Spring work in the garden spraying trees. Garden in spring: How to spray trees and shrubs, and most importantly - when? "Blue spray" - Bordeaux liquid

Spring comes, and simultaneously with the awakening of plants, all kinds of insect pests and pathogens wake up. Therefore, the processing of the garden in the spring from diseases and pests is one of the most important spring activities for the care of the orchard - fruit trees and berry bushes.

When to process the garden from diseases and pests in the spring: schedule (terms) of work

At different times, different diseases and pests appear, respectively, for each phase of plant development - its own specific processing.

It is very important not to be late and to be on time.

But! Don't be in too much of a hurry. If there is still snow outside the window, or the weather is unstable: it often rains, sleet, fog, then processing at this time will simply be ineffective.

Thus, when stable warm (+4..+5 degrees during the day and preferably not lower than 0 at night, -1..-2 is possible) and dry weather, you can spend.

By the way! Insect pests begin to wake up and crawl out of their shelters just at a temperature of about +4..+5 degrees.

Obviously, it is very difficult to name specific dates, where easier to navigate the development phases of your plants.

So, as a rule, garden treatments in the spring are carried out in the following stages of plant development:

  • Before the buds open, when they are still completely closed (sleeping);

Such processing is also called "" or "on a bare tree", in other words, the plant has not yet shown any signs of awakening (vegetation).

Note! Instead of treating dormant buds, some gardeners spray on those that have already, so to speak, begun to wake up, i.e. during their swelling (at the very beginning).

  • "Green Cone" When the buds have already burst, but the leaves have not yet appeared (turned around).
  • "By rose buds".

Interesting! Sometimes the treatment is carried out just before flowering, when the buds are ready to “just about” open up, or even during the period of direct flowering (but only against diseases).

  • "On the ovaries with a pea" (after flowering).

Note! If it seems to you that it is unrealistic to carry out such a number of treatments, then this is not at all the case, even if you are in the country only on weekends (1-2 days a week). Each stage lasts by no means one day. In addition, you can track all the stages on the city trees.

Video: types of spring spraying - 4 phases of treatment

Before bud break or early spring spraying

The first treatment can be carried out even before the buds open, when they (the buds) are still completely closed (are in a dormant state).

The snow has already melted and melted, the temperature is positive - +4..+5 degrees during the day, at night it is above or near 0 (zero).

Moreover, the first spraying, as a rule, is carried out both from diseases and from the wintering stages of insect pests.

Along the green cone

Spraying in the "green cone" phase is considered the most important and most favorable period for treating the garden from diseases and pests.

This phase is characterized by the fact that the buds on the trees have already burst, but the leaves have not yet unfolded, although they are already clearly visible (hence the “green cone”).

Important! If for some reason you did not process at the previous stage, then it is better to hurry up, since the duration of this phase (“green cone”) is relatively short. Moreover, if there is good sunny weather, a stable temperature above +10 degrees, then the kidneys will open quickly enough.

At this stage, usually use more serious drugs such as Horus (anti-disease fungicide), Decis Profi (insecticide), which can be mixed (tank mix).

However, if you skipped the previous treatment, now you can still spray with either one of the special solutions based on or with.

Specificity! For example, Horus works great at low positive temperatures (about +4..+5), while Skor, on the contrary, works better at higher temperatures (above +15). Therefore, before flowering (for example, in the "green cone" phase), it is possible to spray with Horus, and with Skorom - already at the "rose bud" stage and after flowering ("pea-sized ovaries").

At the same stage, for additional protection of trees from pests, trunks can be put on trapping belts, build and hang on trees glue traps, pheromone houses.

Interesting! It is at this phase that the apple flower beetle (weevil) begins its activity.

In the fight against him, you can use physical methods of struggle: simply shake off the bugs. Moreover, this should be done early in the morning, when it is still cold, at which time they are still “sleeping”. Take a long stick and gently slap the wood, shaking off the beetles on a pre-layed film.

Video: second spring spraying of the garden

Bud (flower bud) or "rose bud" stage

The third treatment should be carried out at the stage when the bud has formed and advanced (it is already pink), but has not yet opened.

Spraying at the "rosebud" stage is also carried out against pests and against diseases.

Interesting! At this stage, the apple codling moth begins its activity (laying eggs).

Naturally, at this stage, no one treats with any Bordeaux liquid, copper or iron sulphate, but continues (or just begins) to use serious preparations such as Horus or Skora, Decis Profi, Kinmiks, Karate Zeon.

By the way! Temperature conditions at the “rose bud” stage, as a rule, improve, the weather is warm and sunny (temperature + 10-15 degrees and above), which means that you can start using biological preparations such as Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Lepidocide and others.

By ovaries with a pea (after flowering)

Immediately after flowering, when pea-sized ovaries are formed, it is necessary to carry out treatment for diseases(especially against moniliosis in stone fruits, however, as in pome fruits) and against pests(for example, against the codling moth).

Preparations (fungicides and insecticides) are used similar (as in the previous stage), including the active use of biological preparations.

Advice! You can fight the apple codling moth with the help of compote bait (naturally, apple). Cooked compote (from fresh apples or dried fruits, the main thing is that the smell is “apple”) you pour into buckets and hang on tree branches. Alternatively, you can simply add some apple cider vinegar to the water.

How to properly spray your garden in spring

  • When preparing solutions and spraying plants, observe safety precautions. If the packaging says that you need to wear special clothing (robe, overalls, raincoat), goggles and a respirator, rubber gloves, then you need to wear it.
  • Processing should be carried out only in dry and calm weather.

In sunny weather, it is better to refrain from spraying, because, quickly drying out, the preparations become ineffective or do not work at all. Spraying is best done in cloudy, calm weather, but not in the rain: after the rain, the branches are wet, as if a thin “film” of water is on them. And spraying is droplets of the solution, which in the same way cover the plant with a thin “film” of drops. If processing is carried out, the concentration of the solution will decrease, and the processing efficiency will decrease.

  • Spraying is preferably carried out early in the morning (after the dew has dried) or late in the evening (after sunset).
  • Processing is always carried out precisely after spring pruning, in order to further protect the cut points (ideally, if you sprinkle with copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid, in other words, if there is copper in the fungicide).

  • Do not spray during the flowering period (bees and other pollinators can be harmed).

Important! At each stage, you can use both the same drugs (in order to save money), and new ones (it is better to change the active substance so that there is no addiction - it will be more effective), or alternate (use alternately).

  • All prepared solutions should be passed through a filter mesh so as not to clog the sprayer.
  • Water at room temperature is suitable for dissolving almost all drugs (for vitriol, it is advisable to use hot water, about + 40-50 degrees).

And if you use a biological product, then it is better to take settled or filtered water, i.e. without chlorine.

  • controversial situation: at the stage of the "green cone", as well as the "pink bud", it is necessary to carry out treatment for both pests and diseases. In principle, it is possible to prepare a tank mixture that will have insecticidal-fungicidal properties (be sure to check the compatibility of the preparations). But some agronomists believe that do not immediately give a double chemical load on the plant. It is better to take a break for at least 1 day (for example, on Saturday morning, treat with a fungicide, and on Sunday morning with an insecticide). It is also possible to spray with an interval of 1 week, i.e. on one weekend they were treated for pests, the next - for diseases (or vice versa).

Against what diseases and pests is the spring processing of the garden carried out


Spring processing of the orchard is carried out against the following fungal diseases of fruit trees and berry bushes:

  • Apple tree - scab, moniliosis (fruit rot) or monilial burn, rust (formed in summer).

Scab on apples
  • Pear - scab, phyllosticosis (brown spot), septoria (white spot), moniliosis (fruit rot) or monilial burn, rust (formed in summer).

Pear moniliosis (fruit rot)
  • Cherry, sweet cherry - clasterosporiasis (perforated spotting), moniliosis (fruit rot).

Cherry coccomycosis
  • Plum, cherry plum - clasterosporiasis (perforated spot), polystigmosis (red spot of plum or cherry plum), moniliosis (fruit rot).

Plum polystigmosis
  • Apricot, peach - klyasterosporiosis (perforated spotting), moniliosis (fruit rot).

  • Gooseberries, currants, raspberries - powdery mildew, septoria (white spotting), anthracnose, bacterial burn (in raspberries).
  • Strawberries (garden strawberries) - powdery mildew, gray rot.
  • Grapes - oidium (true powdery mildew), mildew (downy mildew), anthracnose, gray rot.

Thus, almost fruit crops are affected by these or other spots, as well as by various rots or powdery mildew.


The most the first processing of pome (apple, pear) and stone fruits (cherry, plum, cherry plum, apricot, peach) carried out against the following wintering stages of pests:

  • scale insects;
  • worms;
  • ticks;
  • sucker and other sucking and leaf-eating pests.

Second and subsequent processing of apple and pear trees (pomaceous crops) already carried out against the following pests:

  • apple flower beetle or apple flower beetle weevil;

  • apple fruit sawfly;
  • green apple aphid;
  • apple codling moth;

  • gray bud weevil;
  • bukarka;
  • goose;
  • leafworm and other leaf-eating;
  • budworms;
  • suckers;
  • moth.

Concerning stone fruits (cherries, plums, cherry plums), then already second and subsequent treatments is carried out against pests such as plum aphid, gray bud weevil, goose, cherry weevil, plum black sawfly, mining moths, leaf-eating caterpillars, eastern codling moth, cherry moth, cherry slimy sawfly, yellow plum sawfly, plum codling moth, cherry fly, plum pachypod , plum pollinated aphid.

Pests of berry crops(currants, gooseberries, raspberries) against which spring treatments are carried out are:

  • bud mite (tick buds on currants);
  • currant moth;

  • raspberry fly;
  • raspberry beetle;
  • galitsa (shoot and stem);
  • kidney moth.

The specifics of the processing of adult (old) and young trees

Mature trees and shrubs should preferably be treated in 4 stages, with at least 4 sprays.

While the tree does not bloom, insects stick to it less, so young seedlings and shrubs It will be enough to process only 2 times:

  1. on dormant buds from diseases and wintering pests;
  2. "on a green cone" from insect pests.

Advice! Young pome and stone fruit trees are best processed 3 times. After flowering, when pea-sized ovaries are formed - from diseases (especially against moniliosis).

Features of processing fruit trees and berry bushes

In the spring, you need to process both fruit trees and shrubs. If you treat only trees and forget about shrubs, then some diseases and pests can spread to trees again.

However, it should be borne in mind that, for example, currants begin their vegetation earlier than most of the trees.

In general, as a rule, both trees and shrubs are sprayed at once in the spring, except that the grapes are processed separately, perhaps even strawberries (garden strawberries).

Advice! You can learn about the specifics and differences in the processing of berry bushes (namely currants and raspberries) in the following video:

Video: protection and treatment of currants and raspberries from pests and diseases - how to spray shrubs in spring

How to process a garden in spring: the best preparations

To successfully treat the garden in the spring, you will need fungicides (drugs to fight diseases) and insecticides (drugs to fight insect pests), and these agents can be of both chemical origin and biological (taken out in a separate paragraph).

Note! At each stage, you can use both the same drugs (in order to save money), and new ones (it is better to change the active substance so that there is no addiction - it will be more effective), or alternate (use alternately).

Important! The instructions for each drug always say when (at what time) they need to be processed.


As for preparations suitable for spring garden spraying against diseases, the following can be used fungicides(chemical agents for combating fungal diseases of plants):

Important! You need to choose only one preparation (fungicide).

  • Bordeaux mixture (3% solution of Bordeaux liquid - before bud break and 1% - in the "rose bud" stage);
  • Copper vitriol;
  • Abiga Peak ( contact fungicide based copper oxychloride, against scab, moniliosis, clasterosporiasis - perforated spotting, coccomycosis, leaf curl, powdery mildew and other diseases);

  • Hom ( contact fungicide based copper oxychloride);
  • Oksihom ( contact-systemic fungicide action based copper oxychloride and oxadixyl, against scab, moniliosis, various spotting: clasterosporiasis - perforated spotting, coccomycosis - brown spotting, leaf curl, powdery mildew, mildew, anthracnose and other diseases);

  • Order ( contact systemic fungicide based copper oxychloride and cymoxanil, very effective against mildew on grapes)

By the way! Some believe (partly rightly so) that treating plants with copper-containing preparations is harmful to human health. But copper is by no means the most harmful drug, especially in such doses and at such an early time, when fruiting is still very far away.

It should be understood that it is in early spring that there are practically no other effective substitutes (except for the use of iron sulfate). Biological preparations are completely ineffective (do not work) at low temperatures.

  • Inkstone;

Advice! About, when, how and why to use iron sulphate, described in detail.

  • Carbamide (urea);

As a rule, urea is used together with copper or iron sulphate.

  • Thiovit Jet ( contact fungicide based sulfur, especially effective against powdery mildew and mites);
  • Forecast ( systemic fungicide based propiconazole, against powdery mildew, rust, anthracnose, purple spot, septoria - white spot, gray rot and other diseases of berry bushes)
  • Horus ( systemic fungicide based cyprodinil, against scab, moniliosis, fruit rot, coccomycosis, alternariosis, clasterosporiasis - perforated spot, leaf curl, powdery mildew, oidium, mildew, gray rot and other diseases);

  • Speed ​​( systemic fungicide based difenoconazole, against scab, moniliosis, fruit rot, powdery mildew, coccomycosis, phyllostictosis - brown spotting, klesterosporiosis - perforated spotting, leaf curl, septoria, anthracnose, black spotting and other diseases);

  • Rayok ( systemic fungicide based difenoconazole, against scab, powdery mildew, curl and other diseases);

In fact, Speed ​​\u003d Rayok (its analogue).

  • strobe ( systemic fungicide based kresoxim-methyl, against scab, powdery mildew, anthracnose, curliness, rust, oidium, mildew);
  • Topaz ( systemic fungicide based penconazole, against powdery mildew on berry crops, for example, on currants);

  • Fundazol ( systemic fungicide based benomyla, against scab, powdery mildew, oidium, gray rot);
  • Byleton ( systemic fungicide based triadymephone, against scab, powdery mildew, leaf curl, rust, oidium, gray rot);
  • And other broad-spectrum contact and systemic fungicides.

Advice! Carefully study the instructions: the scope of the drug (against what diseases), terms, dosages!


As for preparations suitable for spraying the garden in spring against pests, the following insecticides (chemical pest control agents) can be used:

Important! You need to choose only one drug (insecticide).

  • Aktar;

  • Calypso;
  • Confidor;
  • Spark;

  • Intavir;
  • Kleshchevit;
  • Tanrek;

  • Fufanon;
  • Decis Pro;

  • Kinmiks;
  • Karate;

  • 30 plus;
  • Engio.
  • and other broad-spectrum insecticides;

Advice! Carefully study the instructions: the scope of the drug (against which pests), terms, dosages.

Video: how to spray trees in the spring from insect pests


Biological products are created on the basis of living organisms:

  • mushroom antagonists;
  • bacteria;
  • bacterial viruses;
  • beneficial insects (entomophages and acariphages).

Among biological products, fungicides, insecticides, and one insectofungicide can be distinguished.

Biological preparations of fungicidal action (against diseases):

  • Fitolavin;

  • Planriz;
  • Trichodermin;
  • Pentaphage;
  • Mikosan;
  • Pharma Iodine (based on iodine).

Biological preparations of insecticidal action (against pests):

  • Aktofit;

Interesting! Aktofit is created on the basis of toxins of biological origin.

  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Lepidocid;
  • Fitoverm;
  • Gaupsin (insectofungicide of complex action).

Note! Yes, biologics have their advantages (they are environmentally friendly), but it's worth recognizing that they are not as effective as chemical agents.

Tank mixes (fungicides + insecticides)

Note! Not all drugs can be mixed. For example, practically nothing can be mixed with Bordeaux mixture (it has an alkaline reaction).

The instructions should be written with which drugs they can be combined.

For treatments (except for the first, when the kidneys are still sleeping), you can prepare the following tank mixtures (fungicide + insecticide):

  • Chorus (fungicide) + Decis Profi (insecticide);
  • Bayleton (fungicide) + Karate (insecticide);
  • Biological tank mix: Gaupsin ( insectofungicide of complex action)+ Lepidocide (insecticide) + Bitoxibacillin (insecticide);
  • AND a lot others.

Thus, now you have all the information for a successful spring garden treatment from diseases and pests. You just need to purchase drugs (fungicides and insecticides) and monitor the development of your plants, as well as the weather.

Video: how to spray a garden in spring - processing fruit trees from diseases and pests

In contact with

Experts recommend protective spraying in the fall. This day should be without rain, dry and frost-free. At a time when trees bloom, bear fruit and ripen, they do not need protection from various small pests. How and what to spray the garden in the fall, you can learn from this article.

Preparing plants for processing

In winter, insects are looking for a warm place to sit out the cold season there. Such places are fallen leaves, bark and soil. As a result, spraying of fruit trees should be carried out precisely in the autumn period.

Such an action will help rid the trees of scab, spotting, putrefactive diseases and other misfortunes. Due to the fact that under the bark of plants that are not processed, bacteria multiply much faster, the vegetative process slows down.

After winter, the plants slowly "wake up" and their processing matters a lot autumn. Before spraying the trees in the fall, they need to be prepared.

Preparation and processing is carried out in several stages and depends on the age of the seedlings:

  1. If the plants are more than six years old, then first you need to remove the old bark and lichen with a metal brush. This is done so that pathogens of various diseases do not have the opportunity to hide.
  2. As soon as everything was removed from the trees, spraying is carried out. The very last spraying should be done after all the leaves have fallen off. You can also do this after the first frost. First you need to remove all the leaves, branches and weeds that have fallen.

How to process garden trees

How to spray fruit trees in the fall? Fruit garden plants are best protected by solutions of urea, iron or copper sulphate. Each solution is aimed at a specific type of threat.

And therefore, spraying plants can not be carried out with only one preparation. The tool is selected depending on what result is needed. Experts recommend doing this procedure at the end of October.


Fruit trees, such as apple trees, plums, cherries and peaches, are treated and fed with this preparation. After plant treatment get a lot of useful trace elements and iron. Also, after the procedure, oxidative processes improve.

If it is not enough, then the quantity and quality of the crop decreases. Preparing a solution of iron sulphate is easy. It is necessary to mix one kg of dry powder with 15 liters of water.

blue vitriol

If you do not know what trees are sprayed with in the fall, use copper sulfate. This drug, which has a fungicide in its composition, does not allow putrefactive diseases, powdery mildew, scab and spotting to appear.

Plums this drug protects against moniliosis, coccomycosis, clasterosporosis and curly. For pears and apple trees, it provides a protective reaction against monioiosis, scab and phyllosticosis.

If the trees in the garden are not older than six years, then use up to two liters of copper sulfate solution per seedling. If the plant is older, then use up to ten liters.

It is best to spray fruit trees in the garden in the morning or evening. The temperature should be from +5 to +30 degrees, and it is also not desirable that there be wind.

Processing the garden with urea

It is recommended to spray urea on plants in the garden as the first or last step in preparing for winter. The first spraying should be done with a high concentration of the product. Such an action kills all pest larvae.

Saplings in the garden are processed in the fall after half of the leaves have fallen off. To do this, make a solution - 10 liters of water and 500 g of urea. When all the foliage has fallen on the trees, the solution is made more concentrated by 7%.

Need to process trunks, branches and ground. This is an excellent tree protection and fertilizer. Just do not overdo it with the preparation of the solution, if it is too concentrated, then the leaves will get burned and fall off earlier than necessary.

As a result, the intake of nutrients will decrease and the frost resistance of fruit trees will decrease.

The nuances of autumn garden processing

Plants in the garden are sprayed using a manual or mechanized apparatus. This device evenly sprays the drug and protects the person from contact with the latter. Regardless of what principle the device has, they all have spray pump.

Mechanical models differ from manual models in terms of ease of use and difference in cost. Mechanical - much more convenient, but more expensive. Processing trees with a manual machine requires periodic pumping.

When there are wounds and cracks on the trees, then in addition to lime, the following means must also be used:

  • cow dung;
  • finely chopped straw.

There is another way to protect trees - garden var. You can make it yourself or buy it in a store. To prepare, you need 100 g of rosin and 200 g of beeswax.

These products must be melted separately, then mixed together and add 100 g of unsalted fat to the mixture. Before filling cracks, garden pitch must be heated.

In the southern regions, trees need to be cut in autumn, and in the northern regions, such an action will lead to the freezing of the plant.

The need for autumn processing

Treating the garden from pests and diseases in the fall is extremely important.

There are several reasons for this:

  • autumn gardening is a good preventive procedure, reducing the number of wintering pathogens;
  • autumn heat and humid air stimulate the reproduction of microbes and bacteria. at this time they penetrate the sap flow system and spread throughout the tree;
  • autumn processing of the garden is recommended at the beginning of leaf fall, and during this period the main work has already been completed, the gardener has more free time;
  • there is still a lot of time before the fruit ripens and you can apply more concentrated and effective mixtures;
  • special attention should be paid to the treatment of young trees. Their immune system is not yet strong and untreated trees may not survive until spring;
  • autumn treatment with increased concentrations of drugs destroys most of the insects settled for the winter.

Processing time

Under the trees, the soil is not yet covered with fallen leaves and it also needs to be treated with a prepared pesticide. Thus, we will destroy the pests that have gone to winter in the soil and are waiting for warming from the foliage.

Tree preparation

Beginning in mid-autumn, trees begin to prepare for winter. It is possible to increase the winter hardiness of trees by applying phosphorus and potash fertilizers.

The bases of the skeletal branches and the trunk of the tree are cleaned of dead bark and pests hiding in its cracks. At the same time, the trunks and bases of the branches are covered with a protective layer of garden whitewash. The trunks of young trees are tied with roofing material, covering material or nylon tights.

How to spray fruit trees?

For spraying the garden in the autumn, you can use:


Trees are treated with a solution of iron sulphate either before the start of the growing season, or with the onset of leaf fall. Dissolved in water, this powder helps fight diseases of pome and stone fruit trees, and berry bushes. The action of iron sulphate is detrimental to moniliosis, spotting, and scab.

For processing the garden, a 5-7% solution of the substance is used. To prepare the working fluid, you must:

  • 500-700 g of powder is dissolved in a small amount of warm water;
  • after complete dissolution, the volume of liquid is adjusted to 10 l;
  • strained mixture is poured into a sprayer;
  • set up a very fine spray;
  • evenly cover the leaves and branches with a solution, it’s not scary if some of the liquid gets on the ground. It also needs to be sprayed.

blue vitriol

Wasp copper sulfate or copper sulfate is a recognized fungicide that helps in the fight against spotting, rot, scab, coccomycosis, lichens.

The working solution of copper sulphate for garden treatment should have a concentration of 3-5%. It is prepared in the same way as iron sulphate, only 300-500 g of powder is taken for the same amount of water. Prepare and use in the same way.

Urea or urea

The use of urea or carbamide for fall gardening involves tilling the trees and the soil underneath. The term for such processing is the beginning of leaf fall. A strong solution of urea is able to burn out all wintering forms of pests and diseases.

30="">Drug 30v

Insect-acaricide "Preparation 30V" destroys wintering pests in the garden and on berry bushes: scale insects, whiteflies, leafworms, aphids, mites, moths.

Preparation 30V

The drug disrupts the air and water balance of insects, leading them to death. Pests cannot adapt to the action of the drug, it can be used annually. The advantages of the product include environmental safety, high efficiency, excellent adhesion, the ability to use the entire season from spring to autumn. The drug has a contact effect, it must be applied without leaving untreated areas.

The drug is very easy to breed. It is simply dissolved in water and used within the next 2 hours after dilution.

Treatments are carried out at an outdoor temperature above +4°C.

The concentration of the solution for the treatment of trees and shrubs is 3-4%.

The protective effect of the drug lasts from 5 to 10 days. You can harvest after processing after 20 days.

Diesel fuel or diesel fuel (DT)

Solar oil is an oily liquid. After treating the tree with such a liquid, an oil film is formed on the surface of the bark, which destroys pests, clogging their respiratory openings.

Diesel fuel, being the result of oil refining, is not considered an environmentally friendly substance, and therefore it is dangerous to use it in the spring. It is best to use such a tool in the fall, by the time of harvest it will completely disintegrate and will not remain in ripened fruits.

Successful recipes for the use of diesel fuel:

  • 1 part of ferrous sulfate is dissolved in 10 parts of water;
  • add 10 parts of lime milk 10% concentration;
  • 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;
  • the resulting mixture is used to process plantings after leaf fall.

Another successful recipe:

  • 5 parts of clay are dissolved in 5 parts of water;
  • 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;
  • plantings are treated with the resulting emulsion.

Another solution that is effective in pest control:

  • grind 1 part of laundry soap;
  • the chips are dissolved in 9 parts of water;
  • 10 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting solution;
  • we process the garden with the resulting emulsion.

Using diesel fuel, you need to remember that its density and water are very different, and you won’t be able to get a complete solution. When mixing water and diesel fuel, an emulsion is formed, which is very quickly divided into two fractions. Keeping this in mind, when working with such a mixture, you need to periodically shake the solution.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux liquid is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime in a 1: 1 ratio. This mixture destroys foci of diseases (moniliosis, spotting, rot and fungal diseases, scab), and also destroys wintering forms of insects.

To prepare Bordeaux liquid, you will need lime, blue vitriol, water, any non-metallic utensils and litmus paper:

  • in a non-metallic container, 1 kg of copper sulfate is diluted in a small amount of hot water and brought to 50 liters;
  • in another container, 1 kg of quicklime is quenched and the solution is diluted to 50 liters, filtered;
  • immediately before use, both solutions are combined - a solution of copper sulphate is added to the milk of lime (but not vice versa).
  • the resulting mixture is checked with litmus paper - the reaction of the solution should be neutral;
  • for better adhesion of the solution per 100 liters of liquid, add 100 g of sugar or 5 cups of paste;
  • Ready mixture can be purchased at a garden store.

Bordeaux mixture should be used in warm, dry, calm weather. Up to 10 liters are used per tree.


Autumn and early spring processing of fruit trees can be carried out using the Bishal preparation. This is a solution of the natural remedy bischofite. It contains almost all microelements necessary for plants.

Depending on the concentration, trees can be treated with this solution before bud break or before leaf fall, a garden can be cultivated on a green leaf, and can be used to soak seeds.

Autumn treatment of the garden with a solution of bishali will destroy pests prepared for wintering, bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

For autumn processing, bischal is bred in a ratio of 1:10.

Bishal, like urea, burns out all the infection that remains in the cracks of the bark, but unlike urea, it contains many essential trace elements.

The advantages of bishali include the absence of a waiting period after processing the garden.

Soap copper emulsion

Another tool for autumn garden processing is a soap-copper emulsion. The recipe for its preparation is very simple:

  • 10 g of copper sulfate are dissolved in 0.5 l of water;
  • separately, 100 g of planed laundry soap is diluted in warm water;
  • a solution of soap is added to the solution of copper sulfate, the volume of the mixture is adjusted to 10 l;
  • if the water is hard (flakes appear in the solution), you can add 50 g of soda ash.

With a high number of wintering pests or a strong infection with an infection, the doses of soap and copper sulfate are increased by 2-3 times.

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In autumn, in addition to harvesting, summer residents have another important task - preparing the garden for winter. In order to enjoy the fruits again next year, it is important to properly treat the plants and the soil under them from diseases and pests.

Autumn processing of the garden includes spraying the crowns of bushes and trees with insecticides (Aktara, Inta-Vir) and fungicides, digging the soil, fertilizing and protecting plants from rodents. With the onset of cold weather, heat-loving crops are additionally covered with spunbond and mulched with sawdust, peat, dry leaves and other materials.

Pest Control

In early autumn, trapping belts are removed from the trees and burned along with caterpillars of the codling moth, weevils and other garden pests that have climbed there. With the onset of cold weather, insects for winter hibernation burrow into the soil of tree trunks and under the bark of plants, so the first step is to clean the stems from old bark, moss and lichens, cover the wounds with garden pitch and whiten the trees with a special solution with the addition of copper sulfate.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden continues almost all year round. Since autumn, the garden is prepared for winter frosts. As soon as it got a little warmer outside, the frosts receded, work began in the garden on clearing the trunk from improperly growing branches, feeding the trees. With the first April warmth, they dig in and transplant trees, bushes, plant garden flowers. In summer they enjoy the beauty, fragrant fruits. For a maximum of two months, gardeners will have a rest from gardening. But this does not mean at all that it will not be necessary to visit the trees, they are constantly looked after.

With the stabilization of heat, the rest of the gardeners ends. You need to get to work urgently, because the transition from sleep to awakening occurs quickly. You may not have time to clear old and pruning young branches, grafting. All other work can be performed when the movement of juice has already begun along the trunk.

  • Initially, they are engaged in pruning branches. This manipulation allows you to balance the mass of branches to the roots. Due to this, after waking up, the root system will be able to provide the crown with nutrients as much as possible. More buds will break out on the branches, flowering will be plentiful, more fruits will be tied.
  • Vaccination is carried out immediately after pruning and whitewashing. Too late manipulations with her will end in a fiasco. The deadline for vaccination is the first decade of March.
  • After medical procedures, the bole is stained, in low varieties even the lower branches. As soon as the frost subsides, the sun will become higher at its zenith, the increased effect of ultraviolet radiation can burn the bark. The danger will last until the snow is completely gone.
  • Finish the first work with the treatment of the trunk. After the harshest winter months, cracks can appear. Wounds will only increase over time, deforming the trunk. They quickly settle infection, fungus, lichen.

When to start gardening in spring

The first work begins with the arrival of stable heat, when the trees are still sleeping. It is difficult to navigate by dates, because the spring warmth is very deceptive, often replaced by snow and frost. Therefore, it is more necessary to focus on stable heat than on the schedule for certain work.

After the night temperature stops at -5 to a maximum of -10 °, not lower, you can start working in the garden.

Garden calendar in March - April:

Work planned for March

The first thing to start with in the garden is pruning branches, clearing the garden. This event is considered the most important, because the growth, flowering and fruiting of the fruit tree depends on it. When cutting branches, control the angle of the cuts, it is advisable not to leave stumps. Properly performed manipulation accelerates the healing of the cut site. Sections of small branches are tightened by themselves, but those that are more than 1.5 cm in diameter must be processed. It is better to paint over them, preventing infection.

When pruning, you need to carefully inspect the trunk and branches. If you find places with sleeping pests, they need to be removed with bark, burned. Disinfect places, treat with special means, paint over.

Secondly, grafting is carried out while the trees are sleeping. After awakening in the scion, the movement of nutrients is restored, it quickly grows.

Pruning of fruit trees is carried out in order of bud break and flowering:

  • Age trees, they need more time to recover. They start with apple trees, its buds are the very first to open. Following it, pear, plum, cherry are cut. The most picky cherry, it can be cleared even during the appearance of the first flowers.
  • After a couple of days, the trees are younger, and, last but not least, the young.

Currant bushes, gooseberries also need thinning. They need to remove all old branches, preferably under the root. Otherwise, they will give too weak young branches on which fruits will not form.

  • Last year's young shoots are shortened by 15 cm. At the same time, choosing the strongest of them, the weak ones are removed.
  • If you find freezing of young branches, shorten them by a maximum of 2 healthy buds. This removes the entire damaged part. On the cut, the green bark of the branch and its white inside should be visible.

The third stage is the processing of boles, the treatment of wounds, top dressing in the snow. The procedure for painting the trunk is no less important. It is carried out immediately after pruning, a maximum of the first days of March. Many experienced gardeners have been coloring the bole since autumn. After all, the snow beats off the sun's rays, thereby provoking burns of the trunk, there are fewer lower branches. The peak falls on the spring snowmelt, when the sun rises at its zenith.

Granular fertilizers are poured into the trunk circle, they go deep into the ground along with melting snow. Thus, the root system receives maximum nutrition, trace elements immediately after waking up.

Wounds need to be processed before painting, they are carefully cleaned, treated with special means or garden pitch. They try to secure places for the first time, they are sealed, covered with burlap.

By the end of the first spring month, the shelter is removed from the trees. After that, they immediately inspect, treat and paint the trunk.

Work planned for April

Closer to April, you need to treat the garden with chemicals. Thanks to such an event, new pests will not settle in it, those that have remained in the bark from last year will be destroyed.

Treatment of trees from diseases is carried out before the start of bud break. As soon as they begin to change their color to green, they thicken a little, you need to get to work. For this, ready-made preparations "Azophos", "Bordeaux liquid" are used. Experienced gardeners recommend processing with special products prepared in petroleum oil. They are quite effective in controlling most pests.

After the complete disappearance of the snows, when the earth warmed up, start planting seedlings or transshipment to another place of last year's plantings. Preparations for planting begin when the soil can already be dug, they do not wait for a complete thaw. Fertilizer is placed in the prepared recess, as a rule, these are granular complexes that go deep into the soil along with spring moisture, an additional layer of fertile soil. The diameter of the recess should be slightly larger than the roots of the seedling. Do not forget about sprinkling the earth that has settled around the roots, mulching the root circle.

Landing rules:

  • Fruit seedlings of trees are placed exactly in the center of the recess, while fixing the young trunk is mandatory. By tying it to an additional support.
  • Currant bushes should be slightly tilted when planting.
  • When planting gooseberries, they follow the rules of trees, only exactly in the center.
  • Planted fruit bushes must be pruned at the level of the third bud above the soil surface. Raspberry bushes are shortened to 40 cm.

Top dressing of the second plan is required. They are carried out after the snow has completely left, when the soil has completely warmed up. They can be both dry and liquid, chemical and organic. The choice today is very large, it usually depends only on the preferences of the gardener. Most experienced gardeners in their plots try to use only organic matter.

Trunk circle processing consists in digging, loosening, replacing mulch. For digging, as well as for pruning, there is a time.

Go deep in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots on the bayonet of a shovel. Take a handful of soil, squeeze it in the palm of your hand.

  • If she sticks together in a lump - it's too early.
  • If it falls apart too late.
  • The golden mean, when it is still kept in a heap, and crumbles a little with the edge.

During the opening of the bud, you can only carry out gentle pollination, if you did not have time to do this before.

When to spray your garden in early spring

Garden processing is a whole complex of sequential activities. Once is not enough at all, the infection and pests, as a rule, always return. A maximum of a week or two, and the situation will return to normal. To prevent this from happening, the treatment is carried out at least 4 times.

The very first time many call zero. It is carried out after the first warming, almost immediately after pruning garden trees. If you miss this time, at a stable positive temperature, harmful insects will spread like locusts throughout the garden. Then it will be much more difficult to deal with them.

Processing No. 1

It is carried out at a temperature of 0 ° + 4 °. This is the main period that helps to destroy the still dormant infection, all kinds of insects. They are treated with fairly strong drugs. The kidneys are still hidden, chemistry cannot cause harm. Before processing the garden, you need to carefully inspect all the trees and bushes. Bushes bloom much earlier than trees, so the treatment is recommended to be carried out at minimum positive daytime temperatures. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning, for example, currants.

Processing No. 2

It is carried out at the exit of a green kidney. For processing, a weaker concentration is used, a strong one will burn the opening kidney. A weak solution will be enough to fight the infection and the remaining insects.

Processing No. 3

It is carried out just before the bud breaks. This spraying is called "rose buds". It was named after the blossoming buds, most fruit trees have a blossoming bud of this particular color.

Most gardeners recommend using preparations of different composition for each treatment. This is a very important point, since pests and diseases gradually get used to chemicals, do not perceive the treatment as a threat. Carefully study the composition before purchasing, and even better, keep a log of processing and ingredient composition. Then repetitions can be avoided.

Processing No. 4

Spend it after flowering is over. Do not spray trees if not all flowers have become ovaries.

  1. Spraying phases are determined solely by weather conditions, by the stages of emergence and bud break. There are no other options and there cannot be.
  2. Spraying is not carried out partially. Everything is processed from the top to the roots. It is desirable to carry out the treatment of the root zone.
  3. Monitor bud output throughout the garden.
  4. If your neighbors have fruit trees, arrange for simultaneous processing. The result will be much better.
  5. Buy insecticides that are not harmful to humans and pets.
  6. Wear protective clothing, additional protection for your face, hands, follow safety precautions.

Processing the garden with urea in early spring, why and how

Urea saves from most pests and infections, it destroys the larvae that overwintered in the bark of a tree. After treatment with urea, the garden is not attacked by caterpillars, aphids, flower beetles. This tool is considered universal, it stimulates growth and development, can be used on any soil, for all types of trees.

Processing is best done in the early stages of awakening. The absence of the first processing "in the snow" leads to a large accumulation of pests, the frequent appearance of new foci of diseases. When processing “in the snow”, the agent falls on the entire tree, after the appearance of leaves, untreated areas remain, due to which repeated outbreaks occur in the future.

In addition, urea contains nitrogen complexes, which slow down the vegetation for several weeks. Thanks to this, spring frosts are absolutely not terrible for garden trees. For processing, the granular substance is diluted with water, then the trees and the root circle are treated.

  • The garden is processed in special protective clothing, additional protective equipment is used for the face, hands, eyes.
  • Before pollinating trees, you need to clean the garden, clean up diseased areas, and trim.
  • The minimum temperature at which you can start spraying + 5 °. The forecast for the next 10 days should not portend rain, otherwise all the work will come to naught.
  • Urea can be used for all 4 essential basic garden treatments. For 10 liters of water, 700 grams of urea are taken, up to 1 kg can be used for early processing.

Processing the garden with copper sulphate in early spring, why and how

This tool is highly effective, it is relatively safe for people and animals. In recent years, it has been quite often used by gardeners for processing fruit trees and not only. Vitriol can be used at all stages of the growing season, including early spring after the snow melts. Spray it in cloudy weather, but without rain, at a minimum temperature of + 5 °. When choosing a day, count so that it does not rain. It takes three days to activate the tool.

Processing includes a full cycle:

  • Whole crown, trunk, lower branches, root zone.
  • The final stage of pollination of the root zone disinfects the soil by saturating it with copper salt.

This unique preparation can be combined with other disinfectants, such as part of the urea, Burgundy, Bordeaux liquid.

  • The drug is diluted with hot water, enameled containers, glass can be used. The resulting concentrate is diluted in cold water to the desired volume.
  • When pollinating, consider an important rule, minimum windiness, a volatile agent. If you irrigate the garden in windy weather, the treatment will take place a few meters from the trees. The angle of flight depends on the gusts of wind, either from you or towards you. Protective equipment, clothing is a mandatory precaution.
  • The prepared concentrate has a very short shelf life, a maximum of 10 hours. That is why it is prepared immediately before the start of work. You can use 1% and 3% concentration.

Important! The prepared concentrate is not sprayed with nearby animals, children. In no case do not dilute it in home dishes.

Processing the garden with iron sulphate in early spring, why and how

Ferrous vitriol is one of the most popular disinfectants. They choose it not only because of the low price, its main advantage is a wide range of actions. In addition to the main purpose - the fight against diseases, pests, it is added to standard whitewash, to remove fungal stains, lichens, to treat wounds, etc.

  • Maximum application twice a year, the first time in early spring, the second in late autumn. Sprayed in spring before the buds begin to grow.
  • It is not recommended to mix it with lime compounds.
  • The concentration of the drug depends on the type of work, it can be from 0.3%, 0.5%, 1%, 4%, 5%.

Use of the drug:

  • 0.5 -1% - early prevention of diseases;
  • 0.3% - early processing of roses;
  • 4% - bushes (currant, raspberry);
  • 5% - early spring processing of an adult garden;

You can use the drug only in early spring, while the buds have not yet opened. Later application may cause damage to the foliage, young branches. The tool tends to be washed off, consider this at the beginning of processing. If it rains, after the garden dries out, it is necessary to repeat the event.

Preparations for processing the garden in spring, tables

Tank mixtures for garden treatment in spring

A tank mix is ​​a product consisting of several components that are combined in special tanks with lids. The action of the resulting funds is aimed at a greater number of diseases and pests. After processing the garden, reality exceeds all expectations. After the first application, the infections go away, the pests forget their way to you for a long time. Moreover, such compounds work as growth promoters. Treated plants resist most diseases.

To combine several products in one container, you need to follow a certain sequence:

  • The introduction of drugs is gradual.
  • Pour 5 liters of cool water into a container.
  • Dilute the product in 0.5 liters of water, then in a thin stream add to a container of water. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  • The next remedy is diluted in a similar way, then slowly introduced into the bulk.
  • After the introduction of all components, another 5 liters of water are brought to the prepared mass to full readiness.

Introduction sequence:

The following preparations can be combined in one tank:

Processing the garden in the spring with the drug nitrafen, why, consumption rates

The drug nitrafen is a fast-acting agent in the fight against pests that have overwintered inside the bark of trees. Its consistency is similar to pasta, brown in color. The tool is effective in the fight against most pests. In addition, it is used for a number of diseases, such as septoria, rust, etc.

To prepare the solution you need to dilute:

  • Trees - 300 g of funds per 10 liters of water.
  • Shrub 200 g product/10 l. water.

Garden processing is recommended to be carried out after the snow has left, in cloudless weather. Preferably in the absence of winds, sunny day. The drug is relatively harmless to both humans and pets. They disinfect the root zone, overwintered foliage on the ground.

For all its positivity, it is contraindicated to process trees when a bud comes out. It burns the surface of young branches, buds, leaves. It tends to irritate the skin. Its use must be carried out in accordance with the instructions. The use of the product is possible in early spring or autumn at the end of October.

The effectiveness of the drug has been tested repeatedly. It is used to control such pests: This is one of the few remedies that destroys insect larvae, even those that were in hibernation.

Processing the garden in the spring with diesel fuel, why and how

Diesel fuel is one of the popular ways to spray the garden. It should be used in early spring or late autumn. Prepare the product following strict rules so as not to harm the garden trees. A highly concentrated product can burn not only the outgoing bud, but also young twigs. The use of such a mixture is allowed only in early spring, when the garden is still sleeping.

  • After spraying, a greasy film forms on the branches, which prevents oxygen from entering through the bark to pests. They suffocate without air.
  • Processing with a weak concentrate of diesel fuel is also possible in the presence of green leaves. After processing, the leaves become unusable. Pests do not settle on them, moreover, they bypass such trees.

The concentrate of diesel fuel gets rid of bark beetles, which are considered the most dangerous pests in the garden.

Processing the garden in spring with biological products

Biological agents are aimed at combating two types of pests:

  • With those that gnaw on leaves;
  • With those that suck out all the nutrients, juices from it.

In the fight against pests sucking juices from the foliage, a fairly wide range of means is used that can resist the reappearance of insects for a long time.

These funds are very effective in the fight against scoops, codling moths, various bugs that eat foliage, flowers. In addition, the moth, the sawfly, the living nematode are destroyed. Timely processing will allow for a long time to keep the garden clean from harmful bugs. Pests disappear completely on the second day after treatment. Moreover, this remedy is easy to wash off with water, but you can eat processed fruits only 2 days after washing.

It is possible to use such means: These agents can be combined during the preparation of high-performance tank mixes. Their application extends to garden fruits, berries. Can be used for vegetables. Treatment frequency every two weeks. The more natural the product, the more often it needs to be processed.


Spring is the most long-awaited time after the cold winter. They are looking forward to it, they are preparing for it, re-reading a lot of interpretations of disinfectants for garden treatment. Work in the garden begins even at -5 °, smoothly moving from pruning branches to treating trees from infections and pests. When the heat stabilizes, they come out of hibernation, begin to eat buds, young leaves.