When to plant snapdragons: growing from seeds. Snapdragon: varieties, photos, planting and proper care in open ground

Snapdragon blooms for a long time. But to achieve this, the formation of seed pods should be prevented. Therefore, after the last flower on the arrow has faded, cut it off. The plant will soon give a new shoot, and flowering will continue.

If the soil on which snapdragon grows, then it is advisable to carry out regular fertilizing complex fertilizer For flowering plants. They can be carried out every two weeks, but start no earlier than two weeks after planting. Often, gardeners make do with only two fertilizers. The first time, after the plant has taken root and began to grow, it is fed with organic matter, and the second time, during the period of bud formation, with any phosphate fertilizer.

Also, caring for snapdragons includes loosening the soil, tying tall plants to supports, and controlling pests and diseases.

Pests and diseases

Snapdragon quite often attacked by scale insects and caterpillars. The larvae of flies and butterflies can also lay on it. It is better not to wait for this scourge to appear and take preventive measures with the help of systemic medications. Snapdragon diseases can result from overwatering. These include black leg, rot (gray and brown), septoria. If you find signs of the disease, immediately remove the affected plant and destroy it, and treat the flower garden with a fungicide.

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Wonderful “lion cubs” are the traditional inhabitants of the flowerbed. They are unpretentious, the variety of varieties offered is amazing. Snapdragon planting and care open ground– the topic of the article is for those who want to decorate a garden or summer cottage with easy-to-care plants.

Snapdragon flower description, photo

The perennial got its name for its resemblance to the open mouth of a bloodthirsty predator. The legend of Hercules' victory over the Nemean lion speaks of saving humanity from a terrible monster. According to legend, in honor of the great feat, the goddess Flora created this wonderful plant.

Its botanical name is antirrhinum. Belongs to the Norichnikov family. Since the flower produces seeds already in the first year, it is often planted as an annual crop. Very unpretentious - even a novice gardener can handle the care. Herbaceous plant or shrub. Its height ranges from 15 centimeters to a meter. Straight stems form a pyramid-shaped bush.

The leaves are elongated-oval, can be of various shades of green (from light to dark), with reddish veins. The flowers have a pleasant aroma. They are large and, depending on the number of petals, can be simple or double. It depends on the variety. The color of the petals can be very diverse - pink, yellow, white, red.

The fruit is a capsule with a large number of seeds (up to eight thousand in one). The decorative period begins in June and ends in late autumn, with the onset of cold weather.


The homeland and permanent habitat of wild species are the territories North America and southern regions of Europe. It is not known exactly when the plant began to be grown as a crop. Pliny also recommended using a green healer to relieve inflammation of the eyeball.

Now there are more than 300 varieties of plants. Botanists from Germany were among the first to engage in flower selection. This happened already in the nineteenth century.

Snapdragon species, varieties

One popular division of varieties is based on such a characteristic as the height of the bush. In accordance with this feature, all types of antirrinum are divided into five groups:

  1. Gigantic. The length of their stem varies from 90 to 130 centimeters. At the same time, the main shoot is significantly higher than the others in height. Varieties - Arthur - rich petals cherry color, up to 95 cm in height. F1 red, F1 pink - flowers of corresponding shades, plant length is 110 centimeters.
  2. Tall. Such specimens are ideal for bouquets - they retain a beautiful appearance in the vase for more than seven days. The varieties with yellow flowers have the strongest and most attractive aroma. The height of the shoots reaches ninety centimeters, the minimum is sixty. Madame Butterfly - has terry petals of various tones. Canary - bright, yellow flowers. Anna German - with light pink petals.
  3. Medium height. Universal purpose - suitable not only for cutting, but also look great in a flower bed. They are characterized by excessive branching. All shoots are almost on the same level. Their height can be from 40 to 60 centimeters. Lipstick silver - light, pinkish tone of the petals. Apple Blossom is two-color, with double petals, on which the white gradually gives way to a delicate pink tint. Golden Monarch - yellow flowers. Ruby – rich pink color.
    Bronze – color palette petals is complex and at the same time spectacular. It consists of a combination various nuances yellow, pink and even orange.
  4. Low. For flower beds or borders. They produce many flowering shoots. In this case, the main one may even be slightly lower than the others. The plant reaches 40 cm in height. Minimum value– 25 centimeters. Crimson Velvet - with large inflorescences of a dark, rich red color. Schneeflocke - small white flowers collected in delicate, light inflorescences.
  5. Dwarf. They are grown to decorate ridges, borders, flower beds, rock gardens, and create the effect of a flower “carpet”. The central shoot of this variety is the same length as the other branches. Sometimes it is a little lower. Plant height is 15-20 centimeters. Suitable for cultivation as a potted crop. Candy Showers is an ampelous variety. Sakura's color is white and pink, with a speck.

Growing snapdragons from seeds

In regions with a mild, warm climate, sowing can be done directly into the ground in the spring. In two weeks they will produce young shoots. The seeds remain viable for several years. But in areas with harsh climatic conditions, it is preferable to grow antirrinum through seedlings.

Attention! To carry out the procedure of sowing seedlings, it is necessary to prepare a container for future seedlings, soil, a spatula, two strainers with large and small cells.

When to sow seeds

Must be carried out at the end of February or at the very beginning of March. In the climatic conditions of central Russia - at the end of April or the first ten days of May. The plant is not grown in the north.


You can purchase the appropriate type of soil at the store or prepare your own soil mixture. The main requirement is that it must be loose and airy. You will need to take equal parts of peat, sand, turf, ash, and mature humus. The mixture must be thoroughly sifted through two types of sieves. The part with large inclusions is laid in a layer on top of the drainage elements. The finely dispersed substrate becomes the top layer.

Important! The soil must be disinfected. It is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate and left for two days. When sowing, it is necessary that the soil is sufficiently, but not excessively, moist.

Containers for sowing

A regular box for young animals or a container will do. The height of the container should be approximately ten centimeters. Be sure to have holes for moisture drainage. A drainage layer is formed at the bottom of the container. It can be created from balls of expanded clay, gravel, and pebbles.

How to sow seeds correctly

Since the grains are very small, they are mixed with sand for uniform sowing. The distance between the rows is two centimeters. You can pour the seed into a paper bag and cut off a corner of it - this will make it more convenient to sow. The resulting “paths” are pressed down a little by hand and a little soil is added on top. Irrigating the soil with a spray bottle completes the procedure.

To create the effect of a mini-greenhouse, the plantings are covered with glass or polyethylene. The room temperature must be at least 18⁰C. It is necessary to ventilate the crops daily. To do this, the shelter is temporarily removed. If necessary, the substrate is moistened with a spray bottle. Young shoots appear in about ten days.

Seedling care

The young grow slowly. At this moment, it is important to maintain a balance of substrate moisture. Seedlings must have plenty of water for development. But excess moisture can lead to mass destruction bushes with “black leg”.

Important! Affected specimens are carefully removed using tweezers. The vacated space must be sprinkled with coal powder or calcined river sand.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings go through a picking procedure. This must be done when the first true leaves appear. You can place the “babies” one at a time in individual pots or three at a time in large flowerpots.

The container is placed in a bright place, but protected from direct sunlight. Gradually they are accustomed to the conditions in which the bushes will grow in the future. To do this, it is necessary to ventilate the room during the daytime, but under no circumstances allow a draft.

After four or five leaves appear, the seedlings are pinched. This is necessary to form a lush bush. If the side branches grow very actively, you can do a similar manipulation with them.

Snapdragon planting in open ground

Grown hardened seedlings are moved to permanent place living in the garden. In this case, it is important to perform the transplant on time, choose the right location and prepare the optimal substrate composition.

When to plant snapdragons in spring

At the very end of the last spring month, the young animals are planted in a flowerbed. There is no need to be afraid of possible cold nights - the seedlings will withstand such temperature fluctuations.

Selecting a location

Choose a place in the garden that is well protected from the wind. Good drainage is a must. Antirrinum will feel best in a sunny area. But you can plant it in a somewhat shaded area.

Attention! Only in a place fully illuminated by the sun, on clear days, can you enjoy all color nuances each variety.


Light and nutritious substrate - best choice. Compost, peat, sand, taken in equal parts - the basis for soil mixture. The acid-base balance should vary within the pH range of 6-8.

Landing technology

The layout of the bushes in the flowerbed is approximately as follows:

  • between tall varieties leave a gap of half a meter;
  • varieties with stem medium height planted at a distance of 30 centimeters from each other;
  • For low-growing species a distance of 20 cm is sufficient;
  • space between instances dwarf varieties is only 15 centimeters.

After the young growth takes root in the new place, the bushes quickly become lush.

Attention! Replant only in thoroughly moistened soil.

Snapdragon care

A traditional set of plant care measures will allow you to achieve amazing results - just watering, weeding, loosening the soil and timely application of fertilizers.

To achieve a continuous effect, long flowering Throughout the growing season, faded flowers must be removed. The same goes for the flower arrow. It is cut off after flowering has ended. This allows you to avoid the appearance of a seed pod, which gives you the opportunity and strength to extend the decorative period.


Irrigate only during periods of drought, if there is no rainfall at all. Watering should not be carried out in the evening. The next day, the soil around the antirrinum must be loosened and weeds removed. It is recommended to tie up tall varieties.

Top dressing

After the seedlings go through a period of adaptation after moving to the flowerbed, the first fertilizing is done with organic fertilizers and nitrophoska. During the period of bud setting, a mixture consisting of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea is used. You will need a large spoon of each component per bucket of water.

Is it necessary to pinch and how to pinch

To form a “fluffy” lush bush, a pruning procedure is carried out. As soon as the seedling grows ten centimeters tall, its top should be pinched.

Important! Do not neglect the advice about removing inflorescences that have lost their decorative effect; this will allow the antirrinum to delight the gardener with long-term flowering.

Snapdragon reproduction methods

Antirrhinum is usually grown from seeds. In warm climates, you can sow them directly into open ground. In the middle zone, the seedling method is preferable. Watch the video: how to properly sow seeds and care for seedlings.

Cuttings are one of the possible ways. But it is usually used by breeders to obtain a new variety with double petals. A selection of powerful, healthy bushes is carried out. They overwinter indoors. The cuttings are planted in the sand until roots appear.

Snapdragon after flowering

During the final arrival of autumn cold, the bushes are cut as short as possible. There should only be a stump 6-7 centimeters high. Sprinkle sawdust and peat on top. Such a mulch shelter will allow the antirrinum to survive the frosty winter.

These measures are relevant when growing flower crops as a perennial. With the annual version, it is important to avoid self-sowing. To do this, remove wilted flowers and peduncles that have fulfilled their decorative function.

Important! Before the first frost, in late autumn, they dig up the ground and burn plant debris to destroy any pests that might remain there.

How and when to collect snapdragon seeds

Usually, ripened seeds are collected from any plant. But it is better to harvest antirrinum grains unripe and then ripen them at home in a dry, ventilated room.

It is better to collect it in a long and narrow bag, similar to those in which baguettes are sold. When the fruits ripen on the lower part of the peduncle, the upper green boxes are torn off. Then they put a bag on the peduncle, tie it with thread and cut off the branch. Hanged in warm room and wait until the seeds ripen and fall into the bag of boxes.

After this, they can be packaged in boxes and stored in the refrigerator. Optimal temperature conditions for them there will be a range of 3 to 5 degrees. It is important to protect the grains from moisture.

Pests and diseases of snapdragon (treatment)

Antirrhinum can suffer from some common plant ailments. Among them:

  1. Rust. The outer side of the leaves is covered with light depressed spots, and on the back side they form first yellow and then brownish pads. The leaves are withering. The fungus spreads through the air through spores.
    The affected foliage is immediately disposed of and the cubs are treated with Topaz, Bordeaux mixture or Abiga-Peak.
  2. False powdery mildew. Outside, the leaves are covered with a white coating, and with reverse side– the same light or with a brown tint. When grown as a pot crop under conditions winter garden, you need to reduce the humidity level in the room as quickly as possible. Stop spraying. Ensure good air exchange. Get rid of affected specimens. In the early stages of the disease, you can treat the plantings with Previkur or Ridomil Gold. Spraying with copper oxychloride will also help.
  3. Root rot. The foliage becomes matte and brightens. Over time, it withers and fades. The roots soften - the shell easily peels off from the middle. Fungal spores spread only in conditions of good moisture. Reduced soil acidity also promotes their reproduction. It is necessary to stop irrigation. In such a situation it is rarely carried out. But watering should be plentiful. Preparations of biological origin - Fitosporin-M, Glyokladin, Alirin-B - will help solve the problem.
  4. Powdery mildew. On both sides of the leaves - white coating, similar in appearance to flour. The disease does not spare flowers either. Under the coating - the affected area brown. It is best to initially select and sow varieties that are resistant to this disease. For minor manifestations of the disease, treat with fungicides of biological origin. In case of obvious progress of the disease - “Skorom”, “Topaz”, “Strobe”, “Pure Flower”.
  5. Brown rot. This problem usually only affects seedlings. The base of the stem becomes brown and gradually becomes thinner. Under the fallen leaves you can see threads of mycelium. The seedlings are immediately treated prophylactically with Rovral. The “babies” should not be buried too deep into the substrate. You can also irrigate with biofungicides.
  6. Fusarium. The bush turns yellow and dries out very quickly. Sometimes it doesn’t even have time to bloom. The base of the stem rots. They quickly get rid of disease-affected specimens and disinfect the soil using foundation. The same drug can be used to treat other bushes for prevention.
  7. Blackleg. Main enemy young animals The main cause of the disease is excessive soil moisture. The stalk turns black and becomes thin – eventually the seedling dies. Do not over-thicken the plantings. “Kids” should be well ventilated. Pre-sowing disinfection of seeds and moderation in watering are important. Affected specimens must be immediately destroyed.
  8. Mosaic. The flowers become small and motley spots appear on the leaves. There is no cure for this disease effective means struggle. Diseased bushes are removed and burned.
  9. One of dangerous pests are stem cutworms. Caterpillars make passages in the stems. This causes the death of garden pets. As preventative measure Timely weeding is recommended. To destroy existing caterpillars, they are treated twice with a chlorophos solution.

Snapdragon in landscape design, combination with other plants

In those periods when changes occur in the garden - the site has changed hands and everything is being arranged in a new way, or you just want to change the permanent “tenants”, you need to quickly decorate the garden. In this case, antirrinum will help out. All empty spaces can be safely filled with bright and unpretentious “lion cubs”.

In a flowerbed consisting of annuals, there will also be a place for them. You can experiment with colors and plant heights. It is possible to create a complex fantasy pattern in a flowerbed solely with the help of antirrinum. The variety of its color variations allows you to give free rein to your imagination.

Low and dwarf bushes can serve as a border or successfully complement a rockery. Naturally and beautifully, such “lion cubs” enliven the static appearance of stones. Ampel varieties look amazing in hanging planters or as a home potted plant. The use of antirrinum is universal - it is used equally as a background or, on the contrary, to make bright accent flower garden

Know! Groups of “lion cubs” will become the dominant color on the green lawn.

Antirrinum goes well with marigolds. Such a duet, planted in an elongated container and complemented with periwinkle, can become a real decoration for a terrace, porch or balcony. Excellent result obtained when combined with nasturtium, cosmos, chrysanthemums, alyssum. The flower garden looks elegant and harmonious. An excellent background for such a composition are low conifers with a spherical crown.

Tall hybrids are ideal for cutting. Bouquets of these luxurious flowers look amazing and last quite a long time. You should not make the mistake of cutting off the top of the bush. In this way you can only ruin the plant.


Having knowledge about planting snapdragons in open ground and proper care for them, you can achieve excellent results and become the owner of luxuriously flowering bushes.

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In this article you will find detailed information about the snapdragon flower. Planting, care, growing seedlings, planting in open ground, popular varieties.

Snapdragon, Antirrhinum (Antirrhinum) is a plant from the Plantain family.

This is perennial herbaceous plant, is grown here mainly as an annual. Distributed in North America.

In Russia it is grown in gardens and flower beds.

The plant is considered one of the most popular; its decorative qualities attract experienced gardeners and flower lovers.

Snapdragon - planting and care

Description of the plant

The advantages include the unusual shape of the flower, ease of care, a wide variety of colors and colorful, long-lasting flowering in the summer.

Height ranges from 15 to 130 cm. Snapdragon forms a pyramidal branched bush.

Green branched stems with leaves oval shape have a color from light green to dark green.

The flowers are large, collected in inflorescences, 2-4 cm in size.

The shape of the flower resembles two lips; if you squeeze the bottom of the flower, you get something like the mouth of a lion. Hence the name snapdragon.

The colors of the flowers are varied: yellow, pink, burgundy, red, white with various shades of these colors.

There are varieties where two colors are combined on one flower.

The fruit is a small capsule with many small seeds.

Snapdragon - popular varieties

In nature, there are more than 45 species of this plant and up to 1000 varieties.

Snapdragon varieties are distinguished depending on the height of the plant.

Plant groups:

  1. Gigantic. The height of the plant is from 90 to 130 cm. The central shoot of these plants grows up to 130 cm in height and is characterized by the absence of lower shoots. The flowers of this variety are the largest.
  2. Tall. Plant height is from 60 to 90 cm. Lateral shoots are lower in height than the central one. Grown mainly for cutting. The most fragrant varieties are yellow in color; cut plants can last longer than a week. They grow best in a sunny place.
  3. Medium height. Height from 40 to 60 cm. This group includes universal species, are grown in flower beds and are also used for cutting. There are fewer flowers in the inflorescence than in other groups. Flower size is medium. The group is distinguished by strong branching of shoots.
  4. Short. Height from 25 to 40 cm. The main shoot is lower in height than the side shoots. Grown in flower beds and borders. Have early dates flowering, but do not bloom as profusely as other groups. This group is the most popular among gardening enthusiasts. beautiful, decorative flowers, are grown in garden beds, flower beds, and street flowerpots together with other flowers, creating garden decor.
  5. Dwarf. The group is from 15 to 25 cm high. It has strong branching shoots and blooms profusely all summer. Mainly grown as annuals for decoration and garden design. In summer it looks like a colored carpet on the ground. Suitable for growing in pots, even in room conditions. The flowers are very small, the stems are short.

Plant height, cm

Flowering period

University of California

mixture of colors

from July to October-October

bright purple

June - July

bright red, lower lip pink

June - July

dark red, tube dark purple

bright red

June - July

red-pink, pink tube



Snapdragon for seedlings - growing features

Plants are propagated by seeds and cuttings.

  • How to grow snapdragon seedlings?

The most common planting method is seedlings.

You can sow the seeds directly into open ground; they will withstand a slight cold snap and sprout in three weeks.

Sowing of seeds begins in early March in seedling boxes.

Since snapdragon seeds are very small, they are sown in boxes without covering them with soil.

The soil can be sprayed with a spray bottle so that the seeds penetrate a little into its thickness.

Then you need to cover the pots with film or glass to create a microclimate.

Every day, the glass or film is removed, the condensation is wiped off, and it should be moistened only as needed.

The microclimate is maintained under the film and high humidity, and there is no particular need to water every day.

Antirrinum seeds germinate at a temperature of 22 degrees and moderate soil moisture.

Shoots appear in 8–10 days and grow very slowly.

As soon as the seeds have sprouted, the pots are placed in a bright place, without sun, and periodically opening the film is left open.

Plants need light so that they do not become weak and frail and do not stretch out.

Plant seedlings grow slowly, they need little watering, preferably in the morning.

When watering, avoid excess moisture, which will cause a black leg to develop and kill the plant. The soil between seedlings can be sprinkled with sand or charcoal.

After the development of 2-3 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate pots or thinned out in the same box where they were originally planted.

Snapdragon tolerates picking well.

Plants should be left in a bright place, avoiding direct sun rays.

Seedlings should be hardened off periodically by opening the window and ventilating the room to prepare the plant for planting in the garden.

After hardening, a plant transplanted to a site can survive light frosts.

  1. When the seedling grows to 8 cm in height, it must be pinched above the 5th pair of leaves.
  2. After pinching, side shoots appear and quickly begin to grow. These shoots will also need to be pinched later in order for the plant to have a lush appearance. It is advisable to do this with each new shoot to form a flower bush.
  3. Planting of seedlings on the plot takes place at the end of May or beginning of June. Tall varieties must be tied up, otherwise they will break from the wind.
  4. Next, the snapdragon begins to grow actively and quickly and will delight you with its flowering in June.

Where can you plant snapdragons?

Tall snapdragon hybrids with large flowers They are used for cutting, the inflorescences stand in water for up to 10–14 days, low plants are used for planting in flower beds, flowerbeds are used to create flower beds.

Dwarf plants are good for low borders, balconies, and look good on alpine slides.

Snapdragon flower mixtures create stunning rugs for flowerbeds or borders.

How to care for flowers?

The plant blooms from June until the first frost. When fading inflorescences are removed in a timely manner, it blooms continuously.

It grows well on light soils saturated with organic fertilizers and microelements.

Antirrinum unpretentious plant, does not like too wet soil.

Care consists of weeding, moderate watering and rare loosening of the soil.

The plant is light-loving and cold-resistant, tolerates frosts down to -5 °C.

What to plant with?

The best neighbors are sage, marine lobularia, and cosmos. Thanks to its bright colors, it becomes the centerpiece of a flowerbed; non-blooming flowers with beautiful leaves can be planted around it.

Diseases: rust, septoria, root rot.

Treated with the drug "Hom". The first treatment is carried out on seedlings or simply for prevention: dilute 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water. During the growth period, the plants are treated again before flowering: 40 g of the “Hom” preparation are diluted in 10 liters of water and sprayed at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 8–10 sq. m. m.

Snapdragon prefers open areas, a sunny place, but also grows in partial shade, although it stretches a little and blooms less profusely.

It is very useful to mulch peat and humus between plants - flowering is noticeably enhanced.

In hot, dry weather, snapdragons require watering, but over-watering the soil is harmful.

  • How and when to feed snapdragons?

When the plants take root, they are fed:

  1. The first feeding is carried out 12–15 days after planting the seedlings in a permanent place: 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska is diluted per 10 liters of water and organic fertilizer“Flower”, spending 2 liters per 1 sq. m.
  2. The second feeding is carried out when the first buds appear: 1 tablespoon of urea, potassium sulfate and superphosphate is diluted per 10 liters of water, consuming 3–4 liters of solution per 1 square meter. m.

Every year new varieties of snapdragon appear.

The ease of cultivation and care attracts gardeners. Until frost, snapdragon delights the eye with its varied blooms.

The flower fascinates with its beauty and grace.

It will create comfort and improve landscape design any garden or cottage.

Have a beautiful garden!

Add variety to your landscaping summer cottage you can use cute flowers with the royal name snapdragon (antirrhinum). The plant received its unusual name due to the shape of its petals, which look like the open mouth of a lion. Many of these flowers are remembered by the name “dogs”.

The dwarf type of flowers reaches a height of only 20-25 cm, and the tall one reaches 1 m. Columns in the garden are beautifully decorated with hanging varieties; outwardly it looks like cascading waterfalls of flowers. The plant is often added to. Snapdragons are unpretentious and bloom until frost. Grow from seeds, sowing seedlings in March-April, depending on the climatic conditions of the area.

The seedling containers must have drainage holes, a layer of river sand is poured onto the bottom, then mixed fertile soil with sand is leveled and moistened with water from a spray bottle. Since snapdragon seeds are very small, for ease of planting they are mixed with sand and distributed over the surface of moist soil. Cover the top with transparent film or glass and place it in a bright place where the temperature is 22-23°C. Every day the crops are opened for ventilation and condensation is removed from the shelter. After 2 weeks, sprouts appear, the plantings are immediately removed from bright light and after 3-4 days, when the seedlings begin to sprout en masse, the cover is removed.

The germination rate of snapdragon seeds is high, so if they do not germinate, it means that the storage process was disrupted or the expiration date has expired. Before purchasing, pay attention to the packaging, its appearance, so that there are no signs of damage, check the expiration date.

Seedling care

Water snapdragons moderately in the morning to avoid stagnation of water. Overwatering leads to root rotting disease.

In cloudy weather, seedlings are illuminated with additional lighting.

If the seedlings begin to fall, they are immediately removed with tweezers, and the soil is sprinkled with crushed charcoal or washed and calcined sand.

When 2 true leaves appear, place them in separate pots, one at a time or in small bunches. After which the planted plants are placed again in a bright place, but protected from bright sunlight. Before planting in open ground (May), they begin to harden the seedlings by opening the window, increasing the opening time every day. Make sure there are no drafts.

Transplanting snapdragon seedlings into open ground

On warm days of established weather (in the middle zone this occurs at the end of May-June), the seedlings are transplanted into open ground. There is no need to be afraid of the night cold, since even seedlings that have not yet matured can survive a drop in temperature to -5°C.

Snapdragons are grown in a sunny, windless area with well-drained lungs. fertile soil. Soil prone to acidification is not suitable. In the shade, flowering is sparse and the color of the flowers is pale. The distance between tall snapdragon varieties is 40-50 cm, between medium-growing ones - 25-30 cm, low-growing varieties - 20 cm, and for dwarf varieties - 15 cm. The depth of the hole corresponds to the size of the root system.

Rooting in a new place is painless, and young seedlings quickly turn into a lush bush.

Caring for snapdragons in open ground

When the seedling already has 5 true leaves, the central shoot is pinched, then the plant looks well-groomed and more attractive. With intensive growth of side shoots, pinching is also carried out.

A week after transplanting into open ground, the seedlings are fed with fertilizer for annuals.

Otherwise, caring for snapdragons comes down to watering at the root (not on the leaves), removing weeds, and fertilizing. Water only in the morning when necessary. A day after moistening, the soil around the plant is loosened and cleared of weeds. Tall species are tied to a support.

Faded inflorescences are removed, and for longer flowering, the flower shoot is removed, preventing the plant from setting seeds. When flowering declines, the peduncles are cut off under the lower flower to stimulate a new wave of flowering.

Snapdragons can be affected by rust. When rusty spots appear, the plants are removed, and the rest are treated with Zircon solution (5 drops per 1 liter of water). For prevention, spray with a weaker solution of the drug (2 drops per 1 liter of water).

For growing snapdragons in next year Unripe seeds are collected from the strongest and most beautiful bush and ripened in a well-ventilated room. Store in a cardboard box or paper bag at a temperature of 3-5°C in a dry place. Germination persists for 3 years.

In autumn, after flowering, snapdragon bushes are cut to a height of 5-8 cm and covered with mixed peat with sawdust or dry leaves and grass. In winter, if possible, shovel snow onto the bushes. In the spring, after wintering, many new shoots will grow from the roots.