Nutrition for diseases of the liver (hepatitis B and C) and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. What can and can not be eaten in the treatment of hepatitis A? Diet menu for the week

It is an infectious disease that is transmitted by the fecal-oral route and is characterized by liver damage.

With hepatitis A, just like with other hepatitis, the liver suffers, that is, it cannot cope with its functions.

Diet for hepatitis A is one of the therapeutic measures, which plays a major role in the treatment of the disease.

Diet Basics

A diet for hepatitis A should provide favorable conditions for the liver, normalize the work of the affected organ and biliary tract, ensure good bile secretion, and also facilitate and stabilize the work of other organs of the digestive tract that are involved in the infectious process in hepatitis A.

In addition, the diet is designed to regulate fat metabolism and cholesterol metabolism, as well as the function of glycogen accumulation in the liver.

According to the table of treatment tables according to Pevzner, the diet for hepatitis A corresponds to table number 5. General characteristics of the table per day:

  • proteins 90-100 gr.;
  • fats 80-100 gr.;
  • carbohydrates 350-400 gr.

The energy value of the table corresponds to 2800-3000 kcal.

It should be noted that while following the diet, the amount of animal fats should be reduced, since they increase the load on the liver and bile ducts by 2 times.


Nutrition for hepatitis A should be fractional, up to 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Firstly, the principle of fragmentation is associated with a lack or decrease in the patient's appetite and is designed to stimulate appetite, and secondly, small but frequent portions of food do not create an increased load on the liver, thereby ensuring its normal functioning and ability to fight infection.

salt restriction

The amount of salt consumed in hepatitis A will have to be limited to 4 grams. per day. This is primarily due to the fact that sodium chloride causes fluid retention in the body, and, consequently, swelling. And secondly, the fluid that lingers in the body bypasses the urinary system, thereby minimizing the process of detoxification (removal of toxins and decay products of the pathogen from the body).

Temperature regime

The optimal temperature regime in the diet for hepatitis A corresponds to other treatment tables, that is, the food temperature should be in the range of 15-60 ° C (not cold and not hot). This spares the liver as much as possible, does not irritate the stomach and stabilizes the pancreas.


With hepatitis A, you should use free liquid from 2 to 2.5 liters in the form of a decoction of wild rose and medicinal herbs, fruit drinks, weak tea. Such an amount of liquid, on the one hand, provides detoxification of the body, and on the other hand, stimulates the patient's appetite.


With the described disease, alcohol consumption is excluded for at least 6 months. The liver is not yet able to function normally, all its forces are aimed at restoring damaged hepatocytes, so alcohol will only aggravate the course of hepatitis A.

Prohibited Products

In the diet for hepatitis A, foods are prohibited that make the liver work in an enhanced mode, cause increased bile formation and significant secretion of the pancreas.

Also, products that irritate the stomach, promote increased gas formation and fermentation in the intestines are not welcome. All these products (extractive substances, purines, refractory fats, fried foods) create an additional burden on the affected organ and should be excluded.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • fresh bread, pastries, especially muffins, fatty and fried pies, pancakes, pancakes;
  • strong and rich broths from meat, fish, poultry, mushrooms and soups from them, as well as okroshka;
  • fatty and sinewy meats: pork, old beef, lamb, poultry, chicken with skin;
  • fatty fish: salmon, tuna, halibut, mackerel, cod, sardine smelt.
  • any canned fish and meat, all types of sausages, meat and fish snacks;
  • smoked meats and salinity (ham, herring, etc.);
  • pork, lamb fat, margarine, mayonnaise, spreads;
  • all types of poultry, except for chicken, offal;
  • hard-boiled or fried eggs;
  • seasonings: pepper, horseradish, mustard, vinegar;
  • vegetables: green onions, garlic, sorrel, radish, radish, spinach, legumes, as well as pickles and pickled vegetables;
  • caviar, mushrooms in any form, especially salted and pickled;
  • strong tea, coffee, cocoa, sweet carbonated drinks, especially cold ones;
  • ice cream, confectionery creams, cakes, pastries, chocolate;
  • high-fat milk, cream, spicy and salty cheeses;
  • all dishes prepared by the method of frying.

Approved Products

Products that are allowed to be consumed while following a diet for hepatitis A should have two qualities.

Firstly, food should be easily digestible, and secondly, it should gently affect the liver and digestive tract, that is, not overload them with work.

In addition, food should contain a large amount of lipotropic substances (dissolving fats), pectin, and vitamins. Food should not cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach and heaviness in the stomach, moderately stimulate bile secretion and the formation of pancreatic and gastric juices.

Lecithin, which is formed due to the use of lipotropic substances, promotes the removal of fats from the liver. Food should be boiled, steamed or baked.

The list of allowed products includes:

  • yesterday's or dried bread, dry non-bread cookies (biscuits, crackers):
  • soups cooked on vegetable broth, with the addition of cereals and vermicelli, as well as milk soups, vegetarian borscht and cabbage soup, beetroot;
  • lean meat: veal, lamb without tendons and films, white meat of chicken without skin, rabbit meat and meatballs, quenelles, steam cutlets prepared from them;
  • milk sausages are allowed in a small amount;
  • vegetarian pilaf without frying vegetables;
  • crumbly cereals from buckwheat, oatmeal, semolina, millet;
  • boiled pasta, vermicelli;
  • low-fat varieties of fish: perch, hake, flounder, navaga in boiled or baked form;
  • protein omelettes, soft-boiled egg is allowed no more than 2 times a week;
  • puddings, casseroles, souffles made from cottage cheese, pasta, rice, rolls, cabbage rolls, stews;
  • vegetables: beets, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin;
  • fresh and boiled in the form of mashed potatoes and compotes, sweet and ripe fruits and berries (strawberries, apples, bananas, melons, strawberries, peaches);
  • dairy and vegetable sauces, sour cream sauce, fruit sauce;
  • from seasonings, dill and parsley are allowed;
  • sweet: marshmallow, honey, jam, meringues;
  • boiled seafood;
  • snacks: squash caviar, jellied fish, herring soaked in milk;
  • low-fat milk and sour-milk products, cottage cheese, mild and unsalted cheeses;
  • refined oil, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • weak tea with milk or lemon, herbal teas, rosehip decoction, bran, freshly made juices from vegetables and non-acidic berries and fruits.

The need for a diet

Diet for hepatitis A is practically the only therapeutic measure for this disease.

Compliance with the treatment table reduces the severity of the symptoms of the disease, speeds up the healing process. In addition, the hepatitis A diet stimulates the patient's appetite, which is often absent in this infection.

Also, the diet stabilizes and normalizes the work of not only the liver, but the entire gastrointestinal tract. The high content of vitamins in food improves mood, raises vitality and stimulates the immune system.

Consequences of not following the diet

In case of non-compliance with the diet, the following complications may develop:

  • hepatomegaly (enlarged liver);
  • the transition of the disease to a lightning-fast form, which is dangerously fatal;
  • liver failure.

Hepatitis C is of viral origin, the development of the disease occurs from the moment the virus enters the human blood. Infection with hepatitis C is possible through the mucous membranes or through invasive manipulations: injections, tattoos, manicure, sexual contact. High prevalence of infection among people who inject drugs or are promiscuous. There is no vaccine against this type of hepatitis, so prevention is important. A sparing diet for hepatitis C is aimed at unloading damaged hepatocytes, which contributes to the speedy regeneration of the liver parenchyma.

This type of hepatitis is considered the most severe. The mortality of patients is an order of magnitude higher compared to hepatitis A: in 3⁄4 cases, the disease becomes chronic, up to 40% of patients have complications in the form of cirrhosis of the liver, and 4% have carcinoma.

The incubation period can last up to 26 weeks, while maintaining the RNA of the virus in the patient's blood for more than six months, we can talk about the chronic form of the disease. Hepatitis C is considered a potentially life-threatening disease. The insidiousness of the disease is its asymptomaticity, which leads to late detection of pathology at the stage of replacement of normal cells with connective tissue. Therapy at this stage is ineffective.

The main way of infection is through the blood, often the spread of the disease is recorded among injection drug addicts. But other ways of infection are also possible: hemodialysis, sexual contact, skin damage with non-sterile instruments, blood transfusion.

Once the virus is in the blood, two scenarios of the disease may develop:

  1. The acute form of hepatitis C. It is characterized by severe intoxication, liver enlargement, asthenic or dyspeptic syndrome. There may be jaundice.
  2. Chronic form of hepatitis C. Clinical symptoms are not observed or are nonspecific - weakness, depression, lack of appetite, fatigue. Often this form is determined by chance during the passage of a laboratory examination for another reason.

Complete recovery is possible in a quarter of patients, the remaining cases are characterized by a transition from an acute form to a chronic one. Allocate an active chronic type of hepatitis - in this case, the symptoms appear in waves. Due to the multiple periods of exacerbations, viral cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure develop, which leads to disability.

Therapeutic therapy is carried out using antiviral (interferons) and hepatoprotective (based on milk thistle herb) drugs, but special attention is also paid to correcting the patient's nutrition. This allows you to significantly reduce the load on the liver, reduces the intensity of pain and has a positive effect on the general well-being of the patient.

The main goal of the diet is to deliver essential trace elements and vitamins to the body that help the liver recover.

The cure of hepatitis takes a long time, therapy up to a year is possible. A person with such a disease should unload his liver as much as possible, reducing the intake of harmful substances to a minimum, but at the same time eat tasty and full, as the diet will last a very long time.

This will enrich the body with all the necessary substances to restore liver cells, but not damage the organ with additional toxins from food. Failure to comply with the necessary diet increases the risk of exacerbations of the disease.

Proper nutrition is very important for infected pregnant women. Hepatitis C has a certain effect on the course of pregnancy, but does not form malformations or congenital diseases of the fetus. By following all the doctor's recommendations, a woman minimizes harmful effects, so there are still chances that the baby will be born healthy.

The therapeutic diet for the patient is prescribed on the basis of table No. 5, which was developed by the doctor M.I. Pevzner. These diets are recommended for patients who suffer from diseases of the gallbladder, liver and biliary tract. It is based on the principle of good nutrition, but in a gentle form of preparation.

With a full recovery (or the transition of the disease to an inactive form), this menu is quite suitable for the further nutrition of an adult. It is also indicated for weight loss, pregnancy, before childbirth, during breastfeeding.

The main aspects of dietary nutrition in liver diseases are:

  • complete composition of proteins and carbohydrates;
  • reduced percentage of fat;
  • cooking methods: boiling, baking, stewing is sometimes acceptable;
  • it is desirable to completely eliminate the use of cold dishes;
  • exclusion of meat broths, coffee, strong tea and cocoa, chocolate;
  • a ban on foods that provoke intestinal fermentation;
  • limiting salt intake to 10 grams per day.

According to the chemical composition, the daily ration is divided into the following parts:

  • proteins - up to 80 grams, while 2/3 should be of animal origin;
  • fats - up to 90 grams, while 1/3 should be vegetable;

  • carbohydrates - up to 400 grams;
  • clean water 1.5-2 liters;
  • salt restriction to 10 grams;
  • the total calorie content should be 2400-2800 calories.

The diet is provided 4-5 times a day in moderate portions.

What can not eat and drink with hepatitis C? Products with synthetic aromatic additives are completely excluded. As well as any confectionery, smoked meats, canned foods, absolutely any fried or fatty foods (even broths).

Allowed and prohibited products

To facilitate the work of the liver, the patient must compose his menu so as not to consume harmful foods. The main prohibitions include alcohol, any spicy dishes. The diet goes well with drug therapy (injections of Heptral, Daclatasvir). It reduces the toxic load on the liver and is suitable for all genotypes of the disease.

All allowed products in the list are divided into several groups, each has restrictions and prohibitions.

The use of weak tea, compote based on fresh or dried fruits and berries, decoctions of chamomile or wild rose will have a very favorable effect on the general well-being of the patient. Kissels (without acid), fruit drinks, homemade juices, previously diluted with water, are acceptable. Be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day.

It is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol and alcoholic drinks, coffee, cocoa, any carbonated drinks or store juices. Also, you should not drink strong tea, green tea, chicory, hibiscus.


They are considered the basis of nutrition for a patient with hepatitis C. You can cook a variety of vegetable options (can be in the form of mashed potatoes), milk soups with vermicelli, lean borscht or cabbage soup, beetroot, and barley-based soup.

Any soups based on meat or fish broth are prohibited. This also applies to additives in the form of spinach or sorrel, legumes. You can not use okroshka (no matter on what basis it is prepared).

A large variety of cereals can be safely included in the patient's diet, but they should be consumed in a semi-liquid state. You can cook porridge on water or take water and milk in half. Recipes based on cereals wonderfully diversify, whether it be puddings or a variety of soufflés.

Forbidden to the diet of cereals from legumes and lentils. Barley, pearl barley and corn porridge should be consumed in limited quantities.


For food, any kind of vermicelli or pasta is allowed. But supplements to them should consist only of the allowed list, whether it be meat or vegetables.

Fatty, creamy, spicy or tomato sauces are prohibited.

Meat products

The patient needs a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, so eating meat is very important. But you should choose low-fat varieties, for example, veal, poultry (except goose), rabbit, cook poultry without peel. Fish is selected according to the same principle - low-fat. A limited number of mussels, shrimp and squid are allowed, salmon only as an appetizer. This fish has a high nutritional value, but its excessive fat content can harm the liver.

It is forbidden to use offal, as well as all sausages, smoked meats and canned food. All heavy fat, fatty meats and fish, caviar.

It is preferable to choose rye or white dried bread, the type with bran is very useful. From baking, you can eat dried biscuit, puff pies (without margarine), biscuit types of cookies, as well as bran and store-bought bread.

It is forbidden to eat any muffin, fried pies, belyashi, fresh bread and fancy crackers, pancakes.

Milk products

Any dairy products should have a minimum fat content, whether it be cottage cheese or kefir. From them you can cook any casseroles, soufflés. Yogurt should be chosen without any additives. The use of feta cheese and sour cream is only in strictly prescribed quantities.

High-fat foods, salty cheese, and sour whey are not allowed.


The patient's diet is perfectly complemented by any starchy vegetables: potato tubers, carrots, cauliflower and Beijing cabbage, zucchini, beets and pumpkin. These vegetables are boiled, baked, mashed. Lettuce leaves with a neutral taste, paprika - in limited quantities. Cucumbers, avocados, celery, green beans, seaweed, broccoli are also used.

It is forbidden to eat corn, spinach and sorrel, eggplant, onion and garlic. This also includes any canned vegetables, bitter herbs and spices, raw cabbage.

Stop your choice on soft and ripe apples, it is advisable to rub them through a sieve, you can bake them with cottage cheese. One banana per day is allowed. You can also use pomegranate, prunes, dried fruits, watermelon. In the form of an additive, the use of melon, pineapple is allowed. But fruits should be eaten little by little, in a pureed form. You can make jellies or mousses from them, add xylitol for sweetness.

It is forbidden to consume all sweet raw fruits and berries, including grapes, orange, kiwi, raspberries, etc. It is harmful to eat nuts, ginger and lemons.


The protein of chicken and quail eggs is freely used in scrambled eggs and boiled, but the yolk is very limited - a maximum of half in a variety of dishes.

It is forbidden to fry whole eggs.


Up to 30 grams per day of butter is allowed, vegetable oil is allowed only in refined form up to 15 grams, and olive oil is also very dosed.

Unrefined oils are contraindicated, as well as any heavy and toxic fat.

It is good to eat vegetable salads as snacks, but in small portions. Zucchini caviar, jellied fish (boiled) are also suitable, low-fat herring can be soaked, vinaigrette based on acceptable products, sauerkraut should be washed with clean water (remove acid).

It is forbidden to consume any high-fat snacks, spicy or smoked products, as well as all canned foods.

Sauces and condiments

You can cook any sauces based on vegetables or dairy products for side dishes, but without spiciness. Fruit sauces are also suitable, soy sauce is allowed with great care. From herbs, dill and parsley are well suited, add vanillin to baking.

All fatty and spicy sauces and seasonings are prohibited: all store jars and bottles. Any spices are also prohibited.

Sugar is allowed in limited quantities. Fruits and vegetables without natural acid, grated. Dried fruits are allowed, you can cook jelly, kissels or mousses. Protein meringues or marshmallows - quite a bit, this also applies to marmalade. Jam is best dissolved in a cup of tea or warm water, do not abuse. It is allowed to cook berry dumplings (the dough should consist only of water, flour and salt), gingerbread products without margarine, dried biscuit.

It is forbidden to use chocolate products, halva and ice cream, pastries with cream. It is required to exclude in general all fatty desserts, products with cream, chewing gum. You can not eat popcorn, pharmacy hematogens, waffles, condensed milk, sweets based on seeds or nuts.

This dietary option helps restore digestion for any ailments of the liver, gallbladder and its ducts: hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis and its complications in the form of ascites, esophageal varicose veins.

Such a menu will create the right energy balance for patients with HIV. A person with diabetes should exclude all sweets from the diet, then table N 5 will suit the patient well.

Diet result

Such nutrition has a positive effect on the level of bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood, helps to relieve the symptoms of inflammation by reducing the load of toxins, fats and other substances that negatively affect the state of the body. The diet increases the tone and physical activity of the patient, as it fills the body with the necessary set of useful ingredients.

The diet allows the liver parenchyma to recover, normalizes the bile outflow, and this affects the improvement of intestinal motility. The diet contains an optimal balance of vitamins and trace elements, which has a positive effect on the state of immunity. A nice bonus will be the natural normalization of weight, as proper nutrition accelerates the processes of metabolism and tissue oxygen saturation.

In various forums, there are reviews of the folk method of treating hepatitis with camel milk. Before taking any non-traditional methods, you should consult with your doctor. The patient can print recommendations, make a list or table and hang in a conspicuous place. If you strictly adhere to the specified diet, you can achieve complete remission of the disease.

Hepatitis C is a disease of the liver cells caused by a virus. As a result, the protective properties of the body are reduced. The liver in the human body plays the role of a brave defender, who always rushes to the embrasure in case of poisoning and other threats to life. Hepatitis disrupts the functioning of the liver. And, as if by a domino effect, the work of the whole organism is disrupted. Proper nutrition plays a huge role in the recovery of the patient. What you can eat with hepatitis C is described in this article. You will find sample menus and simple recipes for delicious dishes.

Symptoms of the disease and the causes that cause it

Modern medicine distinguishes between two types of viral hepatitis - acute and chronic. The first occurs in about 20% of cases and is sudden. Chronic hepatitis most often remains with the patient forever, making adjustments to the lifestyle. Features of dietary nutrition in case of illness must be strictly observed. Otherwise, the patient is waiting for an exacerbation of the condition. You should follow the rules of nutrition on the diet table 5. What you can eat is described below. The diet is not very strict, unlike, for example, nutrition for diabetics. If the patient does not follow the prescribed rules, then complications such as cirrhosis of the liver, ascites and then death await him.

The symptomatology of the disease is very diverse. In the first months after infection with the virus, the disease is asymptomatic, but in the end the person ends up in the hospital.

The severity and course of the disease depend on the hepatitis C genotype that infected the body. Six genotypes with several subtypes are known so far. Most often, viruses of 1, 2 and 3 genotypes are found in the blood of patients. They cause the most pronounced manifestations of the disease. After the disease enters the terminal stage, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

  • persistent nausea and vomiting after eating;
  • indigestion;
  • yellowish skin and sclera;
  • rashes on the mucous membranes in the oral cavity;
  • enlargement of the liver and pain in the right hypochondrium.

Jaundice and other clinical manifestations of hepatitis develop in a relatively small number of patients. Medicine even distinguishes a special type of disease - icteric.

However, the majority of those infected carry hepatitis C on their feet: with an anicteric form, they either do not notice anything at all, or they attribute the malaise to a cold.

What Can Patients With Hepatitis C Eat?

  • vegetable unrefined cold-pressed oils;
  • low-fat varieties of poultry meat - turkey, chicken, quail;
  • lean veal;
  • fruit and vegetable juices;
  • any cereals on the water;
  • seafood and fatty fish (salmon) - occasionally;
  • dried bread, preferably from whole grain flour;
  • any vegetables fruits, except for sorrel, radish, garlic;
  • low-fat dairy products (optimally, so that the fat content does not exceed 5%);
  • nuts in small quantities.

From these products you can make a complete diet. The question of what to eat with hepatitis C worries many patients. Patients are afraid that they will have to deny themselves the usual gastronomic pleasures. This fear is completely groundless: many healthy and tasty dishes can be prepared from the allowed list of products. Of course, you will have to forget about junk food, fast food and flavor enhancers. Herbs and ginger can be used as seasonings, below is a list. With hepatitis C, you can cook dishes with:

  • parsley and dill;
  • green onions;
  • nutmeg;
  • curry;
  • ginger in small quantities;
  • bay leaf;
  • black peppercorns.

Avoid adding spicy ketchups, mayonnaise, black pepper, vinegar to dishes.

List of prohibited products

Patients will have to completely eliminate the following foods from their diet:

  • fatty meats: pork, beef, lamb, venison;
  • any canned food;
  • vegetables and herbs with high acidity, sorrel, radish;
  • fatty cheeses, milk, cottage cheese (dairy products with a fat content of not more than 5% are allowed);
  • any factory-made sweets (they are usually high in fat);
  • homemade cakes and pastries;
  • fresh bakery products made from white flour;
  • salted and smoked foods.

The amount of fat in the diet should be monitored. Animal fats are especially harmful to the liver. You should also forget about fried foods forever. The patient must purchase a double boiler and grill - these devices will help create real culinary masterpieces with a minimum fat content.

You have to be careful with nuts. They are very useful, as they contain many amino acids and minerals. But at the same time, the fat content of any nuts is very high. In a week, you can eat no more than one hundred grams of raw or lightly roasted nuts in the oven.

Alcoholic drinks for patients with hepatitis C

Ethyl alcohol, which is contained in any alcoholic drink, is a poison for the liver. Patients should stop drinking alcohol once and for all. It doesn't matter what it is - beer, cocktails, champagne, expensive natural wines, ten-year-old cognac. In any of these drinks, ethyl alcohol is contained in greater or lesser concentrations. Men and women with hepatitis C often find that a glass of wine on the weekend can't hurt. This is a deep delusion.

If you neglect this rule and continue to drink alcohol even occasionally, hepatitis C progresses very quickly into cirrhosis. And this is a diagnosis that inevitably leads to death.

Dietary nutrition for hepatitis C

What can be eaten? With hepatitis C, the list of products is very extensive. But the method of preparation is very important.

You can not fry vegetables and meat. You can cook any soups, borsch with sour cream, but you can’t fry in oil. If the patient wants to eat fish or steak, they should be grilled or simply in the oven with herbs. When frying meat and fish, a lot of oil is absorbed, and such food contributes to a high load on the liver. As a result, an innocent steak can provoke an exacerbation, and the patient will end up in the hospital. The most terrible consequences of non-compliance with the diet are the final degeneration of the cells of the organ and the first stage of cirrhosis.

Sample menu for the week

The question of what to eat with hepatitis C worries all patients. Here is a sample menu for the week. You can swap dishes and invent new ones that do not violate the rules of the medical table number 5.

  1. Monday: for breakfast - oatmeal porridge on the water with dried fruits, a snack - a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, lunch - vegetable and chicken soup with croutons, a second snack - seafood salad with olive oil, dinner - buckwheat porridge with
  2. Tuesday: first meal - vegetable salad of zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers and celery, snack - a pack of diet bread, lunch - creamy soup and salad with chicken fillet. For dinner - boiled hake and beetroot puree.
  3. Wednesday: buckwheat porridge with stewed veal, snack - dried fruits and a handful of peanuts or chicken fillet, lunch - vegetable puree soup, for dinner - pink salmon, baked on the grill or in the oven without adding oil. To diversify the taste, you can add greens.
  4. Thursday: for breakfast - oatmeal on the water with dried fruits, lunch - vegetable and chicken soup with rye bread croutons, snack - a piece of tuna baked in the oven, dinner - Greek salad.
  5. Friday: a piece of boiled chicken breast with black Borodino bread, lunch - milk soup with cereals, a snack - one red apple and a banana, dinner - a seafood salad seasoned with any natural oil.
  6. Saturday: protein omelette with cauliflower, lunch - oven-baked potatoes with turkey and zucchini, snack - a glass of fat-free kefir with banana or berries, dinner - oven-baked apples with cinnamon.
  7. Sunday: buckwheat porridge, pre-boiled and stewed with carrots and zucchini, snack - a glass of fat-free kefir with dried fruits, lunch - beetroot with veal goulash, dinner - a piece of your favorite fish, baked on the grill.

Features of daily BJU for hepatitis

Patients with hepatitis should keep a food diary in order to analyze what they eat after an exacerbation and cross out some foods. For example, ordinary chicken eggs for some sick people can cause an exacerbation. And other patients perfectly tolerate eating both protein and fat.

In no case should you completely eliminate fats or carbohydrates from the diet. This behavior is typical of patients, immediately after they learned about their own diagnosis. They want to ease the work of their liver and almost completely refuse even healthy fats. This compulsive eating behavior leads to a relapse that aggravates the liver condition. In addition, many patients after such breakdowns earn themselves pancreatitis.

The approximate ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should fluctuate in the proportion of 30:20:50. The total calorie content of the daily diet is about 1800 kcal for women and 2500 kcal for men. Such nutrition will help maintain muscle mass and ensure proper intake of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

The role of proteins in the patient's diet

People with hepatitis C should never give up protein. Vegetarianism can afford only completely healthy people. A favorite argument of vegan patients is that cereals and some vegetables also contain protein.

The problem is that vegetable protein is completely unequal in nutritional value to an animal. For proper provision of amino acids and minerals, daily consumption of egg protein, chicken and turkey meat, fish and seafood is necessary. The patient will feel cheerful, at the physical level, the disease will not manifest itself in any way.

Fats and carbohydrates in hepatitis: harm or benefit

Polyunsaturated fats should be left in the diet. These are nuts, unrefined cold-pressed oil. You can fill them with salads, add to cereals and soups. The following oils are especially good:

  • olive;
  • linen;
  • grape seed;
  • cotton;
  • peanut.

Women should get about 20-40 mg of healthy fats per day, men - about 50. This is the necessary minimum, if you consume less, hormonal problems will begin (amenorrhea may begin in women, men may have problems with testosterone production).

You can't skip carbohydrates either. Fresh bakery products in the diet of a patient with hepatitis C are unacceptable, but yesterday's bread is allowed. You can make your own breadcrumbs in the oven. From carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables, berries, cereals from any cereals (boiled in water) are allowed.

Mashed potatoes and sautéed cabbage

It is a universal food for all people with liver disease. Potatoes, especially young ones, have a high nutritional value. An important caveat - in no case should it be fried! The best cooking method is to stew together with cabbage and vegetables, or simply boil separately in a saucepan. Every day, of course, you should not eat potatoes. Despite its benefits, it is optimal to use it once or twice a week. And on other days, use porridge from cereals as a side dish.

Braised cabbage (young white, cauliflower or broccoli) is another versatile dish for people with liver disease. In order to enrich the dish with protein, simply add pieces of chicken or turkey fillet to it. All of these products are included in the list of allowed products for hepatitis C.

Diet cutlets for people with hepatitis C

Patients often miss the meals they ate when they were healthy. You can easily come up with recipes that will taste as close as possible to your favorites, but at the same time will not include foods prohibited on the diet.

For example, beef patties. You can easily imitate your favorite taste with lean veal. To do this, you will have to independently prepare minced meat from the following components:

  • 400 mg veal;
  • 200 grams of chicken fillet;
  • one small onion;
  • a piece of white bread;
  • one egg;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

Thoroughly grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder or in a blender. Form the minced meat into small meatballs. Do not under any circumstances fry! Bake in the oven or simmer in a small amount of water with the addition of a teaspoon of tomato paste.

Buckwheat porridge, rice or boiled potatoes should be used as a side dish. Gravy can be made with low-fat cream and herbs. Tomato paste can also be used, but in small quantities.

Easy and Healthy Dessert Recipe: Baked Apple with Cinnamon

Several large sweet red apples should be selected. You can use green ones, but they cause exacerbation in some patients due to the high acidity of the juice.

Cut each apple into two halves, remove the core with the tip of a knife. Bones are not healthy to eat, contrary to popular belief. Arrange the apple halves on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Sprinkle the top with cinnamon and a little powdered sugar. Bake in the oven for ten minutes at 180 degrees. Apples will not let the juice out, but wrinkle a little. The result is a sweet and healthy dessert. Cooking it is easy and fast.

Patients with hepatitis C almost all confirm that this is one of their favorite desserts. Many of them miss the taste of chocolate. You can imitate it thanks to the usual cocoa powder. If you mix it with low-fat milk, you get a drink that tastes very close to milk chocolate. Now many people know what to eat with hepatitis C.

Hepatitis is not a simple disease. There are several types of it. All of them differ in symptoms and the course of the disease in the human body. It is especially difficult to hear about the presence of such a type as hepatitis C. It is difficult to treat, and the result remains for life. Such patients will already have to constantly monitor what they eat, and will also have to lead a healthy lifestyle. To date, there are a large number of medications that can facilitate the course of it. But many advise not to forget also about traditional medicine. Among the most effective are cabbage for hepatitis. There are various ways to prepare this vegetable, as well as its varieties. Among many, you can choose the one that best suits you.

Useful properties of vegetables

Cabbage is a vegetable that is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, polysaccharides and other useful substances. The Romans were already familiar with the medicinal properties of this plant. She entered medicine tightly after the antiulcer factor or vitamin U was discovered. Cabbage is classified as a dietary product. That is why it is recommended to include in the diet of those who are overweight. Cabbage juice is often used in cosmetology, as it provides a rejuvenating effect. Most often cabbage is used for:

  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum,
  • an excess of cholesterol
  • gastritis,
  • high blood sugar,
  • constipation
  • excess fluid in the body
  • gout,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • cholelithiasis.

In addition, they often use white cabbage for hepatitis C. Cabbage juice is used to eliminate liver problems. It is necessary to drink ¾ cup of juice half an hour before meals. It will help restore damaged cells and provoke their speedy regeneration.

The use of sauerkraut in hepatitis C

Sauerkraut is often included in the diet of any person. But the use of this dish is not suitable for everyone, as there are certain restrictions. Increasingly, the question is is it possible to eat sauerkraut with hepatitis C? There is no single opinion on this issue. Many healers say that almost all diseases can be cured only with cabbage. They are also sure that if cabbage juice is taken every 3 hours, it will help get rid of many diseases. But don't be so unambiguously opposed to using sauerkraut for hepatitis C. Many doctors remind that the diet for this disease should consist of almost no salt. Since sauerkraut contains a large amount of it, it should be excluded from the list of permitted foods. In addition, this product in appearance is a coarse fiber, which can irritate the digestive tract and cause fermentation in the body. If the patient cannot live without it, then only a doctor can allow it to be eaten.

Sea kale for the liver

In addition to the varieties of cabbage known to us, there is also seaweed, which contains a large amount of iodine in its composition. The question becomes, can sea kale with hepatitis? Since it is rich in many useful substances, it has enormous benefits for the body. Regarding this type of plant, there were stories that a cure for hepatitis was found on the basis of seaweed. But there is no more detailed information about this.

To use this vegetable or not is only your decision, but remember that you should consult with your doctor first.

Diet therapy for chronic viral hepatitis C is one of the important elements of complex treatment. It has not the last place in an effective scheme for recovery, and is a desirable factor in drug therapy. The diet for hepatitis C (C) is curative and should be accompanied by lifestyle changes at the same time.

Why is a diet needed?

The purpose of limiting and changing the diet in the treatment of viral hepatitis C is the maximum protection of the liver, normalization of its functions, suppression of inflammatory and fibrosing processes in it, correction of metabolic disorders and prevention of cirrhosis. With this disease, an alkalizing diet is necessary, since the acid-base balance in the body is disturbed in the direction of acidosis (acidification).

Diet therapy for viral hepatitis C in adults does not differ from that for other types of hepatitis (A, B, D), but may undergo changes with cirrhosis of the liver, with HIV infection and severe concomitant diseases of other organs. Dietary nutrition in women during pregnancy and in a child suffering from hepatitis C has its own characteristics. The menu for patients with acute hepatitis is also different: in the acute phase there are much more restrictions and prohibitions than in the chronic one.

To maximize the benefits of drug therapy, each hepatitis C patient must take responsibility for their diet, learn what they can eat and what they will have to give up.

Diet for chronic hepatitis C

The diet for the liver in chronic hepatitis C must follow certain dietary principles:

  • the energy value of the menu should cover the energy costs of the body;
  • the consumption of table salt is limited to 4-6 g per day;
  • the daily amount of free liquid is not limited;
  • multiplicity of meals - 5-6 times a day;
  • cooking methods such as boiling, baking, stewing, steaming are recommended.

What can not patients with CHV? Fried, fatty, spicy, smoked and salty foods and dishes, fresh bakery products and muffins, sweets with cream, ice cream, strong coffee and tea, as well as alcoholic beverages should be excluded from their diet.

It is recommended during the course of antiviral treatment to consume lean meats, fish, chicken eggs (no more than 1 per day), low-fat dairy products, vegetable oils, cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits and berries, dried bread, juices, decoctions, herbal teas . Such a diet should be strictly observed during the entire treatment period. If the patient has no symptoms of liver pathology after the end of treatment, which is confirmed by objective research methods, you can gradually leave the diet.

Diet for acute hepatitis

Dietary nutrition in acute hepatitis C has its own characteristics. The liver in adults in the acute period of the disease "experiences" difficulties with the production of bile and the performance of other functions, therefore, at this time, one should eat fractionally, in small portions. In this case, the food must be complete in chemical composition.

The main dietary principles for compiling a menu in the acute period of hepatitis C are:

  • the exclusion of all animal fats, except for a small amount of butter in its natural form;
  • enrichment of the diet with vegetable fats, which normalize lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels (lipotropic action);
  • inclusion in the menu of protein in the form of meat, fish and eggs;
  • the presence of fast carbohydrates in the dishes of the first half of the day;
  • the use of a large number of vegetables, which enriches the body with vitamins and vegetable fiber;
  • plentiful drink.

It is necessary to adhere to such a strict diet during the entire period of the disease. If the symptoms of acute hepatitis C in a patient have disappeared, the process has not become chronic and the course of treatment is over, a strict diet can be gradually relaxed. The exit from the diet should be carried out in stages over 4-6 months: new foods and dishes are included in the menu gradually.

Diet number 5

Often, when prescribing drug treatment, the hepatologist writes in the recommendations: "Table number 5." What does this mean? In fact, table 5 is one of 15 special diets developed by the Soviet gastroenterologist-nutritionist M. Pevzner back in the 30s of the last century for the organization of therapeutic nutrition in medical and preventive and sanatorium institutions.

Pevzner outlined in detail all the requirements for the diet, caloric content and nutritional value of the therapeutic diet, substantiated the list of allowed and prohibited foods, methods of cooking. The doctor also suggested an approximate one-day menu, on the basis of which weekly rations can be compiled.

Taking diet No. 5 according to Pevsner as the basis for compiling an individual menu for a particular patient, it is necessary to take into account the calorie content and nutritional value of different products so that the daily energy consumption of dishes corresponds to the energy consumption of the patient's body. Insufficient caloric content and scarcity of the diet can lead to a deterioration in the patient's well-being and slow down the healing process. You can find out the calorie content and nutritional value of products and ready meals from special tables.

indicative menu

Patients with hepatitis C and their relatives should not worry about dietary restrictions. A therapeutic diet is not a diet for weight loss, so a sick person should not feel deprived and hungry. There are a lot of recipes according to which you can cook dishes that will not be inferior in taste to dishes from "forbidden" foods.

As an example, you can take an indicative diet menu for a week (1 - breakfast, 2 - second breakfast, 3 - lunch, 4 - afternoon tea, 5 - dinner):

  • Monday
    • Oatmeal with raisins, tea.
    • Baked pumpkin.
    • Vegetarian soup with rice, boiled chicken, kefir.
    • Herbal decoction.
    • Jacket-boiled potatoes, soaked herring, fresh cabbage and carrot salad with sunflower oil, tea.
  • Tuesday
    • Cottage cheese casserole, weak coffee.
    • Baked apple.
    • Buckwheat soup, grilled vegetables with boiled fish, vegetable juice.
    • A glass of kefir.
    • Mashed potatoes with chicken meatballs, cocoa.
  • Wednesday
    • Carrot-apple cutlets, plum juice.
    • Banana.
    • Vegetarian borscht, barley porridge with fish cakes, herbal tea.
    • Berry jelly.
    • Vegetable beef stew, mint tea.
  • Thursday
    • Cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream, unsweetened yogurt.
    • Fruit jelly.
    • Chicken noodle broth, mashed potatoes, vegetable oil vinaigrette, green tea.
    • A glass of kefir.
    • Pilaf with chicken, boiled beetroot salad with sunflower oil.
  • Friday
    • Milk rice porridge, coffee with milk.
    • Pear.
    • Pickle, wheat porridge, chicken cutlets, black tea with lemon.
    • A glass of dried fruit compote.
    • Stuffed peppers, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Saturday
    • Semolina porridge, tea.
    • Baked apple.
    • Potato soup with dumplings, buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken fillet, rosehip broth.
    • Apple juice.
    • Stuffed cabbage, kefir.
  • Sunday
    • Boiled potatoes with herbs, chicory coffee.
    • Milk jelly.
    • Beetroot, pasta, chicken liver in sour cream, dried fruit compote.
    • A glass of milk.
    • Braised cabbage with tomato juice, tea.

Combining dishes of different days in random order, you can diversify the patient's diet according to his taste. Recipes at the same time should be useful and not burdening the liver.

Menu for virus carriers For carriers of the virus, who do not have clinical signs of liver damage, dietary restrictions are not so severe. Virus carriers are only recommended to limit the amount of animal fats in the diet, exclude extractives (strong broths, coffee), hot spices, canned foods and smoked products, reduce the daily amount of salt to 4-6 g. The consumption of alcohol, carbonated drinks, products with preservatives remains prohibited. , pickles, smoked, canned food, spices.

Remember that diet is also a cure. If it is used correctly and combined with drug therapy, you can achieve the desired goal - recovery.