Leaf celery: growing and care in the country. Growing celery - care, varieties, types, beneficial properties, just secrets and tips

Planting and caring for celery (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings celery root- at the end of February, leaf - two weeks later. Planting seedlings in the garden - in early May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • Soil: loose, light and fertile loamy or sandy loam soils with a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction.
  • Watering: once a week at a consumption of 20-25 liters of water per m² of area.
  • Feeding: 4 times per season: during the seedling period, a week after picking - with Nitrophoska solution; a week after planting the seedlings in the ground - herbal infusion; after another 2 weeks - with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings; at the end of July - with a solution of superphosphate.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: celery (borscht) flies, carrot flies, bean aphids.
  • Diseases: rust, septoria (late burn, or white spot), cercospora (early burn), downy mildew and cucumber mosaic virus.

Read more about growing celery below.

Celery plant - description

What does celery look like? The vegetable celery is a biennial herbaceous plant up to 1 m high with a thickened root. In the first year of life, it forms a root crop and a rosette of pinnately dissected, glossy, dark green leaves, and only in the second year does a celery stalk form, and by mid-July the plant blooms with greenish-white flowers collected in umbellate inflorescences. Celery is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant, the seeds of which germinate already at 3 ºC, although optimal temperature for germinating celery seeds 15 ºC. The emerging seedlings can withstand frosts down to -5 ºC. The fruit of celery has a rounded shape, it is almost double, with thread-like ribs on each half. Three varieties of celery are grown in culture - root, leaf and petiole, or stem. Today, dill, celery and parsley are the most popular green crops in the garden and on the table.

We will tell you everything about growing and caring for celery: how to plant celery, how to grow celery, how to grow root celery, how growing leaf celery differs from growing stalk celery and how to protect all types of celery from diseases and pests. We hope that the information collected in our article is useful to you.

Growing celery from seeds

When to plant celery seedlings.

Since the growing season of celery is from 120 to 170 days, it has to be grown seedling method. Planting root celery for seedlings is carried out 70-75 days before planting the seedlings in open ground- that is, at the end of February, and leaf celery seeds are sown two weeks later. Planting celery is preceded by preparing its seeds. The point is that the presence essential oil prevents the rapid swelling and germination of celery seeds - sometimes you have to wait up to 3-4 weeks for germination. To speed up the germination of celery seeds, they need to be bubbled - kept for a day in water saturated with oxygen, then pickled for 45 minutes in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, then rinsed in clean water and dry. There's another way pre-sowing treatment: First, the seeds are pickled for 45 minutes in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, washed and soaked for 18 hours in a solution of 2 drops of Epin in half a glass of water.

After processing, celery seeds are scattered thin layer on damp cloth for germination at a temperature of 20-22 ºC, and only when they hatch, they are sown in boxes with nutrient soil mixture, consisting of one part turf land, three parts of lowland peat, and one part of humus with the addition of coarse sand. You need to add a teaspoon of urea and a glass of wood ash to the substrate bucket.

As soon as some of the seeds begin to hatch, mix all the seeds with sand and sow them in boxes with a damp substrate in grooves made at a distance of 3-4 cm from one another, sprinkle them through a sieve with a thin layer of wet sand, cover the crops with film or glass and put them in a warm place.

Caring for celery seedlings.

Shoots begin to appear in about a week. If necessary, moisten the soil in the boxes with a fine spray warm water. The temperature while awaiting germination should be 22-25 ºC, but as soon as the seeds begin to germinate, the covering is removed and the box is moved as close to the light as possible, and the temperature is lowered to 16 ºC.

For the first month and a half, celery seedlings grow very slowly. In the development phase of one or two true leaves, seedlings of petiole and leaf celery should be thinned out so that the distance between them is 4-5 cm, or they should be planted in a larger container. Root celery seedlings are planted in separate peat-humus pots, while the central root is shortened by a third. When transplanting into pots, seedlings are immersed in soil up to half of the hypocotyledon. After picking, the seedlings are protected for several days from direct sun rays wet paper. At this time, such a plant is installed for seedlings temperature regime: during the day 15-16 ºC, at night – 11-12 ºC.

Growing and caring for root celery during the seedling period is no different from caring for seedlings of leaf or stem varieties: seedlings must be watered and fed, and the soil around them must be loosened. The first feeding of seedlings is carried out a week and a half after picking or thinning with a nutrient solution of a teaspoon of Nitrophoska in a bucket of water at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per plant. If you think that the seedlings look too pale, feed the seedlings 2-3 times with urea at intervals of 10-12 days. To prevent seedlings from getting burns, wash off the nutrient solution from them after feeding. clean water through a sieve. A week to a week and a half before transplanting the seedlings to the garden bed, begin to harden it: take the seedlings outside for a while every day. fresh air, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure until the seedlings can stay outside around the clock.

Growing celery on a windowsill

How to grow celery at home.

Planting and caring for celery grown from seeds at home is not much different from the growing of celery seedlings we just described. At home, you can grow celery from root vegetables - this method is much easier to implement and gives faster results, but celery grown from seeds will serve you longer. You can plant a new root vegetable every 2-3 months, or be patient and grow celery from seed, which will feed you fresh herbs for over a year.

To grow celery from a root crop, you will need a pot about 20 cm high, in which, depending on the size of the planting material, from one to three root crops are planted, the upper part of which should remain above the ground after planting. The soil in the pot, consisting of one part vermicompost and two parts coconut fiber, is compacted and watered. The composition of the soil for celery may be different. Where can I get root vegetables for planting? Dig it up at the dacha or buy it from grandmothers at the market. The first greenery will appear in two weeks.

Celery from seeds, planted using the method we described in the previous section, will produce the first greenery for cutting only after a month and a half, but you will receive an increase in greenery for a year, or even more. For sowing, it is better to take seeds of early varieties of root celery. After pre-sowing treatment, they are sown in moist soil to a depth of 5 mm and covered with glass or film.

Watering celery.

Celery is moisture-loving, so in summer it needs frequent and abundant watering. Winter watering should be more rare and modest. To moisten the soil, use water that has stood for at least a day. tap water room temperature. Keep the container of celery on a tray so you can drain excess water.

Fertilizing celery.

To ensure that home-grown celery feeds you fresh herbs for as long as possible, do not forget to feed it. Apply once every 2-3 weeks top layer soil, a teaspoon of Agrolife or dilute a cap of Growth in 2 liters of water and water the celery with this solution once a week. With proper care, celery from a root crop will last you three to four months, and from seeds – more than a year.

Planting celery in open ground

When to plant celery in open ground.

Planting celery in open ground is carried out at the stage of development of seedlings with 4-5 leaves and a height of 12-15 cm, when 50-60 days have passed since the emergence of seedlings. 2-3 hours before transplanting the seedlings to the garden bed, water them abundantly. Best time transplant seedlings to the site - the middle of the first ten days of May. Do not overcook celery root seedlings, otherwise it will be difficult to expect high-quality root crops from them. Before planting, seedlings are watered abundantly to make it easier to remove them along with a lump of earth from pots or boxes.

Soil for celery.

Growing celery and caring for it in open ground begins with preparing the site. Celery loves loose, light, fertile sandy loam soils with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. The celery bed is located in an open sunny place. The best predecessors for celery are legumes, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers, but after crops such as dill, parsley, parsnips and carrots, it is better not to grow celery.

The area for celery needs to be prepared in the fall: the soil is dug up to the depth of a spade, distributing 3.5-4 kg of humus or compost and 20 g of double superphosphate per m². In the spring, the soil on the site is loosened, while simultaneously applying 35-40 g of complex mineral fertilizer to each m².

Planting celery in the ground.

How to plant celery in open ground? Seedlings of root celery are planted on the bed at a distance of 40-50 cm in a row with row spacing of the same width, and stem and leaf celery are placed at intervals of 15-20 cm, maintaining a distance between rows of about 30 cm. Celery can be planted between beds of crops such as garlic , potatoes, onions. Add a handful of humus and ash to each hole, mix them with soil and, when planting, deepen each seedling to the cotyledon, then compact the soil around the seedlings and water the area. After planting, the seedlings are shaded from the bright sun with paper for several days.

Growing celery in the ground.

Growing and caring for petiole celery differs in some ways from growing root or leaf celery. In general, you will have to carry out well-known procedures - mulching, watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and, if necessary, treatment against pests and diseases. To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil and the formation of a crust on it, the area with celery immediately after planting is covered with a layer of peat, sawdust or mowed grass.

Three weeks before harvesting petiole or stem celery, its bushes are hilled up high, which helps whiten the petioles, reduce their bitter taste and content essential oils with a pungent odor.

If you grow root celery, release it in mid-summer top part from the soil, tearing off the lateral roots, and press the leaves of the celery root to the ground. Do not worry about them breaking - this will not harm the plant; on the contrary, this technique contributes to the formation of the largest possible root crop.

When the time comes to harvest, petiole celery, as well as root celery, is removed completely, and leaf celery can be used for forcing at home in winter time: Dig up the plants with a clod of soil before the first cold weather sets in and plant them in pots.

Watering celery.

Since celery is moisture-loving, it is watered at the rate of 20-25 liters of water per 1 m² per week. Do not allow the soil to dry out. During drought, you will have to water the celery daily. The soil in the garden bed should be slightly moist all the time. Watering celery is carried out at the root.

Fertilizing celery.

In order for celery to produce a good harvest, it is fed four times during the season. You already know about fertilizing during the seedling period. A week after planting in the garden, celery is fertilized with an herbal infusion, and after another two weeks, the celery is fertilized with an infusion of mullein or chicken droppings. IN last days In July, superphosphate is added to the soil in the celery bed at the rate of 30 g per m².

What to plant after celery.

The following year, in the area where the celery grew, you can grow onions, garlic, legumes, tomatoes and potatoes.

Pests and diseases of celery

Celery diseases.

Celery in open ground can develop the following diseases:

Rust– it manifests itself in early summer with the appearance of red-brown pads on the underside of the petioles, leaves and stems of celery. As the disease progresses, the affected parts of the plant turn yellow and dry out, losing their taste. To combat rust, treat the plant with Fitosporin-M, diluting 4-5 ml of the drug in a liter of water - this amount of solution is enough to treat 10 m²;

Septoria, or white spotting, or late burn, It affects celery at the end of summer: numerous yellow spots appear on the leaves, and oblong depressed spots of brown-brown color appear on the petioles. Cold, rainy weather stimulates the development of the disease. To treat celery from septoria, spray the plant with solutions of Fundazol or Topsin-M. The last treatment session must be carried out no later than 3 weeks before harvesting;

Cercospora blight, or early burn, appears in damp, cold seasons with sudden changes in temperature: round spots up to 5 mm in diameter with a brown rim and a light center appear on the leaves in large numbers. The spots on the petioles have an oblong shape, and if the air humidity rises, the spots become covered with a purple coating. As a result of the development of the disease, the affected petioles and leaves dry out. To combat the disease, the same methods are used as in the treatment of septoria;

Downy mildew affects the ground part of the plant, settling on it with a whitish cobwebby coating, which over time turns into a felt film with black dots. The disease progresses with cold dew and sudden changes in humidity and air temperature. The best folk remedy from powdery mildew– infusion of field thistle, 300 g of which in crushed form should be poured into 5 liters of water and left to infuse for about 8 hours;

Cucumber mosaic- viral disease. Depending on what strain of the virus has infected celery, it appears as large rings on the tops of plants, causing their deformation, or small rings, slowing down the growth of celery. Sick plants should be removed from the garden immediately. Since viral diseases are incurable, the fight is carried out with insects that carry viruses - aphids and mites.

The best protection for celery from diseases is their prevention. In order not to resort to treating plants with chemicals, it will be enough to treat the seeds before planting, observe crop rotation and agricultural practices, do not plant plants too close to each other, remove all plant residues from the site after harvesting and carry out deep digging of the soil.

Celery pests.

The most common insects that harm celery are:

Celery (borscht) fly, which at the end of May flies from the hogweed and lays eggs under the skin of celery leaves, which causes tubercles to form on them. Fly larvae eat away leaf tissue, leaving long passages. This causes the celery petioles to acquire a bitter taste, and overall the yield of the crop decreases. To prevent this insect from appearing in your garden, remove weeds in time, and plant onions next to the celery that repel the celery fly;

carrot fly flies out in the spring and lays eggs under the plants, and the larvae that emerge from them damage the roots, stems and leaves of celery. This pest produces two generations per season. To get rid of carrot flies, sprinkle the soil between the rows of celery with a mixture of dry mustard, sand and tobacco dust in equal parts several times at weekly intervals;

bean aphid- most close-up view aphids. Each generation develops in just two weeks. Aphids are sucking pests that bite through celery leaves and feed on their juice. In addition, aphids are carriers of dangerous and incurable diseases, so the fight against them must be carried out mercilessly: at the first signs of its appearance, spray celery with a decoction or infusion of tops of tomatoes, potatoes or dandelions. You can use an aqueous infusion of citrus peels: pour 1 part of the peels with 10 parts of water and leave for 3-5 days.

As preventive measures It is necessary to promptly remove weeds from the garden beds, remove plant debris after harvesting, and carry out deep digging of the site.

Types and varieties of celery

As has already been said more than once, root, leaf and petiole, or stem celery is most often grown in culture.

Celery root

grown primarily for its root, the healing properties of which are comparable to ginseng root. Celery root crops weigh from 500 to 900 g. Since the growing season for celery is at least 120 days, about early varieties There is no need to talk about culture, so we offer you an introduction to the best mid-early, mid-season and late varieties of celery. The most popular mid-early varieties of celery include:

  • Prague giant– 120 days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the ripening of celery root crops of this variety. The root crops of the Prague giant are large, turnip-shaped, their pulp is light, tender, aromatic, of excellent taste;
  • Apple– depending on weather conditions, this productive and disease-resistant variety ripens from 90 to 160 days. Its root vegetables are round, weighing from 80 to 140 g, with snow-white pulp rich in sugars. The fruits of this variety are perfectly stored;
  • Gribovsky– the growing season of this variety is 120-150 days, the weight of rounded root crops is from 65 to 135 g, their pulp is aromatic, light with yellow spots. Root vegetables of this variety are consumed both fresh and dried;
  • Globe– a variety with large rounded root vegetables weighing from 150 to 300 g with white, juicy, dense pulp with minor voids;
  • Diamond– the growing season of this bolting-resistant variety is about 150 days. Smooth, round root vegetables reach an average weight of 200 g. The pulp remains white even after heat treatment.

Mid-season varieties of root celery include:

  • Albin- this one is high productive variety ripens within 120 days. It has rounded root vegetables with a diameter of about 12 cm with white, juicy pulp without voids;
  • Egor– ripens in 170 days. The root crops are large, round, smooth, weighing up to 500 g, yellowish-gray with green. The pulp is aromatic, white and sweet;
  • Esaul– large, weighing up to 300 g, round grayish-white root crops of this variety ripen in 150-160 days. The roots of root crops of this variety are concentrated in the lower part;
  • Strongman– it takes about 170 days for the rounded root crops of this variety to ripen. They weigh up to 400 g, white with a yellow tint. The pulp is aromatic, white, sweet;
  • Giant– light beige root vegetables of this highly productive variety reach a weight of 700 g. Their pulp is white, dense, sweet and juicy.

Of the late varieties of root celery, the most popular are:

  • Anita– ripening time 160 days. This productive variety is resistant to bolting; round or oval root vegetables weighing about 400 g of light beige color are distinguished by snow-white pulp that does not lose color even after heat treatment;
  • Maxim– rounded root crops of this variety weighing up to 500 g take about 200 days to mature. They have creamy flesh with a delicate piquant taste.

Leaf celery

grown to produce fragrant leaves high in vitamins throughout the summer. This variety of celery does not form root crops. The most popular varieties of celery of this variety are:

  • Kartuli– mid-early Georgian variety, resistant to drought and low temperatures, with fragrant leaves on dark green petioles, growing several times during the summer. The leaves of this variety are used both fresh and dried;
  • Gentle– also a mid-early variety, technical ripeness which occurs 105-110 days after emergence. The leaves of this variety are also consumed both fresh and dried;
  • Sail– a productive early-ripening variety, ripening in 85-90 days. The leaves have a strong aroma and good taste;
  • Zakhar– mid-season high-yielding variety, producing two to three times more greenery than other leafy varieties. The leaves are tender and fragrant;
  • Cheerfulness– a mid-season universal variety, resistant to drought and low temperatures and ripening in 65-70 days. The leaves are strongly dissected, glossy and fragrant;
  • Samurai- one of the most popular mid-season varieties of leaf celery with highly corrugated aromatic leaf blades, similar to curly parsley. This variety ripens in 80-85 days;
  • Spartan– a variety with large dark green aromatic leaves, ripening in 80-85 days.

Petiole (stem) celery.

The value of stem celery is in its fleshy petioles, the thickness of which reaches 4-5 cm. Like leaf celery, petiole celery does not form root crops. Well-known varieties of stem celery include:

  • Malachite– it will take about 80 days to obtain thick, juicy and fleshy petioles of this mid-early variety. The leaves of this variety are dark green;
  • Gold– also a mid-early variety, ripening in 150 days. The petioles of this variety not only have excellent taste, but also bleach themselves;
  • Tango– a medium-late stem variety, ripening in 170-180 days, with bluish-green, strongly curved long petioles without coarse fibers;
  • Triumph- a mid-late variety that produces juicy and fleshy dark green petioles 25-30 cm long.

In addition to the described varieties of celery, such varieties as Yudinka, Snow globe, Pascal, Odzanski, Non Plus Ultra, Kaskade, Zvindra, Delicatessen and others.

Properties of celery - harm and benefit

Useful properties of celery.

What are the benefits of celery? Celery leaves and roots contain valuable amino acids for the human body, carotene, nicotinic acid, essential oils, boron, chlorine, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, zinc, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, vitamins A, C, E, K , B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and fiber.

A unique set of proteins, vitamins, acids and minerals contained in celery ensures the stability of cells in the body and slows down the aging process. Celery has a calming effect - celery greens are used to treat nervous disorders caused by overwork. Celery essential oil stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Celery is included in the menu of patients with diabetes, since its leaves normalize metabolism. It is indicated for elderly people who need stimulation of water-salt metabolism.

Celery contains coumarins, which reduce headache for migraines. Having an anti-inflammatory effect, celery reduces swelling and relieves joint pain due to gout, arthritis and rheumatism.

Celery has anti-allergic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and laxative properties. It improves the overall tone of the body and stimulates mental and physical performance.

Celery juice cleanses the blood and relieves skin diseases, especially if mixed with dandelion and nettle juice. It is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, diathesis, urticaria and urolithiasis. For external use - treatment of ulcers, wounds, burns and inflammations - you need to pass celery greens through a meat grinder and mix it in equal proportions with melted butter.

Celery preparations regulate the activity of the kidneys and liver, enhance sexual function in men, relieve pain, relieve insomnia, and are used to combat obesity, normalize metabolism and prevent atherosclerosis.

Celery root is used to treat pathologies of blood vessels and the heart - its use reduces cholesterol in the blood, it lowers blood pressure, and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

The fiber contained in large quantities in celery improves intestinal motility, relieving constipation. Men with chronic prostatitis simply need to consume celery root, as it actively affects the functioning of the prostate gland, improving its blood supply. In addition, celery is considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs that increases sexual desire.

So, let's summarize. Healing properties celery are manifested in the fact that it:

  • – helps treat vascular and heart diseases;
  • – strengthening the immune system, prevents infectious diseases;
  • – is a prophylactic against atherosclerosis;
  • – relieves anxiety and has a beneficial effect on nervous system;
  • – helps get rid of hypertension, diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • – stimulates the digestive system;
  • – eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines;
  • – relieves pain and inflammation in stomach ulcers and gastritis;
  • – facilitates the digestibility of proteins.

Celery – contraindications.

People with increased acidity gastric juice, those suffering from stomach ulcers or gastritis are not recommended to consume celery, since it has a stimulating effect on the digestive system. Celery is not indicated for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. A contraindication to consuming celery is pregnancy. Nursing mothers are also not recommended to eat celery because of the essential oils that can get into the milk.

Leaf celery is an umbrella plant, all parts of which can be eaten. It is called the “pantry of health” because of its beneficial effects on the human body. His beneficial properties and contraindications are worth knowing so that eating the plant brings only benefits.


Celery of any variety is rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. In preventive and medicinal purposes All parts of the plant are used.

Celery prevents the formation of kidney stones and destroys existing ones. This property is useful and safe for everyone who does not have large stones.

Regular consumption of celery greens helps to avoid vitamin deficiency. Spicy leaves stimulate intestinal motility and improve the digestion process.

Oil from celery greens, stems and seeds stimulates the functioning of the human reproductive system. This effect is more pronounced in men. IN folk medicine celery greens count medicine from impotence and infertility.

The leaves and stems contain substances that make blood vessels more elastic, which is important for older people. Regular consumption of celery serves as a preventive measure:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout

Some of the beneficial properties of celery are due to the high content of B vitamins. Greens and root vegetables have a positive effect when:

  • overwork;
  • nervousness;
  • stressful conditions;
  • sleep disorders.

An infusion of the root is used for:

  • rheumatism;
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • neuralgia;
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

It is useful to add celery leaves to your diet when you have skin and hair problems. The vitamin-rich composition will relieve such troubles as dryness and impaired skin structure. For cuts, bruises and inflammation on the skin, juice from the leaves can be used topically, in the form of lotions.

It is believed that dishes with celery increase mental activity and overall tone. Celery leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, so they can be used to prevent infectious diseases.


This is not to say that some people should not eat leaf celery at all. Its benefits and harm are relative concepts. The exact effect of the plant on the body depends on:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • health status at the time of consumption of the dish;
  • individual characteristics (hypersensitivity or allergies).

Moderate consumption of celery is not harmful to health, unless there are personal contraindications to its use.

Celery should not be eaten on an empty stomach and should not be the mainstay of the diet. A few glasses of its juice a day in the absence of other food will quickly cause gastrointestinal diseases.


Celery should not be consumed in large quantities by people with kidney stones. The plant provokes the movement of stones, and this condition may require urgent medical attention.

It is believed that celery can trigger an epileptic attack. With this disease, the plant should be used with caution. You should not overuse celery dishes if:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • flatulence;
  • allergies.

The taste of celery affects breast milk. To prevent infants from refusing to feed, mothers do not eat this plant, like other spices.

Pregnant women should not eat a lot of celery. The plant contains substances large number which stimulates uterine contractions.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

The calorie content of celery is approximately 13 kcal per 100 grams. Energy value roots – 32 kcal per 100 grams. Celery stalks contain one type of salt, so eating that much of the plant is problematic. Even dieters often neglect numbers:

  • 0.9 g protein;
  • 2.1 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.1 g fat.

All parts of celery contain minerals and vitamins:


Quantity per 100 grams

Minimum quantity for 1 day for an adult

Main function in the body
Vitamin A 0.01 mg 0.6 mg
  • participant in metabolic processes;
  • ensures normal hormonal levels;
  • required for healthy skin and eyes, formation of the skeleton and teeth.
Vitamin B1 0.03 mg
  • participates in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • consumed during stress;
  • needed for cardiovascular and intestinal health;
  • strengthens the immune system.
Vitamin B2 0.05 mg 1.5 mg Required for:
  • brain;
  • nervous system;
  • vision;
  • endocrine glands;
  • skin integrity and elasticity;
  • normal digestion.

According to some studies, it prevents the development of cancer.

Vitamin B3 (PP) 1 mg 1.4 mg
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • participates in the transformation of amino acids;
  • needed for normal synthesis of hormones that affect mental health;
  • prevents pellagra disease.
Vitamin C 8 mg
  • 90 mg
  • required for cellular respiration and cell division;
  • necessary for immunity;
  • participates in the absorption of carbohydrates.

For vitamin C deficiency

  • bones;
  • leather;
  • gums;
  • blood composition.
Calcium 60 mg 1000 mg
Indispensable in:
  • nervous processes;
  • muscle contraction;
  • hormone production;
  • cellular structures;
  • composition of bones and teeth.
Magnesium 30 mg 400 mg Participates in almost all body processes.
Required for
  • muscle contraction and nervous system function;
  • absorption of other macroelements.

Acts against allergies and improves intestinal motility. Helps prevent diabetes and kidney stones.

Potassium 390 mg 2500 Regulates:
  • water balance;
  • heart function;
  • functions of nerve and muscle cells.
Phosphorus 27 mg 800 mg Part of bones and teeth. Without phosphorus they become brittle. Affects nerve impulses, muscle contractions and mental development children.
Sodium 75 mg 1300 mg Maintains normal osmotic pressure. Required
for work:
  • nerve endings;
  • digestive system;
  • enzymes and hormones.

Together with chlorine, sodium forms hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Manganese 150 mcg
  • regulates sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • protects cells from damage;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • participates in the structure of the skeleton;
  • needed for other substances to work.
Iron 0.5 mg 18 mg Necessary for hemoglobin synthesis (transfer of oxygen in the blood). Takes part in the synthesis of many enzymes.
Zinc 0.3 mg 12 mg Zinc deficiency leads to short stature, enlarged head and infertility. He
required for:
  • fight viruses and bacteria;
  • skin renewal;
  • preservation of vision;
  • synthesis of hormones.

The plant also contains glutamic and nicotinic acids.

Eating celery will not make up for the deficiency of all useful substances, but as a prophylactic it is ideal. Periodically adding this plant to the diet will help avoid vitamin deficiency in the off-season.

The beneficial properties and contraindications for consuming celery are associated not only with the presence of vitamins and minerals in it. The plant contains essential oil of complex composition. Excessive consumption of it lowers blood pressure and causes allergies, so you should not take in your daily requirement of vitamins with celery.

How to store

Celery leaves are stored dried or frozen. During drying, the greens must be stirred regularly so that they do not have time to rot. There are several ways to freeze grass:

  • in an airtight container;
  • in plastic bags;
  • in ice trays (with water).

It is not necessary to separate the leaves from the stems before freezing. To store in molds with ice, the leaves must be crushed before adding water.

Greens can last 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator if you dry them and wrap them in foil. If the leaves are torn from the stems, they will spoil a few days earlier. Completely dried and crushed celery leaves can be stored for months in a paper bag.

You can pickle celery greens in a jar. The leaves are usually salted together with the stems, or only the stems. For 0.5 kg of plant you will need 100 grams of salt.

How to cook

All parts of leaf celery can be eaten either raw or after heat treatment. The leaves and stems are often used raw in salads. vegetable snacks and cocktails. The root vegetable is eaten raw, fried, boiled or baked with vegetables and spices.

There are many dishes that can be prepared from leaf celery. The beneficial properties will be better preserved if the plant is not subjected to heat treatment, but soups with its herbs are also quite healthy. The “fitness menu” of cafes often includes juice from celery and apples, as well as vegetable smoothies with the addition of greens from this plant for a spicy flavor.

How to choose

When choosing fresh celery in the store, you should pay attention to the condition of the stems. They should be fragile and difficult to bend. The elasticity of the plant indicates that it has been on the shelf for a long time. Ideally, the petioles should be soft but brittle. The leaves should not be drooping. Their softness means that celery can only be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

It is better to choose large root vegetables. A ringing sound when tapped indicates the presence of voids inside. To determine whether a root is about to rot, you need to press on its top. The root crop should be firm on all sides.

If the plant has a seed shoot, it will be tough and not very tasty.

What goes with it?

It is not necessary to use celery separately. The leaves have a spicy taste, so they are rarely used separately from the stems.

They are added to:

  • salads;
  • snacks;
  • meat dishes.

The taste properties of celery do not allow it to be combined with sweet fruits. For salads and cocktails, its stems are combined with sour green apples or oranges, and the leaves are used as a herb and for decoration. Some salad recipes combine meat, celery and pineapple.

In soups and meat dishes, fresh or dried celery leaves can be used separately from the stems. They function as a herb, like parsley or basil.

In soups and main courses, celery greens are combined with:

  • fresh and boiled vegetables;
  • any boiled meat;
  • tuna;
  • other greens - dill, parsley.

Adding nuts, paprika and herbs makes the taste richer and the dish healthier. The stems can be added to casseroles and soups based on this plant, and the chopped leaves will decorate the dish and give it a spicy aroma. Celery is added to dishes with boiled meat and canned fish, but is rarely used with sausage.

Celery is a healthy plant that, in the absence of contraindications, can be eaten regularly. Its greens improve health and add variety to your usual diet.

This vitamin green has long been known and loved by gardeners for its excellent taste and medicinal properties. Growing and caring for celery in open ground will not be difficult even for beginners, if you follow simple rules of agricultural technology. But in return you can get tops, roots, and even petioles! True, for this you will have to plant celery of all three types.

General information about celery

Celery varieties are divided into three varieties - leaf, petiole and root. In the conditions of the middle zone, all species can be planted in seedlings, since this crop has a long growing season. In practice, only the last two are grown this way, and the leafy one is sown directly into the ground. early spring or before winter.

Growing celery in open ground requires advance soil preparation. Beds for all types are prepared in the fall:

  • contribute phosphorus and;
  • add well-rotted manure or compost;
  • add ash or dolomite flour for acidic soil;
  • dig with a pitchfork, removing weed roots;
  • form beds.

For planting in the ground, choose open sunny places. Recommended doses are indicated on the packaging; organic plants need an average bucket per square meter, and the amount dolomite flour can be calculated based on the acidity level of the soil on the site. Add 350-450 g per square meter to a slightly acidic one; twice as much is needed for an acidic one. If the soil is alkaline, you can get by with adding 100-150 g to saturate it with calcium and magnesium.

Growing and caring for celery in open ground requires frequent watering and regular liquid feeding - mullein or nettle infusion.

If there is a lack of water, the leaves and petioles will be rough and fibrous, and the root crop will not reach the desired size.

When to sow seeds

Petiole and root types of celery are sown for seedlings in February or March. Late-ripening varieties should be sown earlier. Before planting, it is advisable to soak the seeds in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 days, wrapped in a damp cloth. In this way, celery seeds undergo stratification and subsequently germinate faster and more efficiently.

Time for planting in the ground

The weather will tell you when to plant celery in open ground. By the time the seedlings are planted, the soil should warm up to +8 degrees. IN middle lane this usually occurs in mid-May. By this time, the seedlings should have several strong leaves, a developed root system and be hardened. To do this, it is regularly taken out to the balcony or street during the day.

Features of agricultural technology

Celery is planted in the ground in rows. Optimal distance between them - at least 50-60 cm, and between plants - 25 cm.

Plants planted too densely will not receive enough nutrients and light. After planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly.

In the future, for good growth and development, celery is regularly watered, weeds are removed and loosened.

Growing petiole celery in open ground has some peculiarities. Starting from the middle of the season, the bushes are lightly earthed up, and at the end of summer, when the petioles have almost reached a marketable state, they can be earthed up more strongly and wrapped in light paper.
These procedures are carried out in order to obtain bleached stems - they are more tender and juicier than non-bleached ones.

Growing root celery in open ground also has subtleties, without knowledge of which it is difficult to obtain an even and large root crop. Seedlings should be planted on the ridges without being buried.
After the plant begins to form roots, it is necessary to regularly tear off the outer leaves, carefully trim the side roots and ensure that only a few thick lower roots are in the ground. The soil is regularly raked and loosened from the roots. Otherwise, there is a high risk of getting a brush of roots instead of a rounded root vegetable. For normal growth, root celery only needs a few well-developed young leaves and the lowest roots.

When removing excess leaves and roots from root celery, we must not forget about regular feeding organic fertilizers. Then the plant will form a large root crop.

When is celery harvested?

Harvesting of leaf celery begins as soon as the first greens grow. During the summer period it is cut several times. After cutting, the plant is watered and fed.

Cleaning the petiole and root species carried out selectively, as individual bushes mature. It must be completed before the onset of autumn frosts, that is, until mid-October.

Video on growing celery root

You can find a lot on the Internet delicious recipes, which use leaf or stalk celery, growing it is not particularly difficult and is suitable for our climate, so there is no reason to refuse such a useful vegetable plant!

What determines success in growing celery?

If you like to season your dishes with fresh herbs, and cannot imagine your plot without green onions, dill and various types salad, be sure to pay attention to plants such as leaf and petiole celery. Don’t be intimidated by the specific aroma and spicy taste of greens; it is so great that you should definitely include it in your diet as a seasoning or as a side dish for main courses.

Another question is how to grow petiole or leaf vegetable right to get plants with a rich aroma, lush foliage, elastic stems and excellent taste? To do this, you need to take into account some nuances, which will be discussed in this article.

Video about planting celery

It is recommended to place the beds in places exposed to the sun, but this plant does well even in light shade, and its foliage becomes more fragrant in such conditions. The most suitable temperature for the plant is about +20 degrees; in temperate climates it grows best and can even tolerate light frosts. Varieties with reddish petioles are especially frost-resistant.

Celery seeds

Preferred for growing celery fertile soils, quite loose, drained and at the same time capable of retaining moisture. The acidity should be neutral, but if the soil is acidic, lime must be added to it before planting.

Do not plant the vegetable next to parsnips, otherwise both plants may suffer from the same pest - the celery fly.


The leaf and petiole species contain essential oils, which give it a characteristic aroma and taste, stimulating appetite and digestion. In cooking, they are traditionally added to soups, sauces, salads, vegetarian pates and preservation.

Celery is a difficult vegetable to grow, but its flavor and healthfulness make it worth the effort to add it to your garden.

The best varieties to grow

In nature, celery is a biennial plant. In the first year, it produces a rosette of leaves and a root with numerous lateral roots, which grow to a depth of 20 cm. In the second year, shoots appear on which inflorescences consisting of small yellow flowers. In gardens, to obtain marketable products, the plant is grown as an annual.

There are many varieties on the market, both petiolate and leafy. They usually differ in size, ripening time or commercial properties. There are varietal and hybrid varieties of the plant. For cultivation in Russian climatic zone Petioled varieties such as Atlant, Malachite, and Zolotoy are optimally suited.

You can find out more in the corresponding article on our website.

Among leafy varieties, according to gardeners' reviews, the leading varieties are Kartuli and Zakhar. They quickly grow green mass and are characterized by high yields.

If you are planning to grow celery at home, the choice of variety may be a decisive factor on which the yield of the plant will depend, its appearance and taste.

How to grow celery using seedlings

In our climatic conditions, both root and leaf species are grown only from seedlings, because the seeds need fairly high temperatures to germinate. This is a plant with a long ripening period. The vegetable grows best in fertile, loose soils that retain moisture well. Both plants love well-lit areas or light partial shade. They do not grow in acidic soil.

Celery develops slowly in the early stages of growth, so it is necessary to select the right area for planting. The best neighbors for it are beans, peas, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots and onions. He doesn't like the company of potatoes and corn. The smell of the plant has a repellent effect on a number of harmful insects, such as white butterflies.

Video about growing petiole celery

The leafy variety requires a minimum of hassle - growing it comes down to weeding, loosening the rows and regular watering. It is only important when planting not to forget to place the growing point above the ground and constantly ensure that a crust does not form on the bed (mulching the soil will help to avoid this).

Plant care: rules for watering and fertilizing

Leaf and cutting varieties have high requirements for the nutritional value of the soil, both in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Recommended soil pH is 6.5 - 7.5. If the indicators on your site are higher, the soil should be deoxidized using liming (preferably in the fall) with the addition of magnesium or dolomite flour.

Organic fertilizers for this crop:

  • humus;
  • granulated or dried manure;
  • compost;
  • liquid fertilizer based on fermented grass;
  • vermicompost (fertilizer produced by earthworms).

Mineral fertilizers:

  • One-component. They should be used based on the results chemical analysis soil. The analysis shows which nutrients(micro- and macroelements) are absent in the soil for growing this plant.
  • Complex. When using them, pay attention to the chlorine and sulfur content. Celery is chlorophyll, so we use fertilizers that contain chlorides. He does not like sulfur, so it is advisable to abandon sulfate fertilizers.

To receive good harvests For petiole and leaf species, use the following care tips:

  • Covering with agrotextiles. Young seedlings are sensitive to low temperatures, so in the first period after planting it is worth covering the bed with a layer of agrotextile. To prolong the fruiting of the crop, the same technique is used in the fall to protect the greens from the first frosts.
  • Mulching. Plants respond well to mulching, which significantly limits the growth of weeds in beds, promotes better moisture retention, and protects from overheating.
  • Weeding. Loosening the soil has a positive effect on the growth and development of bushes. The soil between the rows is processed using a cultivator, flat cutter or hoe.
  • Watering. For proper development, this vegetable needs wet soil. Daily watering is required when the mass of greenery increases, and then as needed.

Diseases and pests of celery - prevention and control

Plant diseases can significantly reduce the yield harvested from a site. Learn how to recognize the symptoms and learn how to combat plant diseases.

The crop may suffer from problems associated with fungal infections or a deficiency of one or another microelement in the soil. Light green or yellow leaves may be due to a lack of boron in the soil. Education brown spots on the cuttings it indicates the need to add molybdenum. These troubles can be prevented by introducing during planting complex fertilizer, containing all the necessary microelements in full.

Diseases that occur for physiological reasons include the death of leaf tips. This problem is caused by excessive humidity in July and August, with cool weather and heavy rainfall. Multicomponent fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and magnesium help correct the problem.

Alarming symptoms such as discoloration and spots on the leaves, wilting of plants or inhibition of their growth may indicate the occurrence of fungal disease. The most common of them are presented in the table below.

Name of the disease

Signs of infection



Celery septoria

The first signs of infection can be seen even on seedlings; they are expressed in brownish spots on the cotyledons and leaves. A few weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground, dark brown spherical growths appear on the leaves and petioles of the infected plant. The source of celery septicemia infection can be infected seeds and residues from last year left in the soil. The development of this disease is favored by warm and humid weather in summer.

You can avoid the problem by choosing disease-resistant varieties and purchasing seeds treated with a fungicide.

Once signs of septriosis infection are detected, it is best to remove diseased plants. Treatment with Amistar250SC and Quadris may help in the early stages.

Early burn

This is a fungal disease that affects all species. The causative agent of this disease is the fungus Cercospora apii, and the source of infection can be infected seeds and spores preserved from the previous year. A symptom of the problem is growing spots. The tissues of the affected part of the leaves gradually become yellow, brown and dry out. Plant growth is significantly weakened.

In the area where the diseased plants grew, celery cannot be replanted for 3 years.

The fight against early burns is identical to the previous example.

You can cut trench petiole varieties at the end of autumn or dig them up as needed. Self-bleaching varieties are ready for harvesting within 12-15 weeks after planting in the ground. And leaf celery begins to be cut for greens already in July, as soon as it becomes clear that removing several stems will not harm the main plant.

Material updated 02/28/2018

Celery leaves slightly resemble parsley in appearance, but the smell and taste will prevent you from confusing them. Leaf celery is not as frequent a guest at our dachas as other spicy greens; until now it was grown only by gourmets. But the abundance of information about its beneficial properties makes us take a closer look at this wonderful plant. The unique composition of vitamins, microelements and essential oils determines its general strengthening, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sedative properties.

Almost all varieties of leaf celery produce abundant greens and good flavor characteristics. You can choose among them only based on their agrotechnical characteristics: ripening time, growing conditions. So there are early, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties, some are better to grow in open ground, and some - in a greenhouse or even on a balcony. If you plant varieties with different terms ripening, then the greens will be on the table all season, and all need the same care.

When buying seeds, you should pay attention to the timing - after 4 years of storage, their germination rate drops sharply. “Samurai” is the most unpretentious of all varieties of leaf celery cultivated in our country. It easily tolerates drought and low temperatures, the rosette grows up to 65 cm, its curly leaves with corrugated edges are very tasty and look attractive. They can be picked 75 days after seed germination.

“Zakhar” is chosen by those who want to receive big harvest. This is a mid-late variety with pubescent leaves, a semi-raised rosette 26 cm in diameter and up to 35 cm in height. Up to 120 leaves are formed on one plant, and after cutting they quickly grow back. The leaves can be consumed 105 days after germination, but they are considered ripe only on the 150th day.

“Kartuli” is a mid-season variety of Georgian selection, the rosette is erect, the petioles are dark green, and the leaves can be cut after 65 days. Plants of this variety very courageously tolerate a lack of moisture or heat. “Tender” produces a green harvest 110 days after germination; its semi-vertical rosette forms many side shoots.

“Vigor” is not afraid of temperature changes, tolerates cold weather and short-term drought well, its carved, aromatic leaves ripen 70 days after seed germination. The “Local” variety is distinguished by its high content ascorbic acid, leaves on long hollow petioles grow up to 65 cm. From 1 square meter plantings you can collect up to 3 kg of greenery.

"Improved Green" forms a semi-spreading rosette, which can consist of 100 - 120 leaves. “Sail” is also a high-yielding celery variety with a semi-spreading rosette. Leaf celery is much less commonly grown in dachas than root celery, which probably explains the small selection of varieties of this species.

Video “Planting celery”


Celery is considered a cold-resistant plant, but its seedlings may suffer from spring frosts, cutting of leaves begins 1.5 months after seed germination - all this determines the cultivation of leaf celery through seedlings. Indeed, sowing seeds in the ground in the spring (and this is not earlier than May) means getting leaves in the middle of summer. It is better to plant strong seedlings and feast on the fragrant leaves at the beginning of summer. Therefore, they begin to plant seeds in March.

First, they are soaked for several hours in warm water, preferably a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then kept on wet gauze for a couple of days. When the seeds hatch, they are laid out on the prepared soil in boxes or pots, lightly sprinkled with peat on top, and watered with a spray bottle. The boxes are then covered with glass or film.

The soil is prepared like this - they take leaf soil, peat, humus and sand in equal quantities. It is advisable to leave the boxes in the light and maintain a temperature of +20 - +25 degrees. After 5–6 days, shoots should appear. Celery seeds have very uneven germination, and it increases during storage, so it is best to sow planting material two or three years ago, not last year.

There is also this method of sowing: the prepared seeds are placed on snow laid on the ground in a dense two-centimeter layer, the boxes are covered with glass on top and placed on a sunlit windowsill. After the shoots emerge, the glass is removed and the sprouts are lightly covered with soil or peat. With this germination, the glass is not removed for watering, and the seeds get enough moisture from the melting snow.

After the sprouts appear, the glass is removed, and the seedlings are transferred to a bright room with a lower temperature - from 15 to 18 degrees. More high temperature will force weak sprouts to stretch upward, this will not make them stronger, but rather weaken them. The same thing will happen if there is a lack of light.

When the plants have 2 true leaves, they need to be picked. Each sprout is transferred to an individual glass (maybe peat) or at least at a distance of 5 cm from each other, pinching the main root. After this, they begin to prepare the seedlings for planting in open ground - they take them out into the fresh air every day, accustom them to sunlight.

May, when it is already warm, is an excellent time to plant seedlings in the garden. Plants are planted at a distance of 25 cm from each other, this must be done very carefully so as not to expose the roots, but also not to deepen the growth point, it should remain above the surface of the earth. It is best to do this in the evening or choose a cloudy day. Leaf celery should not be planted after parsley, carrots, parsnips or dill.

The soil for its cultivation should be light, fertile and neutral. Loam or sandy loam is best. If the soil is heavy, in the fall you need to add sand, sawdust (when there is no rotted sawdust, fresh ones are specially prepared) or peat. Then, in the fall, humus or compost is added for digging. Celery thanks good care It will also grow in slightly acidified soil, but it will have a slightly different aroma.


2 weeks after planting the seedlings in open ground, they are fed for the first time. This can be nitrogen-potassium fertilizers from the store or a solution of chicken manure diluted 1 to 10. Repeat feeding after a month. When growing leaf celery, nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used several times. Some owners prefer to feed their plantings only with a solution of bird droppings, mullein or grass mash. After watering with fertilizer, the leaves are usually washed with clean water and the soil is loosened.

Growing celery does not require special care; this crop cannot be called capricious. A biennial plant is cultivated as an annual; from planting seedlings in the ground to autumn harvesting, several cuttings of leaves are made. To wait for your seeds, you need to protect the plant from the winter cold.

In the south, it is enough to simply cover the plant for the winter, and then in the second year of cultivation do not cut off the flower stalks, allowing the real fruits with seeds to bloom and ripen. If the weather does not allow wintering in the ground, then the plant with a lump of earth is simply transferred to the cellar, the shoots from it are pre-cut, and kept in a dark, cool, fairly humid room. And in the spring they return to the garden.

Caring for leaf celery involves timely watering, weeding and loosening the soil. It loves a lot of moisture, but excess water should not stagnate. High humidity and the density of plantings can contribute to the breeding of slugs, snails, cutworms or infection with blackleg, rot. That’s why it’s so important when caring for celery to avoid shading and breeding weeds.

Plant residues should not be stored between rows. After watering or fertilizing, it is necessary to loosen the soil; a crust must not be allowed to form. Many summer residents solve all these problems with the help of mulching.

Growing leaf celery does not have any pitfalls, does not require too much effort or time, and a novice gardener can take care of it. The benefits of spicy leaves are worth much more trouble. The leaves are not only consumed fresh, they are traditionally dried or frozen to promote health or simply enjoy adding to food. all year round.

Video " Growing celery, sowing seedlings»

Video instructions for planting leaf celery seeds. Soak, sowing and care behind a young plant.