How to grow delphinium seedlings from seeds at home. Delphinium perennial: cultivation, planting and care

Tall lush candles of blooming delphinium will become a bright accent in any garden. Creating landscape composition, you can successfully use the entire palette of their colors - white, various shades of blue, blue, purple and pink. Choosing varieties different heights, you can create multi-level compositions, where main role delphinium will play. Growing from seeds will allow you to collect a collection of different varieties in your garden.

There are both annual and perennial species and varieties of delphinium. Distinguish about forty annual species. They are more unpretentious and easier to propagate by sowing seeds in the spring in a permanent place. Plantings need to be renewed every year, although this plant reproduces quite successfully by self-seeding. The colorful inflorescences of the annual delphinium form romantic lawns in sunny areas.

Delphinium perennial has about four hundred species. There is a wide selection of varieties created by breeders. The most impressive look are hybrid varieties created by crossing various types. Their height varies from 80 cm to 2 m. Some varieties have double flowers. Let's look at some popular varieties:

  • Black Knight has a dark purple flower with a black eye;
  • Blue Jane - with a blue flower and a black eye;
  • Blue lace is a white eye in the middle of a blue flower;
  • Pink sunset - pink with a black eye;
  • Ratmir - lilac with a brown eye.

Delphinium is propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush or by seeds. It is not always possible to find seedlings of a variety suitable in color and height in garden centers if you decide to purchase a perennial delphinium for your garden. Growing from seeds allows you to grow seedlings yourself by ordering your favorite variety by mail. Online stores offer catalogs of hybrid delphinium varieties that are suitable for growing in ornamental gardens.

There are different approaches to obtaining your own delphinium seedlings from seeds. This process is difficult and painstaking, but as a result you will get a much larger amount planting material, saving a significant amount of money.

Seed preparation

Proper preparation of seeds begins from the moment they are collected. It should be carried out exclusively in dry weather, the fruits must be fully ripe. The main thing is not to miss the moment, to prevent the delphinium fruits from cracking and the seeds from spilling out. If the weather forecast is unfavorable, you can resort to collecting browned fruits and then drying them in a dry, ventilated room.

Storage conditions

For seeds various plants required different conditions storage so that their viability is preserved for a long time. Delphinium sprouts best from freshly harvested seeds., as well as those that were stored at the correct temperature. Even 200 years ago, scientists discovered that the germination of delphinium seeds, sealed in sealed jars and stored at -15 degrees Celsius, lasted up to 16 years. However, in paper packaging at room temperature this period is reduced to 11 months. Aluminum-coated packaging improves the situation.

Companies involved in the retail sale of seeds usually set the shelf life of any perennial seeds at 3 years. Therefore, pay special attention to this when purchasing. The best option is the use of personally collected seeds, sealed in glass jars and stored in a cool place. A refrigerator is good for these purposes. But, if you want to sow a new variety, you will have to use purchased seeds.


Before sowing, delphinium seeds require special treatment. Its goal is to create conditions close to natural ones. The main thing for the germination of any seeds is creating optimal humidity, temperature and air conditions. For example, the following technology for preparing delphinium seeds can be used:

Growing seedlings

Sowing is best done from the end of March to mid-April. But it is possible to do this at a later date.

Selection of capacity

Depending on the number of seeds, select a container of a suitable size. These can be pots, bowls or boxes. Ready-made cassettes are very popular, divided into cells. They happen different sizes, may have a tray and a lid, and also consist of various numbers cells. The thickness of the soil in the selected container should be about 10 cm. In a thinner layer of substrate, the seedlings turn out weak and intolerant.


You can buy ready soil for seedlings or prepare it yourself. The main thing is that it is loose, retains moisture well and allows air to pass through. You can use a mixture of black soil or peat with sand and humus. Well proven use of coconut fiber. It does not cake and gives the substrate looseness, improves moisture exchange and increases the flow of air to the roots.


After filling the container with soil, it needs to be leveled and moistened. To make the seeds clearly visible on dark soil, you can sprinkle it with a layer of river sand. This will distribute the seeds evenly, scattering them or laying them in rows. The seed density should be 2 pieces per square centimeter. You need to carefully pour 2-3 mm of substrate on top. After this, you need to water the crops very carefully again. The boxes or pots are covered with paper and lutrasil and then kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. Soil moisture should be checked regularly and water it if necessary.

After 8-10 days, friendly shoots should appear. If this does not happen within three weeks, it means something went wrong - either the seeds were spoiled or the germination technology was broken.

Watering seedlings

Good delphinium seedlings have strong, dark green stems with two cotyledons. As soon as they appear, the shelter must be removed. Watering is done from a tray so as not to nail the shoots to the ground. Over-watering should not be allowed, as this can lead to the development of diseases. that destroy plants. Overdrying the substrate can also have a detrimental effect on the condition of the seedlings.


After the plants have formed 1-2 true leaves, they need to be planted. For this, it is convenient to use peat or plastic pots with a diameter of 9 cm. They must have drainage holes. You can plant seedlings in the garden when the soil ball is completely covered with roots.


Planting in open ground delphinium grown from seeds, you need to water it thoroughly. The planting site should be well lit by the sun, with slight shading allowed at midday. Young seedlings need to be gradually accustomed to the sun. At first, shading may be necessary to avoid sunburn.

Further care should contain the following steps:

  • maintaining wet soil, especially during dry periods;
  • watering at the root to avoid the appearance of powdery mildew;
  • loosening, which is carefully carried out after watering;
  • feeding at the beginning of active growth, which occurs in April, then at the beginning of flowering and at the end of flowering;
  • old bushes are thinned out in the spring, leaving no more than 5 shoots;
  • stems of tall varieties require regular tying.

The first flowering of perennial delphinium grown from seeds occurs the very next year after sowing. This plant goes well with different neighbors. It looks most impressive next to roses. The color of the plants is selected in accordance with the classic color combination.

To create on summer cottage an original composition of bright flowers; many summer residents grow perennial delphinium. It amazes with its colors and grandeur. If you look at it from the outside, it seems that giant candles with multi-colored lights have appeared in the garden. Despite this, the plant is not difficult to grow at home. The main thing is to adhere to the basic principles of planting a flower. What is the king of the country flower bed - delphinium? Are there any specifics to growing it? The answers to these questions will help you fall in love with the unique creation of nature.

History of the name and main characteristics

Almost all names and titles have their own mysterious history. Delphinium is no exception. One of them sounds something like this.

Many centuries ago, when the mythical gods of Greece controlled every human action, a talented sculptor lived on earth. His beloved girl died tragically. To find solace, he made a statue of her out of stone, and then brought her to life. The evil gods did not like this act, and they turned the romantic into a dolphin. The girl cried bitterly on the seashore, hoping to see her lover. After a long time, a dolphin swam to her and put a pretty flower on her lap. blue. It was named delphinium as a reminder of true love.

There is an opinion that the flower got its name due to the fact that when unopened it resembled a dolphin. It is often known as larkspur or spur. An adjacent variant of the plant (annual, perennial) was combined into a group whose name is Sokirk. Some gardeners believe that the flower is named after the Greek city of Delphi, where it grows in huge quantities. Whatever the story turns out to be true, it does not detract from the splendor of the garden beauty.

Today, approximately 450 species of the majestic flower are known. The habitat extends from China to the tropics of the African continent. Unique photos delphinium help to see the flower in all its pristine beauty.

The plant belongs to the Buttercup family. The bud has quite overall dimensions. Sometimes it can reach 2 meters. The inflorescences are located along the shoot and resemble a standing candle. Available in the following shades:

Perennial and annual varieties are grown, mainly from seeds. Most Popular annual varieties have long been loved by flora connoisseurs.


The plant was bred by combining two varieties of delphinium. It turned out original flower up to 100 cm high. Sessile leaf plates have a dense cross-section. The inflorescences in the form of a huge spike grow approximately 30 cm and come in a variety of shades.

Fans of miniature plantings grow dwarf varieties that grow only 35 cm from the ground. Delicate terry buds are painted in bright colors and bloom until the first frost.


The annual delphinium flower has been cultivated since 1572. Grows up to a height of 2 meters. The buds can be simple or lushly terry. A touch of traditional character. Blooms in June. The last “lights” at the beginning of autumn.

Delphinium perennial

Scientists began breeding perennial varieties in the 19th century. As a result, a number of original species appeared:

Today, gardeners grow perennial delphinium of various types. Main feature– unique shades of buds. There are about 800 variations. Inflorescences are of a simple nature, double and semi-double. The diameter of the flowers is from 2 to 9 cm.

To create garden flower beds Breeders offer flowers of different heights - low-growing options, giants and medium-sized plants.

Depending on the area of ​​origin, the flowers of the perennial hybrid delphinium are divided into three main groups: Marfin, New Zealand and Scottish. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Marfin group of delphiniums

For example, plants of the Marfin group persistently tolerate low temperatures. They are distinguished by their unique decorative effect. Large semi-double inflorescences are decorated with contrasting spots reminiscent of the human eye. These include the following varieties:

It is almost impossible to grow flowers of the Marfin group from seeds. The main reason is that they do not preserve the varietal characteristics of the plant.

New Zealand group of delphiniums

Delphiniums, which belong to the New Zealand group, can grow up to two meters in height. They differ in double and semi-double buds. Some species have corrugated petals. Flowers are resistant to disease, are not afraid of cold, and are perfectly preserved when cut. The most common types are valued all over the world:

  • "Sweethearts"
  • "Pagan Purples"
  • "Sunny Skies"
  • "Blue Lace";
  • "Green Twist"

Their majestic beauty never goes out of style. This is the beauty of flowering plants.

Scottish group of delphiniums

Scottish delphiniums attract attention with their original super double buds of various shades, which sometimes have about 60 petals. If the plant grows up to one and a half meters, then the inflorescence occupies 80 cm total length. The perennial is unpretentious to weather conditions.

If you practice growing from seeds, delphinium retains its varietal parameters. The following popular types are known today:

  • "Sweet Sensation";
  • "Blueberry Pie";
  • "Deepest Pink";
  • "Morning Sunrise".

Truly beautiful masterpieces of creation. But are there any secrets to growing delphinium from seeds at home? Let's try to figure it out.

The main principles of growing a flower

The first thing you need to do is prepare suitable soil for planting a plant. It is best to mix in equal quantities garden soil, and humus. Add sifted sand (half of 1 part), perlite (0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil) and hold the mixture over the steam of a water bath for 60 minutes. During this time, seeds of various weeds and fungal spores will be destroyed.
Now you can put the soil into containers and start planting delphinium seeds.

In order for the flowers to germinate successfully, it is advisable to put the planting material in a gauze bag. Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate, then drop the seeds into it. Leave for 20 minutes, rinse under running water and refill with special epina liquid, which is sold in flower shops. Dry the seeds before planting.

Planting material is carefully laid out on the soil surface. If used different varieties, attach paper signs with the name and date of disembarkation.
The seeds are covered with a layer of soil of approximately 4 mm. Lightly tamp so that the grains do not float when watered with warm water.

The basic principles of how to grow delphinium from seeds imply careful care of the crops. To do this, the containers are covered first with transparent film and then with black film to speed up the growth process. The container is installed near the window, preferably right next to the glass.

Optimal temperature regime should not exceed +16 degrees, not lower than 11 degrees Celsius.

Depending on when to plant delphinium in open ground, the process of growing from seeds can be accelerated. To do this, containers with planting material are placed in the refrigerator, on the veranda or loggia. It’s not scary if the thermometer drops below 6 degrees below zero. After 14 days, the containers are again placed on the windowsill next to the glass. Thanks to such procedures, the first shoots appear after 7 or 14 days.

As soon as greenery appears in the containers, the transparent and black film must be removed.

Since the seeds of this majestic flower are very capricious, they need to be seriously prepared for sowing. Stratification of delphinium at home is done using a small roll of fabric. The material is cut into strips, moistened with water and planting material is laid out in paths. After this, the edges of the strips are bent with inside closer to the center. Then the fabric structure is rolled up and secured with soft wire.

A little liquid is poured into a small container to maintain optimal humidity. The rolls are dipped into it without touching the surface of the water and kept for several days. At the same time, they try not to block the constant access of air. As a result of this procedure, the similarity of the delphinium increases.

Secrets of breeding garden beauty

Many flora lovers prefer to decorate their area with large flowers. Some people plant peonies, others like roses. Unsurpassed ornamental plant with bright buds on erect shoots, won the hearts of true gardeners. They come with the original fringe and without it. The diameter of an individual flower can reach 10 cm. In the lower part, the shoots are covered with wide green leaves.

Growing from seeds unique flower called "Delphinium New Zealand giant" requires the following operations:

The bag must be ventilated daily to maintain maximum seed germination. Some gardeners use special sphagnum moss instead of bags, where the material swells well.

When the seeds are ready, you can use them to sow delphinium seedlings in special containers. The grains of the plant are placed in holes 3 mm deep and covered with a small layer of earth.
Can be lightly tamped. Then the container is covered with film or plastic bags are placed on it. In this form they are placed in warm place. If the house is warm, you can put it on the windowsill. After 3-4 days, the containers are placed in the refrigerator overnight. After two weeks, the first shoots appear. As soon as this happens, the film is immediately removed.

Sometimes flora lovers have a question: when to sow delphiniums as seedlings in order to successfully grow flowers. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to do this in last days March or early April. It will not be too late to grow seedlings even in May.

Seedlings that have grown three full leaves dive. But you should prepare for the procedure in advance. Loose soil is collected in disposable cups and heated to room temperature. Then, one seedling is placed in each container so that it can take root well.

To prepare the plant for growth in open ground, it must be hardened off. To do this, containers are periodically taken out to fresh air. Immediately before planting, the sprouts are fertilized with fertilizer.

There is an opinion that annual delphinium is less capricious when grown from seeds indoors. Perhaps this is true. After all, the plant differs from perennials in that it blooms much earlier. It has small buds and grows only up to a meter in height, while perennials are found in gigantic sizes.

The seeds must be fresh or stored in the refrigerator. Since flower seedlings develop rather slowly, delphinium is sown at the end of winter. Most often - in February. For this, planting material is carefully prepared by performing the necessary procedures.

Seeds are sown evenly in small containers filled with soil. To make them clearly visible, the surface of the earth is sprinkled with sand. Practice shows that sowing density has a significant impact on the development of young seedlings. The best option which gardeners recommend is to place no more than 2 seeds per 1 cm². Although it may seem too thick, don't worry. For the king, flower beds are the norm.

The video provided shows correct landing delphinium seeds. After looking at it, it won’t be difficult to grow such a magnificent flower in your garden. Often it is the delphinium that becomes the pride of a country flower bed. After all, it fits well into any suburban landscape. The fascinating process of growing a flower brings true satisfaction to devoted fans of green spaces.

This attractive representative of the flora is so beloved by gardeners that they want to find a place in the flowerbed for each new variety. Unfortunately, grown seedlings are quite expensive, so summer residents prefer to grow garden flower seedling method. This is true for both annual and perennial representatives of the genus, because the former are subsequently reproduced by self-sowing, and the latter are easy to propagate by division or cuttings. Delphinium from seeds, growing which is not a labor-intensive process, but has its own characteristics, will become the king of any flower garden.

Delphinium - species diversity

The species diversity of delphiniums is striking in its scope. The genus Delphinium includes over 450 species herbaceous plants. It is part of the Ranunculaceae family and has several synonymous names. Representatives of the genus are annual and perennial rhizomatous specimens. The greatest species diversity is concentrated in Asia and China, but some representatives live in the mountainous regions of the tropical zone of Africa.

The genus has a number of interesting synonymous names - larkspur, horned cornflower, spur, lark's foot. The plant has long been used by folk healers as a wound healing agent. The decoction was used to treat fractures, hence the name larkspur. The remaining names are, one way or another, related to the structural features of the flower.

Know! Most annual representatives belong to the adjacent genus Sokirki (Consolida).

Despite all their external beauty, representatives of the genus Delphinium are poisonous. The fruits, nectar and rhizomes contain alkaloids that are similar in action to the poison curare. Larkspur is destructive to living organisms, and several cases of livestock deaths have been recorded. You should not lose your vigilance when working with culture, and you should not get carried away with self-medication using traditional medicine recipes.

Modest wildflowers are not inferior in beauty to highly decorative varieties of modern selection. Based on height, the crop is divided into tall and short varieties. Tiny mountain inhabitants reach only 10-15 cm in height, their tall counterparts can grow up to three meters. But the main classification of larkspur includes perennial and annual plants. You will find out further how they differ from each other.

Annual spur - popular varieties

Thanks to botanical expeditions, the world learned about delphiniums in the 17th century. Annual species of larkspur (eastern and dubious) formed the basis of modern hybrids with high decorative qualities. The result of the first selection experiments was the Ajax delphinium.

Somewhat later, annuals were assigned to a separate genus - Consolid or Sokirki. Their range covers most of the European territory, Asia, the Caucasus, and the Mediterranean. Some representatives are found even in Western Siberia, where they grow in fields and roadsides, leading a weedy lifestyle. The genus Consolid consists of 50 species; only two representatives are found in culture:

  • field (sowing, royal) larkspur;
  • consolida garden (Ajaxova).

The field variety of spurs grows in Siberia, Europe, and Asia Minor. Larkspur forms bushes 1.5-2 m high and up to 1 m in diameter. The leafy mass is cut into 2-3 linear lobes. On a loose inflorescence about 30 cm long, you can simultaneously see buds, flowers and leaflet boxes; the decorative period lasts 30-45 days. Cultivated varieties are widely used for cutting and retain freshness in bouquets for up to 20 days.

Note! Field consolidum has long been used to make dry bouquets. Dried flowers do not fade even in direct sunlight, maintaining their bright cornflower blue color.

Popular varieties include Blue Cloud, Frosted Sky, and Quis Dark Blue. Height 80-100 cm. The Qis series includes cultivars with dark blue, pink, lilac, crimson, white, and pale blue corollas. Cultivated commercially for cut flowers.

Delphinium Ajax (Consolida garden) is the result of hybridization of the doubtful and eastern varieties. The annual stem reaches a height of 100 cm and is distinguished by a small number of side shoots. The leaves sit on short petioles and consist of narrow thin lobes. The diameter of flowers with a long spur reaches 5 cm. There are simple and double corollas of various shades.

The culture remains decorative from mid-summer until the onset of autumn. It differs from its field sister in having pubescent leaflets. One of the most striking hybrid forms is hyacinth. We will consider its description and cultivation features separately.

Perennial spur - groups and popular varieties

Perennial varieties of larkspur are bred on the basis of the botanical species tall, labiate and grandiflora. The selection of this wonderful representative of the flora was carried out by professionals and amateurs, so cultivars are usually combined into separate groups related by a common origin:

  • Marfinskaya;
  • Elatum;
  • Belladonna;
  • New Zealand;
  • Scottish;
  • Pacific (Pacific).

The Marfin group was the result hard work Soviet breeder N.I. Malyutin. The bushes grow up to 2 m, have strong, wind-resistant stems, and withstand frost. The pyramidal inflorescences reach a meter in length and consist of many semi-double flowers with a diameter of 6-7 cm. The color range of the group is very wide, each corolla has an eye of a contrasting shade. Main varieties: Pink Sunset, Morpheus, Lilac Spiral, Blue Lace, Lavender Obelisk, Daughter of Winter.

Attention! In Marfin hybrids, during seed reproduction, a high percentage of transmission of parental qualities is obtained.

Through the efforts of K. Foster, tall Elatum hybrids over 2 m tall, having pyramidal inflorescences of 70-80 cm each, were bred. A distinctive feature is that the corollas are only blue and light blue. Large flowers of single or semi-double shape have a middle color of white, brown or black. Flowering time falls in June-July, the second wave of bright caps appears by the beginning of autumn. Popular varieties include: Abgezang, Malvina, Perlmutterbaum, Lady Belinda, Amethyst.

The Belladonna group includes cultivars with a height of 80 cm to one and a half meters, having panicle inflorescences and heavily dissected leaf blades. The palette includes blue, purple and white tones with eyes of yellow, black and snow-white. The most popular hybrids are Capri, Mergame, Piccolo, Casa Blanca Arnold Böcklin, Lamartine.

The New Zealand group, which includes long-lasting, winter-hardy hybrids of a new generation, has gained worldwide fame. The originator is Terry Dowdeswell. Its plants have strong, shortened (80-120 cm) stems with lush foliage. Dense inflorescences consist of very large double and densely double flowers of a wide range of colors. Flower growers preferred the following varieties: Black-Eyed Angel, Sunny Skies, Green Twist, Blue Lace, Purple Passion.

Advice! New Zealand hybrids are ideal for cutting and delight with a long period of decorative effect throughout the summer.

Scottish superdouble hybrids by Tony Coakley can be found in any catalog of varieties. Each corolla of large flowers can contain up to 58 petals. The bushes are 1.1-1.3 m high, the inflorescences are powerful, dense, up to 80 cm long. The descendants completely retain the varietal characteristics of the parent pair. The color palette of the petals is varied. Popular cultivars are Depest Pink, Sweet Sensation, Moon Light, Blueberry Pie, Crystal Delight.

The Pacific Group was designed by Frank Reineld. Its hybrids are distinguished by their large growth, powerful stems and lush pyramids made up of semi-double buds. The palette includes pink, snow-white, blue, violet, blue, purple petals with a white or black center. These magnificent giants did not take root in the Russian climate, since they were bred specifically for the climatic conditions of the United States. Even Europeans prefer growing in a two-year culture. The following varieties are popular: King Arthur, Genevieve, Galahad, Blue Jay, Summer Sky, Black Knight.

Along with the listed highly decorative hybrids, their ancestors are often found in gardens - tall larkspur, labiola, grandiflora. Depending on the growing conditions and climate of the region, they have different appearances. They may be inferior in beauty to hybrids, but they do not lack the charm of wild wildflowers.

Note! The advantages of the listed varieties include unpretentiousness, durability and frost resistance.

Growing delphinium from seeds step by step

The technology for growing seedlings for annual and perennial varieties is the same; minor differences can be traced only in the timing of sowing and the subtleties of caring for the crop in the garden. Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of cultivating flower seedlings.

Preparing seeds for sowing

The seed method of propagating hybrids is considered only 80% reliable. This is due to complex mechanism inheritance of varietal characteristics.

The first rule when choosing seed material– carefully study the information on the packaging. Special attention You should pay attention to the date of collection, because manufacturers set a shelf life of 3 years; single seedlings will sprout from such seeds. Therefore, it is better to purchase seed material at specialized retail outlets or directly from breeders.

Remember that the inscription “annual” does not at all mean that next year you will have to buy seed again. Nature took care of the eastern guest, giving annual species ability to reproduce by self-seeding.

A gardener with twenty years of experience, Inna advises beginners not to chase after market innovations. They are unreasonably expensive. You should be especially careful if you are offered fantastic black hybrids; such varieties can only be dreamed of.

Larkspur seeds are equipped with a durable shell, the destruction of which will require a lot of strength for the sprout. Therefore, planting is preceded by preparation, which includes two points - disinfection and stratification. To protect the seedlings from possible infection, the seed is treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin. The grains are soaked in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. After soaking, rinse several times in clean water.

Remember! Fitosporin or other fungicide for treatment is diluted in accordance with the instructions.

Stratification helps to activate growth processes and quickly destroy the seed coat. To do this, the gardener needs to bring the germination conditions closer to natural ones. The seed material is wrapped in a damp cloth, rolling it into a roll. Then, the cut is placed in a small container and sent to the refrigerator or basement for 2 weeks, where the temperature does not rise above 5⁰C. During this time, the shell will become softer and the beginnings of roots will appear. If it is necessary to delay the time of planting, the temperature should be reduced.

Sowing time

When growing seedlings of annual and perennial species larkspurs are guided the following rules determination of sowing dates:

  1. The optimal sowing time is immediately after collecting the seeds.
  2. Pre-winter sowing is relevant for consolidation, since hybrids with prolonged freezing can lose varietal qualities and change the shade of the petals.
  3. If you bought annual seeds for the first time, you should plant them in March; more accurate information is indicated on the package.
  4. Terry and densely double hybrids take longer to open their corollas, so they need to be planted earlier - in February. It is important to provide the seedlings with the necessary level of daylight.

Note! For winter sowing it allows you to get early flowering, spring seedlings will bloom closer to autumn.

Soil and container for growing spur seedlings

The basic requirements for soil are looseness, nutrition, and lightness. The substrate environment should not be acidic. The optimal soil is obtained by mixing equal proportions of peat or black soil with humus. Add a little sand and a handful of vermiculite to the finished soil mixture.

Most gardeners agree that peat tablets are not recommended for growing delphinium seedlings. The eastern guest is capricious about the level of humidity, and peat with a lack of moisture can damage the delicate root system. Peat is also considered an acidic substrate. Coconut tablets are suitable for spurs. They are used in the same way as peat washers.

Suitable as a container for growing seedlings plastic box or special cassettes. The main thing is that their height is more than 10 cm. Otherwise, the seedlings grow frail.

Important! Make sure that the container is equipped with drainage holes to remove excess moisture.

Technology of sowing seeds for seedlings

Step-by-step instructions for sowing:

  1. Fill the selected container with the prepared substrate, compact and moisten.
  2. Spread the material evenly over the surface of the soil so that there are two seeds per square centimeter.
  3. Using a sieve, sprinkle the crops with a 2-3 mm layer of soil and water a little.
  4. Germination of seedlings occurs without access to light, so the container must be covered with black film or a piece of burlap (secure agrofibre on top).
  5. Sprouts will appear in 2 weeks; the boxes are kept in a cool place at a temperature no higher than 10⁰C. Check the humidity level periodically.

When sowing, it should be taken into account that the larkspur seed produces phytohormones that promote the germination of other grains. Therefore, gardeners recommend compacted sowing, which significantly increases germination.

When sowing under winter, they enter the garden bed in a similar way. Be sure to cover the grains with a layer of soil, otherwise the process of germination will be slowed down in the spring.

Caring for seedlings at home

As soon as the first seedlings appear, you need to remove the darkening shield and place the box on a well-lit windowsill. If cultivation is carried out at the end of winter, the plant may not have enough light, so the use of an additional illuminator is necessary.

Important! Optimal temperature for the development of spur seedlings is 15-16⁰C; when the background increases to 20⁰C, seedlings are inhibited. This fact should definitely be taken into account during cultivation at home.

For seedlings of horned cornflowers, it is customary to use watering through a tray. It should be moderate, since excess moisture often triggers the development of “black leg”. Dangerous fungal disease will destroy tiny plants in 2 days. Do not allow water jets to come into contact with the foliage. Under such pressure the bushes will fall and never rise again.

Picking of seedlings is carried out at the stage of development of 1-2 leaves. For transplantation, use individual cups or a 300 ml cassette (diameter 9 cm). They are filled with the same substrate that was used for sowing. The bushes are replanted using the transshipment method, trying not to disturb the integrity of the earthen ball around the roots. After transshipment, the seedlings are protected for several days from direct sun rays.

You can feed the seedlings after 2 weeks using the full mineral complex. The second portion of fertilizing is applied 2 weeks before planting in the flowerbed. Give preference to potassium fertilizers, they will increase the immunity of the crop. A month before transplanting to a permanent place, begin to accustom the seedlings to street conditions– take the pots out onto the balcony, gradually increasing their exposure to the fresh air.

Remember! Fertilizing with a predominant dose of nitrogen is carried out only once - after picking. It will help the bushes grow green mass faster.

When and how to plant seedlings in open ground

Delphinium seedlings are planted after the return frosts have subsided. Choose a place for your eastern guest that is protected from strong winds and midday heat. Direct sunlight will shorten the flowering time, and bright inflorescences will fade.

The site is prepared in the fall, filling with compost or humus (5 kg per sq. m). Liming is carried out if necessary. In the spring, 50 g of potassium salt and superphosphate are added to the digging. 2-3 days before planting, holes are prepared with a depth of 40-50 cm, the step between them depends on the selected variety. Large specimens will need 80-100 cm, short specimens will get along at a distance of 20-30 cm.

The hole is filled with a mixture of humus and peat in equal parts. After watering, the seedlings are removed from the cups and placed in the hole, topped up with required quantity soil, carry out abundant watering. To speed up adaptation, a transparent shelter is used.

If sowing was carried out in the fall, with the appearance of spring shoots, thinning is carried out, leaving only strong specimens. After repeated thinning, there should be at least half a meter between the bushes.

Advice! It is not advisable to replant consolid seedlings; they will suffer for a long time and may not take root at all.

Basics of caring for crops in the garden

Caring for larkspur after disembarkation includes the following items:

  1. Watering is carried out twice a week, pouring a bucket under the root of each individual warm water. Loosening and mulching are mandatory.
  2. During budding, it is necessary to apply 2-3 fertilizing, excluding a high dose of nitrogen. Nitrogen fertilizers will drive out a lot of greenery and slow down the appearance of bright flower stalks.
  3. Tall representatives must be provided with support; the wind often breaks the hollow stems.
  4. Low-growing annuals leave 6-7 peduncles, while tall annuals leave only 3-4. Regulating the number of stems will have a beneficial effect on the health and decorativeness of the flower.
  5. When the first batch of inflorescences fades, cut them off at the root. Most varieties of hybrid origin will bloom again after 5-6 weeks.
  6. Perennial species require dividing the bush and replanting every 4 years.

Spurs have weak immunity to fungi and plant viruses. Aster jaundice, fusarium, powdery mildew, mosaic, and brown spot are dangerous. For prevention, follow the watering regime and treat the planting material. Fungal diseases are treated with copper-containing preparations and fungicides. Dangerous pests include aphids, nematodes, spur mites, and orbia.

Attention! The crop pests are resistant to acaricides and systemic drugs. To combat them, use powerful modern insecticides based on prometrin and thiazone.

Preparing perennials for the dormant period

By the end of the season, the annual shoots will wither and will need to be removed from the flowerbed. perennial flower renews itself in spring from dormant rhizome buds. The underground organ tolerates harsh winters well, provided there is high snow cover. In autumn, the stems are cut at a height of 5 cm, and the holes must be covered with clay. This measure will protect the rhizome from rotting as a result of moisture penetration through the stem stumps. It is advisable to sprinkle the flowerbed with leaf litter to a height of 20 cm before the onset of frost, and add spruce branches on top. After the snow melts, be sure to remove the protection.

Description of new products with photos, features of their cultivation

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most attractive cultivars, which gardeners deservedly consider the best. Description and small features cultivations you will find below.

New Zealand giant

A striking representative of the New Zealand group is the New Zealand Giant variety series. It includes several clean, bright colors typical of large double flowers. The series includes cultivars: Azure, Lilac, Lime, Pink, Blush, Bridal Bouquet, Night, Ultraviolet, etc.

The perennial has high decorative qualities, but at the same time remains durable, frost-resistant and unpretentious. Every gardener dreams of decorating a flowerbed with such a luxurious representative of the flora. The bush reaches a height of two meters, decorated with lush caps of dense inflorescences. Each peduncle contains up to hundreds of fluffy terry buds.

Know! A special feature of New Zealand giants is that they bloom in the second year after sowing.

The decorative period occurs twice a season - at the beginning of summer and towards the end of August. Sowing activities are carried out in March with mandatory stratification in the refrigerator. When planting, keep a step between individuals of 80-100 cm. A stately handsome man needs good support; the garter is done on 2-3 sections of the stem. The increased frost resistance of the New Zealand giant allows it to be grown without winter shelter.

Black Knight

The Black Knight is one of the new breeds. The frost-resistant perennial forms dense bushes 150-180 cm high. Peduncles 80 cm long are topped with large (up to 7 cm) semi-double and double flowers. Their inky blue color with a black center will not go unnoticed in high group or when planting on the lawn.

Sowing begins in mid-spring, but even in this case, flowering occurs in the current season. It needs fertilizing with organic matter and minerals, for which it will reward with rich shades by the end of summer. Decoration lasts up to one and a half months. The Black Knight needs to be rejuvenated every 3-4 years. Overwinters without shelter, but needs support.

Note! A year after planting, the Black Knight can delight you with repeated flowering.

Crystal fountain

Another new selection of unprecedented beauty is the Crystal Fountain. Tall bushes reach 1.5-2 m in height and stand out with dense ears of huge snow-white double flowers. The plant blooms in the year of sowing after 4 months, has a long and abundant flowering, occurring due to the production of a large number of peduncles.

The crystal fountain is light-loving and demanding of moisture. It can be safely sown before winter or cultivated seedling method. The mighty giant doesn't need a garter. For the winter, it is better to cover the rhizome with spruce branches.

Hyacinth annual

Among the annual delphiniums there are very beautiful plants. The hyacinth form is sold in a mix of colors, which allows you to decorate any flower bed. This variety produces only one peduncle, hence the comparison with hyacinth. The bushes reach half a meter in height, the inflorescence along the entire length of the stem is covered with small, dense flowers of various shades. The low-growing hyacinth form looks great in any type of flower bed and is used for cutting.

Among the peculiarities of cultivation, it is worth noting the speed of development of the crop. It is sown directly in open ground in April or May, flowering occurs towards the end of summer. If you sow the mixture before winter, next season the decorative period will last all summer.

Note! Hyacinth is unpretentious! The gardener needs to feed the plant in a timely manner and monitor the level of soil moisture; the bushes will take care of regeneration on their own.


Having become acquainted with the delphinium, it is difficult not to fall in love with this unique creation of nature. Even a beginner can grow seedlings from seeds, so feel free to get down to business! Species diversity will allow you to choose a bright garden dweller to suit every taste.

I love flower beds, front gardens, gardens in the middle of summer! What doesn’t bloom there - luxurious roses, slender lilies, gladioli, cheerful phlox, graceful carnations, bright eschscholzia, curly nigella... I always admire such diversity, but the tall multi-colored candles of delphiniums are amazing in a special way. They add beauty and height to front gardens and flower beds. Hybrid varieties look especially good - like two-meter giants! So, perennial delphinium - planting and care, photos of these beauties are the subject of our conversation.

Photo of a summer flower garden with delphiniums

Types of delphiniums

Perennial delphiniums of hybrid varieties can be divided into five types.

Photo: King Arthur

Each group contains one and a half to two dozen varieties. It is not surprising that it is difficult to choose just one, “your” variety. The names alone are worth it! King Arthur, Black Eyed Angels, Sweethearts, others.

Perennial delphiniums begin to bloom in June. Flowering duration is from 2-3 weeks to one month. Tall candles of inflorescences, consisting of 50-80 flowers, begin to bloom from below.

Delphinium New Zealand giant, photo

You can look at delphinium inflorescences for a long time - some varieties have rounded flower petals, others have sharp ones, others have wide ones, and others have curlicues. There are even some that have petals in one flower different forms. Some delphinium flowers have “eyes” in the center, others do not.

Considering what was said above, it is very difficult to choose which variety to grow - you want everything at once. But, if you have a small plot, we recommend choosing no more than 2-3 varieties.

Delphinium perennial - growing from seeds

You should not think that delphiniums are easy to grow. Yes, caring for those that have already grown up will not cause any particular difficulties. But when planting, it is necessary to comply with agricultural technology.

You should start by choosing a place to plant perennial delphiniums. They like fertilized, fertile soil; they prefer loamy soil; its acidity should be close to neutral. This means that wood ash at the delphinium planting site is very desirable.

The area where delphiniums will grow should be open and ventilated, but, nevertheless, these tall plants should be protected from strong winds. Perennial delphiniums love the sun, but it is better if they are in at least light shade during the midday heat. Light shade will prevent the flowers from fading in the sun.

There is one secret to growing delphinium from seeds! The brightest colors of the flowers are obtained from the seeds of the first year of collection.

Remember that delphinium seeds lose their viability very quickly, so they must be sown in the fall immediately after ripening (October-November). Seeds are sown in open ground or seed boxes. If you were unable to do this in the fall, then the seeds must be stratified. Sowing of ripened seeds is carried out in the flower garden in rows, in seed boxes - scattered.

There are different timings for sowing seeds in open ground:

  • spring - April-May,
  • summer - June-July,
  • sub-winter - October-November.

Perhaps seed propagation of delphiniums. picking up seeds and sprouts is the most troublesome task. The seeds require stratification, that is, before planting, they must be kept moist for 2 weeks in the refrigerator at a temperature of +3-5°C. Sometimes they already begin to sprout there.

You can sow seeds for seedlings as early as late February-early March. The seedlings need additional lighting. Seedlings must be picked carefully, as they are easy to break - they are very fragile. When planting, deepen the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves.

I think you should only bother with seeds like this rare varieties when there are few seeds. Seeds are used to propagate varieties whose plants have a strongly developed tap root and do not take root well when transplanted. Plants grown from seeds in open ground are distinguished by high winter hardiness, a powerful root system and a highly developed above-ground mass.

And it is better to sow the more common, proven varieties of delphiniums in open ground before winter. In the spring, after the emergence of seedlings, plant them in a permanent place in bunches of 3-4 pieces per hole.

When propagating from seeds, a large amount of planting material is obtained, so it is recommended to carry out two thinnings, leaving the strongest and most beautiful plants. The distance between plants should be 20-30 cm. It is advisable to leave these plants at the planting site until flowering, which occurs four months later.

Reproduction of delphiniums by dividing the bush

Delphiniums also reproduce by dividing the bush, by shoots.

You can plant them in early spring if you live in middle lane or even further north, or in the fall, around September in the Kuban.

Delphiniums grow over time, so holes for planting shoots or bushes are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm. The size of the holes should be much larger than the shoots themselves (40x40x40 cm). This is necessary in order to fill them with nutritious compost mixed with organic and mineral fertilizers. The proportions are as follows: for 1-2 buckets of compost (rotted humus), 1 tablespoon with a mountain of superphosphate, the same amount of potassium fertilizers, 1 tbsp. l. no slide of potassium magnesia, glass wood ash. It is better not to apply nitrogen fertilizers when planting.

When planting a delphinium bush (shoot), the root collar of the seedling should be deepened, but not more than 2-3 cm.

Very important point caring for delphiniums - mandatory thinning of shoots. This is done in the spring after the plant sprouts reach a height of 10 cm.

But in thinning there is one interesting feature. In the second year, in the spring, strong plants are left with 3 stems, and those that are weaker are left with one. And in next years in large-flowered varieties, 3-4 shoots are left. And for varieties with small flowers – 7-10. The remaining stems are cut at the root.

Thinning allows the inflorescences not to become smaller, not to lose their fullness, and to maintain the original brightness of the flowers.

Timely watering is important for blooming delphiniums. Moreover, it is plentiful - at least 2-3 buckets of water are poured under each bush in dry weather. Water at the root; it is undesirable for water to get on the leaves, since delphiniums are easily susceptible to fungal diseases.

The ABC of agricultural technology is loosening the soil after watering or rain.

Delphiniums respond well to feeding with abundant, bright flowering.

Experts advise doing this three times a season. The first feeding - in the spring - with organic matter, the second after 1-1.5 months - with a complete mineral fertilizer such as Kemira Universal. The third time, foliar feeding is carried out during the appearance of buds - sprayed with a solution of superphosphate (50 g per 1 liter of water).

Alas, delphiniums are often affected powdery mildew, viruses. When you notice a dirty whitish coating on leaves or flowers, it is too late to take any action. Therefore, do not forget to prevent the disease during the budding period by spraying the flowers with any fungicide, for example, the drug HOM, Ridomil or the biological product Fitosporin.

By the way, there are delphiniums that are resistant to these diseases - these are varieties of the New Zealand group. When purchasing seeds, pay attention to which group these flowers belong to. By purchasing certain varieties, you will save time on treating flowers against diseases.

There is one feature of caring for delphiniums - pruning, or rather, the actions of gardeners after it.

Yes, it is recommended to cut off faded flower stalks before winter. The peculiarity is that they must be cut very close to the ground, and the stumps must be spudded and covered with soil. The fact is that the stems of these flowers are empty inside. By leaving the cut stems above the soil level, you will allow rainwater to accumulate inside the stumps, and this is a direct threat to the roots - they can rot over the winter. You won't be able to see any shoots in the spring. But don’t forget to clear the mound at the roots of the delphiniums in the spring.

After pruning, you can leave stems 20-25 cm long, but then you should cover the holes in the stem with clay and earth.

Everything that I wrote above about pruning delphiniums applies to varietal species, perennials.

Cute annuals (they are called spurs, sokirs) reproduce by self-seeding and do not require such close attention.

Delphinium annual, photo of flowers

Undoubtedly, the delphinium on the site is very beautiful and elegant. But do not forget that this plant is poisonous. Protect your hands from dripping sap when pruning.

Delphinium New Zealand Giant has a truly enormous size. It grows to a height of up to 200 cm, the flowers are large and beautiful, with a cold beauty. For this reason, this variety is popularly called “Ice Heart”. It owes its origin to botanists from New Zealand. Let's consider growing it from seeds: how and when to plant.

This beautiful plant, loving the morning sun, has become a frequent guest in our gardens. It can be buy ready-made, or you can grow it yourself from purchased seeds.

Rules for storing seeds at home

At home, the seeds are stored in sealed capsules in the freezer of the refrigerator. With this storage, the seeds will not lose their viability even after 10 years of storage.

Low quality seeds will lead to wasted labor and nothing will grow

Therefore, very often, when purchasing seeds from unknown manufacturing companies, gardeners wonder why, while doing everything according to the rules, they have seeds don't germinate. The answer is simple - they do not have fresh seeds.

If the seeds were stored at room temperature in a paper wrapper, then in less than a year most of the seeds will not germinate.

Purchase seeds at a garden center from well-known manufacturers.

When to plant New Zealand Giant

Growing Delphinium from seeds brings great pleasure to the gardener. You can plant at the end of February, when there is already spring sun at times. If it is not there, then the seedlings will have to be illuminated with special lamps.

Some gardeners focus on lunar calendar for sowing flower crops. This is easier to do knowing that the seeds sown in the second half of February.

If it is growing, then feel free to start sowing Delphinium seeds. It is important to have quality seeds.

Which container to plant in?

The container is selected 10-12 cm high and made of plastic, since a wooden one will be heavy and bulky. The main thing is that there are drainage holes at the bottom of the container to drain water.

small pot unlikely to suit such a pet

You can also sow into peat tablets or peat cups, then when growing seedlings, you will not have to pick, and when transplanting to your main place of residence in the garden, the roots will not be injured.

It should be convenient for the gardener to use this container for seedlings.

Soil preparation

Soil preparation in the garden should begin in the fall. It is dug up 30 cm deep and rotted manure and sand are added. When digging, various roots of weeds and larvae of insect pests are removed. In the spring, the place for Delphinium seedlings is dug up again and leveled so that there are no large clods of earth.

The plant prefers fertile soil.

Step-by-step disembarkation

We fill the selected container with the prepared soil. When will she be 2/3 full, the soil is watered with warm water. The entire procedure for sowing seeds occurs in stages:

  1. The seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil.
  2. We attach a tag to the container indicating which variety is sown in this particular container.
  3. Cover the seeds thin layer soil no more than 3 mm.
  4. Watering from above is carried out using a small sprayer.
  5. Then cover the container with a dark bag.

Delphinium seeds germinate best in complete darkness, but you must not miss the moment of germination to expose them to the light. Place the container together with the bag refrigerate for 14 days.

We can say that after such manipulations, the first shoots should appear in 2 weeks.

What substrate is needed

Substrate for planting seedlings can be purchased at a garden center or made yourself. To make the soil yourself, take all the ingredients in equal quantities:

  • Peat;
  • Garden soil;
  • Humus.

To disinfect this land It is best to use the freezing method. To do this, put the soil in a bag and send it to the freezer refrigerator.

The soil should be nutritious and loose.

Caring for seedlings in the first days after planting

Strong and healthy shoots have green and stay straight in your cups. Watering is carried out with boiled water and always warm.

To avoid washing the tender seeds out of the soil, use a tablespoon or a syringe without a needle.

At this stage, watering requires the most careful

When the sprout has two true leaf blades clearly visible, carry out a pick in separate 200 gr. cups filled with nutritious and loose soil.

To temperature environment It was no higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

When and how to replant in a pot

In August, take a mother plant no younger than 4 years old and separate from it the vegetative part with the root system and waiting growth buds. This entire seedling is planted in a suitable container and transferred to a cooler place.

In October, this container with the flower is lowered into the basement, and there it remains until the beginning of January. After which the container is brought into the apartment, and after a certain time foliage appears, and then a peduncle.

What is the peculiarity of growing from seeds for seedlings or for planting in a pot.

The peculiarity is that an adult division is transplanted into a pot, which will bloom in winter time, and with the help of seeds in the first summer you won’t be able to wait for flowering, or the arrow will be quite frail and you won’t be able to see all the beauty of the variety.

General facts about Delphinium

This beautiful flower shoots out a long arrow and up to 80 flowers of various shades bloom on it. There are tall varieties, and some quite low, but they are all very decorative.

Few people will question the decorative abilities of this pet.

Does Delphinium need stratification?

Stratification Delphinium seeds required and continues for 15 days. Stratification is also used with other plants. For example, as an element.


Except seed propagation there is also:

  1. Dividing the mother bush.
  2. Cuttings.

Dividing the bush

Produce every six years, since during this time it, growing in one place, begins to degenerate and therefore requires replanting. They are planted either in early spring or in early autumn, when the heat subsides.

The old bush is removed from the ground, shaken off the soil and divided into equal parts, so that they contain root system and waiting growth buds.

Each part is planted independently in a separate place prepared in advance.


Propagated in June by cutting green cuttings from an adult mother bush. The air temperature should be not less than 20 degrees Celsius.

Cuttings are planted in the shade and covered glass jar and don't forget to water. After just 20 days, the cuttings will acquire their own root system.

Diseases and pests

Due to high humidity and low amounts of sunlight, Delphinium seedlings are sometimes subject to the “black leg” disease. If detected, the affected sprout is removed, and all others are watered with Previkur.

Powdery mildew – affects adult plants at high humidity and high temperature air. Affected plants are removed and destroyed outside the site, and the rest are treated with Bordeaux mixture.

Viral mosaic– this disease cannot be cured and therefore the plant is removed along with the clod of earth in which it grew.

At the first signs of the disease, treat and save the plant.

Perennial and annual

Belladonna variety Elatum variety Lilac Spiral variety Piccolo variety Nachtvahe variety

Perennial Delphiniums are divided into into three groups:


Arnold Becklin with bright blue flowers
Piccolo flowers have blue petals
Lamartine with blue semi-double flowers
Merheim having simple white petals and the same center


Nakhtvahe with purple flowers
Perlmutrbaum having a dark center and pearlescent blue color
Abgezang flowers are cornflower blue, reaching a length of 170 cm
Bornimer Hybriden with petals in blue shades
Lady Belinda white

Domestic varieties

Pledge of Youth pale pink, with semi-double petals and a black eye
Memory of the Cranes With purple flowers and black eye, diameter – up to 8 cm
Lilac Spiral having two-color flowers up to 7 cm in diameter with lilac petals

Annual Delphiniums are represented by varieties:

  • field bush 2 m in height, blooms in loose inflorescences, flower shoot is 30 cm. Pink and blue shades predominate;
  • Delphinium of Ajax– the height of this hybrid, depending on the variety, has a different height from 25 cm to 100 cm. Among these varieties, flowers with double colors and different shades of buds are often found.
  • For wintering, it is best to cover it with leaf litter or spruce paws, and cover the cut hollow stems of flower stalks with plasticine or clay. This will help avoid rotting.

White varieties are planted in full sun as they need more light.

  • If varieties are planted interspersed, then the purity of the variety gets lost over time.

This beautiful regal flower deserves to be planted in your flower garden. Because his beautiful and fragrant candles evoke admiration from those who have ever seen them.