Chinese carnation from seeds: growing seedlings and gardening. Chinese carnation perennial and annual cultivation from seeds for seedlings planting and care How to plant Chinese carnation seeds correctly

From a huge variety various types Chinese carnation occupies a leading position among flowers. This plant happens different varieties and types. It has a lot of advantages. The colorful inflorescence gives owners a feeling of celebration and comfort. Also, this flower can be grown not only in open ground, but also in small pots. In order to grow a beautiful and healthy plant, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics and basic care rules.

Quite a lot of people like to grow flowers in their garden. personal plots. Flowers in the yard not only give it beautiful view, but also fill the air with pleasant aromas. Chinese carnation is a perennial plant of the carnation family, which came to the domestic expanses of the southern regions of Primorsky Krai from Northern China. The plant is characterized by thin and geniculate stems of a bright green color. Average height the stem reaches 40-50 cm. The foliage of the plant is long and narrow. The tips of the leaves have a pointed shape. The arrangement of leaves on the stem is opposite. The foliage ranges in color from deep green to bluish green.

Most often, Chinese carnation flowers are single. Looking closely at the flowers, you can see that their edges are jagged. Carnation flowering can be simple or double, depending on the variety and subspecies. Flowering occurs at the end of June and continues until the first frost. When the flowering process begins, a box is formed filled with new seeds. A particularly favorite species among gardeners is the Chinese double carnation. Its peculiarity is the slits and stripes on the petals. The erect stem bears narrow lanceolate leaves of a muted green color.

How to grow seedlings?

Annual types of carnations are bred only by seeds, and perennial varieties- cuttings. There are several ways to grow Chinese carnations in your garden:

  • purchase ready-made seedlings;
  • bush cuttings (used only with perennial varieties);
  • planting seeds in open ground.

The latter method is considered the most profitable for growing this plant. It is recommended to plant seeds for seedlings in the spring. The most optimal time The month of March is considered. To do this, you need to properly prepare the soil. In order to plant seeds for seedlings, use the usual garden soil, to which sand and vermiculite are added. You can also use soil that contains peat and humus.

At the bottom of the proposed container, it is necessary to lay out a layer of medium-sized drainage. After this, the container is filled with soil, which should be moistened before sowing the seeds. Seeds placed in the container must be covered thin layer nutritious soil. After sowing, the soil with the seeds is covered with film. Growing from seeds requires regular maintenance of temperature conditions and timely soil moisture. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed, and it is recommended to move the container to a well-lit place.

In order for the plant to be healthy and produce beautiful flowers, it is very important to provide proper and timely care for the seedlings. The basis of care is proper watering. It is necessary to water the sprouts after the soil has completely dried. The foliage should not be allowed to wither - this slows down growth and worsens the condition of the plant.

For dosed watering, you can use a spray bottle. As the flower develops, it is necessary to add fresh soil. The extra soil holds the plant's thin, delicate stems. At the end of May, when the weather outside begins to please with warmth, seedlings can be planted in open ground, but first you need to pick.

The picking process is carried out when the plant produces more than 3 leaves. Each seedling must be carefully transplanted into a separate peat pot with a nutrient substrate. In order for the seedlings to quickly grow stronger and prepare for planting in open ground, they need to be hardened off.

There are many methods of hardening, but the simplest and most reliable is considered to be taking the seedlings to the ground. fresh air. Containers can only be taken out in calm weather. If you follow all the simple growing rules, you can get a high percentage of sprouts and beautiful and strong seedlings.

Planting in open ground

Chinese carnation, which does not require cultivation special conditions, used as decor and landscaping in the courtyard of a private house, flower beds and loggias. Seedlings of this plant can be planted both in open ground and in flowerpots. The landing period begins in May and lasts until the beginning of June. Areas that are well lit are best. If there is a shortage sunlight The stem of the carnation grows quite thin, and its flowering does not last long and is not too abundant.

Before planting, the soil must be well loosened and dug. It is recommended to nourish the earth useful substances. Humus plays the best role in this role. Chinese carnation seedlings are planted in pre-prepared beds at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other. In order not to damage the root system of the plant, seedlings are planted in peat cups or together with an earthen lump that formed during the growth of the sprout.

Since cloves are a tall plant, it is necessary to take care of the stems in advance. To strengthen them after planting, you can install a special peg that will support the plants throughout the entire cycle. The process of planting Chinese carnations must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the stems and root system.

Caring for Chinese carnations

Chinese carnation, like any other plant, needs quality care. Care includes several basic processes:

  1. 1 In order for the carnation bush to be as lush as possible and reach large sizes, it is necessary to pinch the top. Pinching should be done over 2-3 pairs of leaves.
  2. 2 Watering is the basis of care, so it must be done correctly and in a timely manner. Chinese carnations need to be watered once every 7 days. During hot periods, watering should be increased. Flooding and puddles should not be allowed to form. You need to water directly under the root. Water that gets on the foliage or buds can cause the development of various diseases.
  3. 3 For good development and growth, the plant needs feeding. For Chinese cloves, a substrate, potassium and complex fertilizers are used. Fertilizers can be applied once every 14-20 days. Fertilizers should be purchased at a specialized store. When preparing the fertilizer, you must follow the instructions.
  4. 4 To extend the flowering period, dried stems and faded buds must be cut off. Pruning is carried out with sharp pruning shears at a distance of 15 cm from the ground. After some time, this bush will give new shoots.

It is very important to protect the plant from various diseases and pests that impair the growth of the plant. The most dangerous diseases for Chinese carnation are:

  • rust;
  • fusarium;
  • spotting;
  • root rot;
  • septoria;
  • viral diseases.

To prevent diseases from developing, it is necessary to monitor soil moisture and remove affected plants from the site. To protect against pests, you can use Bordeaux mixture.

Chinese carnation - bright and beautiful plant, which can decorate any flower bed or flower garden. To grow it, you need to know when to plant and how to care for it. Carnations go well with other types of flowers that also grow in bushes. Iris and sage stand out very strongly against the background of carnations. The best companions for carnations are geranium, edelweiss and various ornamental grasses. Flowerbeds with carnations can be decorated with original stones.

I had a Chinese carnation growing in my garden.
About three years, probably.
And then last summer she disappeared completely.
I will plant again.
In the photo on the right, the stones are behind the cinquefoil and you can see the carnation.
Gradually, more aggressive neighbors forced her out.
Well, yes, I have plenty of places where she will feel good.
That time I planted it directly in the ground and it did not bloom the first year. Didn't have time.
Survived the winter. But it wasn't abundant flowering never.

Below are the seeds I bought.


In countries with temperate climates, this Chinese carnation is grown as a seasonal annual. Stems up to 50 cm tall, form spreading or compact bushes, often in the form of turf.
In decorative culture since 1702
In the mixture of terry hybrids, purer forms were selected: white pink, dark red. In cultivation, the Chinese carnation is unpretentious; even an inexperienced gardener can grow it in their summer cottage. It grows well in both partial shade and bright sun.


Annual varieties Chinese carnations are propagated only by seeds. Perennials can be propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush, and not just by sowing.

Seeds are sown in a box with a layer of drainage at the bottom, in light, moist soil. Cover the top with a thin layer (about 2mm) of soil and cover it with paper.
There is no need to cover the seedling boxes with glass or film. In the first stages of seedling growth, carnation is very sensitive to high level salt per pound and overnight temperature changes.
When germinating seeds temperature regime kept in the range from 16 to 20°C, moistening the soil. Seedlings appear in 4-10 days and, as soon as they grow a little, they can be planted in pots. After the first seedlings appear, the temperature in the room where the seedlings are located should not exceed 10-15°C.


Even a novice gardener can handle caring for these flowers. It is enough to follow a few rules and pay attention to appearance plants.
We water Chinese carnations only when the soil dries out a little. Frequent and abundant watering is simply destructive for it. During periods of drought, we water the plants a little more often, preventing the soil from drying out too much. ABOUT correct mode Watering shows a wonderful appearance.
bush and carnation flowers.
In order to achieve early flowering, seeds are sown in a heated room in early spring, starting in April. Planting of seedlings is supplemented by sowing in open ground in May.

During the growing season, cloves are fed twice with complex mineral fertilizers. First feeding - 3 weeks after the trip permanent place, second in the bud formation stage

Chinese carnation blooms from July until frost. Tolerates air temperatures down to -3 °C. Small, flat, black seeds ripen in the seed capsule in August. They remain viable for three years. To continue the flowering period of carnations, you can prune the plants in July.


Chinese carnation has long been a favorite of gardeners and landscape designers. Its lush and colorful flowering leaves no one indifferent, and its relatively simple care provides enough reason to decorate your summer cottage plot, the area in front of the entrance or at least the window sill of the apartment. The varied shades of buds and unpretentiousness have made the Chinese carnation one of the most popular flowers, and in this article you will learn everything about growing it.

As you can guess from the name, the birthplace of the Chinese carnation is China, from where it first came to Europe, and then, through the efforts of local gardeners and breeders, spread throughout the world. The stems of the flower grow to a maximum height of 50 cm and are covered with paired narrow and long leaves, individual varieties they can curl slightly, forming fancy curls and increasing the decorative qualities of the plant. There are several dwarf species that grow no more than 15-17 cm in height. Blooms from early June to mid-August. The color of Chinese carnation flowers can be very diverse: white, pink, scarlet, burgundy, lilac. But this species can be distinguished by one characteristic feature - all petals have small slits and stripes of bright burgundy color.

This perennial, which often behaves like a real annual - it blooms very luxuriantly and brightly, after which a dormant period begins. Carnations can survive a favorable mild southern winter, but in central Russia, and even more so in the north, leaving it in the ground is not recommended. That is why many gardeners grow it as an annual plant.

Hybrid forms

At first, the perennial Chinese carnation was distinguished from other varieties by bright burgundy specks on the petals, but when it became widespread and European breeders became seriously interested in the flower, the variety increased significantly.

The plant has been known to the world since the beginning of the 18th century, and during this time flower growers have received a great variety of varieties that differ in height, flower color, whimsicality, vitality and endurance. Modern breeders focus on obtaining dwarf, lush-flowering varieties and hybrids that grow in the form of spherical bushes with many small flowers. Work is also underway to extend the flowering period.

The Chinese carnation is very compact root system, so it can be easily transplanted from a container into open ground without fear of severe injury. They make excellent edgings for small flower beds and living borders. Also, thanks to this feature, low-growing varieties and hybrid forms of the plant are ideal for growing at home. The size of the flowers depends on the varietal characteristics and can be very different, as well as the structure (there are single, semi-double and double Chinese carnations).

Helpful advice: If you bought an early-blooming dwarf hybrid, know that such forms grow best in a well-lit area without drafts. The seeds of Chinese carnation hybrids are quite expensive, but the plants obtained from them will cost much less than similar seedlings sold.

Many foreign companies are working on carnation breeding, and new bizarre forms are constantly appearing on the market. In the mid-19th century, the species Heddeviga lanciniatus was developed, which is also known as the “bordered” carnation because it has a border at the end of the petals. This variety looks very beautiful both on its own and in combination with other plants.

The most popular varieties of Chinese carnations include Diana (pictured below), Schneebal, Gelstrat, Feuerbal and Charm magic mixture.

Growing technology

Growing Chinese carnations is quite simple, and even a novice gardener can handle this job. Even though this perennial flower, most of its species are grown as an annual, since sowing seeds or planting seedlings every spring is much easier than working with one plant, protecting it from frost. The plant is quite capable of overwintering warm winter, but even experienced meteorologists cannot predict the weather, so it is better to trust the experience of specialists and grow seedlings, especially since it is much cheaper than buying it in stores.

Chinese carnation seedlings are grown from seeds in containers or directly sown in open ground. The plant feels best in an area protected from drafts and well-lit (light shade is acceptable). The best option V in this case– Is the east-southeast side of the site. If you plant a carnation in the shade, it will grow and develop, but achieve lush flowering you are unlikely to succeed.

Helpful advice: Do not get carried away with organic fertilizers - Chinese carnation does not like overly manured soil.

Chinese carnation seedlings should be planted in the ground in April and May, when the times of night frosts have already passed and the daytime temperature does not fall below +18C.


Chinese carnation is propagated by seeds and vegetative methods: cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. We remind you that seeds of some varieties and hybrid forms are expensive, but it is still cheaper than buying similar seedlings, so you save in any case.

Annual varieties can only be propagated by seeds; any method is suitable for perennial varieties. Clove seeds are quite small, oblong in shape. They are sown in the ground in mid-March, but in the southern regions this can be done as early as the end of January. In this case, it is better not to use peat soil mixture, but take the usual one garden soil and add some river sand there for better drainage.

Before planting seeds in the ground, they must be properly prepared - the germination and intensity of plant development depends on this. First, soak the seeds in succinic acid, then dry a little, but do not dry completely. Moisten the soil in the container, make shallow grooves about 1.5 cm and place the seeds there at a short distance from each other. Then sprinkle the grooves with soil, moisten again with a spray bottle and cover the container with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Place the seeds in a room with a constant temperature of about 20C and wait for the first shoots - they will appear in about 10 days. At this time, you need to periodically open the container for ventilation and carefully moisten the soil as necessary. Do not get carried away with watering, as waterlogging the soil can cause blackleg damage to the carnation! When sprouts appear, the film or glass must be removed completely, and the container itself must be moved to a windowsill or balcony so that sun rays fell on it 4-5 hours a day.

Helpful advice: If you notice that the seedlings have begun to stretch out intensively, it means that they do not have enough light, and you need to install an additional lighting source. Fluorescent lamps of warm and cold spectrum are suitable for this.

With the appearance of the first couple of true leaves, you can begin to pick out the seedlings, and when each plant has 4-6 leaves, you need to pinch the tops so that the bushes grow not upward, but in width - this way they will turn out lush and elegant. With the onset of May, seedlings can be planted in open ground. At this time, night frosts are no longer dangerous, and the weather becomes warm.

If you plan to propagate Chinese carnations by cuttings, remember a few simple rules:

  1. Make cuttings only from young shoots on which not a single bud has appeared.
  2. Cut the cuttings at 2-3 nodes, making the bottom cut obliquely 1 cm from the node. Cut off the tops and trim all the leaves so that the plant's strength goes not to maintaining the viability of these leaves and tops, but to the formation of the root system.
  3. Make longitudinal cuts along each cutting.
  4. Grow cuttings in closed containers with river sand. It could be glass jar or plastic container with lid. Make sure that the humidity level and temperature are constant during germination.

If you follow these simple recommendations, the cuttings will take root very quickly and will easily take root anywhere. This method is more applicable for short and medium-sized types of carnations, but for tall ones, propagation by layering is optimal. In this case, you also need to choose stems without buds, but do not cut them off, but simply pin them to the ground, burying them in this place to a shallow depth.

As for dividing the bush, this method is practiced quite rarely and only for some varieties of carnations that have a fibrous root system, since only in this case it is possible to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant. It is necessary in the fall (after the end of flowering) to dig up the bush, clear it of excess soil and carefully divide it into parts so that at least 3 growth points (buds) remain in each of them.


Caring for Chinese carnation is not that difficult compared to many cultivated plants. Particular care should be taken with fertilizers - the flower does not really like large number organics and reacts to it very painfully. Most of all, cloves can't stand fresh manure, therefore it should be immediately excluded from feeding and crops that need such fertilizer should not be planted nearby. Chinese carnation requires potassium and mineral mixes 2-3 times per season: when planting in spring, before flowering and during flowering in summer. If you are growing a perennial bush, then in the second year of its life you need to apply calcium fertilizer.

The buds on the bushes do not bloom at the same time and also fade in different times, therefore, for more luxuriant flowering, already withered flowers need to be carefully trimmed with garden shears. Then, under favorable conditions, the carnation can please you with repeated flowering. For the winter, the entire above-ground part must be cut off, leaving only 10 cm of the stem sticking out. The flower garden needs to be insulated with mulch, spruce branches, fallen leaves or covered with lutrasil.

Carnations need very moderate watering, and they will tolerate a lack of moisture more easily than an excess. Moderate drought is acceptable, but you should not accustom the plant to such a diet, since in this case it will get used to directing all its energy not to flowering, but to obtaining food. After each watering session, weed the ground around the bushes to ensure proper aeration of the roots and prevent the appearance of root nematodes. But nematodes visit carnations quite rarely, unlike garden aphids and spider mite. At the first signs of damage, plants must be treated with chemicals or soapy water. As effective prevention experienced gardeners Spray the flower beds with Bordeaux mixture. Improper care(excess moisture, a lot organic fertilizers) lead to the development of fungal diseases: fusarium, rust, root rot.

Planting Chinese carnations on your site will be one of the most right decisions. The plant does not require particularly careful care and fully rewards attention to itself with lush and colorful flowering that lasts all summer and part of autumn. This is a beneficial material for beginners and experienced landscape designers and just amateur gardeners, even if their site creative activity limited to a window sill in a city apartment.

Chinese carnation: photo

Chinese carnation is a beautiful perennial plant. True, in regions with a temperate climate it is grown as an annual. IN landscape design Chinese cloves have been used for more than three hundred years (counting back to 1702). And it is not surprising that during this time many interesting varieties were developed.

Any carnation looks good in flower beds and borders, in containers displayed on balconies and terraces. Clove mixture different shades can be grown in the Alpine mountains, since such plants take root well on rocky soils.

General information

Chinese carnation is a relatively low flower with a straight, erect stem and narrow lanceolate leaves of a rich green hue (in some varieties they have a twisted shape). The plant forms bushes up to 0.5 m high. But there are also dwarf varieties with a bush height of only 15 cm. It blooms from July until late autumn, so it will be a desirable crop in any garden, pleasing to the eye when most plants are already withering. True, a lot depends on the region. In harsher climates, carnations will bloom only until August-September.

Her flowers are single or collected in “bouquets” of 4 pieces. A description of the plant would be incomplete without mentioning the colors of the petals. Initially, Chinese carnations were not distinguished by a particularly rich palette - there were only familiar colors: red, white, bright pink. But for for many years selection has produced varieties with the most fantastic colors - purple, white-red, cherry, pearl-white, almost always with a contrasting stripe along the edges of the petals. You can also find a variegated variety, in which several shades are mixed.

The flowers of the plant are very beautifully shaped. There are varieties with the usual finely toothed edges or deeply dissected. At one time, both double and semi-double forms were bred, as well as varieties with feathery petals. Interestingly, terry hybrids can bloom longer than regular varieties, up to 5 months. But flowering begins a little later, around the end of July.

There is another beautiful plant - Turkish (or bearded) carnation. It differs from the Chinese one in the presence of bracts. The variety of cloves is amazing. In the garden you can grow the most different types and varieties.

The most popular varieties

Today you can find seeds of a wide variety of varieties in stores and garden centers. There are about three hundred of them in total. The most popular include:

  1. 1. Diana is a non-double variety, growing in bushes of medium height - up to 25 cm in height. Compact crop, blooming from July to September.
  2. 2. Supra - a non-double spreading variety that blooms from July to October.
  3. 3. Grace - a beautiful terry variety. The bushes are spreading, quite tall - up to 30 cm, sometimes more. Blooms from July to October.
  4. 4. Ideal select is a profusely flowering variety, usually grown as a biennial. The height of the bushes is 20-25 cm, the diameter of the flower is on average 4 cm (quite a lot for this type of carnation).
  5. 5. Dulce - a mixture of Chinese and Turkish velvet carnations with very beautiful and unusual flowers.
  6. 6. Lillipot is a dwarf variety that lives up to its name. Bred by Japanese breeders. Without treatment with growth regulators it will remain compact. The small bush is suitable for growing in pots. Flowers can be not only pink or red, but also lavender and even orange.
  7. 7. Chibo is another mixture of Chinese and Turkish cloves. It has a very long flowering period, until mid-November.
  8. 8. Super Parfite - a very beautiful hybrid with two-color large flowers. The bushes themselves are compact, but well branched. They can also be grown in pots on the balcony.

Finally, a popular option is the terry carnation mix, when you can grow flowers of various shades from seeds packed in one bag.

Although Chinese carnation is a perennial, many hybrids were originally bred as annuals.


Regardless of whether it is a garden carnation or a home form grown on the balcony, it is very unpretentious plant, which even a novice florist can handle. Annual varieties are propagated exclusively by seeds. Perennials can be propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush.

At home, seedlings are grown as follows. First, prepare a suitable box or container (if some flowers have already been grown in it, it needs to be disinfected), and a drainage layer is placed at the bottom. Chinese carnation prefers well-moistened, slightly calcareous soil. So the soil should be light and already moistened before the seeds are planted there. You can prepare the soil yourself by mixing peat with leaf soil and sand, or buy it ready-made in the store.

Sowing is done in early spring. The seeds are planted in moistened soil and covered with a thin layer of the same soil on top, and then the container or box is covered with paper or film (in the latter case, due to the fact that the material does not allow air to pass through, regular ventilation is necessary). The temperature for seed germination should be 16-20 degrees. The soil needs to be slightly moistened so that it does not dry out.

Growing from seeds is not difficult. Typically, sprouts appear within ten days, and soon they are picked. But it should be noted that after the first shoots appear, the temperature in the room where the seedlings are grown should not exceed 15 degrees. So it’s better to leave the plants on an insulated balcony or loggia.

It is important to keep the soil moist but not wet. In areas with a warm climate, perennial varieties can be transplanted into open ground in the summer, and where conditions are more severe, they are first transplanted into a greenhouse.

Chinese carnations can also be grown in open ground. No need to sow directly into flower beds. It is better to choose a place for seedlings, from where already grown seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent bed. This plant is not afraid of light frosts, so you can sow cloves as early as May. It will grow best in light partial shade, but direct sunlight is also suitable for these flowers. The flowerbed should be laid out in an area with good drainage.

Before planting, it is recommended to harden the seedlings for some time; two weeks should be enough for this. To do this, first you just need to open a window in the room, then start taking containers with plants out onto the balcony or terrace. The time spent outside should increase gradually.

When transplanting seedlings into the soil, you need to calculate the distance between them. Much depends on the variety, but it is recommended to stick to general rule- the distance between the bushes should correspond to their expected height. For dwarf varieties this is 10-15 cm, for short people - about 20 cm, and for large varieties- about 30 cm. In order for the bushes to branch well in the future, you need to pinch the top of the seedlings above the fourth pair of leaves.

Chinese cloves ( lat. Dianthus chinensis) can be grown both as a perennial and as an annual.

In our weather conditions middle zone It is better to cultivate it by sowing seeds and growing seedlings, and then planting it in open ground.

This is very reliable way , which, moreover, is quite inexpensive, unlike buying ready-made seedlings.

IN garden design Chinese carnation is grown as border plant along the edges garden paths or in prefabricated plantings as a foreground plant.

Depending on the variety it reaches from 20 to 40 cm and blooms with white, pink, purple, burgundy or variegated inflorescences.


If you plan to grow Chinese cloves as an annual plant, sow the seeds for seedlings in February-March into light loose soil from leaf soil, peat and sand.

Sow randomly, then sprinkle with sifted soil and thoroughly spray the crops with a spray bottle. Place the tray in a cool, bright place and moisten it daily.

As soon as the sprouts reach a size of 4-5 cm, transplant them into separate containers. In the appearance phase there are 4 or 6 true leaves pinch the tops(this stimulates the formation of new shoots).

You can start from the second half of April harden the seedlings. It is important to start this procedure gradually so that the seedlings do not weaken or get sick - from 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time.

By mid-May, seedlings have hardened and reached a size of up to 10 cm planted in open ground. To do this, make small holes at a distance of 30 cm, add humus to them, water them, and plant the seedlings.

In a couple of weeks, when the carnation takes root and begins to grow, you need fertilize complex fertilizer.

April sowing (perennials)

Technology growing seedlings, which is sown in early April, is a little different.

Prepare the container, place a thick layer of drainage on the bottom, then fill to the top with a moistened, loose substrate of the following composition:

  • garden soil;
  • sand;
  • vermiculite

Above the soil surface spread out the seeds Chinese cloves and sprinkle with a layer of vermiculite (3 mm). Carefully cover the plantings with film and place the container in a bright place. warm place(temperature 18-20 degrees).

If you keep seedlings at more high temperature then they will develop faster, actively form leaves, but flowering will not be so abundant. After the first sprouts appear on the surface of the soil, the film can be removed.

Sudden temperature fluctuations have a negative impact on the state of the seedlings. Make sure that the night temperature in the room where the seedlings are located does not fall below 18 degrees.

Do not flood the soil, just moisten with a spray bottle: Chinese carnation does not tolerate stagnant water and is often affected by blackleg for this reason.

In cloudy weather, turn on the lamp for additional illumination. After the appearance With one pair of true leaves, you can start picking seedlings into small individual pots.

When the seedlings are a month old (at the beginning of May), you need to start hardening of seedlings. You can take them out to the balcony, where during the day it will be light and quite warm, and at night - 13-15 degrees, as is usually the case at this time of year.

If you before transplanted seedlings in transparent plastic cups, you will clearly see how much the root system of small carnations has developed (if necessary, individual specimens can be transplanted into larger containers).

To get a strong, lush bush pinch above the third pair of leaves.

Proceed to planting seedlings in the ground only at the end of May when the latest threats spring frosts will be left behind. Choose a sunny location with some shade at midday.

The soil should be loose, well fertilized. If some young plants managed to bloom before planting in open ground, it’s not a big deal, for early varieties This is fine.

Leave some distance between bushes up to 20 cm - this way the carnations will feel free and comfortable.

Little tricks:

  1. Increase watering doses only during the period of budding and flowering, the rest of the time limit yourself to spraying - this way the flowers will be larger.
  2. Do not use for cloves, fertilizers containing ammonium. The best ones for her are complexes of the potassium group.
  3. From the third week of sowing you can start using growth regulators (2-3 times a week).
  4. In hot and dry weather increase watering and do not forget to mulch the soil around the flower.
  5. Faded buds remove them on time - this way new ones will appear faster.
  6. affected , rust. Carefully remove all affected plant segments and treat with Bordeaux mixture.
  7. If you leave the cloves to overwinter, cut it to 10 cm above the ground and cover it.
  8. Seeds for sowing Harvest when bolls turn brown.

First, try growing at least one of the 300 known varieties of Chinese carnation - the divine flower or Zeus flower(this is how its name is translated).

Beauty, unpretentiousness, flowering duration - happy combination of all these qualities makes Chinese carnation one of the most beloved flower crops of our gardeners.