Polishing the log. Grinding a log frame with modern tools

After the frame is completely built, it must be sanded. Sanding the frame makes the structure more aesthetically pleasing appearance, will make it stronger and more durable. How to polish a log house with your own hands, and what tools to use, read below.

Advantages of a wooden log house

Before proceeding directly to the technology of polishing logs, let’s briefly familiarize ourselves with the advantages of this type of housing:

Wood is a natural regulator of indoor humidity thanks to natural property absorb moisture, the walls of a wooden frame absorb its excess, and, if necessary, release it.

The ability of wood to “breathe” ensures constant natural ventilation without letting the heat out. This fact has a very positive effect on the coziness and comfort of the people living in the house.

Wood conducts heat very poorly, being itself an excellent heat insulator - wooden house It warms up quickly and remains warm inside for a long time.

A wooden log house resists deformation well; the walls of the log house are light and do not require a massive, expensive base.

Among other things, wood is an excellent sound insulator and has exceptional resistance to negative temperatures. Construction of a wooden log house will cost less than a brick or monolithic house.

Why is sanding a wooden house necessary?

Most developers do not realize the importance of this operation, although professional builders insist on its necessity. Sanding a log frame with your own hands is a labor-intensive and difficult task. During the grinding process, defects that arose during the previous processing of logs are removed from the surface of the logs, the appearance of the wood is significantly improved, and its structure is emphasized. In addition, grinding allows you to reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes.

If the surface of the log is well sanded, it is less susceptible to fungus and mold, which cause rot and damage to the wood. The rough surface provides an excellent environment for the reproduction and growth of harmful microflora. Despite the laboriousness of grinding work, it is still recommended to do it yourself, since, firstly, there is nothing complicated here, and secondly, no one better than the owner won't do this job.

Fresh, just built wooden frame has a pleasant warm golden color. After the logs dry out, the bast layer begins to peel off.

During the grinding process, the peeling is removed, as a result of which the walls of the log house look more attractive and neat.

If logs for a log house were processed with a plane, traces of the tool will certainly remain on their surface. The log turns out to be slightly faceted, since using a plane you can remove up to 3 centimeters of the wood layer. Sanding can completely remove plane marks and give the log its natural rounded shape.

When a log has recently been stripped of its bark, its surface remains smooth and even for some time. As the log dries, it becomes rough and fluff rises, which is also removed by sanding.

When is the best time to start sanding a log frame?

Before starting the grinding process, the frame must be completely assembled, including the roof.
This condition must be observed so that sanding the log house with your own hands is not in vain. You cannot sand a newly assembled log house, since the logs are still quite damp (the grinding wheel will become very clogged). If the log house was assembled in the warm season, sanding can begin no earlier than a month after its complete assembly and installation.

Sometimes during the process of assembling a building, the logs manage to darken or turn blue.

In this case, they are pre-treated with a special bleaching antiseptic composition. Only after the surface has dried well can sanding begin. Don't try to polish it right away large area, it is better to conditionally divide it into small areas. Each sanded area should be impregnated with an antiseptic composition as soon as possible.

If the sanded frame is not treated with antiseptic paint or varnish within a week, the material will begin to darken again. In such a situation, the processing process will need to be completely repeated. In order for the log house to be of the same shade, painting or other surface treatment must be carried out no later than four days after the completion of sanding work.

Tools for grinding logs

To work you will need the following tools:

Grinder or angle grinder.
Disc or belt type parquet sanding machine.
Set of attachments for grinding.
Vacuum cleaner.

If you have the time and desire to polish a log house with your own hands, you first need to choose the right tool for the job. In order for the work to proceed without unnecessary difficulties, you should not choose heavy tools. It is also worth paying attention to power - a weak power tool will heat up quickly and work will take much longer.

If the log house is made of timber, great solution will become a belt sander, with which you can process very high quality flat surface.

To prevent wood dust from being released into the air during work, such a tool is equipped with a special bag that collects sawdust and sawdust, so after work the room remains relatively clean.

You cannot use a belt machine to sand walls made from logs.
In this case, it is best to use a small grinder equipped with special grinding attachments. You can use special discs on which sandpaper is glued. IN hard to reach places ah, it is advisable to use a chisel.

When choosing a grinder for grinding a log house, it is recommended to pay attention to its weight; if the tool is too heavy, the work will be difficult and inconvenient. The recommended optimal power of the tool is from 600 to 900 W. When purchasing, it is recommended to give preference to trusted manufacturers and be sure to require a guarantee for the product.

It would not be superfluous to remind you once again that you can start sanding only after the wood has dried. If you neglect this and start working immediately after assembling the house, you will not be able to sand the wet wood.
Before work you should stock up required quantity nozzles with different grain sizes. This is necessary because certain areas of the walls will require individual sanding. When initially sanding walls, it is preferable to use a coarse-grained nozzle (40); for the final, finishing sanding, it will be enough to use an 80-100 nozzle.

Log grinding technology

The grinding process can be divided into the following stages:

Rough stripping of the surface of logs.
Basic processing: removing irregularities and smoothing the surface.
Finishing processing.
Treatments before applying paint or varnish.

During the work process, you will need to change tool attachments quite often, since resin and wood dust quickly “eat” them. To clean the nozzle from accumulated particles of wood and resin, it must be treated with white spirit, and then clean the surface with a steel brush for metal. A cleaned nozzle will, of course, work worse than a new one and will quickly become completely unusable.

The speed of the grinding process depends on:

Have the skills to use the tool.
The type of wood from which the log house is built.
Area to be treated.
Availability complex elements in the architecture of the building.
Tool power.
Percentage of resin in wood.

Average processing speed linear meter a thirty-centimeter beam is approximately two minutes.

Do not neglect safety requirements, since when working, wood dust, resin and small sawdust are released into the air, which land on the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and eyes. To protect them, it is necessary to use a respirator, protective mask and protective clothing.

As mentioned above, you can begin the sanding process only after the wood has dried and the building has shown minimal shrinkage. Using a grinder, easily accessible large areas of walls are processed. In hard-to-reach places you will have to work with hand tools.

In most cases, for complete sanding of a log house inside and out, an eccentric sander, a medium-sized grinder and a chisel 2 centimeters wide are sufficient.

If the area of ​​the walls is large, it is better to divide them into small sections and do the work in parts; there is no need to try to sand everything at once. After sanding one area is completed, it must be immediately impregnated with an antiseptic composition.
If you sand a large area in one day and leave it untreated, and on the second day you immediately begin sanding the next area, the first one will begin to darken after a few days. It is recommended to open the sanded surface no later than 24 hours after finishing work, otherwise it will begin to darken. Professional builders recommend applying paint or varnish a maximum of 36-48 hours after finishing sanding work.

The process of grinding a log house must be carried out in several stages. At the first stage, the surface is polished with coarse abrasive elements. With their help, unevenness is eliminated, roughness and peeling are removed, without damaging the pile.
In order to remove raised lint, the next stage of sanding is carried out, working with fine-grained nozzles.

If you have no experience in grinding work, it is not recommended to use a powerful grinder. The tool has very high speeds and it will be very difficult for a beginner to smoothly and accurately sand the surface with its help. If you press too hard on the tool, grooves and depressions will appear on the surface, which will greatly spoil the appearance of the log house. Therefore, it is better for beginners to use a grinder only for processing grooves and the ends of walls.

To process the grooves of a log house, you need to purchase special flat-type attachments for an angle grinder. Plastic and rubber nozzles are available for sale. For such work, plastic ones are best suited, since rubber nozzles are impractical - they break down very quickly and require frequent replacement.

The attachment should be slightly smaller in diameter than the replacement sanding disc. If the attachment gets into the groove during operation, the tool will jam and it may be pulled out of your hands, which can result in injury.

To properly sand logs, you need a small grinder with a disk equipped with Velcro, on which you can attach circles of sandpaper different grain sizes. Working with such a tool requires some experience and accuracy.

If the log house was assembled in the warm season, and after assembly the weather is dry and hot, sanding can begin within 10-14 days. In wet weather, the frame cannot be sanded.

At the beginning of the work, abrasive grinding of the log houses is carried out, using a grinder and a grinder.

After this, the areas are processed using sandpaper attachments or abrasive elements of a smaller grain size. The process lasts until the surface of the log house becomes completely flat and smooth. The last stage - finishing sanding - is recommended to be done manually, especially in hard-to-reach places and at the joints of logs. One of the main conditions correct execution work - treat the sanded surface as quickly as possible with antiseptics and paints and varnishes that will prevent the wood from becoming infected with fungus and mold.

Processing of the log house after completion of grinding work

Correctly and timely external treatment wooden house extends its service life several times. The complex of works includes grinding and impregnation of the surface, followed by the application of paints and varnishes.

The modern market offers a wide range of domestic and foreign manufacturers, intended for processing the log house after grinding. Not all of these products are suitable for application to inner surface residential premises, therefore, when purchasing, it is recommended to read the instructions for use very carefully.

Funds for mandatory processing finished log:

Antiseptics that prevent the appearance and development of fungus and mold.

Glazing compounds - give walls a more attractive appearance.

Fire retardants are solutions that protect wood from fire.

The main purpose of sanding and painting a log house is to protect it as much as possible from the effects of atmospheric factors, pests and fire. In addition, with the help of special compounds you can emphasize the texture of wood and tint it. You can use ordinary wood paint, only in this case the wood texture will not be visible under the paint layer.

First of all, an antiseptic is applied, after which the surface is bleached, after which fire-fighting impregnations are used.
You can paint the log house with a brush or using a spray gun. If the house is made of logs, it will be more convenient to use a spray bottle.

Before applying paint and varnish materials, you need to once again check the quality of the sanding and check whether caulking is sticking out of the joints, which could have been removed during the sanding process. The caulking fragments removed from the joints must be removed and the area treated with a sealant that will prevent moisture from penetrating between the joints.

When applying paints and varnishes, special attention should be paid to the processing of the ends. For this purpose, acrylic solutions or liquid glass. Please note that liquid glass is a toxic material and is not suitable for treating interior spaces. These solutions must be applied to the ends in several layers. The first coat must be completely dry before applying the second coat.

The walls begin to be processed immediately after finishing sanding at above-zero air temperatures. The first layer performs a glazing function. Paint and varnish compositions are applied with a brush or spray; for log houses made of timber, you can use a roller.

The main condition high-quality processing log walls - using only high quality products from trusted manufacturers. You cannot skimp on materials and tools, since wood is a rather vulnerable material that requires high-quality care and processing.

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Sanding a log frame is a monotonous, dusty job that requires constant attention and the ability to deftly handle power tools. Entrust this work to us. The guys in the team are specialists, they know how to properly polish a log frame and will be able to please you with the quality.
We are engaged in polishing log houses in the Smolensk, Moscow regions, Leningrad regions.

For complex work (sanding, painting, caulking) and large volumes of work, we travel to other areas of the Central region.

Sanding cost 1 square meter log walls from 250 rubles

It is worth sanding the log house correctly and efficiently 250 rubles per square meter of treated surface. This is the price of grinding a LOBE to a height of 2 meters from the surface of the ground or floor. To sand a wall higher than two meters you need to install scaffolding or work from a ladder. Accordingly, the work will cost a little more. The cost of grinding a log house above two meters from the floor 300 rubles square meter.

The cost of grinding work in cramped conditions (niches, rooms less than 2 sq.m.) is negotiated on the spot.

log house self made
grain 80
250 r. m\sq.m
log house from central bank
grain 80
250 r. m\sq.m
log house
grain 80
250 r m\sq
polishing professional
300 r m.kv
fine grinding of a log frame
grain 100
120 rubles per sq.m.

end grinding

100 RUR m\pog
stripping an old log house
grain 36-40
300 r m\sq
sanding painted logs 300 r m\sq
grinding beams, rafters, crossbars 300 r m. linear
floorboard lining, blockhouse

from 300 r m\sq

The cost of grinding a log frame is indicated for one pass. Usually this is enough.

If anything needs to be further processed, we can always agree on the price of sanding.

Sanding a log house correctly

With the right approach to grinding a log house, one pass means grinding the log house with an angle grinder with an 80-grit attachment. This is quite enough for logs on the street side. Of course, if you look closely, you can see very small horizontal ridges from the passage of the sander, but they are removed in the second pass. The second pass is carried out with an eccentric machine on which a disc with 80 grit is installed.

If we agree on grinding your log house indoors, then it makes sense to start right away with an angle grinder (grinder) with an 80 disc to remove all the unevenness and give the log one tone. And remove the nuances with an orbital with a 120 disk, for painting or varnishing.

We polish:

  • houses, bathhouses chopped by hand
  • timber log houses
  • log houses made of rounded logs
  • walls covered with clapboard, blockhouse, imitation timber
  • floors and ceilings
  • We work: Moscow, Smolensk, St. Petersburg

Why sand the frame?

At its core" grinding of a log house", this is the preparation of a wooden surface for coating. And how better preparation, the better your log house will be painted. Look, the difference is clearly visible in the photo. After the second pass. Can you imagine the beauty after coloring?

Take a closer look at the logs or beams from which your house is built. You will see remnants of bark, resin, small scuffs and fluff. If you don't sand the frame, these nuances will lead to:

  1. paint or varnish will not lie smoothly and beautifully on the wood
    • under a layer of paint there will not be a surface with the same density; in some places the paint will be absorbed more strongly, in others less. When the coating dries, the heterogeneity will become clearly visible, you will begin to tint
  2. paint consumption will increase by approximately 20%
    • all the fluff and burrs on the log will also need to be painted on both sides, and there are quite a few of them
  3. the service life of the protective and decorative coating will be reduced by 50%
    • due to the difference in the thickness of the coating, the sun, wind and frost very quickly, literally next year will make gaps in the paint, the uncovered wood will begin to darken

Here are three main reasons why sanding is necessary.

But besides these frightening factors), there is also aesthetic side. During sanding, the texture of the wood appears, all construction dirt is removed and the annual rings become clearly visible. The tree opens up and the wood fibers can be seen. Tinting impregnation or colorless varnish, applied after sanding, will highlight and emphasize all the true beauty of the wooden structure.

As a specialist, it seems obvious to me that it is better to invest money and sand the frame from the beginning than to regret painting the frame with an expensive compound, and the next year, observing the peeling facade, still have to sand it and paint it again. The miser pays twice).

We calculate the grinding area of ​​the log house

Let’s say you need to polish the frame of a house 6 by 8, 3 meters high. Add the length of all sides 6+6+8+8=28 and multiply by the height of 3 m. The result is 84 square meters. Taking into account the average roundness of the logs, we apply a coefficient of 1.2, i.e. 84 x 1.2 = 102 sq.m

Multiply the result obtained by the cost of polishing the log house - 250 rubles. The amount won't scare you.

The process of polishing a log frame is quite labor-intensive, but it can be done at home. In order to perform high-quality grinding, you must have special equipment, as well as initial skills in working with it. Grinding a log house yourself will help you save material resources while obtaining a high-quality result. We will learn further about how to properly sand a log frame made from rounded logs.

Sanding logs is not a mandatory process at all. However, after its implementation, the wooden surface acquires a more attractive appearance, it becomes resistant to external irritants.

Most often, sanding a bathhouse is necessary to get rid of the top, dark layer of wood. In addition, grinding can partially or completely remove the fungus. Further, by covering the wood with a special protective agent, it is possible to extend its service life for several more years.

In order for the grinding process to go quickly and efficiently, it is necessary to select the right equipment. Most often, for these purposes, a grinder is used, on which a special attachment is installed or grinding machine.

When choosing grinder Pay attention to compact, small and lightweight models with a minimal set of functions. The device should also have a function for smoothly switching operating modes. It is more convenient to perform grinding using two grinding machines, one of which has a fine and the second a large abrasive. However, it is quite possible to get the job done with just one device.

Choose plastic nozzles for abrasive elements, since rubber ones are left on a wooden surface dark spots. Please note that prolonged use of the tool and constant replacement of attachments leads to excessive heating. Therefore, if you work with only one grinding machine, then pause its operation. The initial grinding of the bath is performed using 40-60 grit abrasive. With this abrasive it is possible to process about five meters of logs.

Please note that to polish the frame they coniferous trees, you will need to purchase more abrasive. Since these wood species have a high resin content in their composition, this leads to premature deterioration of abrasive attachments.

Secondary processing of bathhouse logs is carried out using abrasives with a grain size of 110 units.

Please note that grinding of rounded logs is carried out exclusively using an eccentric sander. And with the help of a grinder you can sand the timber. However, keep in mind that the power of the grinder is quite high, and pressing too hard will damage the wooden surface.

Before sanding the frame, it is necessary to carry out a series of preparatory work. The work is carried out before installing windows, since this type of work is characterized by the release of large amounts of dust and dirt. If the wood has a high moisture content, then you need to wait until it dries. Since sanding wet wood will be of poor quality. It is preferable to carry out the work after the roof has been installed.

Before starting work, inspect the surface of the frame for defects. If there are places where the surface of the wood has peeled off, then it must be lubricated with glue and wait until it dries.

How to properly sand a log house: instructions

Start sanding the frame from the bottom, gradually moving to the top. The grinding process involves performing the following actions:

1. Grinding using a grinder with a coarse-grained nozzle.

2. Processing the groove areas using a grinder, the size of the disc should be 1-2 cm larger size the instrument itself. If you select a large attachment, the tool may jam and cause injury.

3. The corner sections of the log house are processed with a chisel. This process performed either at the beginning of work or after completion of the first grinding.

4. To grind the ends, use only coarse abrasive. To reduce lint on the ends, use a soldering iron or hammer.

5. Before further finishing, inspect the wood for gray spots. If they are present on the surface, apply bleach to them. Don't forget to remove dust using a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.

6. To avoid leaving deep marks on the surface of the wood, do not use the grinder or grinder at too high speeds.

  • apply a layer of primer, use a brush or spray gun;
  • in order to emphasize the structure of the wood, bleach and paint the surface;
  • Apply a layer of protective impregnation.

How to polish a log house with your own hands: internal sanding

When executing internal grinding log house, there are several options for performing this process. If previously the bathhouse could be sanded, then to update its top layer, it is enough to use a coarse abrasive.

If there are no plans to further cover the walls, then the sanding process must be high-quality and long-lasting. It is preferable to carry out initial sanding before installing finished floors and ceilings. The work process is as follows:

  • removing the rough layer of wood bark, using a grinder or grinder for this;
  • using a grinder, process the groove and corner areas;
  • sand the wood using fine abrasive materials;
  • for sanding the joints of logs and the most difficult to reach places, use hand tool, this process is labor-intensive and requires high labor costs.

After finishing sanding one wall, remove dust from its surface and apply an antiseptic protective compound. This process is repeated each time after sanding.

When applying antiseptic to the wall, make sure that there are no caulking on it. Use sealant to remove them. To complete the finishing, follow these steps:

1. Apply protective layer antiseptic. With its help, it will be possible to prevent the development of mold and mildew on the walls.

2. After the antiseptic has dried, treat the walls with a glazing solution. This will improve the aesthetic appeal of the room.

3. Treat the end sections using acrylic composition With moisture-resistant characteristics. After it has completely dried, apply another layer of solution.

4. In order to improve the fire resistance of wood, apply a fire retardant compound to it.

How to quickly polish a log house: abrasive blasting

One more is enough simple option Grinding is performed using abrasive blasting technology. To perform grinding, you will need a special apparatus that releases sand under pressure. It, in turn, cleans the wood from dirt and mold. This method wood processing is non-contact. However, the wood, after processing, is particularly smooth and has excellent texture.

The process of performing such grinding is easy and quick, and the quality is impeccable. Using sandblasting, it is possible to create a certain natural texture on wood. The appearance of the wood, after processing, is distinguished by exclusivity and high cost.

Advantages of using the sandblasting method:

  • sanding of wood of different structure and type;
  • sanding wood with any contaminants;
  • the ability to highlight the fabulous texture of wood;
  • high speed;
  • performing grinding in the most inaccessible places;
  • the lifespan of the tree increases due to the fact that its top layer is compacted;
  • ease of doing the job.

This grinding method is different high speed execution. There are no scratches or chips on the surface of the wood, and there is excellent wood texture. In addition, it is possible to get rid of lint and additional elements, deteriorating the quality of wood. There is no need to sand the surface after sandblasting. This process is quite easy to perform even for a beginner. The only thing that is required is the availability of special equipment and sand for work.

Therefore, when answering the question of how to polish logs, first of all pay attention to this processing method.

If you do not have the time and energy to perform grinding, we recommend entrusting this process to professionals. When answering the question of how much it costs to sand a log house, it is necessary to take into account many factors, such as the quality of the wood, the size of the log house, the complexity of the work, etc.

The average cost of polishing one square meter of a log house is about 450 rubles. This process is quite expensive, however, in this way you will save time and get high-quality results from professionals.

When choosing a tool for DIY wood processing, pay attention to sanding machines that have a dust collection bag. This way, the job will be easier and there will be no need for cleanup after it's done.

Belt sanders will not be able to process semicircular logs; special equipment will be required for these purposes. It is possible to use a grinder, but it must be equipped with an attachment with special petals that will help grind hard-to-reach places. Optimal value The power of the grinder is up to 1 kW. The use of more powerful equipment may lead to severe pain in your hands on the second day due to the heaviness of the instrument.

If you want to get perfect smooth surface, then sand the frame only after it has completely dried. Otherwise, there will be worn fragments on the wood.

There are four main methods of processing wood with a sander and abrasives:

  • roughing method - involves peeling off the bark;
  • medium processing option - at this stage, small irregularities are removed from the tree;
  • fine processing option involves final grinding;
  • sanding wood before painting.

Please note that the abrasive wears out very quickly, and when doing the work yourself, you will have to change attachments very often. To clean the nozzle from resin and dust, use a brush and thinner in the form of white spirit. However, in this case, achieving high productivity is more difficult to achieve.

The speed of work is determined by factors such as previous sanding experience, equipment power, quality of attachments, and the amount of resin in the wood. The average duration of grinding one linear meter is about two minutes, with a log height of 300 mm.

Before you start sanding, wear a respirator, safety glasses and gloves. Since the work process produces dust, which should not get into the eyes or respiratory tract.

Immediately after sanding the frame, it is coated special compounds. If there is mold or mildew on the logs, special bleaches are used to remove them. Next, you should protect the tree with antiseptic glazing compounds.

To apply the composition, use a brush, or even better, a sprayer. This will ensure that the surface is evenly covered. After applying paint or varnish to the surface of the wood, lint begins to rise; to remove it, sand the surface again.

External sanding of a log house helps restore the wood to its natural shade, which is lost under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. If you do not polish the log house before applying antiseptics to its surface, you will not be able to achieve optimal effectiveness of their effects.

Sanding a log house allows you to get rid of the top layer of mold and mildew that appears from excessive moisture. In addition, with the help of grinding it is possible to remove all unevenness and dirt from the walls. At the same time, they acquire a pleasant color, excellent texture and smooth surface. Sanding walls significantly increases the lifespan of wood. In addition, by performing sanding it is possible to restore wood that has previously lost its color.

Sanding a log house video:

Grinding a rounded log with your own hands must be done using the developed technology, in accordance with specific rules and obligations.

Suitable period for grinding

During the production of rounded logs, the wood remains naturally moist. Undried wood is not intended for sanding, as such work will cause even more “frizz.” The best time for processing it is considered 10-12 months after completion of construction timber house, before starting cladding.

Sanding of logs is carried out on an already covered building. Otherwise, further finishing will not be effective enough. If over the past year the logs become covered with a dark coating, then they need to be painted with a special antiseptic with a bleaching effect. Processing begins only after the wood has dried.

After finishing sanding, it is necessary to treat the canvas with a disinfectant or paint and varnish composition, otherwise the wood will darken again and all actions will be in vain.

An equivalent shade of a log house can be obtained by finishing maximum four days after completion of grinding activities.

Grinding Tools

Modern construction market offers a variety of devices for self-grinding rounded logs, but not all of them are able to cope with the task at the proper level.

The equipment used in the work must be powerful enough, but not too heavy at the same time.

Belt sanders work well on flat surfaces. wood material, but are not suitable for semicircular logs.

It is better to take a grinder with a special attachment for grinding, which looks like a disc with a fixed sandpaper in the shape of petals. Its power must be at least 0.85 kW. It is most convenient to use 12.5 cm wide discs, although you can choose other models. It is recommended to treat hard-to-reach places with a chisel.

For initial, rough processing, use flap discs with coarse grain (40-60) or a simple abrasive. It is worth considering that the discs will have to be changed frequently: every 3-5 meters. The number of fine grinding discs (100-200 mm) depends on the quality of the initial processing. It’s better if they have Velcro, so they can be replaced faster.

Thus, to perform high-quality grinding of logs you will need:

  • Eccentric sander;
  • Grinder with sandpaper;
  • Chisel.

Grinding work generates a large amount of dust, so it is worth preparing personal protective equipment.

All equipment must be manufactured by trusted manufacturers who guarantee its reliability and durability.

Grinding sequence

Sanding logs is considered labor-intensive and important process, therefore it is recommended to follow all its stages:

  1. Work begins with removing the top wood layer. To do this, you need to take a nozzle with a fixed sandpaper with grains No. 160-40. This treatment will result in the formation of lint.
  2. Next, finishing processing takes place using a nozzle with grain No. 10-8, which removes the lint that has appeared from the wood.
  3. At the last stage, final grinding is performed with grains No. 6-M63.

Hard-to-reach areas are best treated with thin plastic attachments, which are affordable and durable. The most difficult places to sand are the joints of logs at the corners of the building. Here you can use a chisel with cutting part 2 cm wide.

Sanding a rounded log should be done slowly, in the longitudinal direction relative to the wood threads. At the same time, you should not press too hard on the grinding tool - the work should go as smoothly as possible.

Processing of end elements

The ends are the areas with the greatest susceptibility to negative external influences. They absorb moisture the fastest, and they account for the maximum waste of paint and varnish compositions. In this regard, the ends of the house require a careful approach to grinding.

Our ancestors used a blowtorch and a hammer for processing. Firing the ends increased their service life, but had a negative effect on the appearance. Tapping with a hammer was aimed at more quality connection fibers and blocking passages that absorb atmospheric moisture. Such manipulations made the wood surface hard and “mirror-like.”

Today, several attachments are used for grinding ends. Work begins with number 160 and ends with number 10. Compliance with all technological requirements allows you to reduce the absorption of moisture, paint, varnishes and increase the service life of the log structure.

Sanding a rounded log with your own hands will go “smoothly” if you listen to the advice of professionals:

  1. Do not turn the sander on too high a speed: this will create deep furrows on the log.
  2. Sanding the resin surface causes it to rub and blocks the removal procedure.
  3. Places of radial wood must be treated with glue and wait until it dries.
  4. The use of water-based paints and varnishes during initial painting may result in lint raising. Repeated sanding will help correct the situation.
  5. Processing of rounded logs must be done before installing doors and windows.

Sanding a log frame is within the capabilities of any homeowner. But remember that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on it.

When the construction of a wooden house is completed, the next stage begins: the structure must be prepared for further use. One of the main jobs in this process is sanding, which can only be done after the house has completely settled. Using sanding, knots, roughness and other wood defects are removed, unevenness is smoothed out, and the outer walls of the house are prepared for further painting. Unpolished log house It does not look aesthetically pleasing; it cannot be painted or varnished. Grinding is quite labor-intensive work that requires certain skills. In this article we will tell you how to sand the outside of a log house, and what technologies and materials are used for sanding wood.

Traditionally, sanding the outside of a log or beam house is done after its shrinkage has passed and the wood has completely dried. Typically this process takes at least a year, and in some cases it takes longer. It all depends on the quality of the lumber, the species and the moisture level of the wood. Not last role The climatic features of the area also play a role.

A house made of profiled timber, which is usually made from freshly cut timber, shrinks and dries out in about ten to twelve months. Glued laminated timber has a low moisture level, so sanding can be done immediately after construction.

External grinding of the log house in winter is not recommended when sub-zero temperatures. Sanded wood must be treated with antiseptics to protect it from the sun and precipitation, and this can only be done in the warm season. At the same time, sanding from the inside of the house can be carried out in winter, provided that during interior spaces positive temperature is maintained.

During shrinkage, the log house, being outdoors, is exposed to rain, snow, wind, and solar radiation. As a result, a wooden house loses its attractive appearance, the logs darken, become covered with a blue coating, the wood begins to rot due to excess moisture, and mold appears.

Sanding stops the development of negative processes and allows you to restore the original appearance of the wood. In addition, grinding performs the following tasks:

  • removes unevenness and makes the surface smooth, which contributes to a more attractive appearance of the walls and less consumption of paints and varnishes;
  • improves absorbency protective equipment, thereby increasing the service life of wood;
  • eliminates small knots and other defects from the surface;
  • removes blue stains, as well as areas damaged by fungus and mold;
  • helps to increase the service life of a wooden structure.

Often, home craftsmen, wondering: why sand a log house before painting, start painting the logs, skipping the sanding step. As a result, after some time the coating begins to crack and peel, which in principle is not surprising. Sanding provides good grip paint and varnish material with wood and deep penetration of paint into the wood structure. Thanks to this, the wooden surface receives the necessary level of protection and the service life of the coating increases.

Before you start sanding, you need to stock up on the necessary tools. The following tools are suitable for sanding a wooden house and bathhouse:

  1. A belt sander processes the surface with an abrasive belt of different grain sizes, which is mounted on two rotating rollers.
  2. The brush machine is a type of belt MM. Its working tool is a brush, which is convenient for rough surface treatment. It is also used to remove the previous paint coating from an old log house.
  3. The vibration sander has a flat base on which the abrasive material is secured using clamps or Velcro. Some models are equipped with a triangle-shaped sole, which is convenient for grinding grooves, chamfers and corner connections logs
  4. The eccentric sander is equipped with a round sole, where an abrasive of the desired grain size is attached using Velcro. The machine can perform fine processing and polishing of beams, and also does an excellent job of sanding curved surfaces.
  5. An angle grinder or grinder is the most common tool for sanding wood. Wood processing is carried out grinding discs with sandpaper of different grain sizes.
  6. The drill is the base for different types grinding tools. Sanding wood with a drill is done using two types of attachments: flat wheels with sanding paper and nozzles in the form of petals made of abrasive material.

During grinding, chips fly and come out large number harmful dust that poses a serious respiratory hazard. Therefore, in addition to the tool, to sand wood you will need:

  • vacuum cleaner to remove dust;
  • respirator for respiratory protection;
  • safety glasses.

As you can see, grinding devices are very diverse, and it’s not always easy to make right choice, the better to sand log or timber house. Professional craftsmen recommend selecting a tool depending on the type of lumber from which the building is constructed, as well as on the existing skills in using a particular tool.

It is most convenient to sand hand-cut logs using an angle grinder or drill with special attachments.

  1. Rough surface treatment is carried out grinding wheels No. 30-60 with coarse grain.
  2. For basic and final grinding, nozzles No. 80-120, having a fine grain, are used.
  3. A cup brush with a coarse abrasive is well suited for cleaning the surface, removing dark spots and blue spots, and removing old coating.
  4. You can perform basic sanding of the log nylon brush, which during operation creates much less dust than sanding attachments, and in addition, allows you to achieve a brushing effect.

How to polish a rounded log, which, unlike hand-cut logs, has a smooth and even surface?

  1. You can use an angle grinder. But if you do not have the skills to use this tool, then any careless movement can lead to the appearance of depressions or grooves in the log.
  2. Better grinding is obtained when processing a rounded log with an eccentric sander. Despite the fact that it has lower productivity, it allows you to achieve ideal smoothness of the log. The machine has a special lock that turns off the tool when pressed hard.

Glued and profiled timber have a flat surface, which is easier to work with. Before grinding the timber, you need to choose one of three possible options beam processing:

  1. With processing laminated veneer lumber and imitation of timber, an angle grinder can do a good job, but if you mishandle the tool, the surface can be easily damaged.
  2. Sanding the timber can be done using a vibratory grinder with a rectangular platform. The machine is equipped with a dust collection bag and provides very high quality grinding.
  3. Using a belt sander, you can perform rough processing, eliminate wood defects, and level the surface. However draw machine cannot provide ideal smoothness, so they are not used for finishing sanding.

Treatment of hard-to-reach areas is especially difficult work for non-professional craftsmen. Grinding of grooves and ends of log and beam houses is carried out using a grinder. For grooves, a nozzle of a smaller size than the disk itself is used. The same size of attachment and disc may cause the tool to jam. The ends are ground with an abrasive wheel No. 40.

Grinding hard-to-reach places can also be done using a vibrating machine with a triangular sole. The most problematic are the corners of the log house. They are usually sanded by hand using a chisel, which removes the top thin layer of wood. Hand sanding in the corners is performed both before and after stripping the entire surface of the log.

Grinding technology

Sanding a log house with your own hands is done in three stages.

  1. Initially, rough processing of the logs is carried out using nozzles with large grains. Removed upper part bark, all protruding parts, knots and other defects are removed. If an old frame is being sanded, then before sanding the wood, the old coating used to paint the walls is removed.
  2. Next comes the basic sanding. The sanded walls of the house are sanded with medium-grain sandpaper. At the second stage, the surface is leveled and the lint remaining on the wood after the initial processing is removed.
  3. On final stage carried out final sanding logs using a power tool with a fine abrasive or manually with the finest sandpaper. It is necessary to polish the surface to perfect smoothness.

First, the main surface is sanded, and then proceed to hard-to-reach areas. When sanding logs, you need to leave a strip at a distance of 2 to 10 cm to the corners of the log house, which are then processed manually.

After sanding, it is necessary to remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner and be sure to treat the polished surface within a week. protective compounds, after which the outer walls can be painted. If sanded wood is left untreated, it will begin to darken again.

Mistakes when sanding at home yourself

When performing grinding at home, it is not always possible to achieve the expected effect. Many craftsmen, believing that grinding is an easy job, take on it without calculating their strength.

Most often errors occur due to wrong choice tool and lack of skills to use it. Often, grinding is performed at high speeds, which is why grooves and irregularities remain on the surface; pressing hard on the tool leads to the formation of depressions.

Please note that during operation a lot of dust is generated. The attachments wear out very quickly, become clogged with dust and resin, and have to be constantly replaced.

In general, grinding is a rather complex and labor-intensive job that takes a lot of time. Especially in cases where you have to process a large area or a surface that has old paint coating, which must first be deleted.

Services of professional craftsmen

Proper sanding ensures a beautiful and durable finish. finishing coat and guarantees long term operation of the house. The specialists of the Master Srubov company have extensive experience, have the necessary work skills, and know the nuances and subtleties of grinding work. We will polish your wooden house strictly according to technology, taking into account individual characteristics buildings and within the specified time frame. When inspecting your home, the craftsmen will select the optimal method of sanding and necessary tool for surface treatment. You can call a specialist and contact us using the coordinates in the section.

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