Connection of metal sewer pipes. How to connect sewer pipes: step-by-step installation instructions, tips Connecting sewer pipes of different diameters

Sewer adapters are special parts for pipeline installation that make it possible to vary the direction, diameter and materials of the communication system. The presence of sewer adapters greatly simplifies the partial replacement, installation and repair of sewer systems.

Modern sewer lines are in the vast majority of cases installed from polymer pipes. Depending on the layout, the sewerage system has a distribution throughout the building, which is connected to a common drain and discharged outside.

The pipeline configuration has many straight sections that are interconnected in complex systems with turns, bends, tees, crosses, plugs and revisions.

When assembling the pipeline, sewer adapters made of polymer materials are used. They can be either removable or soldered.

Old buildings are equipped with sewer pipelines made of cast iron, less often made of steel. For repairs, partial replacement or tie-ins of a separate apartment with plastic sewerage, it is necessary to connect pipes made of metal alloys with pipes or fittings made of polymer materials into one system.

Here adapters also come to the rescue, which are made with special different ends and allow you to reliably connect dissimilar communications. Plumbing sewer adapters are designed for:

  • connections of straight sections of pipeline with different diameters;
  • connecting pipeline sections made of different materials (the diameter can be either the same or different from each other);
  • creating the necessary configuration sewer section(turns, bypass, routing).

Pay attention! Before purchasing sewer adapters, you should know not only the required material and diameter, but also the type of thread - external or internal.

Basic properties and types of adapters for pipes made of different materials

To select the necessary adapters, you should know what the plumbing market offers and how they can be used. There are two groups of sewer adapters:

  • concentric – designed for installation on vertical sections communications;
  • eccentric - installed on a horizontal pipeline.

Compound sewer pipes is the primary task when installing a drainage system. On how correctly it is executed process, depends comfortable accommodation residents in the house. In general, joining pipe products is somewhat similar to a Lego set.

Material orientation

When starting serious work - choosing an option for joining sewer pipes, it is important to find out in advance what material you will have to deal with.

Today the following products are used in drainage systems:

  • made of PVC (polymer);
  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • concrete;
  • ceramics;
  • asbestos cement;
  • corrugations.

The first two types of material are most often used, while the others are quite rare. Corrugated pipes are in demand in external pipelines of private buildings or as components of networks of large production facilities.

Cast iron pipes are used in external drainage systems. Compared to steel, they are quite heavy, so for internal sewerage are not suitable, especially if they are installed by one person. But at the same time, cast iron pipes are not afraid of corrosion, like steel ones, and have a long service life, and are also in demand in heating systems, in particular, when installing risers. Although not every person will make the connection complex elements in cast iron pipes. The disadvantage of such products is the regular accumulation of waste inside the pipe due to uneven surface. In winter, in heating season, they are more susceptible to clogging. Against their background polymer products more practical.

Plastic pipes: advantageous connection

To understand how to connect plastic sewer pipes, you need to consider the positive arguments in their favor:

  • anti-corrosion properties, thanks to which PVC products can be safely laid underground without additional insulation and at the same time save significantly;
  • chemical resistance to substances and aggressive environments;
  • light weight plastic pipes;
  • excellent throughput due to the smooth inner surface;
  • service life, which can reach 100 years;
  • easy installation that allows you to build any type of drainage system.

As a minus in PVC operation pipes - limited capacity. Although this drawback can be completely resolved if you select a pipe larger size. Knowing the diameter and length of the product, it is easy to select parts for the plastic sewer network. Knowing theoretically how to connect two pipes different diameters, you can begin practical actions.

This type of pipe is also successfully used for external sewerage networks. At the same time, in bitter frosts, you need to pay attention to thermal insulation, for example, purchasing soft insulation.

Joining of PVC pipes for sewerage, fittings

Often at home, plastic pipes are joined together using fittings. These are a kind of connectors that ensure the tightness of the structure, eliminating the penetration of moisture and unpleasant odor. Thanks to the wide range of these products, it is easier renovation work and replace worn-out elements with new ones.

Let's look at how to connect sewer pipes using fittings.

The latter are classified into types that differ in:

  • functions (intermediate or connecting fittings);
  • structures (couplings, tees, turn signals, extensions, etc.);
  • shape (straight, T- and L-shaped).

Using this classification, you can easily select the appropriate pipe material and explain to the store which fitting models you are interested in.

When inserting a pipe into a fitting, do not forget to first butt the rubber gasket.

Preliminary steps before connecting

How to connect sewer pipes that are components of a large system? The answer to this question involves several sequential actions.

First of all, you need:

  1. Prepare a drawing of the system. It is important to take into account the existing objects in the house or apartment to which it is planned to lay drainage pipes, for example, a shower room, a bathtub, a toilet.
  2. Determine where the pipes join the central riser, and this is where the fittings will be needed.
  3. Remember that pipes for private sector sewerage are classified into two types according to cross-sectional size: 110.50 mm. It is the last option that will be ideal solution for laying pipes for shower stalls, bathtubs, sinks, washing machines.

Before purchasing drainage pipes, you need to calculate in advance the required footage of the material so as not to waste money on excess plastic. After all, these products cannot be damaged.

Among the connectors great value has a turning fitting designed for connecting the siphon (hose from plumbing fixture) and drainage pipes made of PVC or metal. Some specialists neglect this connecting element, and in vain. After all, its absence can break the tightness of the system, and the joint will constantly let water through.

In order to ensure the longevity of the functioning of the drainage system, it is necessary to note certain nuances:

  1. Provide a specific slope of the pipes, which is calculated taking into account the amount of reduction - no more than 2-3 cm/m of the product. This indicator is needed for rapid removal of liquid.
  2. When arranging the pipeline, start from the plumbing to the central riser so that in the future the joints do not interfere with the flow of liquid in the system.

Knowing how to connect sewer pipes to initial stages, you can protect the system from possible leaks in advance.

The main subtleties of laying external sewerage

Fittings are used when arranging intra-house or intra-apartment sewerage. The situation is completely different with the external system, which is installed on the site near the house. In this case, it is necessary to start with the construction of wells intended for water purification.

Having understood how to join drainage pipes, it becomes clear that the external system requires products of larger diameter.

It is imperative to take into account the fact that the diameter outer pipe should be slightly larger than the size of the sewer. It is better to take material with a “reserve” than to change the entire drainage system when the desire arises to connect new plumbing fixtures.

Having completed the preparatory steps, you can begin the serious business of connecting sewer pipes. According to the types and joints of pipes, two connection options are distinguished: detachable and permanent.

Joining of pipes using the detachable method

Such connections are classified into flange and coupling. For plastic pipes it is better to use the first option. To achieve excellent tightness, it is better to use cast iron fasteners and rubber gaskets in detachable connections.

Let's look step by step how to properly connect sewer pipes using flanges:

  1. Cut the pipe very smoothly, without chamfers.
  2. Place the loose flange over the cut.
  3. Insert a spacer protruding 10 cm from the cut line.
  4. Place a flange on it and connect it to the mating fittings.
  5. Secure with bolts.

During repairs or installation of pressure/non-pressure systems, coupling connections are used.

For the system to function trouble-free, you need to:

  1. Before connecting the pipes to each other, cut off their ends at 90°.
  2. Attach the coupling to the joint so that it is located exactly in the middle of the connector.
  3. Make a mark on the pipes indicating the location of the coupling.
  4. Treat the ends of the pipes and the fitting from the inside with a special lubricant.
  5. Insert one of the pipes into the coupling until it stops.
  6. Join the pipes without distortion to form a single axis.
  7. Push the coupling onto the second pipe up to the previously made mark.

This detachable method is very convenient for disassembling the pipeline if necessary. When assembly is performed, great attention is paid to sealing the joint.

One-piece types: nuances

Now let's figure out how to join sewer pipes using the one-piece method.

There are different methods, but here are the most common:

  1. "Into the bell". According to the theory, a socket with a rubber ring is connected to the straight end of the pipe. Before starting work, all surfaces are cleaned and degreased, and the flat end of the pipe product must be chamfered. Before joining, both surfaces are treated silicone grease, and in case of its absence - with liquid soap or detergent, and then joined. In this case, the longitudinal axes of both products must coincide. The flat part is inserted into the socket no deeper than the previously made mark.
  2. Welding: socket or butt. According to the theory of the first option, using moderate pressure welding, the following are melted: inner side the bell of one pipe and the outer one of the smooth end of the other. If butt welding is done, then the ends of both pipes and the joint itself are melted. The latest technique allows you to understand how to connect pipes of the same diameter.
  3. Bonding. According to this method, the connecting ends are coated with a special glue. It is selected depending on the material of the pipes. For example, BF-2 is suitable for metal and plastic, epoxy adhesive is suitable for polymers and metal, grade 88N is suitable for rubber and metal.

The most reliable connection option

The “into the bell” method is considered the most accessible and easiest type, which can be performed even by an amateur. But this option does not guarantee high tightness, because it is provided only by a rubber ring in the socket. The latter is inserted into the tubular product in the opposite side in relation to the direction of water movement.

The fittings are secured using O-rings. This method applies to PVC pipes small diameter and allows you to understand how to connect two threaded pipes. Compared to metal models not needed here preliminary preparation to work with plastic.

The welding method requires additional knowledge and skills in operating the welding machine. But at the same time, this method is very reliable.

Excellent joint strength will be ensured by special glue. But before using it, it is necessary to clean the surfaces of dirt and thoroughly degrease them. Actions should be completed fairly quickly.

Our recommendations will help you understand such a difficult matter as joining sewer pipes. Having completed quality connection, you will save yourself from unpleasant network leaks and interruptions, frequent repairs and endless financial expenses.

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Piece to piece: connection of plastic sewer pipes

In this article I will write about how plastic sewer pipes are connected to each other, to cast iron pipes, and also to fittings different types. Some solutions may seem unusual, but they are quite capable of helping you out when installing complex sewage system configurations.

General rules

A number of rules are relevant for the installation of any sewer system, regardless of the type of pipes and fittings used.

  • Socket connections of gravity sewers are always assembled so that the sockets are directed against the flow of drains. In this case, the internal surface of the pipeline will be as smooth as possible, free of irregularities that can cause blockages;
  • The pipe is laid with a constant slope along the drainage path. The optimal slope value is determined by the diameter:
  • Pipes are not installed with a bend or tension. Turns are carried out only due to shaped elements;

Due to the elasticity of the polymer, a polyethylene sewer pipe still allows minor bends.
For PVC, polypropylene and especially cast iron, internal stresses are contraindicated: in combination with temperature changes, they often lead to the appearance of cracks.

  • Connections at turns and branches are made with oblique tees and half-bends at angles of 30 - 45 degrees. This eliminates overfilling of the pipe during volley discharges and simplifies cleaning in case of blockages: the cable or sewer wire passes through a smooth bend with minimal resistance. In addition, on a tee they always move along the course, without bending in the opposite direction;

  • Complex assemblies with several shaped elements must be fixed with clamps. This instruction will prevent spontaneous uncoupling of socket joints;
  • Horizontal sections assembled from plastic pipes are fixed with clamps, clips, supports or hangers every 8-10 pipe diameters. Otherwise, after 1 - 2 years of service, the pipes sag, forming areas with counter-slopes, each of which is a potential point of blockage;
  • When assembling risers, pipes are attached to each socket. A cast iron bench (horizontal sewer) is installed in the same way;

  • The connection of cast iron and plastic sewer pipes is carried out with a number of restrictions related to the difference in strength and ring stiffness. In particular, you cannot mint a plastic pipe in a cast iron socket and use a cast iron fitting or pipe to replace the section plastic riser. In the first case, the plastic will crumple, in the second, the plastic sockets will collapse over time under the weight of the cast iron.

Bypass last problem It's still possible. To do this, it is enough to ensure rigid fastening of all cast iron fittings and pipes to the main wall.

Chasing a plastic pipe into a cast iron socket is a bad idea.

Plastic with plastic

How to connect plastic sewer pipes when assembling a gravity-flow domestic sewer? For connection, both pipes and fittings are equipped with sockets with rubber O-ring seals. The pipe is inserted into the socket with some effort - and the next joint can be installed.

Unlike cast iron sockets, which require hammering, plastic sewer if necessary, it can be just as easily dismantled or disassembled for cleaning.

How to cut a plastic pipe in place with your own hands and prepare it for joining with the socket?

I do it like this:

  1. I mark the position of the cut taking into account the depth of the socket;
  2. I wrap the pipe with a piece of paper, aligning its edges, and draw a circle along the edge of the sheet. It will be exactly perpendicular to the longitudinal axis;

  1. I cut the pipe according to the markings with a grinder and an abrasive wheel. Whether it’s metal or stone, it doesn’t matter;

Exactly abrasive wheel gives perfect precise cut with a minimum number of burrs.
Circular saw, hand saw and even a diamond wheel cuts plastic much more roughly.
Abrasive cutting is not applicable only for polyethylene pipes: the polymer has a lower melting point than PVC and polypropylene and begins to flow.

  1. Using the same abrasive wheel, I remove the outer chamfer. It will greatly simplify the assembly of the socket connection;
  2. I clean it with a sharp knife inner surface from burrs.

How to assemble a socket if the pipe does not want to fit into the O-ring?

  • Make sure o-ring not twisted and placed in the annular groove in the socket along the entire circumference;

  • Apply a little liquid soap or any other lubricant to the inner surface of the bell. water based. Under no circumstances use machine oil or other fuels and lubricants for lubrication: they will cause the rubber seal to crack.

Is it possible to connect two socketless plastic pipes together? Of course. For this purpose, a sewer coupling is used - a short pipe with two sockets.

Installation is carried out in exactly the same way as in the case of docking socket pipes.

When installing horizontal sections of sewerage that are not intended to be disassembled for installation, assembly is practiced on silicone sealant.

This definitely won’t make things any worse: silicone will ensure a tight seal even if it’s not used for a long time. rubber seals will lose elasticity and leak. However, I strongly recommend that the reader refrain from skimping on sealant: cheap silicone does not adhere to smooth plastic, depriving additional sealing of any meaning.

Compensating pipe

What to do if an additional shaped element (tee, cross, revision, etc.) needs to be cut into a straight section of the pipe?

A compensating pipe equipped with an elongated socket will come to the rescue.

The insertion is done like this:

  1. A section of pipe is cut out. Preferably - near the bell. If the nearest socket is far away, a sewer coupling is put on the smooth end of the downstream pipe;
  2. The compensator is pulled all the way onto the upper pipe;
  3. The smooth end of the fitting that we want to mount is inserted into the socket of the lower pipe or coupling;
  4. The compensating pipe is lowered through the pipe into the socket of the shaped element;
  5. The neck of the latter is fixed with a clamp or clip to prevent it from moving and undocking the connection.

Plastic with cast iron

How to connect a cast iron sewer pipe to a plastic one when replacing a section of an old sewer?

  • The plastic pipe is inserted into a cast iron socket of the appropriate diameter through a rubber cuff - seal. The socket must first be cleaned of rust, deposits and remnants of the old seal (cement mortar and caulking). It wouldn’t hurt to apply silicone sealant between the bell and the cuff: the inner surface of the bell almost always has significant unevenness;

Sealing collar - adapter.

  • A cast iron pipe with a nominal diameter of 100 mm fits into the socket of a 110 mm plastic sewer after cleaning the surface from layers of paint and rust. And in this case, it is advisable to chamfer the end of the pipe (using a grinder with a metal wheel or a regular file);

The compensating pipe mentioned above also fits perfectly onto a cleaned cast iron pipe.
I have had occasion to use it to insert additional bends into a cast iron riser. A compensator with a coupling can also be used to repair a damaged cast iron socket.

  • Those who are too lazy to bother with stripping cast iron can connect a sewer pipe - plastic to cast iron - using a special adapter equipped with a wide socket and a thick sealing collar. The price of the product is about 200 rubles.

Adapter from cast iron to plastic. His distinctive feature— extended bell with a thick sealing collar.

Special case

As a separate point, I will mention the connection of the siphon elbow under the sink with the socket of the old cast-iron comb (indoor sewerage). In theory, this connection should be airtight. The gap between the socket and the elbow often leads to a persistent sewer smell in the bathroom or kitchen.

Most often, this problem occurs in winter, when snow caps form at the outlets of the risers on the roof, interfering with normal ventilation.
The draft in the riser, clogged at the top, begins to transport air along with accompanying aromas from the apartments lower down the riser to those above.

The standard sealing of the connection in most sink trim kits is beyond criticism: it is a plastic semicircular plug with a hard rubber gasket.

The situation can be saved by a cuff for a toilet with an upper tank, made in the form of two rubber cylinders of different diameters. It is pulled with the narrow side over the knee, and the wide side over the cast iron socket, after which you can forget about foreign odors in the apartment.

Pressure sewer

Usually in living conditions sewerage is made gravity-flow; however, when difficult terrain terrain or when placing plumbing fixtures in the basement, individual areas can be completed fecal pumps. How are pressure sections installed?

  • A regular free-flow pipe with mandatory fastening of all necks. The strength of the pipes and fittings is quite sufficient to withstand a pressure of 3 - 5 meters. Rigid fixation of all connections will not allow them to undock;
  • Flared pipe for adhesive joints. Solvent adhesive for PVC is applied to the outer surface of the pipe or to the inner surface of the socket, after which the parts are aligned, turned a quarter turn and fixed for a couple of minutes in a stationary position;

  • Pressure polyethylene pipe. Its diameters correspond to the diameters of free-flow sewers and make it fully compatible with plastic fittings.

Crazy hands

Finally, a couple more recipes that can help you in emergency situations.


It is a corrugated polyethylene tube with a diameter of about 100 mm with a smooth section on one side and a cuffed socket on the other. The corrugation is intended for connecting a toilet offset relative to the sewer pipe.

However, it can be used for other purposes:

  • For installing a toilet with an oblique or horizontal outlet in a Stalin-era house built with vertical outlets. In many houses built between the 30s and 50s of the last century, the sewage system is located in the toilet at floor level; to connect to the riser there is a ladder installed under the ceiling of the lower apartment;

  • To turn the toilet at a right angle to the outlet. If necessary, two corrugations can be connected in series for this purpose. I have had occasion to unfold the toilet this way in own apartment: its dimensions and installed in a cramped bathroom washing machine made using the bathroom impossible;

  • For connecting two plastic pipes at an arbitrary angle (in particular, to bypass water supply risers and other obstacles).

When installing corrugation, it is worth remembering a couple of subtleties:

  1. It shouldn't sag. I have already written about the dangers of counter-inclinations above. In the case of corrugation, the situation is aggravated by the uneven inner surface;
  2. Corrugation cannot be embedded in boxes and false walls. Its service life rarely exceeds 5 years. A typical problem with this fitting is leakage along the corrugation fold.

Socket for glue

Ordinary gravity flow PVC pipe with special requirements to the strength of the connection can be converted into an adhesive socket.

This is done like this:

  1. The end of the pipe is heated to a plastic state over gas, an electric stove or using a hair dryer;
  2. Then the pipe is slightly stretched (with hands in thick gloves or by pulling on a liter glass jar, the diameter of which approximately corresponds to a 110 mm sewer);
  3. An improvised socket is placed on a smooth pipe with silicone applied to its outer surface. The pipe should go into it about 10 cm; As a rule, it has to be reheated two or three times. Silicone acts as a lubricant and, after setting, as a sealing adhesive.

Why is such a connection better than one assembled with sealant from conventional socket pipes? The absence of a gap between the smooth section and the socket and, accordingly, exceptional fracture and tensile strength.


I hope that the solutions I described will help the dear reader in construction and repair. As always, the video in this article will provide you with additional thematic information. I would appreciate your comments and additions. Good luck, comrades!

July 18, 2016

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Sewerage is necessary element in every residential building. Planning for it usually occurs at the design stage of the building. Private house- this is a unique structure, which means that everyone decides for themselves when the structure will be erected. It is not always necessary to invite craftsmen; a number of works can be completed independently.

IN big houses There is always a bathroom and several toilets. In this situation, it is necessary to organize more than one septic tank. You can create conditions for exit waste water into the central sewer. But then you will have to pay impressive sums. The basis is pipes, so you will have to figure out how to fix them. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

Internal structure

How to connect This is the main question, because the correct operation of the entire system depends on it. When creating a scheme, the sewage needs of the living space are taken as a basis. If there are several floors, all pipes are located in one location. The fact is that this is more convenient for subsequent installation. You should not use the same projects for different houses.

It is worth understanding that it is more convenient to work with pipes made of the same material, otherwise difficulties may arise in installation and further operation. How to connect sewer pipes? The first stage is creating a diagram. This is not difficult, you can do it yourself. As a result, the pipes will lie correctly and wastewater will flow out without blockages.

Next, the required material - pipes - is calculated, and it is also worth deciding what they will be made of. The entire system has many elements that must be connected to the riser and to each other. Things to consider:

  • Where will the pipe go?
  • Where will the riser be located?
  • What plumbing installations are there?

The distances, fixing elements, all the nuances are described in detail in the diagram. All this is done at the planning stage, otherwise it will be difficult to choose the right direction. Pipes may have different diameter, which is important to consider in advance.

What you should know

  • Usually a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm comes out of the bathroom. The same is chosen for the riser.
  • In the bathroom, you can reduce the diameter of the pipe to 5 cm.
  • Any turns in the sewer are made at an angle. A position of 45 degrees is quite suitable; in another situation, blockages cannot be avoided.

Material selection

Before connecting sewer pipes, you will need to take the choice of material seriously. Most often, attention is paid to cast iron pipes or those made of PVC. There are also polypropylene ones. Cast iron option the most reliable and durable. Although craftsmen prefer PVC, because it is easy to work with and the price is low. Non-cast iron models are always placed inside the house; they are more suitable for outdoor work. But it is cast iron that has good performance characteristics and does not require an immediate change.

Operating methods

In any construction work there is a conditional division, from which it becomes clear what to choose, as well as how the system will work. The sewer system can be mixed or separate. For a private building, preference is given to the first option. Before connecting sewer pipes, it is always worth deciding what exactly will be installed.

There is also another classification based on the wastewater disposal process. These can be pressure and gravity systems. The first option requires additional financial investments, and therefore not so popular. The second type is the most common, which is why many people prefer to use gravity sewers.


It will be difficult to cope alone, it is better to find a partner, it will be faster and better. Taken polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 5 and 10 centimeters. What you need to have on hand:

  • Pipes.
  • Revisions.
  • Adapters in the form of tees and elbows.
  • Clamps for reliable fixation of the main structure.
  • Shells.
  • Adhesive composition.
  • Rubber cuffs.

The use of a sleeve is mandatory. It is used in areas where the pipe will pass through walls or partitions. A cuff is fixed at the connection points and carefully isolated using adhesive composition. To ensure that the masses move quickly through the pipes and there are no blockages, a slight slope is made.

What does this indicator depend on? As practice shows, a slope of 2% is sufficient, but this number varies depending on the selected diameter of the main structure. It is these conditions that make it possible to create a reliable sewer system. There is no need to reduce or add percentage. The pipes can be securely fixed only with the help of seals and adhesive mass.

How to connect This question is the most difficult, because it is easier to work with plastic elements; for this you do not need additional equipment. Before properly connecting sewer pipes to each other when working with polypropylene, you need to have a special soldering device on hand. You will have to use a hammer drill to make holes in the walls.

The starting point is the exhaust area where the inner and outer pipes meet. By starting this way, you can avoid violations. The exit hole is made in the foundation. If the temperature in the region drops to -15 degrees, it is worth insulating, otherwise the entire system will not work in the cold. Having made the entrance, take a sleeve, which should be 30 centimeters larger than the hole. A slope of 2% is performed, after which the element goes to the pit itself. It is important that the outlet is identical in diameter to the riser.

A suitable option for a riser is a bathroom, because the wastewater outlet will be small size. But the choice of distance to the riser depends on the diameter of the outgoing pipe. The larger it is, the closer the location.

Further, the procedure for installing the entire system will depend on the desire of the owner - outside, in boxes, in the wall. All other branches are connected to the riser using a tee. Water seals help combat odors. The revision allows it, therefore, it should appear at any turn, because these are the most problematic areas.

How to connect with plastic? This is the most difficult thing in the whole design. This often needs to be done if, for example, polypropylene was laid in the house, and a cast iron pipe has already gone to the street to the septic tank. This is difficult because there is a conflict between different materials. One thing you need to know for sure is the diameter. cast iron pipe in such a situation it should not be less than plastic. IN construction stores there are tees from different materials. You will need to fix the structure using a welding machine on one side, and a soldering iron on the other.

How to connect a toilet to a sewer pipe? If you purchase an adapter, serious problems will not occur during installation. When operating the system, problem situations usually do not arise (meaning a rush, a jam). The only thing is that it needs to be carefully sealed. After the entire structure is assembled, be sure to check the structure for leaks by running a simple clean water. How to connect Since this is a simple material and plastic, it is enough to have only a soldering iron.

External works

After you have connected the sink and shower to the sewer pipe, you will have to lead everything to the septic tank. You will have to work in the ground at the selected slope. Before choosing, you should know that the entire structure will be subject to soil load, so important indicator- this is toughness. Most often, connecting sewer pipes 110 are chosen (we’ll look at how to connect them later). Any mass quickly flows through them without creating a jam. But which septic tank is a priority? Several indicators are taken into account here:

  • How many residents are there in the house?
  • Their needs.
  • Permanent or temporary stay in housing.
  • Water requirement per person.
  • Where are they located? groundwater.
  • What kind of soil?
  • Climatic indicators.

You can make a decision yourself or get the opinion of a specialist. It is necessary to properly remove the septic tank from the house and garden. After work, they go through several stages:

  • A trench is dug for the pipes, a slope is made and a certain direction to the septic tank is made.
  • A sand cushion is made into the resulting hole.
  • They are laying the pipeline.
  • All joint points are filled with sealant.
  • The hole is being buried.

Pipe connection selection

During operation, you can select any connection method. Giving preference to PVC or polypropylene, it is easy to work with, but they make noise. How to connect sewer pipes to each other? You can do this “in the bell”. The operation is performed in several steps:

  • The socket and smooth end of the pipe are cleaned.
  • Seals must be used.
  • Grease or simple soap is applied to the end of the smooth side, after which the connection is made without a gap.

What's next?

In addition, glue is used for fixation. The use of a weld requires the use of a special apparatus. He makes a monolithic base that has a long service life, without leaks.

Using fittings

Another option is to use fittings. They are relevant if the entire sewer system is small and there are no frequent turns. How to connect a siphon to a sewer pipe? The operation is carried out using the same method. Work in this direction cannot occur without silicone seals. If the pipe bends, it must be additionally secured, otherwise it will sag, violating the angle of inclination.

When it is necessary to change the sewerage system, cast iron is often chosen because it is difficult to use for the transition modern material. What kind of work do they do? It's good when they have bells. In this case, the assembly is carried out similar to folding a nesting doll. As soon as the smooth part is inserted into the socket, a gap will appear between the elements. To remove it, use a sealant. Linen tow is suitable for this.

To prevent joints from leaking, use cement mortar, they fill the structure. It is not necessary to use just such a sealing system - there are other compositions. This includes bitumen, mastic, and sealants. Installation work will not be difficult.

Important points

When doing all the work yourself, it is worth considering some important points. What to pay attention to:

  • It is necessary to choose the right pipes (determine what material they will be made of). It is important to remember that poor-quality pipes will quickly fail and leaks will appear.
  • Create a diagram, thinking everything through carefully.
  • Avoid disposing of waste that is too large into the sewer system.
  • Think over the location of the pipes.

It is better if the entire system is planned at the beginning of construction.


The article discussed how pipes can be connected. As you can see, there are several options. Everyone chooses the best one for themselves.

All preparatory work done, you can start connecting plastic pipes.

There are two connection methods:

  • Detachable connection.

This method is divided into flange and coupling.

For a flange connection, cast iron fasteners with a rubber gasket are used. The edges of the pipe are cut evenly at the junction, then a loose flange is put on, a rubber gasket is inserted, a flange is also placed on it, and everything is bolted together.

With a coupling connection, the ends of the pipe are cut at an angle of 90◦; put on the coupling (its center should coincide with the joint of the pipes); marks are made on the pipes corresponding to the position of the coupling; the ends of the pipes and the coupling (from the inside) are treated with a special lubricant; One end of the pipe is inserted into the coupling and pushed onto the second, according to the mark.

Fittings made of corrugated pipes are also used to connect non-pressure sewer systems.

The above methods of connecting plastic pipes are characterized by low price, ease of installation and dismantling sewer system, do not require the use of expensive equipment and special tools.

  • Permanent connection.

This method is divided into socket connection, welding connection, adhesive connection, and connection using fittings.

Butt welding is carried out using special equipment. A continuous connection is formed by heating the edges of the pipes and joining them.

Electric welded couplings are also used; the edge of the pipe and the coupling are heated according to the welding parameters specified on the equipment.

Glue connection (" cold welding") is carried out using special glue.

The described methods for installing plastic pipes provide a durable, tight, reliable connection to for many years. There is one drawback - the need to purchase expensive welding equipment.

Pay attention!

No need to buy welding machine for installation of a small sewer system. In this case, it is better to choose connecting plastic pipes without welding, using shaped parts (fittings).