How to paint the ceiling yourself: stylish decor ideas and recommendations for applying patterns (100 photos). How to paint walls and ceilings with oil paint? The ceiling is painted with oil paint

During the renovation of various buildings, before plastering walls and ceilings, they must be carefully prepared for this type of work.

This preparation depends on the level of the previous cladding and the top layer of coating. In this regard, the question often arises: is it possible to plaster walls and ceilings using paint?

To answer this, you need to find out a few important points touching the painted surface.

Examination of a painted surface

The water-based emulsion has a porous structure, which makes it easier to apply the plaster.

Before you start plastering a previously painted surface, you need to determine the composition of the old paint.

The following options are possible:

  1. Water-based paint. It is easy to work with because it has a porous structure. The plaster can be applied without preliminary preparation surface, but upon contact with the paint it begins to peel off.
  2. Oil paint. Previously, it was used to save on decorative finishing in old-style houses and public buildings. Forms a dense film on the wall surface. The leveling mixture does not stick.

Preparatory work

Before plastering, inspect the wall and repair all defects

The standard plan of action for a previously painted wall is as follows:

Methods for cleaning surfaces from paint

Remove oil paints thoroughly

To remove water-based paint, the most common procedure is simple - moisten it with a sponge, soft cloth or spray, leave for 15-20 minutes, then remove the paint layer with a spatula, wipe with a damp cloth and allow to dry completely.

Building surfaces, walls and ceilings previously painted with lime, glue or casein paint are completely cleaned of stains, washed with water and dried well. This is especially true if you plan to cover them with wallpaper later.

Oil paints and compounds must be removed carefully, since traces of drying oil greatly interfere with the application of plaster.

A construction hair dryer softens the paint, which is then easier to peel off

There are three ways to remove oil paint:

  1. Chemical method. Special compounds that soften the enamel layer are used. They are very toxic and should not be used in indoors. Then the softened layer is easily removed with a spatula.
  2. Thermal method. This method takes advantage of the fact that paint coating becomes soft when heated. Used to heat up paint construction hair dryer, and then also cleaned with a spatula.
  3. Mechanical method. To remove paint from all surfaces, use a metal brush mounted on grinder or simply scrape off the paint with a spatula. This is a very dusty and labor-intensive job, so often the paint is stripped only where it comes off, and the remaining areas of the walls are treated with a primer.

The advantage of the described technique is that it is universal. The plaster will be of high quality and long-lasting, regardless of what composition may have been used to paint the wall or ceiling before the renovation and what condition it was in.

The disadvantage, of course, is the labor intensity and large amount of work. To remove the decorative layer, you will have to put in a lot of effort, especially for old surface painted oil paint.

Applying plaster to paint

In almost all instructions for finishing building materials Before applying them to the surface, it is required to remove the old plaster.

If you ignore this advice, then new decorative finishing will quickly disappear after repair. If the old layer of plaster does not stick well to the wall, it can be easily removed with a spatula. - read in another article

Once the surface coating is well preserved, it is difficult to remove. In such situations, the most experienced professionals do not know what to do correctly. It is sometimes possible to deviate from universal methodology and apply a layer of plaster over the paint.

It is easier to lay plaster on rough walls

Most often this is done when finishing walls painted with water-based paint. When there is no desire to clean the paint on large area, you can also apply plaster over the paint.

  1. Check the condition of the surface. Remains of the old layer that peel off must be removed. Otherwise, after leveling, the new plaster will quickly disappear.
  2. Adhesion begins to increase. First, using fairly coarse sandpaper (no. 60 or no. 80), clean the surfaces that have been painted. They are trying to remove dirt from the wall along with the top layer of paint.
  3. If the kitchen is being plastered, simultaneously with cleaning, degrease the surfaces with solvents to get rid of greasy stains, preventing the plaster from adhering to the wall.
  4. After sanding is completed, dents are made into the surface using an old ax. This can be done with a chisel or chisel. The depth of the cuts should exceed the thickness of the future decorative layer. It is considered optimal to have about 100 notches per 1 m2.
  5. The walls are cleaned of dust and dried.
  6. After completing the preparatory work, the walls are primed and leveled - a layer of plaster is applied.
  7. Gives the walls a rough appearance. If the walls are rough, then the plaster will adhere smoothly and firmly to the paint. The easiest way to solve this problem is to apply .
  8. The mixture is applied to the treated wall with a roller or brush. Care is taken to ensure that the compound penetrates into the recesses without fail.
  9. After the primer layer has completely dried, it is installed on the wall plane. plaster mesh. To learn how to prepare walls, watch this video:

If you plan to apply a leveling layer of more than 10 mm, then you must use it.

Plastering process

It is convenient to level the plaster layer using a rule or trowels.

In the most difficult situations carried out using a special composition based on chalk, varnish and wood glue.

Table - Component ratio

Beacons are used for severe defects and differences

If the surface to be treated is too uneven, it is plastered as follows:

  1. If it is necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster, use a lighthouse profile. Beacons are installed vertically in one plane.
  2. Prepare a plaster solution. Depending on the condition of the room, its composition differs. If the building or room is dry, use a lime-gypsum solution. In other situations they plaster with cement.
  3. Perform plastering. The composition is applied using a scoop (or ladle), then leveled along the beacons using construction rules.
  4. Align the corners. This operation is performed after achieving the required coating thickness. To do this, use an angled spatula.
  5. Allow the layer of plaster to dry completely. If necessary, adjust it.
  6. After achieving the ideal appearance of the surface, further finishing is carried out. For more information about the process, watch this video:

In this way, you can plaster walls and ceilings without cleaning old paint. But this is acceptable if it is mechanically impossible to remove the old layer.

It is difficult to plaster a painted wall in compliance with all requirements, but it is quite possible. If you follow all the recommendations exactly and put a lot of effort into preparatory stage, then the result of the work will be ideal.

Thus, there is no clear answer to the question about the possibility of applying plaster to paint. All masters react to it in their own way and are proponents of different methods.

Both options are considered. Well, you will have to choose which action plan to follow on your own, taking into account the specific situation.

Nowadays there are many modern materials for decoration, both for walls and ceilings. Today one of the most available types Ceiling finishing is painting with water-based paint. Manufacturers of this material offer a very wide range of paints that will help paint the ceiling high quality.

Tools and materials for preparing and painting the ceiling

  1. Roller for painting
  2. Primer roller (you can use a regular sprayer)
  3. Spatula
  4. Sandpaper or a mesh for mashing
  5. Tray for rolling out paint
  6. Masking tape (construction tape)
  7. Drill with mixer attachment
  8. Water-based paint
  9. Primer
  10. putty
  11. Dye for water-based paint (in case of color painting)
  12. Eye protection glasses

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Before performing painting work, it is necessary to prepare the surface to be painted for high-quality painting.

  1. If you plan to paint the ceiling according to old paint job water-based paint, then it is necessary to clean the surface from dust and dirt and prime it so that the surface to be painted becomes denser and does not absorb paint. An unprimed surface will absorb paint, resulting in an uneven finish, streaks and stains.
  2. The plastered surface must be covered with a thin, even layer of putty and allowed to dry. If there are small protrusions on the surface from the spatula, then you need to clean them with sandpaper or a rubbing mesh. This must be done very carefully to avoid the appearance of nicks. If there are small scratches or nicks on the surface of the ceiling, they need to be carefully filled with putty again. For best result The ceiling surface must be rubbed over the entire area. Dry flat surface must be cleaned of dust (you can use a regular vacuum cleaner). Next, you need to prime the ceiling using a roller or a regular sprayer (it can be purchased at any hardware store; it is used for spraying flowers and indoor plants). When using a roller to prime the ceiling, the amount of primer increases, since the primer is very liquid and constantly flows and splashes. It would be more advisable to use a sprayer, because the primer gets into hard-to-reach places and covers the ceiling with a very thin and even layer. The priming procedure will facilitate uniform application of paint and prevent the appearance of stains from uneven absorption of the plastered surface.
  3. For painting plasterboard ceilings you need to glue all the joints with a paint mesh and putty them. Next, you need to cover the entire drywall with putty and let it dry. The surface of the ceiling must be sanded using sandpaper or a rubbing mesh and primed. For an ideal coating with water-based paint, the surface must be very even and smooth.

Choosing a roller for painting the ceiling with water-based paint

To paint a large area ceiling, you need to purchase a wide roller with a fur coat. Usually a fur coat is made from natural materials(sheep, goat, llama fur, velor, mohair). To add texture to the surface, it is better to choose a roller with a long and thick coat; to give smoothness, you need a roller with a short coat. A foam roller is not suitable for painting the ceiling, because the liquid paint will flow down, and the desired result will not be obtained. You need to remember that a roller with a long coat will help hide minor defects on the ceiling. When choosing a roller, you should take into account the weight of the roller; a heavy roller will quickly tire your hands. There are also coats for rollers made of polyamides; this material is more durable and resistant to various chemical solutions.

Security measures

You should start painting the ceiling before final finishing walls and floors, since drops and splashes can damage the wall and floor coverings.

If painting is done in a room where there is furniture, it must be protected with film. Before starting painting, it is also necessary to protect your eyes and skin from contact with water-based paint. Although this paint is safe for leather, since it is water-based, it will be difficult to wash it off the surface of the skin. If the skin is dirty, you can wash off the water-based paint with vinegar.

Technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint

Before painting, the paint must be stirred well. Water-based paint must be applied to the prepared surface in several layers. The first coat of paint is best done with diluted paint. For this purpose in clean dishes pour out some of the paint and dilute with water 5:1, stir very thoroughly using a drill with an attachment. Next, you need to pour some of the paint into the paint tray and wet the roller in the paint. The ribbed surface of the tray will help remove excess paint and distribute the paint evenly on the roller. The procedure for distributing paint on the roller must be performed after each dipping. It is necessary to apply paint to the ceiling in two directions (back and forth), rolling it over the surface so that there are no unpainted areas (each new stroke should slightly overlap the previous one). The edges of the ceiling near the baguettes must be painted with a brush. The next layer of painting must be done after the previous layer has completely dried. It is usually done with undiluted water-based paint to give the ceiling a matte, slight roughness and texture. For high-quality painting, a layer of 1 mm is enough. The paint drying process should be natural, using a heater, direct contact sun rays and the presence of drafts is unacceptable; these factors provoke peeling of the paint.

For color painting of the ceiling use a special dye. It must be added to white water-based paint in the required amount to achieve the desired color. It must be remembered that paint that has not yet been applied to the surface looks darker. The dye is added directly to the paint container and thoroughly mixed until smooth using a drill with an attachment. It should be remembered that it is necessary to calculate the correct amount of paint for finishing the ceiling, otherwise, when making a new portion, a color mismatch may occur, and then the whole work will have to be redone. There is also ready-made colored water-based paint. Color painting should also be done in several layers. The first layer should be done with diluted paint, this will help it penetrate into small crevices. Thick paint It’s more difficult to apply and it goes on unevenly. It must be diluted in a ratio of 5:1 (paint: water), stirring thoroughly. If the ceiling is planned to be painted in two colors (two-level), then paint is first applied to the level that is higher. After applying paint to the first level, you must wait until the paint dries, then masking tape glue the places where the colors will meet. This procedure is performed to protect the painted part of the ceiling. For the last layer, it is recommended to use a new roller (new coat) with medium-long pile.

It is better to paint the ceiling in daytime at good lighting, since in the light of a lamp it is very difficult to paint evenly and efficiently.

After priming the ceiling, the roller must be thoroughly washed. running water with soap, the remaining primer will irreversibly damage the roller. After painting the ceiling, the roller must be rinsed with running water until the water is clear. A poorly washed roller will be unsuitable for subsequent use, since the remaining water-based paint will dry out and then soaking the roller will be very problematic.

Caring for a painted ceiling

The ceiling painted with water-based paint is very easy to clean. To clean it from dust and dirt, you just need to wash it warm water with the addition of any detergent or washing powder.

Painting the ceiling with oil paint

For painting the ceiling You can also use oil paint. Modern manufacturers these paints have achieved significant quality of this material, practically eliminating discharge unpleasant odor when dyeing. This paint is best used in rooms with high humidity and kitchens. Surfaces painted with oil paint are particularly durable and wear-resistant.

When starting work, first of all, it is necessary to protect all surfaces that are not planned to be painted with polyethylene film. It is better to paint using a paint brush or foam roller.

The prepared surface must be primed; this will help to apply the paint in an even layer. Painting the ceiling paint brush strokes should be in different directions. To avoid paint drips on the brush, it is necessary to put a protective device on the brush, which can be made from ordinary plastic bottle and secure it with tape. It is better to apply oil paint in two layers, with the second layer applied after the first has completely dried. If the first layer is not completely dry, the paint will begin to roll off and ruin the entire work. Painting the ceiling with oil paint must be done in a well-ventilated area, since small amounts of harmful fumes can lead to poor health and dizziness.

After finishing work, the tool must be washed with a solvent or white spirit and placed in a container with water, this will prevent the brush or roller from drying out.

Online video on how to paint a ceiling

The technology for preparing the ceiling for painting is not unique and includes standard painting work. However, there are a few professional tricks and tricks that will be mentioned below.

The steps in preparing a ceiling for painting are the same for any room in the house, only the materials used may differ. For example, in a damp room it is better to use moisture-resistant putty instead of simple putty. But first things first.

Stages of preparing the ceiling for painting

Let's break down the work of preparing the ceiling for painting into the following stages:

  • Ceiling cleaning;
  • Ceiling plaster (if necessary);
  • Plastering the ceiling, number of times required;
  • Sanding the ceiling between puttying;
  • Final ceiling putty;
  • Primer before painting.

Cover the floor before starting work. If the floor will not change, its covering must be approached especially carefully. Place cardboard on the floor, cover the cardboard with two layers of thick polyethylene of 100 -200 microns. Top layer place polyethylene on the wall and glue it to the wall with paper masking tape. The concrete floor does not need to be covered.

Ceiling cleaning

As always, the first step is to clean the surface from old finishes, uneven surfaces down to the concrete base.


If the ceiling is decorated with wallpaper, and the wallpaper is difficult to remove, you need to wet it with warm water. Use a foam roller for this; it absorbs water well.


Cleaning whitewash is dirty, but not dusty, so even a concrete floor is better covered with polyethylene. You can cover not the entire floor, but the work area, and then drag a piece of polyethylene around the room.

Whitewash from the ceiling is removed as follows. Wet generously the part of the ceiling that you can reach. You will have to work from a ladder or table. Wet whitewash can be easily cleaned off with a metal spatula. This wet method removes all the whitewash. After removing the whitewash, the ceiling should be washed twice with warm water. It’s better to add it to the first water laundry soap. After washing, you will receive a clean concrete surface ready for work.


Ceiling painted with oil paint

If the ceiling was previously painted with enamel or oil paint, it is better to remove it, using the same metal spatula. If the paint cannot be removed, cover the entire ceiling with a “Betonkontakt” type primer. It will cover any paint and create solid foundation for further work.

Water based paints

If you need to carry out a set of works to prepare the ceiling (leveling, puttying) on ​​a ceiling coated with water-based paints, then the water-dispersion paint must be removed, but the well-adhering water-based paint can be left.

Concrete ceiling in a new building

The concrete ceiling in a new building is usually covered with drops of mortar, concrete, sand and similar construction results. They need to be knocked down, cleaned with a spatula and the ceiling washed.

Ceiling plaster

If full or partial plastering of the ceiling is required, it is primed with Concrete Contact. After the concrete contact has dried (14-20 hours), the ceiling is plastered gypsum plaster. For example, Rotband.

Plastering and sanding the ceiling

Before any layer of putty, the ceiling surface is primed. For concrete and plaster, a deep penetration primer is used. For loose surfaces, a latex primer is used to create a durable surface layer.

  • Rusts and cracks are sealed with molar mesh (serpyanka). For best quality the entire surface of the ceiling is puttied on a painting mesh.

The ceiling is plastered 2-3 times. After each layer of putty has dried, the surface is sanded with sandpaper. The sandpaper is fixed in a special holder. The imagery of the paper (the degree of roughness of the surface) decreases from layer to layer. The last layer is sanded with sandpaper called “zero”, this is the “smoothest” sandpaper. Sandpaper is purchased on a cloth basis; it is more convenient to use and does not require frequent changes.

To receive ideal option After painting, you can apply finishing putty. For finishing puttying, ready-made polymer putty is used with an application layer of up to 0.5 mm.

  • Before painting, the ceiling must be primed with a special ready-made composition, which is called “Primer”.

Many things seem incredibly simple until you try to do them yourself. Painting the ceiling is one of them. This page will discuss how to properly paint a ceiling. Painting should begin by preparing the base.

How to prepare a ceiling for painting

If the ceiling is in very poor condition, then it should be leveled and puttied. This has been covered on other pages and there is no need to go into detail about it here. Let's consider a case where the ceiling is in good condition and just needs to be refreshed.

First you need to determine what is on the ceiling now. The most common options: whitewash, oil paint, water-based paint. To understand what's on your ceiling, run your hand over it. If the hand is all chalky - whitewash, if it is slightly dirty - cheap water-based paint, if completely clean - a good water-based emulsion or enamel (oil). You can distinguish a good water-based emulsion from enamel like this: if it’s a kitchen that was renovated twenty years ago, there’s oil paint on the ceiling; if the repair was done recently, it is most likely water-based paint.

If there is whitewash on the ceiling, then there are two options:
whitewash again;
wash off the whitewash, putty and paint with water-based paint.
The first option is simpler (just remember that you cannot whiten with a roller), the second is longer and more difficult, but in the end you will get a normal ceiling. Choose for yourself.

If there is oil paint on the ceiling, and it is in such a condition that it does not require repair and just needs to be refreshed, then consider yourself very lucky (I have never seen anything like this). In this case, you just need to repaint it with enamel. Now water-based enamels have appeared, almost odorless. Just right for the ceiling.

If there is water-based paint on the ceiling, make sure there are no peeling pieces of paint or cracks. If there are such places, you need to prepare the ceiling completely for painting. Do not try to correct it in pieces - these places will be visible later (the surface texture will be different). If there are no such places, prime the ceiling with a good penetrating primer (for example, Dufa or Knauf). The ceiling is ready for painting.

How to paint the ceiling

It is best to use water-based paint. For example, Tikkurila Euro 7. A nine-liter bucket of this paint costs about two thousand rubles. One such can should be enough to paint ceilings in small apartment(it’s better to buy paint in large cans - it’s cheaper). This paint is one of the cheapest among washable ones. Other washable paints may be better washable, but more expensive. If prices don’t scare you, pay attention to Duluxe paints.

Cheaper paints, as a rule, are no longer washable. How important this is for the ceiling, decide for yourself. These are already dispersion paints (those that get a little dirty if you run your hand over them). A good representative of this family is Dufa Superweiss. The paint is very white and covers well. It costs, however, no less than Euro 7.

The paint can be glossy, semi-gloss or matte. It's always written on the bucket. Glossy paints It’s better not to buy - they will show everything that won’t be visible on a matte one. Matte looks poorer. Optimal choice- semi-gloss paint.

Tools you will need:
a roller with a pile on a long handle, 25-30 cm wide (not foam rubber, the longer the pile, the more “shagreen” from the roller, hiding minor surface flaws);
roller with pile 7-10cm wide;
brush 5-7cm wide;
trough for rolling out the roller;

How to paint a ceiling

The ceiling is painted in two layers. After the first layer, gaps may remain, which will be covered with the second layer. The layers are applied equally. The only thing is that you need to be more careful with the second layer, because... you can't fix it anymore.

If the paint is thick and the manufacturer allows dilution, dilute with water and mix thoroughly. During the painting process, you often come across pieces of paint that have dried on the lid or edge of the bucket. Here you need to: either pre-filter the paint (if there is a lot of debris); or immediately remove these pieces from the ceiling as soon as you notice them.

The ceiling must first be “retracted”, i.e. paint the perimeter and around the chandelier - where a large roller will not fit. It is best to first apply the paint evenly with a brush to an area about a meter long, then go over it with a small roller to create the same roll from the pile as from a large roller.

Then the ceiling is rolled with a large roller. The most crucial moment. It is better to skate from the window, along the direction of the light, moving from left to right (right to left). The length of the rolling strip is 2-3 meters. That is, first a strip (rectangle) is painted 2-3 meters from the window across the entire width of the room, then the next 2-3 meters, etc. The overlap between rectangles is 10-20 cm.

It is better to ride in one place many, many times. If you wave the roller a couple of times (everything will appear white) and move on, then when the paint dries, there will be a lot of bald spots in this place. Having rolled the strip properly to the width of the roller, step back and look at the gap (at the reflection) to see if there are any gaps. Don’t skimp on paint - there will be bald spots, but don’t apply it too thickly - there will be streaks and sagging.

Don't forget to wash your instrument.

Finishing the ceiling is an important part of the renovation, so it must be approached with special care.

One of the most available options finishing is painting the ceiling, because after whitewashing (with lime or chalk) or painting done professionally, the ceiling looks great and lasts quite a long time.

Ceiling paint can be very diverse both in composition and purpose, as well as in color: acrylic, latex, matte, white, colored. This material will help you learn how to paint a ceiling.

Photo 1 - About how and with what you can paint the ceiling - in this material

It is worth taking into account that the ceiling for painting must be properly prepared to avoid the appearance of unevenness, dark spots, cracks and peeling.

The following interior paints are used to paint the ceiling: acrylic, alkyd, water-based, silicate, latex and silicone paints diluted with water, and the ceiling is also painted with enamel.

Silicate paint requires a preliminary silicate primer, has high vapor permeability and is good for rooms with high humidity.

Silicone paint is also vapor-permeable and forms a waterproof film. It is universal and can be applied to any surface, does not get dirty, is highly elastic, environmentally friendly and can fill small cracks.

Latex acrylic paint- the most popular, is applied in two layers and completely hides all irregularities, resistant to contamination.

Alkyd paint is intended for rooms with high humidity and a tendency to dirt formation, that is, for kitchens and bathrooms. It contains alkyd resins, which repel dirt and moisture.

Oil paint for ceilings - obsolete material, and many are faced not so much with the choice of such paint, but with the problem of removing it from the ceiling surface. A ceiling that was once painted with oil paint can be left in its original condition by first treating it with sandpaper, or it can be completely removed before applying another type of paint.

Ceiling painting technology and preparation

The technology for painting the ceiling and its preparation depends largely on the type of ceiling.

Before painting, you should find out the material consumption and the list of tools needed for the job: for example, paint, primer, brushes, rollers different lengths and diameters. As for paint consumption, special online calculators will help with the calculation.

When calculating paint consumption, the type of paint, length and width of the room are taken into account. Also, when calculating paint, you can take into account the data indicated on the manufacturer’s label (consumption per 1 m²).

You don’t have to buy a primer separately, because many manufacturers suggest simply diluting the purchased paint in a certain proportion with water and priming it that way.

Leveling the ceiling can be done independently or with the help of specialists.

Photo 2 - Leveling the ceiling

Preparing the surface for painting:

Initially, the spatula should be thoroughly sharpened with a special whetstone (stone). You should not use a spatula that is too wide, as it will make it more difficult to clean the surface.

Remove all excess from the ceiling as much as possible, in this case it is worth removing the old whitewash (putty) until clean concrete (or any other base of the base ceiling) appears. This is the preparatory stage.

Next, using putty (German and Finnish putties are considered the best) and a special putty spatula, the surface of the ceiling is leveled. At the same time, sometimes it is necessary to apply layers of different thicknesses, especially if it is an uneven old ceiling with a large curvature or a height difference of up to 4 cm.

Leveling materials are laid in several layers. You need to work quickly, as the putty dries quite quickly.

Final leveling of the ceiling. To do this you will need a special finishing putty. The number of layers also directly depends on the area of ​​the irregularities. The work uses a wide spatula.

The remaining putty is washed off from the ceiling surface.

Photo 3 - When working with drywall, before painting the ceiling, it is extremely important to seal the seams at the joints of the sheets

After this, the ceiling can be painted, whitewashed with chalk or lime.

In addition to the standard ones, to facilitate the painting process, there are also special indicator paints that change color. Initially, when first applied, they are pink, thanks to the richness of the color, which makes it easier to control the painting, and then within 5-10 minutes (depending on the temperature and humidity of the room), the painted surface becomes perfectly white. For example, MAGESTIC paint has this property.

Do-it-yourself painting of various types of ceilings

Painting a wooden ceiling

Wood is a rather demanding material, so it should be looked after especially carefully, because wooden surfaces are vulnerable and over time they are negatively affected by many factors: tobacco smoke or careless handling, for example, can leave stains on a wooden ceiling, not to mention odors that wooden ceilings are able to absorb like a sponge. Externally, such damage does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Wood is a material most often used in country houses(at the dacha, for example) than in city apartments. There are special paints for wooden surfaces, both natural (wooden) and more unusual shades. It is strictly forbidden to apply new paint to old wooden ceiling paint.

Photo 4 - Wood ceiling painting technology

Stages of painting a wooden ceiling:

First, use a nail puller to remove the curb strips. Thanks to this wooden board can be completely painted over. The walls and floor must be covered with protective material.

Then the ceiling is lightly sanded with a sander with 180-200 sandpaper. This stage is especially important for ceilings that were previously varnished.

According to the instructions indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, dilute special remedy for washing wood. It is applied to the ceiling surface using a thick brush. When performing this work, the ceiling should be wiped frequently with a soft, lint-free cloth.

When the boards are completely dry, you can start painting. Wood paint is used. First, use a small round brush and use it to paint 10-15 cm along all grooves and profiles. The paint is carefully applied in small portions to the ceiling.

Next, gradually, one or two boards at a time, the entire ceiling is painted with a wide brush. Paint for wooden ceilings you need to stir constantly and apply to wooden surface only a thin layer.

New curbs are installed and painted.

Painting a concrete ceiling

Before you paint concrete ceiling, it should be puttied.

There are rules, following which, the ceiling will look beautiful and be made with high quality. Putty is one of them. According to some home craftsmen, a concrete ceiling can be painted quite well even without putty, but in this case no one can guarantee that the paint will lie perfectly evenly and last a long time.

IMPORTANT! Special paints have also been created for concrete surfaces. For example, SPECTRA paints or Aquapol from Krasko.

Photo 5 - Before painting, the concrete ceiling must be puttied

Painting the ceiling from gypsum plasterboard (plasterboard)

Drywall is widely used today, because it is thanks to this material that it is possible to quickly and high-quality repairs. In principle, you can paint any ceiling yourself, be it single-level or two-level. Many people think that it is even better to put paint over the whitewash, but this is unnecessary.

To paint drywall you need to use special compounds, preventing the material from absorbing moisture beyond normal limits.

Photo 6 - Preparation plasterboard ceiling for painting - puttying joints, sanding the base

Preparing a plasterboard ceiling for painting: stages


Sealing seams with putty mixture. This is very important, since the seams at the junction of drywall sheets can sometimes be quite deep and noticeable to the naked eye.

Suspended ceiling putty.

Sanding allows you to remove excess from the ceiling surface.

Technique for applying paint to drywall:

The paint is applied quickly so that the ceiling has a smooth surface and is free of streaks.

You cannot change the roller during the painting process, because different rollers may have different structures.

When working, you should not return to the painted area of ​​the ceiling, which begins to dry out.

If the ceiling needs to be painted in three layers, then the first layer is applied vertically, the second horizontally, and the third again vertically.

Painting a plywood ceiling

Plywood by frequency of use in homes repair work slightly inferior to drywall. It is important that the plywood is dry before painting.

Photo 7 - In some cases, paint is not needed - it is enough to cover the plywood ceiling with a protective layer

Advantages of plywood:

  • You can paint it with either paint or varnish;
  • has a thick layer and insulates sound well;
  • light;
  • durable;
  • helps hide defects in the main ceiling;
  • this is really inexpensive option ceiling repair.

Choosing paint

You can also paint the ceiling with water emulsion (water-based paint), but before doing this it should be covered with a special base, so as not to soften the plywood and, thus, not to “bend” the ceiling. Water-based paint is a washable, odorless paint, and therefore it is very well suited for any premises. Cleaning and preparing the surface before painting in this case standard.

Options modern colors for the ceiling are simply amazing! They are diverse not only in colors, but also in textures. There are also some exclusive types of paints, the price of which exceeds $35/3 liters with a paint consumption of 2 m²/1 liter.

The color the ceiling will be painted depends on the type of room, the style of the room and the interior preferences of the owner of the home. For both classic and strict modern interior will suit white paint, or colored pastel (for example, INNETAK bright white ceiling paint at a price of $60/10 l). In this case, they will suit any type of wallpaper or floor.

To create a special atmosphere in the interior, you can use special types paints: these are relief, textured and textured paints. The main components of such paints are aqueous acrylic dispersion, ground marble, and environmentally friendly and durable targeted additives.

Photo 8 - Example of a finished surface after applying Alpina Silhouette Structur structural paint

Proper structural paint has the following properties:

  • They are durable and can withstand significant temperature changes.
  • unlike conventional paints, they have increased strength, so any damage is less dramatic;
  • due to their heterogeneous structure, they are able to hide even the grossest defects on the ceiling;
  • With such paints you can get creative and create your own individual ceiling: be it waves, patterns, flowers or entire compositions.

Textured ceiling paint is applied as follows:

The surface is first cleaned of dirt and dust, the remnants of the previous paint are removed, and no whitewash should remain.

The surface is thoroughly treated with a primer and dried. Preparatory work are very important before applying structural paints, since such paints must adhere tightly to the surface so that in the future they do not peel off under the influence of their own weight.

Before applying paint to the ceiling, it is better to test it on a piece of cardboard and practice applying paint to the surface.

The paint should be mixed well in the jar, since the texturizing additives sink to the bottom during settling. During the application process there may be slight differences in the color and texture of the paint already applied.

The required amount of paint is poured into the cuvette and, if necessary, diluted with a small amount of water.

For structural paints, a special structural roller is used. They can be varied. Large textures look better in large rooms or on outdoor surfaces. But fine-grained rollers or rollers with a smooth structure are perfect for small rooms such as a bathroom or a small kitchen.

If necessary, the roller can be washed with water during operation.

Complete drying of the paint occurs in at least 24 hours.

Decorative paint for ceilings is a tool for experimenting with the color and texture of the ceiling.

Photo 9 - Applying relief paint

Some types of decorative paints

  • decorative ceiling with sparkles;

This effect can be achieved by using any ceiling paint, covering it with a special varnish with glitter. They can be silver, gold, colored.

  • paint with marble chips Bayramix;

This paint contains a huge number of granules of various colors and shapes, thanks to which you can create unique masterpieces. You can imitate marble, granite, or create a mosaic. This material it is elastic, it does not fade, and cracks never form in it, the paint is moisture resistant. It is applied in the same way as other types of paints.

Photo 10 - Paint with marble chips from Bayramix

  • pearlescent ceiling paint;

Externally, such a ceiling will look as if it is covered with silk, which looks beautiful and delicate. Pearlescent paint is a real find for connoisseurs of elegance in the interior.

Photo 11 — CAPAROL Perlatec Gold-Silber pearlescent pigment