slate roofs are not subject to corrosion and are easy to install even without special skills. Houses with such a roof heat up less in hot weather, and during rain or hail, the sounds of bad weather are practically inaudible in the room.

A modern analogue of slate is ondulin, it is much lighter in weight and slightly different in cost. It is made from fiberglass impregnated on both sides with bitumen. Due to its environmental friendliness, it is actively used in the construction of budget houses.

Key Features:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • light weight;
  • affordable price;
  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • hydro- and sound insulation;
  • resistance to mechanical and chemical damage;
  • long service life.

Reference! Ondulin has two drawbacks: it fades over time in the sun and is extremely fire hazardous.

Ondulin in appearance resembles slate sheets, but is available in a variety of color scheme, which allows you to select the material to match the design of the building.

The lightness of the coating and ease of installation allows it to be used in construction work without the involvement of professionals. It is quickly installed, flexible, easy to cut and bend.

The popularity of corrugated sheets is due to many factors. Made from galvanized steel with polymer coating. First of all, buyers are attracted by the price and color scheme. Sheets of bright colors can refresh any building and become an accent even in a nondescript home.

Modern industry offers material of different thicknesses, widths and heights. Sheet corrugated sheets are available in any length to avoid unnecessary seams.

Main advantages:

  • light weight;
  • affordable price;
  • practicality;
  • reliability;
  • ease of use;
  • plastic;
  • fire safety;
  • durability (up to 25-30 years);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of care;
  • aesthetics.

The shape and size of the waves on the sheets may differ, so you need to select the material carefully. Metal profiles cover the roofs of any buildings; they are easy to install and do not require special preparation. It is easy to cut, bend and take the desired shape.

Thanks to special treatment, the sheets do not corrode and are not deformed by temperature changes and active sun.

Covering the roof of a house with iron means approaching the roofing issue thoroughly and without extra costs. Such a roof will not change color and will retain its properties. long time. Among huge selection, offered by manufacturers, there are several types of corrugated sheeting for roofing work.

Reference! If the top layer of the corrugated sheet is damaged, rust may appear.

When choosing “to cover the roof with corrugated sheets or metal tiles,” you should choose a more durable material with a long warranty period.

Soft roof

Lightweight rolled or sheet materials with a special coating, as well as mastic compositions, are called soft roofing. Such modern method becomes popular due to many advantageous differences:

  • durability;
  • reliability;
  • high sound insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • hygroscopicity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation.

A variety of shapes, colors and coatings of the top layer allows you to select a material to suit every taste. Plasticity is an advantageous factor for covering roofs of complex configurations. Soft roofing is easy to transport, the material is practically not subject to mechanical damage. During rainfall, there is no noise from rain or hail indoors.

There are a wide variety of soft roofing types on sale:

The soft roof does not infest insects, it retains its shape and color for many years. Does not fade, practical to use.

How to cover a flat roof of a house

The choice of materials for a flat roof requires careful selection. Slopes with an inclination angle of up to 3 degrees must be sealed, with a minimum number of seams, to avoid moisture seeping under the roofing. The most suitable options:

  • bitumen roll material;
  • polymer membrane;
  • mastic.

These types of coatings have sufficient density and provide waterproofing for the house. They are elastic, resistant to mechanical damage and excellent resistance to temperature changes and precipitation.

Bituminous materials are produced using modern technologies and are a strong, reliable base impregnated with modified or oxidized bitumen. Rolls of a meter width and a length of 10 to 30 m are usually offered for sale. In some cases, non-standard rolls are produced, up to 50 m in length and up to 2 meters in width.

They are divided into several types:

  1. Rubemast. By external signs resembles roofing felt. Characteristic differences: bitumen thickness, ability to be fused. Service life is short. Cannot be used for coating at high temperatures. Requires special care: subject to mechanical damage.
  2. Glass insulation It is characterized by high strength and durability. Use in the far north with harsh winters is not recommended. Inexpensive price and practicality are the main advantages.
  3. Euroroofing material. Produced using bitumen, rubber and fiberglass-based polymers. Plastic and reliable material. Long service life, high level waterproofing.
  4. Polymer membranes. Newest method different for roof coverings scale dimensions, which allows you to cover flat roofs with virtually no seams. Installation does not require much time. The industry offers three different types of polymer membranes.
  5. EPDM membrane. It is one of the oldest roofing materials on the construction market. Contains synthetic rubber with stabilizing additives. This prevents ultraviolet radiation. It has a service life of up to 50 years.
  6. PVC membranes. It has higher quality indicators than euroroofing material. The polyvinyl chloride base is environmentally friendly and safe. The seams are soldered with a special construction hairdryer, which extends service life flat roof. Requires professional skills and tools. Expensive but reliable material
  7. TPO membranes. An expensive roof made from such a film will reliably protect the roof for many 50 years. Manufactured from synthetic rubber and polypropylene with special additives. Reinforced with fiberglass.
  8. Mastics. The highest quality, reliable and durable roof covering option. There are several types: bitumen, rubber-bitumen, polymer, bitumen-polymer, latex. Due to the absence of seams, the roof does not require repair for more than 10 years.

If necessary, protect flat roof At home, you should count on your capabilities and take into account your prospects. Modern coatings with long warranty periods are not cheap, but they guarantee the protection of the building for a long time.