Modern finishing options, fashion trends for walls in the hallway with photos. Recommendations for finishing the corridor with MDF panels

The corridor is the first room visited by every person entering a house or apartment. And it is this room that greets you with home life, happiness and family. Therefore, the lining of the room has a very great value for the future interior. Decorating the corridor with MDF panels is increasingly gaining popularity, so we will consider it in detail. What are the pros and cons of MDF, what can replace the material, how to install it and care for it. We will give a full answer to all these questions in this article.

Advantages of MDF

The finely dispersed fraction (abbreviated MDF) has become popular for a reason. It has a large number of advantages that distinguish this material from others.

Considering all the positive features of these panels, you can definitely make a choice in its direction. Moreover, now in stores there is a fairly wide range of types of MDF. It can be made in any design - wood, floral print, plain, etc. The choice is up to the buyer. As for the disadvantages of the material, the only thing that can be attributed to them is that the panels are afraid of moisture and cannot be used in open rooms or on the street. They are rarely used in bathrooms and toilets.

Finishing instructions

The simplest and necessary advice for everyone - create a plan for finishing the corridor on a piece of paper, write down all the dimensions, parameters of the room and the amount of material.

If you have clearly decided that the finishing should be done exclusively using MDF, then it is worth learning how to install it correctly. Here are some nuances:

We reviewed the main stages of finishing a corridor using MDF panels. It is clear that there are no great difficulties in such a matter, but there are still small nuances. Consider this:

In conclusion, I would like to wish patience to every newcomer in such an important matter. Although this is not very difficult, everything will have to be calculated very well. Calculate exactly how much material you have and how best to cut it. Good luck!

The recording shows how to properly decorate a corridor with MDF panels.

The walls in the hallway, especially if there are small children or pets in the house, are subject to various damages and dirt much more than in other rooms. That is why finishing materials for the hallway and corridor must be chosen with special care, because this part of the house is the first thing that visiting guests see.

There are a lot of finishing materials that can be used in such cases, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic panels

Panels made from polyvinyl chloride are artificial material, which does not contain cadmium and asbestos. Due to their cellular structure, they are ideal in situations where high-quality sound insulation is required.

Among the main advantages of plastic panels are the following:

  • a huge selection of colors and patterns;
  • availability protective coating providing good resistance to sunlight;
  • Possibility of use in rooms with increased level humidity;
  • ease of care;

However, given that the material is artificial, such panels are not recommended for use in finishing residential premises.

In the manufacture of MDF panels, fine shavings and wood dust are used, which are compressed at high temperature and high blood pressure.

The panels, whose thickness reaches 16 millimeters, look like wood.

The advantages of MDF panels include:

  • reliable and strong, yet easy to cut;
  • increase heat and sound insulation;
  • on sale you can find panels with moisture-repellent and fire-resistant impregnation;
  • can be used to decorate any room, but they look best in the hallway and corridor.

In the manufacture of such panels, they use hard rocks, and wood with natural wood veneer. The main materials are: alder, cedar, oak, ash, pine, beech and maple.

After the panels are made, they are impregnated special compounds so that the material becomes resistant to moisture and fire.

  • The veneer panel includes several layers. The main layer is made of pine, the cheapest material. Then a two or three-layer veneer is glued to it, on top of which the final one (made of valuable wood) is glued.
  • The layers are bonded to each other through hot pressing.
  • Finally, the panel is thoroughly polished and then covered with varnish, paint or wax.

The most expensive panels are those made exclusively from valuable species wood, with further polishing.

Fiberboard panels

The production of wood fiber boards is carried out by hot pressing of wood fibers, which allows the production of lignin (organic binder). This completely eliminates the use of synthetic binders during production.

The advantages of fiberboard panels include:

  • possibility of use in residential premises, since fiberboard panels are an environmentally friendly material;
  • they are moisture resistant, so they can be washed as needed;
  • such panels, thanks to their appearance, are great for decorating hallways and corridors.

Variety of wall panels

To date wall panels for corridor Available in various colors, textures and sizes. In accordance with this, all panels are divided into several more types.

Tile panels

Tile panels are similar in appearance to ceramic tiles, but back side they have a tongue-and-groove fastening system. Such panels can be used for finishing as the main material or in combination with other types of finishing, creating bright and unusual compositions. They are produced in various colors, often complemented by various finishes.

In appearance, this material is very similar to the usual lining, but they are also equipped with a tongue-and-groove fastening system, which makes their installation much easier. In most cases, their height reaches from 2.5 to 6 meters, and their width reaches from 10 to 40 centimeters.

Sheet panels

Such panels are made in the form of monolithic homogeneous sheets, additionally decorated various designs. They are often used for wall decoration non-standard sizes. Home distinctive feature sheet panels is the possibility of installing them on flat wall without additional funds.

Rules for choosing wall panels for a corridor

You should choose panels to decorate your corridor based not only on your ideas of beauty, but also on the characteristics of each material. If the front side of the selected panels is covered with wax, this means that the material has good resistance to moisture. However, in the corridors high humidity is not such a common occurrence, so this characteristic can be considered optional.

MDF panels are very durable, they can significantly increase the level of heat and sound insulation in a room. If they are required for finishing a room in which the air temperature will be high, it is worth immediately noting that in such conditions the material will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

PVC corridor wall panels are excellent when the room requires additional sound insulation. They are simply a godsend if you need to implement a design solution, because their finish can be not only matte, but also glossy, cellular, with drawings and patterns. An important advantage is the ease of maintenance, because to clean the panels from dirt, you just need to wash them. Their main disadvantage is the unnaturalness of the material.


Wood comes first on the list of the most popular materials for wall decoration. The appearance of such panels can make the atmosphere in the house more comfortable, but the material is one of the most expensive.

Chipboard and fibreboard

Home positive feature This material is due to its low cost. Perfect for those cases where a simple finish without frills is enough. The downside is considered to be low strength.


Cork panels are a natural, durable and lightweight material that significantly increases the heat and sound insulation properties of a room. Thanks to their cellular structure, they can become a real decoration of any corridor or hallway.

Decorating the corridor with wall panels with your own hands

Methods of fastening wall panels depend on the material they are made of and the quality of the walls:

  • Due to their light weight, MDF and fiberboard panels can be mounted directly on the wall using glue (but only if the wall is perfectly flat). The glue is applied in a zigzag pattern to the entire surface of the panel, after which it is carefully pressed against the wall. The glue must be elastic and not interfere with the thermal expansion of the panel.
  • As a complementary method to mechanical fastening you can use gluing the panel to the sheathing. This method is not suitable as the main one, since it is not very reliable.
  • One of the most reliable methods of attaching a panel to a sheathing is using self-tapping screws. At the same time this method can only be used in rooms where there are no sudden temperature changes and high humidity. The reason is that self-tapping screws prevent the panels from expanding as temperature and humidity rise, which entails deformation of the material.
  • Another, no less popular method is to fasten the panels to the sheathing using clamps. In this case, the panels are not at risk of deformation, so this installation method can be used for any room.

Before starting finishing work, it is necessary to accurately calculate the required amount of finishing material. In order for the store to help you decide on the right quantity, the sales consultant just needs to tell you the height and length of the walls.

A creative approach to a fascinating but serious repair procedure is welcome. But for this you need to arm yourself with the appropriate knowledge and experience. As they say wise people: only a fool learns from his mistakes

x, and the smart one uses other people's experience. Tips and tricks experienced craftsmen always useful, especially if the conversation goes about the walls in the hallway, finishing options, photos. Listening wise advice, you can reduce costs and organize the process competently.

3D panels in the design of hallway walls

In terms of traffic level, the hallway is not inferior to either the kitchen or the toilet. Remember this when preparing for repairs. The material for the walls in the hallway must meet the following requirements:

On the market building materials The range of finishing products is huge. It's difficult to choose anything specific. Don't be upset about this, there is always a way out. For example, a successful combination of textures looks quite interesting and provides rich food for design minds.

Clue! Possibility of modification is the main selection criterion. The walls in the hallway are regularly exposed to external influences. Therefore, in case of serious damage to the plane, it is better and cheaper to repair it than to replace it.

There are a lot of alternative variations for decorating the walls in the hallway. In order for the finishing to be of high quality and look beautiful, it is recommended to look at the photographs and choose yours, original way. Before choosing one or another coating, it is worth considering individual characteristics premises, microclimate, financial capabilities, general style interior It is not advisable to use delicate types of coatings, as the surface will quickly lose its presentable appearance.

Before choosing one or another coating, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the room, microclimate, financial capabilities, and general interior style.

What kind of wall decoration you want in the hallway is a matter of personal preference. But in order not to make a mistake, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with each type of finish separately.

Clue! Before we start finishing works, the surface of the walls must be carefully prepared, taking a responsible approach to each stage.

Decorative plaster - practicality and convenience

A popular finishing option allows you to get a certain relief, color or pattern. A variety of texture fillers makes it possible to advantageously present color scheme, for example, marbled, or an unusual relief pattern. The advantages of the material are obvious:

The possibilities of this type of coating are truly endless. Thanks to the granularity of the plaster, you can achieve a beautiful effect to suit any design plan. But the material should only be applied perfectly flat surface. Otherwise, the wall will not look beautiful; every defect of the previous stage of repair will be revealed.

Clue! WITH decorative plaster not as easy to work as it might seem. Only an experienced professional can complete the finishing efficiently and without errors.

Thanks to the granularity of the plaster, you can achieve a beautiful effect to suit any design plan.

Paint - simplicity and accessibility

Even an inexperienced person can paint a room. Special ones are sold for this type of work. decorative compositions, which are easy to apply and stick well. They are divided into categories:

The budget finishing option, in addition to obvious advantages, has some disadvantages.

Clue! Ventilate the room frequently while working and protect the freshly painted object from damage.

Even an inexperienced person can paint a room

Wallpaper - classic option

Adherents of the classics like wallpaper the most. This is understandable, because with such a variety of patterns, textures, color solutions, does not have any type of finish. Moreover, various types wallpapers combine perfectly with each other. This makes it possible to embody the most daring ideas, decorating not only the walls, but also the ceiling.
Wallpaper hides surface defects well, is resistant to wear and is easy to clean. The modern assortment is amazing. Wallpapers are:

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • liquid;
  • cork;
  • photo wallpaper;
  • paper;
  • glass wallpaper.

The latter type, according to experts, is unsuitable for hallway walls.

Clue! If cats or dogs live in the apartment, then it is better not to use wallpaper. Animals can tear them apart and ruin all the work; it will not be possible to restore what is damaged.

Wallpaper hides surface defects well, is resistant to wear and is easy to clean

Wall panels - strength and durability

The composite is ideal for finishing walls in the hallway and hallway. The benefits of coating are difficult to underestimate:

Price for this type finishing depends on the materials used for production:

Wall panels are produced in the form of slats, slabs and sheets. On sale, the product is accompanied by a molding, with the help of which the seams and joints of the parts are hidden.

Clue! The panels are not afraid of dampness, are resistant to mechanical damage and are very durable, because the warranty period is 15 years. The panels can be placed on the wall in different ways: vertically, horizontally, at an angle.

Wall panels are produced in the form of slats, slabs and sheets

Laminate - simplicity and reliability

An analogue to the previous option is laminate. In terms of performance, it is not inferior to competing finishing materials. Main advantages:

There is also no need to prepare the walls for laminate.

Clue! Laminate cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. IN damp areas the material is deformed, defects cannot be eliminated.

Decorative stone - environmental friendliness and luxury

Decorating walls with stone is an expensive pleasure. Decor is used in combination with other types of finishing materials. Artificial stone is quite durable, not much different from natural stone. One can talk endlessly about its aesthetic merits. A hallway decorated with stone looks amazing. The production is based on gypsum, so stone is considered an environmentally friendly material.

The entrance hall decorated with stone looks amazing

Gets off with a stone bottom part walls in the hallway. This place is most susceptible to wear and tear: household members touch with shoes, large items, such as a bicycle or stroller, leave scratches everywhere. A stone wall will serve you for a long time and faithfully. In addition, if desired, it can be painted; the relief surface will retain its attractive appearance. Repairing or replacing the damaged area is also not difficult.

Clue! To finish a wall with stone, you need a smooth and smooth surface, otherwise, it is extremely difficult to connect the elements. The wall will be uneven, with steps on the surface.

Tiles - moisture resistance and savings

An old and time-tested finishing method. Ceramic tiles have the following advantages:

High performance qualities will allow you not to think about repairs in the hallway for many years. In rooms where there is regularly high humidity and sudden temperature changes, tiles are irreplaceable. The tile washes well, the pattern does not rub off, plus: glossy surface visually increases the space.

Clue! Tiles are difficult to combine with other types of finishing materials. Treats the material as decorative coating walls, should be done very delicately.

An old and time-tested finishing method.

Frescoes - grace and originality

Those who prefer unique finishes will love the frescoed hallway. The architectural painting on the wall looks truly rich and original. Such a hallway will become the secret envy of friends and acquaintances. Walls with frescoes clearly emphasize the non-standard thinking and refined taste of the owner of the house. Elegance, the transition from stereotypes to creativity, quality - these are just some of the aesthetic advantages.
Disadvantages of this finishing material:

  • high cost;
  • difficulty of execution.

Frescoes have several types of bases:

  • non-woven;
  • synthetic;
  • interspersed with plaster or marble chips.

The effect of antiquity is achieved through a cracked pattern and textured chips. The desire to decorate the walls with frescoes is an expression of a romantic mood and creative nature.

Clue! Making frescoes yourself is quite difficult; special technology. But even an inexperienced home craftsman can decorate the walls with ready-made frescoes.


Choosing a wall covering in the hallway is not difficult. It's a matter of taste. And, taking into account the nuances: housing microclimate, humidity levels, quality of finishing materials, you can profitably reduce time and financial costs. The ability to combine, design and imagine will be useful in any situation. Dare and experiment!

Options for wall decoration in the hallway

Walls in the hallway 47 photos of finishing options:

If the theater begins with a coat rack, then the apartment begins with the hallway, because it is by its design that guests form their first impression of the entire home. Unfortunately, even the most best repair Over time, it loses its attractiveness and requires updating. If such a moment has come and you are thinking about updating the interior of the hallway, pay attention to the new finishing material– wall panels for the corridor.

Corridor wall panels

Variety of wall panels

Manufacturers of wall panels have taken care to satisfy the tastes of their customers. This finishing material is available in different textures, design solutions, sizes and colors. Depending on technical properties and characteristics, wall panels are classified into several subtypes:

  • tile panels

In shape, these panels resemble standard ceramic tiles, but on the reverse side they have a tongue-and-groove fastening system. Panels of this type can be used as a single material to decorate the walls in the corridor, or you can combine them with other finishes, creating an interesting design composition. Tile panels are available in various colors and are often decorated with additional finishing.

Panels for walls in the corridor

  • slatted panels

The appearance of this material resembles “lining”. There is also a tongue-and-groove system on the back of the panels, which greatly simplifies the installation process. As a rule, the height of the slatted panels ranges from 2.5 to 6 meters, and the width of the products can vary from 10-40cm.

Wall panels for corridor photo

  • sheet panels

Panels of this type are monolithic homogeneous sheets, which can additionally be decorated with patterns and designs. This finishing material is ideal for decorating walls of non-standard sizes. Besides, distinctive feature sheet panels is that with a flat wall they can be mounted without the use of additional means.

Corridor Wall Panels

Rules for choosing wall panels for a corridor

The main criterion that you need to familiarize yourself with before choosing wall panels is the properties and features of their materials. Modern wall panels are most often made of MDF, plastic, natural wood, chipboard, fiberboard, cork, mineral wool and polystyrene with mirror filling.

To decorate the corridor, you can use any type of panels, but please note that if the front side of the finish is additionally covered with a layer of wax or laminate, then they belong to the class of moisture-resistant finishing materials. Since high humidity is rarely observed in corridors, there is no need to make special requirements for their moisture resistance.

Each material used to make panels differs not only in its design, but also in its technical characteristics.


For example, MDF panels are highly durable. This material can improve the sound and heat insulation properties of a room. However, when choosing MDF panels for finishing a corridor, keep in mind that if they are used in high temperature conditions, the material may expand, losing its attractive appearance.

Corridor decoration wall panels


Plastic panels also improve the sound insulation of the room. Finishes made from this material are attractive for their design variety: they can be glossy, matte or cellular. In addition, drawings and patterns are often applied to them. Plastic panels in the hallway are also good because they are very easy to care for. Since the material is not afraid of moisture, it is enough to simply wash it to remove dirt. The only disadvantage of plastic panels is that they are a completely unnatural material.


Wood panels are perhaps the leaders in the list of the most attractive finishing materials. Wall panels made of natural wood enhance the interior of the corridor, giving it a solid and rich look. However, this material requires some design unity, in addition, natural wood has a high cost.

Panels in the corridor photo

Chipboard and fibreboard

Panels made from chipboard and fibreboard, on the contrary, are attractive due to their affordable price. This material is ideal in cases where the most simple and unobtrusive design is required. However, please note that chipboard materials and fiberboard are not durable.

Corridor Wall Panels


Cork panels have all the characteristics necessary for comfortable use. This material is durable, natural, lightweight, it increases the heat and sound insulation of the room. In addition, cork wall panels are different stylish design. Their cellular structure can decorate any interior, especially a hallway or corridor.

Mineral wool

Panels from mineral wool, as a rule, are used in those rooms where it is necessary to create certain acoustic conditions or on the outside of the building (sandwich panels). However, if this material is treated with an additional coating, it can be used to decorate the walls of an ordinary hallway.

Mirror polystyrene

Mirror polystyrene panels are attractive with their design. For their production, a film that imitates a mirror coating is used. As a rule, panels of this type are best used as additional finishing material. In addition, polystyrene has good flexibility. Wall panels made from it are ideal for decorating walls of non-standard shapes, niches, ledges, columns, etc.

How wall panels are mounted

Wall panels can be mounted in two ways: using glue or using additional sheathing. Glue can only be used if the walls in the corridor do not need to be leveled. If it is necessary to decorate uneven walls, the panels should be mounted on the sheathing. At the same time, if you want to reuse the panels in another room, mount them not only on the sheathing, but also on wooden or plastic clamps.

Corridor wall panels allow you to radically change the interior of a room with a relatively easy installation process. A good properties This finishing material ensures comfortable and durable use.

Feb 9, 2016 Sergey

Returning home, the first person who greets us in the apartment is the hallway. She is the first to experience the pollution we bring from the street. Small children and pets also show their special interest in this room, often leaving behind accidental damage. Our guests, when they come to us, form their idea of ​​the image of the entire home based on the appearance of the hallway.

Today, you can find many types of materials on sale for wall cladding. However, the creative idea for decorating the walls in the hallway or corridor should be dictated not only by aesthetics, but also based, first of all, on the practicality of the choice.

The entrance hall in terms of attendance by residents competes with the kitchen and hygiene room in the apartment. Therefore, to the selection optimal material its walls must be approached responsibly. The wall covering must meet the following characteristics:

  • low wear rate;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • safety for human and animal health;
  • ease of cleaning from dirt and eliminating defects;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Despite the wide range of coatings for wall cladding on the market today, it is difficult to find one material that does everything at the same time. given conditions, it will be very difficult. Solving the problem will help by selecting several materials with different textures, which will provide a competent combination or, if necessary, repair damage, will serve as decorative elements for each other.

More aesthetic and visually attractive material can be used to decorate top part walls, and veneer the lower one in a more practical way. Cleverly selected combined option finishing can not only look modern, but also place its own accents in the hallway area.

Types of modern materials for cladding hallway walls

Considering that the surface of the walls in the hallway is often exposed to all kinds of contamination, it is better to avoid using materials with a front layer that requires delicate and careful handling.

Less capricious to periodic cleaning are surfaces decorated with:

  • painting method;
  • certain types of wallpaper;
  • cork covering;
  • artificial stone with imitation of natural materials;
  • bamboo;
  • PVC panels;
  • clapboard or panels made of wood or MDF;
  • ceramic tiles - frescoes.

Painting the walls in the hallway

Painted walls- it's simple and economical option. All you need is to choose a suitable color scheme at a building materials store, ready-made or mixed from several colors.

The texture of painted walls directly depends on the style of the room. Some options require the rigor of perfectly smooth walls well prepared for painting. In others, with the help of painting, it is possible to emphasize noticeable roughness and defects, as well as give the walls the effect of an aged surface.

Painting walls requires no experience. And the exact calculation required quantity paint will significantly save financial costs on repairs.

The disadvantages of this method are:

  • specific smell;
  • possible allergic reactions arising from inhalation of vapors during painting;
  • the need to wait for the decorative layer to dry completely.

Wall cladding with decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is- This modern material, capable of giving the hallway walls an original relief texture and successfully emphasizing it with a well-chosen shade.

This material allows you to both give the hallway austerity and restraint of one color, and realize the most ambitious designs of designers, right up to the creation of highly artistic prints.

Decorative plaster meets many criteria for choosing a material for a hallway. However, due to the complexity of working with this material, finishing walls with it can only be done by an experienced specialist.

Wall decoration with wallpaper

Wallpapered walls– a classic option familiar to many.

Of the variety of types available for sale, wallpaper is most suitable for the criteria for choosing a finish for the hallway:

  • non-woven, since they not only have many textures, shades and prints, but can also be used for painting;
  • vinyl with silk-screen effect on a non-woven basis (if not special requirements to the environmental friendliness of the premises);
  • , since they allow you to create unique design hallway;
  • glass wallpaper, because they are not afraid of repeated repainting.;
  • photo wallpaper with 3D or HD effect, as they visually deepen the cramped space of the hallway, giving it additional volume.

Modern types of wallpaper, due to their embossed texture, perfectly mask defects and damage to walls, are easy to clean and even washable. However, due to their insufficient resistance to mechanical damage, it is better to leave them as the dominant coating in the upper part of the hallway walls, combining them with more durable options.

Decorating the hallway walls with cork

Cork is a modern finishing material entirely of natural origin.

In addition to the fact that cork covers all the requirements for materials for decorating hallway walls, it:

  • perfectly repels water and is resistant to humidity of 100%;
  • has high noise insulation characteristics;
  • provides temperature stability in the room;
  • does not absorb odors;
  • repels dust and grease;
  • combines perfectly with other types of finishing materials;
  • It is light in weight, which greatly simplifies the work on wall cladding.

Therefore belonging of this material to the high price category is completely justified.

The convenience of decorating a hallway with a cork covering is also explained by the presence of varieties of release forms:

  • panels square shape side 30 or 60 cm;
  • rolls with working width 50 cm;
  • paper-based wallpaper;
  • laminated panels based on plywood or MDF with a tongue-and-groove lock, characterized by ease of installation;
  • a liquid composition of cork chips with an acrylic substance as a binder, having natural or colored tones.

Depending on the application method, this option allows you to achieve a smooth or embossed texture of the walls.

Surface layer cork covering made of chips or veneer. The aesthetics of the outer surface of cork coverings used for decorative finishing walls, adds a layer of wax. When covering walls, the joints of cork coverings remain invisible. The average lifespan of cork is about 20 years.

Wall cladding with artificial stone

Artificial stone is in trend today. This material has several varieties, located in different price categories:

  1. gypsum or cement– the most environmentally friendly and at the same time relatively inexpensive option;
  2. acrylic– on a natural basis in combination with marble or granite chips and acrylic resin as a binder. Characterized by high wear resistance;
  3. quartz– consisting predominantly of quartz chips with a binder polyester resins. It is most resistant to mechanical damage, does not absorb dirt and dyes, and is easy to clean.

Thanks to the wide imagination of production designers, artificial stone is produced with a wide variety of reliefs and colors. The hallways and corridors lined with it have an original look. Artificial stone can be used to “lay” both the entire surface of the wall and its individual sections, shifting the accents towards the doorway, into the most vulnerable lower zone, vertically, diagonally or chaotically.

In terms of strength characteristics, such a material is almost indistinguishable from natural stone. If it is necessary to repair a section of a wall decorated with artificial stone, you can easily remove the element with a visible defect and replace it with a new one.

Bamboo wall decoration

Walls decorated with bamboo give the hallway an elite, respectable image. The naturalness of this coating enhances the natural atmosphere of the room in eco-style.

Solid bamboo trunks of the same or different thicknesses are combined into a covering produced in the form of panels or roll wallpaper. They have a plain or natural variegated pattern and are perfectly combined both with each other and with other materials that imitate natural elements.

The bamboo coating is highly durable and is not damaged by external influences. Bamboo walls are cleaned using a vacuum cleaner.

Cladding with PVC wall panels

PVC panels- an inexpensive, durable and at the same time aesthetic option for cladding hallway walls. Available in slatted, sheet or slab forms, this type of finish perfectly masks the curvature of wall geometry and all kinds of surface defects, as well as hide electrical cables.

For hallways, panels are most often chosen with an image of an ornament under the panel or imitating stonework, loose sand or wood. Joining with other types of finishes can be done using moldings. The front surface of the panels is durable and wear-resistant. She is not afraid even of the sharp claws of domestic animals. Easy to keep clean with periodic wet cleaning.

Decorating the hallway walls with wood

Decorating walls with wood is a centuries-old tradition. A comfortable temperature is always maintained in such a room. For cladding the walls of the hallway, you can use natural lining made from coniferous and hardwood or solid wood and MDF panels.

Natural lining. For decorating the interior of a hallway in the “country”, “Russian hut” or “ French Provence» lining of classes “Extra”, “A” or “B” is suitable. The effect of visually increasing the size of the room in the desired direction is achieved by vertical or horizontal laying of the lining.

Solid wood panels. This type of finish, used in different styles, gives the room aristocracy and nobility. Belongs to the category of elite types of finishing. Solid wood panels are usually located at the bottom of the hallway wall, combined with other types of finishes. Continuous cladding is less common; only owners of respectable mansions with spacious hallways can afford it.

MDF panels. Face with a pattern imitating solid wood and covered protective layer, is not inferior in strength and durability to solid wood panels. However, this finishing option is less expensive financially.

The disadvantage of this type of finish is flammability and instability when exposed to pets.

Wall decoration with ceramic tiles

Such a time-tested option for decorating walls as ceramic tile cladding today, thanks to modern forms, sizes and, of course, colors and prints, makes this material one of the most fashionable details of the hallway interior.

Ceramics have high strength characteristics and moisture resistance of tiles and reliably protect walls from various damages. And the glossy surface of the tile makes it an additional source of lighting in the hallway. However, approaching the combination ceramic tiles other wall cladding options should be handled delicately.

Decorating the hallway with a fresco

The fresco belongs to the category of elite finishes, therefore it is very expensive. Modern frescoes decorate the hallway walls with images to suit every taste and create a rich image.

The originality of the room is given by: painting by wet plaster — you can do such a coating yourself only if you have the skills of an artist; finished frescoes on non-woven or synthetic base– applied to walls like photo wallpaper. Due to the inclusions contained in the fresco, it can give the surface the texture of an aged wall, velor, silk, or plaster.

WITH in modern ways wall decoration is easy to implement design ideas for the hallway even when inquisitive kids and active pets live in the apartment. What materials and combinations to choose to make the hallway look stylish and fashionable depends on the individual preferences, imagination and financial capabilities of the buyer.