Wood-polymer composites: production, characteristics, applications. WPC facade board

Modern direction during the construction of gazebos, terraces, baths, country houses focused on the use of natural wood. But the technical characteristics of wood do not allow long time resist moisture, temperature changes and other external factors.

The issue of alternative material has become so acute that in short terms An analogue of natural raw materials was created, but with more stable characteristics - a wood-polymer composite.

Composition of wood-polymer composite

The main components in the production of composites are:

— polymers with thermoplastic properties (PE, PP, PVC);

- crushed wood almost to the state of flour;

- modifiers (chemicals) that are added to improve technical and performance characteristics.

Presence in the lineup chemicals does not exceed 5% of the total mass, which makes the use of the material absolutely safe for human health.

Technical characteristics of wood-polymer composite

The properties of the composite resemble something between wood and plastic, combining only positive qualities. Its properties facilitate installation and processing, and its strength significantly extends its service life. TO distinctive characteristics include:

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Wide operating temperature range (from -40 to +70 degrees);

Elasticity (can be given different shape);

Moisture resistance;

Strength (500 kg per 1 sq.m.);

Environmental friendliness;

Resistant to ultraviolet rays And aggressive environments.

Advantages of WPC

Absence microbiological processes;

Fire safety;

Resistance to moisture, ultraviolet radiation and other external factors;

Has increased mechanical strength;

Simple processing and installation;

Does not emit toxic substances;

Wide scope of application;

Easy care;

The assortment line is presented in a variety of shades and textures to choose from.

Disadvantages of WPC

The use of a composite requires the arrangement of the premises to be well ventilation system;

Does not tolerate a combination of two factors at once: high temperature and humid environment;

High cost.

Scope of application of WPC

Wood-polymer composite is actively used in different areas production activities. It is used in the interior decoration of cars and water transport, for arranging piers, moorings, and the sides of swimming pools. The material received even greater recognition in the construction of gazebos, platforms, and fences. In private construction, the composite is used for the construction of bathhouses, terraces, garden paths. Even in apartment buildings polymer wood is used to decorate balconies, loggias, and bathrooms. The material, light in weight and processing, adequately replaces lining and siding. And the ability to accept different shapes allows you to implement interesting design solutions when designing the design.

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Types of composite products

Decorative finishing elements (picket fences, railings, boxes, logs, etc.);

Flashings (used to close assembly seam in window and doorways);

Siding (lightweight facing material);

Decking (high-strength board used as the main building element).

Rules for installing wood-polymer composite

There are nuances that should be observed when working with the material. This will help avoid unpleasant surprises during operation.

Laying should only be done at positive temperatures.

When installing the decking, leave ventilation gaps between the boards and under the structure.

Direct contact of the composite with the ground should be avoided.

Before installation, it is necessary to draw up a design diagram for the timely completion of the necessary connecting elements.

The material must be adapted to local conditions before processing. To do this, after unpacking it must be left for 36 hours to prepare.

If the composite is used as a flooring, it is necessary to provide a sediment drainage system. Usually the structure is made at a slight slope. If laying is carried out on a monolithic coating, special grooves are made in the boards to drain water.

have long become an integral part of almost any sphere of production and everyday life due to their higher strength, low cost and other consumer qualities.

They are especially widespread in the construction industry, where various mixtures, paints, insulation, etc. are made from polymers. Due to their properties, polymers are gradually replacing natural materials, becoming more widespread.

Wood-polymer composites have become new high-tech materials, the use of which has made it possible to create boards combining best qualities natural wood and ceramic tiles. It is these materials that are worth talking about in more detail.

Main varieties and composition

Wood-polymer composites are a whole range of artificially produced materials consisting of a mixture of wood flour and monomers, which subsequently undergo polymerization, acquiring the necessary properties.

The material consists of four main components:

  • wood. The total share ranges from 30 to 80% depending on the material. Most often they use sawdust, seeds, crushed bark and twigs, as well as other waste from the woodworking industry;
  • composite polymer. PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene can be used;
  • chemical modifiers. Mass fraction the substance contains about 0.5%. Used to impart the necessary technological properties;
  • dyes. Introduced into the mixture at the initial stage to obtain the required color shade finished products.

Particular attention is paid thermoplastic wood-polymer composites. They have increased resistance to chemicals active substances and high mechanical strength, which makes it possible to produce from these materials not only decking boards, but also roofing elements and wall cladding panels.

Wood-polymer composite decking boards have three varieties depending on percentage crushed wood and polymer:

  • 30% polymer and 70% wood - the most cheap option, which predominates in at the moment in the finishing materials market. Unfortunately, apart from the low price, such a board has practically no advantages. Due to the high content of crushed wood, the product has low mechanical strength and is highly susceptible to wear and swelling from exposure to moisture. Average term services of such a board in our climatic zone is no more than 5-7 years;
  • 60% polymer and 40% wood. The final material has high mechanical strength, is not exposed to water and active chemical media, and has a very long service life. The only drawback is that the natural appearance is almost completely lost, and the board resembles a piece of plastic. The material is very often used to create piers and cladding areas around swimming pools in hotels, as it is designed for high loads;
  • 50% polymer and 50% wood. The most optimal ratio of the main components. The board has a natural look and has all the advantages synthetic materials– strength, durability and reliability. It has a high cost precisely due to its appearance.

Main consumer characteristics

Wood-polymer composite (WPC) decking boards have a number of useful consumer properties:

  • high mechanical strength. One of the main characteristics that allowed the material to be widely used in lining swimming pools, creating terraces and piers;
  • a wide range of operating temperatures from -50 to +180 degrees allows the material to be used in almost any climate zone;
  • moisture resistance and resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Due to these properties, the material is used in the construction of saunas, baths, ship decks, garden furniture, fences and gazebos, where natural wood will not stand for a long time or maintaining its integral structure or appearance will take a lot of time and money;
  • the material is not a habitat for or the spread of bacteria, is not subject to rotting and does not change its physical properties when temperature changes.

In addition to these main characteristics, it should be noted that they have high aesthetic indicators - products made from WPC look like they are made from natural wood; thanks to the dyes, they successfully imitate any species, including expensive mahogany, teak or rosewood.

The material does not support combustion, and during production or use does not emit harmful substances– formaldehydes and carcinogens.

Methods for installing WPC decking boards

There are only two main options for laying such a board - seamless installation or using seams. Each of them has its own installation features, as well as advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account before purchasing a specific decking board.

In the first case, the elements have a special lock on the side edges - a tongue and groove, through which the boards are fixed to each other. The parts are attached with self-tapping screws directly to the support beam through special holes that are covered with an adjacent board. The coating looks complete and monolithic, however, to ensure drainage, it is worth laying with a slope of 2-3 degrees.

In the second case, boards are installed on the main logs with a small gap of about 1 centimeter using a clamp ( special kind fastenings made of plastic or metal). The advantages of this installation method include: high speed installations and excellent drainage through the seams.

As a disadvantage, debris can get into the seam when installing terraces in suburban areas Weeds may grow through the seams. There is also a possibility of deformation of the flooring elements due to indirect fastening to the guide.


Wood-polymer composites are new, high-tech materials that have excellent consumer characteristics and a lower price than natural wood. This allows the material to be used in various facing works indoors or outdoors, as well as creating finishing for specific designs– yachts, piers, swimming pools, saunas and baths.

Due to the fact that WPCs appeared no more than 10 years ago, the demand for them is constantly growing at a fairly high cost, which is beyond the means of most consumers. Over time, there is a tendency for costs to decrease slightly through the discovery and adoption of more cost-effective technologies.

Just a few years ago, wood-polymer composite appeared in Russian construction market and every year continues to gain popularity due to the economic feasibility of its use, both for sellers and for buyers. This product has many properties superior to its wooden counterparts.

Main properties of wood-polymer composites:

  • Moisture resistant, does not become damp and can be in water for a long time
  • All-weather material - used "under open air» (for the construction of terraces, verandas, garden paths, etc.)
  • Not affected negative impact biological pests: bugs, fungi, etc.
  • Fire safety.

Composition of “liquid wood”

Wood-polymer composites include crushed wood, polymers, dyes, and UV stabilizers. Depending on the ratio of the wood component and polymers, WPC materials can acquire certain properties: have increased scratch resistance, withstand heavy loads, and are immersed in water for a long time. In the composition of WPC, the share of wood is usually from 50% to 80%, which also depends on appearance products. If the material has a high content of wood component, it is similar to MDF, but if it exceeds the amount of polymers in the composition, then WPC is more reminiscent of a plastic product.

Wood-polymer composite production technology

The production of products from WPC occurs by extrusion: all components of the material are mixed, and then under the influence of high temperature and pressure it is given the shape of the product. The binder material can be polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride or other thermoplastic polymer.

Invented WPC and patented a new one building material in the 70s, the Italian company ICMA San Giorgio, trying to solve the problem of recycling construction waste. The material gained popularity only after many years, after the company improved its production technology. Engineers achieved necessary properties products that won the hearts of consumers.

Made from wood-polymer composites finishing materials: boards for outdoor floors, terraces or balconies, façade panels, pipes, railings, boards for the construction of fences, creating garden furniture. Despite the fact that consumers are still little informed about this product, the demand for WPC in Russia is significantly greater than the supply on the building materials market.

Consumer features of wood-polymer composites

Those composite wood materials that consist predominantly of wood (more than 70% of the composition) are very close in characteristics to it. They are processed in the same way as regular lumber; they can be sawed, drilled, and sanded.

Composite materials with predominance polymer materials the composition can be glued and even welded, like plastic. Wood-polymer composites can take on any complex shape under the influence of temperature.

Liquid wood decking is easy to install. If necessary, a terrace made of WPC boards can be disassembled and reassembled.
The guaranteed service life of products made from WPC exceeds 25 years; products made from natural wood cannot boast of such durability.

Scope of application of WPC:

  • In industry: piers, pallets, garbage containers, car interior details
  • In the interior: railings, decorative profiles, stairs, soundproofing panels
  • In country and urban design: as a floor covering for terraces, house cladding, for children's playgrounds, finishing areas near swimming pools, making fences and elements of landscape architecture (pergolas, benches, gazebos)

Versatility of use of this material only increases the popularity of its use.
You can purchase wood-polymer composite materials in Moscow by calling the phone number listed on the website.

  1. Description and chemical composition
  2. Polymer to wood ratio
  3. Material advantages

In construction and in the manufacture of furniture, new high-tech materials are used with improved properties compared to conventional ones of the same class, and their price is lower. One such material is wood-polymer composite (WPC). Now it is widespread, which is due to its availability and low price. It is cheaper than regular wood but has the same strength.

In the manufacture of the composite, natural wood and polymer are used, which do not harm human health. Typically, WPC is produced by casting, which significantly increases its strength.

The composite can be used when laying decking. It is used when installing railings on open terraces, in gazebos, on balconies, since it is resistant to temperature changes, any precipitation, and mechanical stress. This makes WPC universal. The material has a beautiful structure.

WPC is common in the USA, where it is actively used in the construction of cottages. It is important to know the production technology and characteristics if you choose this material. If you know the specifics of the liquid wood manufacturing process, you can make a composite with your own hands.

Description and chemical composition

Wood-polymer composite, which is called liquid wood, is artificial material, obtained by mixing wood and monomer. During the manufacturing process, extrusion occurs to form a polymer. In a similar way, a polymer board is made, which is superior in strength to ordinary wood, but slightly inferior ceramic tiles. The boards themselves take shape during the casting process.

Produced " liquid tree» by adding binder polymers to the chips: polystyrene, polyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride. WPC received the name “liquid wood” due to its flexibility and plasticity..

“Liquid wood” is used in the production of floorboards, siding, pipes (for water supply, sewerage), and furniture.

The chemical composition of WPC includes only 3 components:

  1. Small particles of wood (shavings, sawdust, shredded wood, abroform, in cheap models you can find cake from sunflower seeds, shredded plywood). The amount of additive can vary in composition from 1/3 to 4/5 of the total mass.
  2. Polymer additive – polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP).
  3. Special chemical additives that significantly improve technical properties, appearance (dyes, varnishes). The volume of these additives is 0.1–4.5% of the total mass.

Polymer to wood ratio

The proportions of the ratio of polymer and wood may be different. The selection is carried out taking into account what technical indicators of the WPC are required.

The ratio of wood (abroform) to polymer is 2:1. This ratio gives WPC the properties of wood - the mass will contain more wood fibers. Boards made of such material will swell from moisture, which significantly reduces their service life in humid climates. For middle zone and southern Russia it will be 5–10 years. WPC turns out to be relatively fragile, which limits its use, but the building material has a beautiful wood texture and a “corrugated” surface.

A wood to polymer ratio like 2:3 significantly degrades the appearance. WPC boards, which limits the use of boards for decorative purposes. The board feels like regular plastic to the touch, and the surface becomes smoother (sometimes slippery).

If the wood-polymer composite has a 1:1 ratio of wood fibers (abroforms) to polymer, the board acquires optimal characteristics. The texture is beautiful, with a rough surface, non-slip. The casting process is simplified: there is no need to heat the components to the required temperature. Preparation of WPC in this way does not transfer the properties of wood to the material: it does not absorb moisture, does not swell, and is relatively durable in use.

Liquid wood is poured into special molds that provide tenons and grooves for attaching boards.

Material advantages

WPC is resistant to ultraviolet radiation: it does not crack or deform. It does not change its structure when low temperatures air, exposure to moisture, acids and other negative environments.

The material is resistant to mold, insects do not grow in the WPC, and it is not a bait for mice, rats and other rodents. For greater stability, it can be covered with a special polymer film.

Another plus is higher strength (can withstand more than 5 centners per 1 m2). This makes it possible to place any heavy furniture on the boards.

Liquid tree – flexible material, which is easy to process. It can be sawed and planed. This is taken into account in the polymer production or casting process.

Liquid wood – environmentally friendly pure material, since the abroform and polymer used do not emit toxic substances and do not pose a danger to humans. WPC is not flammable and does not support combustion.

Is it possible to make it yourself?

It is possible to make “liquid wood” (abroform) at home, and the WPC, made by yourself, will have the necessary characteristics. The blanks are suitable for restoration work (furniture), rough flooring for auxiliary premises, gazebos, terraces.

To make liquid wood, you need to take sawdust and grind them using home mills or coffee grinders. PVA glue is added to the mixture (the ratio of sawdust and glue is 70:30). The resulting mixture should be thick. So that the material has desired color, it is recommended to add paint (enamel) of a suitable color.

The resulting mass is an analogue of WPC. The material can be applied to damaged areas of parquet, laminate, and furniture.

If you fill the floor with such material, then you need to make formwork under it, and prepare the mixture itself in the required volume. Then you can start filling. The recommended thickness of the future board is 50 mm.

Wood-polymer composite is one of the popular types of wood composites, which combines the advantages of wood and plastic. At the same time, the material does not have the disadvantages of natural wood. Everyone is familiar with the predecessors of this material, among them the following should be highlighted:

Why choose WPC?

These materials consist of shavings or sawdust, as well as binder. Compared to natural wood, they are cheaper, and in some respects they are superior to their natural counterpart, which determines the direction of their use.

Production Features

Wood-polymer composite is the result of new developments. This material is innovative, it belongs to a new generation and is characterized by a wide range of uses. It contains wood flour, modifiers and thermoplastic polymer. Flour can be replaced by agricultural waste, which makes the product cheaper. As for modifiers, they are necessary to give the product special properties. Flour and polymer are used in a ratio that depends on the class and manufacturer of the material.

The cheapest option contains 70% flour and 30% polymer, which makes the material hydrophilic, more fragile and less wear-resistant. If you apply an equal ratio, you will be able to obtain a material with optimal properties. Wood-polymer composites can contain 40% flour and 60% polymer, which affects the aesthetic properties of the material. WPC looks like plastic in appearance, but is more durable and resistant to external factors. The composition contains chemical additives in the form of modifiers; their presence does not affect environmental friendliness, because the amount does not exceed 5%.

In manufacturing, extrusion is used, which involves obtaining a product from a polymer by pressing it in molten form through the molding hole of a machine, the latter is called an extruder. Less commonly, wood-polymer composites are made using the compression and pressure casting method in molds.

Main characteristics and scope of use

Wood-polymer composite materials are intended for furnishing objects that are exposed to the external environment. If operation will be carried out in direct sunlight and at high humidity, then the composite board must have special properties. This also applies to those conditions if it will be used when the temperature fluctuates.

Wood-polymer composite boards have a long service life even in extreme climates. She is ready to serve from 15 to 50 years. The material has the following qualities:

  • wear resistance;
  • UV resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • immunity to pests and mold;
  • no need for special care;
  • resistance to aggressive solutions;
  • possibility of recovery after heavy pollution;
  • high fire resistance;
  • convenient installation and dismantling;
  • environmental safety;
  • good thermal conductivity;
  • high aesthetic qualities.

As for wear resistance, the material is resistant to scratches and abrasion. There are no splinters on it, it can be used even in places with maximum traffic. Under such conditions, the coating retains its original appearance. The material does not collapse or fade, does not swell, and does not change shape when dried. It is resistant to temperature changes, and can be operated from - 50 ˚С to + 70 ˚С. The material is highly durable, it can withstand high loads and does not crack from impacts. It is susceptible to pests and mold.

Products made from wood-polymer composites do not require special care or additional coating, as well as the application of antiseptics. It can be affected by acids, alkalis and aggressive solutions.

The material is fire-resistant, it does not support combustion and cannot ignite from a spark or cigarette butt. It is quite simple to install and dismantle it. The fastening is well thought out, the profile can be bent, drilled and sawed.

Another advantage of wood-polymer composite panels is environmental safety. The material does not emit environment harmful substances, it can be used for recycling, it does not pollute the external environment with waste. The boards are thermally conductive, similar to wood. You will not feel the cold if you walk on the surface barefoot.

The aesthetic qualities of the material are high. It has the color, texture and aroma of natural wood. There are a huge variety of solutions on sale with different textures and color options. The wood-polymer composite for the facade has all of the above characteristics, which means its main advantages are:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • lack of treatments and special care;
  • practicality;
  • durability.

The material can be used even on the seashore. But, like every solution for construction and renovation, such composites have disadvantages, one of them is high cost. The downside is also the risk of being deceived by an unscrupulous manufacturer.

Distinctive Features

In the production of wood-polymer composites, different raw materials can be used, which affects the final characteristics. During manufacturing, different ratios of the main components can be used. In addition to wood flour, sunflower seed cake can act as a filler. Sometimes waste paper or rice husks are used. Polyvinyl chloride is the binder thermoplastic polymer. The same role is played by polyethylene or polypropylene.

In the production of wood-polymer composites, boards can be obtained whose density varies from 700 to 1200 kg/m 3. Strength can also be different, which is affected by fullness or hollowness. Products may have one, two or several layers. The surface is sometimes embossed, it can be sanded or printed on the board.

The outer layer can become a protective polymer coating. Sometimes used paint and varnish materials, synthetic film or veneer. As a rule, composite decking boards have one of two types of surfaces: wood texture or relief.


The width and length of the panels can have certain dimensions. If you want to finish the facade, you should choose a board for the appropriate purpose with a width of 8 to 12 cm and from 18 to 20 cm. An intermediate value is the limit from 14 to 16 cm. The thickness of the panel can vary from 1 to 2.1 cm. Length equal to the limit from 3 to 6 m. The deck board differs in thickness, which can be equal to 4 cm. Minimum value is 2.5 cm.

Use Cases

The following is made from wood-polymer composite:

The boards are used in the construction of private saunas, street cafes, and in the arrangement of garden plots and installation of gazebos. In the urban area, the products are used for finishing loggias and balconies.

WPC for gardeners

Quite often today, a wood-polymer composite is used for beds. This method of arrangement personal plot there are many advantages. Firstly, assembling the structures is quite simple and takes little time. Secondly, the sides are fixed separately. Thirdly, the material prevents the formation of fungus and mold on the surface. Such boards are not exposed to harmful insects.

The fence has a rather attractive appearance, and you can even see patterns and designs on the surface. The material can be treated with paints and varnishes. The structures are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances into the external environment. The composite has smooth surface and edges that will not injure a person during operation. The boards are resistant to adverse influences, they can withstand high mechanical loads and allow you to design beds of any height. Finished goods easy to disassemble and move to another place.

WPC doors

Doors made of wood-polymer composite are very resistant to external influences, so they can be used in rooms with intensive use. They are quite often installed for use in conditions with unstable temperature and humidity. The described material is also called liquid wood, which in the product has an aesthetic appearance and demonstrates durability.

The composite is quite soft, so scratches may remain on its surface. To avoid damage, the door must be used carefully. But if there are animals and children in the house, it is better to choose products whose surface is made using brushing technology. In this case, the base is rough, which makes small scratches invisible.

Main advantages and applications of WPC siding

Wood-polymer composite siding is very popular today. It does not release or absorb moisture, so it does not shrink or dry out. The surface does not crack or deform when weather cycles change. The finishing is characterized by high heat and sound insulation. It is not affected by bacteria, fungi, or insects.

The material does not form rust and has high frost resistance. IN winter period The house retains heat well. This type of siding is easy to maintain; the facade will only need to be washed periodically with water, and you can use detergents. Active cleaning solutions, however, should not be used, nor should brushes or cleaning sponges that contain abrasives or metal elements.

Due to its properties, WPC siding is widely used for interior finishing works and in facade cladding. It has excellent quality and durability, which means it is ready to give your cottage or home natural beauty.

The main disadvantages of siding

No matter how perfect WPC siding is, it has some disadvantages. For example, cost. High-quality panels are quite expensive, and cheap ones will not have a long service life.

Products are presented on the market with a fairly small selection of shapes. But some call this minus conditional. Despite the fact that WPC siding is manufactured in one format, due to its ability to be processed, this disadvantage can be partially compensated.


The most popular building material has always been and remains wood. It is universal in processing and has high thermal insulation and aesthetic qualities. When creating unusual architectural structures and interior decoration, wood is unrivaled. Its only drawback is its exposure to external factors. Manufacturers sought to eliminate all the shortcomings and invented an innovative building material called wood-polymer composite.