DIY wax coating for wood. About patchwork wax

Naturally, this wax is easy to buy in a specialized store. But if you have the opportunity to make your own wax, why not take advantage of it? Moreover, it will take a little time, and the price of the ingredients will be much cheaper finished product.

Benefits of polishing wax

Modern furniture often made from materials that do not require wax polishing. But antique furniture and some wooden interior items without wax coating lose their attractiveness. appearance. After polishing, the wood literally comes to life, returning its lost color and shine.

Why wax? Wax contains three large groups of substances: esters, free fatty acids and carbohydrates. Wax oxidizes very slowly, so much so that oxidation can be neglected. Under certain favorable conditions, wax retains its properties for centuries, or even millennia. Due to the viscous nature of the material, the boiling point of beeswax is higher than that of any other wax. Beeswax is completely impervious to moisture, but interacts well with solvent, which makes the wax better basis for making emulsion. Polishing wax gives the treated wood a silky and soft shine.

Besides, beeswax and an emulsion based on it can be an excellent alternative to many varnishes that contain harmful chemicals and have a persistent bad smell, which remains in the room for a long time, even after the varnish has dried. But the polishing mixture based on beeswax, on the contrary, is absolutely environmentally friendly, has no pungent odor and is quite resistant to external influences after application to a wooden surface.

Making a polishing mixture

There are several recipes for polishing mixtures. Everywhere the main ingredient is beeswax. Depending on the proportions of the components taken, the mixture can be liquid, paste or solid. More precisely, the thickness of the mixture depends on the amount of solvent used: the more solvent, the more liquid the mixture turns out.

Traditional polishing compound


1). Beeswax. You can buy it in a specialized store, or even better, buy it directly from a beekeeper, it will cost less, and you will definitely get a high-quality product.

2). Turpentine. Typically, turpentine is taken in the same quantities as wax, in a 1:1 ratio.

Making the mixture

1. The wax must be crumbled into pieces and melted, either in a water bath or in the microwave.

2. Slowly and carefully begin to pour turpentine into the hot wax, stirring continuously.

3. The finished mixture is poured into a suitable container, for example, a cream jar, and left until completely hardened.

But it is often recommended to replace turpentine with another solvent. Despite the fact that turpentine is an organic product, it is, at the same time, also dangerous. chemical agent which may cause eye irritation, skin irritation, lung and central nervous system damage nervous system(if you inhale turpentine vapors). But this in no way applies to the finished polishing mixture based on turpentine; you experience a much greater risk in the process of making the mixture.

Instead of turpentine, you can use other solvents, for example, various vegetable oils. In principle, any will do. Olive oil is especially often used to prepare the polishing mixture. You won't need anything else besides oil and wax. Olive oil polish can be used on all types of wood.

Olive oil polishing mixture


1). Beeswax - 2 tablespoons.

2). Olive oil - 6-8 tablespoons.

Chop the wax into small pieces and mix with olive oil. Melt the wax mixed with oil in a water bath or in the microwave. If desired, you can add suitable extracts to the melted wax, but this is at your discretion and is not at all necessary. We also pour the finished mixture into suitable containers and leave to cool.

Polishing mixture with jojoba oil

This oil-safe polishing wax is perfect for polishing children's rooms. wooden furniture and toys that the child can put in his mouth. The mixture is absolutely safe in composition even for the smallest children and does not cause allergies.


1). Beeswax - 50 milligrams.

2). Jojoba oil - 150 milliliters.

3). If desired, you can add extracts and vitamin E.

Ratio: 1 part wax - 3 parts jojoba oil. Melt the wax in a water bath and add oil. Mix everything thoroughly, pour into containers and let cool. The ratio of oil to wax can be changed depending on the consistency of the mixture you plan to get.

Some useful information

The wax-based polishing mixture is ready for use even when it has not yet hardened.

The olive oil mixture can be stored for 1 year in a closed container in a cool place and out of reach. sun rays.

The jojoba oil mixture can be stored for up to two years under the same conditions as the olive oil product.

The warm mixture is best used for insulating purposes. At the same time, a cooled mixture is better suited for polishing.

Liquid polishing wax can be applied with a wide brush, but is more often done with a cloth.

Polishing wax is able to restore the original color of old wood, eliminates scuffs, and gives new things a darker, deeper and richer color.

Furniture polishing wax made from beeswax is a useful household item. It's worth taking note of the recipe.


How to make wax for wood? Using beeswax for polishing wooden products.

If you are interested in woodworking, or simply buy furniture, for example, from Ikea or other products from natural wood, then this article is for you.

Today we will tell you how to make your own polishing wax or wax paste.

Wax has a wide and versatile application: for the production of wax, in cosmetics (lipstick and face creams), for the production of candles, as a waterproof product, as a base for polishing pastes and mixtures.
During World War II, wax was used in an unusual way: Hundreds of thousands of kilograms of wax were used to coat metal parts of aircraft, projectiles, waterproof ignition devices and canvas tents. But traditionally, wax is used in the production of wood polishing wax (wax paste).

Old antique furniture especially needs waxing. Natural wood needs real nourishment and nothing better than beeswax brings wood back to life. Beeswax contains three main groups of substances: esters (70 - 75%), free fatty acids (12 - 15%), hydrocarbons (11 - 17%). The oxidation of wax occurs so slowly that it can be neglected - pieces of wax found in excavations of burials in Egypt still retain their flexibility. Wax, washed away by water from coastal rocks and buried for a long time on the seashore, can easily be recovered and suitable for use. Specific gravity beeswax - 0.960-0.972 at a temperature of 15 C, and the boiling point is 62-66 C. Due to its ductility, the boiling point of beeswax is higher than that of any other type of wax. Beeswax is an amorphous wax and is not susceptible to moisture. It reacts well with solvent and thus beeswax is the best wax for making emulsion. It gives the wood a silky, soft shine.

Wax is an excellent alternative to varnish. Varnishes, which contain harmful chemicals, continue to be the most used coating for wooden furniture. Chemicals, included in varnishes, have persistent odor, which pollutes the indoor air long after the varnish has dried. Using a mixture based on natural beeswax is completely environmentally friendly.

There are several recipes for polishing mixtures, where the main element is beeswax. The final product may be liquid, paste or solid depending on the proportions of the constituent ingredients. The proportions can be changed using a solvent: the more of it, the more liquid the mixture turns out. One of the oldest traditional recipes is a mixture of wax and turpentine.

Traditional recipe


1) Beeswax. You can purchase wax in a store, or it is better to do this from a beekeeper in your region, whom you can easily find in our groups on social networks.

2) Turpentine.
The traditional mixture uses equal parts wax and turpentine, i.e. 1 to 1.

Crumble the wax

Then melt the wax either in a water bath

or in the microwave.

Be careful when using turpentine. Fire hazard! It is recommended to carry out everything in a well-ventilated area.

Slowly pour the turpentine into the hot wax, stirring constantly.

Pour over ready mixture into a container, such as a shoe polish can, and leave to cool.

Currently, it is increasingly recommended to replace turpentine with another solvent. Despite the fact that turpentine is obtained from trees, it is a rather dangerous chemical that causes irritation to the eyes and skin, damage to the lungs and central nervous system if inhaled.

Instead of turpentine, you can use other solvents - various oils(jojoba oil, olive, coconut, nut, citrus oil). Choose your oil depending on where you live and its availability.

Olive oil recipe:

The easiest way to make polishing wax involves using just 2 ingredients: olive oil and wax. The resulting mixture can be used to coat any type of wood. To prepare the mixture you need:

  1. 2 tablespoons wax
  2. 6-8 tablespoons olive oil

Crumble the wax.

Add 6-8 tablespoons of olive oil to the container

Melt the wax and oil in a water bath or in the microwave. After mixing the wax and oil, you can add additional various extracts.All that's left to do is pack it.

Recipe with Jojoba oil. This mixture is perfect for polishing children's wooden toys; in addition, it is absolutely safe even for the youngest children.

  1. Beeswax (50 mg)
  2. Jojoba oil (150 ml)
  3. Additionally possible: extracts + vitamin E

Ratio of wax to jojoba oil 1:3

Crumble the wax. Melt it in a water bath and add oil.

As you can see in the photo, the wax can curl up when it cools, so it is important to stir the finished mixture until completely dissolved.

In this article I will tell you about an awesome thing - homemade wax impregnation.

With its help, you can make fabric, leather or wood waterproof, and also protect metal from rust.

What is extremely pleasing is that the cost of this cream is extremely low, and production is elementary.

All ingredients can be obtained without any problems, whether now or after the mythical BP.

This impregnation, in my opinion, should be included in the arsenal of every hiker, survivalist and bushcrafter. In any case, I am extremely pleased with her.

So. To prepare we will need:

Beeswax. It is purchased in stores selling honey. The cost is 500 rubles per kilogram. In case of BP, it is obtained by barter at the nearest apiary.

Natural linseed oil (not oxol). Purchased at hardware stores. It is inexpensive, 100 rubles for 400 g. In BP it is made from flaxseed, or sunflower oil by long-term boiling.

Turpentine is also sold in hardware stores and is even cheaper than drying oil. In BP it is produced by distillation from resin.

Three wax on a grater.

Melt the grated wax in a water bath. After complete melting, remove from heat and stir in drying oil.

I prepared the first recipe without turpentine. I simply mixed wax and drying oil one to one by weight.

Then I poured it into the mold and set it to cool.

Looking ahead, I will say that the option without turpentine is not so convenient to use, but it can be smeared even on the face.

I liked the option with turpentine more in terms of ease of application.
To prepare it, you must maintain the following proportions: two parts wax, one part drying oil and one part turpentine.

The recipe is similar. Melt the wax in a water bath, remove from heat, add drying oil and mix thoroughly, add turpentine and also mix thoroughly, then leave to cool.

To fill this rather large jar (it's larger than shoe polish jars),
you need 75 grams of wax and two tablespoons of drying oil with turpentine.

After hardening.
The version without turpentine is very dense and does not melt in your hands.
The version with turpentine is quite dense, but at the same time the consistency is pasty. If you take a piece in your hands, it will slowly begin to melt. Due to turpentine it has a slight resinous smell.

There are several application methods:

Firstly, it is well suited for wood. Take a large piece of impregnation and spread it thickly on a wooden surface.

Then we warm it up with a hairdryer; on a hike it can be a fire.

And polish it with some kind of cloth. As a result, the wax penetrates into the pores of the wood and it becomes moisture resistant. Water simply does not wet it.

We simply spread it thickly on the metal. You don't have to warm it up. Now the piece of iron will not rust because... no contact with water.

The second method of treating wood is vigorous rubbing of impregnation. As a result, it melts from the heat of the hands and friction and also covers the wood wonderfully.

In Izhevsk, Russia, they developed a home impregnation made from natural ingredients: beeswax, propolis and turpentine. This wax can be used to treat both wooden and clay surfaces, especially when it comes to.

During construction natural home a lot of attention is paid to environmental protection of materials and their biopositive impact on humans. So that they do not contain unnatural chemical substances and do not cause allergies.

Patchwork wax does not change the natural color of wood or clay, giving it a noble depth. Creates a coating that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and touch and does not require additional processing. Coating with Patchwork Wax does not require frequent renewal. When used indoors, this impregnation lasts up to 10 years.

A special feature of patchwork wax is the ability of gum turpentine to penetrate deeply into the surface. When applying impregnation to dry wood, gum turpentine seems to draw wax and propolis into the pores of the wood by 1 - 1.5 mm. There is no stronger preservative in nature than propolis. This is a natural antibiotic, completely harmless and even beneficial for humans and destructive for fungi and other microorganisms.

“We offer an eco-composition that has no expiration date and can be stored for at least 50 years at any temperature,” says Alexey Golovkov. “The wax is made according to an old recipe and only from natural ingredients: wax - Far Eastern, turpentine - from Siberian cedar, propolis - from Volga.

Eco-exhibition Ark 2015 in Yekaterinburg revealed great interest in our product among people who strive for a healthy, conscious lifestyle.”

Attention! If you wish

Treating any wood with natural or artificial wax is used to protect the surface of the product from mold, rot, damage and insects. With the help of wax, wood can not only be protected from rotting, but also its texture can be highlighted.

Any wood needs protection from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and chemical destruction. As protective compounds use impregnations based on paints and varnishes, as well as oil bases. Wax is a reliable means of protecting wood from moisture.

Waxing is an old thing. effective way cover wooden structures. There are many similar formulations on the market today. The finished components are made up by adding:

  • beeswax;
  • inorganic additives;
  • oils

The solution can be used immediately after opening the jar. After application, the board is transformed, becoming smooth with a velvety tint. Waxing reliably protects wood from the penetration of harmful moisture, and this method is suitable for processing any type of wood. Today you can buy this composition in any color.


Wood quality building material has many positive qualities, and waxed will last longer. If you plan to coat a material that already has some kind of coating on it with this composition, then you must first prepare the surface before waxing.

First of all, remove all old layers from the surface of the material. Varnish coating can be removed with a solvent, which is applied to the product several times until the natural board is completely exposed.

Residues are removed using warm water and abrasives. All minor inclusions of varnish that were not removed by the solvent are removed mechanically- with a knife or blade. The cleaned surface must be sanded for better adhesion of the impregnation before applying wax. Before applying wax, the surface must be thoroughly dried and sanded.

Smooth and smooth surface tree indicates that you did everything right. Treatment of wooden products with a wax composition, antique furniture is in a great way protection from damage. You can safely cover unpainted wooden surfaces with it, as well as apply several layers on top of the varnish layer.

Processing wood with ready-made wax compounds

Many types of wax compositions contain soft beeswax diluted with turpentine. Pastes are sold in tin cans and are a type of polishing materials. They are usually applied with a special swab, but you can also use a thick brush or steel wool for washing dishes. Paste wax is an excellent finishing component that can be applied to other finishes after impregnation with oil.

Liquid wax is used when treating large surfaces, such as solid panels, and is applied with a brush. Floor compositions have transparent base in the form of mastic and are used in difficult operating conditions.

Colored wax products are mainly dark colors and are used for restoration work. Their purpose is to hide minor scratches from view. Usually wax compositions are found in white or yellow- like oil, leaving no tint on the surface.

For finishing oak, brown or black shades of impregnation are used, created to enhance the naturalness when the board shows its texture.

In order to restore the color of cedar or pine, golden impregnations are used, and to give freshness to mahogany, red mastics are chosen. If you superimpose one composition on another, you can achieve a smooth transition of tones. Chairs and tables, items in frequent contact with clothing are not coated with dyes, oils, or wax to avoid damage to clothing.

Before waxing wood, it should be prepared. To do this, the unpainted surface is sanded and degreased with a solvent. It won’t hurt if the board is treated with a primer before waxing. But this is not necessary, since there is no need to fill the pores of the wood. If a primer layer is applied, it must be sanded with fine sandpaper.

The wax paste is applied with a soaked tampon in a circular motion in several layers. Having treated the entire surface, it must be rubbed along the wood fibers. If you have difficulty grinding, you should briefly heat the jar over low heat. The second layer is applied a few minutes after the first, but the rubbing is done across the grain.

After the solvent vapors have evaporated, which is about a day, several more layers of the substance should be applied to the surface and, after complete drying, polishing should be done. soft cloth. If you rub the treated surface for a long time with a clean cloth, you can even achieve.

Features of wood waxing

After applying the wax, a slight yellowish tint can be seen on the surface of the wood. This is waxing, impregnation using an ancient method of processing wooden products and parquet floors. The structure of the wood becomes unusually beautiful, the board acquires not only a touch of naturalness, but also exudes a wonderful smell of nature. This method is considered one of the most noble, because the wood becomes unusually smooth and soft under beeswax.

Some craftsmen carefully polished the waxed surface until it formed a mirror-like shine. There are oleoresin waxes on sale, which are used in liquid form with the addition of solvents. The composition is created on the basis of beeswax and pine resin or orange oil. The advent of mechanical tools, irons, made it possible to use solid pieces without dissolving them with the help of chemistry.

When treating floors, hard grades contain a small amount of chemicals, so they are usually safely heated before use. Today on the building components market you can find earth-colored wax. It is necessary to apply such a composition with caution, since there is a possibility of getting an uneven layer, which will be difficult to correct, and the difference in color will be noticeable. In order to change the color of the coating, you should not use earthen paint, but rather saturate the wood with stain, but not with oil.

Remember that a waxed surface has a healing effect on human body and creates a favorable atmosphere in the room. The secret is that the wood under the wax continues to breathe, and electrostatic discharges do not form.

Resin production

Resin can be quickly prepared for application to the surface of wood. To do this, you need to fill a metal container with beeswax and melt it in a water bath. 30 percent wax is added to the base, 20 percent oily drying oil and 50 percent orange turpentine oil are added. After mixing the components, impregnating with the molten substance, the beeswax is cooled until it hardens. The product is used for rubbing wooden surfaces, parquets, etc.

Rules for working with wax

The more dissolved wax there is in the composition, the more saturated the final protective solution becomes, so this process can be controlled at your own discretion. Treatment with liquid impregnations is carried out during repeated treatments of the wood structure; it is recommended to repeat this procedure several times in a row.

As a rule, the solution is already applied to the waxed surface. Wax compounds for floors have a hard substance, and can contain several types of wax: based on beeswax, carnauba and regular. There are also special waxes created from petroleum components, which contain chemical solvents without an oil base.

It is worth noting that the use of wax protective equipment will significantly extend life wooden coverings, furniture.