How to remove old film from plastic windows. Removing film from plastic windows: effective methods and useful recommendations

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Holders plastic windows They often don’t know how to wash plastic window film. Indeed, this is not a simple matter. The film comes off poorly, traces of glue remain on the frame, and many owners are afraid to use more “radical” measures (solvents, scrapers). It is important to get rid of traces of film and maintain the aesthetic appearance of the frame.

There are several simple secrets How to safely and effectively remove the protective coating on plastic windows.

The price of tools and materials for film removal is low. However, it is better to peel off the protective tape from the window frames immediately after installing the double-glazed windows rather than spending a lot of time on it later.

The fact is that the protective shell consists of two layers. The bottom layer with glue is thinner. Under the influence sun rays and heat, the layer dissolves and is absorbed into the plastic. This is why simply peeling off the film from top to bottom is not successful. It will remain in your hands top layer, and the glue will still stick to the frame.

It will not be possible to quickly remove the protective film after a long time after installing the windows. Most likely, the entire process will take several hours. The shell can be removed using physical or chemical action. In most cases, both the first and second methods should be used.


Many new residents are interested in how to clean plastic windows from film. Often, after installing windows, builders break the rules and do not remove the protective tape immediately. The house may stand for several years before it is fully completed. During this time, the tape will “tightly” stick to the frames. In this case, it is better to resort to a mechanical method.

By using various instruments You can pick up the film and remove it from the surface. In this case, most likely, it will remain on the frame adhesive layer. It can also be removed using tools without resorting to chemical methods.

Information on how to remove the protective shell using tools can be found in the table.

Image Tool Instructions

Household or construction hair dryer 1. heat up an industrial hair dryer (a household hair dryer must be turned on at maximum power);

2. carefully, without touching the glass unit, heat the film with a stream of hot air;

3. Using a utility knife or scraper, help yourself remove the protective tape;

4. Remove remaining glue with solvent.

Scraper for hobs and glass ceramic hobs 1. pick up the edge of the protective shell;

2. Carefully guiding the scraper forward, gradually remove all the protective tape;

3. treat any remaining glue with a chemical.

1. trim the film and pick it up with a stationery knife;

2. slowly, without making sudden movements, pull the protective shell towards you with your hands;

3. Using a knife, completely peel off the protective tape;

4. wash away any remaining traces with a sponge detergent.

1. remove the protective shell by hand (as needed);

2. “erase” the remaining traces of glue with an eraser;

3. wash the frame with soapy water.

Brush and soap solution As with the eraser, if there is any glue left on the surface of the frame, it can be washed off with a stiff brush and soap.

The most effective is an industrial hair dryer. The hot air flow melts the adhesive layer, so the efficiency of complete film removal without subsequent surface treatment increases. It is worth noting that a household hair dryer is not well suited for this task. The power of a household hair dryer is not enough, so you will have to additionally “fight” with the adhesive layer.

Advice! If you are not confident in your abilities, then you should use the services of a cleaning company. Specialists will remove the protective tape without damaging the frame and glass unit.


You can wash the film from plastic windows using chemicals. It is not recommended to use aggressive solvents, including alcohols, as such products can deform the plastic frame. In particular, denatured alcohol, White Spirit, RP-6 and Cosmofen will help get rid of glue.

It should be remembered that when working even with weak solvents, you should follow safety rules. Work must be carried out in a ventilated area or wearing a respirator. It is better to wear gloves to wipe off traces of glue with rags soaked in the substance.

Features of use chemicals on plastic windows are presented in the table.

Photo Means How to use

Denatured alcohol or industrial alcohol must be poured into a small spray bottle and sprayed evenly over the protective tape on the frame. After about 2 minutes, you should pick up the edge of the film using stationery knife and pull slowly. In this case, traces of glue may remain on the plastic, which can be easily removed. acrylic solvent or "White spirit".

"Cosmofen" is a series of cleaners with a solvent or non-solvent effect, developed specifically for PVC windows. Cosmofen-10 is suitable for cleaning film. This is a weakly solvent cleaner that will help remove traces of glue from plastic frame, maintaining its integrity. It is enough to wipe the problem areas with a cloth soaked in the product. "Cosmofen" is recommended to be used in combination with a hair dryer.

RP-6 RP-6 is used to remove old paint With different surfaces. The mixture is also suitable for getting rid of the protective shell on PVC. To work with RP-6, you must wear goggles and gloves. RP-6 is applied in a thick layer to the surface to be treated and left for 10 minutes. During this time, the film will rise and begin to lag behind the frame. All that remains is to remove the protective tape and treat the residue with a weak solvent.

White spirit is a universal means for removing complex stains. This is a rather weak solvent, so it must be applied not on top of the film, but on the adhesive layer. To do this, just pick up the upper edge of the protective layer, pull it a little and pour the product into the resulting free gap. After a few minutes, you can easily peel off the film. If the film is long, then the procedure must be repeated until the White Spirit gradually dissolves the entire adhesive layer.

Advice! The universal product “Shumanit” is also suitable for removing glue from plastic. However, it is worth remembering that it contains caustic substances that can damage the PVC profile. Therefore, you should apply the product to the sticky surface of the frame and immediately wipe it off along with the glue.

Cleaning the glass

Many owners of plastic windows are also interested in ways to clean a window from mirror film. Special protection that reflects the sun's rays is sold in hardware stores. Living on sunny side Residents of houses purchase film for the summer. However, with the onset of cloudy days, it turns out that protective layer not so easy.

The problem is the same as with the protective tape on the frames. Despite the fact that the mirror film does not have an adhesive layer and is glued with water, under the influence of ultraviolet rays it practically eats into the glass unit. It can be very difficult to peel off such protection.

Advice! To solar protection for windows came off easily, don’t delay removing it. If the windows face south and the sun shines from April to October, then it is easier to leave the film or initially refuse to use it and hang blinds.

Simple methods for removing solar control film from windows:

  • Using denatured alcohol and a spray bottle, similar to removing the film from the frame, you can get rid of the sun protection layer on the glass unit. Denatured alcohol is sprayed onto the surface of the window and left for several minutes. Then, using a stationery knife, pry up the edge of the shell and gradually remove the entire layer with your hands. It's better to start from the top.
  • Using a steam generator, you can melt the surface of the sun protection layer, and then remove it by picking it up with a knife. This method is well suited for ingrained film that is difficult to pick up.
  • Clean the glass unit with a sponge containing Schumanite. This strong remedy, which must be handled with gloves. You should also avoid contact of the product with plastic parts of the window.

Sometimes pulling the film off the glass unit is not enough. Often mirror-like, “silver” traces of the film remain on the surface of the window. You should not handle solvents: lavsan, the material from which the protection is made, does not come into contact with solvents. Everything is much simpler. Just wash the window hot water with soap, and rub the “silver” spots with a hard metal sponge. There is no need to worry about scratches on the window: the glass unit will withstand such cleaning and become as good as new.

Enterprises producing metal-plastic windows, supply their products with protective film. Its role is to protect frames from dust, dirt and scratches during storage, transportation and installation of window units. After this, it becomes completely useless and needs to be removed. Let's figure out how to do this.

When to remove protective film from plastic windows

Ideally, the protective coating is removed immediately after the windows are installed or within a couple of days thereafter. However, if repair work is still ongoing in the room and the risk of damaging or staining the frames is high, this period can be increased. But not indefinitely: after 1-2 months, especially in hot weather conditions, it will be difficult to remove the film. If it is really necessary to protect the frames, instead of the factory coating, they can be covered with masking tape - there will be much less problems with its removal.

Why does the film stick and come off poorly?

The strength of the connection between the film and the frame is influenced by several factors:
  • Adhesive coating. The worse quality and cheaper the glue used, the faster it will stick tightly to the frame.
  • Room temperature. Under the influence of heat, both the glue itself and the film begin to slowly melt and literally eat into the plastic of the frames.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. As with heat, the sun's rays change the structure of the adhesive and film, causing them to stick to the window very quickly.

How to remove film from plastic windows: all possible methods

Even old film can sometimes be removed relatively easily; it is only difficult to pick up its edge. In such a situation, any thin and sharp object will come to the rescue: a knife, nail scissors, a needle or something similar. But you need to work with them carefully so as not to injure yourself or scratch the plastic of the frame. If this doesn't work, it's time to move on to more radical options.

Whichever method is chosen from those described below, it is very important during the process of removing the film not to damage the hydro- and vapor barrier coatings located at the junction of the frames with the walls and roof.


The hairdryer is brought as close as possible and a stream of hot air is directed onto the frames. Under the influence of heat, the dried glue and film soften, and following fresh traces, the protective coating becomes really easy to pry and remove. Practice shows that it is more effective to blow not under the film, but at an angle from above as the film is torn off.

The more high temperature provides the device, the more effective the method becomes. The best option– do not use a fairly weak technique for drying hair, but a powerful hair dryer. An alternative to a hairdryer can be a heater, if its mechanism of action is also based on blowing hot air, or a clothes steamer.


Chemicals for diluting or dissolving paints, varnishes and other construction liquids will most likely help remove the film from a plastic window. Acetone (and even acetone-containing nail polish remover), mineral spirits and other kerosene-based liquids, automotive tar removal chemicals, special sticker removers, and much more can work. The effectiveness of such remedies in each specific case may vary, so it is better to test them experimentally.


  • Pry up the tip of the film at least a little. If this does not work, then at least cut or otherwise disrupt the integrity of the film, otherwise the solvent will be ineffective or useless at all.
  • Apply the product - carefully pour, spread with a brush or cloth.
  • Wait 2-3 minutes.
  • Pull the edge of the film and try to remove it from the treated area.
  • If there is no result, add solvent and let stand for some more time.
  • Upon completion of work, wipe the frames with a damp cloth, possibly adding detergent.

It is important to follow safety precautions - if the instructions for the product recommend working with gloves and ventilating the room well, this should not be neglected. Otherwise, you can cause intoxication of the body and a chemical burn to the skin.


This method is most effective if you need to remove individual small pieces protective film from plastic windows. It is necessary to cut a piece of wide tape at least 4-5 cm long (a smaller size will be awkward to hold in your hands). It is glued to areas of the frame with film, carefully smoothed, and then pulled very sharply. Ideally, the entire protective coating should remain on the strip of tape.

You should only use stationery tape (transparent or colored - it doesn’t matter). Painting and double sided tape on fabric and paper based coated with a less sticky adhesive.


The effectiveness of this method is based on the properties of many polymer materials become hard and brittle when exposed to low temperatures. In the case of a protective film, the glue will simply harden and stop adhering it so tightly to the frame.

If in winter period In your region, frosts reach at least -10°C, you just need to wait for the cold weather and let the frames cool thoroughly by opening the windows in the room for a couple of hours. If not, you can try to cool the problem areas artificially by applying frozen bottled water to them and immediately trying to peel off the film using fresh traces. But the effectiveness of this option is significantly lower.


If the film is stuck so tightly that even intense rubbing with a brush does not help, you can only use a sharp object. The knife is not suitable for this purpose - it will take a very long time to pick out the film with the tip, and holding the narrow blade flat is inconvenient. You can use construction spatula, but a scraper for glass-ceramic coating is even better electric stoves. It is even more difficult for them to scratch the plastic of the frames.

Hard brush

In this case, you will need a stiff, but preferably non-metallic brush. The surface of the film is actively rubbed with it until it is removed. An alternative to a brush is a metal dish sponge. Made from thin strips of metal, it, like a knife or scraper, cuts off the film, but unlike them it does it more delicately, i.e. with less risk of scratching the plastic of the frame.

Vegetable oils

If you somehow managed to remove the film from the plastic window, but there was a sticky layer left on the frames adhesive composition- they will help here vegetable oils. They generously lubricate the contaminated areas, leave for a few minutes so that they are saturated with liquid, and then remove with a cloth, sponge or brush. You can use absolutely any vegetable oils or drying oil.

The oil itself must also be removed from the frames, otherwise over time it will harden and form dark and sticky stains, to which dust will quickly stick. You can remove residual oil with soap, dishwashing detergent, acetone or alcohol.

Butter alternatives:
  • hard sponge with soapy water;
  • weak solvent;
  • regular office eraser. It is advisable to choose an elastic grater that matches the color of the frames (so that it does not stain them). From rubbing with an eraser, the remaining glue and film will roll into large lumps, which will fall off on their own or can be easily removed with your fingers or a damp cloth.

Video on how to clean a plastic window from old film

See also video instructions for removing protective film from plastic window frames that was not removed in time:

Contacting a cleaning company

If you were unable to clean the film from plastic windows yourself, you should turn to those for whom such tasks are the main activity. Cleaning company employees have the most different instruments and substances for removing contaminants, and, last but not least, experience.

How to remove film from a plastic window sill

For the window sill, all the same methods are applicable as described above for window frames: heating with a hairdryer, solvents, sharp scrapers, a stiff brush, etc. But if the window sill is not perfectly smooth, but has a rough texture, then in addition to them you can try abrasive substances - powdered detergents or regular baking soda. For smooth surface It is better not to use them, the risk of leaving scratches on it is too great. Additionally, read about protection from contamination, because this is not uncommon during repairs.

The protective film on the frames of plastic windows is designed only for short-term protection from dirt and scratches. After installation, you should get rid of this coating as quickly as possible, otherwise it will be quite difficult to remove it later.

After the plastic windows have been installed, you must immediately remove the protective film. Many people do not pay attention to it and believe that it will protect the windows for a while. In fact, if you delay this matter, then problems will arise with its removal, since over time it begins to crack and burst, which does not add beauty to the windows.

When and why should you remove window film?

It is usually customary to install windows without removing the film. Manufacturers recommend removing the film within 10 days after installing the window. You need to know that the protective film consists of 2 layers glued together. The first layer usually contains the manufacturer's advertising, and the second is tightly glued to the surface of the frame. If it is not removed in time, then under the influence of heat and sun the glue thickens and sticks firmly to the surface. The front layer can still be removed, but the bottom layer will be removed in pieces.

3 ways to remove old film from plastic windows

If you weren’t able to remove the film in time, now you’ll have to work harder. There are several proven methods for removing film from windows.

1 way

It will require patience and effort. To remove you will need a blade or thin sharp knife. You need to pry the film with this object and tear off the protruding ends with your hands. And so on until complete removal.

Then the remaining glue is removed from the surface. It can be erased with a regular eraser. You can also use a sponge and detergent to wipe the frame until it is completely clean.

Method 2

This method is suitable if the bottom layer is not “tightly” glued. To do this, you will need a hair dryer or even one that is used for drying hair, but a powerful one. They heat the surface of the film and try to remove it using a thin scraper. Residues of glue are washed off with detergents.

How to remove old film from a PVC window using various tools can be clearly seen in the video:

3 way

Here a steam cleaner is used to remove the film. The film is thoroughly heated with steam, then removed from the frame using a glass scraper. To get rid of glue on the frame, it is best to use white spirit. It removes glue well without damaging the plastic surface. If you can’t completely remove it, you can saturate the film with a cloth soaked in white spirit.

Product for removing film from plastic windows

Not all products can be used to remove film as they may damage the surface. Effective and non-damaging PVC surface Denatured alcohol is considered, that is, industrial alcohol.

To treat the surface, you need to pour denatured alcohol into a spray bottle and spray the film, do nothing for about 5 minutes. Then its edge needs to be pryed thin knife and gently pull the film. She must pull out. Spray again and pull off the remaining film. Do this until all the film is removed.

If you wish, you can purchase a specialized product - Starwax natural cleaner and stain remover. Simply spray it onto the film, wait a few minutes and remove it with a scraper. As a bonus, the product has a pleasant orange peel aroma.

To not only remove the film, but also traces of glue, it is suggested to use any car body cleaner:

How to remove film from a plastic window sill?

The same methods are used to remove film from windows and window sills. The fastest and most effective is to remove the protective material using a special product “Admiral”, which is produced specifically for PVC surfaces:
  • Wet the window sill.
  • Hold for 5-7 minutes.
  • Take out a scraper for glass ceramics and use it to scrape off the film.
Do all this several times until the film is completely removed. If there are dirty marks left, the article “” will tell you how to remove them.

Video: How to remove protective film from PVC windows?

The video shows how the remnants of the old protective film are removed in a very simple and original way:

So, in order not to bother yourself with the work of deleting old film, you need to remove it immediately after installing the windows. Then there will be no difficulties - it will be easily removed, you just have to pull a little. It is worth understanding that such a film is intended to protect materials only during transportation.

Plastic windows are provided with a protective film that protects the frame from possible scratches, dust and dirt during transportation and installation of the window. It must be removed after the window has been installed in the opening within 10 days after installation.

However, for various reasons, many owners of plastic windows do not remove the film on time and end up with another one. headache, since over time it tends to “stick” to the plastic profile.

1. Why does the film stick to the window?

If the plastic windows were installed quite recently, then removing the film will not be difficult, but if too much time has passed since installation, it will be very difficult to remove the film from the window. This occurs due to the fact that it is exposed to the environment and sunlight, under which the film begins to deform.

How to clean glass and profile in a plastic window? In order to remove the film immediately after installing the windows, it must be carefully trimmed using a stationery knife from the inside and outside of the window, and then carefully removed. If the film is already deformed, then it will not be removed normally, it will tear, come off in pieces, and the glue may remain on the window.

It should be noted that the film is made of two layers and is glued using a special adhesive composition. The inner layer begins to deteriorate under the influence of the sun and sticks more and more tightly to the plastic. It will not be difficult to remove the top layer even after 2-3 months, but the inner layer sticks more and more to the plastic every day.

2. Methods for removing film from a window

If for some reason the film was not removed on time, then the stuck film can be removed in several ways. What products can be used to clean plastic windows?? This will be discussed further.

2.1. The first method of film removal

If the film cannot be removed, you can use a hair dryer. It must be directed to the frame of the plastic window, where the film cannot be removed. When exposed to it, the adhesive mass will heat up and gradually lag behind the window. After this, you can remove the film without special effort using a hard cloth or scraper. You can also use a regular home hairdryer, but only if the film does not stick to the frame too much.

2.2. Second method of film removal

Remaining adhesive can be removed using a scraper. glass-ceramic plates or cooked products. Such tools can rarely be found at home, and buying one would not be advisable. Therefore, if there are no such tools, it is better to use other means.

2.3. The third method of film removal

You can also remove the glue using a knife or blade. They can be found in almost every home. To do this, you need to pick up the edge of the covering and tear it off piece by piece from the plastic window. Remaining glue must then be removed using a rough sponge and detergent. This method is very long and requires good willpower, and there is a possibility of damaging the plastic.

2.4. The fourth method of film removal

This method is quite simple, since there is nothing special about it. Everyone knows what a school eraser is. Ever since school days, during art class, they could erase pencils and even pens. So, you can do the same with the adhesive base of the film, erase it with an eraser. This is, in essence, soft glass cleaner and profile in the windows.

2.5. Fifth method of film removal

If the film has been more or less removed, but there is still glue from the film on the plastic window, it can be removed using a brush with stiff bristles and a soap solution. To do this, you need to moisten the plastic window with the solution and walk over it with a brush.

It is important not to be too zealous, since this glass cleaner and profile can damage the plastic and scratches may form on it.

2.6. The sixth method of film removal

In some cases, if you have white spirit at home, you can try to remove the film with it. To do this, you need to pry off the edge of the film with a sharp object, after which you need to pour a small amount of solvent onto this place. It is important that it gets under the film. After a couple of minutes you can try to remove the film.

2.7. Seventh method of film removal

This method is probably one of the most expensive and most dangerous for plastic. For this you need to purchase special means for cleaning plastic various kinds pollution. They can be purchased at any specialized store.

You need to be very careful with these solvents, as they can corrode the plastic itself, which affects the service life of the windows. A.

In order to avoid problems with the operation of plastic windows, experts recommend:

  • Follow the instructions for using plastic windows. The film must be removed after installing the window.
  • If the window is installed in multi-storey building, then the outer film must be removed in advance, even before installing the window, so as not to subsequently risk your life by tearing off the film on a high floor.
  • You can contact a cleaning company that will help you clean up your house and also remove the protective film that seems to be stuck “to death.” It is only important to indicate this clause in the contract.
  • If, after removing the film, small scratches appear, then do not give up, they can be easily fixed. To do this, you need to buy Cosmofen cleaner and apply it to the scratches. It can perfectly polish small cracks and even help remove remaining film.

Conclusion, conclusion

Thus, it should be noted that in order to avoid problems with removing the protective film from the window, you must follow the instructions from the manufacturer and remove the film immediately after completing the installation and finishing work. Otherwise, problems may arise that will be much more difficult to solve.

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After installing plastic windows, not everyone immediately removes the film from them. But in vain!

More than once I had to observe in a recently built house nearby how residents rub it with wet rags and try to scrape it off with a scraper, since they did not immediately realize that they should have removed it immediately after purchase.

What can I say, because many people buy apartments after the film has had time to dry tightly.

Therefore, be vigilant, read useful tips on effective cleaning methods and immediately test them in practice.

On the protective films of profiles, manufacturers write that removing the film from metal-plastic window designs necessary immediately after installation work. But, for a number of reasons, this requirement is often neglected.

A protective coating protects the structure from contamination that inevitably arises during repairs or construction.

For example, the film can be useful when decorating slopes, external insulation of housing, and carrying out decorative work.

In such cases, the film's adhesive remains on the frames longer and hardens over time. This complicates the process of removing the film, and the glue itself sticks to the windows in the form of unaesthetic black spots.

How then to remove the film from plastic windows?

Useful advice!

This problem can be solved in two stages, sequentially using mechanical and chemical methods.

The first will allow you to remove the film itself, while the second will deal directly with the glue.

Accordingly, to achieve the best effect, it is advisable to go through both stages. This approach will allow you to effectively get rid of the problem and avoid scratches on the windows.

So, the protective coating can be safely removed with three tools:

  • scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic cookers;
  • an industrial hair dryer (it is also acceptable to use a high-power household hair dryer);
  • school eraser.

In the first case, you should carefully separate the film with the sharp edge of a scraper. Due to the fact that this device is designed for glass ceramics, the likelihood of scratches on the windows is quite low. But you should still be careful when working.

The second option is considered safer and more reliable. It is necessary to heat the sealed surface with hot air.

It is important not to overdo it so that the film does not melt and stick tightly to the structure. While still warm, the coating is removed with one confident movement. If necessary, the edge can be pryed off with any sharp object.

Removing film with an eraser, at first glance, seems to be a rather exotic method. In practice, this method will require quite a lot of effort from you, but the PVC profile will probably remain intact.

But to remove film from plastic windows, use one mechanical method not enough.

After physically peeling off the film window frames What remains is the glue, which is firmly adhered to the structure. If the composition has not had time to dry well, you can get by with an ordinary household rag and soapy water.

Use a well-moistened cloth to rub the contaminated areas vigorously. However, in some cases you will need more powerful tools. Thus, the chemicals COSMOFEN 10 or FENOSOL performed well. They are good because in addition to persistent pollution Can also remove minor scratches.

You can also use Nanoflex P-12, an equipment cleaning product. It is worth mentioning that the listed removal methods protective coating Suitable for all elements of window structures. The adhesive composition in them, as a rule, is the same, which allows the use of the same products for working with frames, double-glazed windows, window sills, and fittings.

In conclusion, we note that before removing the film from plastic windows, you should definitely complete all construction work in the area of ​​the opening. This way you can maintain an attractive appearance structures for a long time.

Naturally, with the exception of those works after which it will not be possible to physically remove the film.


Do we remove the film if we didn’t do it right away?

The frames of metal-plastic windows are protected with a special film in order to protect them from dirt, scratches and other damage during transportation and installation.

Removing film from metal-plastic windows is extremely simple if done in a timely manner, i.e. immediately after the windows have been installed.

If for some reason you delay this, then removing the film can become a big problem. According to the instructions, the film must be removed within 10 days after installing metal-plastic windows.

If you increase this period to a month or two, then most likely nothing bad will happen. Then, when the film remains on the frames for 3 months or more, it will take a lot of effort to remove it.

Why does this discrepancy arise? It turns out that the protective film consists of two layers and is glued to the frames using a special glue. Under the influence of heat and solar radiation, the thin inner layer of the film decomposes and firmly adheres to the plastic.

Separating the surface layer of the film is not as difficult as the inner one.

Reasons that increase the adhesion of the film to the frame:

  1. Action of ultraviolet rays. While the film on windows located on the shady side of the building can be removed after a few months, on the sunny side it will begin to be absorbed into the frame in just a few days.
  2. Glue quality. The lower the quality of the glue that holds the film, the more difficult it will be to tear it off. When installing inexpensive metal-plastic windows, the likelihood of encountering poor adhesive is higher.
  3. Action of heat. If the windows are installed in winter, the film will begin to dry to the frame later. This will happen extremely quickly in the summer.

Finally, we will consider how to remove film from metal-plastic windows if it was not removed in a timely manner.

  • Use a hair dryer. This the best remedy to remove film. The main thing is to direct it towards the frame, but not towards the glass unit, otherwise it has the possibility of bursting due to temperature changes. The film is heated by hot air, dissolves and is easily removed. The only problem is to find a hair dryer. Some try to use ordinary, in turbo mode. This can only be crowned with triumph when the film is not quite firmly adhered.
  • Contact a cleaning company. The majority of these companies provide a similar service, and they have the devices required for this: a hair dryer, special scrapers and cleaners. And skill in solving similar difficulties.
  • Using a professional scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic hobs. Such a scraper will not damage the plastic.
  • Slowly, piece by piece, picking up the edge of the film with a thin knife, blade or scraper, and then tearing it off with your hands. Cutting devices should be used as little as possible, trying to separate the film with your fingers.
  • Remaining glue can be washed off with the rough side of a sponge and bathroom detergent.
  • A weak solvent. When using solvent, you must be extremely careful and first test on an inconspicuous area. The solvent has the ability to change the color of plastic frames.
  • An eraser. An ordinary school eraser for erasing a pencil can help remove any remaining film.
  • Roughly, although not with a wire brush and soapy water. The method is suitable for film on the shadow side.
  • White spirit. Although it should not be applied on top, on pieces of film, but between the film and the plastic. To achieve the desired result, you need to pry up the edge of the film, pour white spirit into this place, wait a little and separate the film.
  • "Cosmofenom". In companies that install metal-plastic windows, you can purchase a special product for cleaning plastic – “Cosmofen”. Based on the degree of activity of the active drug, “Cosmofen No. 5”, “Cosmofen No. 10” and “Cosmofen No. 20” are distinguished. No. 5 is the most powerful solvent; it dissolves plastic, so it must be used with great caution. In general, let's say 2 others. These are potent and unsafe for human well-being.

Often the film is not removed because the repairs are being delayed and you want to protect the window frames from paint, whitewash and other contaminants. This is a wrong approach, which will give rise to many more dilemmas. It is much better to remove the protective film, and if protection is needed, stick it on the frames masking tape. It won't be difficult to remove it at all.


Removing protective film from PVC windows

Very often we hear questions of this kind:

“A year ago, plastic windows were installed at the company ****. All this time, the apartment was undergoing renovations, and my husband and I lived with relatives.

Now, after completing the repair, we discovered that the protective film that is glued to the plastic does not come off. That is, the film that was inside the apartment came off normally, but on the street side it holds tightly.

How can I try to remove the film from the window? maybe there is some remedy?

I have to disappoint you, I don’t know any means that can help you with 100% probability. After installing the window, the protective film must be immediately removed, otherwise in the sun under the influence of ultraviolet radiation it is destroyed and fused into the plastic.

Pay attention!

The protective film must be removed immediately, otherwise it will break down in the sun and melt into the plastic.

Manufacturers of plastic windows even write warnings about this on the film, but usually in an overseas language. In our practice, there was a case when we installed windows for the entire house for customers, and the profile from which the windows were welded lay for a long time on the street under the sun.

We were unable to remove the film from these windows, and the problem arose, of course, after all the windows were installed. As a result, we had to completely replace all the windows with new ones.

But sometimes, special cleaning products can help remove the film. We sell Cosmofen plastic cleaner. A very serious thing I must say. Distributed specifically for window companies.

There are 3 brands of Cosmofen: Cosmofen No. 5, Cosmofen No. 10 and Cosmofen No. 20, they differ in the degree of dissolution of PVC plastic.

So Cosmofen No. 20 does not dissolve plastic at all, Cosmofen No. 10 is a weak solvent for PVC and Cosmofen No. 5 is the strongest solvent.

I think that if Cosmofen does not help you, then nothing will help you. The only way out is either to change the windows, or to spit and forget, thank God the film is on the street and is not visible from the apartment.


How to remove film from windows after installing them

When installing plastic windows, always remember that you must remove the protective film that covers the profile for safety purposes immediately after the windows are in place and that’s it. finishing work finished.

However, real situations indicate that consumers often order PVC windows from one company of such well-known brands as “KBE”, “PROPLEX”, “Veka” or the famous “Rehau”, and install them themselves or with the help of other contractor companies.

In such situations, everyone completely forgets to remove the notorious protective film on the profile, which, under the influence of sunlight, sticks to the window so much that it is almost impossible to remove.

If something happens, claims can be made against her regarding the quality of the work performed, and her employees will have to worry about removing the film from outside profile.

The film on windows prevents scratches, both during their installation and during installation. Experts in this field recommend getting rid of such harmful film within 10 days after windows are exposed to the sun.

If time is lost and the protective layer has not been removed, do not be arbitrary, but listen to useful tips, proven by time and practice. Many people make the gravest mistake of trying to remove the film with a solvent. This way, the film will remain on the windows, and the profile may be hopelessly damaged.

Proceed with extreme caution, as strong heat may damage the entire profile.

No less effective means when removing the film from the window, you will also use a special scraper used during cleaning hobs and ceramic tiles.

You can safely work with a scraper, because it does not damage the plastic surface.

Try to very carefully pick up the edges of the stuck film with a scraper and remove it from the window piece by piece. If possible, work only with your fingers, since even a safe scraper can leave scratches on the PVC profile.

When finished, thoroughly wipe off any remaining glue with warm soapy water. If the glue cannot be cleaned with soapy water, then use the special cleaner “Cosmofen 10”.

The important thing is that it not only removes the remaining adhesive from the film, but also largely masks the small cracks that have formed. An ordinary eraser from the school desk helps a lot; it rolls off the remaining glue perfectly and helps achieve the desired results.

All of the above tips are time-tested and give positive results if you handle all devices carefully.

But if you enter into an agreement for the production, supply and installation of plastic windows with one organization (which is the best option), then make sure that they worry about removing the film from the window.