Mixed hyacinth flower: photo, planting and care at home. Proper care of rose mix at home Where is the best place to place the plant

A home oasis on the windowsill of an amateur gardener, as a rule, consists of plants that have been brought to our climate from the southern, warm countries and are adapted for cultivation in small containers and pots. These include Fittonia mix, the photo of which gives an idea of ​​how wonderful it looks. This herbaceous plant belongs to the Acanthus family, has about 10 species. It is perennial, low-growing, groundcover, with creeping shoots and silvery-yellow flowers. His most important decorative element- these are elliptical leaves, up to 10 cm long. They can have a variety of different colors: dark green, with dark pink veins.

Homeland of the flower - South America, namely Peru. It is very convenient to breed in a city apartment. Fittonia mix grows very quickly. Caring for a flower at home involves maintaining air humidity, watering and fertilizing. A native of the hot tropics prefers bright light, but still needs to be protected from direct rays of the sun. Even in light shade, on a north window, the plant will develop safely. In the room where it is kept, it must be at least plus 18 degrees, acceptable - from 22 to 25 ° C. In order for Fittonia mix to develop safely, caring for the flower should include avoiding sudden changes in room temperature. This may cause leaves to fall. To ensure sufficient lighting in winter period, can be used. If it is deficient, the plant will stretch and lose its decorative effect. This flower from the tropics does not like drafts. It is strictly not recommended to take the plant into the garden or onto the balcony. Dry air is also contraindicated for it, so it should not be placed near heating devices.

The Fittonia mix plant, which can be cared for at home in the same way as its counterparts from the hot tropics, has the following varieties: Perseus and Fittonia silver. In nature there are giant (up to sixty centimeters in height) and Verscharffelta (branching plant). Thanks to its decorative qualities, it adorns the windows of amateur gardeners.

Like any other plant, Fittonia mix requires feeding; caring for it at home involves adding half the dose of complex minerals to the soil in the spring and summer months. organic fertilizers. This operation is performed every ten days. Since the plant is tropical, it is necessary to monitor air humidity and carry out regular spraying. The soil, especially in winter, must be kept moist. But stagnation of water at the roots should be avoided. Flower transplantation is carried out annually in spring.

Previously this exotic plant could only be grown in special greenhouses. There the necessary microclimate was created for him in compliance with the temperature regime. Nowadays, special varieties have been bred, and now Fittonia mix survives safely at home. Home care for varieties such as “Nana” is not so strict and demanding. Plants are adapted to the conditions of a city apartment.

Hyacinth mix is ​​a mixture of flower petals of different colors, sizes and shapes belonging to the It is a perennial that allows you to admire its beauty for many years. The flower has a succulent peduncle, the height of which, depending on the variety, ranges from 15-30 cm. The flowers are bell-shaped. Hyacinths come in single and double varieties. Most of all, amateur flower growers value this flower for its variety of varieties and shapes, delicacy and brightness of colors, delicate and strong aroma.

Gerbera mix, which is not at all difficult to care for, prefers sunny places, so with additional lighting it can bloom from October to March. The ideal temperature for gerbera is considered to be 20-23°C. During the active growing season, frequent watering with water at room temperature is required. In winter, minimal watering is required. These flowers require well-drained soil to grow.

Among the diseases that can affect gerberas, the most dangerous are root collar rot and gray mold. The appearance of rot is prevented proper watering and soil drainage. Other diseases can be eliminated with the help of modern drugs.

Growing flowers such as hyacinth and gerbera at home allows you to observe their magnificent flowering in the cold season.

In many homes, decorative indoor plants can be found on window sills. Among them, the Fittonia mix flower is often found. Care and requirements this species indoor plants does not require special skills or labor.

The plant belongs to the Accanthaceae family and is native to South America. There are about 10 varieties of it in nature. grassy perennial may differ in external color, shape of leaves and stems. Leaves can take on different colors. Ranging from light green, green, pink, to bright red. Decoration indoor flower are the presence of silvery veins on the foliage.

Stems can be erect or creeping. Mature plant can reach a height of up to 50 cm with a branched and lush crown. During flowering, the plant produces an inflorescence in the form of a spike with small flowers yellow, reaching a length of up to 5 cm. Flowering begins in the spring-summer period, from May and lasts for 2 weeks, until the inflorescences dry completely.

Fittonia mix: basic requirements for cultivation

Fittonia is unpretentious plant, but still has certain requirements for care. They consist of the following steps:

  1. Provide moderate watering and irrigation daily.
  2. Provide the flower with optimal temperature regime and humidity.
  3. Choose a suitable place for the plant pot.
  4. Ventilate the flower and supply fresh air.
  5. Replant at least once every 3 years, as the pot fills with the root system.
  6. Fertilize with special fertilizers in a timely manner.
  7. When diseases and pests appear, carry out preventive measures to combat them.

Important! With proper and timely care for Fittonia, it will delight the owner for a long time with its abundant foliage and inflorescences.

Home care

Plant care consists of several stages:

  • lighting;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • humidity;
  • fertilizers;
  • soil composition.

To avoid problems when caring for a tropical flower, it is important to follow certain standards.

Soil and fertilizers for flowers

The soil for Fitonia must be nutritious and loose so that oxygen can reach its roots. Soil mixture You can buy a ready-made one, which is designed for a suitable type of plant. You can also make it yourself by mixing the following components from equal parts:

  • deciduous soil;
  • peat;
  • sand;
  • coniferous soil;
  • black soil

Be sure to provide drainage at the bottom of the pot. You can use expanded clay or small pebbles for it.

Fertilizing should be done with mineral fertilizers, with a dosage reduced by half. Start applying fertilizers with the onset of spring until the end of autumn, at least 2 times a week. IN winter time the plant does not need fertilizing.

Watering Fittonia mix

Indoor flower requires abundant watering in spring and summer. It must be watered daily as the soil dries out. It is better to use purified or settled water. With the onset of autumn, it is necessary to provide the flower with moderate watering, 2-3 times a week. In winter, water no more than once a week.

Irrigate the flower every week clean water at room temperature from a spray bottle. You can also wet clean the leaves using a soft cloth to remove dust and dirt.

Important! It is better if the soil in the pot with the plant is a little dry than waterlogged. Excessive watering can negatively affect the root system and rotting can begin.

Lighting, air humidity and optimal temperature

Fittonia prefers indoor flower high humidity indoors. To provide her with suitable wet conditions, you can organize a pool next to the flower. Pour water into a cup so that it evaporates, and also place the pot on the aquarium. It is allowed to place the pot in a cup of water, placing drainage in it so that the roots of the plant do not touch the water.

The indoor flower is a light-loving plant; it needs a bright sunlight. At the same time, it is impossible for direct rays to hit the plant. To avoid leaf burns, it is better to provide paper shade. In winter, it is important for Fittonia to provide additional lighting from artificial lamps. If there is not enough light, the plant's stems may become elongated. Pots should not be allowed to be placed near heating pipes, this will negatively affect appearance flower.

The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees in summer time. In winter, the temperature should not drop 18 degrees. Sharp jumps and temperature changes can cause the flower to die. 23 degrees is considered optimal. If it increases slightly, the plant needs to increase humidity.

Winter care

In winter, the plant should be given more attention. Care for it is necessary daily and carried out fully. It consists of the following points:

To prevent death decorative decoration at home, it is important to provide competent and timely care, especially during the winter dormancy period.

Features of Fittonia reproduction

It is better to start propagating Fittonia in spring or mid-summer. This is done in several ways:

  • layering;
  • dividing the main bush;
  • cuttings.

By dividing the bush they propagate in spring period. To do this, separate the roots into several parts, removing rotten rhizomes and lumps of earth. Select pots with a diameter larger than 2 cm for the “divisions”.

For cuttings in spring or summer, prepare a cutting 5-7 cm long so that it has at least 2-3 leaves. They are pre-soaked in a root solution and placed in containers with sand, deepened by 1 cm. For rapid growth, containers with seedlings are covered with polyethylene on top, creating a greenhouse effect. Open the bags daily to air for 5 minutes. After new shoots appear, the film must be removed.

Reproduction by layering is in a simple way. Take the lowest layer from the mother bush, remove the leaves from it and bend it to the soil, sprinkling it with a small amount. After the cuttings take root, they are separated with a sharp object and transplanted into a separate pot.

Transplantation at home

Replanting an adult Fittonia bush is done in the spring no more than every 2-3 years, as the pot is filled with rhizomes. Young plants can be replanted every year. Important terms when transplanted they are fertile and loose soil, as well as a drainage layer.

It is necessary to choose the right container. It’s better to choose a pot larger size, by 2 cm. Due to the branched root system the best option A wide and shallow container will serve.

Important! You should not select pots with large diameters, the plant may slow down its growth.

Pest and disease control

Like many indoor plants, Fittonia can be susceptible to diseases and pests. Although it is rarer, pests may appear on it. The most common and famous are:

  • scale insect;
  • spider mite

The appearance of scale insects can be seen with the naked eye. Brown plaques appear on the leaves. After their appearance, the plant begins to dry out and can lead to death. To combat, you can use a soap solution, thoroughly treating all parts of the plant. In severe cases, fungicides are used for irrigation.

Appearance spider mite occurs more often in low humidity, dry air. On inside a web is formed on the leaf. To combat this pest, it is necessary to treat the bushes with insecticides.

Diseases may appear on the flower due to improper care. They differ according to certain characteristics:

  1. Leaves curl. Occurs more often with a lack of moisture and bright lighting.
  2. Yellowing of the bush. Appears when the soil is very waterlogged.
  3. If the leaves fall off, the stem has become bare, the plant requires pruning to form a new crown.
  4. Limp stems form if the temperature drops below optimal.
  5. Fading and dull leaves appear in high and bright indoor lighting conditions.
  6. Foliage falls when there is excess moisture and dry air.

To prevent the appearance of diseases and pests, the plant requires proper and competent care. In return, it will thank its owner with abundant colorful foliage. It will also become a home decoration.

A plant that combines different signs of its kind, is marked “mix”.

There are Kalanchoemix, hibiscus mix, cactus mix and other varieties. Dracaena mix is ​​no exception. It was possible to get such a flower thanks to crossing different types dracaena.

External signs may differ significantly among representatives of the mix series. The leaves can be either wide or narrow and have longitudinal stripes. The color also varies from yellow to red-brown.

Home care

Dracaena mix can be called unpretentious plant. Special conditions not required for growing in an apartment.

Features of care after purchase

You should not replant the purchased plant in new pot on the day of purchase. Give him the opportunity to adapt to new conditions. As a rule, this takes about a week. During this period, feeding dracaena is strictly prohibited. Often a store-bought plant is planted in peat soil, so after getting used to it the plant must be replanted.


Severe darkening can affect the growth of a plant for which more suitable diffuse light or bright partial shade. From direct sun rays Dracaena mix needs to be closed. The darker the leaves, the more tolerant the plant will be in the shade.


For summer period it is better if the air temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees. Excessive increases may cause leaves to fall off. To avoid this, you need to regularly moisten the soil and spray the leaves.


High humiditybest condition for growing dracaena mix. If the air in the room is dry, in addition to regular spraying, you need to place a container of water near the pot.


Dracaena mix is ​​a moisture-loving plant that needs regular spraying and watering. The soil should always remain slightly moist.

The combination of abundant watering and low temperatures can lead to rotting of the roots and trunk.

In summer time You need to water once or twice a day, and in winter as the soil dries out, but not more than once every two weeks.

In cold times year, it is better to put the flower pot away from heating radiators. Appearance brown spots on the leaves indicates insufficient watering.

Sometimes the plant can be given summer shower. This will wash away excess dust that prevents the leaves from breathing.


Some varieties of dracaena mix can throw out flower stalks. This happens very rarely, since even under natural conditions flowers appear infrequently.

Inflorescence consists of many small flowers located on a long stem. Their color can be white, pink, bluish or yellow. Owners of blooming dracaena mix celebrate bad smell, which spreads well throughout the room.

Fertilizer (feeding)

You need to feed dracaena during watering, by mixing water and fertilizing. Excessive fertilization will lead to plant diseases. In winter, you need to feed no more than once a month, and in the hot season and during the period of active growth at least once every ten days.

Complex fertilizers for indoor plants or the Plantafor product, which is applied according to the scheme, are suitable for these purposes.


If the plant has stopped actively growing, you can transplant it into a new pot. It is recommended to do this no more than once every two years. There is a soil on sale called “Dracaena”, which is optimal for growing flowers at home. To make the soil more loose, you can add crushed brick chips.

There is a procedure for transplanting dracaena mix:

  • carefully remove the flower from the pot along with the soil;
  • It is not necessary to remove all the soil;
  • damaged roots must be cut off and the cut area sprinkled with ash;
  • We lay drainage at the bottom of the new pot (it is better to use crushed stone);
  • lower the dracaena into the pot and sprinkle it with earth;
  • Compact the soil and fill it with plenty of water.

After transshipment, there is no need to place the plant on a sunny windowsill; it is better to choose a place with diffused light.

Growing from seeds

You need to grow dracaena from seeds at the beginning of spring. Seeds purchased in a store or collected from a plant must be soaked in zircon or epin in advance. The best soil for germination is a mixture in equal proportions turf land and sand. The temperature must be at least 25 degrees. The soil is regularly sprayed.

The installation promotes rapid seed germination mini-greenhouses. The first sunrises appear after a month. Next small plant raised as an adult.


The most productive way to propagate dracaena mix is cutting off the top of a plant. Fifteen centimeters is enough to form a daughter palm tree. The shoot is placed in a glass of water diluted with several tablets activated carbon. Water can be replaced with wet sand.

You can also immediately immerse the cut part in moist soil, covering the plant with a plastic bag. In approximately two weeks, the root system will begin to grow.

Fruits and their uses

In place of dead dracaena mix flowers, small fruits are formed. They are shaped like small peas and are bright orange in color. The fruits are used exclusively for seed selection. A colorless, resin-like liquid drips from them, thick and viscous,

Diseases and pests

Dracaena mix is ​​often susceptible to diseases and pests. If preventive measures are not taken in a timely manner or treatment is not started, the plant may die.

Brown and black spots on the crown Dracaena mix indicates a fungal infection of the plant. The leaf will dry out and fall off, and behind it the disease can spread to the trunk and roots. Chemicals quickly cope with this problem, completely eliminating the source of the disease.

The indoor plant Dracaena mix can be used as a separate plant or be part of a composition. Appropriate care is the key to ensuring that dracaena for many years will decorate the interior of your home.

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To admire the beauty of the attractive hyacinth mix, it is not necessary to grow it in open ground, because the plant can take root at home. Moreover, the crop can be grown even in winter. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of planting and caring for the flower.


Hyacinth mix, the photo of which is presented in the article, is a mixture of several varieties. The beauty of such a set is that crops differing in the color and shape of the petals, as well as the height of the stem, are grown in one flower bed. Thanks to this, the site takes on a colorful, unusual look.

As a rule, the set of flowers includes the following common varieties of hyacinths:

  • pale purple “amethyst”;
  • bright pink “rosalia”;
  • dark purple "Ostara";
  • pale white “Arentin Arendsen”;
  • deep red “La Victoire”;
  • creamy “sunflower” with double buds.

As for the botanical description, hyacinth - bulbous plant family Asparagus. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the plant. This primrose blooms buds at the beginning of spring, when other plants are just waking up. In addition, the lush, colorful brushes of the flower exude a pleasant aroma. Therefore, he is a welcome guest in any flower bed. But you can grow hyacinth mix at home. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy a large pot for the plants, because they are planted in separate containers. The main thing is to provide culture comfortable conditions.

How to care

The hyacinth flower mix is ​​an unpretentious plant, but this crop still prefers open ground. To grow flowers at home, you will have to make some effort. But if desired, even a novice florist can cope with the task. The main thing is to provide proper care for the hyacinth mix at home, consisting of the following activities:

  • regular watering;
  • periodic feeding;
  • maintaining comfortable temperature and lighting;
  • care after flowering.

By adhering to the rules of cultivation, you will not only have an attractive flower garden on the windowsill, but also extend the life of hyacinths. And they will delight you with their attractive appearance longer.


Mixed hyacinth bulbs are planted in shallow pots or containers. If you grow several flowers in one container, then maintain a distance of 2 cm between them. Remember that plants should not touch the walls. This will have a bad effect on their growth.

For planting, use universal soil with neutral acidity or prepare the substrate yourself. Mix in equal parts the following components:

It is advisable to disinfect the substrate before planting. To do this, heat the mixture in the oven or steam it. This way you will kill pathogenic microbes. How hyacinths are planted:

  1. Place a 2-centimeter layer of drainage on the bottom of the container. For these purposes, use expanded clay.
  2. Cover the drainage with 2-3 cm of soil and sprinkle it with sand.
  3. Place the bulbs on the substrate and fill the voids with soil. Make sure that upper part the bulbs remained in the air.
  4. Move the pot to a dark place with a temperature of +5 to +10 °C. The basement or bottom shelf of the refrigerator will do.

Only under such conditions will hyacinth mix bulbs germinate. How to care for them during this period? Water the soil occasionally to prevent it from drying out.

Creating an “artificial” spring

When a sprout 5 cm high appears from the bulb, move the pots to a lit place with a temperature of +13...+15 °C. It is important not to “overexpose” the flower in the dark, as it will begin to form leaves, and the ripening of the buds will be delayed. But there is no need to rush into “spring”. Undeveloped bulbs rarely bloom.

The temperature change is carried out smoothly, that is, first the plant is moved for an hour, and gradually the time spent in light and heat increases. As soon as the hyacinth produces buds, move the plant to any room. But remember that the room temperature should not exceed +20...+22 °C. And also, do not keep pots in a draft or near heating appliances.

In the warm season, take the flower to the balcony. This will not harm the plant, but, on the contrary, will be beneficial.

Where to place flowers

Hyacinth loves good lighting, so it is better to grow a flower near a south or east window. In addition, in the evening and cloudy weather, it is recommended to illuminate the plant with a phytolamp. Due to lack of light, the crop sheds its leaves, stops blooming and even withers. And for normal development, he needs 15 hours of daylight.

Hyacinth does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, at noon in the summer, move the pots away from the window. In addition, do not forget to periodically turn the pot towards the light different sides.

Watering and air humidity

Hyacinth mix is ​​a moisture-loving plant. But inexperienced gardeners have problems with watering it. The fact is that you need to moisten the flower soil carefully, because if moisture gets on the leaves or stems, they will rot. For this reason, spraying the crop is strictly prohibited.

Moisten the soil better method immersing the pot in water. Then the roots will be saturated with moisture through the drainage hole, and the green part will not be damaged. But remember that stagnant moisture is detrimental to the plant, so remove excess moisture from the pan. For watering, use warm, settled water.


To prolong the flowering of hyacinth mix at home, caring for the plant should include fertilizing. Fertilize the soil 2 times a month. For these purposes, a comprehensive mineral fertilizer, or a mixture of nitrate and phosphate. Before applying fertilizer, be sure to water the soil.

Hyacinth after flowering

Hyacinth mix needs to be cared for at home even when the buds disappear. After flowering, reduce watering, but do not allow the soil to dry out. Do not forget to feed the crop until the leaves turn yellow and wither. When will this happen? Take care of the onion. To do this, dig up the plant, cut off the green part and treat it with a fungicide or potassium permanganate solution.

Dry the bulb for 2 months at a temperature of +25 °C, and then for a month transfer the crop to a place where the thermometer shows +16 °C. Unfortunately, these bulbs cannot be regrown at home. But if desired, they can be planted in the garden.

Growing hyacinth in water

To enjoy the beauty of hyacinths, you don’t have to bother with the soil, because this plant takes root well in water. Moreover, it can be grown in any container: from plastic cups to decorative vases. The main thing is to choose the size of the vessel. For hyacinths, containers with a neck that is slightly smaller than the diameter of the bulb are suitable.

Keep in mind that hyacinth flowers are quite heavy, so choose a stable container. Pay attention to the volume of the vessel; it should be enough for normal root development. So, how to grow flowers in water:

  1. Pour boiled water at room temperature into the prepared container. It is advisable to dilute it a little in liquid complex fertilizers.
  2. Place the onions on the neck so that the bottom barely touches the liquid.
  3. Place the vessels in a dark place with a temperature of +5...+10 °C.
  4. Change the water every 3 days, while monitoring the liquid level.

It takes three weeks for roots to form. As soon as this happens, move the containers to a bright room with a temperature of up to +16 °C. Make caps from old newspapers and paper and place them over the kidneys. Make sure that the “caps” cover only the sprouts, and most of the bulb is open. When the shoots get stronger and reach a height of 2-3 centimeters, remove the caps.

Caring for “water” hyacinth

The plant blooms in the third month after the start of forcing in water. All this time, monitor the cleanliness and water level. Change the fluid at the slightest cloudiness. But remember that you can only use boiled water. To prevent the bulbs from rotting, try not to “wet” them below the root circle.

Turn the vase with different sides towards the light. This will help avoid bending the hyacinth mix stem. Caring for plants in water does not require additional feeding. In order for the buds to please you with their appearance longer, create cool conditions for the flower.

The only drawback of this method is that the bulbs cannot be restored after flowering, because they will completely expend their energy on the buds. Therefore, the plants will have to be thrown away. Otherwise, the method is simple and will not cause any trouble for a novice gardener.

Problems and their solutions

Often gardeners are faced with the fact that the plant does not bloom or withers. In most cases, this is due to improper care of the crop. They will help correct the situation useful tips.

  • If the plant has stopped blooming, then most likely it is too hot. Move the pot to a cool room and the culture will produce new buds.
  • Yellowing foliage indicates that the crop is suffering due to improper watering. Drafts also lead to a similar phenomenon.
  • The buds fall off if water gets on them when watering. Moisten the soil carefully. Similar problem causes irregular watering and hot conditions.
  • The plant produces a short peduncle if it lacks light and nutrients in the soil. Place the pot in a sunny place and feed the crop, then it will recover.
  • Hyacinth buds can rot if they are moistened too often. To correct the situation, reduce watering.

By following the advice given in the article, you will definitely achieve long-lasting and beautiful flowering from the plant. Provide the culture with comfortable conditions, and it will definitely reward you with an attractive appearance and pleasant aroma.