How to wash a down pillow. How to wash a feather pillow at home in winter

Purity home textiles affects how cozy and fresh your home will be. However, not all elements home use equally easy to care for. For example, a pillow. Its purity is the key to your health. But what if it is filled with fluff? How to properly care for her? Since this is not always easy, we suggest you consider practical tips.

Is it washable?

Although at first glance washing a down pillow may seem like a difficult task, this procedure can be easily carried out at home. In order for it not to lose its original properties, it is important to know some secrets of success.

Preparation plays a big role in quality washing. To begin with, it is worth sewing a bag - a diaper in which the washing will be carried out. Special balls that will whip up fluff will also come in handy. For these purposes, you can use regular tennis balls, or you can purchase goods in special stores.

Washing down is not an easy task. It is in no hurry. You should allow enough time for this process so that you are not in a rush. Prepare several basins and a colander. During the process, you will have to repeatedly transfer the filler. The colander can be replaced with a sieve for sifting flour.


It is customary to send down products to the dry cleaner. However, you can often hear dissatisfied reviews. Some odors do not go away, and the quality of cleaning in some laundries is very questionable. Therefore, performing a difficult procedure at home is sometimes the best solution.

Important! The down laundry bag should not be the same size as the pillow itself. It is necessary to sew a breastplate, according to at least, three times larger. Otherwise, the volume will not be enough to properly wash the product.

The most unpleasant phenomenon that housewives who wash the filling themselves have to deal with is that it sticks together after washing. To prevent this, it is necessary to strictly follow the technology for washing such products.

Here's the basic procedure:

  • ripping;
  • feather washing;
  • detergents;
  • rinsing.


Prepare your work surface. It is undesirable for there to be any foreign objects. If there are animals or small children in the house, it is better to remove them from this process.

Spread the pillow along the seam of the product. It is advisable not to do too much big hole, since the fluff will fall out too quickly through it and it will not be easy for you to work with it. Also consider the age of the product. If it is too old, then you will need great care and attention to preserve the feathers, as careless actions can cause them to break and turn into dust.


The washing process itself may vary. For example, feathers can be washed by immersing them in small portions in warm composition water and cleaning agent. By rinsing them in this composition, you can gradually transfer the washed feather to a sieve and let it drain before rinsing. It is very important not to allow feathers to be packed tightly into a container of water. They shouldn't stick together.

Another way to wash is to place all the feathers in a pre-prepared quilt. Since it is much larger in size, it is worth considering where you can wash down items. The container for washing using this method should be much larger. Dip all the feathers in the bedsheet into the prepared soap mixture and beat them off a little.

Advice! If you want the pillow to be cleared of any odors and dust, soak the filling in finished composition for two hours. After this, you can remove the water and proceed to rinsing.


It is also important what product you use. For these purposes, you can successfully use mild shampoo or regular baby soap. Good results can also be obtained by using modern liquid powder.

Although some people simply change the water several times, it is much easier to use the following method.

  • Place the washed fluff in a deep colander.
  • Place it under running water.
  • Rinse it under water for a few minutes until the detergent is completely washed out.

After washing and rinsing, the feathers can be gently wrung out and sent to dry.

In the washing machine

Not every housewife would risk spending the whole day painstakingly washing pillows by hand. Fortunately, this procedure can be successfully performed in a car. How to do this?

  1. Divide the fluff into several pillowcases, which will be much larger in size.
  2. Seal the seams properly so that the filler does not get into the machine and damage it.
  3. Add an extra rinse.
  4. Wash in a light warm water, no warmer than 40 degrees.
  5. Place several tennis balls in the drum - during the washing and spinning process they will intensively beat the fluff and it will not bunch up.
  6. You can squeeze the fluff at low speeds - up to 400. If the machine does not have such a spin mode, simply drain the water and squeeze out the filler manually.
  7. Use delicate detergents in small quantities as detergents.


Drying is very important stage washing. Since the pen itself takes quite a long time to dry, if everything is not done correctly, mold may form on the product and bad smell.

Important! In order for the pillow to dry well and retain its freshness, the process should not take more than two days. Otherwise, the products will give off a musty smell.

When washing by hand
Clean down must be spread on a dry surface in a windless place. It is advisable to place dry newspaper or several layers of fabric under it. The most important thing when drying feathers is to constantly stir them. There must be constant access to fresh, dry air.

The fewer feathers dry out in one unit of area, the sooner this process will be completed. If you see any lumps that have formed, break them up with your hands, not allowing them to cake.

When washing in a machine
In this case, it is not necessary to remove the fluff. You can simply hang the pillow on a string and shake it every 2-3 hours. If it’s a cold season outside, you need to help the feathers dry. Use a hairdryer.

  • Take the pillows out to severe frost and leave them for several hours.
  • You can also use steam treatment using a steam generator to kill dust mites.
  • For a complete wash, choose a warm time.
  • After washing, sew or buy a new napkin.
  • Clean up ticks at least once a year using one of the following methods.
  • For drying, you can sew a large special bedsheet, for example, from old tulle.


The video below will help you visualize the process described in the article.

In order for a feather pillow to serve for a long time and not lose its properties, it must be periodically cleaned of dust, biological fluids and other contaminants accumulated on the pillowcase and filling. The product should be washed at least once a year. It is very important to thoroughly dry the filler after this, since due to the remaining moisture in it, mold may begin to develop inside. To prevent this from happening, you should learn the basic rules for caring for feather pillows.

You can wash your feather pillow by hand or use a washing machine. However, in both cases, you cannot use the usual methods - processing the product as a whole. You will need to carefully rip open the pillowcase and distribute the filling into small fabric bags sewn in advance or 1 cover, 2-3 times the size of the pillow.


  1. Beat the pillow with a clapper to remove dust from it.
  2. Carefully rip the napkin open along one of the seams and remove the filling.
  3. Place a small portion of feathers in small cases or a spacious bag. It is important to ensure that they are not tightly packed, and that the filler lies freely inside.
  4. Sew the covers tightly so that the feather does not come out during washing.

The napkin is washed separately using the usual method.

Selecting a detergent

Ordinary washing powder It does not rinse well, sticks together into lumps, and washes away the natural fatty lubricant of the feather, which leads to the filler drying out and losing its properties. Therefore, bulk products should not be used. If nothing else is at hand, put no more than 40-50 g in a special compartment of the washing machine.

The best choice is a liquid concentrate or gel designed for washing delicate fabrics or natural fibers. There are even special products for washing down products. They do not contain chlorine, phosphates, bleaching components and other substances that destroy the filler, but they retain grease and protect the pen from drying out, becoming brittle or sticking together.

Another valid option– use liquid soap or grate a household bar on a fine grater.

Machine washable

Washing procedure:

  1. 2-3 cases with filler are placed in the drum. A larger quantity is undesirable; the machine will vibrate too much under heavy load, and the filler will clump into clumps. If using 1 large cover, place a couple of towels with it to distribute the load.
  2. Pouring detergent in a special compartment. It is not advisable to add conditioner.
  3. Place special balls or tennis balls into the drum. They will hit the covers as the drum rotates, preventing the pen from clumping and helping to remove dirt.
  4. Set the machine to the recommended parameters and start the wash cycle.
  5. After finishing the work, take out the covers, lay them out on a towel, roll them up and squeeze out excess water.

The washing machine settings are shown in the table.

Hand wash

It will take longer to wash a feather pillow by hand, but there is much less risk of damaging or completely ruining the filling.


  1. A bathtub or other large container is filled with water whose temperature does not exceed 30 °C. If you use a basin for washing, wash the filler in parts.
  2. Add liquid detergent or dissolve soap shavings in water, mixing thoroughly.
  3. The fluff removed from the pillowcase is poured into the soapy liquid.
  4. Soak for 3-4 hours.
  5. Place part of the filler in a colander and rinse under running water. Clean the entire pen using this method.
  6. Rinse the bathtub or basin, fill it with clean warm water, and add detergent again.
  7. Immerse the filler and rub it between your palms with soft, careful movements. You need to act carefully so as not to break or deform the pen.
  8. Rinse in parts in a colander.
  9. Squeeze lightly with your hands or leave in a sieve to drain as much liquid as possible.

To disinfect the filler and give it a slight aroma, before the last rinse, you can immerse it for a few minutes in water to which a few drops have been added. essential oil. Any one with antiseptic properties will do: orange, tea tree, lavender, cypress or others.


After washing in washing machine or manual cleaning, the product should be properly dried. It is very important to do this within 2 days. If moisture remains in the filler longer, mold will begin to develop on it and an unpleasant odor will appear.

Cannot be used for drying heating devices– drying out the pen leads to its fragility. Having taken the covers out of the drum or gently wrung them out after hand washing, they are ripped open. Take out the feather and lay it out on a horizontal surface, for example, a floor dryer covered with fabric. Leave in a well-ventilated area. Regularly throughout the day, beat the fluff, shake and mix it, break up the lumps.

Before you put the filler back into the pillowcase, you need to make sure that it is completely dry. After this, the cover is sewn up again with a strong seam.

Alternative Methods

You can tidy up your pillow, remove dust and destroy dust mites in your feathers at home without washing. Having taken the filler out of the bedsheet, lay it out on the balcony or in the open air. In summer they are positioned so that direct sunlight falls on the feather, and in winter they are frozen - left for several hours at sub-zero temperatures.

Washing a feather pillow is a rather labor-intensive but necessary process. If you do not take care of the product, it will quickly become unusable; dust mites and other pathogens will appear in the filler.

Wash feather pillows at home by hand, in a machine, or clean with a steamer. Before the procedure, the filler must be removed from the diaper and divided into batches for more efficient stretching. To wash such pillows, buy powders specially designed for down and feather products: “Laska”, Woly Down Sport Wash, Perwoll Balsam Magic. The water temperature suitable for feather items is no higher than 40˚ C, and for swan down – 30˚ C.

Preparing for washing

Clean down and feather products at least 2 times a year and no more than 4 times. Steaming, machine washing and hand cleaning are suitable for them. To wash a feather or down pillow you will need:

  1. One large container or several small ones. You can also soak the feathers in a bath filled with water.
  2. Case for feathers. You can make it yourself from an unnecessary pillowcase or purchase fabric bags.
  3. Specialized detergent.

Which product to choose

Wash down pillow You can use baby soap or non-aggressive shampoo with your hands.

How to wash bedding

But it is better to give preference, in particular for down jackets:

  • Woly Down Sport Wash;
  • Salton Sport; balm “Laska”;
  • "Unipuh";
  • Heitmann Daunen-Waschpflege;
  • Perwoll Balsam Magic.

Do not use detergents with strong odors. If the filling smells, there is a high chance that sleeping on such a pillow will give you a headache.

For pillows with padding polyester filling, buy powder in gel form, as it is easier to wash out of the material. Wash items with wool filling using liquid powders designed for this type of fabric and containing lanolin.

Rules for washing a feather pillow by hand

Washing pillows with feather filling by hand is a labor-intensive and painstaking process.

Divide the pen into several parts

You can wash the product by hand in this way:

  1. Fill the basin with water no warmer than 40˚ C.
  2. Add lint detergent or grated soap.
  3. Before soaking swan down, cool the water to 30˚ C.
  4. Pour the contents of the pillow into the prepared solution. If it fills the entire basin, wash it in several containers or in parts.
  5. Let the soapy water sit for at least 1-2 hours before squeezing the fluff between your palms.
  6. Rinse the contents under running water in a colander.
  7. Squeeze out the filling by pressing lightly with your hands and place it on a towel to remove moisture.

Advice! To avoid clogging the drain in the bathroom, cover it with a mesh during the entire procedure.

How to wash a feather pillow at home in a quick way:

  1. Cut the breastplate.
  2. Pour its contents into a pillowcase.
  3. Soak in the cleaning solution for a couple of hours.
  4. Rinse, wring out and hang the feather to dry with your pillowcase.

Is it possible to machine wash a down pillow?

Whether a feather pillow can be machine washed worries many housewives who have already tried the labor-intensive process of manual cleaning. Machine washing is inferior in efficiency to hand washing, but makes the job much easier. The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly so as not to harm the equipment.

How to wash a pillow in a washing machine: instructions

Place small pillows in the unit as a whole, and if the item is too large, take out the filler and process it in parts.

To do this, do the following:

  1. Open the breastplate.
  2. Empty the contents.
  3. Distribute it into pre-prepared bags.
  4. Sew them up so that there are no holes left.

Attention! Carry out all actions away from household appliances, pets and children, in a room with closed windows so that the fluff does not fly away from the blow.

  1. Add 50 g of liquid or dry powder.
  2. Turn on the desired mode.
  3. Rinse the product intensively.
  4. Reduce spin speed to 400.

For more effective rinsing, make bags of filler as small as possible. It is recommended to divide the contents of a medium-sized pillow into 5–6 parts.

To prevent the contents from clumping while spinning in the drum, place each bag with down.

If the pillow has been used for many years but has never been washed, water may damage the filling. In this case, it is better to resort to dry cleaning.

How to refresh a pillow without washing by steaming

You can replace washing the pillow with steam cleaning or steaming.

To do this, the product suspended by the ends is doused with steam several times from all sides. Dry the treated bedding in a horizontal position, having first straightened the filler.

Such a comprehensive cleansing as under the influence of water and soap cannot be achieved. But with steam cleaning you can:

  • eliminate unpleasant odor;
  • give freshness;
  • destroy feather mites.

Rules for drying pillows

Drying feathers after washing

To dry the contents of the pillow, spread it over a wide surface in a ventilated, dry area exposed to sunlight. To prevent a breath of air from dispersing the fluff, cover it with gauze. Turn the filler several times a day. If the fluff clumps, straighten it out.

You can also dry feathers in a wide pillowcase that is larger than a pillowcase.

More quick way drying on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to 80˚C.

If you need to dry your bedding in winter, take it out into the frosty air for additional disinfection.

If you washed the filling together with the cover, hang the product outside. To avoid drying out the down, choose an area with diffused light. Shake the case every 2-3 hours to prevent the filler from caking.

You can also use a clothes dryer, turning the contents periodically.

Fill the washed napkin with clean, dry filling and sew it up. If you can feel any lumps in the pillow, beat it with a dust beater.

Preventing feather mites

After regular use, dust, skin flakes, sweat and oil collect inside the pillow.

Essential oils will help against ticks

To increase the service life of your pillow, follow these recommendations:

  1. Shake the item daily to ensure oxygen reaches the down and feather contents.
  2. On a frosty day, take your bedding outside fresh air for several hours to stop the growth of harmful microflora.
  3. Air the item outside every few months.
  4. Periodically remove accumulated dust with a blower.
  5. When storing wool bedding for a long time, use anti-moth products.
  6. To avoid having to wash your pillowcase frequently, wear a chintz cover under the pillowcase.
  7. Do not store your feather pillow in damp conditions or wrap it in plastic.

How to clean pillows with other fillings

The choice of cleaning method is determined by the type of filler.

Wool pillow filling

In addition to down and feather contents, there may be:

  • buckwheat husk;
  • bamboo;
  • polyester;
  • holofiber;
  • microfiber;
  • silicone;
  • padding polyester;
  • latex;
  • viscoelastic;
  • wool;
  • polyester fiber.

Pillows filled with artificial materials They tolerate temperatures up to 60˚C, but they deteriorate from frequent washing.

The choice of washing mode depends on the type of filler

For padding polyester products, set the same mode and the same temperature as for feather products.

For pillows filled with wool, the manual or “wool” mode is optimal.

Pillows stuffed with polyester stand up well to getting wet and being washed frequently. And products with silicone filling can withstand soaking in water no hotter than 30˚C.

Hand wash viscoelastic and latex products in 40-degree water. Wash products with bamboo content by hand or in a washing machine. The durability of these materials allows cleaning up to 5 times a year.

Orthopedic products Can only be washed by hand to avoid loss of shape and medicinal properties.

Products filled with buckwheat husks should not be wetted. To clean this pillow, follow these steps:

  1. Shake out the filler.
  2. Heat it on a baking sheet or in the sun.
  3. Wash the cover in any convenient way.

How to wash a feather pillow by hand, watch the video:

Larisa, September 15, 2018.

Bird feather is traditional for pillows. It is usually combined with down to increase softness and reduce weight of the product. Feathers from waterfowl - ducks, geese, eiders, swans - are used for bedding. The advantages of such pillows are: affordable price, hygroscopicity and breathability. Disadvantages are the likelihood of developing allergies, as well as the possibility of breeding mites and mold. Proper care of products helps to avoid problems. They need to be cleaned once a year. Let's figure out how to wash a feather pillow at home.

When deciding how to wash a feather pillow at home, you need to know that wet cleaning can be done either using a washing machine or by hand. In any case, it is impossible to process the entire product.

In preparation for machine washing, you need to sew several covers from chintz or other thin cotton fabric without holes. It is better not to use gauze: one layer will not hold the feathers inside, and if you fold it in half, the filler will get stuck between the layers. Requires 4-5 bags for one medium sized pillow. An easier way is to sew one cover 2-3 times larger than the bedspread.

Before washing feather pillows, preparation for machine cleaning should include the following steps:

  1. Remove dust from the pillow by knocking it out with a cracker.
  2. Open one edge of the napper.
  3. Transfer the filler into cases, filling each one 50-70%, or place the feather in 1 bag.
  4. Sew the free edges of the covers securely.

Advice: Having gutted the pillowcase, it is advisable to clean it immediately: knock out the remaining fluff, wash, dry and iron it. You can sew a new cover from thick fabric. Teak is ideal for these purposes.

Machine washable pillows

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine? An important point is the choice of detergent. It is better not to use standard powder, since its particles are difficult to rinse out and may remain in the pillow filling. In addition, the bulk product does not improve the properties of the pen. But if you have to use it, then you need to pour a small amount into the machine - about 30-50 g.

Suitable preparations for washing down and feather filling are gel-like products for delicate fabrics or special substances for natural fibers. The latter includes “Unipuh” - a liquid preparation intended for pillows and blankets. It contains no phosphates, chlorine or bleaches. “Unipuh” effectively removes dirt without damaging the structure of the feather, and also preserves its breathability and lipid coating. The product protects the filler from rolling and brittleness.

You should also prepare special ones made of soft plastic. They are placed in the drum of the machine. During its operation, the balls “pound” the product, removing all contaminants. When cleaning feather filling, they prevent it from clumping into one lump. The plastic laundry balls can be replaced with two clean tennis balls.

Washing feather pillows in a washing machine consists of the following steps:

  1. Load 2-3 bags of filling into the drum. If you put more, the vibration will be too strong and the pen will clump. When washing filling from a small pillow in one large case, it is advisable to add several towels to the drum to evenly distribute the load.
  2. Pour or pour detergent into the special compartment. Adding conditioner is not recommended.
  3. Throw balls into the drum.
  4. Select mode. Ideally, the machine is equipped with a “Down blanket” (“Down”) mode. If it is not available, you should choose delicate or hand wash. Optimal temperature– 30 ºС. A higher rate can lead to the destruction of the natural filler.
  5. Set the spin speed to no more than 400 and an additional (intensive) rinse. If it is not possible to select the minimum spin, it is better to turn it off.
  6. After the wash cycle ends, remove the covers, place them on a towel and roll it up, squeezing out the water.

Hand wash pillows

How else to wash a feather pillow at home? Second way wet cleaning pillows - hand wash. It is more labor-intensive than processing in a washing machine, but it allows you to control each stage and avoid damage to the filler.


  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 ºC into a bathtub or large basin. If the bowl is small, then the filler needs to be processed in batches so that it floats.
  2. Add detergent to the liquid - washing gel, a special preparation for fluff, shavings of baby or laundry soap. Stir it.
  3. Pour the filler into the container and spread the lining on one side.
  4. Soak for 2-4 hours.
  5. Collect some of the feathers in a colander, rinse under the tap and transfer to any suitable container. Process the entire filler in this manner.
  6. Pour water out of the bathtub or basin, covering the drain hole with a mesh so that it does not become clogged.
  7. Dial clean water and add detergent to it. Dip the feathers into the liquid. Rub them with your hands.
  8. Collect the pillow filling in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water. Squeeze lightly to remove most of the moisture.

Note: Before finally rinsing the feathers, they can be immersed in water with a small amount of essential oil for a few minutes. This will help disinfect them and fill them with a pleasant aroma. It is advisable to use lavender, orange, cypress or other oil with antiseptic properties.

Drying pillows

Having figured out how to properly wash a pillow in a washing machine or by hand, you should consider the drying rules.

  1. It is important to completely rid the feathers of moisture. Otherwise, fungi and pathogens will begin to multiply in them, which will lead to an unpleasant odor and damage to the filler.
  2. The best time of year to wash feather pillows is summer. Thanks to high temperature the moisture will evaporate quickly and the product will dry in 1-2 days.
  3. The optimal area for drying is a well-ventilated place in the lacy shade of trees or under diffused sunlight. In an apartment, it is better to place the pillow on the balcony.
  4. When washing in the cold season, it is advisable to dry it close to the heater. In addition, you can use a hairdryer, but its time continuous operation should not exceed 15 minutes.

Methods for drying pillows:

  1. Hang bags or one case of feathers on a clothesline.
  2. In a draft-free room, pour all the filler onto a horizontal surface, placing paper or fabric underneath that absorbs moisture well.
  3. Place the covers in the washing machine dryer at 30°C.

In any case, every 1.5-2 hours the feathers need to be shaken (beat the bags) and the resulting lumps should be sorted out with your hands. At the last stage, the pillow filling should be poured into a clean or new pillowcase and sewn up.

If the feathers are matted, after they have completely dried, they can be fluffed using one of the methods:

  1. Place the pillow in a plastic bag, insert the vacuum cleaner tube into it, and tightly wrap the joint with tape. First, pull out all the air, and then blow it back out. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Place the pillow on a soft horizontal surface. Tap it with a plastic clapper on both sides.

If it was not possible to dry the pillow completely, and an unpleasant odor and dark spots, you need to repeat the washing process.

Proper care of your feather pillow will help extend the life of your feather pillow:

  1. The product should be whisked once a day. It is better to do this in the morning so that the filler regains its shape during the day.
  2. Once or twice a month, pillows need to be vacuumed or shaken out of dust.
  3. Once every two months the product should be taken out into the fresh air. sun rays or frost will refresh the filler and rid it of mites. If the house is very high humidity air, it is recommended to dry the pillow more often.
  4. For long-term storage, the pillow must be placed in a thick fabric cover. It is better not to use polyethylene.

Thoroughly clean the pen at least once a year – mandatory item pillow care. This helps prevent the development of pathogenic organisms in the filler and restore its properties - softness and elasticity. If it is not possible to wash it at home, it is advisable to have the pillow dry cleaned. Professionals will clean and disinfect the fluff, and then fill a new pillowcase with it.


As soon as a person purchases bedding, he is faced with the choice of whether to buy a pillow made from natural or synthetic filler. When choosing natural feather filling, the buyer should immediately think about cleaning and caring for the product.

Good, long sleep is the key to healthy functioning of the body. For good sleep It is important not only to choose a comfortable bed and mattress, but also to choose comfortable pillows. Most often, the filler in a pillow is a mixture of bird feathers, and this is no coincidence - it is a feather pillow that is best suited for a person’s comfortable sleep and relaxation. The main question remains: “How to wash a feather pillow at home?”


Unfortunately, the downside of a feather pillow is the fabric, which easily collects and passes dust through itself. Dust quickly settles on the feathers, which in turn leads to the proliferation of small mites and other harmful microorganisms. In order to prevent such an illness from occurring, you should properly care for your bedding and wash it regularly.

There are several simple ways wash a feather pillow at home:

  • Hand wash. Hand washing feathers involves cleaning the feathers separately from the quilt. The first step is to unpick the bedspread, take out the down and feathers and place them in gauze bags or pillowcases. Then they are sewn up and the feather is washed by hand in warm water. To rinse the feathers thoroughly, you should change the water more often. For greater freshness, you can add conditioner, then properly squeeze the gauze bags or pillowcase.
  • Washable in a washing machine. A more convenient and less painstaking method is machine washing. The main difficulty is choosing a mode washing machine. Just as in the first method, the feathers are removed and firmly sewn into bags. The delicate mode is set and the temperature is no more than 40 degrees. Washing is done liquid agent, which is used for wool or for delicate washing, is even suitable baby powder and dissolved laundry soap. Spin in a soft mode, and conditioner is added during the second rinse. The disadvantage of machine washing can be a loosely sewn pillowcase or a torn gauze bag - the filling will simply spill out and clog the machine filter.
  • Steaming. An alternative to regular washing of feather pillows is steaming, which kills bacteria that have formed inside the pillow, renews the fabric of the pillowcase, and removes dust and odors. This method is generally refreshing. appearance products, but of course should not replace a full wash. For effective steaming, the pillow is hung and secured with clips, treated on several sides with a steamer 1-2 times and left until completely dry. During drying, you should also beat the filler.

Cleaning should be done every two years to prevent dangerous dust microorganisms from harming the owner of the feather pillow. If an unpleasant odor appears, you can confidently say that the product is dirty. The process of washing and drying is quite troublesome, but this will help avoid allergic reactions and greatly improve a person’s well-being during sleep. At proper care Feather pillows absorb moisture well and easily restore their normal shape; the filler does not clump together, unlike synthetic fiber. It is worth noting that goose feathers take longer to dry than duck feathers, so you may need to additional drying and whipping.

Replacing the old bedding with a new one will help with high-quality bedding care. When choosing a new bedstead, attention is paid to the density of the fabric. Typically, a fabric called teak is chosen, which not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but also serves a practical function. You can buy a ready-made bedspread, or sew it yourself - stores offer a wide selection of colors to suit every taste and color. To ensure that dust penetrates into the pillow as little as possible, all seams should be sewn up with special care. For greater effect, another extra pillowcase is put on top, and the new pillowcase is rubbed from the inside. laundry soap. Measures taken They will also help the down and feathers not to get out and last the pillow much longer.

The more the down and bird feathers are separated from each other, the better. When hand washing, feathers are soaked in special means for several hours - this helps to better remove dust and unpleasant odors. Knowledgeable housewives who prefer machine washing place tennis balls in the tub with the pillows. This is much simpler and more convenient, although drying will still take a lot of time, usually the whole day.

It happens that the pillow has been lying somewhere on the mezzanine and has not been washed for a long time. In this case, it is still better to take it to the dry cleaner, where it will undergo serious processing and even be disinfected ultraviolet radiation. At home, we wash pillows that are constantly used in everyday life and are not so dirty.

Drying feather products

It deserves special attention, since a poorly dried pillow from the inside can become moldy, spoil the pillowcase with dark spots, and at the same time spoil your mood. During the hot season, it is enough to hang the pillow on a clothesline, secure it with clips and fluff it from time to time. In cold weather, the bedding is dried in the same way as in the summer, but for complete drying, after the clothesline you need to put the dried pillow on the radiator or treat it with hot air from a hairdryer, straightening the feathers from time to time.

Drying feathers separately from the bedding takes much more time: after spreading the feathers on a wide pillowcase or newspaper, you should beat the lumps from time to time so that the bird feathers do not stick together and can dry thoroughly. This may take about a week. Once the filler is completely dry, take the napkin and fill it evenly with feathers. It is important to remember that good drying occurs only through hot air and ventilation. If drying occurs on a pillowcase, then it can be tied with a strong knot and hung in a place where the pillowcase with feathers will be in a warm, ventilated room and will fluff well.

During drying, it is important to constantly beat the feather filler, and do the drying itself on the battery. After the bird's down and feathers have dried, you can stuff the pillow again, first spreading out a large sheet or newspaper. Some of the feathers, no matter how hard you try, will still fly apart. A vacuum cleaner with a clean dust container will help you quickly collect the filler, so the collected feathers can be returned back to the pillow. The feather filling is sewn into the pillowcase and a new pillowcase is put on top. The pillow is ready.

The process of washing and drying, in a word, cleaning feather pillows is quite painstaking and time-consuming. It is best to work on pillows in the summer or late spring, when the sun is warm. It will be possible to dry the insides of the bedding outside, which is several times easier and faster, especially when the weather is windy. In the autumn-winter season, you should be patient and try to allocate enough time for labor-intensive washing, which can take the whole day.