Pomegranate tree. Indoor pomegranate - care and cultivation at home

The pomegranate tree symbolizes wealth, prosperity and is one of the favorite plants of gardeners. Growing it from seed at home is a fun and interesting activity. In a few years you can get beautiful bush. Varieties such as Dwarf, Baby, Carthage are ideal for sowing.

Indoor pomegranate– an unpretentious and grateful plant. If you create a comfortable environment for him, he will delight you not only with flowers, but also with fruits. They are not always edible, but how beautiful the green fluffy bush, hung with red balls, looks!

Seed selection and preparation

To grow indoor pomegranate from seeds at home, you need to purchase seeds. The Baby or Carthage varieties are available in many specialized stores. You can combine useful and pleasant things: collect pomegranate seeds. When buying fruit on the market, you do not need to pay attention to size and taste: hybrid varieties are available for sale, which, when grown from seeds, do not obtain the quality of the mother plant.

For seeds, choose ripe fruit without rot or mold. Such a fruit will have a thin skin through which it is easy to feel the grains. Ripe seeds are hard when bitten. A seed that is empty inside is not suitable for sowing.

  • If the seeds are taken from the fruit, then the grains are pierced in several places with a needle, placed in a jar, covered with a lid and left for several days.
  • After the seeds are freed from the pulp, they are washed with water, wiped and dried. It is necessary to ensure that they do not dry out and lose their viability.
  • To discard pomegranate seeds, they are soaked in saline solution. Only those that fell to the bottom first are left for sowing.
  • Before planting the seeds, they are wiped with a nail file so that the sprout breaks through the thick skin faster.
  • When purchasing seeds of Baby or Carthage varieties in a store, it is worth treating the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate to protect the plants from diseases

Preparing seeds for planting at home does not take much time, but all procedures must be done very carefully, because the quality of the indoor plant depends on this.

Rules for caring for seedlings

The seeds in the soil are waiting for the hour when young sprouts make their way to the light, but the gardener should not relax: growing pomegranate is a labor-intensive task. During this period it is important to create optimal conditions for the rapid emergence of young shoots.

Features of planting pomegranate seeds

  • Select a wide container with a height of 10 cm.
  • Expanded clay or gravel is used for drainage.
  • The soil is bought at the store. High peat or sand with peat 50/50 is best.
  • The seeds are planted in moist soil to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
  • After planting, the soil is compacted.
  • The pot is covered with glass or film - for rapid emergence.
  • The container is placed on the windowsill, if there is a working battery under it, or in another warm place.
  • Airing is carried out once a day for a few minutes.

During this period, heat and humidity play an important role. It is strictly forbidden to water the soil. When drying is allowed, the soil is sprayed with a spray bottle. If the seeds are viable, they will sprout within two months. Sometimes sprouts appear after six months, so you need to be patient.

To ensure rapid germination at home, pre-germination of seeds is practiced. The seeds are soaked in a growth stimulant and wrapped in a damp towel or soaked in a saucer with warm water for 12-20 hours. Seeds must breathe. It is important that they do not dry out and are not completely immersed in liquid. Without moisture, seeds crack and die.
After the sprouts appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are thinned out, removing weak plants. Only healthy, strong specimens are left. From these, several seedlings are later selected.

Plant care and bush formation

After two or three leaves appear, the plants are transplanted into cups. The day before the procedure, water the soil. Remove the seedlings from the container with a lump of earth so as not to damage the root system. For transplantation, take a fertile mixture for deciduous plants and do not forget about drainage in pots. The plant is buried in moist soil so that the root collar is buried 1 cm. After planting, do not water it and place it in a greenhouse on a windowsill or under lamps. In the first days, the greenhouse is shaded from light.

During this period, it is important to monitor humidity: it is necessary to ventilate the seedlings several times a day. After the appearance of new leaves, the plants are gradually accustomed to independent life.

Fertilizing is applied when there is complete confidence that the seedlings have taken root. On initial stage nitrogen and potassium fertilizers are used, later - complex feeding for fruit indoor plants. They are applied no more than once a month during the period of active growth.

When the roots envelop the earthen lump in the pot, pinch the seedling and after a week transfer it to a large container for permanent place. Once every two months, the plant is pinched under the third pair of leaves and a bush of the desired shape is formed.

Indoor pomegranate is thermophilic and tolerates hot weather well at home if a certain level of humidity is maintained. But the cold indoors can destroy it. At a temperature of +16, the plant sheds its leaves and enters the passive phase. This means that growing bushes on an unheated balcony is unacceptable during the cold season.

To form a bonsai from a pomegranate at home, you need to grow it with one branch. The top of the seedling is not pinched, but a single branch is tied to a wire so that it is straight and vertical. When the plant gets stronger, adjust the height.

Bonsai maybe different shapes; spiral, erect, curved with an inclination to the side. The pomegranate crown is made triangular, broom-shaped, round or spreading.

The indoor variety Baby can be shaped even in adulthood.

Growing bonsai in the traditional form is very popular among gardeners. A small tree with a thick trunk and spreading branches catches the eye of every person. To get such a miracle at home, you need to make a lot of effort and spend several years, but believe me, it’s worth it.

Every gardener can grow an indoor pomegranate from a seed at home. To make the plant happy lush flowering, you need to pay a little attention to it and learn as much as possible about how to properly care for young seedlings, learn the features of bush formation and the rules for applying fertilizers at different times of the year. Learn to talk to your green pet, and he himself will tell you what and when you need to do so that a lush pomegranate bush flaunts on the windowsill and pleases not only bright colors, but also a rich harvest.

This plant is simple and does not require care, and feels good in our apartments. Every gardener who loves indoor plants (dwarf pomegranate) will be happy to care for pomegranate. I offer my tips for caring for this plant.

Since this plant is not capricious, then summer period it can be transplanted temporarily into a garden, flower garden, or as a decoration. The plant loves shaded places; direct sunlight can harm the plants. Burns may appear on the leaves. Nice place for indoor pomegranate, the western side of the garden under the trees.

The plant loves abundant watering and spraying, and of course light fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer) in the spring. This is due to the fact that after winter the plant begins to grow so that the foliage is thicker and brighter, abundant flowering, fertilizer can be selected in flower shops for indoor plants. In summer, the plant requires phosphorus fertilizers in order for the buds to form and the plant to begin to bloom.

If indoor pomegranate blooms rarely and weakly, this may be due to unfavorable conditions and improper care. You need to immediately change the care regimen and provide the plant with an optimal location, reduce watering or increase air humidity. In the autumn period it is necessary to feed the plant with potassium to prepare the plant for winter. Also, in between, I fertilize with complex mineral fertilizer.

If you cannot plant the plant in the garden or front garden, then you need to create conditions for the indoor pomegranate that are close to those in the garden: fresh air, solar warmth, abundant watering and spraying - this could be a balcony or loggia. Indoor pomegranate, preparing for winter, changes its appearance and sheds its leaves. This is a normal phenomenon and should not be alarmed.

To overwinter the plant, you need to choose a cool place, since pomegranate loves fresh air; a loggia or balcony is suitable for this, but drafts and low sub-zero temperatures must be avoided. In winter, reduce the number of waterings to a minimum of once every 10 days after. Many gardeners advise watering pomegranates at least once a month. This advice is only suitable for mature plants, and young pomegranates need to be watered more often.

To form a beautiful bush, you need to prune it correctly. Flower growers trim branches that grow inside the bush, dry and fattening shoots. The best time to prune bushes is spring and autumn.

Do you need a transplant?

To get a beautiful, full-fledged indoor pomegranate bush, you don’t need to touch it for 3 years. Young shoots can be replanted every year in spring. Over the course of a year, the soil in pots becomes poorer in minerals; for this it is necessary to replace the soil. The soil required is chernozem, turf. Don’t forget about drainage; its presence saves plants from root rot.

You can grow pomegranate from cuttings and seeds, but it is best to grow it from seeds; for this you must follow a number of rules. First: fresh seeds, preferably taken from the pomegranate fruit. These are small grains, not seeds. Soak the grains in a solution of stimulants, then sow the seeds in pots and cover with film. As soon as you notice the first shoots, remove the film and place the pot in a warm, sunny place. We plant young shoots in separate pots.

If you decide to propagate pomegranate by cuttings, then the cuttings must be taken only from a fruiting branch. Otherwise, the plant will actively bloom, but not set fruit.

But there is another secret of this plant that few people know about. Pomegranate has two types of flowers: male and female. They can be easily guessed. Male flowers are “thin” at the base and quickly fall off after flowering. The female ones are thicker at the base and begin to become rounder after flowering. Please note that the fruits are usually set on the longest branches.

Indoor pomegranate is a plant very often used for bonsai. Pomegranate is easy to form a bush and give any shape. Unless you want to use it for bonsai, to grow the perfect bush, pruning and pinching at an early stage of development is mandatory. Flower growers believe that the plant blooms only after a year, but this is not true - when good care pomegranate blooms in the first year.

Today, many people are interested in growing exotic crops. Today it is not only unusual and beautiful, but also very affordable. It is easy to purchase seedlings of tropical plants in any specialized store. You can even prepare seed material yourself. Gardeners have increasingly begun to grow on the windowsill or even in open ground pomegranate tree. The pomegranate tree blooms very luxuriantly and beautifully, so such a plant will not only please the eye, but will also bear fragrant and tasty fruits.

It is customary to say “pomegranate tree”. However, not all gardeners agree with this definition, rightly considering the plant to be a bush. There is no unambiguous definition of the plant form of pomegranate. Indeed, even in the relevant specialized literature, culture is defined as a tree-bush. Pomegranate grows in several shoots emanating from one root, which is the leading characteristic of the bush. However, you can successfully grow fruit in one trunk, that is, in the form of a tree.

The pomegranate tree has a powerful root system that reaches great depths in the soil. The plant quickly takes root in a container, so it needs frequent (annual) replanting.

In unprotected soil, the plant can reach a height of 3 to 5 meters, and individuals grown at home - about 1.5 meters. There are also so-called dwarf varieties, which are usually used as indoor plants.

The pomegranate has a false berry type fruit. It is usually round or oval. The size ranges from a 2-centimeter diameter for domestic varieties to a 12-centimeter diameter intended for human consumption. The weight of one fruit ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 kilograms.

The pomegranate tree is considered to be a long-lived plant - at home it can live for about half a century and consistently bear fruit. In nature, even hundred-year-old individuals can bear fruit. Some recognized centenarians are even about 300 years old.

Pomegranates ripen gradually on the tree, so you need to harvest them in stages, keeping an eye on the color of the skin. When the air temperature drops, the leaves fall off. However, individuals growing at home behave like evergreens. But it is still recommended to create a dormant period for the plant, not allowing it to bloom until March (plucking the flowers).

Pomegranate is a plant of the subtropics, where, even in severe winter, the air temperature does not drop below 10°C. However, an adult can easily withstand even 15-degree frost without shelter. But still, the crop should at least be sprinkled with soil for the winter.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow pomegranate at home.

Growing as a cover crop

Pomegranate grows and blooms in any soil, even rocky and sandy. The culture does not get along only in saline and swampy areas. Much better fruit is experiencing drought. Besides, he even “loves” her. The place where the fruit is planned to be planted must be well lit, because any shadow negatively affects the fruit. Individuals should also be protected from cold northern winds. On poor soils it is better to follow a 4x2 planting pattern, and on fertile soils - 5x2 or 5x3, which will help the bushes and trees grow more powerful.

When growing pomegranate at home, you should dig a hole 0.6 meters wide, long and deep and at its bottom place a 10-centimeter layer of grass and the top (most fertile) layer of soil. Next, place the bush in the “hole”, deepening it another 0.1 meters lower than it grew before, and cover it with clay soil with the addition of sand. Experienced gardeners advise planting pomegranates at an angle of 45°. Indeed, in this way, the plant will form many additional roots, which will increase the strength of the bush and its productivity. In addition, such a bush is easier to cover in winter.

It is worth noting that it is unacceptable to introduce fertilizers of any nature into the pits intended for planting individuals.

In the area of ​​the root system, the soil must be compacted and filled with water so that there are no voids left between the soil. Moistening is repeated the next day, and the ground around the planting is mulched with sawdust or mown grass (a layer of at least 0.1 meters).

Watering should be done in case of urgent need, but not more often than weekly. In the first year of life, fertilizers are applied foliarly on green leaves in May and June. It is advisable to use fertilizers of a mineral nature (in no case organic). It is permissible to add Crystalon in an amount of 2 grams per liter of water per bush. The soil is treated superficially to avoid damage to the roots located close to the surface. In the second spring of the plant’s life, you should pour half a bucket of manure under the bush. The procedure must be repeated every year.

How to cover in open ground?

The sheltering procedure should begin in early November. To do this, wooden stakes are driven close to the individual, to which an inclined bush is tied. Next, it must be covered with a layer of earth about 0.15 meters. Over time, the soil will wash away and settle, but such a layer will be enough for the pomegranate to survive frosts down to -20°. It is worth removing the cover from the bushes only after the frosts have completely ended (usually the beginning of May). Before the shelters are removed, the individuals are at rest. There is no need to completely remove them from the ground; it is enough to cut off the branches near the stakes and shake off the soil from them, because all the remains will be washed away by the rains.


It is necessary to prune the fruit bushes, as they will bear fruit only on this year's shoots. Old branches will not bear fruit, so they need to be cut as low as possible. Then many branches with fruits will appear.

Growing in tubs

For growing in tubs, the plant can be formed as a standard with 5 skeletal branches or a bush with 4 trunks. In this case, the height of the plant should be 0.5 - 0.6 meters. Old dry shoots are eliminated in May.

Particular attention should be paid to shoots growing inward. After the crop sheds its leaves, the tub is placed in a cold cellar.

Chemical treatments are not needed for pomegranate, since in our territories the plant is not exposed to diseases and pest attacks.


Growing a pomegranate bush from a seed is very simple, but an individual does not always inherit the parental qualities. From the seeds of a large and sweet fruit you can get seedlings with fruits that cannot be consumed. Therefore, it is worth purchasing harvested seedlings at specialized sales points.

When choosing seedlings, it is worth considering the following varieties are best suited for growing at home:

  • Crimean striped, which has large dark red fruits and a thin peel. Such fruits ripen quite early.
  • Gyulosha pink is a variety bred in Turkmenistan. It has large, oval light pink fruits with a thin skin. Their ripening period is average.

So, pomegranate is suitable for home grown environmentally friendly fruits. And his flowering bush will delight you with a pleasant aroma.

Video “Reproduction”

From the video you will learn how to propagate pomegranate.

There is probably not a single apartment, and certainly not a single house, where there are no indoor flowers and plants. Many housewives love to decorate their homes with representatives of the flora kingdom, pleasing to the eye. And in this article we will talk about how to grow a real pomegranate at home, which will not only be a beautiful addition to your interior, but will also bring undeniable benefits with its original and tart-tasting fruits.

Botanical description

In ancient times, the pomegranate plant was widespread in the territories of Carthage and the entire northern tip of Africa along the Mediterranean coast. This is where the original name “punica” came from Latin word"punicus", which means "Punic", "Carthaginian". The Russian version of the name also comes from the Latin word “granatus”, which means “grainy”.

It is the presence of many grains inside the fruit that characterizes pomegranate in the botanical sense. Typically, pomegranate fruits are spherical in shape with a hard skin in the form of a solid shell. Inside there is juicy and tart pulp, formed into hundreds of grains. The color of such a shell varies in the range of orange and brown shades; less often you can find a blood-red color.

Did you know?IN Ancient Greece They believed that pomegranate fruits gave immortality, perhaps for this reason in myths they were often present on the tables of the gods of Olympus.

The structure of the fruit is multi-tiered and divided into several chambers, which, in turn, are divided into nests. All these sectors are separated by thick and hard walls. Inside each nest, chamber and tier there is a huge number of pomegranate grains, of which there can be more than a thousand in one copy.
Such massive fruits grow on quite large tree, which reaches a height of 5-7 meters. The branches of such a tree are distinguished by their subtlety and grace. Foliage spiky with glossy shiny finish. Pomegranate flowers are quite large in size, and their color varies between pink-orange and carrot shades.

Important!At home, the pomegranate tree grows up to 1.5-2 meters. This is due to the lack of sufficient quantities sun rays and limited land capacity. In any case, you don’t have to worry about the tree breaking through your ceiling.

The pomegranate tree is distinguished by its heat and light-loving properties. He needs solar energy for all year round, and in the absence of it, such a tree will not bloom and, therefore, will not produce fruit.

Chemical composition

These fruits consist of peel, seeds and pulp. Oddly enough, each of these elements is beneficial for the human body. And in terms of calorie content, such a fruit is quite light, because One average fruit contains only 90 kcal(while 100 grams of pomegranate juice contains only 50 kcal).
Pomegranate fruits contain 15 amino acids, including cystine, aspartic acid, hydroxyproline, threonine, histidine, alpha-aminobutyric acid, lysine, glutamic acid, arginine, serine. Most of these compounds are essential and are included as an ingredient in formulas medicines, the total amount of which in annual production exceeds ten tons.

In addition, pomegranate contains a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, including:

  • vitamin PP - 0.4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.03 mg;
  • vitamin A - 5 mcg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.04 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.01 mg;
  • vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) - 0.5 mg;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.5 mg;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) - 18 mcg;
  • vitamin C - 4 mg;
  • vitamin E - 0.4 mg;
  • calcium - 10 mg;
  • magnesium - 2 mg;
  • sodium - 2 mg;
  • potassium - 150 mg;
  • phosphorus - 8 mg;
  • iron - 1 mg.

And in addition to all of the above, pomegranate contains fiber, which is an indispensable activator of our body’s activity and has a beneficial effect on the functions of all internal organs and systems, as well as a complex of vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties

Together with such a rich composition of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other beneficial microelements, pomegranate fruits are very beneficial for the human body. There are five main positive qualities that help normalize the functioning of our body:

How to grow pomegranate at home

So, there is no doubt that pomegranate is very healthy and rich in various mineral compounds and vitamins. Now it’s time to sow and grow such a wonderful plant in your home.

How to plant a pomegranate from a seed

In order to grow a tree from a seed, you will need special seeds collected from the flowers of this plant, since those grains that are in the fruits are no longer suitable for use. It is the flower seeds that are suitable for germination. Having purchased such seed, you need to soak it in a solution of some substance that promotes rapid germination (growth stimulant). For this purpose, for example, .
In this composition, the seeds should be soaked for 24 hours, after which they can be placed in loose soil under a lid. The pomegranate will spend some time in this greenhouse (2-3 weeks) before sprouts appear.

Important!Although the seeds are in a kind of greenhouse, it also needs to be placed in a warm and, most importantly, bright place.

During this period, it is important to ventilate and moisten the soil in a timely manner so as not to cause premature diseases in the still fragile plant. The main feature of this growing method is that a pomegranate tree grown from seeds will bloom only in 5-8 years. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can purchase a ready-made young tree from nurseries.

Soil and fertilizer pomegranate

Despite the fact that pomegranates grow in the wild on rather poor soils in arid areas, to breed beautiful tree at home you will need more mineralized soil. Most the best option will buy primer for or. It is rich in useful elements and is well suited for sprouting pomegranates at home. At the bottom of the pot you need to pour a fairly high (about a third of the pot) layer of expanded clay or river pebbles.
If we talk about fertilizers, then for pomegranate it is necessary to apply fertilizers, starting in the fall, when its growing season ends, and ending in the spring, when the plant needs maximum quantity additional vitamins and minerals. You can fertilize no more than once every two weeks. Typically, fertilizers are applied once a month to moist soil. Basic fertilizers spring period are considered nitrogen, while closer to autumn they are replaced by potassium.

Important!The best way to feed fruiting pomegranates is organic matter, which does not contain nitrates harmful to the human body. At the same time, mineral fertilizers should be used extremely carefully, since, unlike organic ones, they contain a high content of harmful nitrates.

Follow all the rules and instructions for using the fertilizers you have chosen to avoid adverse consequences, since overfeeding is just as bad as underfeeding.

Humidity and watering pomegranate

Air humidity must be maintained at an average, moderate level. In order to humidify the air in the room, you can carry out wet cleaning or place containers with water near the plant. Another way to maintain humidity levels is to spray the pomegranate tree's crown with water using a spray bottle and wipe the leaves with a damp, clean cloth.
The main signal that it is time to water such a representative of the fauna is the dried crust of the earth. Once you discover that top layer The substrate crumbles easily and feels completely dry to the touch, feel free to water your pomegranate. It is important not to overdo it with watering, so as not to cause putrefactive damage to the root system. The approximate frequency of watering is once a week. This will be enough to provide your plant with enough moisture.

Important!During the flowering period, it is better to reduce the amount of watering by half. In the spring, the amount of watering should be increased: this regime should be maintained from February to May, until the pomegranate blooms.

Lighting conditions

Good and properly selected lighting will be a guarantee good flowering and fruiting. Since pomegranate is a heat-loving and light-loving representative of the fauna, it needs to create optimal conditions under which daylight hours should not be less than 12 hours. A pot with a pomegranate tree can be placed on a windowsill (any one will do, except the northern one). But there is also a nuance here, because it needs to be protected from direct midday sunlight. For this purpose, blinds or regular curtains will help you.
In summer, for example, such a seedling can be planted in the garden at the dacha, if any. Pomegranate adapts perfectly to natural conditions. But in winter and long, cloudy autumn, such a plant will need additional lighting, which you can provide using a regular fluorescent lamp or a special phytolamp. Both methods of additional lighting will give your plant what it needs - the correct twelve-hour lighting regime.

Replanting a pomegranate at home is also a separate ritual with its own nuances. Firstly, it is better not to touch or replant the plant until three years old, since root system and the young stem are not yet ready for mechanical stress and such a procedure can only do harm.

Secondly, it is worth expanding the living space for a flower after three years gradually, each time choosing new pot 3-4 centimeters wider than the previous one.

Important!It turns out that pomegranate loves close quarters. When the roots of this plant rest against the walls of the pot, feeling constrained, such a pomegranate will bloom more abundantly and produce a larger harvest.

Thirdly, the best time for replanting is considered to be early spring, before sap flow and flowering begin. When replanting, the pomegranate is removed with a lump of earth from the old pot and placed in a new one, in which the substrate has previously been laid and fresh soil has been added. The space around the earthen ball and roots is also covered with new soil, lightly tapping the container to evenly fill the voids.
Around the sixth year, your pomegranate will become an adult and will not need further replanting. Typically, the average pomegranate tree requires a container of up to 5 liters. And the depth is not as important as the width of the dish, because the root system of pomegranates spreads to the sides.

Pomegranate trimming

For every plant, pruning is a positive thing that promotes strengthening and healing. This procedure brings the crown into a proper and well-groomed appearance, giving the indoor plant the necessary ergonomics and neatness. In addition to the purely visual effect, such manipulations reduce the load on the plant, since unnecessary shoots that require constant feeding are removed. And after removing unnecessary shoots, the pomegranate tree can focus all its energy on growing large and fleshy fruits.

So, pomegranate should be trimmed three times per season.

First cut: carried out in March, before the start of the growing season. It is worth removing all branches growing inward, as well as small branches that only interfere with the development of the main shoots. You can leave up to 6 main branches on one trunk, and it is better to remove all other shoots. On each of these main branches, 3-5 branches of the second line are left, and on them, respectively, 3-5 branches of the third order. Such a crown will look neat and symmetrical. Second cut: carried out in the summer, during flowering and ripening of fruits. Don’t worry, such pruning will only help your pet retain all its strength for better ripening, because it will not have to waste extra energy on new shoots. In this approach, it is worth removing newly formed shoots and dry branches.

Third cut: carried out in the fall, after the harvest. All unnecessary small shoots and branches directed into the crown should be removed, as well as dried or withering branches.

Important!Only those branches that have grown this season bear fruit. Once you have harvested this year's shoots, you can cut the branch at bud level to begin dividing into the next row of branches that will bear fruit next year.

Reproduction of indoor pomegranate

There are several types of propagation of pomegranate trees, including: planting by seeds, growing from cuttings or grafting method. You already know how to grow pomegranate correctly, so to speak, from scratch (from a seed), and then we will talk about two other methods.

Pomegranate from cuttings

It is this method that allows you to preserve the main features of the selected type without loss. The best time Summer will be the time for cutting and germinating cuttings. Choose non-lignified shoots with 4-5 buds and a length of about 12-15 centimeters. Having removed the two lower buds, insert the cuttings (it is better to prepare several of them at once, since some may not be accepted and die) at an angle of 30-45 degrees into the previously prepared soil.
With regular spraying, watering and proper care, the finished seedling will be formed in about 2-3 months. After this, it can be transplanted into a separate pot. Such a pomegranate will bloom already at next year, but will be able to bear fruit only after several seasons.

How to graft pomegranate

Grafting a pomegranate will be a rather labor-intensive process, since not every novice gardener will be able to correctly carry out this operation. A shoot of a healthy fruit-bearing plant is grafted onto a cutting grown using grain. This vaccination can be carried out various methods, the most popular of which are: simple copulation, behind the bark, into the split, into the butt and into the side cut. Each of these methods has its own nuances and difficulties, and therefore, if you are afraid that you will not be able to cope, it is better to seek the services of a professional or resort to another method. If the scion is successfully carried out, the plant will bloom only after a few years, and will bear fruit in about 4-7 years.

Pests and possible diseases

An infusion of 40-45 grams of tobacco in 1 liter of water aged two days will cope with aphids.

Before use, you can add another liter of water to such a solution so that it is not so concentrated, and also mix in grated laundry soap. By spraying the plant with a spray bottle, you can deal with aphids.

Scale insects, mites and whiteflies. A five-day infusion of onion and garlic peels per liter of water will allow you to quickly and efficiently deal with these pests.

Cancer diseases. Cancer of the roots, trunk or branches is a fairly common disease of domestic pomegranate trees. They appear as a result of mechanical damage, after which the bark begins to crack and turn black, and characteristic dark tumors appear on the surface.

These diseases can be defeated if you clean the affected areas to healthy wood, then generously treat them with a solution copper sulfate, and then seal the affected area with garden varnish. In most cases, this procedure should help. If we are talking about extensive damage, then it makes sense to cut down the tree to make a stump. Perhaps it will be saved and after a while it will sprout new shoots, but if not, then such a fate would await it anyway, given the abundance of cancerous formations.

Did you know?The fruit of the pomegranate tree is mentioned in the Koran. The first is that the pomegranate tree grew in paradise. The second is that the Prophet Muhammad advised his followers to eat pomegranate fruits as a remedy against envy and hatred.

In addition to such diseases, a number of other symptoms may be observed that indicate insufficient pomegranate care. These include yellowing of leaves, their falling, or even drying out of the tree. You can cope with such manifestations quite easily if you follow the recommendations:

Yellowing of leaves. This disease is associated with too high temperature indoors (of course, if one of the pests described above is not identified). If the leaves, in addition to yellowness, appear dark spots, then the reason is a lack of moisture: you should water your plant as quickly as possible.
The basic rule for watering and maintaining the required level of humidity in a flower container is the degree of dryness of the soil. So, if you find that the soil loosens easily and is not wet to the touch, it is worth watering such a substrate. The normal watering schedule for the average pomegranate tree is once a week.

Did you know? According to one version of the Biblical legend, it was with a pomegranate, and not with an apple, that the serpent seduced Eve in Paradise.

Falling leaves. This is an advanced stage of yellowing. If you intervened in the process of healing your tree at the wrong time, then the falling of leaves will become its natural continuation. It is necessary to immediately remove pests (if any are identified) or adjust the care of the plant by watering it or lowering the temperature in the room (for example, by ventilating the room). In addition to painful manifestations, leaf fall can be caused by the end of the growing season, that is, by preparing the pomegranate tree for wintering. Thus, falling leaves can be both a signal of a problem and a natural phenomenon that should not be feared.

Drying of leaves. This ailment indicates that in the room where the pomegranate tree is located there is not enough high humidity and you need to spray the plant with plain water. Another variant of this disease is damage to the root system and problems with it. Such damage can occur as a result of improper, excessive watering. If the soil smells of mold and dampness, then you need to transplant the tree into another container as soon as possible and replace the substrate. Before doing this, carefully inspect the roots for putrefactive damage and, if necessary, remove rotting ones. Cut wounds should be covered with crushed charcoal.

In maintaining and successfully growing a pomegranate tree at home, you should follow strict care rules. Monitor all the slightest manifestations of ailments in your plant and adjust the conditions under which it is kept. Maintain a balance in temperature, remember to ventilate the room if it gets too hot, or carry out wet cleaning and additional humidification of the room to maintain a climate close to the Mediterranean.

Also, wiping the leaves with a damp and clean cloth will have a beneficial effect on the health of the plant. In the cold season, when heating season It hasn’t started yet, and it’s very cold in the apartment, you should get a heating device so that not only your plant, but also you, will be comfortable.

It is also important to water the pomegranate on time to prevent the soil from drying out, but do not overdo this procedure so as not to start putrefactive processes in the root system.

Did you know?During autopsy Egyptian pyramids It was discovered that a pomegranate was placed in the sarcophagus of the deceased rulers. This fruit was considered sacred and capable of giving new life. And the pomegranate tree was called the “tree of life.”

Periodically spray the pomegranate leaves with plain water to create the effect of natural rain and maintain a normal humidity balance, because pomegranates grow near the Mediterranean Sea, where the climate is very humid and hot.
Periodically you should fertilize with various mineral fertilizers as a prevention of the appearance and development of unwanted diseases. Such procedures can be carried out before the start of the growing season in the spring and after its completion at the end of autumn. The interval for feeding can vary from two weeks to a month. More frequent applications of fertilizers are fraught with irreversible consequences for the development of diseases.

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