Feeding cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers with yeast: reviews and best recipes. Is it possible to water cucumbers with yeast?

Feeding plants with yeast - harvest without hassle and stress

I use yeast feeding all the time; I water all the plants during growth 2-3 times per season. And more often with bread infusion; cucumbers love it. I copied this half-forgotten grandfather’s recipe from an old newspaper file, but I didn’t have time to try everything. And now, when everyone is advocating for environmentally friendly products, natural farming, and many people can’t afford biological products—I made up my mind.

The recipe is very simple.
At three liter jar I fill in 2.6-2.7 liters of water without chlorine (settled), add 100 g of diluted warm water yeast and 0.5 tbsp. Sahara.
Cover with gauze and keep the jar warm, shaking the contents from time to time.
The solution is ready when fermentation ends.

I dilute one glass with 10 liters of water and water the plants 1 liter for each bush.
Over the summer I carried out three such feedings.

As a result, we got an excellent harvest!
The tomato bushes grew powerful, there were no burns on the fruits, the plants easily tolerated heat and any bad weather.
But the biggest surprise was that the tomatoes ripened and delighted us throughout October, despite the rains and cold nights.

Here are some more good recipes.

Cucumbers and peppers love mash. Also, in order for the cucumbers to have green leaves until autumn, before flowering you need to spray them with a solution of brilliant green: 10 drops per bucket of water. Spray with mash constantly: half a liter of ready-made mash in a bucket of water - you will not get fungal diseases. And bathe the tomatoes with mash.

For an incomplete 3-liter jar + 1 pack of dry yeast (1 tablespoon) + 100 g of sugar and warm water, ferment for a week.

As soon as the cucumbers have produced two carved leaves, it is time to do the first watering. Add 0.5 jar of mash to a bucket of water. And spill the cucumbers over the wet soil. The jar of mash remains until next time. Watering after two weeks. Before the first pinching, a day or two before, treat all the foliage of the cucumber from a spray bottle with a diluted solution of 0.5 mash per bucket. This is necessary so that the yeast bacteria take root on the foliage and do not allow pathogenic microbes to develop when pinched. Do the same for the second
pinching. You can also water it.

How to make sourdough.

100 gr. fresh yeast per 10 liters of water. Place in the sun, stir from time to time - this will take 3 days and then water half a liter per bush.

And here's another one from dry yeast.

Feeding recipe to make everything grow!

Pour into a 3 liter jar warm water, add 1 packet (12 g) of dry yeast and 100 g of sand. Stands and ferments for 1 week. Add one glass per 10 liters of water and pour over cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, etc., after spilling them clean water. This mash can be mixed with a mash made from nettles and weeds. It turns out that the drink of the gods is “nectar and ambrosia” for plants.

But don't overdo it! First, water with clean water, and then with mash and a dose, less is better than more, or try on one plant.

And most importantly - no late blight!
Of course, it may have been more than just the yeast at work.
Compost and mulching played a significant role. But the end result brought great joy.

Have a good harvest

Even if there is at least a small volume in stock personal plot, this is already a huge happiness. Onions, carrots, beets and fresh herbs, of course, are popular, but they are undoubted leaders in terms of growing at home (according to at least, in our country) are tomatoes and cucumbers. There are many obstacles in their way. These are both pests and diseases. Yes and conditions environment also sometimes they let you down. It’s good that at least more and more gardeners are refusing to use chemicals. There is one proven way to get an excellent harvest. Feeding cucumbers with yeast, a recipe and reviews of the use of which we will consider below, is a simple, affordable and environmentally friendly remedy.

Cucumbers are an unpretentious crop, but unlike most varieties of “relatives”, such as pumpkin or zucchini, they still need some care and the creation of certain conditions.

So, if the temperature is below 16 degrees, the ovaries simply will not form, and if it exceeds 40, the plant will completely dry out and die. In “extreme” conditions, a cucumber will not form fruits; its main task, like any living creature, is simply to survive. The owner is required to select right place for growing, regular watering and just a little attention, and gratitude for your care will be a rich harvest.

Fertilizing the soil is prerequisite for growing any crops, but not every plant has a powerful root system and is able to “pull” everything it needs from the ground, and if there are more active “neighbors” nearby, then the task becomes even more complicated.

This is why cucumbers need feeding.

Why yeast

Relatively recently, in addition to the word “fertilizer,” the expression “growth stimulator” appeared in the vocabulary of gardeners. The name speaks for itself. It is clear that after feeding with such a product, the plant becomes stronger and more resilient, gives best harvest. However, no matter how “safe” the information on the packaging is, it is better to refuse store-bought drugs, especially since there is such universal option like yeast.

Fertilizers prepared using them are the best stimulants known today. Powerful protein-vitamin blend provides:

  • boost of energy;
  • the amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for normal development (first of all, it is worth noting the presence of vitamin B and iron);
  • active work of beneficial microorganisms in the soil;
  • plant endurance and resistance to various diseases;
  • improving the quality and taste of the fruits themselves.

You can use only one component, but the effect of the finished fertilizer will be significantly enhanced if you supplement the abilities of the yeast with specially collected medicinal herbs(nettle, hops), freshly picked weeds, wood ash.

How to use yeast nutrition

Having analyzed the advice of experienced gardeners, as well as the recommendations of qualified specialists, we can conclude that it is advisable to use yeast fertilizer in the following steps:

  1. While growing seedlings. Yes, previously cucumbers were planted immediately in open ground, or to the greenhouse, but today, to get more early harvest They are increasingly, like other crops, grown for seedlings.
  2. After planting in the ground. If seedlings, then 2-3 days after replanting, and if seeds, then after the first two leaves appear.
  3. Before flowering begins.
  4. At least once every two weeks during the fruiting period.

When young sprouts or seedlings are fertilized, more than a table. There is no need to pour a spoonful of fertilizer under one cucumber. Young plants will need about half a liter for each bush, and adults – one liter.

If the seedlings are purchased on the market, or grown independently, but are transplanted to another place, they can be pre-soaked for a day in a warm prepared yeast solution.

Proven Recipes

The easiest way to prepare a nutrient liquid is to dissolve 100g of compressed yeast in 5 liters of warm water. After 3 hours, when obvious signs of fermentation appear, the solution is ready for use. Just remember to pre-mix the mixture with water at a ratio of 1:2.

The most common among gardeners is to use an infusion of yeast and grass as fertilizer. This is not only very convenient, because... allows you to use the weed to your advantage, but it is also useful because makes it possible to ultimately obtain a more complete and saturated solution.

Pay attention! Positive qualities Yeast growth stimulators have a lot, but there is also a drawback among them. This is the expiration date. Ready-made fertilizer is suitable for use within 12 hours after preparation. It won't do any harm, but it won't do any good either.

A solution of 100 grams of dry yeast (pay attention to the expiration date), 10 liters of warm water, 2 tablespoons of sugar and about half a kilogram of wood ash gives good results. Everything must be thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand in the sun until signs of fermentation appear. Before use, dilute with an additional 10 liter bucket of water.

Soak half a kilo of dry bread (or crackers, or leftover baked goods) in 10 liters of warm water and let it soften. Then add a couple of kilograms of grass (it is advisable to grind it first) and leave it in the sun to ferment. If the solution is needed urgently, you can add a little pressed yeast.

It is very useful to place pieces of bread or crackers between the beds of cucumbers. This method not only fertilizes the plants, but also has a positive effect on the composition of the soil.

It's rare to meet a person who doesn't like cucumbers. You can cook a lot from this wonderful vegetable. delicious salads and snacks. Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables in Europe. There are a huge number of different varieties of cucumbers, differing from each other in taste, shape, size, yield, planting method, and so on. In addition, they can be divided into earlier ones and those that are planted a little later. And, of course, one cannot help but mention the taste of this wonderful vegetable. Cucumbers come in pickling, salad and all-purpose varieties, used in any form. And those that were grown with one’s own hands can be called especially tasty, because for any self-respecting gardener the greatest reward is tasty, ripe and high-quality products collected from one’s own garden. A loving owner carefully plants, waters, and fertilizes his “favorites,” using a wide variety of care methods, for their comfort and speedy maturation.

Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop; growth begins at temperatures of 12 degrees and above, flowering and fruiting begin at 25 – 28 degrees. However, excessively high temperatures are also undesirable for cucumbers. Also, when growing cucumbers, it is necessary to maintain optimal soil and air humidity. If there is insufficient moisture, the plant may shed its ovaries, become deformed, and during fruiting the yield may sharply decrease. This is due to the fact that cucumber leaves evaporate moisture in large quantities. In addition, the root system of the plant is located shallow in the soil, so it is very important to monitor the humidity, whether in a greenhouse or in open ground. But one of the main points of proper cultivation remains feeding cucumbers. Nowadays, there are a lot of different fertilizers designed for any budget, and also used both in the greenhouse and in the open ground. Today we will talk about comparatively in a young way feeding cucumbers - fertilizers using yeast. This fertilizing significantly improves the quality of the soil due to the active development of beneficial microorganisms in it and enrichment with microelements necessary for high-quality growth.

Feeding cucumbers with yeast is a unique fertilization method of its kind. It carries enormous benefits, and, due to its absolute naturalness, does not cause any harm to plants. Gardeners who have already fertilized cucumbers with yeast claim that a visible effect appears within three days after the solution is administered. The plant begins to grow actively, the greenery becomes thick and juicy. After a week, cucumbers treated with yeast can be twice as strong as their unfertilized neighbors. How can we explain such a miracle effect? Yeast contains large number minerals, organic iron, saturating cucumbers and provoking rapid growth and good health plants. Yeast also contains B vitamins, various amino acids, nitrogen and phosphorus. Proteins, contained in yeast in considerable quantities, are a complete “feeder” for beneficial microorganisms, which, in turn, help fight pathogenic bacteria, and also saturate the soil with such useful substances like phosphorus and nitrogen. It is also impossible not to note another unconditional advantage of this feeding of cucumbers - the possibility of using it at any stage of plant development. Thus, such a fertilizer applied both during planting and during fruiting will show an amazing effect. At correct use, feeding cucumbers with yeast can bring amazing results, the main thing is not to overdo it. So, after fertilizing with yeast, the following changes can be noted:

  • The development of the root system is significantly accelerated, which, in turn, helps to accelerate growth, increase productivity, and improve the quality of the fruit;
  • The immunity and stress resistance of cucumbers increases. This is an important factor in the process of transplanting seedlings and when transferring them from a greenhouse to open ground. The chances of survival are significantly increased even under unfavorable conditions (for example, insufficient lighting or minor temperature changes.);
  • The root system develops much better, which, in turn, is a powerful boost to productivity;
  • The growth of seedlings and the growth of green mass are accelerated;
  • The plant becomes much stronger and more resilient, and helps it fight pests and diseases more effectively;
  • The duration of fruiting time increases, and the taste of the fruit improves.

In addition, feeding cucumbers with yeast is an environmentally friendly method, so vegetables grown with this fertilizer can be safely served even to children, without fear for their health.

How to cook yeast feeding for cucumbers: several recipes

In order to prepare yeast nutrition you will need a little time and the simplest ingredients that can be found in every home. Naturally, it is best to use fresh, “live” yeast, but if you don’t have it on hand, you can replace it with bread crusts or crackers. Below are several recipes for preparing fertilizer using yeast.

  • To prepare such an infusion based on five liters ready solution for watering you will need:
  • one liter of warm water. It is important to know that to prepare yeast supplements, you must use only warm (never hot) water, since cold water can significantly slow down or even kill beneficial bacteria contained in yeast, this also applies to hot water;
  • one gram of dry baker's yeast;
  • one teaspoon of sugar.

Dilute the yeast in prepared water. Next, add sugar, stir the solution and leave to infuse for about two hours. Immediately before use, dilute the resulting infusion in five liters of water and pour this solution over the cucumbers under the root.

  • We dilute fifty grams of live yeast in one liter of warm water. Immediately before watering, dilute the solution in water at a rate of 1:5. This recipe The good thing is that the solution can be used immediately and without waiting for it to infuse.
  • The recipe using dairy products has proven itself to be excellent. To prepare it you will need:
  • one liter of warm milk (whey);
  • one hundred grams of live yeast.

We dilute the yeast in milk and let it brew for several hours. When the infusion is ready, dilute it in water to a total solution mass of 10 liters. This fertilizer can be used both for watering and spraying cucumbers.

  • A recipe with adding soil to the top dressing is also good. To prepare this feeding we take:
  • Dry yeast - one tablespoon;
  • Ascorbic acid – two grams;
  • Granulated sugar - one hundred grams;
  • Warm water - one liter.

We dilute yeast and ascorbic acid in water. Add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Pour a handful of earth into the resulting infusion and leave to infuse for one day. One liter of this fertilizer should be diluted in a bucket of water immediately before use.

  • Another good recipe preparation of fertilizing - yeast fertilizer with the addition of bread. To prepare such feeding, half a bucket of bread cut into pieces (it is better to take both white and rye) must be filled with warm water. Next, add 100 grams of sugar and leave to brew for seven days. You can speed up this process by adding 100 grams of yeast to the infusion - in this case, the top dressing will be ready in three days. This recipe is suitable for plants grown exclusively in a greenhouse.
  • Feeding cucumbers with yeast with the addition of hops. To prepare this fertilizer you will need:
  1. 1 cup fresh hop cones;
  2. 1 packet of dry baker's yeast.

The hop cones must be brewed in one glass of boiling water. Yeast is added to the pre-cooled mixture and the whole thing is infused for about three hours. After the required period of time has passed, the infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. This fertilizer can be used both for watering and spraying cucumbers.

Considering the heat-loving nature of cucumbers, planting in open ground occurs when the ground is sufficiently warmed up, and this is approximately mid-May. In addition, cucumber is a crop that loves short daylight hours, which means it would be more advisable to transplant it into open ground no later than mid-June. The place for planting cucumbers in open ground is selected based on the characteristics of this crop. So, before disembarking, it is necessary to consider the following factors:

  • Cucumbers are a heat-loving crop, but at the same time it does not like excessive heat. Therefore, it is necessary to plant cucumbers, being sure that frost will not return, in soil heated to 15 degrees and no later than mid-June, so that the air temperature does not exceed 28 degrees.
  • For high-quality growth, cucumbers need constant soil moisture. However, it is necessary to maintain an adequate watering regime, because if there is insufficient moisture, the cucumber becomes fragile and weak, and if it is too much, the fruit may taste bitter.

Knowing the basics for planting this crop, let’s return directly to feeding cucumbers with yeast. During the entire growth period, cucumbers planted in open ground are fed three times. The crop is fertilized for the first time as soon as the sprout sprouts its first true leaf. It’s worth doing this at the root. The peculiarity of fertilizing cucumbers in open ground is that it is advisable to apply fertilizing in heated soil and being sure of dry weather. It is also possible to introduce other components along with yeast nutrition. This is especially true mineral supplements, since yeast fermentation in the soil “eats” a large amount of potassium and calcium, therefore, constant renewal of these minerals in the open ground is required. The next time fertilizer is applied before flowering begins. Thanks to feeding during this period, the cucumber will have many strong, healthy ovaries. It is advisable to feed the plant for the last time during the fruiting period, namely after the first harvest. This way the cucumbers will gain strength and be ready for subsequent fruiting. One more an important detail When feeding cucumbers with yeast, dosages must be strictly observed. If overfed, the plant may not produce fruit, but green mass. It is advisable to pour fertilizer under the roots in the late afternoon, when the soil is sufficiently warm.

When growing cucumbers in greenhouse conditions, the plant depends entirely on human attention. After all, in a greenhouse the rain will not pour on it, the sun will not warm it, and the breeze will not blow across it. Therefore, to begin with, I would like to describe several features of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

The gardener's initial task is to properly equip the greenhouse. It is extremely important to correctly distribute the ratio of the area and volume of the greenhouse, because the uniformity of temperature inside will depend on this. The optimal ratio for maintaining comfortable conditions in the greenhouse remains 1:2. In this situation, temperature fluctuations outside do not greatly affect the conditions inside the greenhouse. Next, you need to decide on the material from which the greenhouse will actually consist. Nowadays, preference is given to three options - greenhouses from film, glass and polycarbonate. Let's look at them in more detail. The simplest option for covering a greenhouse is a multilayer film. The main advantages of this option include low cost and ease of operation. It is also very convenient, if necessary, to ventilate the greenhouse - just remove one of the walls or the roof. In addition, the film is removed for the winter, which gives the soil access to fresh air and snow in winter. And this, in turn, is a natural moistening of the soil. Now regarding the shortcomings. The film tends to wear out quickly and is very easy to tear. Therefore, its consumption is quite large. In addition, this material is not suitable for arranging a winter greenhouse - keep it inside optimal temperature when cold weather sets in, it is unrealistic - there is too much heat transfer in a greenhouse covered with film. The next coating option is glass. The advantages include transparency, resistance to physical influences and chemicals. The disadvantages are heaviness, fragility and high thermal conductivity (the air in the greenhouse quickly heats up and cools down quickly). The third and most popular option nowadays is a polycarbonate greenhouse. At its core, polycarbonate is a polymer plastic. It is very good to use for creating year-round heated greenhouses. Thus, a greenhouse made of polycarbonate perfectly transmits light, while being protected from ultraviolet radiation. This design is quite flexible while possessing considerable strength. In addition, a polycarbonate greenhouse will last for decades, as it is the most wear-resistant of all the options listed. However, polycarbonate greenhouses also have their disadvantages. The temperature inside the greenhouse on hot days can rise to dangerous heights, so the windows in this design will not be enough. It is advisable to equip a polycarbonate greenhouse with doors on both sides in order to be able to properly ventilate the structure. Another important detail is the quality of the material itself. There have been numerous cases where a polycarbonate greenhouse was destroyed under snow pressure. Such troubles occur due to the use of cheap, more fragile material. Therefore, when choosing polycarbonate for a greenhouse, you should choose options that are more expensive, but also more durable. Due to their strength, good light transmission and temperature maintenance, polycarbonate greenhouses are the best option.

Next, no less important stage is to prepare the soil for planting cucumbers. It is very important to disinfect the soil before planting. For this purpose, special solutions containing copper are used. Be sure to use medications according to instructions. After a month has passed after the disinfection procedure, you can introduce the prepared substrate into the greenhouse, ideally consisting of soil mixed with humus. Next, you should dig the soil well. It is also necessary to consider how the air and soil will be moistened, because, as mentioned earlier, cucumber greens have a very high moisture return, especially for polycarbonate greenhouses, the air in which on hot days can be much hotter and drier. Now you can proceed directly to the landing.

Next, you can think about feeding the cucumbers. In fact, fertilizing with yeast in greenhouse conditions is not very different from fertilizing in open ground. It is worth applying fertilizing no more than once a month - a total of three fertilizing per season. As described above, yeast is added for the first time when the first leaves appear on the seedlings, the second time at the beginning of flowering and the last time during fruiting. A prerequisite is well-warmed soil, since yeast in conditions low temperatures will not give the expected effect. It is worth remembering that the fermentation process entails the absorption of potassium and calcium, so a prerequisite when feeding cucumbers with yeast is the use of ash, which will help replenish the loss of essential microelements. Ash is poured under the root of the plant so that there is no direct contact with the plant, or it is added directly to the fertilizer.

Having found out the characteristics and preferences of this crop, you can safely begin feeding cucumbers with yeast. From all of the above we were able to learn the following details:

As mentioned earlier, fertilizing cucumbers with yeast is done 2–3 times per season. It is not recommended to use yeast more often for this purpose, since an excessive amount of fertilizer can lead to deterioration general condition plants, it can throw away a large amount of greenery, and fruiting will noticeably deteriorate. So, let's look at this point in more detail.

  • It is recommended to apply fertilizer for the first time as soon as the first leaves appear. This is done in order to enrich the plant with microelements necessary for high-quality growth. If the seedling is planned to be transplanted from one place to another, fertilizing with yeast will increase resistance to changes in temperature, humidity, and so on. In addition, feeding cucumbers with this method will help strengthen the crop’s immunity and make it resistant to diseases and repel pests.
  • The second time you will need to feed the cucumbers during the appearance of flowers. This step will provoke the appearance of more ovaries and strengthen the plant for high-quality and rapid growth. The fruits of such a bush will be large and strong, there will be more of them than those of its unfed counterpart.
  • And the third and final time, it is advisable to apply fertilizer during fruiting. This is done in order to restore the strength of the crop in order to obtain an additional wave of harvest.

It is necessary to prepare fertilizer strictly adhering to the chosen specific recipe. For preparation, only warm water is used, because too cold or hot can inhibit or even kill beneficial bacteria.

High-quality care for cucumbers requires effective fertilizing. Gardeners use many different fertilizers, and lately Cucumbers are often watered with yeast. The culinary product turned out to be very a good helper in the garden - it contains substances that are also beneficial for plants. Preparing cucumber food is easy, and no one will deny that it is environmentally friendly pure remedy. The solution can be watered over plants and also used as foliar feeding. Yeasts strengthen vegetable crops, stimulate their growth and protect against certain diseases.

Useful properties of yeast

Yeast contains B vitamins, proteins, organic iron, amino acids, and trace elements that have a positive effect on plants, including cucumbers. Active yeast fungi structure the soil, thereby creating favorable conditions for microorganisms. Bacteria process organic matter. As a result of their activity, nitrogen and other microelements are released into the soil in the form in which they are most easily absorbed by plants. All this has a beneficial effect on the quality of plantings.

  • The stability of seedlings increases as it is strengthened with minerals and vitamins. Decreasing negative impact lack of lighting. Seedlings can withstand transplanting more easily.
  • The rooting of seedlings increases. If the seedlings are left for a day in a warm yeast infusion, the root system is strengthened and activated, and the growth of new branches increases 10 times.
  • Plants are enriched with natural bacteria, which stimulate their protective properties.
  • The growth of green mass volume accelerates.
  • The composition of the soil improves due to the activation of beneficial microorganisms.

Yeast is used in the warm season. Only then is the beneficial activity of unicellular yeast fungi possible for plants.

How to properly feed cucumbers?

Yeast saturates the soil with nitrogen, which is very useful for cucumbers at the beginning of the growing season. Some other proven folk remedies are added to the solution.

When using yeast supplements, it is important to follow a number of rules.

  • It is not possible to feed often; it is enough to apply yeast as a fertilizer only two or three times during the growing season of cucumbers.
  • When purchasing yeast, you need to carefully study the expiration dates. Fungi that have lost activity will not bring the expected benefit.
  • Do not water cucumbers with yeast immediately after transplanting. permanent place. Even if the root system remains intact, the aboveground part needs time to acclimatize.
  • Dissolve the yeast infusion in warm water and pour it under the root while still warm.
  • Simultaneous application organic fertilizers and yeast is not recommended ( active substances yeast are often neutralized in this case). It is necessary to make an interval of several days.
  • Adding 2 g ascorbic acid to a solution of one package of dry yeast will increase the number of ovaries. There will be significantly fewer barren flowers.
  • Before watering cucumbers with yeast solution, the soil must be moistened.
  • Yeast dressing is used at one time, and a new one is prepared the next time.

This fertilizer can be used to water almost all vegetable crops: tomatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage.

After yeast fertilizing it is worth adding wood ash– a glass for 10 liters of water. Potassium and calcium are intensively used in the fermentation process, and their reserves in the soil need to be renewed.

When do you fertilize?

You can start feeding cucumbers with yeast at the earliest stages of the growing season.

  • Water the cucumber seedlings if the plants have already formed 2-3 true leaves.
  • It will have a good effect on increasing immunity and increasing fruiting during the period when the ovaries begin to form.
  • Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast for the third time, after harvesting the main harvest, rejuvenates the plants and stimulates them to further flowering.

Features of fertilizing cucumbers in greenhouses

The first fertilizing with yeast is carried out a week after moving the cucumber seedlings to the greenhouse, provided that nitrogen fertilizer was used when planting the plants. For planting cucumbers in closed ground Fertilizing with yeast alone will not be enough. If not enough superphosphate was added before planting, the cucumbers are fed with it before flowering. After such feeding, yeast will also show itself effectively, supporting plant immunity. Between mineral supplements or organic fertilizers and yeast are maintained for an interval of 7-10 days.

  1. First, before flowering, cucumbers are fertilized with a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 g of organic matter, mullein or dissolved and infused bird droppings, to which 5 g of potassium sulfate and superphosphate are also added.
  2. The second feeding with organic matter is carried out during the formation of ovaries. For 10 liters of water, take 100 g of liquid mullein and add 20 g of nitrophoska.

Instead of manure or droppings, a nutrient solution is also made from grass and weeds that grow near the site. Grind 1 kg of green fertilizer, put it in a tank and fill it with a bucket of water. The container is closed for fermentation for a week. The infusion is filtered, diluted with warm water (up to 30 liters) and watered on the cucumbers at a rate of 3-5 liters per 1 m2.

Preparing the infusion

The yeast solution is prepared quickly and easily. Yeast is suitable for feeding cucumbers different shapes: fresh briquettes, dry granulated or in powder form. You only need to take warm water so that the yeast fungi are activated. Solutions are prepared in several versions - each gardener chooses the most interesting from his point of view. Typically, the watering recipe calls for 1 liter of solution for each cucumber bush.

By feeding cucumbers with yeast, they increase the number of ovaries and the weight of the crop. The number of empty flowers and hollow fruits is reduced.

Sugar-free solution

Fertilizer from fresh yeast can be prepared without using sugar. From a large briquette, which usually weighs 1 kilogram, 50 liters of fertilizer are obtained.

  1. Grind a 1-kilogram briquette of yeast and mix it with 5 liters of warm water.
  2. The mixture is placed in a warm place for 24 hours to activate the fungi.
  3. To water the cucumbers, the infusion is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10.

One liter of fertilizer should be poured under one plant in the garden or greenhouse. For seedlings, 200 ml of solution is enough.

The effectiveness of fertilizing will increase if you add a little potassium permanganate to the solution to prevent diseases.

Infusion with sugar

Sugar is added to the mixture of water and yeast to multiply fungi.

  1. Dissolve 10 g of dry yeast in a bucket of warm water.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar and cover the container.
  3. The mixture is infused for several hours in the sun or in another warm place.
  4. The entire volume of the solution must be diluted in another 50 liters of water, also warm.

1 liter of solution is poured under the root of each plant.

Fermented solution

An infusion of yeast with sugar, in which fermentation processes have already occurred, is also used.

  1. 100 g of fresh yeast is kneaded and placed in a 3-liter jar with warm water.
  2. Add half a glass of sugar.
  3. The jar is tied with gauze.
  4. The solution stands for a week in a warm place.

To water the cucumbers, 200 ml of infusion is diluted in a bucket of warm water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant.

Bread infusion

Since the decay products of organisms that cause fermentation are preserved in baked goods, their remains are also used to prepare stimulating fertilizer for cucumbers.

  1. Crusts and pieces of dry bread and rolls are soaked in water.
  2. A 10-liter bucket is filled more than half with bread, the rest of lactic acid products, and jam.
  3. Add a package of dry yeast to the mixture and add warm water.
  4. Leave in a warm place for a week, stirring the contents of the bucket twice a day.
  5. 200 ml of starter is diluted in a bucket of warm water and a liter of cucumbers is poured under the root.

Chopped fresh hops can be added to all mixtures that are set for fermentation. Often this plant becomes a malicious weed or forms impenetrable thickets. It was once used for making yeast, baking homemade bread. And in the fertilizing mixture, hops will promote fermentation processes and enrich the cucumbers with nitrogen.

So, a complex of thoughtful work on the cucumber plot will reward you with an excellent harvest of the first summer vegetables. In this case, it is not necessary to use expensive industrial fertilizers - you can get by with simple but effective means.

Trying to grow big harvest, every gardener is looking for a universal, as well as inexpensive fertilizer. On store shelves you can find chemicals, biological additives, and various drugs that are not environmentally friendly and saturate the fruits. harmful substances. However, there is an effective fertilizer for cucumbers and tomatoes, long known to our ancestors - this is yeast.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are heat-loving plants, so gardeners often try to plant them not in open ground, but in a greenhouse. This method is typical for the northern regions of the country.

Fertilizing in a greenhouse is necessary not only to obtain a rich harvest, but to support the soil and enrich it with useful vitamins and minerals. Yeast contains a sufficient amount of microelements: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, as well as B vitamins. They make it possible to saturate impoverished soil and reduce the level of development of pathogenic microorganisms.

After watering the soil with “yeast fertilizer,” the roots of tomatoes and cucumbers absorb the solution.

The plant not only strengthens, but recovers very quickly: the seedlings take exactly as much yeast as necessary. It is necessary to water the plants a week after planting, as well as after applying phosphorus fertilizers.

It is worth remembering the clear proportions in the recipe: if you overdo it, the seedlings may wither or not produce the expected fruits.

In the open ground

Planting plants in open ground allows you to “harden” root system, and also give tomatoes and cucumbers the opportunity to take natural minerals and vitamins from the soil. Grown "on fresh air» the fruits are distinguished by their excellent taste and beautiful appearance. It is these vegetables that are completely natural and are also highly valued by chefs.

To feed tomatoes and cucumbers in open soil, it is recommended to use dry yeast. Starters, secondary components, and compost are also added. The results of watering are visible on day 3: the plant becomes stronger and the leaves acquire a rich green color.

Popular recipes

Every family, every summer resident has their own unique recipes used throughout the many years. However, there are several simple and very effective ways, allowing you to enrich the soil with beneficial yeast.

Fertilizer for tomatoes

This fertilizer is prepared after the plant is sufficiently rooted, but has not yet begun to bloom. The recipe appeared in the 70s of the 20th century, so it has already proven itself well not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders.

Here is the list of required ingredients:

  • Dry yeast – 10 grams.
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons.
  • Water (preferably warm, but not hot) – 10 liters.

If desired, you can also add chicken manure extract (up to 0.5 liters) and ash (up to 0.5 liters).

The resulting solution must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with ordinary water (that is, 1 liter of the mixture to 10 liters of spring or settled water). Watering is carried out through a strainer, no earlier than a week after planting tomato bushes in the ground.

Fertilizer for cucumbers

After using yeast feeding, cucumbers will begin to produce large and rich fruits, and the number of barren flowers will decrease significantly. To prepare universal bait, you will need:

The resulting mixture is infused for 48 hours, after which it can be watered.

You can feed cucumbers at least 7 days after planting in the ground, as well as after applying phosphorus fertilizers.

Do not skimp on fertilizer and water the seedlings generously, 0.5 liters for a young plant and 1 liter for an established bush.

Each owner strives to improve recipes using various additives. You can also experiment with yeast fertilizer, but remember to be safe: use only natural ingredients.

There are 10 secrets that will allow you to get a rich harvest:

Yeast feeding will allow you to get a luxurious harvest at any time and become a real gardener.