Juicy and sweet watermelon: how to properly care for the plant. Planting and caring for watermelons in open ground How to care for watermelons at home

You can try to grow watermelons for years, but only those who know the peculiarities of the culture succeed in producing tasty, ripe fruits. From the article you will learn about the nuances of agricultural technology of this heat-loving plant.

Planting watermelons

Planting watermelons begins when the soil warms up to 15-17°C. On light soils, seeds are planted to a depth of 6-9 cm, and if the seeds are small - to a depth of 4-6 cm. Each plant should have 1-6 square meters of area - this depends on the variety, soil type and climate.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for 24 hours in water at room temperature so that the seedlings appear quickly and smoothly.

In the greenhouse

IN polycarbonate greenhouses watermelons can be created more comfortable conditions than under open air. Sometimes watermelons in greenhouses are grown in a vertical culture, on trellises. You need to install supports in advance, even before sowing.

Before planting, dig up the soil along with fertilizers. The holes are marked at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The beds are spilled with water heated to 25 degrees and above. Two seeds are planted in each hole to a depth of 5-6 cm and covered with film on top.

In the first week after sowing, no care is required. When the temperature in the greenhouse rises above 30 degrees, the structure will have to be ventilated. In the future, caring for plants in a greenhouse does not differ from caring for them in open ground.

In the open ground

Choose a sunny place for planting watermelons. In order for the plants to get more summer warmth, it is worth planting them early. To do this, watermelons are grown as seedlings or the beds are preheated for several days, covered with black plastic film and pouring hot water.

The scheme for planting watermelons in open ground depends on the length of the vines of a given variety. Optimal distance between holes:

  • short-climbing and bush varieties (Bonta, Coral, Gift of the Sun, Eureka) - 70x70 cm;
  • medium-climbing varieties (Astrakhansky, Bedouin, Krimstar, Ogonyok, Shuga Baby) - 80x80 cm;
  • long-climbing varieties (Pamyat Kholodova, Boston, Viking, Sprinter) - 150x100 cm.

You can protect delicate plants from the cold using the following technique: place a trimmed five-liter plastic bottle on each seedling, and cover the entire bed with film on the arches. Double shelter can save you from quite severe frosts. IN middle lane Under double cover, watermelons can be sown not at the end of May, as usual, but in the first half of the month. Plants are kept under plastic caps until mid-June and removed when the leaves become crowded.


Watermelon is drought-resistant. Its roots have high suction power and are able to absorb moisture from the soil, even if there is little of it there. In addition, plants store water in succulent stems and fruits and can use it during critical periods.

At the same time, moderate irrigation in the first half of the growing season will benefit the plants. The first watering is carried out about a week after emergence, the water should be warm. There is no need to water during fruiting. When irrigated, watermelons significantly increase their yield.

How to fertilize

Watermelon does not need fertilizing if you properly fill the soil before sowing by adding half a bucket of humus and a half-liter jar of ash for each square meter under digging. An additional tablespoon of azofoska is sprinkled into each hole, mixed well with the soil, watered, and then either the seeds are sown or seedlings are planted.

Watermelon needs trace elements. Plants will be grateful for feeding microelements on the leaves at intervals of 2 weeks.

At night, watermelons should not be overcooled. In the cold, the roots of the plant stop working, and nature has arranged it in such a way that watermelon fruits grow at night. If the night promises to be cold, a film is thrown over the bed.

Watermelons are watered very carefully, using a hose or bucket, using the flooding method, trying not to wet the leaves and fruits.

Watermelons have an increased need for phosphorus, and among potassium fertilizers they prefer chlorine-free ones.

The crop is very susceptible to powdery mildew and anthracnose. For prevention, it is enough to spray the vines with Bordeaux mixture once before flowering.

Watermelons and melons are heat-loving crops, so you need to choose a sunny place to plant them. Difficult to grow in cloudy and cold climates good harvest. The most optimal daytime temperature for them will be 26 degrees and above, and the night temperature will not be lower than 19. It is also necessary to monitor the heating of the soil - its temperature should not fall below 20 degrees.

When cultivating melons and melons, it is necessary to observe the peculiarities of the watering regime. It differs significantly during different periods of growth. So, during the growing season, plants need frequent watering, and after that, once a week is enough for them. It is also important to take into account weather conditions; if there has been heavy rain, watermelons and melons do not need to be watered. It is also advisable to discard it during fruit ripening. However, here you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Proper watering of watermelons and melons

In order to reap a rich harvest of melons, you need to provide them with optimal conditions for growth. AND proper watering has here great importance. You should only use warm water about 21 degrees so that the soil temperature does not drop. When watering cold water the plants stop developing and the roots begin to rot. In such conditions, you can completely lose your harvest.

Watering should be plentiful - one watermelon or melon bush requires at least 5-8 liters of water.
The regularity of watering depends on the growing season of the plants. During flowering, watermelons and melons especially need frequent and abundant watering. However, here it is important to ensure that water does not get on the leaves and flowers - you need to pour it at the root. When the fruits begin to ripen, watering is stopped.

Watering watermelons can be made easier with regular plastic bottle with the bottom cut off. Such funnels are dug near each bush and filled with water. When all the liquid is absorbed into the soil, it is topped up. This way the land receives as much water as it needs.

Watering melon has its own nuances. Small sprouts are watered under the bush, and when the plant grows, it is necessary to make grooves between the rows and fill them with water. The most favorable time Watering for melons is in the evening, since the soil is warmed up as much as possible. During especially hot and dry periods, you need to water the plant twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Feeding watermelons and melons

It should also be taken into account that melons need fertilizing, which is produced according to a special scheme:

  • They begin to apply fertilizer almost immediately after planting. As soon as watermelon and melon seedlings have adapted to open ground, they need additional feeding with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.
  • The next feeding is done during the growth of the vines. During this period, melons require an increase in organic matter in the soil, so at this moment they are fed with chicken droppings, manure and potassium salts.
  • The last time feeding occurs is when the plants begin to form ovaries. You need to fertilize with a special mixture that you can make with your own hands. For a bucket of water you need to take 1 teaspoon of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of ammonium and 1.5 tablespoons of potassium salt.

Additional care

In order for watermelons and melons to grow tasty and large, you need to ensure that the shoots do not intertwine with each other, but lie freely. The weakest of them, as well as the sterile ones, must be removed so that they do not take away excess strength from the plant. For uniform ripening of fruits, they must be turned regularly.

Watermelon is delicious and healthy berry, which pleases children and adults with its juicy pulp. You can grow watermelon in central Russia. This melon crop is very heat-loving, but in order to grow large and sweet fruits, you need to observe many nuances. So, let's talk about everything in order.

Where to grow watermelons

The place for growing watermelons must be selected very carefully. This should be a sunny area without trees or shade. Watermelons grow best in sandy and sandy loam soils because watermelon roots penetrate deep into the soil to become saturated with moisture and full of sweetness. That is why the soil for growing watermelons should not be clayey or dense. To make the soil more porous, it is first dug (in the fall). The acidity of the soil in the selected area should not exceed 6.5-7 units.

It is best to choose soil for planting in which crops such as onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beans, and wheat grew. You should not grow melons and melons for two years in a row in the same area. The soil is first cleared of weeds; watermelon does not like foreign vegetation.

When to grow watermelons

If the summer turns out to be cold, no amount of tricks will help you grow juicy and sweet fruit. But if there are many sunny and hot days a year, be prepared for a good harvest. It is best to start planting watermelons at the end of May, when the soil is already sufficiently warmed by the sun. If you decide to plant seedlings, then the seeds can be planted in cups as early as the beginning of May. However last word, all the same, depending on the weather. If there is still no warmth in the first ten days of May, there is no need to rush into planting.

How to prepare seeds for planting watermelons

Let's consider two main methods of planting watermelons - seedlings and non-seedlings.

Watermelon has very dense and hard seeds that must be pre-soaked. To do this you need to pour the seeds warm water and leave for half an hour. Those seeds that float after the specified time are not suitable for planting - we remove them immediately. After this, you need to cover the container with a plastic bag and leave it in a warm place (under direct sun rays). It turns out to be an imitation of a greenhouse. It is best if the temperature in the mini-greenhouse does not drop below 25-30 degrees during the day, and below 20 degrees at night.

When the seeds hatch, they can be planted in a glass. This is usually done at the end of April or beginning of May. The cups need to be large enough to provide room for the root system. Watermelon does not tolerate root damage. The soil for planting must be mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers. During the process of seedling growth, you need to feed the sprouts several more times with fertilizers. Two seeds are usually planted in one glass with the expectation that one of them will not germinate. If both sprouts grow, they are then separated.

Seedlings are ready for planting when the sprout has at least three healthy leaves. Planting of seedlings occurs in loosened soil fertilized with compost. Watermelon seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. If two sprouts are planted in one hole, you need to turn them so that they grow in different directions. Seedlings should not be planted too deep into the ground - the depressions should not exceed 10 cm. The leaves of the sprouts must remain on the surface. After planting, the sprouts need to be watered generously with warm water to help them develop better.

A non-seedling method of planting watermelons
If the days are already warm enough, you can plant watermelons without seedlings. To do this, just like in the previous planting method, you need to soak them in warm water and leave the seeds to hatch. When small sprouts appear, you can skip the stage of planting the sprouts in cups and sow the seeds directly into the soil. I would like to note once again that the seedless method of planting watermelons is feasible only when the long-term weather forecast does not predict cold weather.

Seeds should be planted in holes at a distance of 20-25 cm, 2 seeds per hole. To get a good harvest, you can prepare the following mixture. Mix soil, ash and humus in a one to one ratio. Add a few spoons to the mixture mineral fertilizer nitroamophoska. Before planting the sprouts, place one tablespoon of the prepared mixture in each hole. Place watermelon seeds on top of the mixture and then sprinkle with humus. This is done in order to top layer the soil was not covered with crust. As was said, watermelon loves loose soil, and the sprout simply cannot break through the thick crust.

Although watermelon is considered a fairly unpretentious crop, to get a good harvest you need to follow certain aspects in caring for watermelon.

  1. Imitation of a greenhouse. While the sprouts are not yet strong, you need to cover them with a covering material. This will allow them to gain strength and bear fruit for several weeks. ahead of schedule. To create such a small greenhouse, stick small sticks on the sides of the bed and cover with thick plastic film. Keep the greenhouse until the end of June. It is better to shoot film on a gloomy day when there is no sun. This will allow the plants to adapt better. If you remove the film on a sunny day, the sprouts may simply burn.
  2. Watering. Watermelon does not like excessive watering because it feeds on inland waters. He has a powerful root system, which takes water from the lower layers of the soil if necessary. But you should not overdry the plant, otherwise the fruits will not be juicy. The optimal frequency of watering is once or twice a week.
  3. Fertilizers. A week after planting the seeds, they need to be fed with ammonium nitrate. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 20 grams of the substance in ten liters of water. After the first feeding, watermelons should be fertilized once every three weeks, using a regular mineral complex. Along with fertilizers, you need to constantly hill up the soil. Watermelon vitally needs loose soil. In general, gardeners advise walking less around the holes and not compacting the soil. Especially in the intervals between planted sprouts. The root system of watermelon is quite spreading, but also quite fragile. Stepping on loose soil near the hole, you can damage the root of the plant.
  4. Molding. This is an important part of caring for a watermelon planting. If the lashes are very long, they can be tied to posts or nailed with earth so that they are not damaged by the wind. In a month, ovaries will begin to form. When they become the size of a large plum, you need to leave only the largest ones - a few pieces. This is called pinching. This procedure is carried out for the following purpose. When a plant has many fruits, it spends its energy on each fruit. Thus, we will get a lot of unripe and small fruits. To get good and tasty fruits, you need to remove several ovaries at the very beginning of their growth. Usually, no more than 5-6 watermelon fruits are left from one bush. Moreover, there should not be more than two ovaries on one lash.

In the second half of summer, when watermelons begin to ripen, they can be carefully turned from one side to the other every 10 days. This will allow them to quickly gain flavor and juice. If the soil under the watermelons is rotting, you need to place small planks under the fruits to reduce the area of ​​contact between the watermelon and the ground.

When to Harvest

The harvest is harvested in August. To understand that a watermelon is ripe, you need to carefully examine it. Ripe fruits are distinguished by shiny skin and a dry tail. The stalk of a ripe watermelon is not hairy. If you knock on a watermelon, the ripe fruit produces a characteristic dull sound, by which experienced gardeners understand that it’s time to harvest!

In years rich in watermelons, approximately 10 plants can be grown from six holes. About 40 fruits of varying sizes and weights grow and ripen from them. With proper care and sufficient light and moisture, 90% of them ripen fully.

What could be tastier and more enjoyable than enjoying watermelon grown yourself? Follow all the rules of planting, care and feeding to grow a rich harvest of watermelons in your summer cottage!

Video: how to grow watermelon in open ground

No summer is complete without sweet, juicy and aromatic watermelons. Refreshing pulp with a characteristic smell gives energy for a long time.

But it is not always possible to find quality products on the market. Therefore, some summer residents resort to self-cultivation crops on your site.

Since many varieties of watermelons have been bred today, it is possible to achieve a harvest of tasty fruits even in the middle zone, where the climate is very different from the southern regions.

High quality and giant berries obtained only when grown outdoors. To please yourself and your loved ones with delicious fruits, you need to know the rules for planting and caring for this plant.

Description of culture

Watermelon is a herbaceous annual that belongs to the Pumpkin family. Melons and melons were first grown in southern Africa. There is evidence that the plant was cultivated in ancient civilizations. A modern leader China is the largest producer of giant berries. Large-scale production is observed in Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Russia.

The plant is characterized by thin branched shoots, which can be climbing or creeping. The stems have a smooth pentagonal shape and reach 4 m in length. Young shoots are heavily pubescent. The pubescent leaf plates, located alternately on the stem, have a triangular-ovate shape. The surface of the leaves is hard and rough. The plates grow up to 20 cm in length and up to 15−18 cm in width. The culture is characterized by female, male and hermaphroditic flowers. The bracts are boat-shaped.

The fruits are represented by large multi-seeded pumpkins with smooth surface. The sweet and juicy pulp is characterized by a reddish or pink color; in some varieties it is yellowish.

The rapid development of watermelons is observed in regions with a hot climate and not cold winters. For countries with harsher weather, hybrid varieties of watermelons should be selected.

Features of cultivation

Growing watermelons in different countries has its own characteristics. The method of cultivating a crop is greatly influenced by the climate of a particular region. The plant can be grown by seed or seedlings.

Seed method

This growing method is used in warm regions. Before planting in open ground, seeds must undergo mandatory preparation. Watermelons have difficult-to-germinate seeds. If you plant them in soil without pre-treatment, then they will not be able to germinate.

Some gardeners choose the following method of seed disinfection:

  • The material is wrapped in gauze and placed in warm solution potassium permanganate.
  • The container with the seeds is placed in a bag that is tied with a small amount of air in it.
  • The package with the material is transferred to a room with a temperature of +21−23 degrees.
  • The potassium permanganate solution should be changed daily for 2-3 days.
  • When the seed material hatches, then it can be planted on the site.

Watermelon seeds are sown in May, when the soil warms up to +13−15 degrees under the spring sun. A mixture of ash, ammophosphate and humus mixed with soil is added to each hole 6 cm deep.

Water is poured into the depressions and after the moisture is completely absorbed, 4-5 seeds are poured into them. The holes are filled with substrate and compacted. The distance between the holes must be at least 1 m.

The first shoots can be expected in 7-10 days. With the appearance of three or four leaves, the bushes are thinned out: weak specimens are removed by cutting them off at the very surface of the earth.

Seedling method

Hybrid varieties have good cold resistance, but in regions with cold climates, watermelons should be grown using seedlings. Seeds for seedlings are sown in April, so that in mid-May the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground.

When the plants get used to round-the-clock hardening, then they can be planted in the ground.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in late May - early July. By this time, 6-7 true leaves should have formed on the seedlings.

To plant watermelons, choose an area that is well lit and warmed by the sun. The south or southeast side is suitable for this purpose. The site must be isolated from winds and drafts. The soil for melons is sandy or sandy loam with neutral acidity. In dense and clay soils Watermelons do not develop well.

The plant is recommended to be planted after perennial grasses, winter wheat, cabbage, onions and annual legumes. It is not recommended to grow watermelons after nightshade and pumpkin plants. Growing the latter on the site is possible only 7-8 years after the removal of watermelon fruits.


The soil for planting melons is prepared in the fall. They dig up the earth, adding rotted manure to it. The substrate is diluted with a small amount of a mixture of potassium salt, ammonium sulfate and superphosphate. Sand is added to heavy soil. In the spring, the soil with rotted humus is dug up again and seedlings are planted in it.


Watermelons do not require complex care, but a high-quality harvest can only be achieved if certain rules agricultural technology.

Seedlings should be thinned out, leaving 1-2 pieces in the hole. The remaining seedlings are cut off at the very surface of the earth. Experienced gardeners they manage to plant strong and healthy seedlings from each other, which easily take root in a new place and subsequently bear tasty fruits.

With the appearance of ovaries, no more than 5-6 pumpkins are left on one plant. Protect the specimens lying on the ground with foil, roofing felt, plastic or other non-rotting material.

Watermelons are watered rarely, but abundantly. The procedure is performed no more than once a week. About 3 buckets are required for 1 square meter of beds warm water. During periods of flowering or hot sun, watering is increased up to twice a week, and the soil is moistened not only around the bushes, but also between the rows. When the fruits are forming, watermelons are watered less frequently. Watering is completely stopped 12-15 days before harvest.

At the beginning of the growing season, with watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 5 cm. At the same time, weeds are removed. When the rows between the watermelons close together, then they will not be afraid of weeds. Weeding and loosening procedures are stopped.

15 days after planting the seedlings in open ground, the plants are given the first fertilizing. 20 g of ammonium nitrate is dissolved in a bucket of water. For each seedling spend 2 liters of solution. Instead of saltpeter, you can use mullein or chicken droppings, to which superphosphate and calcium chloride should be added. A second feeding will be necessary during the appearance of buds. One bush will require the following amount of fertilizer:

  • ammonium nitrate - 4 g,
  • superphosphate - 6 g,
  • calcium chloride - 4 g.

Application of fertilizers in dry form requires subsequent watering of the soil.

Diseases and pests and control methods

Watermelons are often subjected to various types diseases and pests. This usually occurs due to improper planting or preparation of seed material before planting in open ground.

Improper care can also affect the condition of the crops grown. In order to save the plants in time, it is necessary to regularly check watermelons for defects and take timely measures to treat the affected specimens.

The melon crop is often affected by the following diseases:

  • Anthracnose(or copperhead). Fungal disease is characterized by yellow or brown spots with pinkish pads on leaf blades. During periods high humidity A pink coating forms on these spots. When severely damaged, watermelons dry out and die.
  • Bacteriosis. It is expressed in whitish oily spots that appear on the above-ground parts of watermelons. Over time, these spots turn into holes, causing foliage to fall. There is wilting of the stems and softening of the fruits, which become transparent and stop growing.
  • White And black rot. Fungal diseases cause the destruction of stems, leaves and fruits of plants, which often leads to the death of a bush or a variety of crops.
  • Root rot. The fungus infects the root system of watermelons and then spreads throughout the above-ground parts, affecting the plant.
  • Powdery mildew. Fungal disease manifests itself in a light gray coating on the leaf blades, which gradually die off. The fruits lose their appearance and taste and begin to rot.
  • Cucumber mosaic. The viral disease is expressed by a green mosaic pattern that appears on the leaves of plants. The grown crop slows down its growth, and the giant berries become covered with bumps, swellings and dots.
  • Olive spot. Unformed spots, which are a sign of the disease, cover the entire above-ground part of the bush. The leaf blades take on a corrugated shape, and the stems and petioles become covered with olive-colored cankers. The ovaries dry out and fall off.
  • Downy mildew. This disease is also called false powdery mildew. The first symptoms appear on old leaves and then spread to young leaves. Angular spots of a light yellow hue cover the upper side of the plates, and the lower side is covered with a grayish-violet coating. The fruits become deformed and stop developing.

Fungicides help fight fungal diseases. They have proven themselves well, Fundazol and Bordeaux mixture. You can purchase a drug to treat a plant for a particular disease at any specialized store. If a crop has been infected with a virus, then it cannot be cured. Affected bushes are dug up and destroyed, and the soil where they grew must be disinfected. To protect plants from viruses, it is necessary to track down and destroy disease carriers.

Of the insects, watermelons often infect:

Kill insects using insecticides.

If you plant watermelons correctly and follow the growing rules, then in the summer you will be able to enjoy a large amount of juicy and sweet fruits.

Growing watermelons in open ground with seeds and seedlings

You can grow watermelons using seeds and seedlings. Of course, in order for good and tasty fruits to grow in the end, the planting technology must be performed correctly.

In addition, subsequent care of the plant largely affects the quality of ripened fruits. Therefore, it is best to familiarize yourself in advance with all the secrets of growing watermelons using seeds and seedlings.

Landing place

To grow watermelon, choose sandy or sandy loam soil. Its acidity should be 6-7 units.

Since watermelons are a heat-loving plant, you should choose a warm, sunny place for planting so that it constantly warms up. Planted in warm soil up to +12 +15 degrees.

Watermelons will grow well after the following crops:

  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • legumes.

Under no circumstances should you plant the plant in places where nightshade or melon crops previously grew, since these plants have common pests.

Important to know: It is recommended to prepare a site for watermelons in the fall; it needs to be dug and loosened. Then the berries will grow well on the dug up soil and give an excellent harvest.

Digging up the soil should be done together with rotted manure or humus. The following amount of fertilizer is applied per 1 square meter - 5-6 kg of humus or rotted manure, 50 grams of superphosphate, 35 grams of potassium salt and 40 grams of ammonium sulfate.

Sand is poured into the weighted soil - 2 buckets per 1 m2. It is not advisable to use it for fertilizer fresh manure. When digging, all weeds and roots are removed, because watermelon does not like these unpleasant “neighbors”.

If further landing will be produced under film, you should also purchase required material and cover the soil with them.

Planting a watermelon

There are two ways to plant watermelons:

1. Without seedlings.

To plant watermelons in open ground, you should choose cold-resistant seeds with a ripening period of 90 days. The varieties “Ogonyok”, “Gift to the North”, “Kholodok” are perfect.

Before planting, seeds should be soaked in water. The water temperature must be at least 50 degrees. It is necessary to soak until the seeds sprout.

Then they are planted in the soil. The soil should be warmed to +12 +15 degrees. They are usually planted in early May; by the time the seeds germinate, it will become warmer and the soil will be warmed by the sun.

After 8-10 days, the first shoots should appear. If the soil is cold, germination will take a long time, and eventually the seeds may die.

It is worth noting: be sure to pay attention to weather conditions before landing. If it is cool at the beginning of May, then planting should be postponed to the end of the month.

In order to grow a good harvest, the following planting technology should be followed:

  • each hole is filled with a mixture of ash, earth, humus and nitroammophos (1 teaspoon). Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture onto the hole. This will help increase productivity in the future;
  • then we plant the seeds in the soil to a depth of 6-9 cm;
  • Sprinkle with humus to prevent a crust from forming on top. This crust can harm the sprouts when they reach the surface, and they will die.

Below, we invite you to watch a video on how to transplant watermelon seedlings into open ground:

2. Growing seedlings.

Seeds are planted for seedlings in late April - early May. It is advisable that the temperature in the room be maintained at +25 +30 degrees.

Seed germination begins at temperature conditions from + 17 degrees, but in order for them to grow and develop fruitfully, it is recommended to maintain daytime not less than 25 degrees, and at night from +18 degrees. There is no need to pick seedlings.

Fertilizers should be added to the soil in which the seedlings grow. This will ensure rapid growth of sprouts. Over the entire period, the soil needs to be fertilized twice; mineral fertilizers are used as top dressing.

Important to remember: When planting, seedlings cannot be completely covered with soil. Sprouts should be left 3-4 cm on the surface.

The sprouts should not touch each other, otherwise they can be seriously damaged when planting. Therefore, you should watch the sprouts, and as they grow, the cups should be moved away. Sprouts ready for planting must have at least 3 leaves.

Seedlings are planted in the soil at the end of May or early June. Be sure to follow the planting technology. Germinated seedlings are planted in prepared beds to a depth of 9-11 cm.

One or two shoots are planted in the hole. If 2 shoots are planted in a hole, then they are separated according to to different parties so that their lashes do not intertwine.

Before planting, up to two kilograms of compost or humus are poured into the hole and filled with water. It should be planted in a mixture of soil and fertilizer, sprinkled with dry soil.


In addition to planting, you need to follow the rules of care. Exactly from proper care the future harvest depends.

Care consists of the following actions:

1. Shelter. In order to accelerate the growth of the plant, you can use covering materials. The increased temperature is maintained under the film and due to this the plant begins to grow faster.

In addition, the fruits will appear 2-3 weeks earlier. The covering material will also provide protection from various pests. To cover with film, you can make low racks on the sides and put covering material on them. It should be removed in early June and preferably on a cloudy day, otherwise the plants may burn under the scorching sun.

2. Irrigation procedures. Since watermelon has a very powerful root system, which can go to a depth of more than 1 meter, it should not be watered very often. Once a week is enough. He gets the missing moisture from the ground himself.

3. Fertilizing the soil. The first feeding is done 7 days after planting seedlings or seeds. The next two are done at intervals of 2-3 weeks. For the first fertilizing, you can use the following fertilizers: a solution of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams per 10 liters of water. For subsequent fertilizing, it is best to use mineral fertilizers.

4. Work on the formation of bushes. The fruits are formed on the main stem. In order for them to ripen quickly, it is best to leave no more than 6 ovaries on the plant stem; it is recommended to remove the rest.

Also, do not forget about loosening the soil. Beds with watermelons should be loosened periodically. It is advisable to do this after rain or watering.

Overgrown lashes can be tied to special stands or lightly sprinkled with earth. This will protect them from the wind and speed up the growth of the fruit.


Around August, fruit harvesting begins. Before cutting a watermelon, check it for ripeness. Typically, a ripe fruit has a glossy skin and a dried tail.

There are no hairs on the stalks. Usually, when you knock on the fruit, a dull sound is heard. All these signs are conditional, so it is recommended to use them together.

Growing watermelons is a rather labor-intensive process, so it should be approached responsibly. Be sure to properly prepare the place for planting, first dig the soil and fertilize it with fertilizer.

Don’t forget about further care of the plant. Exactly from all the right technology cultivation depends on the future harvest.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly plant watermelon seeds for seedlings: