"Vanda" Specifics of growing orchids in glass vases

An orchid in glass is original, unusual and beautiful. A flower placed in such a pot can be given to a friend, or can decorate own room. Due to the tightly sealed lid, the water does not evaporate, which means there will be no need to constantly add liquid.

Often a plant in a flask is found in Asian countries, where it is very fashionable to purchase orchids in this form. True, you should understand that using a narrow transparent container (in which the beauty is sold) will not work, because, despite good care, the flower will not last long in this state.

Usually a plant in a glass flask is a seedling, not an adult flower, so those people who want to try themselves as gardeners can pay attention to these options.

In a vase - not uncommon, in fact, like phalaenopsis. Typically, this type of flower is purchased to decorate the interior of an office or living room. The popularity of the variety is growing every year, which is not surprising. This trend is due to the appearance of the beauty, which boasts unusual and at the same time large flowers.

Another advantage is that this plant does not need any special care; it adapts perfectly to the microclimate of the rooms where it finds a “new home”.

Vanda in glass, or rather blue Vanda, is special popular flower, from which it is difficult to take your eyes off. Its sky-blue inflorescences are simply mesmerizing, prompting you to admire this exotica again and again. True, caring for this plant is more difficult compared to other species.

When choosing a vase, great value attach to the bottom of the container. The best option is a glass-shaped flask. Although you can find a variety of flasks on sale. Experienced gardeners pay attention to truncated flasks and cylindrical vessels. This interest is due to the complexity of keeping orchids.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. The lower leaf plates are folded, and this is fraught with kinks, creases and death.
  2. Due to the fact that the glass container is constantly in a closed position, high humidity remains inside, and this leads to the development of fungal and bacterial diseases.

As for the first case, you should choose more spacious vessels. In the second, everything is a little more complicated. If the capsules do not contain substrate, then the orchids should be watered outside the container. To do this, the flowers are immersed in a separate bowl of water, leaving them for a few minutes, and after that the plant is dried and placed back in the vases.

Rules for caring for an orchid in glass

In a vase without using soil - enough unusual way for many. Therefore, most still prefer the substrate, although, perhaps, flowers in flasks look more elegant and stylish. Be that as it may, flowers need care in both the first and second cases.

As for “life with bare roots,” vandas are more suitable for these purposes. Of course, phalaenopsis in a glass vase can also be found, but much less frequently. This is due to the fact that vandas are mostly epiphytes, therefore, they grow on plants and trees, feeding on rain moisture or condensate. Therefore, the most important thing is to provide the flower with sufficient moisture (at least 60%) so that it grows and develops well even without the use of soil.

Gardeners say there may be some problems with humidity, especially in winter.

Important! Temperature conditions directly affect the need to water the flower and air humidity.

The colder the room, the less often you need to water the orchid that is in the flask. In this case, humidity levels will be higher. Therefore, the best option for a flower is to live in a cool room.

Irrigation or watering is carried out only when necessary. It will not be difficult for an attentive gardener to pay attention to when it is time to carry out the procedure. If the roots have changed color from light green to brown or shades thereof, then it’s time to perform the manipulation.

Sometimes vandas in vases are bought with dried roots. This is the most common thing for glass flasks. It is not always possible to see the true picture. However, one should not despair.

Important! In order to revive the flower, you need to place the orchid roots in warm water for 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out daily until full recovery root system. We described it in more detail in a separate article.

With rotten roots, things are more complicated. In this case, you should first treat with Phytosparin, and then irrigate the flower or use ten-minute “baths”. To consolidate a positive result, you need to monitor the room temperature, which should not fall below +20 °C. Otherwise, the fungal infection will manifest itself with renewed vigor.

Care also means proper ventilation, and especially if the orchid is in a glass vase. Narrow flasks must be thoroughly washed from time to time using disinfectants. The same applies to the use of fungicidal preparations that should be used to treat the roots of the flower.

If it is noticed that some roots have rotted, they need to be trimmed in a timely manner. After the manipulation, it is recommended to “powder” the cut with crushed coal or treat it with “Fundazol”.

Simple secrets of growing an orchid in a glass pot

Following simple rules, orchids in glass will grow and delight with their blooms. Therefore, it is so important to notice any changes occurring in the plant. Sagging and wrinkling of foliage, as well as softness of the plate, may indicate that the root system is very weak.

Important! Considering that without it the flower will not develop, you should act immediately.

First of all, you should take the plant out of the flask and carefully examine it root system. If rotten or dry roots are noticed, then you need to carry out the care procedures described above. Otherwise, it is recommended to take the orchid to a darker room than where it was before, and hang the flower with the roots up and the blossoms down. In this case, the growth energy, which always goes upward, is redirected, helping the roots to recover.

Epiphids are not afraid of such hang-ups. The plant can be turned over only when the new roots have grown by about 5-7 cm. During the treatment period, it is also important to spray the flower with fertilizers. Flower growers recommend the preparations "Polysilk" and "Novosil". After restoration, a new flask should be purchased, or better yet, switch to a substrate.

An orchid in a vase is undoubtedly beautiful, but not everyone is able to care for it “behind the glass.”

Orchids are famous for their huge variety of shapes and colors of exquisite flowers, winning the hearts of not only plant lovers, but even people who are indifferent to flowers.
What's happened ?! Everyone knows that these are the most extraordinary, many-sided and beautiful representatives of the Kingdom of Flora.

An orchid is rightfully considered the best flower gift for a lady for any occasion. Therefore, many women receive an exotic orchid in a bouquet or a pot of a blooming orchid on March 8 or for their birthday.

I would like to immediately warn everyone who could not resist the charm of orchid flowers and bought this plant, or by coincidence accidentally became the owner of an orchid - be patient. Or get rid of this plant right away if you don’t want constant worries.

Among the great variety of cultivated species of orchids on sale, you can most often find them with butterfly-like flowers of various colors. It is this relatively unpretentious and widespread orchid that is the most preferred gift.

Choosing a pot for phalaenopsis

You've probably noticed that phalaenopsis plants are often sold planted in a transparent pot. This is due to the fact that in nature this orchid lives on trees, and the roots of phalaenopsis hang freely and are attached to the bark of woody plants.
If possible, you should take this point into account by placing the orchid pot in the house as high as possible (although many gardeners have orchids that grow and bloom successfully on the windowsill).

If you don’t find a transparent container for transplanting phalaenopsis, it’s okay. An ordinary planting pot in the form of an elongated flowerpot is quite suitable, but always with good holes for ventilation of the root system.
Remember that although an orchid loves moisture, it is not a water lily - it cannot tolerate stagnant water. That's why .

There is no drainage in the orchid pot, because the rough orchid substrate is in in this case itself performs the function of drainage.

Substrate for orchids

Problems with growing orchids

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Today experienced flower growers, on the window sills of which there are a large number of unusual indoor plants, it’s already difficult to surprise with anything. For example, many people have common types of orchids. But experts say there are many more of them. And today we want to introduce you to such a beauty as the Vanda orchid. From the article you can find out what an exotic flower looks like, what its features are, how to grow your orchids in glass vases and other containers, and you will also find tips on how to care for and grow the crop.

The Vanda orchid belongs to epiphytic plants that belong to the orchid family. IN wildlife it grows in the north and east of India, in the south of China, and is found in Thailand. The culture is naturally endowed with thick and strong gray-green roots, the length of which can be about 2 meters. They tend to absorb moisture directly from the air. This is how Vanda orchids manage to avoid water shortages and create reliable protection from the scorching rays of the sun.

Unlike other types of orchids, the blue orchid called Vanda is initially devoid of pseudobulbs. The stems of the plant are also quite dense and can reach up to about 3 meters in height. When caring for the Vanda orchid at home, it is possible to grow stems no more than 1 meter long. Peduncles appear in the axils of the leaves. There are from 1 to 4 pieces. Large flowers blue 2–15 pieces are collected in inflorescences.

But this is a standard color. In fact, the Vanda orchid can have flowers in blue, purple, red, pink, yellow, orange and white. The beautiful flowers of this phalaenopsis acquire a rich color after just a couple of days from the beginning of flowering. Which can please the gardener’s eye for up to 3 months with proper care.

If about 50 species of the Vanda orchid genus are found in natural conditions, then only some of them can be grown at home. The most popular among them are Vanda tricolor, roller, Rothschild, blue.

Features and methods of cultivation

Since the aerial, that is, hanging, roots of the crop are covered with a dense layer of velamen, such a flower is already provided with proper nutrition and required quantity moisture. It does not require a substrate. But the orchid in a glass flask is not yet a frequent visitor to our homes, although it is extremely beautiful. The hanging roots are somewhat similar to a beard, so flower growers have dubbed this plant the “orchid with a beard.”

A special feature of this flower is its ability to constantly actively vegetate. In this case, the growth of the root system and foliage alternates with periods of flowering. At home, an orchid, unlike ordinary species, needs bright natural light for about 12 hours a day and good air circulation.

Among the three known methods, with which you can grow such a beauty, the most popular is keeping the plant in vases. An unusual orchid in a transparent flask will definitely decorate your home. In addition, caring for flowers placed in vases is noticeably simplified. You just need to place the roots of the plant in a spacious glass flask, the role of which can be fulfilled not only by a vase, but even an aquarium or jar.

But still, Wanda in a glass vase, chosen with taste, will look the most aesthetically pleasing. If you plan to grow orchids in a vase, it is recommended to choose a glass-shaped container. After all, an orchid in a beautiful flask of this format can be securely fixed. There is one thing important rule. Your orchid in glass should not lack space for easy placement of the root system. At the bottom of the vessel you should place high-quality drainage - expanded clay and large pieces bark. And no soil is required.

It is also possible to grow such a beauty in a hanging system. With this method, its roots will be hanging freely. Hanging systems are perfect for greenhouses, balconies and special orchidariums. The only inconvenience is the need to frequently spray the foliage and roots. During which water can appear on the surface of furniture and floors. Caring for a Vanda orchid in a hanging system requires a certain level of humidity, bright lighting and regular ventilation.

Lots of light

Many gardeners who purchase Vanda orchids are interested in caring for these flowers at home. One of the important points is the abundance of light. If you do not provide your pet with intense lighting for 12 hours every day, it can not only slow down its growth, but also not begin to bloom.

It is recommended to place the orchid on glassed balcony or loggia, as well as a bay window, which is quite well lit. From October to March it is best to place capricious beauty on the south windowsill. IN summer period You should definitely shade it during the day. Or transfer it to a window that faces east or west.


During the day, the flower should be kept in a room with a temperature range of 22–28 degrees Celsius. At night it should be at least 6 degrees less. In summer the plant makes reserves carbon dioxide, which is useful to him for normal photosynthesis. At this time, it is advised to move flowers to an open balcony, loggia or terrace. If there is excessive heat and dryness, the crop will not be able to grow and develop properly.

Humidification and ventilation

When asked how to care for exotic plant, beginning gardeners receive the answer that in addition to a large amount of light and temperature regime, the humidity level is important for it - in the range of 50–70%, as well as regular ventilation. Because the higher the air humidity in the room, the easier it is to care for bare roots. Normal air circulation is also important. Because this type of orchid reacts negatively to its stagnation. The roots need to be able to breathe freely.

Watering and fertilizing

On summer and spring days, the orchid feels a daily need for water. Moreover, with the arrival of autumn, 2-3 waterings per week are enough for her. Stagnation of moisture is very dangerous. It is fraught with the beginning of rotting of the roots. Watering can be done using warm shower in the bathroom. Allow excess water to drain and blot the foliage with a piece of cloth.

Another way is to place the plant in a container with warm water literally for a minute. You can use a watering can for watering or use the spraying method. For Vanda should be used complex fertilizers with high mineral content. Young flowers are fed once every 2 weeks, adults - no more than once a month. Both a lack of fertilizers and their excess are dangerous.

Video “Water and care for the Vanda orchid”

From this video you will learn how to properly care for the Vanda orchid.

It is quite possible to grow an orchid without soil only if the roots of the flower are accustomed to a constant humid environment.

After all, the tree bark and other additional components play a secondary role, as they are necessary to support the orchid. But if you resort to using a skewer or something else, then there is no need for a soil mixture.

In winter, an orchid grown without soil needs to be watered less often.(you can find out how to care for an orchid in the autumn-winter period). And in the spring, when the flower begins to actively grow, increase the frequency of moisturizing. In addition, it is important to monitor the lighting.

For orchids indoors, any window is suitable, except the south one, since direct sunlight is destructive for phalaenopsis (read more about where it is better to place an orchid and where not to keep a flower).

Advantages and Disadvantages

Growing an orchid without soil has the following advantages:

When growing orchids it is used open system automatic type, thereby reducing the time spent caring for the flower.

Only it is important not to forget to add water from the irrigation system when necessary.

Thanks to this method, the orchid will no longer need watering for 2 weeks, and it will not harm it in any way.

As for the disadvantages of the method, there is only one - it is difficult to care for. Because of this, he begins to suffer appearance flower, as its leaves turn yellow and fall off, the root system rots.

What is used instead of soil?

The orchid feels great even not in soil saturated with humus, but on the trunks, branches, and roots of some tree. The components necessary for flower development are not obtained from the soil.. The atmosphere remains the source of nutrition.

An orchid needs soil only so that it can somehow gain a foothold and stay in a certain area. So when choosing components to be used instead of soil, you need to take into account their permeability to moisture and air.

In most cases, the main component for a homemade soil mixture is tree bark. It can be torn off with my own hands or purchase at a specialty store. Most often, gardeners choose pine bark, although oak bark is excellent, coniferous species. To assemble it, you will have to use sawn logs or dead wood.

To ensure the safety of the plant and protect it from pests and bacteria, pieces of bark must be cleaned from the softened area and dried thoroughly.

In addition to bark, flower growers actively use sphagnum moss as soil. Its main purpose is to make the soil loose, retain moisture without compacting the soil, absorb harmful salts and have a bactericidal effect.

In addition to tree bark and moss, expanded clay and activated carbon, which also has disinfectant properties.

We invite you to watch a video about the types of soil for growing orchids:

In what container should the plant be kept?

When growing an orchid without soil, the wet moment remains a choice suitable pot. For this plant, it is worth choosing a container of this type and structure so that the flower has a place to develop, does not dry out and is not subject to the harmful effects of dry air in the room where the plant is kept. When choosing a pot for growing without soil, You should give preference to glass vases or plastic and ceramic containers. In addition, they must meet the following criteria:

  1. Containers must have water drainage.
  2. The size of the pot and the size of the plant should match each other.
  3. The volume of the container should be such that the root system of the plant can be located there freely and does not touch the walls.

We invite you to watch a video about choosing a container when growing an orchid in an open system:

Difference in cultivation

Using this method of growing orchids, you need to take a more careful and responsible approach to the care process.

Unlike the traditional method, in this case there is no need to select soil or prepare it yourself, which reduces time and money. But there are more stringent requirements for growing conditions: suitable humidity, timeliness.

And the most important difference is that an orchid grown in soil gets sick much less often than one for which the soil mixture is not used.

We invite you to watch a video about the difference and open systems:

How to properly care?

Such interesting way Growing an orchid requires more careful care of the plant, which consists of the following:

  1. Avoid high humidity in the room where the flower is located. It can withstand short droughts much more easily.

    To control the level of humidity, it is necessary to grow the orchid in a container with transparent walls. Then it will be possible to visually determine whether the orchid without soil needs watering.

  2. Every day, apply soft water to the roots and above-ground parts of the plant using a spray bottle. This will allow you to achieve the required level of humidity.
  3. Lighting is no less important for the growth and development of a flower. Daylight hours should be 10 hours. sun rays can be seen by artificial lighting using fluorescent lamps.
  4. During the day it should be between 18-27 degrees, and at night - 13-24 degrees.


Any difficulties may arise if you do not follow the rules for caring for your orchid. The most common problem remains associated with the desire of the leaf blade, as a result of which the leaves simply fall off. But it’s one thing when this is a natural process and old leaves fall off, but this can happen to young ones for the following reasons:

  • waterlogging– along with the yellow leaves, the process of rotting of the root system occurs;

Plants are often grown in this form in Asian countries, where they are already sold in this form. It is important to understand that the narrow glass container in which it is sold cannot be used for a long time, since the plant will not last long in this form. The glass container usually contains no mature plant, and seedlings.

ATTENTION: The most common for this method of keeping is the Vanda orchid. You can also grow phalaenopsis.

But we will talk specifically about the Vanda orchid.

Vanda orchid has a strong root system. The length of the root can reach 2 meters. The roots are thickened, grayish-green in color and covered with a thick layer of velamen. The stem of this flower at home stretches up to 1 meter in length, and in nature up to 3 meters.

The leaves of the flower are large and arranged not closely and in two rows. They are leathery and fleshy and bright green. The flowers of the plant can have the following colors:

  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • lemon yellow;
  • orange;
  • cherry red;
  • soft pink;
  • deep raspberry;
  • violet;
  • violet-blue.

Capacity requirements

Before growing a plant, you need to choose the right container in which you will “plant” the flower. This is one of the most important procedures, since Due to an incorrectly selected container, the plant may die.


The most suitable one is one that has a narrow top and, conversely, a wide bottom. Their shape resembles a glass.

You should not use tall cylindrical containers, despite their attractiveness.. In such containers, the leaves often bend and break, which can cause the orchid to die. Do not forget that only the roots of the plant are in the container, the leaves are located on top.

Glass containers provide the roots with plenty of light. However, their main advantage is their decorative properties. However, the use of such containers requires extensive experience in caring for orchids. This is due to the fact that the glass container simply does not have drainage holes. Therefore, you can quite easily get an excess of moisture for the roots, which they really don’t like. This leads to their rotting and death of the flower.

IMPORTANT: Also, in such a container, the plant will not receive enough air, and this will cause algae to appear on its walls.

If you still decide to use a glass container, then you should take care large quantities drainage and proper substrate. It’s easier to place a plastic pot with a plant in a glass container of your choice.

But there are also disadvantages to growing an orchid in a glass vessel.:

  • There may be excess moisture.
  • Small amount of air for the flower.
  • Additional drainage holes cannot be made.
  • It's hard to choose correct form so as not to harm the flower.


  1. Beautiful vases.
  2. Flasks.
  3. (read about which pot is better to choose - transparent or not).
  4. Glasses (for small orchids).
  5. Glass mugs.

Special requirements

If you want to grow your flower in a glass pot, then you must:

  1. Choose a healthy plant.
  2. Make sure there is good drainage in the pot.
  3. Choose a good substrate.
  4. Strictly control watering.

A glass flask is far from the best option for growing orchids. They have a narrow cylindrical shape Because of this, the leaves of the growing flower bend and break. And the flower dies. Also in a tall flask, moisture will not escape well and sufficient air will not flow in, and this is a direct path to fungal diseases and root rotting. Therefore, you should not choose glass flasks for your pet.

ADVICE: As for vases, the best option is a glass-shaped vase, wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. When planting in a vase, be sure to remember that the roots are in the vase, and the plant itself is outside.

Watch a video about planting an orchid in a glass pot:

Features of care

A flower in such conditions requires thorough care.:

  1. Follow watering rules. Immerse the root system in warm water for 20-30 minutes. Protect the leaves and root neck from prolonged contact with water. The substrate should dry within 2 days. The best option watering - spraying. In winter, water once a day.
  2. Feed during the active growth stage. Add fertilizer to water for irrigation. It is better to use mineral fertilizers.
  3. Timely combat diseases and pests.

Possible problems and difficulties

  1. Root rotting due to improper watering.
  2. The appearance of insects in a container with a flower.
  3. Green plaque on the walls of the container.

Where can I buy it?

You can purchase glass containers for orchids at any specialty store.. The seller will help you choose best option. You can also order containers online. The cost on the Internet starts from 190 rubles, and in stores – from 140 rubles.

If you want to have an unusual decoration in your home, then definitely choose an orchid in a glass container. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with all the requirements of the plant and then you will succeed.