How to wash the external unit of the air conditioner yourself. DIY cleaning and disinfection of household air conditioners

During its operation, any climate control equipment moves a large amount of air containing not only oxygen and ozone. The distilled air contains many mechanical inclusions of different fractions, dust, bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi, fluff and fur of pets.
Perhaps all these contaminants would have remained in the air if there were no filter elements in the air conditioner design. These filters require periodic cleaning or replacement. Filters are cleaned at various times recommended by the manufacturer. They depend on what design the air conditioner has, what its power is and its purpose. Sometimes cleaning is carried out based on “clinical” performance indicators of the equipment.

Cleaning air conditioning equipment - timing and reasons

Situations that make it necessary to clean a household split system do not arise often. However, sooner or later, the user of climate control equipment is faced with this problem, and he is naturally interested in how to clean the equipment - call a specialist, use the help of a specialized team of a cleaning company, or try to do the cleaning on his own.

We will try to give accessible answers to some common questions about cleaning air conditioners that users have, so that you know what work you can do yourself, and which can only be done by specialists.

The main question that interests most air conditioner users is: “Why do you need to clean the split system yourself?” It is clear that this is better handled by a specialist to whom you will pay a decent amount of money for this work. But is it worth parting with your hard-earned money, giving it away for a job that is no more difficult to do than cleaning, for example, an ordinary vacuum cleaner?

After all, no one would think of calling a specialist to clean it.

An air conditioner that has not been cleaned for a long time accumulates a large amount of dust inside, the presence of which necessarily leads to various problems, including:

The microclimate in the room deteriorates significantly. Dust settles on all parts of the air conditioner and spreads throughout the room. It contributes to the occurrence of allergic attacks in people who are in this room. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate it periodically.

The climate control equipment stops functioning effectively. This happens because due to dust and dirt accumulated in the filter elements of the air conditioner, air flows will not be able to circulate freely.

The efficiency of the equipment is significantly reduced, which is due to the fact that a large amount of dust has accumulated on the heat exchanger.

The risk of air conditioner breakdown increases because air resistance increases, which increases the load that the fan motor is unable to withstand.

Cleaning the air conditioner according to its clinical indicators

The most obvious manifestation of the fact that the air conditioner has not been maintained for a long time is the unpleasant odor that appears from the internal module of the equipment. This indicates that fungi and mold are developing in it.

Every time you turn on the device, you contribute to the fact that spores, in the amount of millions, spread throughout the room. Naturally, they are deposited in the respiratory system of its inhabitants, which can cause terrible diseases, such as asthma, allergic manifestations And various types dermatitis.

As soon as you feel a musty smell coming from the device, you should immediately begin cleaning the insides of the air conditioner and its filter elements. If cleaning is not done in a timely manner, there is a high probability that you will soon have to repair your climate control unit.

But not only the appearance of an odor indicates the need to clean split systems. This work is necessary if:

  1. The power of the air conditioner decreases.
  2. The energy it consumes increases.
  3. The lines and connecting fittings are covered with ice.

Step-by-step cleaning of climate control equipment

You can clean the air conditioner yourself in three stages:

  1. Clean or replace the air conditioner filter.
  2. Clean the “insides” of the internal module.
  3. Perform preventive cleaning of the external unit.

Before starting any work, it is necessary to completely disconnect the climate system from electrical supply. To carry out effective cleaning internal filter elements of the air conditioner, several actions are performed sequentially, described below:

It is recommended that you carefully study the operating instructions first. It shows how to properly remove the filter from the split system yourself. In the most expensive models climatic equipment has a drum filter element, which functions much more efficiently than a flat one, since its curved surface is in contact with the air with a larger plane.

Before cleaning, place a piece of plastic film or paper around the split system - if the equipment has not been cleaned for a long time, a lot of dust has accumulated on its internal surfaces and on the filter.

The next step in cleaning the filter element is to dismantle the equipment cover and remove the protective grille, which holds the filter in the place assigned to it and protects it from any damage.

Next, dismantle the filter and clean it. To do this, first clean the dry filter with a vacuum cleaner or dry brush, and then rinse it under running cold water. Dry the filter element naturally, since it can become deformed if dried with hot air.

When the filter is completely dry, the air conditioner is reassembled in the reverse order, and then the power cord is connected to the electrical network.

You should not wash one filter element more than eight times, since exposure to water has a negative effect on it. bandwidth, affecting the efficiency of all climate control equipment.

Self-cleaning of the internal block of split systems

You can clean the internal block of the split system yourself at home.
In addition to replacing or cleaning the filter elements of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, you can independently clean the evaporator heat exchanger from dust that accumulates and settles in it. The evaporator heat exchanger is the main part of the air conditioning equipment, which must be kept perfectly clean if you want the air conditioner to work well.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

This design is assembled from tubes in which freon evaporates, as a result of which the evaporator is cooled. Air flow cooling occurs when it passes through a heat exchanger.

To clean the split system evaporator yourself, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The climate system is de-energized.
  2. The protective grille is removed. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions given by the manufacturer.
  3. Using a vacuum cleaner and a thin brush, clean the heat exchanger and the space between the tubes and shut-off valves from dust.

If you notice that metal surface the heat exchanger has traces of corrosion, be sure to contact a service center. Otherwise, freon may leak.

Reassembling the device is performed in reverse order

Sometimes it is necessary to clean the fan located in the indoor unit from dust and grease deposits. However, we do not recommend carrying out this work yourself. It is best to seek help from a service professional.

When cleaning the split system evaporator, do not use a stiff brush or metal objects– they can easily damage the freon line and negatively affect the heat exchanger.

Cleaning the compressor unit of split systems

A split system usually has a design in which its external unit must be located outside the room. This creates some difficulties and the impossibility of cleaning yourself. Therefore, to perform cleaning work invite professional workers.

Self-cleaning of the external unit of the split system.

You can wash the external unit of the air conditioner yourself. To carry out this work, you must perform the following actions:

De-energize the climate control device, after which the plug is removed from the socket.

Using a soft brush and cloth, the body of the unit is cleaned of dust and dirt.

A regular hose connects to a water supply or car wash. A stream of water is directed inside the equipment, thoroughly washing everything inside without opening the housing of the external unit of the air conditioner.

After thorough washing, excess water is removed from the equipment body.

After becoming familiar with the process of cleaning your air conditioner yourself, you will be able to carry out these works. With timely and thorough cleaning of equipment, you will significantly extend its service life.

Sooner or later, owners of split systems begin to notice failures in their operation. First, the efficiency of the device decreases, then an unpleasant odor appears. All these signs indicate that it is time to carry out the cleaning procedure. To find out how to clean the split system yourself, you should first read the instructions on how to disassemble the device.

How to disassemble a split system

The air conditioner requires particularly careful operation. So, it is necessary to clean it in a timely manner. If you do not take care of the split system, it will eventually fail.

Before you clean the split system yourself, you should disassemble the device. You can do this yourself or call on professionals for help. If you need to save your money, then you can try to disassemble the device yourself:

  • Turn off the device from the network
  • Based on the recommendations in the instructions for use, remove the protective filter in the indoor unit.
  • Removal external panel indoor unit:
  1. Unscrew the bolts under the plugs on both sides
  2. Pull down the block body
  • Pull out the blades that guide and distribute air from the grooves
  • Filming bottom part block (it is also fixed with latches)
  • Disconnect the power cord
  • Removing the drainage pipe
  • Disconnect the electrical wires from the device
  • Remove the housing of the internal electronic unit:
  1. Removing the grounding wire
  2. Move the fixation brackets
  3. Removing the body
  • Remove the drain device and outlet hose

After the cleaning procedure, reassemble the air conditioner in reverse order.

Causes of dirt

As many people believe, the air conditioner is designed to work at full capacity, so it is used constantly. However, the owners do not think about the fact that all the dirt cleaned by the split system accumulates inside it.

The main reasons for the accumulation of dirt:

Signs indicating the need for a cleaning procedure

Any split system requires constant maintenance. You should know the main signs when cleaning split systems is necessary:

  1. The appearance of an unpleasant odor
  2. Reduced work efficiency
  3. Incorrect operation of the device (temperature modes are not supported)
  4. Liquid leaking from the indoor unit
  5. When connecting the power supply, observing various noises

When to Clean

For long term During the service of the device, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition and clean it not only when obvious signs are noticeable, but also constantly at regular intervals.

It is necessary to clean both the indoor and outdoor units once every six months. For better effectiveness, the procedure can be carried out in mid-spring and autumn.

Once a week it is necessary to hygienically clean the device with detergents.

Twice a month it is necessary to treat the device with an antibacterial spray to eliminate the appearance of harmful microorganisms.

Indoor unit. Cleaning

Basic rules for care and operation - timely cleaning and refueling of split systems. Timely procedures can maximize the service life of the air conditioner.

The cleaning procedure is divided into 2 important stages:

  • Cleaning the indoor unit
  • External unit care

The cleaning procedure for the indoor unit includes the following steps:

  1. Cleaning air filters. To do this, open the lid of the device and remove the filters. Treat them with detergent and leave in water for 30 minutes. After this, rinse off the detergent and dry.
  2. Fan care. Apply detergent or soap solution to the fan parts. Turn on the device in the network at the minimum power of the cooling mode. Contaminants will begin to flow from the openings of the block. Usually they fall on the floor, so it is better to cover it with oilcloth. After 10-15 minutes, turn off the device and use a sponge or brush to remove any remaining dirt from the fan.
  3. Maintenance of ventilation holes. They are located at the top of the indoor unit cover. Purified air enters through these openings. There is practically no air flow into the holes clogged with dirt, which also causes the device to break down. They can be cleaned with a cloth dampened with a detergent solution.
  4. Filter care. The filter should be cleaned at least once a week.
  5. Heat exchanger care. The device requires annual cleaning. To carry out the procedure, remove the grille and remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner. At heavily polluted You can wash it with soapy water.

Cleaning the outdoor unit

Before you clean the split system with your own hands, you should evaluate the condition of its external unit. A dirty surface, accumulated clouds of dust, or the release of an unpleasant odor indicate the need for a cleaning procedure.

Cleaning should be done once a year, as well as when the system’s performance deteriorates. You can carry out the procedure yourself using a vacuum cleaner. Maximum effect gives a device with a cleaning effect.

If the external unit is located at the height of the first floors, it can be disassembled. Remove the front cover. Clean the inside of the unit with a vacuum cleaner, and remove remaining dirt particles with a sponge and detergent. Before the procedure, you must disconnect the device from the network.

As you can see, cleaning the split system yourself is quite possible. The main thing is to carry out the cleaning procedure in a timely manner in compliance with the basic rules and requirements.

You should constantly monitor not only the condition of the system and carry out timely cleaning, but also monitor the refrigerant level in the device.

Refrigerant level monitoring

It is not only accumulated dirt that causes a decrease in work efficiency. Reducing the amount of refrigerant also impairs its performance. The main refrigerant, freon, is subject to natural evaporation. It equals about 9-10% per year. A decrease in refrigerant level can also cause system failure. Therefore, the freon level in the air conditioner must be monitored all the time. To avoid this, the system should be recharged on time. You can do it yourself or entrust it to specialists.

Signs of insufficient freon:

  • Deterioration and slowdown
  • Increasing the amount of electricity consumed
  • Freezing of main parts of the system
  • Setting the room temperature different from the set one.

At the first appearance of these signs, you should disconnect the device from the network and carry out the refueling procedure. Before doing this, it is worth clarifying what type of refueling is supported by the split system. Some air conditioners do not support partial charging. In this case, the remaining refrigerant is pumped out and the device is completely recharged. If the air conditioner can be partially filled with freon, then such problems do not arise. You can find out what type of refueling is available from the documents for the split system.

As stated above, before cleaning the split system yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations and be sure to disconnect the device from the network. When the first signs of device breakdown appear, you should stop cleaning and contact a specialist.

Life modern man it’s hard to imagine without such a necessary household appliances, like a refrigerator, TV, computer, washing machine and, of course, air conditioning. Air conditioning is an integral part of people's lives in almost all regions. It allows you to hide from the sultry heat, warm up in the cold, dry and clean the humid air in the apartment. But for quality work Any equipment must follow basic operating rules. One of the main rules is regular and timely cleaning of the air conditioner.

An air conditioner is a heating and cooling system that moves huge masses of air through it. At the same time, a huge amount of dust, dirt, and small debris accumulates on the walls of the air duct and on the grille of the indoor unit. The external unit can become clogged with twigs, dry leaves, poplar fluff, and pollen. Mold or mildew may appear in the air conditioner pipes, which can grow and affect the technical unit itself. To avoid this, you need to carry out cleaning activities in a timely manner.

How to understand that your air conditioner needs to be cleaned

As a rule, the air conditioner should be cleaned preventively, a couple of times a year. This is usually done during the change of seasons, before preparing for winter or summer. However, some signs may indicate that your device urgently needs technical inspection.

  1. If the air conditioner begins to perform its functions poorly. For example, if you set the cooling temperature to +20 degrees, but in fact the air conditioner does not cool the room to the required level. That is, it just doesn’t “pull”. This happens because dirt blocks the air flow and prevents the device from working at full capacity.
  2. The air conditioner needs cleaning if you notice that it has become very noisy. Dirty grilles block the normal flow of air and the device tries to increase the power of its operation. A comparison can be made with a vacuum cleaner. If you partially block the tube through which the vacuum cleaner draws in air, it will start to make a loud noise. If the air conditioner becomes much louder, it means it needs to be cleaned immediately. Further use may result in damage.
  3. Sometimes when you turn on the air conditioner, an unpleasant odor appears. This indicates that the drainage systems are clogged with fungus and mold. This can be very dangerous. Fungal spores are very harmful to health, especially if there are asthmatics, allergy sufferers, children or elderly people in the house. Sometimes when you turn on the device you may smell a burning smell. This is a clear sign that dust and contaminants have entered the engine. If nothing has burned out, be sure to thoroughly clean the air conditioner.
  4. According to technical specifications, condensation can only flow from the outdoor unit. If condensation flows out of the indoor unit, then this is a direct path to inspection and cleaning.
  5. If the air conditioner is clogged, it increases power to cope with the set temperature. In this regard, the consumed electricity increases. If you suddenly notice that your electricity bills have begun to increase for no apparent reason, you should check all your household appliances, and the air conditioner first.

How to clean the indoor unit of an air conditioner yourself

Before you clean the air conditioner yourself at home, you need to find the instructions for the device and study it carefully. Consider how to remove the air conditioner cover and how the filters are removed. Only after this can you start cleaning the air conditioner.

  1. First place newspapers or unnecessary paper under the device. If cleaning is being done for the first time after long-term work, there may be a lot of debris and dust there. The mat will protect the floor or carpet from dirt. Do not forget to turn off the device from the power supply.
  2. First, carefully remove the air conditioner cover. Depending on the model, it may be attached with bolts or simply snaps.
  3. Then carefully remove the filters. They are easy to remove. They need to be soaked in warm soapy water. When the dirt gets wet, the mesh can be washed with a sponge. If you smell an unpleasant odor while operating your air conditioner, most likely there is fungus or mold in the system. In this case, it is necessary to use antibacterial agents to wash the filters. Add a little potassium permanganate, alcohol, furatsilin or a special antifungal agent, which can be bought at a hardware store, to the water. This way you will protect your device from re-infection.
  4. Mesh filters should not be dried near a radiator or with a hair dryer. They are quite thin and can simply become deformed from the flow of hot air. In this case, they will be unsuitable for further service and you will have to buy new nets.
  5. In addition to mesh filters, most models also have pocket filters. They cannot be washed. If the pocket filter is clogged, you just need to change it. A similar filter can be purchased at any hardware store.
  6. The rotary fan also needs to be cleaned. It should be carefully removed and its blades wiped with a damp cloth. After this, the component part is mounted in place.
  7. The heat exchanger can be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. Carefully vacuum every corner of the appliance to remove dust. If you can't clean some narrow areas, use a dry, thin brush.
  8. During the procedure, pay attention to the heat exchanger body. If rust is found on any of its parts, this indicates a freon leak. In this case, contact the service center specialists.
  9. After cleaning all parts of the indoor unit, the components must be thoroughly dried and put back in place.

How to clean the external unit of an air conditioner

The external unit of the air conditioner does not need to be cleaned as often as the internal part. In addition, often the external unit is located on the wall and it is very difficult to get to it. This requires a ladder or climbing equipment. Cleaning the outdoor unit involves removing large debris stuck in the fan blades. After removing the cover, wipe the surface of the device from dust with a cloth or vacuum hard-to-reach areas. To do this, it is most convenient to use special narrow attachments on the vacuum cleaner tube. To prevent water from getting on the electrical parts of the air conditioner during wet cleaning, they should be covered with film.

You can clean the radiator fins using strong water pressure. To do this, you can use a hose, shower, or a special car washing device that supplies water in a directed stream.

Remember that cleaning the outdoor unit is not as frequent, but much more important. Leaving the indoor unit dirty can lead to deterioration in air quality, but if the outdoor (main) unit is not cleaned in time, this can lead to damage to the device. This happens because the motor overheats from the increased power and eventually burns out.

Cleaning the indoor and outdoor units is not yet a complete set of measures to clean the air conditioner from dust and dirt. Majority dangerous pests can live in the drainage system. Mold, mildew, mites, and many infections can live in the tubes through which condensate flows. If the tubes are not cleaned for a long time, they can become clogged with dirt and clog. If this happens, the condensate will drain directly from the indoor unit into the apartment.

To clean the tubes, they must be removed. After this, a powerful stream of water is passed through them, which washes away all the contaminants. To protect against bacteria, you need to add antibacterial protective agents to the water.

Remember that complete assembly of the equipment occurs only after all its components have completely dried. After cleaning, turn on the device and make sure it is working properly.

Legionnaires' disease

In a digression from the topic, I would like to tell you about the importance of timely cleaning the air conditioner from dust, germs and infections. In 1977, at the American Legionnaires' Convention, one unpleasant pattern was discovered. After attending the event, some people fell ill with a strange disease, the symptoms of which resembled pneumonia. People coughed and died. After much investigation, it was discovered that the air conditioner was the cause. Old device, which has never been cleaned, has become an ideal place for pathogenic bacteria to live and multiply.

Subsequently, the infectious microorganism was found and named Legionella, in honor of the sad events to which it was responsible. Warm, dry air was an ideal environment for Legionella to thrive. And when the air conditioner was turned on, the bacteria quietly circulated in the air, entering the respiratory systems and infecting organisms. People fell ill with legionellosis, which was difficult to treat at that time. That’s why it’s so important to promptly clean the appliances that you entrust with the most important thing – ensuring indoor air quality.

Operation and seasonal preparation of the air conditioner

In order for your equipment to serve you for a long time and efficiently, you need to follow simple rules operation.

  1. The external unit of the air conditioner should be cleaned at least once a year. Internal filters should be cleaned more often, once every 3-4 weeks.
  2. If you use the device often, if the air in the room is polluted, then you should clean the filters at least every two weeks. The frequency of the procedure also depends on the floor of residence and the installation of air conditioning. It has been proven that the higher the floor, the less dust and litter in the air.
  3. Do-it-yourself cleaning is fine, but don't forget to have it professionally inspected. If necessary, the specialist will refill the air conditioner with freon, clean hard-to-reach areas of the device, and inspect working condition technology.
  4. Be sure to prepare your air conditioner for the summer and winter seasons. Before summer season cleaning needs to be done, and before winter cleaning, you need to add insulation to the drainage systems. If the temperature in your area drops below 30 degrees, this means that the external tubes may freeze. This should be provided for.

A dirty air conditioner is a high probability of equipment failure, a health risk, excessive energy consumption, as well as deterioration in the performance of the equipment itself. For self-cleaning you do not need any special professional skills. This can be done at home, without resorting to the help of professionals and without paying for their services.

Video: how to clean an air conditioner better than a professional

Nowadays, many owners of houses and apartments equip their homes with climate control equipment, which is capable of maintaining a comfortable indoor microclimate. One of the most popular devices designed for these purposes is an air conditioner. Modern models can have not only one function - air cooling, but also be “all-season”, multifunctional, that is, at any time of the year they can maintain a normal temperature set by the user in the rooms.

However, the microclimate will actually be comfortable, and the use of air conditioning will not harm the owners if certain important conditions. In particular, such devices require certain care, so they are usually serviced by professional technicians. For this purpose, agreements are often concluded with the company that installed the equipment for further service. They also resort to one-time calls to specialists - there are many advertisements with similar content in the advertising press.

But such a service is not cheap, so many device owners are interested in the possibility of caring for them on their own. One of important points Maintenance of climate control equipment involves keeping all its components, especially filter units, clean. Therefore, the question arises: how possible is it to clean the air conditioner with your own hands? Yes, it's completely doable! And if you understand at least a little about the design of the device and know how such a process is carried out, then, indeed, you can put it in order yourself.

Is regular cleaning of climate control equipment really necessary? Maybe this is just another “money scam” on the part of manufacturers and service companies? No, everything is much more serious!

Devices that cool or heat air drive it through filtering devices installed in them, since it is unrealistic to completely get rid of dust in rooms. Accordingly, quite soon a large amount of dirt and dust collects in the filters.

Therefore, if you do not periodically clean the air conditioner, the following problems will certainly arise:

  • There will be a clear drop in the functionality of the device, that is, a significant decrease in efficiency due to the difficulty of air passing through the filters.
  • If the air conditioner is not cleaned or is not cleaned regularly, the heat exchanger with the freon inside it will begin to overheat, which will increase the load on the compressor, and as a result, rapid wear of the device.

  • High humidity and dust deposits inside and outside the filters contribute to the active proliferation of dust mites and various bacteria. Among pathogenic microorganisms, the most dangerous is legionella, which causes a severe lung disease - legionellosis (also called “Pittsburgh pneumonia”). Along with air flows passing through contaminated filters, spores of fungi and mold can spread throughout the premises, which can easily provoke allergic reactions, lead to asthmatic attacks and dermatitis.
  • An unpleasant smell in the room is probably the most minor nuisance of all that is caused by air conditioner contamination.

It should be noted that air conditioners that are installed in multi-storey buildings on the highest floors, since on high altitude Concentrates several times less dust than in the lower layers of air. But this does not mean that they will not have to be cleaned - there may simply be less dirt deposits.

Much more often it will be necessary to clean and disinfect devices installed in houses located near highways, in industrial areas of the city and in areas under construction, since the air there is most polluted.

Another negative phenomenon for climate control equipment is poplar and other plant fluff, which can short term literally clog the air conditioner filters tightly. Therefore, if the area where the house is located is planted with poplars or other trees (shrubs) with a similar form of flowering, then you need to monitor the climate control devices with special care.

The air conditioner, as a rule, begins to “declare” that it requires maintenance if it is not cleaned on time. So, such manifestations can be:

  • Permanent or temporary noise or crackling noise when the device is turned on.
  • Unpleasant smell of dampness or dampness.
  • A clear decrease in the cooling capacity of the air conditioner.
  • The device began to consume too much electricity with the same or even reduced output - this can be noticed by taking readings from the meter.
  • While the air conditioner was running, the indoor unit began to leak.

If at least one of the above signs appears, this indicates that the device requires urgent maintenance, otherwise the air conditioner may soon fail.

It is best to prevent such a situation, since it can result in the replacement of individual parts or structural units that have failed due to the banal carelessness of the owners, which leads to significant costs.

  • It is imperative to clean the device filters in the spring, before intensive work in the summer.
  • Prevention should also be carried out in the fall, before the cold period, when the air conditioner is switched to room heating mode.
  • Unscheduled prevention is urgent, in any case, if the above-mentioned signs appear.

Thanks to timely preventive maintenance, the air conditioner will easily work out its entire service life, which is usually 8-12 years or even more.

Cleaning the indoor unit of a split system

Design of the indoor unit of the air conditioner

To figure out where to start with preventative work, and what exactly should be subjected to the most thorough cleaning, you need to at least get a little familiar with the design of the device. Most often in lately Split systems are used, and the indoor air conditioner unit that is most accessible to the user primarily affects the microclimate in the room. Let's start with it.

So, the internal block consists of the following components and parts:

1 – Front panel of the device – This is a plastic case with a grille. Through it, air from the room, naturally with transferred dust, enters the device for cooling (or heating). The panel can be easily removed for maintenance if necessary. For this purpose, a system of locks (latches) is provided.

2 – Coarse filter is a fine-mesh polymer mesh that is designed for collecting large dust particles from the air, fluff, animal hair fibers and other similar suspensions. Such a filter requires cleaning, or, according to at least– control, at least twice a month. In innovative models, some manufacturers provide automatic cleaning of this filter. The coarse pre-filter is located immediately behind the front panel of the device.

3 – Fine filter. Usually, not one, but several filters are installed in cascade, which can clean the air from various contaminants. Each of them has own characteristics buildings:

  • Carbon filter, containing activated carbon, and designed to remove unpleasant odors and neutralization of harmful substances. This type of filter is not cleaned, but is completely replaced, on average every 4–5 months.
  • Zeolite filter made from porous mineral - zeolite. This filter option is capable of absorbing from the air chemical compounds, which also include heavy metals, so it is more effective than coal. In addition, unlike a carbon filter, a zeolite filter can be washed with water and can be used for up to five years with regular maintenance.
  • Electrostatic The filter cleans the air of fine dust by creating an electrostatic field. Dust particles passing through it become electrified and settle on oppositely charged plates. The service life of this filter is unlimited, and it is cleaned when it becomes dirty.
  • Plasma filter It works on approximately the same principle as electrostatic. In it under the influence electrical voltage low temperature plasma is formed that can destroy harmful substances and small dust particles, simultaneously giving them a negative charge, due to which they settle on a positively charged plate. The plasma filter is also designed to remove odors and smoke. The service life of this filter is unlimited, and it is cleaned as it becomes dirty.
  • UV filter necessarily includes an LED of a certain spectrum of light, which is capable of disinfecting the air in the room, destroying viruses and bacteria. Ultraviolet light, in addition, can prevent the growth and spread of mold and mildew inside the air conditioner. This option can be used independently or in combination with a photocatalytic filter.
  • Photocatalytic filter is a porous substance with titanium dioxide coating. This filter adsorbs on its surface all air pollutants passing through it, including toxic substances, unpleasant odors, fungal spores, etc. Being exposed to ultraviolet radiation, which is included in the complex photocatalytic filter, all toxic substances break down into water and carbon dioxide. This type of filter does an excellent job of removing both inorganic and organic air pollutants. The service life of this filter is limited only by the “lifetime” of the ultraviolet lamp.
  • Antibacterial filter. Designed to neutralize various pathogenic microflora - microbes and viruses. It contains such natural active ingredients as:

- catechin - an antiseptic found in apples and green tea;

— Wassabi is a plant with antibacterial properties.

  • Antioxidant filter is made on the basis of flavonoids, which help convert free radicals into inactive chemical compounds.

4 – Fan, providing air circulation through the air conditioner. As a rule, the fan can have three to four rotation speeds.

5 – Evaporator. This is, at its core, a radiator in which freon evaporates, due to which the air passing through it is cooled.

6 – Horizontal blinds regulating the direction of air flow vertically. They are controlled remotely, from a remote control, through an electric drive installed in the air conditioner housing.

7 – Indicator panel located on the surface of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. Using LEDs or a digital display, it shows the operating modes of the device, including the set temperature.

8 – Vertical blinds regulate air flows in horizontal directions. They can be moved manually or remotely, depending on the equipment of the device.

In addition to the above-mentioned structural elements, it necessarily contains others not shown in the figure:

9 – Condensate tray. This part is located under the evaporator, and it serves to collect water, which is then discharged through the drain hose from the air conditioner to the outside.

10 - Control electronic board. A central microprocessor is installed on it, with the help of which the device is controlled. The board is usually located to the right of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. Usually a terminal group is located near it - for connecting the air conditioner to the electrical network and for electrical switching of the indoor unit with the external one.

11 – Union connections located on the lower rear part of the indoor unit. Copper tubes connected to them serve to connect the outdoor and indoor units - this creates a closed loop for the circulation of refrigerant.

Several preparatory operations

Due to the fact that a split system air conditioner consists of two units, external and internal, their cleaning also differs somewhat from each other, which is important to consider when starting its prevention. We will focus on the external block below, but for now we continue to consider the internal one.

  • Before starting preventive work, it is necessary to protect your hands and respiratory tract, since you must not forget that the air conditioner housing contains a breeding ground for viruses and dangerous bacteria that got there along with dust from the air. They can easily enter the body, which can lead to serious illness, even for a person with excellent immunity.
  • Next, the air conditioner must be disconnected from the power supply. It would seem that this action is understandable for everyone, but sometimes they forget about it, and remember only at the moment when the first electric shock occurs. It’s good if it’s light, only in the form of tingling….
  • Then, it is recommended to cover the area of ​​the floor under the air conditioner. plastic film, which is best simply thrown away after cleaning the device. It is especially important to protect the floor surface if the air conditioner long time worked without prevention, and a large amount of dirt accumulated in it.

Procedure for general cleaning of the indoor unit

Sometimes it is necessary to clean only the filters of the device, since they become dirty first. I must say that washing them yourself is not at all difficult. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this procedure almost weekly, making it a rule to perform these simple steps before starting to clean your apartment or house. Naturally, such frequent maintenance is necessary if the device is used constantly.

If the cleaning of the climate control equipment is carried out regularly, the house is kept clean, and thanks to this dust does not have time to clog all the pores of the fine filters and coarse filter cells, then it is enough to perform dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner.

If the air conditioner filters are heavily clogged, they will have to be washed additionally with special detergents and then with water.

Detergents are purchased in specialized stores of climate control equipment or in service centers for its maintenance.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
So, the first step is to open the front cover of the air conditioner, on which the protective grille is located.
This process is simple, especially since all owners need to carry it out quite often, checking the degree of contamination of the device.
Next, carefully remove the coarse filters. They can also be secured in different ways. So, in some models they can be removed without even opening or dismantling the front panel.
Then the cover covering the fasteners is removed.
IN various designs this panel can be secured in different ways - in some models it is enough to simply remove it from the latches, while in others it has to be unscrewed.
In this model, the plastic housing of the indoor unit is secured with screws located at the bottom of the structure. They are closed with protective plates that must first be opened.
For convenience, you can use a regular screwdriver - use it to pick up the closing screws of the lid, and then unscrew the fasteners themselves. The work must be done carefully, since the plastic parts are quite fragile.
After unscrewing the fasteners, it is also necessary to remove the indicator panel connected to electrical part air conditioner This element, along with the wires, must be temporarily placed to the electrical unit.
After unscrewing the screws, the plastic housing of the air conditioner is removed.
IN different models it is also attached differently, so after unscrewing the screws on one side, you should not yank the case. You need to carefully pull it towards you, and if it does not come off, you will have to look for places where it is additionally secured.
Next, fine filters should be removed from the air conditioner.
The next step is to secure electrical unit protect the device from splashes of disinfectants and detergents, as well as jets of water.
Ordinary hospital shoe covers are perfect for this purpose - thanks to the elastic band on them, they will fit tightly to the device, and the protection will not fall off during work.
Now the time has come preparatory work for cleaning.
For this purpose, you can use a large, durable plastic bag, but this “device” will not be able to guarantee reliable protection of room surfaces from contact with detergents along with dirt from the air conditioner.
In specialized stores or on online trading platforms, you can purchase a kit specifically designed to protect floors and walls during cleaning of climate control equipment. This set is more convenient, since it contains almost everything necessary elements both for fastening it and for draining dirty water into a bucket.
The service package includes a large cellophane bag specially shaped with a funnel in the lower central part, onto which a plastic spout is attached for easy fixation of the outlet hose.
In addition, it contains a polyethylene apron installed between the wall and bottom air conditioner, holders like stationery ones, with the help of which the stiffening ribs inserted into the edges of the bag are fixed, and a tape for hanging it under the air conditioner.
Unfortunately, the kit does not include elements that act as stiffeners, as well as a hose for draining dirty water. Therefore, you will have to take care of these details yourself. To do this, you will need thin plastic or metal tubes, or even ordinary wooden glazing beads, which are used to fasten window glass. The length of these rigid inserts should be: 600 mm - 2 pcs. and 1200 mm - 2 pcs.
The section of the hose must correspond to the diameter of the spout attached to the plastic bag - so that it fits tightly to the drain spout.
The bag has channels along its edges into which you need to install stiffening ribs and secure them using office holders.
A belt is attached to one side of the bag, with which the bag will be hung on the air conditioner.
When ready for use, this device looks approximately as shown in the illustration.
Next, take an apron - this is a regular one polyethylene sheet, which is slipped under the body of the device and secured to the wall using masking tape. It will protect the wall from dirty pieces of wet dust.
Then, the package with stiffening ribs is suspended under the air conditioner, the belt is put on top of the device body.
After this, a hose is put on the plastic spout, the second end of which is lowered into an ordinary plastic bucket standing on the floor.
Further, if, after opening the indoor unit of the air conditioner, thick layers of dust are found, they can be removed with a soft brush or collected with a vacuum cleaner.
After such superficial removal of accumulated deposits, it will be easier to wash the structural parts from more deeply embedded dirt.
Having removed the external dust, you can proceed to preparing a cleaning disinfectant solution.
It is made from products specially designed for cleaning air conditioners. The solution is mixed in accordance with the proportions indicated on the packaging of detergents.
To apply the solution you will need a spray bottle in which the jet can be adjusted according to the spray diameter.
Next step ready solution applied to all elements of the indoor unit.
Particular care must be taken to spray the fan and radiator of the device. A huge amount of dust collects on the impeller blades of the roller fan, which eats into the surface of the material from which it is made. Therefore, thoroughly clean this part of the air conditioner from dirt without special means It just won't work. The radiator is equipped with numerous heat exchange plates, between which dust also accumulates, and removing it with plain water is quite difficult, so you also cannot do without special equipment.
The disinfectant cleaning solution must cover all parts of the structure, since if unwashed areas remain, they will later become a favorable place for new layers of dirt to attach.
Application of detergents is usually carried out in two stages.
Liquid detergent disinfectant is sprayed first (in in this case this is "Alfadez"), and then the detergent "Winns 30202", which is sold in cylinders and produces abundant foam, which helps to better soften and peel off dirt.
After the detergents are applied to the surfaces of the indoor unit, they must be left for some time, about 20-25 minutes, so that the solutions corrode the outer and inner dirty layers.
When the foam settles, you can check how easily the dirt will be removed.
After the foam has settled, you can begin flushing the split system with water supplied under high pressure in a thin stream.
When washing yourself, you can use the same spray bottle, but this will require quite a lot of time and a large amount of water.
When flushing the system, dirt will flow along the bottom of the air conditioner housing into a plastic bag suspended underneath it, and from there into a bucket.
It is important to ensure that the container does not overfill, as dirty water and disinfectants can seriously damage the flooring.
Flushing the internal block of the split system begins from its rear part.
Then the radiator is thoroughly washed, after which the inside must be cleaned again, since dirt from the heat exchanger grille may end up on the surface of the fan blades.
While the indoor unit is soaking under the influence of detergents, you can clean the parts of the plastic housing removed from the structure.
They are also sprayed with disinfectants and detergents.
If necessary, dirt can be rubbed off on them with a soft brush, and then these structural elements are washed under running water.
In addition to the hard parts of the housing, it is also necessary to wash the coarse air filters.
First, they also need to be sprayed with detergents. Then they are left for a while until the dirt is removed from them, and then washed under running water.
The filter is washed, but not wiped - the water should drain from it spontaneously, and it should dry naturally.
When washing the filter, you cannot use conventional detergents, as they can negatively affect not only the filter itself, but also the internal unit of the air conditioner.
In addition, we should not forget that the molecules of solutions household chemicals will subsequently enter the air of residential premises.
It is more difficult with fine filters, since among them there are options that cannot be washed, and dry cleaning will not bring results, and therefore they will have to be replaced with new ones.
So, I would like to remind you that replaceable filters include carbon, antibacterial, antioxidant, and vitamin ones.
Filters that can be washed include electrostatic, photocatalytic, plasma and zeolite.
New replacement filters are usually sold at air conditioner service centers or at service centers of manufacturing companies.
When all the insides of the unit and all the parts removed from it have dried well, you can remove the hanging bag and shoe covers from the electrical unit and reassemble the air conditioner in the reverse order.
The fine filters (new or washed) are returned to their place, then the washed housing is fixed, the indicator panel is attached to it, and lastly the coarse filters are installed.
Now that the work on cleaning the air conditioner has been completed, you can turn it on, check its functionality and proceed to normal operation, until the next maintenance.

Cleaning the air conditioner drain system

One of the common problems faced by air conditioner owners is water leaking onto the floor or walls from the indoor unit. Most often, leaks occur for the following reasons:

  • Due to contamination of the drainage system of the device, when condensate cannot pass through the clogged tube, and therefore begins to flow from the indoor unit into the room. In this case drainage system needs to be cleaned. Clogging of the drainage occurs due to the fact that the air conditioner units were not cleaned in time - the dust turned into dirt and clogged the tube.
  • If the amount of freon (refrigerant) in the system is reduced, then the temperature of the evaporator also becomes lower, so ice forms on it and water does not pass into the pan, and also flows onto the floors of the room.
  • If the air conditioner does not have a pressure regulator, then when the outside temperature drops, the pressure drops and in the system, as a result which also reduces the temperature in the evaporator. However, it should be noted that pressure regulators are usually installed in all modern air conditioner models.
  • Freezing of the drain pipe - this occurs if the air conditioner is used in winter period for cooling rooms.
  • Another reason for stagnation in the drainage is wasps or other flying insects, which quite often clog the edge of the pipe located on the street.

If the drain pipe is clogged, then before you start cleaning it, you must wash the drain pan, as well as other elements of the air conditioning system. Work to clean the drainage is carried out with the device disconnected from the network and is carried out in the following order:

  • The first step is to remove the coarse filters.
  • Next, the lower narrow panel is dismantled, hiding the fastenings of the housing to the air conditioner.
  • Then the drain pan is removed - in each design this operation is carried out differently, but it is not difficult, and it is quite possible to figure it out on the spot. It is necessary to remove this structural element in order to clean it from dirt, and also in order to get to the hole into which water flows from the pan and to which a drainage tube is attached.

  • The next step is to disconnect the drainage tube from the air conditioner and attach to it a hose from a compressor (hand pump), steam generator or vacuum cleaner with a blowing function.

  • Another cleaning option could be mechanical method. To do this, take a long one, enough hard, but at the same time a flexible wire (something like a television cable works well), which is inserted into a disconnected drainage tube or directly through a hole in the tray. It is pushed through the entire drainage system. Thus, it should appear from a pipe facing the street through which the condensate leaves.
  • However, these are not all the actions necessary in this process, since it must be taken into account that the plug from the tube was removed, but the dirt still remained in it along the drains. When the air conditioner operates, new dust will easily adhere to these remaining dirt, and the plug will be restored. Therefore, the tube must be rinsed thoroughly. This can be done using a pump or a homemade device consisting of plastic bottle and a piece of silicone hose placed around its neck.

  • To flush the drainage tube, it is recommended to use chlorhexidine, which is an excellent antiseptic and is sold in pharmacies. Rinsing will require approximately 400 ml of liquid.

  • If flushing is carried out through the drainage hole, that is, without removing the tube from it, then the flushing liquid can be poured through it. The bottle with chlorhexidine has a spout, which allows you to carry out this procedure without the use of improvised means. After 15–20 minutes, the system must be additionally purged using a vacuum cleaner or pump. After cleaning the system, it is recommended to check it immediately. To do this, one and a half liters of ordinary water is again poured into it using one of the methods described above, which should flow freely through the pipe on the street.

If the air conditioner is equipped with a drain pump, that is, condensate is not discharged to the street, leakage may occur for the following reasons:

  • Failure of the pump - it may not work at full capacity or even burn out. In any case, the device must be checked, and for this it will have to be removed.
  • If the float chamber is clogged and the float is fixed in one position, the pump will stop draining water.
  • The float or proximity sensor does not work.
  • The air outlet tube is pinched.
  • Not enough good contact pump power terminals.

To find the cause of problems in models that have drain pump, you will have to invite a specialist to repair climate control equipment. It is not recommended to meddle with this system yourself.

Automatic air conditioner cleaning system

Some modern models air conditioners are equipped with an automatic cleaning system. The principle of operation is quite simple - with a certain frequency the device switches to “idle” operation, and the air passing through the filters dries all parts of the structure.

In addition to the usual automatic cleaning, some models are equipped with ionic air purification. Thanks to the latter, dust particles are ionized and therefore easily fall into the dust collector. In another version of the device, water ionized dust is used to protect against unpleasant odors - this is a system of complete ionization and filtration.

In addition, such air conditioners are usually equipped with sensors that can monitor the composition of the air. If necessary, they command the automatic cleaning system to turn on.

These features of the air conditioner extend its service life and make it easier to maintain. However, you should not think that you won’t have to clean the device manually or call a technician for this purpose, since the automatic system will not be able to remove and wash its filters, and this must be done, one way or another.

Cleaning the external unit of the split system

Design of the external unit of the air conditioner

Now, having figured out how to clean the internal unit of a split system, you need to consider how preventative work is carried out on its external part.

Unlike the internal unit, the external unit is washed once a year, but this is still necessary, since it becomes clogged not only with dust, but also with leaves, poplar fluff, small twigs and other debris. From this it becomes clear that it is absolutely impossible not to clean this part of the air conditioner. It is most difficult to carry out preventive measures if the device is installed on the upper floors of multi-storey buildings; in this case, specialists cannot be avoided.

The design of the external unit consists of the following blocks and parts:

1 Fan, occupies most of the body of the external unit of the air conditioner. Its functions are to blow the heat exchanger-condenser.

2 – Capacitor located along the inner walls of the case, near the fan. It is a collection of copper tubes, inside of which freon is pumped, which is cooled by a running fan.

3 – Compressor ensures circulation of freon through the common closed circuit of the air conditioner. This device comes in two types - piston and spiral. The piston version of the compressor is more affordable, but less reliable, unlike a piston device. This factor is especially important given the conditions of low winter temperatures.

4 – Control board, but it is only available in inverter-type air conditioners. In other climate control devices, all electronics are located in the internal housing, since external natural factors can negatively affect the electronic units.

5 – Four-way valve installed only in reversible air conditioner models, that is, capable of not only cooling, but also heating rooms. This control unit is necessary to change the direction of freon movement when switching the device to heating mode. After this, in fact, the outdoor and indoor units change their functions - the outdoor unit begins to work for cooling, and the indoor unit begins to work for heating the air pumped through it.

6 – Union connections there are both on the indoor and outdoor units, since it is to them that the copper tubes are connected, connecting the air conditioning department into one common system refrigerant circulation.

7 – Filter to clean the refrigerant, it is installed in front of the compressor and protects it from small particles and copper chips, which often remain in the circuit during installation of the air conditioner.

8 – Protective cover covering electrical cable terminals and fitting connections. However, in some models such a cover is provided only for electrical connections, the fittings remain open.

Cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner

Cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner can be done with your own hands only if it is installed in a private house, and you can safely work from a stepladder, or on the balcony of a high-rise building. Independent work at height without special equipment, a safety net and experience is strictly prohibited!

The cleaning process is carried out in stages, in the following order:

  • The first step is to completely de-energize the device.
  • Next, the front panel of the external unit is dismantled. Having removed it, the owner would probably immediately will see the entire volume upcoming works.
  • First, all large debris found in the housing is removed - it is this that slows down the operation of the air conditioner. Large debris can usually be removed by hand and no tools are required for this process.
  • The next step is to remove dust layers from hard to reach places housings. Brushes are used for this purpose different widths and a handheld vacuum cleaner.

  • The fan blades can also be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and, if necessary, wiped with a damp cloth. Wet cleaning must be done carefully so that water does not get on the electrical contacts. If you have to use a large amount of water to wash the fan, then the electrical unit should be covered with plastic wrap.
  • The condenser has flat, smooth surfaces, so cleaning it is not difficult - this can be done with a regular damp cloth or sponge.
  • Before replacing the front panel, it should also be thoroughly washed and dried.
  • The electrical unit of the device should not be touched. Its repair and prevention should be carried out by specialists.
  • The air conditioner can only be turned on after it has completely dried.

At the end of the topic I would like to give a few useful tips, which will help you avoid making mistakes when operating and cleaning climate control devices.

  • When purchasing an air conditioner, it is recommended to conclude a contract for service device. During the warranty period, it can be carried out free of charge.
  • Timely preventative maintenance will extend the trouble-free operation of the air conditioner and eliminate many problems.
  • It is recommended to entrust the first cleaning and disinfection of the air conditioner to specialists from the service department. At the same time, it is worth carefully monitoring how they carry out preventive measures, so that you can then use their experience when performing independent work.
  • If the air conditioner begins to malfunction, then you should not think that the malfunction will go away on its own. It is necessary to disconnect it from the power supply and call a technician for diagnostics and possible repairs.
  • If you decide to clean it yourself, you must use special detergents and disinfectants. In addition, to clean the radiator of the indoor unit it is convenient to use comb brushes, which are designed specifically for this purpose.

  • Air conditioner cleaning will be better if you use a steam cleaner. A jet of hot steam not only removes dirt, but also carries out preventive disinfection of structural parts.
  • Assembly and connection to the network can be done only after all parts of the air conditioner have completely dried.
  • You cannot start the air conditioner when it is internal surfaces and the fan are coated with detergents. Doing this is extremely dangerous, as water can get into the electrical unit of the device, which will cause a short circuit in the network. In addition, dirt accumulated on the fan blades will scatter throughout the room, ending up on the surfaces of the walls, ceiling, floor, furniture and other interior items.
  • In order for the device to serve for a long time, you must follow all the rules for its operation specified by the manufacturer in the instructions.

So, from everything said above, it becomes clear that it is quite possible to carry out work on cleaning climate control equipment yourself if you know the design of the device and the procedure for carrying out this process. If the owner can carry out maintenance of the air conditioner on his own once and understands all the nuances, he will no longer have to call a specialist for this purpose, since a specialist will only be needed to solve more serious problems.

And, probably, the interested reader will find a video in which an amateur master shows how he cleans his air conditioner himself.


Air conditioner cleaning can be done either with the help of specialists or with your own hands. In the second case, you simply cannot do without an instruction manual. But first, let’s look at the signs that make it clear that it’s time to clean the split system.

As they accumulate, contaminants deteriorate the performance and quality of the air conditioner. And most importantly, polluted air affects your health. There is mold, mildew, dust mites, and whole families of different bacteria in the air we breathe. Hence, asthma, various dermatitis and other skin diseases.

To avoid such a situation in the apartment, split systems are lightly cleaned: from one to three times a week, depending on the intensity of use of the device. There are several obvious indicators that your air conditioner is dirty.

What should you pay attention to?

      1. If you felt immediately after launching the split system, then know: this is the most obvious sign pollution. There may be dirt on the heater grill or drainage problems.
      2. If the electricity consumption has changed upward, and the power has decreased, it’s time to open the air conditioner and check its cleanliness inside.
      3. A peculiar hum and crackling sound when the split system is operating can be a signal of a clogged filter or turbine. The knocking noise can also come from the outer casing if it itself is clogged. In this case, the fan blades will not be able to rotate normally and will hit the case walls or other objects.
      4. Condensate leakage is another indicator of air conditioner contamination with dust and dirt.
      5. “Squelching” and “gurgling” sounds occur when the drainage is poor or there is a loss of refrigerant.

Once you notice any of these signs of system deterioration, you can either call a professional to clean it or do it yourself. We will now figure out what and how to start.

On your own You can clean the internal filters, fan, drainage system and heat exchanger. What will you need for this?

      • operating instructions;
      • toothbrush;
      • soft fabric;
      • warm water;
      • soap;
      • vacuum cleaner.

It is unlikely that you will enjoy touching contaminated internal parts and breathing dust. Before starting work, do not forget to put on a respirator and gloves.

The process of cleaning a split system at home will take place in several stages, depending on the part being cleaned. To figure out how to access each of them, let's look at them separately from each other.

Before flushing the air conditioner, be sure to unplug it! Cover the floor with newspapers, plastic wrap or damp rags to prevent it from getting dirty.

Let's start with filters. To get to them, you need to understand how to open the air conditioner. It's simple: lift the lid of the split system, pull it towards you and up and push it all the way. Filters will open before us - curved mesh plates, to remove which you need to slightly lift them up, then pull them towards you and down. Already at this stage you can see the degree of contamination of your device.

Next, the filters must be washed with cool water. If the dirt is not washed away, keep the filters in warm water about half an hour. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of liquid soap or crumble regular soap and stir - let the soap completely dissolve.

Then rinse the parts again with running water, wait until the removed parts dry naturally, and wipe them again soft cloth. You can dry the filters on the windowsill if the weather outside is sunny.

Do not dry filters with warm air currents, such as a hairdryer, as this may deform them.

Before reinstalling the filters, you need to vacuum the internal elements of the split system and wipe accessible areas with a soft cloth.

So far we have been talking about strainers. If you use pocket filters, you will not be able to clean them - such filters are simply changed after their service life has expired.

It is highly not recommended to wash filters more than six times, since the filter may lose its properties and degrade its throughput.

Radiators are designed to change the temperature of the distilled air and represent one large plate, which consists of many small ones. They are located at a very small distance from each other, and if the dust is not so deep in the spaces between them, you can remove it with a long-bristled brush.

A high-power vacuum cleaner will also cope well with this task. After the cleaning procedure, wipe the area with a damp cloth until all dust is removed.

If the dirt has gone deep, most likely it has already mixed with condensation and formed a dirt film. It is not possible to remove it yourself. To clean such contamination, steam cleaners are used, and this work is best left to professionals.

You can find the radiator by opening the bottom cover of the split system. Pull the plate out. After cleaning, repeat the sequence in reverse order.

An important element of the system is the rotary fan. This is an oblong shaft with blades that “pushes” cooled air into the room. Its contamination can lead to complete failure, since the resulting deposits of dust and dirt block the operation of the fan.

To prevent this from happening, you need to dissolve a little soap in warm water and spray it on the blades. After the dirt has soaked, turn on the fan at the lowest speed. Be prepared for drops of liquid to fly away. Then stop working and clean the area manually using a brush or toothbrush and the same soap solution.

Before starting to clean the fan, cover the wall protective film and lay newspapers on the floor so that dirt flying out of the air conditioner does not get on them.

You should be extremely careful: try not to damage the fan blades, otherwise a complete replacement will be necessary.

If the resulting grease and dirt clog the passages of the drainage channels, then water will begin to flow not outside, but into the room. The fungus will not “sit” in the pipes for long and will begin to spread: first to the drain pan, and then to the radiator. All this will again affect the purity of the inhaled air.

You can clean the drainage with your own hands only superficially: using a brush and detergent, for example, for washing dishes. After treating the drainage itself, check the cleanliness of the drainage pan, or better yet, wash it for prevention.

Professional treatment of the drainage system involves an antibacterial effect using steam. Another option is to completely clean the entire air conditioning system by spraying a special substance.

On this self-cleaning home air conditioner is completed. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time, then there is a simpler option: you can purchase a split system with an automatic cleaning system. This system works by simple principle: periodically switching to the “idle” mode, it dries the internal components and parts.

Sometimes such air conditioners are accompanied by an ion air purification system - dust ionization occurs, and it passes more easily into the dust collector. However, even such “smart” air conditioners have to be cleaned manually, since they will not wash the filters themselves, and the process itself is still ambiguous and mysterious.

The most difficult thing in cleaning an air conditioner is perhaps its external part. Outdoor unit, as a rule, is located outdoors, and access to it is most often complicated by its height and location from the street. The only good thing is that such a block only needs to be cleaned 1-2 times a year.

What needs to be done?

      1. Turn off the power to the machine.
      2. Remove the top cover and immediately imagine the scope of the work ahead.
      3. Remove debris that can be removed by hand.
      4. Take a powerful vacuum cleaner and use it to clean accessible surfaces.
      5. Try not to touch the electrical circuit of the unit - only professionals can repair it.
      6. Brush what's left with a medium bristle brush.
      7. Wipe cleaned surfaces with a soft, damp cloth.

To clean the external unit, steam cleaners or mini-washes are often used, which give a greater effect. It is important to remember that you should not run the air conditioner until everything is internal parts will not dry completely.

Even if everything is fine with your device and it works like a charm, there are several simple tips equipment care instructions that must be followed.

      1. Let's start with the fact that if your apartment is located on the first floors of the building - from the first to the fourth - then it is recommended to clean the external unit of the air conditioner once every three months, since the pollution in this case is greater and more intense than on the upper floors.
      2. If the air conditioner is located at a level above the seventh floor, it can be cleaned once every two years or less. True, only if you did not notice the signs of contamination that we described earlier.
      3. No matter what floor you live on, indoor units It is necessary to clean it 3-4 times a month, because even with good work, dust and dirt settle on the walls and critical parts. It is better to spend a few minutes a month on a light cleaning of the air conditioner than several thousand on repairing or replacing it.
      4. Do not forget to monitor the status of the external unit in . Ice, icicles and snow can cause the air conditioner to break down, as well as threaten the lives of people and cars standing below - under your windows.

If paired with an air conditioner you use supply ventilation with filters, the air conditioner, as a rule, gets dirty less often. For example, it supplies already purified air to the room. The windows can be closed to prevent dust and fumes from entering the house. In addition, the breather also works in recirculator mode, that is, it will help clean the air already in the room. Of course, as in the case of a split system, maintenance is required for the equipment, but with such equipment it is much easier - it is enough to change it periodically. In return you will receive a clean fresh air indoors, its recirculation, heating incoming air in winter, silent operation and complete protection from dust and dirt.

      • First, check, consult with specialists if in doubt.
      • Make sure that there is no draft in the room when the split system is operating. Otherwise, the device operates under increased loads on the fan and compressor - this shortens its service life.
      • The same can be said about the operation of a split system at maximum airflow and minimum temperature conditions. These modes require high power from the air conditioner, which, with frequent use, negatively affects the parts of the indoor unit.
      • Major repairs and cleaning must be carried out at least once a year. In case of constant use - twice a year. This “inspection” of your air conditioner will increase its service life and reduce the risk of major repairs in the future.
      • Install the split system in the most closed area sun rays place.