Yoshta: planting rules, reproduction and care. Preparing yoshta for the winter: beneficial properties, use and harm

Not every gardener knows the name “yoshta”. IN lately Garden berry lovers in our latitudes are increasingly interested in this hybrid shrub, although the hybrid itself was bred back in the 80s. It is attractive because it can be harvested long time parts - the berries ripen unevenly. At the same time, collecting them is a pleasure - the branches of the bush are devoid of thorns, which cannot be said about the ancestors of the bush. Yoshta is a mixture of gooseberries and black currants, therefore it has absorbed many of their characteristics.

Description of Yoshta

Let's take a closer look at the features and the advantages of a hybrid shrub. It grows up to one and a half meters in height, which its ancestors lack. Also, compared to them, it has more durable fruits and branches. In spring, there are few young shoots from the roots, so there is no need to prune the bush often. The culture is highly frost-resistant, so it feels very good in northern latitudes. And the best part is that she has acquired immunity to diseases and pests that have chosen currants and gooseberries.

Did you know? The first experiments in crossing these two cultures began more than a hundred years ago. Mostly they were unsuccessful: the flowers did not set. And only in the 80s did the German breeder R. Bauer succeed in breeding the first fruit-bearing hybrid. He gave it the name Iosta, taking the first three letters from the name of the mother bushes - that’s what josta is. Then his compatriot H. Murawski developed the varieties Yochemina, Jochne, and Moro. After them, new hybrids began to be produced in other countries of the world.

The plant is distinguished by dark green leaves, which do not inherit the characteristic currant aroma. Blooms bright flowers with a light aroma that can self-pollinate. But it is better to plant it close to gooseberries or currants so that pollination by insects occurs. The clusters that bear fruit grow short and produce no more than five berries. They hold tightly to the stalk and ripen unevenly.

Did you know? Low yield is the only drawback of the bush. Because of this, it is not grown in industrial scale, and are planted mainly by amateur gardeners. It is also recommended to use the bush as a hedge. Bushes with powerful branches grow even with the most modest care, practically do not suffer from anything and are unattractive to pests.

Yoshta berries have a dense black skin with a slight purple tinge. Fruits can grow even on one brush different sizes. When fully ripe, they give off a sweet and sour taste with a barely noticeable nutmeg aroma. Juicy berries are rich in vitamins and have medicinal properties. The first fruits can be expected in the second year after planting the bush on permanent place. Then the yoshta will bring a harvest every year. And starting from the third fourth year will reach its maximum productivity.

Yoshta varieties

Important! The shrub is planted in an open, level, well-lit place. To receive good harvest, it must be planted on cultivated and well-fertilized soils, in particular enriched with potassium. The soil is prepared as for currants, and a currant bush or gooseberry bush is planted nearby. This will improve pollination rates.

The British variety Yoshta has a bush height of no more than 1.7 meters and a width of about 1.8 meters. The semi-spreading shrub is similar in size and shape of leaves, bark color, and bud size to currants. The color of the leaves came from gooseberries. It blooms for about two weeks from mid-April, and after pollination produces tasty and large berries up to 5 grams each. In shape and consistency they resemble gooseberries more than currants. The harvest is plentiful, but takes about two months to ripen.

Important! To create a good nutritional regime for the soil, prevent the growth of weeds and moisture evaporation, the soil under the crown and around the trunk is mulched. For this, humus or peat is used. Each adult plant bush will require about 20 kg of mulch. Every year it requires approximately 5 kg of organic fertilizers, 40 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate per square meter. From the fourth year you can slightly increase the amount of potassium sulfate and organic matter. The bushes are fed according to the principle of growing currants.

The variety is resistant to anthracnose and powdery mildew, and can be slightly affected by bud mites. It is characterized by high drought resistance, much higher than that of black currant.

One of the very first hybrid varieties of yoshta. It is distinguished by its high growth, up to two meters, and very sweet round berries. The bark is similar in color to currant bark, but the leaves are still similar to both currant and gooseberry. They have no smell and stay on the bush for a long time. Yoshta flowers of this variety are larger than the parent ones, white, collected three pieces per brush. The round berries have a dessert, sweet taste. You can remove up to 10 kg from each bush, which is considered a high yield for yoshta.

This joshta is a Swiss variety. The bush grows straight and reaches one and a half meters in diameter. The clusters of inflorescences are dense, but they bear no more than five berries. The fruits are not very large in size, usually small, sometimes medium. The berries are smooth, black, similar to currants. The only undeniable disadvantage of the variety is that the fruits practically do not fall off when ripe and are firmly attached to the stalk. This is where the crown variety exhausts its advantages. The variety is low-yielding; no more than 3 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush.

Did you know? The berries of the bush are rich in vitamins P, C, and anthocyanins. It is advisable to eat them raw, but you can make jam, jellies, compotes, and jams from them. The fruits of Yoshta Krona and other varieties are used in medicinal purposes: to improve blood circulation, prevent gastrointestinal diseases, remove heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body.

The variety was bred by Russian breeders, therefore it is characterized by frost resistance, resistance to bud mite, anthracnose, powdery mildew. The variety produces powerful shoots. They grow up to one and a half meters, growing straight. Black berries oval shape The weight reaches a maximum of 3 grams. The taste is highly rated. The yield of Yoshta Rext is relatively high - just over 5 kg on average, but you can get twice as many berries from one bush.

Yoshta is a wonderful hybrid that combines the properties of currants and gooseberries. Several varieties of this have been developed interesting plant– all of them are devoid of thorns and are characterized by uneven ripening of the berries.

The best varieties of yoshta

In our country, varieties of domestic and foreign selection are grown.

Description of the variety Yoshta EMB

This variety came to us from Britain. The plant is medium-sized (not higher than 1.8 m), the leaves are wide. The flowering period takes 2 weeks. Fruiting is abundant, the berries are large (about 5 g), tasty. It takes about two months for them to mature.

Description of the variety Yoshta Krona

This variety was bred by Swiss breeders. The bush is low (up to one and a half meters), spreading, thornless. The berries are not large in size - they are small or medium. The brush can contain up to five berries. The variety is not very productive - each bush produces about 3 kg of fruit. The big advantage is that even after ripening the berries do not fall off.

Description of the variety Yoshta Rext

This variety is also not very tall - the height of thornless shoots does not exceed one and a half meters. The bush is erect. The berries are quite large (their average weight is 3 g). The taste characteristics are very good. The yield is high - 5.5-10.7 kg per bush. The plant is frost-resistant.

Description of the Yoshta Yokhini variety

This variety belongs to the category of tall plants (it grows up to two meters in height). The berries are round and very sweet. The yield is high - up to 10 kg from each bush.

Yoshta Moro: description of the variety

The height of the plant can be 2-2.5 m. The plant is thornless. The berries are very dark, almost black. The tough skin is covered with a purple coating. The berries are large (they are similar in size to cherries), sweet and sour. The aroma is strong, nutmeg. When ripe, the fruits do not fall off.

Yoshta: varieties for the Moscow region

All of the above varieties can be grown in middle lane and the Moscow region, but it is important to take into account that only in the southern regions (Kuban, Stavropol) does this plant fully reveal its potential. If the flower buds freeze, the plant's yield decreases. But in any case, culture deserves attention. In particular, it can be grown as a hedge.

The best varieties have managed to take root in our country. Unfortunately, the plant is inferior in popularity to its “parents” - currants and gooseberries.

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Yoshta is a hybrid of gooseberry and black currant, bred by a German amateur breeder in the 80s of the last century. If yoshta grows in the garden, planting and care, propagation and cultivation are not difficult for the owner of this amazing plant.

This is a perennial graceful shrub up to one and a half meters high and a crown diameter of up to two meters. Got its name from two words German language: Johannisbeere and Stachelbeere, which translated means currants and gooseberries.


From currants, yoshta received dark green lacy leaves that stay on the bushes until frost. From gooseberries it inherited the shape and size of the berries, which grow in the form of small clusters. Each cluster contains from 3 to 5 berries.

The berries are large, dark purple, almost black in color, sour in taste, and have the aroma of both currants and. From one bush you can get up to 5 kg of berries. The berries ripen unevenly, so the harvest can be harvested from July until frost.

At the beginning of ripening, the berries are hard and crunchy; when fully ripe, they become juicy with a sweet and sour taste and aroma of nutmeg. Covered with very thick skin. The berries do not fall off and are firmly attached to the stalks.

The bush consists of 15-20 large strong shoots of different ages. The depth of the roots is up to 40 cm. In spring, the plant is covered with beautiful bright flowers. It blooms in May, sometimes again in September.

Unlike gooseberries, they do not have thorns and lack the strong aroma characteristic of currants. Growing and caring for yoshta is not difficult due to the unpretentiousness of the plant. Resistant to cold temperatures and pests. Fruiting begins in the second year after planting. Maximum yield is achieved in 3-4 years.

The most popular varieties of yoshta: Triton, Odzhebin, Rudkis, Titania, Black Silvergitersa, from Russian varieties- hybrid of Zvyagintseva.

Has healing properties. Used for diseases gastrointestinal tract, to improve blood circulation, remove radioactive substances and heavy metals. The berries are rich in vitamins C, P, and anthocyanins. Vitamin C is slightly lower than in currants.

Resistant to diseases and pests, tolerates absence well sunlight, although it grows and bears fruit better in well-lit sunny areas.

Yoshta Reproduction

After planting, propagation and care of yoshta require regularity and care, although it does not require much effort. Yoshta can be propagated using all the methods known in gardening:

  1. Autumn cuttings. The most popular way. Young bark-covered shoots of this year should be pruned in the fall. Cut these shoots into smaller cuttings 15-20 cm long. Leave 4-5 buds on each shoot. Plant in the ground, leaving 2 buds on the surface.
  2. Summer cuttings. Cut the green branches into cuttings up to 15 cm long. Remove all leaves except the top two. On the shoots, make a longitudinal cut above each bud. Plant under the film at a slight angle, periodically loosen and water.
    Yoshta care and planting when propagated by cuttings are not required special effort, this method is common even among inexperienced gardeners. Therefore, cuttings can be considered the most preferable method of propagating this plant.
  3. Dividing bushes. Produced in spring or autumn. It is necessary to cut off the overgrown roots, divide the bush into several parts, treat the cut areas with garden varnish and plant each part of the bush in a new place.
  4. Seeds. This method is rarely used, usually if you need to get new variety yoshty. The seeds are mixed with damp, pre-steamed sand, then placed in a cool place. It is necessary to periodically moisten the sand.
  5. By layering. Dig up the soil around the bush, water it generously, make grooves in the ground from the center of the bush to different sides, then bend the outer young shoots to the ground, secure with brackets and sprinkle with earth. Replant independent rooted bushes after a year.

If the seeds germinate before spring, they should be planted in pots on a windowsill or in a snow bank until spring. In spring, seedlings are hardened off and planted in the ground.

Yoshta: planting and care

Yoshta is grown in individual bushes or in trunks. There is an opinion among gardeners that yoshta develops well and bears fruit only in the vicinity of gooseberries and, therefore, it is often grafted onto gooseberries or used as a standard rootstock for currants and gooseberries.

It is best to replant yoshta in the fall: at the end of September or beginning of October. The bush must take root before the onset of autumn frosts, accumulate nutrients and grow root system.

Planting yoshta in spring is less preferable for gardeners. In spring, air temperatures rise quickly, which leads to drying out of the soil. And yoshta loves moisture. When planted in spring, the cuttings take root well by autumn and produce the first harvest next year.

In one place the plant bears fruit for up to 18 years. Then you will need to transplant it to another place.

How to plant

To grow yoshta, a sunny, spacious place is required: over time, the bush grows greatly. You need to plant in a row at a distance of 1.5 meters, it is recommended to leave 2 meters between the rows.

Often used for hedges. To do this, young shoots need to be planted at a close distance from each other. It is not recommended to place the plant in the center of the site so as not to shade other plantings.

Yoshta is not afraid of winds and drafts. Does not grow well on sandy soils and peat bogs. Prefers loamy places.

You need to know how to plant yoshta in the spring, because it will require special attention to the selection of seedlings. Planting material must be of good quality, with a strong root system.

All dry or rotten areas should be removed. Before planting, place in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seedlings should be young, with smooth elastic bark and a powerful root system.

Soil preparation

You should dig a hole 50-60 cm in size so that you can place the roots in a straightened state. To fill the hole, prepare the following mixture: for 2-3 buckets of rotted compost, take 350 g of lime, 80 g and a half-liter jar of ash.

Planting of yoshta is carried out in the following order:

  1. Pour a third of the prepared mixture of compost and fertilizer into the hole.
  2. Pour out a bucket of water.
  3. Place a seedling with straightened roots into the hole.
  4. Fill with the remaining mixture.
  5. Lightly compact the soil and water.
  6. Cover with a thick layer of mulch.

Immediately before planting, each bush should be dipped in a mixture of water and soil; before burying, the roots should be firmly attached.

After planting, be sure to cut off the stems and leave 2-3 buds on each.

When purchasing seedlings, you should pay attention not to the strength and height of the shoots, but to the quality of the root system. It should be fresh and moist. A plant with dry and weathered roots takes root less well.

The bark should be smooth and fresh. You can pinch off a small piece of bark. If the green tissue of the plant is exposed, then the seedling is fresh and alive. This plant takes root quickly and bears fruit well.

If it is impossible to immediately plant a seedling, then it can be buried in the shade. Place the plant in an inclined position in the dug hole, cover the roots and half of the shoots with soil. In this form you can store up to a month.

Yoshta: care and cultivation

Yoshta is a moisture-loving shrub, therefore, to preserve moisture and nutrients It is recommended to mulch the soil near the bush with compost. The norm is 2 buckets of rotted compost per bush.

The next important step is pruning. Yoshta does not require special pruning to form a bush: only dried or frozen shoots should be cut off. In the spring, sanitary pruning is carried out.

Yoshta requires constant feeding: in summer 5 kg is applied organic fertilizer with the addition of 30 g of superphosphate per 1 m2. In the fall, add 20 g of calcium sulfide to this mixture.

At the beginning of summer, you should water it with a solution of mullein 1:5, bird droppings 2:20, or apply any mineral fertilizer, for example, Agrolife. From the 4th year, the dose of fertilizer must be doubled. In the fall, pour a half-liter jar of wood ash solution under each bush.

Resistant to pests and diseases that affect currants and gooseberries: anthracnose, powdery mildew.

Despite its relative youth, yoshta has managed to fall in love with many Russian gardeners. An unusually beautiful appearance, tasty and healing berries, unpretentiousness and endurance make this berry bush attractive to many people.

Yoshta at his summer cottage - video

I remember a plant like Yoshta from my childhood. These delicious berries grew up at our parents' dacha, and we all gathered them together in summer season. Today Yoshta grows on my plot.

This plant is not at all demanding in terms of care, but the harvest is pleasing every year. In this article you will get to know the plant better and learn how to proper care behind him.

Yoshta is a hybrid shrub that gained immense popularity in our country back in the 80s. Gardeners and gardeners love this plant due to the absence of thorns on the shoots, which makes it easier to pick the berries and ripen them one by one, so you can enjoy the fresh harvest for a long time.

This shrub is quite powerful and spreads over large area. The shoots of such a plant can reach a height of up to one and a half meters. Rose hips had a hand in the creation of such a shrub; however, the plant has no thorns at all.

Yoshta's crown is approximately 2 meters in diameter. The leaves are somewhat reminiscent of currant foliage, they are painted in green tones and have glossy surface. To winter period the bush is completely covered with foliage, which does not fall off in the fall. The fruits are similar to cherries, have a black-purple hue and a sweet and sour taste.

The plant produces its first fruits at the age of two years. In one place, Yoshta is quite capable of growing up to 30 years, is not afraid of cold weather and has excellent resistance to pests.


Planting Yoshta in the garden can be done in the first weeks of autumn or in spring period. The area for the shrub should be well lit, only nutritious and fertile soil is suitable.

Some gardeners and gardeners say that next to the Yoshta bush you need to plant gooseberries or currants, only this will give the plant good development and rich harvests.

Upon purchase planting material in a store or at a fair, then you should pay attention to its condition. This is especially true for the root system; there should be no affected or diseased areas on it. Among other things, the roots must be moist, otherwise such a plant will not take root.

bark with inside must have green tint, if it is brown on both sides, then most likely the seedling is already dead. If you bought a seedling in the fall, then you should mandatory tear off all the leaves without touching the buds. If, in your opinion, the roots are a little dry, then it is better to soak them in water for a day.

Planting in spring

The planting hole is prepared in such a way that the roots of the plant easily fit into it, and there is still space left. The approximate parameters of such a pit will be half a meter on all sides and in depth. The pit should be prepared in the fall. There should be 2 meters of free space between the bushes.

The planting pit is filling wood ash, compost and fertile soil. After filling the pit and mixing all the components, it needs to be watered. The soil will settle well over the winter. When spring comes, the soil of the prepared pit is loosened and a seedling is installed in it.

You need to fill the space with soil gradually, and do not forget to shake the plant so that voids do not form. After planting, the soil surface is compacted. Then you should water and lay a layer of mulch on top. After all the work is completed, all leaves are removed from the young plant and only a few buds are left.

Shrub care

Even beginners can grow Yoshta; there will be no problems with this plant, just like with currants. This hybrid is even easier to care for than gooseberries, because it has no thorns. All you have to do is loosen the soil in time and remove weeds, water and fertilize the plant, sometimes you will need prevention from pests and diseases.

The soil is loosened for the first time in the season in April. These works are carried out once every 20 days. Loosening depth trunk circle is 6 cm, but between the rows is 10 cm. If you don’t want to waste your time on endless watering and removing weeds, just use a mulch layer.

Such a layer will also be favorable for the growth and development of the bush. It is better to use humus or peat as a mulch layer.

For preventive purposes, once a year Yoshta is treated against pests and diseases. Such work should be carried out in the fall, when all the leaves have fallen, and in the spring, when the buds have not yet begun to bloom. A solution of copper sulfate should be used as a treatment substance.

The use of urea against diseases and insects will also become an additional fertilizer for Yoshta. Shrub processing can only be carried out at air temperatures above 5 degrees Celsius.

More details about care in the video:

Pests and diseases

Yoshta has identical diseases and methods of combating them as black currant. More often than others, Yoshta is affected by: glass rust, powdery mildew, mosaic, terry, etc.

If we talk about mosaic and glass rust, then these ailments are still incurable, so the plants affected by them should be immediately dug up and disposed of. If fungal diseases have made themselves known, then a fungicide will help in this case.

Yoshta is an amazing berry crop obtained by crossing gooseberries and black currants. This is a fairly new and little-known crop in our region, but every year interest in it only increases, and many gardeners strive to plant yoshta on their summer cottage. Several generations of breeders from different countries. Their main goal was to reduce the number of thorns in gooseberries, increase the size of black currant berries, and also obtain a frost-resistant plant that is resistant to many diseases. high yield. As a result of their long experiments, Yoshta was developed - unpretentious shrub, with spreading shoots, like currants and the absence of thorns, like gooseberries. Yoshta berries are juicy, aromatic, high in vitamin C. There is still debate among scientists about whether yoshta is a currant or a gooseberry? There is no definite answer, since the hybrid is endowed with the properties of both plants.

Yoshta - what is it? Brief history and photos of culture

The hybrid of gooseberries and black currants, Yoshta, was obtained relatively recently - in 1970, thanks to numerous experiments by the German breeder Rudolf Bauer. He managed to obtain a fruit-bearing shrub, a berry crop with best qualities their "parents". It was decided to give the new plant a name consonant with the first letters of the words “currant”, in German “johannisbeere” and “gooseberry”, in German - “stachelbeere”, the result was an unusual name - josta.

The new yoshta berry, thanks to its extraordinary taste and unpretentious care, very soon became popular among gardeners Western Europe, and only later our summer residents began to grow yoshta.

Photos of Yoshta

Yoshta - description of the plant

Yoshta is a perennial berry bush that looks like a spreading and powerful currant bush. The bush grows quickly, reaching a height above 1.5 meters and growing up to 2-3 meters in width, which is why yoshta is often grown not only as a useful berry crop, but also as a luxurious hedge in landscape design. The main difference between yoshta and gooseberry is the complete absence of thorns on the branches. The shrub has a fibrous superficial root system, which lies 30-40 cm deep and practically does not form horse shoots, so the shrub does not need regular pruning.

The dark green leaves of yoshta are similar in shape to the foliage of gooseberries, but are much larger in size. The leaves do not fall off for a long time and do not have such a pronounced aroma as currant leaves.
The plant blooms beautifully, big flowers yellow-green color. The flowers have a light, delicate scent that is attractive for insect pollination, although they are partially self-fertile.

Yoshta fruits are large black, with a slight dark purple tint to the berries. They have a sour taste. Externally, the berries resemble large blackcurrant berries, but differ in that they stay on the branch for a long time and do not fall off until autumn. The berries have a bright, amazing aroma, in which both notes of gooseberries and currants are recognizable, and the aroma of nutmeg is also felt. The ripening time for yoshta berries is the first days of August. Yoshta is rich in vitamin C, the content of which in the fruits of the plant is several times higher than in currants. In addition, they contain pectin and organic acids, which help improve blood circulation and remove heavy metal salts from the body. Fragrant berries are very useful to eat in fresh, and so they are prepared for the winter. After heat treatment they do not lose vitamins and medicinal properties. The first harvest from a bush planted in a permanent place is obtained already in the 3rd year after planting; the bush bears fruit abundantly for 15 to 20 years.

Yoshta varieties

After the discovery of a hybrid, a new berry crop, experienced gardeners and breeders began to actively cultivate the plant and develop new varieties adapted to the climate conditions and characteristics of a particular region.

EMB. A variety developed thanks to the work of British breeders. Its features:

  • the bush has a spreading shape, reaching a diameter of 2 meters and a height of up to 1.8 m;
  • shoots are strong, powerful, do not require additional garter;
  • leaves are similar in shape to gooseberries, large;
  • the berries are large, strong, their weight reaches 5 grams, and their taste and appearance are more reminiscent of gooseberries;
  • The peculiarity of this variety is its resistance to powdery mildew, rust, brown spot, spider mite as well as drought.

Crown. A variety of Yoshta, bred by Swiss breeders. Its features:

  • the bush is low, with straight, dense shoots that are completely free of thorns;
  • low-yielding variety, no more than 5 fruits are set on dense clusters of inflorescences. On average, one bush produces about 3 kg of crop per season;
  • the berries are medium or small in size, their weight is up to 4 grams, they are similar in appearance to currants, and do not fall off when ripe;
  • This variety is not susceptible to many diseases that are characteristic of black currants and gooseberries.

Yohilina. High-yielding variety, increasingly gaining popularity in our region.
Its features:

  • The height of the bush is about 1.5 meters, in diameter it reaches 2 meters. The bush is spreading, produces dense growth that needs thinning, otherwise the fruits will be small;
  • the fruits are small in size: medium or large, their weight can be from 5 to 12 grams;
  • The berry crop is resistant to diseases.

Rext. A variety of gooseberry, Yoshta, which has an attractive appearance and is used by summer residents as an ornamental bush and garden decoration. This variety is the result of the work of domestic breeders, taking into account the peculiarities of our climate, so the plant is resistant not only to diseases (powdery mildew, anthracnose, spider mites and bud mites), but is also frost-resistant. Its features:

  • The shoots are powerful, erect, reaching a height of up to 1.5 meters. The bush is spreading;
  • The fruits are medium, up to 5 grams, have a pleasant taste and aroma. Productivity is average;
  • the plant prefers shaded areas of the garden; the leaves burn when exposed to direct sunlight.

Yoshta, landing

Due to the fact that the parents of yoshta are currants and gooseberries, the agricultural technology for growing the plant is similar to these berry crops.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

Yoshta grows well on open areas gardens that are well lit by the sun. A shrub with powerful shoots is not afraid of wind and drafts. The plant loves space and grows actively, so you need to make sure in advance that there is a free zone for growth around it; the distance between bushes when planting should be maintained at least 1.5 meters.
To obtain high yields, it is worth planting yoshta in fertile soil, rich in potassium. Garden loam soils will become ideal option for planting shrubs. Peaty, sandy soils and areas located in drained swamps are less suitable for the plant. In this case, additional soil fertilization and more careful care of the bush will be needed to get a rich harvest. Experienced summer residents claim that the yield of yoshta increases if a currant or gooseberry bush is planted next to the hybrid.

Yoshta landing time

You can plant shrubs or early spring until sap flow begins in the shoots, or early autumn, at the beginning of September. When planting seedlings in the ground in the spring, the root system of the plant will take root well by autumn and within a year or two the first berries will appear. If you plant seedlings early in the fall, they have time to take root before the first frost and a year later they also begin to bear their first fruits.

How to plant yoshta

If you decide to plant yoshta in the spring, then you need to choose a planting site and prepare holes in the fall. The distance between planting seedlings should vary between at least 1.5-2 meters. If you want to use shrubs as a fruit-bearing hedge, then a distance between plantings of 0.5 meters will be quite enough. The pit size is 50*50*50. Drainage is placed at the bottom to prevent rotting of the roots from excess moisture.
A soil mixture prepared from:

  • half a bucket of compost or humus;
  • 0.5 liters of wood ash;
  • 100 g superphosphate.

Add some garden soil and fill the hole with this mixture, about a third of its total volume, then fill the hole fertile soil and fill it with a bucket of water. By spring the soil is in landing pit will settle, it will be enough just to loosen the bottom of the hole and place the seedling in the center, not forgetting to carefully straighten the roots.

Sprinkle the seedling with the top fertile layer of soil, making sure that there are no voids left in the soil, compact the soil a little around the young bush and pour a bucket of water. After drying, the soil around the seedling must be covered with a layer of humus, peat, dry straw or sawdust 5-10 cm high. Final stage spring planting– pruning the seedling, leaving a shoot about 20 cm high, with 2-3 buds on the shoot.

If you choose early autumn for planting yoshta, then follow the same planting pattern as in spring, only the holes should be prepared and fertilized at least 2 weeks before planting.

How to choose quality yoshta seedlings

When buying yoshta seedlings, you need to carefully examine the root system, since the roots are too dry, dehydrated, weathered, as they may not take root and the plant will die. It is recommended to buy yoshta in specialized places in order to be confident in the quality of planting material and stable yield of the variety in the future.

Rules for choosing a quality yoshta seedling:

  1. Choose young seedlings that take root faster and better in a new place.
  2. Pay attention to the root system, it should be healthy, look fresh and hydrated.
  3. The bark on the shoots should be smooth, not wrinkled. Pinch off a small piece of bark from the shoot.
  4. If a green surface is found under the bark, the seedling was dug up recently and is viable; if the surface has a brown tint, the seedling may stop growing after planting and die.
  5. If you buy yoshta in the fall, after purchasing, remove all the leaves on the branch, leaving only the buds on the axils of the leaves.
  6. When transporting a seedling, carefully wrap the roots with a damp cloth and place in a bag.
  7. If you have to wait a while before planting a purchased seedling, dig it in a shaded place in the garden. Dig a shallow, elongated ditch, place the seedlings in it at an angle and sprinkle them with soil so that the roots and half of the shoots are underground. Water the shoots periodically. You can store seedlings in this form for up to 3-4 weeks.

Yoshta, care

Yoshta is an undemanding crop, the care of which consists of weeding, removing old shoots, watering and fertilizing.

Mulching the soil

To prevent the growth of weeds around the bush and reduce the amount of weeding, the soil under it must be mulched. In addition, mulch helps retain moisture and prevents its rapid evaporation. Peat or humus is suitable as mulch. Required quantity organic matter for each bush - up to 20 kg.

Feeding the bush

After planting yoshta in the country, the bush must be fed annually mineral fertilizers. In the first 3 years, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate per square meter are used to fertilize the soil. Starting from the 4th year of life, the amount of potassium sulfate is increased to 25 g, and superphosphates are reduced by adding no more than 30 g per m² to the soil.
In autumn, yoshta is fed with wood ash in the amount of 0.5 cans.


Yoshta is a moisture-loving berry crop, so maintaining moisture is important stage shrub care. Lack of moisture in the soil leads to stunted growth and development of the plant. Water consumption – 20-30 liters of water per m². It is better to water the bush in the morning or late evening. For irrigation, use circular grooves up to 15 m deep. It is advisable to dig them out 30-40 cm from the crown projection.

Pruning yoshta

In spring, the shrub needs sanitary pruning. Remove broken and damaged diseased branches. They need to be shortened to a healthy area on the shoot. Sanitary pruning must be carried out before sap flow begins. The shrub does not need crown-forming pruning. But, after the branches reach the age of 7-8 years, it is recommended to shorten them so that 6 healthy buds remain on the shoot. In the autumn, after leaf fall, sanitary pruning is carried out again, removing damaged shoots; healthy branches must be shortened by 1/3.

Yoshta Reproduction

To propagate the hybrid, vegetative methods are used: propagation by layering, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Dividing the bush

In the fall, if you need to transplant the bush to another place, you can propagate the bush by dividing the bush. After digging up the bush, clean the roots from the soil and sharp knife divide the root, leaving a few healthy shoots on each side. Fresh cuts on the roots should be treated with crushed activated carbon. The resulting cuttings are ready for planting in a new location.

By layering

This method of propagation is used in the spring, when the soil has had time to warm up well. It is necessary to select healthy, developed shoots from the bush and place them in specially prepared shallow grooves (depth 10 cm). The branches are secured with metal hooks and sprinkled with earth. Rooting of cuttings occurs within 1-2 months.


To propagate yoshta by cuttings, two methods are used: rooting green cuttings or semi-lignified ones. For this method The ideal period for vegetative propagation is early autumn, so that the planted cuttings have time to take root and overwinter.

To prepare cuttings, choose mature two-year-old shoots with 5-6 buds, cut the cutting up to 20 cm long, the cut should be oblique. Unripe green tips of shoots are not suitable for propagation. The resulting cuttings are planted in the ground at an angle of 45º at a distance of 60-70 cm. It should be noted that only 2 buds should remain above the ground, and the lower one should be located at ground level. Compact the soil, water the cuttings and mulch with peat. Periodically water the cuttings, loosen the soil and remove weeds around the young seedling.

Yoshta: diseases and pests

  • Gray bud weevils are insects that plague fruit and berry crops; they feast on buds that have not yet opened, and later on buds and buds. The only measure to combat the weevil is to spray the bush during bud break; for this, pyrethroid or neonicotinoid chemicals are used.

  • Sawflies - feed on young greenery, leaving only veins. Adults are collected by hand and also sprayed with entobacterin biological products.

In addition to the value of yoshta as a healthy berry crop, summer residents appreciate its decorative value and successfully use it to decorate their plots. Large spreading bushes make a wonderful hedge.

Yoshta bushes are planted in a line at a distance of half a meter from each other. Yoshta can decorate the garden as a single shrub, and can also be part of mixed border plantings.