Why do ficus Benjamin's leaves fall? Simple tips on how to maintain a rich crown. Why do ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off

Ficus Benjamin, is a popular houseplant of the Mulberry family. The variegated leaves and flowing branches of the plant are eye-catching and do not leave you indifferent. Ficus is used to decorate the interior of houses, apartments, offices and shops.

This flower is unpretentious, but still, it requires compliance certain rules for care. If the cultivation technology is violated, the plant begins to hurt. At the same time, the leaves change their appearance and begin to fall off. This is due to several common circumstances.

A fairly common cause of lethargy and yellowing of the leaves is an excess of moisture.
If the plant also has darkened stem, and the soil began to exude bad smell, the reason for this, in addition to an excess of moisture, is an imbalance in the soil mixture, the presence of pesticides in the soil, or the wrong technology of fertilizing.

Ficuses are very sensitive to cold and react by yellowing and shedding their foliage. You need to buy ficus in the warm season. This will prevent the plant from freezing. Put the purchased flower on a cold tiled floor it is impossible, since its root system suffers most of all from this. In addition, leaves can turn yellow and fall off when foliage comes into contact with window glass in winter. The flowerpot needs to be set at some distance. The leaves of the plant should not touch the cold glass.

To avoid the stress of the shift external conditions, you need to highlight the ficus permanent place and rearrange it only when absolutely necessary.

The best place for a flower is on the eastern side of the window sill. To avoid sunburn, you need to check that direct sunlight does not touch the flower.

Transplanting a plant can help eliminate problems. You need to transplant a young ficus annually. This is done in the spring.

An adult flower needs to be transplanted once every 3-5 years, as the roots grow and fill the space of the pot with them. Diameter new flower pot should be more by 3 centimeters, and the depth by 5 centimeters. Drainage and nutrient soil are placed at the bottom of the pot. A flower is set on top, and the earth is covered. After falling asleep, the soil is slightly compacted. When the soil subsides or is washed away, the soil can be poured to the desired level.

To grow ficus, you need to use high-quality potting soil rich in nutrients. The soil composition should correspond to the composition from the previous pot, this will make it easier for the plant to transfer the transplant.

If the stems of the ficus Benjamin begin to darken and the leaves are crumbling, it is best to transplant the flower. If traces of rot are visible on the roots, they must be carefully trimmed and processed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

To increase the resistance and better resistance of ficus to various adverse external influences, anti-stress agents such as Epin, Zircon are used. These drugs are diluted in water and injected after watering.

If the leaves are drying out due to the dry air in the room, this can be corrected by spraying the plant. Once every 2 months, the flower can be given a warm shower. To protect the roots from waterlogging, the pot is covered plastic wrap... Leaves are wiped from dust once a week using a damp sponge. This contributes better development flower.

If there is a lack of light, a fluorescent lamp is located next to the plant.

The temperature indicators in the room for the comfortable growth of the ficus should be at around 20 to 29 degrees Celsius in the summer and at least 16 degrees in the winter.

For additional nutrition of the flower, 1 time in 15 days, the ficus is fed with mineral and organic fertilizers... You can buy special fertilizers for ficuses or universal fertilizers for indoor flowers. In the summer, feeding is reduced to 1 time per month.

In winter, ficus does not need to be fertilized, the plant practically does not grow at this time. The flower can react to winter feeding with leaf fall.

To obtain a lush green mass for the plant, foliar feeding is made. Fertilizer is added to the water and used when spraying the flower.

There are quite a lot of problems in growing ficus, if you figure it out. The plant begins to dry out and grow poorly due to a number of reasons. This could be a consequence improper care, diseases or pests.

Leaves can curl with sunburn, freezing of the roots of a flower and a lack of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. To eliminate problems with an excess of sunlight and cold, you can rearrange the plant in a different, more suitable place. In case of a shortage of fertilizing, the introduction of the necessary fertilizers will help.

Diseases and pests can also cause yellowing, curling inward and falling foliage.

Some of the common diseases that provoke leaf curling are cercospora and anthracnose.

The fungal disease cercospora often occurs when high humidity air. The disease manifests itself as black dots on the leaves. Leaves turn yellow and curl over time. To solve the problem, watering the ficus is reduced. The affected areas are removed. After pruning, the plant is treated with an antifungal agent.

Anthracnose appears as rusty spots on the leaf blades. Leaves curl and fall off. You can solve the problem with fungicides.

In addition to diseases, pests can also harm a flower. Aphids, nematodes and other pests suck the sap out of the plant and weaken it, leading to flower disease.

Aphids, in addition to damaging the flower, can lead to the development of viral diseases of the plant. To eliminate the problem, the plant is thoroughly washed with soapy water, and all damaged shoots are removed. After drying, the ficus is treated with Pyrethrum.

Nematodes can be recognized by the lethargy of the flower. These pests damage root system plants. By releasing toxins, they lead to a deterioration appearance flower. Leaves wither or curl up, the plant gradually dies. To recognize pests, the ficus must be removed from the pot and all roots must be examined. Small nematode beads can be seen on them. To eliminate the pest, insecticides are used. The plant is transplanted into a new land.

Ficus Benjamin can shed its foliage in late fall or winter. Most often the leaves fall from the bottom.

Sudden changes in temperature, drafts and a decrease in room illumination very often lead to a sharp drop in foliage in a healthy plant.

Lack of moisture can provoke massive leaf fall. In this case, the plant tries to compensate for the lack of water in the soil. Adjusting irrigation allows you to get rid of this problem. For this, warm and necessarily settled or filtered water is taken. You need to water the plant after the top layer of the earth in the pot has dried.

Watering in winter should be reduced from 2 to 1 times a week. Irrigation is carried out no more than 1 time per week. If the room temperature drops below 16 degrees, watering is reduced to a minimum, and irrigation stops. Before each watering, the soil around the flower must be loosened. This will allow water to penetrate the soil faster and avoid stagnant moisture.

Leaves may be covered with brown spots due to not correct watering... Excess or vice versa lack of moisture leads to darkening of the leaves. Transplanting a plant and normalizing watering allows you to get rid of the problem.

If the leaves appear brown spots, this may indicate the defeat of the plant by pests or a disease of the flower.

The mealybug manifests itself as a white cotton-like bloom on the leaf plates. Brown, round spots appear on the leaves. This beetle sucks the juices from the leaves. They begin to darken, curl up and dry out. The plant stops growing. To remove the pest, the plant must be rinsed under warm water. After the ficus is treated with soapy water. In case of severe damage, the flower is sprayed with the preparations Confidor, Actellik.

When a scale insect appears on a flower on inside leaves appear brown spots. Ficus sheds leaves when damaged. Rubbing the leaves with vodka or garlic infusion allows you to get rid of the pest and prevent the appearance of fungal diseases. In case of damage, the top layer of soil must be cut off and replaced with a new one, since pest larvae may remain in the soil.

Without timely processing of the flower, a sooty mushroom can develop on the leaves. It manifests itself as a sticky coating and dark spots on the leaves. Without timely treatment measures, this leads to the death of the flower. The fungus can be removed from foliage with soap. Each leaf is wiped with a soapy sponge. The plant is treated with Actellik.

A disease such as botrytis appears on the leaves with yellow-brown spots with a dark edging. You can eliminate the disease with antifungal drugs.

Gray rot can be recognized by the dust-like bloom on the leaves. Later, dark, almost black marks appear on the leaves. The damaged part of the ficus dies off. To eliminate the infection, you need to remove the damaged areas of the flower.

Leaves at the edges can also dry out due to frequent watering. Reducing the amount of moisture can correct the situation. If the soil is waterlogged, the flower can be transplanted, if this is not possible, upper layer the soil in the pot must be cut off and new soil filled up. Good drainage system and loosening the soil makes it easier to pass water to the roots, nourishing the plant and not retaining excess moisture inside the pot.

Direct sunlight can also cause leaf edges to dry out. By removing the flower to another place, you can easily get rid of this problem.

Why Benjamin's ficus sheds leaves: video

A ficus that sheds leaves is not necessarily sick. Before taking drastic measures, you need to understand the problem. The plant in the right season loses old leaves so that new ones will grow in spring. Approaching the cultivation of ficus Benjamin with responsibility, there are no problems with this. The plant gratefully responds to good care and pleases with lush and beautiful foliage.

Our apartments and houses have always been given freshness and comfort by indoor plants. Ficus is a small tree that can delight the eye with its lush greenery. all year round... The natural habitat of this plant is tropics and subtropical forests, but it is quite simple to care for it.

It is especially popular because it is very beautiful and unpretentious. But sometimes its leaves can begin to turn yellow and fall off. There are a number of different reasons why this can happen. The very first thing to look for is the soil. It should not be too wet, as this can cause the leaves to die. Also plays an important role optimum temperature(especially in the cold season), lack of drafts and adequate lighting. It often happens that a sharp change in conditions badly affects Benjamin's ficus: the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the roots begin to rot, and uncharacteristic spots appear on the tree. There are also quite normal processes that Benjamin's ficus is subject to. Do the leaves below turn yellow and fall? Don't worry. Like any other plant, it needs to renew its foliage.

Lack of feeding can also affect the health of the tree. It is important to choose such a tool so that it maximizes useful substances ficus Benjamin. Leaves turn yellow along the edge, and then crumble - which means that the plant does not feed properly.

In case of insufficient air humidity, dry soil or burns from sun rays ficus leaves begin to dry out, and then fall off. In time, identify and eliminate the causes of the appearance of signs of drying foliage!

It is necessary to note the factors that can harm the health of the plant:

1. Negative consequences may have insufficient humidity and temperature drops, this can affect Benjamin's ficus. Leaves turn yellow and fall, a spider mite has appeared - here are the consequences of improper maintenance.

2. Excessive watering of the soil and stagnant water can lead to the death of the plant. The roots of the tree may start to rot.

3. Do not forget about where Benjamin's ficus comes from. Leaves also turn yellow and fall off due to lack of water in the soil. The tree becomes weak and lethargic.

4. Various plant diseases can cause watering cold water and poor lighting levels.

There are several simple rules care that will help you enjoy your favorite plant longer:

1. Ficus Benjamin is very fond of sunlight, but it is worth considering that direct rays can damage its foliage. It is recommended to place the plant on windows facing east.

2. Stick to moderate humidity. During the heating period, it is advisable to spray the plant more often.

3. In summer period the tree needs to be fed. Mix the top dressing with water once a month and fertilize the soil in the container where the ficus grows.

4. Timely transplant, which should take place every year, preferably in the spring. The drainage layer must be thick enough for a balanced exchange of moisture to take place. For some time after the procedure, the plant may shed its foliage.

These few rules will allow you to avoid problems with Benjamin's ficus and ensure his health for a long time.

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Why do ficus Benjamin's leaves turn yellow

He is good to everyone, but one day the moment comes when the leaves of Benjamin's ficus turn yellow. There is always a reason for this. There are more than 800 species of ficus in the numerous genus. Fig (fig) belongs to ficuses. Ficuses-epiphytes and ficuses-stranglers live in the tropics. And in indoor floriculture, Benjamin's ficus reigns and reigns - one of the most popular, beloved, solid, non-whimsical and positive ornamental home plants.

Specialists in indoor floriculture argue that Benjamin's ficus may well lose a certain number of leaves in autumn and spring.

Preparation before purchasing ficus Benjamin

It is worth a little preparation for the purchase of this plant. It is worth thinking about the area of ​​the apartment, because with careful care, Benjamin's ficus can grow up to 3 m (in wildlife reaches 25 m in height). Then you should take care of the climate. The temperature and humidity in the room where Benjamin's ficus will grow should "like" him. Due to the incorrect thermal and water regime, the leaves of the Benjamin ficus turn yellow, but not only. The reasons for the loss of decorativeness by a plant and even its premature death are numerous. There can be at least ten of them.

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This plant needs sufficient watering, but in no case should it be excessive.

Since the plant is native to the tropics and subtropics, the climate is shown to be appropriate. It is not easy to create the atmosphere of the tropical forests of India or the Australian jungle in an apartment, but you need to strive for this, otherwise the yellowing of the leaves is only a matter of time. The number of degrees in the room is important. For the summer period, it is optimal to provide the ficus with a temperature of + 25 ... 30 ° С. In winter, the plant needs not lower than + 16 ° С, but also not higher than + 20 ° С. Moreover, the climate should be uniform - sudden changes in temperature will instantly affect the state of the leaves. In no case should it be allowed below + 14 ° С - the plant may die.

Ficus Benjamin, like all plants, loves Fresh air, but drafts are categorically contraindicated for him. One unsuccessful airing, and the leaves turn yellow, curl, fall off. Moreover, this may not happen on the whole tree, but only in the part of the crown, which was affected by the draft.

With air humidity, everything is simple - it must be high. Dry air, especially when working central heating v winter period, Is another of the serious reasons for Benjamin's ficus to part with part of the leaves. Damage can also not affect the entire tree, but only the part that is constantly exposed to a stream of hot dry air, for example, from a battery.

For ficus care, it is advisable to purchase a special household room humidifier.

In the case of Benjamin's ficus, it is not enough to maintain air humidity by spraying, even twice a day; it is best to purchase a special household room humidifier.

There is little sunlight for Benjamin's ficus in its native tropics. Although he grows twenty-five meters, but not immediately. For most of its life, the sun is hidden from it by other representatives of the tropical flora. Therefore, Benjamin's ficus loves diffused light... But he needs light - at least 14 hours a day, especially varieties with variegated leaves. Lack of lighting, like direct sunlight, can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

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Caring for care

High humidity is welcome only in the air; the soil in the pot of the plant should not be excessively moisturized.

High humidity is welcome only in the air; the soil in the pot of the plant should not be excessively moisturized. If Benjamin's ficus is watered a lot and haphazardly, the plant will certainly get sick with root rot, which will be signaled as follows - first the leaves will be covered with black spots, then they will fall off.

It is impossible not to water Benjamin's ficus - if the soil in the pot dries up, the tree will begin to shed its leaves. Another unpleasant moment will be the spider mite that has appeared on the plant.

The watering regime for Benjamin's ficus is once a week, abundantly soaking the entire earthen ball, but so that the water in the pot does not stagnate. Once a month - warm shower... If the room is cold, watering warm water and a day standing.

To use when growing this plant, you need a special soil for ficuses. The soil should be moisture-absorbing and loose. It may contain sphagnum moss, coconut fiber, river sand or vermiculite must be present. The basis of the soil is high moor peat. A thick layer of drainage material is placed on the bottom of the pot.

Use special soil when growing ficus.

The roots of the ficus Benjamin, a relative of epiphytes, need a constant supply of air. If the soil in the pot is heavy, knocked down, it will be difficult for the plant to breathe and will have to part with the leaves. The soil must be loosened regularly. It is best to do this after watering.

Even if Benjamin's ficus has grown and turned green carefree and without problems for many years, at the time of its transplantation into a more spacious pot, the need for which, of course, arises over time, the plant may lose its leaves. This is how the ficus reacts to changing conditions. Therefore, the plant can only be transplanted from the transport pot 20 days after purchase. Mature tree transplanted in the spring no more than once every 2-3 years. After transplanting, the plant is placed in a cool shaded place for two weeks and is not fed. If the leaves have fallen off after transplanting, you need to wait calmly and without panic until the plant takes root and releases new leaves.

Ficus Benjamin needs frequent feeding.

This plant has a dense crown and a large leaf mass, therefore, it must be provided with appropriate nutrition - fertilizers for ficuses, according to the instructions. Lack of minerals and nutrients leads to leaf fall. In winter, feeding is carried out twice less often and in half the dose.

Ficus Benjamin is a "tidbit" for many pests of indoor plants. In particular, the already mentioned spider mite and scabbards. Pests can also cause yellowing and leaf fall. If they are found, the plant should be immediately isolated from the rest and treated with an insecticide.

Compliance with the conditions of care and the timely detection of problems is a guarantee of a happy life for Benjamin's ficus with all the green leaves on it.

Why do ficus leaves fall - causes and ways to eliminate them

Ficus - gorgeous indoor plant the Mulberry family, which is very popular among many flower growers. This plant has more than 10 varieties. One of the most widespread types of it, grown at home, is Benjamin's ficus. Owners often face growing problems, and most frequent question sounds like this: "Why do the leaves fall off the ficus?"

Proper care of ficus
Caring for this plant is quite simple and requires compliance with several conditions:

This flower requires a moderate temperature of maintenance in the range of 20-25 degrees in the summer, and about 16 degrees in the winter. V winter time watering is reduced to a minimum. At a temperature of 10 degrees, humidification stops.
Ficus Benjamin grows very successfully in a well-lit area. Direct sunlight is contraindicated for him. A window sill on the east side, where the sun comes in the morning and evening, is well suited for him.
Since the plant reacts poorly to waterlogging of the soil, it needs moderate watering. Moreover, before each moistening, the soil should dry out well. Excessive moisture leads to the fact that Benjamin's ficus throws off the foliage. The leaves lose their natural color and become pale. Water the flower with water at room temperature.
Leaves must be constantly refreshed by spraying. V heating season the flower requires abundant watering and frequent moisture. So that the water is evenly absorbed, and there is no stagnation, you should regularly loosen the soil. Before each watering, the liquid must settle.
Young Benjamin plants are transplanted annually in the spring. Mature plants need to be replanted once every three years. But at the same time it is recommended to sprinkle the soil with fertile soil. For full growth, ficus requires loose and fertile soil.
Ficus Benjamin does not need feeding, especially if it was planted in good soil... But, if you still want to feed your "pet", then this should be done in the phase of its active growth - from May to September. Universal fertilizers are ideal for this. You need to feed once a week. To make its foliage rich green color, it can be sprayed with a weak solution of the same fertilizer.

How to propagate ficus

The best time for reproduction of Benjamin's ficus, and all other varieties of this plant, is spring or summer. Just during this period, there is an active formation of the root system and leaves. Ficuses reproduce very successfully by cuttings. To do this, cut off the apical shoots with leaves and put them in water in a sunny place. It is very important to change the water regularly. The cuttings will take root very soon. There is a practice of rooting cuttings in the sand. After cutting, the shoots are wiped off the milky juice, dried and planted in small containers with wet sand.

To speed up rooting, the planted branches are covered with a transparent jar, thus creating a greenhouse effect. For reproduction, you need to take cuttings small size, since too large shoots cannot be taken due to increased moisture evaporation. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in the care and reproduction of the ficus. But many flower growers are worried about a common problem - why do ficus leaves fall?

Reasons for leaf fall in ficus

Unfortunately, this flower, like many other plants, is exposed to various diseases and pests. As a result of this, his leaves turn yellow and fall, and also become covered with spots. It is necessary to understand in detail why this is happening.

In addition to pests, there are other reasons:

Drastic changes room conditions for the plant. If we talk about the ficus Benjamin, then it reacts very negatively to a sharp change in temperature, a decrease in lighting. These factors lead to massive foliage shedding. To avoid this, the flower should be placed in a permanent place.
Natural shedding of leaves. It so happens that in the fall and winter, the flower drops lower part leaves. Why is this happening. If the leaf fall began at this particular time of the year, this is a natural process. But why do ficus leaves massively fall off and turn yellow in spring or summer? This is where you should think about whether you are properly hydrating the plant.

The daily loss of leaves in ficus can also indicate insufficient lighting.

Ficus is very sensitive to cold air, especially its root system. Therefore, it is not recommended to put the plant pot on a cold floor or tile. Do not allow the contact of leaves and crown with window glass in winter. All the more, hypothermia and frostbite are contraindicated for ficus. For the maintenance of varieties with dark green leaves, a temperature in the range of 23-25 ​​degrees is very well suited. Variegated species can grow in elevated temperatures.
Adverse effects of external factors. If the leaves of the ficus are dry and wrinkled, this indicates that the climate in the room is too dry or there is an excess of light. Often this happens with ampelous species. It may even take place here sunburn... Excessive watering is another reason why the leaves of the ficus fall. Therefore, watering must be reduced.
Lack of micro and macro elements. Often, mature plants with large root systems lack potting space and nutrients. And this can also cause the leaves of the ficus to turn yellow and fall off. The salvation in this situation can be a transplant and regular feeding. Only a month after transplantation, you can feed the ficus. Since the new soil is enriched with nutrients, and fertilizers applied immediately after planting can burn the root system.

Other reasons

Why does a flower have spots of various colors, damage on the leaves, and also their deformation? Why do they turn yellow and fall off in the future? This may be due to fungal diseases and pests. To combat them, chemical preparations are used, according to the established instructions.

Even if the last leaves of the ficus fall and you just have a bare tree, you should not panic, it can still be saved. You just need to take the right measures and give the flower proper care.

The state of the plant can be determined by two signs: healthy flower has a flexible stem, and milky juice always appears on the stem incision.

There are still some problems associated with the fact that the leaves of the ficus turn yellow and fall off.

Sluggish and brown foliage, a darkened stem and the presence of an unpleasant odor from the soil indicate an excess of moisture, an unbalanced composition of the soil, as well as improper feeding.

To increase stability and resistance to various unfavorable factors, anti-stress drugs Zircon and Epin are used. The solution must be prepared according to the indicated instructions. With low air humidity, frequent spraying, water trays, and air humidifiers help well. The lack of light is made up for with artificial lighting.

If the plant is very badly damaged, it is dug up and the root system is examined. Rotten roots are cut off, then sprinkled with powder charcoal... Such a flower is transplanted into new soil. Well, if the plant cannot be saved, then the procedure for rooting the cut apical shoots follows.

With a lack of nutrients, it is recommended to feed the plant with preparations for decorative deciduous plants.

The nitrogen contained in such fertilizers promotes the growth of young leaves, and the presence of magnesium provides protection against yellowing of old leaves. This is why the plant needs these substances. The drug Emerald, which contains these components, is very effective. Iron deficiency may be indicated by yellowing and sluggish leaves... For this, it is recommended to feed the flower with iron chelate or ferrovite.

Before fertilizing, the soil must be moistened so as not to burn the plant. A weakened plant should only be fed part of the feeding. At the first feeding, it is recommended to give only half of the substance.
It should also be remembered that frequent transplants have a very bad effect on the full growth of a flower and can cause foliage to fall.

Well, who said that caring for ficuses is not difficult? Even the usual forms with wrong conditions contents react immediately with yellowing and shedding of leaves. And how capricious are the variegated forms ...

But this plant is very decorative and all efforts are paid off a hundredfold by a lush crown and exuberant growth. After reading this article, you do not have to call your acquaintances with the words: “I don’t know why the leaves of the ficus turn yellow and fall off. What to do?".

Of course, we will not be looking at the natural aging process. The loss of a few yellow leaves in the fall or winter is quite normal. We will analyze precisely the massive yellowing and the strongest leaf fall of the ficus.

Improper watering

The most common reason changes in pigmentation and subsequent leaf fall - you just flooded the plant. Excessive soil moisture provokes rotting of the root system, plus it remarkably helps all kinds of bacteriosis and fusarium to kill your ficus. The leaves turn yellow throughout the plant, the soil begins to smell unpleasant. The bush itself becomes an incomprehensible dirty shade, sluggish. On the cut, instead of milky juice, a brown liquid is released.

What to do? Stop watering the plant urgently. Better to leave him alone. It is strictly forbidden to shake the pot at this time and even turn it around its axis. The only thing you can do is place it on a pack of dry wipes or paper towels... Excess moisture should be absorbed through the drainage holes into the loose paper.

After 5-7 days, the ficus is carefully examined again. If there is any movement towards improvement, then first study the tips for proper care. Otherwise, you will completely finish off the poor fellow.

If no improvement is foreseen, then:

  1. They take out the ficus from the old soil, gently shake it off.
  2. Under weak pressure warm water the roots are thoroughly washed.
  3. With a sterile blade or knife, cut off all rotten roots to healthy tissue. They certainly cannot be confused with anything. The diseased roots are soft, slippery, spreading in the hands, smelling unpleasant and of a dark, almost black color.
  4. All sections are sprinkled with crushed activated carbon and dried a little in the open air.
  5. Then the ficus is planted in another container and new soil.

In this case, it is important to compact the soil so that the roots can immediately receive nutrition. Just don't crush it with your foot! Press lightly with palms.

In the first 2-3 weeks, you cannot feed the ficus and rearrange it to another place. Subsequently, strictly observe the time and technology of proper watering, so as not to torture the plant completely.


In general, many problems are very clearly manifested in ficuses precisely by the yellowing of the leaves. And to dump their plant as passion as it loves! Do not feed bread, let the leaves fall.

For example, cold ambient air, the slightest draft, cooling of the root system. Or in winter, a leaf touches the glass, lo and behold, and it is already turning yellow.

What to do? Protect the ficus from the cold in every possible way. Under the legs, they put a plate of polystyrene, foam insulation or even a cork stand. Even an ordinary board will do.

Protect him from drafts. They ventilate well, but make sure that the cold air does not draw. In winter, an insulator is moved away from the glass or even placed. It could even be a simple piece of woolen cloth or a piece of cardboard.

The water for irrigation also should not be cold from the tap immediately or from a well. Room temperature will be optimal for drinking ficus. And it certainly won't overcool the roots.


Ficuses are still touchy. They really do not like to be disturbed. Even a simple change of residence is fraught with yellowing and leaf fall. And then the whole event! A transplant is always stressful. After her, the ficus will definitely turn yellow and throw leaves.

What to do? Try to touch the flower as little as possible. The transplant should not be carried out annually, as some sources recommend, but only as needed. For example, when the roots begin to rise above the soil surface in a pot. At the same time, it is advisable not to gut the earthen lump, but only to transfer it entirely into a large container. Then the gaps are filled with new soil, pressed with hands.

It is important to know that after transplanting it is strictly forbidden to water the ficus! Therefore, they fill up the new earth in a wet state. Then the flower is returned to its original place in the same position in relation to the light, as it was before. After about 8-9 days, you can gently water the ficus for the first time. Well, and then leaving and only leaving.

Lack of micronutrients

Often, flower growers seem to dance with a tambourine near the ficus and what they just do not get up to, and he, such a scoundrel, again every morning gives you his yellow leaves... What is he still missing? And he lacks food. Magnesium, iron and nitrogen - these are the trace elements that prevent premature aging and yellowing of the leaves.

What to do? Feed. Green liquid fertilizer is good, but it only provides nitrogen. And the ficus needs a mineral water. Top dressing is applied regularly, but little by little. Overkill threatens the same result as undersupply.

If you are not a supporter of the use of chemical fertilizers, then give your ficus to a person with the opposite worldview, and buy yourself an artificial one. It will definitely not turn yellow.


Oh, these uninvited guests! Sometimes, you won't notice them right away. And the leaves of the ficus, meanwhile, gradually turn yellow and fall off. Inspect the underside of the burrs carefully. It is there that entire colonies of freeloaders are often concentrated.

What to do? Poison mercilessly. Any systemic insecticide. And more than once. Most pests of indoor flowers just cannot be removed. In the meantime, grandma's infusions and decoctions are being prepared from folk methods, the ficus may die. After all, insects suck out all the nutritious juices and gnaw holes in the leaves.

Just strictly follow the instructions for use and do not exceed the dosage of the drug recommended by the manufacturer. This will not speed up the process of getting rid of pests, but it will definitely not benefit the plant.


They just don't show up. They arise from hypothermia of the root system, are transmitted from other infected plants, are transferred from purchased soil... It is difficult to miss the signs of the disease. On the leaves, in addition to yellowness, brown spots of unknown etiology appear. They grow rapidly, turning into weeping ulcers of a purple hue.

What to do? Save your pet immediately. Periodic spraying with any fungicide often corrects the situation and very quickly. In advanced cases, it is sometimes too late. In this case, you need to cut the cuttings from the remaining shoots and try to root them.

No doubt, adult plant it's a pity. But instead of him there will be several young ones.

By the way, it is recommended to use adaptogens for a quick recovery of slightly affected ficus. Epin, aloe juice or zircon very well activate the vitality of the plant and allow it to grow stronger and recover from disease faster.

Why do ficus leaves turn yellow and fall off? What to do? We know for sure. A capricious plant needs a constant and proper care... Otherwise, your once lush bush may turn into a palm tree with a bunch on top of its head. Or even worse, it will become an ikebana altogether. Love your plants and take care of them.

Video: problems with ficus benjamin and their solution