Painting drywall with your own hands: instructions, price, photo. Painting drywall yourself: secrets of quality work How to paint a niche made of drywall

Drywall has gained immense popularity in lately, so now it is very difficult to imagine carrying out any repair work without this building material. Drywall is intended for leveling walls and ceilings; it can be used to create various original designs, including arches or multi-level ceilings. All work associated with the installation of gypsum boards is quite simple. However, the finishing may raise some questions. In today's article we will figure out how to paint a surface made of of this material, as well as features of painting drywall.

Paint for drywall sheets - choose the right one

There are many options for finishing drywall. Painting plasterboard walls is still considered the most popular. Before you start painting walls and ceilings, you need to prepare the surface for these procedures. So, in mandatory it is necessary to putty the sheets, carefully prime them, and also sand them. Only after this can you proceed directly to the staining process.

First, we’ll help you decide which paint is suitable for drywall in the best possible way. Let’s immediately discard options with paints made using oil based, since such compounds practically do not interact with drywall. To ensure that the gypsum plasterboard surface looks very beautiful and stylish, and also does not lose its attractiveness for a very long time, it is recommended to use water-based paint or ordinary water-dispersion paint.

Dispersion compositions boast remarkable durability and moisture resistance; moreover, mechanical damage, such as scratches, will be almost invisible to the eye on such a wall. The only drawback, but a very serious one, is the extremely limited color palette. The problem is that dispersion paints for drywall are only available in light shades.

The same cannot be said about the water-based solution. The choice of colors is very large; you can find paint in bright, saturated colors, as well as lighter and calmer ones. Naturally, such compositions are much more popular, because with their help you can decorate a room in any style, the only limitation is your fantasy and imagination. The only negative point here is durability - water-based emulsion requires periodic updating on walls or ceilings.

Experts advise paying attention to the following compositions, which are varieties of the paints described above:

  • Latex paint is an excellent choice because this paint was created almost specifically for plasterboard surfaces. The use of such a composition will provide reliable protection from moisture and resistance to contamination. However, the cost of latex is very high, which forces some buyers to turn their attention to other options.
  • Acrylic paint - for example, you can use this option. Acrylic compositions have such qualities as durability and reliability, as well as ease of maintenance. Thus, a surface painted with acrylic is very easy to clean; you just need to wipe it with a damp cloth to get rid of possible dirt or any other deposits. Paint made on the basis of acrylic practically does not emit harmful and toxic substances.
  • Silicate paint is a fairly expensive paint that is ideal for use in rooms with high level humidity. When choosing how to paint drywall in a bathroom or kitchen, it is recommended to vote in favor of silicate mixtures, since with them you will forever forget about the appearance of mold, fungi and other microorganisms on the treated surface.

Another type of paint that has appeared relatively recently is universal silicone mixtures. Manufacturers managed to combine all the main positive qualities, inherent in silicate and acrylic materials. As a result, silicone paints are suitable for use in bathrooms and in ordinary rooms, protecting against external factors, providing the maximum level of durability, reliability and maintaining an aesthetic appearance. An important advantage of silicone materials is that they allow you to seal relatively large cracks in drywall, up to 5 mm in thickness.

Preparing a plasterboard surface for painting - important points

Drywall is a man-made material based on compressed gypsum. If you actively rub a piece of such a product, it will turn into dust in just a few seconds. Therefore, gypsum board sheets must be prepared and treated with various primers before painting with one of the above paints.

After installing plasterboard sheets on the wall, there are seams, the dimensions of which depend on the skills of the craftsman. However, the seams will remain in any case, there is nothing wrong with that. But they need to be sealed using putty compounds. Otherwise, after some time after painting, the surface will be covered with numerous cracks.

In order for the putty to have the greatest effect, it is recommended to seal the seams with a special reinforcing tape called serpyanka. If you apply putty in two layers, then the serpyanka is glued after the first layer - in any case, the putty should be the last layer. When gluing the tape, some requirements must be observed:

  1. 1. Serpyanka is attached exactly in the middle of the seam
  2. 2. It must be pressed down quite firmly at the junction of two sheets of drywall
  3. 3. Ideally, you should use a continuous tape. If only separate pieces are available, then they are glued overlapping each other.

Having treated the seams, you can now putty the gypsum board. There are no special requirements here, everything is done according to the standard scheme. At the end of the process, plasterboard walls should be carefully sanded so that the resulting surface is smooth to the touch.

Painting the wall is the last stage of finishing the gypsum board

Now, finally, we’ll tell you how to properly paint drywall so that the result pleases you for a very long time. For these purposes, you can use either a roller or a spray bottle. The latter option is not so popular, which is primarily due to the lack of such a tool in ordinary person, and secondly, the spray gun requires certain skills and abilities in operation. Although professionals try to choose this particular device, since the quality of drywall painting is in this case will be very high.

Majority ordinary people traditionally they use a roller. The length of the pile in this case plays a role huge role. To obtain a brighter and richer structure, you should buy a roller with long pile. Before using this tool, it should be washed in clean water and dry thoroughly. However, a roller is not the only device we need when painting. So, very often there is a need for a small brush, for example, in corners, as well as hard to reach places Oh. Movements with the brush should be jerky and sharp so that the coloring matter lies beautifully on the surface, without creating sagging or creating a heterogeneous effect.

It is necessary to paint the walls in stages, that is, in several layers. Moreover, a new layer is applied only when the previous one is completely dry.

Having decided what paint you will paint the drywall with, pour the mixture into a special tray with a ribbed surface, dip a roller in it and apply the paint to the wall. The first stroke should be made parallel to the window, all other movements are made similarly to the first, overlapping, stepping onto the previous stroke by approximately 15 cm.

After the first layer has dried, the second layer is applied in exactly the same way. The number of layers depends on the quality of the paint and the gypsum board itself, but it is recommended to apply at least three layers of paint. Then the wall will look really beautiful, and the result of your work will last for a very long time.

Ceilings, walls and partitions made of plasterboard can be finished in different ways, and one of the most popular types of finishing is painting. This is a fairly simple process, and anyone who has had no trouble installing drywall can handle it.

Before painting drywall, its surface should be primed, and all existing irregularities should be puttied, paying special attention to special attention joints and seams. Reinforcing tape is laid at the joints of plasterboard sheets, after which a second layer of putty is applied. After this, the surface is thoroughly sanded, achieving perfect smoothness.

What paint to paint drywall?

There are several types of paint suitable for painting drywall:

  • alkyd enamel paint;
  • water-dispersed paint;
  • water-based paint.

All of the listed types of paint are equally well suited for gypsum plasterboard work, however, when choosing how to paint a plasterboard ceiling, it must be taken into account that alkyd enamel after drying it forms glossy surface, and water-based and water-dispersion paints are matte. In turn, gloss emphasizes the slightest defects and irregularities, therefore, if any, it is better to use paint that forms a matte surface. It is also recommended for use by those who do not have sufficient experience in painting plasterboard surfaces.

Important: the higher quality the purchased paint, the better the result you will be able to achieve.

It is unacceptable to use oil paints for drywall work!

Water-based paint, unlike water-dispersion paint, is easily washed off with water. It is not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, or if the ceiling is to be washed frequently. However, water-based paint has only one shade - white, while water-based paint has a wide variety of colors. Choosing how to paint drywall, you need to remember that light colors visually make the room more spacious, while dark colors, on the contrary, visually reduce the space.

On domestic market products presented large quantity Russian and foreign manufacturers, and this makes the choice difficult. Examples of guidelines could include:

  • paint cost;
  • brand;
  • reviews.

Tikkurila is considered one of the best imported paints. When painting plasterboard ceilings, it is best to apply it in two layers. If the choice is made in favor of domestic paint, to achieve best result Application in three layers is recommended.

When choosing a paint shade, you need to remember that against a dark background all errors are more visible, and on the contrary, light paint can mask possible defects.

Painting drywall: general rules

  • Once the painting process has already begun, interruptions should not be allowed, otherwise the drawing on the wall will turn out to be defective.
  • During painting, you cannot change the roller, since each tool has a different surface, and this will certainly affect the quality of painting.
  • There is no need to turn the roller over: painting should be done on one side.
  • If certain areas of the ceiling begin to dry out, under no circumstances should they be re-painted: this will lead to stains.

How to apply paint correctly?

So that the result painting work completely satisfied, you need to take a responsible approach not only to the choice of paint, but also to the choice of tools. You should also strictly follow the paint application technology.

Required tools and materials

Before you paint plasterboard ceiling, you need to prepare the following:

  • paint bath;
  • mesh;
  • paint;
  • construction mixer with attachment;
  • step ladder;
  • gloves;
  • safety glasses.

How to paint a plasterboard ceiling in one layer

  • First you need to paint corner places. To do this, take a small brush and carefully, trying not to stain the walls and ceiling, paint the corner between the wall and the ceiling.
  • Dip the roller into a container of paint so that the substance is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roller. Excess is removed with a special mesh. Having retreated a few centimeters from the corner, paint the entire surface of the ceiling with a roller.

If painting is done in two layers, then the first layer is applied horizontally, the second – vertically. If the plasterboard ceiling is painted in three layers, the order of paint application will be as follows:

  • the first layer is vertical;
  • the second layer is horizontal;
  • the third layer is vertical.

Before applying each subsequent layer, you must wait until the previous one has dried.

If the coloring is done in accordance with the technology, you will be able to enjoy the view for the next few years beautiful ceilings and don’t think about repairing them.

How to paint drywall video:

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After completion, they begin finishing the surfaces - putty with further decoration. One of the most simple ways- This is to paint drywall with water-based paint. However, it is worth considering many nuances, from surface preparation and selection of painting materials to the technology for performing the work. So, how to paint drywall?

The process of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

Stages of painting the ceiling

It comes down to puttying the entire area or joints, leveling them (rubbing) and applying primer. Completely optional. Is it possible to paint gypsum board without putty? It is completely acceptable, but subject to certain rules. You need to prepare drywall for painting according to the following algorithm:

  • will definitely be required with their further filling;
  • after the gypsum mixture has dried, the putty is rubbed down sandpaper with a fine fraction (from 120). As far as level is checked with a flashlight, depressions and irregularities will give a shadow;
    The process of puttying the ceiling before painting
    Ceiling grouting process grinder
  • Priming with a composition with increased adhesion properties and antiseptic additives is required. Moreover, if the surface of the drywall to be painted is not completely plastered, apply 2-3 layers of it with breaks of 3-4 hours for penetration and drying.
    Scheme for applying primer to drywall

After this, you can paint the drywall with water-based paint. With complete preparation of surfaces for painting done as follows:

Prepared surfaces can be tinted with the chosen dye and in an acceptable way. How to paint plasterboard walls and what is needed for this? The video shows the process of preparing the ceiling for painting.

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Installation of self-adhesive film on drywall

Materials and tools

The modern variety of paints for drywall allows you to choose any shade and color. However, it is worth considering that modern colors for interior work are mostly sold in one color – white. And the required range is achieved by adding dye.

Water-based paint is no exception. It is perfect for interior work, dries relatively quickly, has no pungent odor, and can be diluted to the desired consistency with clean water.

However, like other analogues on sale, water emulsion comes in one color - white. Of course, you can paint drywall white. But it is better to tint the paint material with dyes to the desired shade. It is important to know that you need to tint the entire required volume of paint at once, otherwise you will not be able to get the same shade a second time.

Scheme for applying paint to drywall
This can be done by specialists in the store, or independently at home. In this case, pay attention to the palette and the indicated ratio of paint and dye volumes to obtain the same color as in the picture.

It is also important, after mixing the dye and paint, to let it sit for about 24 hours, then the mixture will acquire the final shades of the desired colors. Required quantity paints are purchased based on consumption water-based paint at least two layers.
The tools you will need to purchase are 180–200 mm wide, 40–50 mm brushes and a paint tray. To delimit zones, use masking tape.

You can often hear that very high-quality painting is done using a spray gun. This is true. The sprayer allows you to achieve a more uniform distribution of the paint material on the surface and save some amount of paint.
Spray paint process

Diagram of a spray gun for painting a ceiling
To paint with such equipment, experience and skills are required, and it is not advisable to purchase it for a single painting. It is also not difficult to paint walls manually, although a little slower.

Another finishing option is whitewashing, but it can easily be replaced by painting it white. Layers of water-based emulsion are much more stable and durable before external influences.

Ceiling painting

Painting a plasterboard ceiling with water-based paint is slightly different from the same treatment of walls. ? The main nuances are:

  • Water-based paint is best applied in two layers. Moreover, the peculiarity of the material is that you do not need to wait for the first layer to dry, but you can immediately begin applying the second (we paint it “wet-on-wet”);

    The process of applying paint to the ceiling with a roller
  • A certain sequence must be followed when applying paint to a plasterboard ceiling. The first layer is applied across the room parallel to the windows.
    The second layer is placed along the walls of the room. If the ceiling is painted in 3 layers, then the sequence of actions is as follows: 1st and 3rd layers - along the room, and 2nd - across;
  • When applying paint, you do not need to apply too much pressure or sudden movements, otherwise the color will apply unevenly and with significant splashes;
  • if the ceiling has a multi-tiered structure in the corners and bends, then painting is carried out with brushes or special corner rollers.
    An example of applying paint to a ceiling using an angled roller

If, during painting, lint particles from the roller remain on the surface, they must be removed immediately. If a defect is noticed after applying the layer, you need to wait until the paint dries, then remove the defect and sand it with fine sandpaper. Only after this you need to apply the second and third layers.

Painting plasterboard walls is the final stage of one of the popular methods of finishing them. This procedure requires some preparation.

It is necessary to process the working surfaces, assemble the tools and only then proceed directly to painting. All work can be easily done with your own hands and is accessible to beginners in the painting business.

Correct selection coloring material, compliance technological nuances- the key to obtaining a beautiful, high-quality result.

Choosing paint for plasterboard walls

Most often, water-soluble paints are used to cover gypsum boards.

Initial question before starting painting works The problem of choosing coloring compositions arises. The assortment presented on the market offers a wide range to the consumer.

For painting drywall, enamels, water-based paints, and oil paints are used. The choice is determined by the purpose of the room. Brief characteristics compositions are given in the table.

Paint typeVarietiesPurpose, characteristics
oil - suitable for painting any type of premises;
- they are not afraid of high humidity;
- give a glossy shine to the surfaces covered with them;
- large selection colors and shades;
- economical consumption during use;
- due to the presence of harmful components in the composition, they are recommended only for non-residential premises; work is carried out in well-ventilated rooms;
- become darker when dry;
water-based- silicone;
- acrylic;
- silicate;
- latex;
- suitable for all rooms;
- in rooms with a high moisture content in the air, acrylic compounds are used;
- originally - white;
- color diversity is achieved by adding special dyes (colors);
- the main disadvantage is high consumption during use;
- drying out - brightens;
enamels scope and main indicators correspond to oil compositions

The most popular (common in use) are water-soluble paints. At affordable price they have excellent quality. For painting plasterboard walls with your own hands - this is the most acceptable option.

Acrylic compounds are harmless

Among water-based compositions Acrylic dyes are the leaders in use (due to their harmlessness and properties).

In rooms with increased level fire danger Fire retardant paint materials are used.

Light colors make the room brighter (due to increased ability to reflect light), matte - hide minor defects.

Necessary tool

Rollers are used together with a brush

Before you paint plasterboard walls, you should decide on the required tool kit. You can choose to use rollers, brushes, or a spray gun. The last option is the fastest way to achieve results with high quality.

Rollers are used in conjunction with brushes. The latter differ in size (diameter) and are used for corners and hard-to-reach places. Recommended for practical application their width is up to 10 cm.

Using a roller is the average performance option of the three proposed. For water-based compositions, foam rollers are used.

The best option for the working nozzle material is natural bristles, because it is suitable for any paint. Rollers with a pile length of up to 4 mm are well suited for glossy dyes, from 4 to 8 mm - matte, from 8 mm - to add texture.

For most applications works will do a roller with a pile length of 4-8 mm with a working area length of 20 cm. In many cases, an extension handle is additionally required (eliminates the use of a stepladder).

DIY painting

Putty the seams and screw heads

Preparing walls made of plasterboard sheets for painting is a preliminary stage. The final result largely depends on its correct implementation. The main part of it is putty work. All operations should be performed in the following sequence:

  • priming the walls with a special compound (for example, acrylic) using a roller with a foam working part, and if necessary, a brush;
  • when dry, putty the seams between the sheets and small recesses;
  • Reinforcing tape is applied to the raw seams and placed on top of it. thin layer putties;
  • The entire surface to be finished is covered with a spatula with the starting putty mixture, and after it has dried, with the finishing mixture;
  • waiting for complete drying;
  • sandpaper (or special grater) grinding of all working areas is carried out; the smoothness and evenness of the surface will depend on its thoroughness;
  • sanding is performed in small sections; its quality is checked by directing the light of a flashlight (light bulb) from different sides on the wall (all flaws are visible);
  • The final priming of the walls is performed twice;
  • final preparation check - painting small plot: if the result is satisfactory, everything is painted further; if not, the surface is processed further.

Then they move directly to painting operations. The paint is applied several times: the next one is applied to the dried previous layer.

This is necessary to even out the color and texture.

It is advisable to use a tray for the coloring material when using a roller and brush.

The order of actions is as follows:

Dyes on water based, oil and enamel paints are recommended to be applied in three layers. Then you will get a wall uniformly painted in the chosen color.

This works best using drywall. In addition, you can also create multi-level relief surfaces with the most bizarre shapes. However, it is not enough to level the walls; they should be given a final finish. appearance. And in this matter, many different decisions can be made. The painting option looks the simplest. At the same time, it is also the most flexible in terms of design design, because you can not only evenly cover the ceiling and walls with one color, but also design any applique or design you like. Painting a plasterboard ceiling is somewhat more difficult, especially if it is. This is worth talking about in more detail.

For all its apparent simplicity, painting requires attention, perseverance and strict adherence to a number of important rules. This is the only way to ultimately obtain a high-quality result that will please the eye and will not have any minor flaws. Therefore, if after reading this article some doubts arise about painting the ceiling yourself, then it is better to entrust this work to professionals. Even taking into account the considerable cost of their work, it may turn out cheaper, because you won’t have to redo or waste more paint than required. So how should you paint drywall yourself?

The general procedure for painting and work related to it is as follows:

  1. Preparing the drywall surface.
  2. Preparing paint, mixing colors, testing colors if necessary.
  3. Marking the ceiling and pasting the contours for painting with different paints.
  4. Applying paint in several layers to each section of the ceiling.
  5. Final finishing of the ceiling.

The most difficult part of this entire undertaking is the surface preparation stage. Even if not special requirements to the quality of the work, you still have to try, because the appearance of the painted surface also depends on the quality of the base. The longest time required is the application of paint. With one layer on the entire ceiling, you have to wait a certain time after each applied layer, from 4 hours to 24 hours, until it dries and apply the next one.

Preparing drywall for painting

In fact, preparing drywall for painting is a broad topic that... It is only important to understand what the result should be. Painting drywall without putty is a bad idea. The cardboard on its surface absorbs moisture very well, and when painting, stains will appear due to the fact that in many places the paint has dried earlier or has been absorbed more. There is no hope that subsequent layers will hide this. Paint consumption will increase significantly. So you shouldn’t experiment too much and it’s better to provide yourself with a high-quality prepared surface.

The surface to be painted must meet the following requirements:

  • Completely puttied;
  • Perfectly smooth;
  • Evenly primed.

There should not be any flaws, even the smallest ones, otherwise they will definitely be noticeable after painting. All screw heads and joints of drywall sheets must be hidden with a layer of putty.

Choice of paint and application method

The paint is selected in accordance with the purpose of the room and the conditions in which it is used. The most common and acceptable option for most cases is, naturally, water-based paint. In the most trivial case, it is sold absolutely white and using colors (dyes) that are added to it in various proportions, you can give it any suitable shade. It is best if you entrust this to specialists. Still, the color of the paint that you get when mixing the still liquid paint and the color that has already dried on the ceiling will be slightly different. Professional stores and building materials supermarkets often have an installation for preparing paint of a given shade. The device will independently select the amount of one color or another, taking into account exactly the shade of the result that can be seen on your ceiling.

This paint can provide both gloss and matte surface. It is important to decide in advance what exactly is needed for a particular room and buy the appropriate paint. Distinctive feature water-based paint is an opportunity to easily and simply provide it with texture when applied. This can be either simple inequalities obtained when applying with a long-nap roller, or specific patterns when using special textured rubber rollers.

If you decide to prepare the paint yourself and add colors, then it is better to play it safe and check the result on a small section of the ceiling, or even better, on a piece of drywall prepared in advance with a layer of putty applied. After 2-3 hours it will become clear what shade you will get after drying.

Any of the currently most popular water-based and water-dispersion paints are suitable for painting drywall. But when painting in the bathroom and other wet rooms, you should pay attention to the paint’s resistance to water condensation.

Water-based paint is suitable for virtually any residential premises. However, what paint is better to paint drywall in the bathroom or kitchen, where the humidity is constantly high? For bath and kitchen you can choose special compounds water-based paints that are intended for use in conditions high humidity. Manufacturers do not stand still and constantly offer consumers more and more new variations of paints with a wider range of applications. An alternative could be oil paint or enamel, but they are much more toxic and have a specific odor, so it’s hardly worth giving them preference.

In addition to water-based paint, you can use water-based acrylic paint. And with it you can get both a matte and glossy surface. Now the texture will be problematic. This paint is already resistant to moisture and direct exposure to water. This is for the bath ideal option, taking into account the constant formation of condensation on all surfaces and on the ceiling in particular. Acrylic paints and varnishes allow you to use a variety of fillers that will help transform the monochromatic appearance of the painted surface.

Paint consumption depends on the application method. On average, manufacturers indicate the consumption of 1 kg of paint per 5 square meters. In more detail, it is necessary to specify on the packaging exactly the paint that you decide to use.

You can apply paint in the following ways:

  1. Spray gun (spray gun);
  2. Brush;
  3. Roller.

With a spray gun everything is more or less clear. If you can purchase it or get it for the duration of the repair, painting will be much easier. It should be used according to the instructions. Below are a few important points regarding preparation for painting using sprayers.

More productive work done using a roller. It should be noted right away that painting with a foam roller is not recommended. No matter how carefully you try to apply the paint, streaks will still remain. The disadvantage of a roller is the practical difficulty of painting corners or protrusions along the edges of the ceiling.

When performing painting work on drywall, it is better to give preference to a nap roller rather than a foam roller.

The question arises, is it possible to paint drywall with just a roller? You can, of course, but there is no certainty that you will be able to paint areas such as corners or protrusions with high quality. In the very at its best painting the ceiling, especially if it has several levels and will be painted in several colors, can be done using both a roller and a brush.

Which pile should I choose? It is best if the pile is natural. Then the paint will lie more evenly and there will be no problems with its distribution. Next it depends on the type of paint and the desired result:

  • Short pile is better suited for applying glossy paint (up to 4 mm);
  • Medium length pile for matte paint(4-8 mm);
  • Long pile to add texture (from 8 mm and longer).

The longer the pile, the more noticeable and distinct the texture will be visible.

Select a roller with a long working part of 150-200 mm and with the ability to replace the pile. You must use one roller or one attachment on it for the entire painted surface of one layer. If you change the roller, the texture pattern may also change, which will later be visible.

Marking the ceiling and pasting the contours for painting with different paints

By definition, the ceiling is painted first, then the walls. Even so, you should protect the edges of the walls under the ceiling from sloppy brush strokes. Otherwise, you will have to additionally sand and remove the hardened paint from the walls before finishing them. To do this, you can use strips of polyethylene glued with masking tape.

Painting tape will help you paint a wall or ceiling in several colors at once.

If it is not necessary to paint the entire surface of the ceiling with one color, but to create a drawing or pattern, then it is necessary to separate the areas on which paints of different colors will be applied. It is best to apply directly onto the ceiling surface fine lines pencil or chalk along the line dividing the zones. Next with outside The same masking tape is applied to the area that will be painted first.

Once one area is painted and completely dry, you can cover its edge with masking tape and begin painting the rest of the ceiling.


Now the most important and time-consuming stage has arrived. Whatever high-quality paint is used, it must be applied in several layers. The putty and all areas that differ in color or texture from each other will still be visible through the first layer, and subsequent layers will finally equalize the color of the surface and form the final appearance.

To start, use a brush. It is necessary to paint the entire perimeter of the area that is to be opened first. In addition to the perimeter, the edges of any obstacles are also painted with a brush. Be it a transition from level to level or a ledge, or a base for a chandelier. This provides some margin so that you don’t have to bring the roller directly to the obstacles and not get them dirty again. For this purpose, it is better to take a flat brush with a width of 60-80 mm.

The paint is poured into a special paint bath, which makes it convenient to roll in the roller. Then, with a bath and a portion of paint, you can move around the room more easily. The roller is initially dipped directly into the paint bucket until it is completely covered. This is necessary so that the paint spreads evenly over its entire surface. It is quite difficult and time-consuming to initially roll out the roller only in a paint bath. Once the roller is completely covered with paint, the task becomes much easier. Next, you can start painting the main area.

Complied with when painting following rules, as the technology says:

  • When applying each layer, the roller is always rolled in one direction.
  • It is enough to swipe one strip 3-4 times to distribute the paint evenly.
  • A large surface should be painted in stripes perpendicular to the direction of movement of the roller and 60-80 cm wide. Accordingly, the roller should be rolled the same 60-80 cm.
  • As soon as the paint is rolled out from the roller, you need to walk it over the newly painted area. This will completely distribute the paint.
  • Under no circumstances should you roll the roller over a place where the paint has already begun to set. In other words, do not return to repaint areas where you have already painted and more than 5 minutes have passed.
  • The next layer is applied using roller movements perpendicular to the previous layer and only after all previous layers have completely dried.

Each subsequent time, when there is no paint left on the roller, it is enough to lower it one part into the tray and roll it on an inclined surface to distribute the paint.

Each new layer again begins with painting the perimeter with a brush.

If an error or stain is noticed, you should act according to the circumstances. Unpainted areas must be filled in after the base layer has already dried. When there is a stain with excess paint, you should not try to rub it when it has already set. You will have to wait until it dries and carefully clean off the excess with sandpaper, and then paint it again.

It is much more difficult to apply glossy paint. If significant defects appear, the surface at the defect site should be leveled and the entire surface should be re-coated with another layer. This is the only way to avoid the appearance of streaks and noticeable streaks.


And now the entire surface is painted and has a uniform beautiful view. All that's left is to remove everything auxiliary elements. Masking tape should be torn off carefully, moving the peeled edge away from the surface to be painted. You may have to help things out a bit with stationery knife, when the tape sticks too much from the paint.

It is best to cover the joints of various painted areas with decorative trims. Ceiling plinths are also fixed around the perimeter of the room.

In order to make sure that the applied paint layer is even, use a bright lamp that illuminates the ceiling at a slight angle. If there are significant differences, they should be localized, combed out and repainted.

Painting plasterboard walls is done in the same way. It is only important to avoid paint smudges and start painting from top to bottom, so that even possible paint lapses and smudges can be easily eliminated without spoiling the already painted surface.

Video: ideas for painting drywall

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    Olga Reva. said):

    If you decide to paint, the surface of the plaster must be perfect. Putty and primer were invented not to lure money out, but to save it later.