Making doors for closets in the toilet room. Shelves, rack or cabinet above the toilet: an advantageous solution for space and storage

August 1, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction work (laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobby: mobile communications, high technology, computer technology, programming.

The photo shows the hero of today's story.

I recently parked my car in the garage and met a neighbor there. He knows that all my life I have been renovating different apartments and I know how to assemble furniture, so he asked me to help make a cabinet for the toilet. This design seems to be invisible and done quickly, but in order for the result to please your whole life, you need to do everything correctly with your own hands.

Of course, you can limit yourself to blinds or roller shutters, but the neighbor said that his wife did not consider this option. She definitely needs hanging shelves behind the toilet so that she has somewhere to put household chemicals and other small things needed around the house.

Nothing to do! Moreover, after finishing work, I was entitled to a considerable bonus in the form of beer with dried fish. And for those who don’t have a neighbor like me, below I’ll tell you all about how to design a wall-mounted toilet cabinet yourself.

Preparing for work

Material selection and design

The design of any cabinet, like other pieces of furniture, begins with drawing. Believe me, I will say without false modesty, experience. What would be best for your toilet, but we decided for our neighbor, after coordinating this matter with his wife, to design a hanging cabinet for the toilet room, the doors of which are attached to ordinary piano hinges and swing outwards (this is understandable).

In principle, it turned out to be not so much hinged as built-in. The fact is that he has a wall-hung toilet installed in his toilet and an empty space has formed above the installation, which they decided to use rationally by installing a cabinet.

Regarding the choice of material. Here, too, everything depends on your financial capabilities and imagination. You can use boards, plywood, drywall and so on.

I advised my neighbor to use 16mm thick laminated chipboards. In this case, it will not be too expensive and beautiful. To save even more, I can suggest you use plywood or regular chipboard. They will need to be cleaned with sandpaper and covered with decorative film.

Now about the sizes. I have already said that a friend has a toilet with an installation, around which a shelf is made of plasterboard. Therefore, we built the toilet cabinet into the resulting niche. Based on this, the dimensions were obtained: depth - 300 mm (from the edge of the shelf to the wall), width 800 mm, height 1600 mm.

You need to plan the dimensions of the closet so that it covers everything. engineering communications at the back wall of the toilet room. At the top there will be cabinet doors, and at the bottom (if the toilet is not installed) you can arrange a separate blind part from the same laminated chipboard, adjusting its dimensions to the location.

One more thing. No matter how much your wife asks you to make the cabinet bigger, a reasonable compromise should be observed. Shelves should not hang over the toilet cistern, and cabinet doors in the toilet should not touch any plumbing elements in the room when opened.

Cutting out the parts

Before making a toilet cabinet with your own hands, it is recommended to stock up on parts for it in advance. To do this you need to buy a sheet laminated chipboard in a construction supermarket and order cutting it there on a special machine. From personal experience I can say that this way you will avoid various chips and damage on the cuts, and the cutting areas themselves will look much neater.

In our particular case, the following details were needed:

  • shelves measuring 800 by 300 mm - 5 of them were needed (the size and quantity of these parts will be different for you, since I am based on the measurements I took at my neighbor's);
  • sidewalls 1600 mm long and 80 mm wide - they will be installed along the edges on the front side of the cabinet;
  • a door with parameters 1560 by 640 mm - in order not to bother with hanging it, you can use blinds on the cabinet, but my neighbor’s wife insisted on the door, and to contradict her is not to respect yourself;
  • top cap with dimensions 40 by 800 mm - it will decorate top part locker, since no one makes the door flush with the ceiling (I, as an expert, know for sure).

In my case, that was all there was to it, but if you have a toilet attached to the floor, you will need a false panel to disguise utility lines. You can also make sliding doors, but here it all depends on the size of the restroom.

As I said, the preparations have already been brought from the store. You didn't even need a truck for this, I'm not very big car everything fits in.

So that my neighbor’s wife would like everything, I decided to decorate the edge of the shelf with melamine self-adhesive tape. There's not much to do there. You heat the iron to about three-quarters of the power, apply the tape to the sawn end and roll it with the sole of the iron. Excess along the edges is removed with a blade and sandpaper.

Naturally, only visible parts need to be processed in this way. What will be attached to the walls does not need to be decorated. Therefore, the procedure took a little time, and I earned myself an extra bottle of beer.

Additional accessories

If you think that this is the end of my and my neighbor’s trips to the store, then you are deeply mistaken. I, as an experienced furniture designer, who furnished almost my entire apartment with cabinets self-made, took care of fasteners and fittings.

Again, I can tell you with confidence that it is best to screw shelves to the wall using aluminum angle. In the store, the blanks are sold in pieces 2 and a penny meters long, so one piece will be enough for the entire cabinet.

To prevent the entire monumental structure from collapsing on the new one (otherwise they would force you to pay instead of beer), I took larger dowels so that they would sit firmly in the wall. It is especially important to take care of attaching the side insert to which the door will be hung.

Let's briefly go through other items on the list of necessary parts (you can print or photograph the screen and walk around the store with it, I'll save you time):

  1. Furniture handle. This purchase was personally attended to by the wife of my neighbor in the garage. Since she could not trust us to purchase the most important part of the cabinet due to our complete lack of artistic taste (in her words).
  2. Standard furniture hinges, the number of which depends on the material used and the size of the door. 3 pieces was enough for us. Pay attention to quality as the door will be opened frequently. Save now - you'll have to redo it over time.
  3. Magnets for fixing the door. Here, too, I advised my friend not to save money, and I also advise you to listen to me, smart person. Any cheap Chinese plastic will not work. It is better to take a high-quality domestic product.
  4. Furniture corners. They are useful for fixing the side inserts and the top part above the door. They are inexpensive, so I advise you to take them with a reserve. They will be useful later on the farm.

If you use for shelves thin plywood, planks or chipboard, I also recommend buying a U-shaped furniture profile, which will strengthen the shelf. Its price is not that high. But this way you can even store bricks or dumbbells on it. This is especially important if in the future you will have to choose holes in the shelves for water and sewer pipes passing through the cabinet.


So that the arrangement of the cabinet does not drag on for years and centuries (after all, these are not Egyptian pyramids), I recommend buying, renting, or asking friends for the following tools:

  • electric jigsaw with saw blades for working on wood ( hand hacksaw Nobody cuts chipboard anymore);
  • a drill with a screwdriver function or vice versa (you are unlikely to want to manually screw in a considerable number of self-tapping screws);
  • hammer drill (drill, which is indicated in the previous paragraph, concrete walls You won’t be able to drill quickly in the toilet, and it will be too sloppy);
  • drawing tools and building level(despite the fact that we brought the parts ready-made, we had to do a lot of adjusting the dimensions according to the location, since the tilers - bad people - laid the tiles poorly).

If you have to drill holes for water pipes, buy immediately special file(skirt) of the required diameter. Naturally, the hole under sewer pipe you will have to cut it out with a jigsaw, but I can tell you for sure there is nothing complicated about it.

Do not drill holes for pipes in all shelves at once. I’m sure that the pipes in your toilet (and I’ve made a lot of cabinets, so I know what I’m talking about) will not run strictly vertically; you’ll have to adjust them to the location, scolding the builders of apartment buildings for being crooked.

Cabinet installation

Finally, we got to the installation itself. Now listen carefully to how to make an awesome cabinet in the toilet with your own hands. The scheme is as follows:

  1. Sawing aluminum corner (the shelves will rest on it) into lengths of 200 mm. There is no need to do it all the way (300 mm), since you will not be able to drill a hole with a hammer drill near the far wall. Although, if anyone can, send me a photo in the comments, it’s interesting to see.
  2. If pipes will pass through the shelves, select recesses for them. It is recommended to strengthen the cut shelves at both ends with a U-shaped profile, otherwise they may break under load. Especially if the cabinet is not too deep.

  1. In my case, all engineering communications were hidden under the tiles in the installation, so there was no need to do any additional manipulations with the shelves.
  2. Then my neighbor and I started working on the side inserts. The secret here is to install them strictly level (even if, as happened with us, the walls are not tiled perfectly).

If you don't listen to my advice, you will later face huge problems when hanging the door. In this case, there is no need to make claims against me, it is your own fault.

  1. It's time to install the false panel. I have already said that my neighbor has an installation in his toilet with a toilet attached to it. Therefore, a false panel is not needed and I will not describe in detail the process of installing it. But there is nothing complicated there. You need to adjust the dimensions of the panel on site and screw it to the pre-assembled corners.
  2. Hanging the door. I advise you to take into account that this element will sag over time. Therefore, first attach it with a gap of 3-5 mm, and after a week or two, adjust the final position using loops.

  1. Fastening the top part. It will also have to be modified with a jigsaw and other tools, since it is unlikely to fit exactly into place (in my practice, for example, this has never happened).
  2. Installing fittings. First you need to secure the handle, and then the magnetic loops. By no means in reverse order. I did this at the beginning of my career as a builder and then spent a long time racking my brain on how to open the door of a finished cabinet that was firmly stuck to the magnets. Believe me, the task is not easy.

At the last stage we move on to decorative finishing designs. Here the neighbor's wife said that she could handle it herself and we went to drink beer. But in principle, laminated chipboard does not require any additional processing. If, of course, you did everything carefully.

Cabinets made of other materials

I understand that not everyone will use laminated chipboard to make a cabinet (as was the case in my case). Therefore, since today I have good mood, I’ll tell you some tips from my own experience on how to make a cabinet from drywall, wood and plywood.

Plasterboard sheets

I warn you right away, you need to take waterproof drywall. It differs from the regular one in green cardboard (the regular one is gray). In this case, I don’t recommend making a door at all. GCRs are perfect if you want to make the shelves completely open or cover them with blinds.

The design process is easier to describe here, but in terms of labor intensity it is much more complicated. Therefore, before you start, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Be that as it may, here is a diagram:

  1. To begin with, a frame is constructed from a galvanized profile or wood. You can choose the dimensions and height of the shelves as you wish. I would suggest making them tall enough to fit household bottles. detergents. Otherwise, your significant other won’t thank you for such a locker.
  2. After this, the frame is covered with plasterboard. First you need to cut the plasterboard into suitable elements (a jigsaw is perfect for this), then secure them to the supporting elements with self-tapping screws (use a screwdriver).

If you don't have a jigsaw, you can cut the sheets of drywall with a knife. To do this, they are cut on the side where the cardboard is glued, after which they simply break off.

  1. To make everything beautiful, the heads of the screws need to be puttied. To make it absolutely beautiful, it is recommended to do this several times, allowing the applied mass to dry completely each time.
  2. The next stage is sanding. It is not sandpaper that is used, but a special mesh, with which you can easily get rid of unevenness. Then I always wipe all the shelves from dust and cover them with primer. It makes subsequent finishing work easier, so don't skip this step.
  3. Then you need to seal the seams. You've probably read that serpyanka is used for this. However, I suggest taking fiberglass (it is sold in special rolls) and gluing it with PVA. This way you can save time on further processing.
  4. As soon as the seams are dry, they only need to be lightly puttied, applying a very thin layer of putty. It dries quickly and requires almost no sanding (like I said, to save time).

Having made the base of the cabinet in this way, you can begin decorative finishing. Unlike a cabinet with laminated chipboard, you will have to work hard here. I personally know several options:

  • Tiles. The difficulty here is that it needs to be very carefully cut into pieces of the required size. After this, glue it with special glue and fill the seams with grout. desired color(the store is full of different options).
  • Water-based paint. Easy and fast option. You just need to check that it has a hydrophobic effect. I advise you to use “rubber” paint. I think you will like the result.

If you do not have enough experience in laying tiles, it is advisable to insert plastic corners. It will turn out aesthetically pleasing and neat.


This material is not much different from laminated chipboard, except in appearance. Therefore, I will only tell you about a few points that are important in my personal opinion:

  1. Use FC plywood. Despite the fact that FSF is more moisture resistant, the glue used to glue the veneer layers together contains a lot of formaldehyde, so it will stink in the toilet and is harmful to health.
  2. If the shelf length is more than 50 cm, I recommend strengthening them. You can also use a U-shaped profile or cut parts 20-30 mm wide from plywood, and then strengthen them along the shelves, placing them vertically. You will get stiffening ribs.
  3. You can cut plywood yourself, but not with a jigsaw, but circular saw. Otherwise, chips will form at the ends, which will spoil the entire appearance of the cabinet. They are very difficult to disguise with decorative trim.
  4. When marking the plywood before cutting, try to keep the grain along the long edge. This will add rigidity to the structures. In addition, cutting pieces of plywood along the grain is easier; chipping can be avoided in most cases.
  5. I always fastened thick plywood sheets together with self-tapping screws, without any corners. And the cabinets are still standing. The only thing is that you need to recess the cap deep into the plywood so that it does not stick out above the surface.
  6. I would not paint plywood, especially high-quality ones. It is better to sand the cabinet with sandpaper and cover it with several layers of alkyd-urethane varnish. Moreover, after applying the first one, it is advisable to sand everything again so that the cabinet is not rough to the touch.


Natural wood, unlike glued materials, is more durable and beautiful material. And after varnishing, you will be sorry that you built such beauty in the toilet, and not in the living room or bedroom. However, the price for the boards will be high. So make your own decision.

The parts need to be fastened not with screws, but with dowels attached to glue. In this case, the result will exceed all your expectations.


As you can see, making a toilet cabinet with your own hands is not that difficult. The main thing is to stock up on everything you need: beer, roach and a few other items. And then you won’t have to blush for the result. If interested, watch the video in this article, which explains a lot useful information concerning apartment renovation and furniture design.

August 1, 2016

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A difficult problem to solve in almost all cramped bathrooms is the question of where to place everything so that it is convenient and does not clutter the space. Of course, if you have a place for a large and roomy one with all kinds of cabinets and shelves, then the problem of storing bathroom accessories disappears. But if there is simply nowhere to put the closet, then you need to look for unused space. This is exactly what the area above the toilet is considered to be, especially if the tank is not hidden behind a partition, but rests against the wall. If you place a cabinet above the toilet or place a compact rack there, or simply hang a few shelves, then they will not interfere at all - after all, they do not hang above your head, but above the cistern.

In this review, “Dream House” suggests looking at ideas for arranging storage space in a bathroom or toilet above the toilet - what cabinets, racks and shelves can be used for this, what can be purchased, and what can be done with your own hands.

What to store on the shelves or in the closet above the toilet

It would seem that you can store it in the bathroom? In fact, for daily hygiene procedures and home cleaning, you may need a lot of things. Towels, shampoo, shower gel, bubble bath, toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, perfume bottles, shaving accessories, washcloths, cotton swabs, napkins, toilet paper, air fresheners, detergents and cleaning products... Tell me, where to put all this in a small bathroom? Multiply almost everything by the number of family members, and you get even more jars, or do you all wash your hair with the same shampoo and use the same washcloth? That's right, and if there are small children in the house, then there are much more hygiene products.

By placing several shelves or a cabinet above the toilet, you can solve not only the issue of storage, but also additional decor for the bathroom. Free space on the shelves above the toilet can be filled with your family photos, framed pictures, decorative or scented candles, vases and figurines.

Cabinet above the toilet: successfully hides all communications

In addition to storage, the cabinet above the toilet can also serve to hide the flush tank, meters and water filters. In this case, in the lower part of such a cabinet, all this will be covered with doors, and on the upper shelves you can already arrange the necessary accessories.

Equipping such a cabinet can be very convenient - in order not to open the cabinet door every time to flush the tank, a small space is left on top. This is possible if you have a tank with an upper flush button, which is used in almost all today. modern models.

Closed or open cabinets?

Shelves or a cabinet installed above the toilet can be either open or closed.

Need for closed shelves above the toilet most often occurs in areas where it is important to hide toothbrushes and other hygiene products from possible bacteria and odors.

Closed cabinets can be equipped with doors, and mirrors can be installed on them for convenience.

Also, the shelving above the toilet can be closed with thick curtains, as in this photo.

If the toilet is separate or the ventilation issue is resolved in the combined bathroom, then the shelves can be open. This solution makes it possible to implement different ideas decor, turn the bathroom into a cozy room.

Shelving above the toilet: convenient, practical and affordable

Today, easy-to-install and very compact racks that are placed above the toilet have become quite popular. Their peculiarity is that they have stable legs, and the shelves start higher, above the toilet cistern. Such racks can also be open or closed, many of them are equipped with doors. In particular, among wooden shelving you can find closed models.

Metal racks look more elegant; openwork ones with all kinds of curls are especially interesting. But there are also very simple folding models with shelves. It's simple budget option, but it is no less effective in solving the storage issue in the bathroom.

Built-in cabinets and shelves above the toilet

In modern bathrooms, where communications are usually hidden in a partition or false wall, it is possible to install built-in cabinets and shelves above the toilet and. This design option is not only convenient, but also looks more aesthetically pleasing. Firstly, the toilet tank is also hidden behind a false wall and does not spoil the appearance, and secondly, in this case there is certainly nothing hanging above you.

Storage space above the toilet: simple DIY solutions

Racks and cabinets for installation above the toilet, which were discussed above, are now available in a huge assortment in furniture stores. You can also buy them in an online store if there is no choice in your city, and you can also order production based on the photos you like. But these are not the only solutions, because simple shelves even inexperienced craftsmen can make them with their own hands and attach them to the wall. Compact wooden shelves Any cabinet or rack above the toilet will replace it, and if you need just a little extra, then one shelf will help out - in this case, there is no need to get a cabinet.

An original idea that you can also implement yourself is wicker baskets mounted on the wall instead of shelves. If the design of the bathroom allows it, then this method of storage above the toilet will be simply ideal.

Quantity household chemicals and hygiene products, present in daily use, or purchased in reserve, are quite numerous in every home. To store it, you need a place inaccessible to children or hidden from prying eyes. In this case, do not use free space in the bathroom, it’s simply irrational. After all, the cabinet behind the toilet will help you conveniently arrange the necessary things, as well as disguise unattractive pipes, counters and other features of these frequently visited square meters.

Types of toilet furniture according to installation method

To determine what type of useful design should have, you should first look on the Internet for a photo of the toilet cabinet. Already having an idea of ​​what the result should be, you can interpret the option you like to suit your room. The closet in the restroom can be placed as separate furniture, built-in or hung on the wall. Learn more about each type.

The first option is separate standing structure, or a cabinet with legs. An interior item made in this way is usually U-shaped. The shelves in it can be completely open, hidden behind the door, or of a mixed type. The opening in the cabinet is designed to be installed above any toilet.

This is the simplest solution in terms of installation, which does not require calculations, effort and a lot of time. When choosing, you should only take into account the dimensions of this cabinet: its width and height should correspond to the room, and its depth should not protrude above the toilet cistern. Alternatively, you can remake old unnecessary shelves - decorate them and attach legs to them.

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to do it yourself, you can always buy a ready-made cabinet or one made to individual parameters. The only downside is that the plumbing fixtures must be hidden in the wall or in some other way, otherwise they will be visible.

Wall cabinet– the most popular type of furniture for toilet rooms, which is presented in a wide range. It can be mounted directly above the toilet or in an already organized niche. Modular system allows you to focus your attention only on design and size when choosing. But, like the first option, it doesn’t reach the plumbing.

The built-in wardrobe remains a universal solution. With its help, three tasks are performed at once: organizing convenient and functional niche, hiding sewer and water systems, and creating unique design this small room.

In terms of organization, this method is the most labor-intensive and requires attention to some details:

  • When choosing materials, you should give preference to moisture-resistant ones. This type of cabinet is located close to the pipes, and condensation or small leaks can have a bad effect on its condition.
  • Before starting work, you should make accurate measurements and markings.

Doors are a separate issue

The shelves are mostly invisible. The main thing is that they are as comfortable as possible, different in height. But the doors for the closet in the toilet should be thought out in advance. After all, they will serve not only as access to things and communications, but also as the main part of the interior.

According to the opening mechanism, the following types are distinguished:

  • Swing doors are familiar single or double doors that are attached to hinges.
  • Sliding, like wardrobes.
  • Sliding or roller blinds.
  • Hinged, when the doors open horizontally down or up.

It is better to choose based on considerations of whether it will be convenient to get something from the shelves, or whether you will have to hold the doors with one hand. The material from which the doors are made plays an important role in the design. For example, mirror surface will visually increase greatly small space. When creating a loft-style interior, metal is often used.

Ceramic door lining will help make the built-in plumbing cabinet almost invisible. To do this, the same tiles are glued onto the frame made of beams and plasterboard as on the walls of the toilet, thus creating the effect of the integrity of the tiled covering. You can also make glass doors. In this case, taking into account the humidity of the room, it is better to take tinted glass with a special matte coating.

They will also be affordable and lightweight plastic blinds. And the simplest and most traditional bases are wood, chipboard and plywood. IN mandatory These materials must be treated with moisture-proofing agents so that the doors do not become unusable. Decorative design created with paint self-adhesive film, false panels, etc.

In the desire to disguise the unpresentable sides of the bathroom, the main thing is not to forget to leave quick access to metering devices and water supply control units.

Sometimes their location is such that you have to make special doors, which are usually called inspection hatches. Finished products for sale different sizes and types: plastic, metal, paintable or tileable. You can make a hatch for the closet yourself.

DIY assembly instructions

Making a closet in the toilet is not difficult. To be confident in your abilities, you can take note of the action plan presented below.

The first point is preparation.

  • We choose the type of furniture and type of decoration.
  • We determine what the shelves and doors will be made of.
  • We take measurements, and, most conveniently, create a drawing, marking all the details and dimensions on it.
  • We carry out preliminary calculations according to the amount of materials required.
  • We purchase the necessary goods.

Stage two - preliminary work

  • To protect against moisture, wooden elements We open it with varnish or other special means.
  • We mark the wall for the future frame.

The third stage is installation of the structure.

  • We make a frame for the cabinet from bars measuring approximately 30x30 mm. You can connect using corners.
  • We attach the manufactured frame to the wall using the marks made earlier. Please note that the frame is the basis of the cabinet, which will have to support the weight of the shelves with all their contents. Therefore, we choose reliable fastenings.
  • We install holders for shelves. These can be various corners, wooden beams, furniture pins.
  • Let's move on to the shelves themselves. Sawing chipboard sheets, plywood or other material on the shelves will not take much time. The main nuance at this stage is the cutout for the sewer pipe, if it will pass through the cabinet.
  • When installing shelves, it is no longer necessary to fasten them. This has its own positive aspects: in case of emergency, disassembling the structure will not be difficult.

Stage four - doors and fittings

  • Although a plumbing cabinet is being made for the toilet, the insides of which are not visible, the fittings must be selected of high quality. This type of furniture will be used no less than any other. If hinges, handles or magnetic fasteners are cheaply made, they can lead to dire consequences at the most inopportune moment.
  • Having screwed the hinges, all that remains is to hang the doors.

Please note that doors should be decorated with film, tiles and other materials before they are installed. This can be done at the preparatory stage.

Other assembly options

When you don’t have time to decorate your bathroom, you can use more easy ways. Buy finished product It won’t take much time: we picked it up, paid for it, installed it. If some nuances or personal wishes cannot be resolved using existing types of toilet furniture, a custom-made cabinet will be an alternative.

A furniture company's measurer, as a rule, takes measurements and discusses all requirements when visiting the home. A specialist will also be able to advise on many issues, give valuable advice on care and proper use.

Before installing any cabinet in the toilet, you must take care of the plumbing itself. After all, having done labor-intensive work or paid money for it, it will be very unpleasant if a damaged water supply valve forces you to redo everything.

Also, instead of a cabinet, you shouldn’t just wall up the entire sewer system ceramic tiles. Leaving a small gap for the meter dials will not help to correct any emergency situation, and you will have to destroy everything. Plumbing cabinet – great solution for a long time!

Photos of toilet cabinets

To connect plumbing fixtures to the water supply network, a flexible water supply is used. It is in demand when connecting faucets, showers, toilets and other water intake points, and significantly simplifies the installation process. Flexible eyeliner also used during installation gas equipment. It differs from similar water devices in its manufacturing technology and special requirements security.

Characteristics and types

Flexible liner for connecting plumbing is a hose different lengths, made of non-toxic synthetic rubber. Thanks to the elasticity and softness of the material, it easily takes the desired position and allows installation in hard-to-reach places. For protection flexible hose The upper reinforcing layer is designed in the form of a braid, which is made from the following materials:

  • Aluminum. Such models can withstand no more than +80 °C and retain functionality for 3 years. At high humidity Aluminum braiding is prone to rust.
  • Stainless steel. Thanks to this reinforcing layer, the service life of the flexible water line is at least 10 years, and the maximum temperature of the transported medium is +95 °C.
  • Nylon. This braid is used for the manufacture of reinforced models that can withstand temperatures up to +110 °C and are designed for intensive use for 15 years.

The fasteners used are nut-nut and nut-fitting pairs, which are made of brass or stainless steel. Devices with different permissible temperatures differ in the color of the braid. Blue ones are used to connect to a pipeline with cold water, and red ones for hot water.

When choosing a water line, you need to pay attention to its elasticity, reliability of fasteners and purpose. It is also mandatory to have a certificate that prevents the rubber from releasing toxic components during operation.

Features of gas connections

When connected gas stoves, speakers and other types of equipment also use flexible hoses. Unlike models for water, they have yellow and are not tested for environmental safety. For fixation, end steel or aluminum reinforcement is used. There are the following types of devices for connecting gas appliances:

  • PVC hoses reinforced with polyester thread;
  • made of synthetic rubber with stainless steel braid;
  • bellows, made in the form of a corrugated stainless steel tube.

Santekhkomplekt holding offers engineering equipment, fittings, plumbing and devices for connecting it to communications. The assortment is represented by products and materials from famous foreign and domestic producers. Discounts apply for bulk purchases, and product quality is confirmed by standard certificates. For information support and assistance, each client is assigned a personal manager. The ability to arrange delivery within Moscow and to other regions of the Russian Federation allows you to quickly receive the purchased goods without unnecessary hassle.

Drainage is a drainage and drainage measure to remove excess groundwater.

If water does not leave the site for a long time, the soil becomes gleyed, if shrubs and trees quickly disappear (get wet), you need to urgently take action and drain the site.

Causes of soil waterlogging

There are several reasons for soil waterlogging:

  • clay heavy soil structure with poor water permeability;
  • aquifer in the form of gray-green and red-brown clays is located close to the surface;
  • high groundwater table;
  • technogenic factors (construction of roads, pipelines, various objects) that interfere with natural drainage;
  • disruption of the water balance by the construction of irrigation systems;
  • The landscape area is located in a lowland, ravine, or hollow. In this case, precipitation and the influx of water from higher places play a big role.

What are the consequences of excess moisture in the soil?

You can see the results of this phenomenon yourself - trees and shrubs die. Why is this happening?

  • the oxygen content in the soil decreases and the content increases carbon dioxide, which leads to disruption of air exchange processes, water regime and nutrition regime in the soil;
  • oxygen starvation of the root-forming layer occurs, which leads to the death of plant roots;
  • the supply of macro and microelements by plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.) is disrupted, because excess water washes out mobile forms of elements from the soil, and they become inaccessible for absorption;
  • intensive breakdown of proteins occurs and, accordingly, decay processes are activated.

Plants can tell you at what level groundwater lies

Take a close look at the flora of your area. The species inhabiting it will tell you at what depth the ground water layers are located:

  • perched water - it is best to dig a reservoir in this place;
  • at a depth of up to 0.5 m - marigold, horsetails, varieties of sedges grow - bladderwrack, holly, foxtail, Langsdorff's reed;
  • at a depth of 0.5 m to 1 m - meadowsweet, canary grass, ;
  • from 1 m to 1.5 m – favorable conditions for meadow fescue, bluegrass, mouse peas, rank;
  • from 1.5 m - wheatgrass, clover, wormwood, plantain.

What is important to know when planning site drainage

Each group of plants has its own moisture needs:

  • at a groundwater depth of 0.5 to 1 m they can grow on raised beds vegetables and annual flowers;
  • depth of water layer up to 1.5 m is well tolerated by vegetables, grains, annuals and perennials (flowers), ornamental and fruit shrubs, trees on a dwarf rootstock;
  • if the groundwater is more than 2 m deep, fruit trees can be grown;
  • optimal depth of groundwater for agriculture– from 3.5 m.

Is site drainage necessary?

Write down your observations for at least some time. You yourself can understand how much drainage is needed.

Maybe it makes sense to simply redirect melt and sediment water along the bypass channel, rather than allowing it to flow through your site?

Perhaps it is necessary to design and equip a storm drain and improve the composition of the soil and this will be enough?

Or is it worth doing drainage system only for fruit and ornamental trees?

A specialist will give you the exact answer, and we strongly recommend calling him. But after reading this article, you will gain some awareness on this issue.

Upon completion of technological and production tasks related to the arrangement sewer system V apartment building, industrial building, as well as in private households, it is required to test the involved system using the forced flow method. This task used to identify possible defects or improper installation of the entire involved sewer part and a system testing report internal sewerage and drains will be material evidence of the work on acceptance of the object.

A visual inspection should be accompanied by inclusion in the test report of internal sewerage and drainage systems according to SNIP, which is currently represented by the current regulations of the “D” series appendix, which corresponds to SP 73.13330.2012 “Internal sanitary systems of a building”, in lately the new updated working edition according to SNiP 3.05.01-85 is applicable.

The issue of comfort and coziness in housing depends directly on the aesthetic component of the interior, on its attractiveness and rational use space. The use of elements such as a plumbing cabinet in the toilet allows you to hide from the eyes of residents and guests of the house details that should not be visible. We suggest you learn how to choose the right ready-made cabinet or make it yourself.

The toilet is a very important part of the home, the further ease of its use depends on its proper arrangement. For better ergonomics, a so-called plumbing cabinet is used here, often acting as a hatch in the wall. Let's consider the main purposes of its use:

  • hiding communications is the main task of this product. Hiding all the pipes by installing them in a specially designated piece of furniture is very convenient and practical. Exposed communications rarely fit into existing designs, so it's easier to hide them. They lead to most apartments in a special niche, which can easily be converted into storage;
  • arrangement extra space for storing household chemicals and other cleaning accessories will not be superfluous. Dividing the space into zones for pipes and shelves will help save a lot of space, which is so necessary in cramped bathrooms or separate toilets;
  • access to meters should always be free, so placing them in an accessible place, hidden by furniture doors, will allow you to easily check water consumption in the house;
  • Pipeline breakdowns that may occur during the life of the house are easier to repair in easily accessible places than in niches walled up with tiles or clapboard. The cabinet simultaneously hides the pipes from the residents of the house and allows the plumber to get to the pipes if a leak occurs.


The variety of sanitary cabinets allows you to apply them to any room, and the range of their facades will help you choose the doors that best suit the design of the room. This piece of furniture is distinguished according to various criteria.

By type of door

Plumbing cabinets can vary in type of door. They may be the following:

  • louvered doors - can be of two types: roller shutters and so-called pseudo blinds. Roller doors are very convenient because they do not take up space when open; they are easier to use in hard-to-reach places where regular doors simply cannot open. Pseudo blinds are an ordinary door made in the form of blinds, but without moving parts, which is very convenient in terms of ventilation of a space with pipes;
  • a plumbing hatch covering a niche can be of absolutely any size thanks to the existing range from many manufacturers. This is an ordinary frame made from a corner, to which it is attached with loops. metal door with a lock. Such a hatch looks simple and uncomplicated, which may not always be combined with the design of the bathroom. A cheap and common product is also not particularly durable;
  • Hinged doors are an individual product, often created to order. When assembling a cabinet with hinged doors, you should take into account the space in front of them to fully open them. Considering the materials used, this can be an expensive proposition.


Inspection hatch

Roller shutters


According to the material of manufacture

Also, designs are divided into a number of types, depending on the materials of manufacture:

  • metal doors are used in the manufacture of hatches when equipping niches. Metal is also used to develop frames and fittings. Do not forget that we are talking about the toilet and bathroom, where condensation can collect on iron pipes, increasing air humidity. Thus, it is better to use parts made of aluminum or other stainless metals;
  • wood is often used to create the facade and base of the cabinet. Swing wooden doors they can close the built-in closet from floor to ceiling, or separate communications with a small, neat door;
  • Parts of roller shutters or small hatches are usually made of plastic. This is a lightweight and inexpensive material;
  • In addition to wood, for swing doors you can use tiles attached to a special frame. This solution is very useful for preserving the design concept of the room when invisible hatches are used;
  • mirror surfaces can visually enlarge the space and will also serve their intended purpose.


The issue of choosing cabinet sizes is very individual, but you should know a few rules that will help you avoid unpleasant consequences improper installation of the structure:

  • a cabinet from ceiling to floor is installed if the communications in the toilet occupy the vertical wall. Such a large cabinet gives access to any part of the pipes at any time, which is very convenient during repair work. It is easy to install shelves inside a large closet and store household items and chemicals. Without using a niche, you should be prepared to form a protrusion measuring approximately 40x70cm;
  • a small hatch is designed to provide access to the meter, but it is extremely difficult to carry out repairs through it, so owners who are unsure of the condition of the pipelines should choose a different cabinet size;
  • an average cabinet size, for example, 50x70cm, will provide access to the counter and allow you to install several shelves inside. Typically cabinets of this size are made of wood or with a tile front.
  • dimensions secret door determined by the size of the tiles or other material with which the room is faced. Usually 2-4 tiles are used, which forms a door measuring approximately 35-35 or 35-70cm;
  • The depth of the cabinet should be such that you can use a key inside or easily reach the desired valve.

It is worth considering that installing a cabinet is an almost inevitable process, so even before replacing the pipelines, you should think about what size the structure will be and how well it will fit into the interior of the bathroom or toilet.

Necessary accessories

For long and high-quality service sanitary cabinet should special attention pay attention to the fittings used in this product. Let's consider what accessories are used for the manufacture and installation of such cabinets, as well as the materials of the parts:

  • loops – important component doors, supporting the entire weight of the product, responsible for the correct closing and the absence of gaps between the door and the frame. The hinges should be made of stainless alloys, so they will last longer;
  • closers, when installing a folding door on a cabinet, play a very important role. This mechanism is responsible for holding the door open and closing it smoothly;
  • When using roller shutters, you should choose ones in which the frame is hidden inside the cabinet. Such a roller shutter will fit better into the interior, maintaining the laconicism of its design;
  • during installation secret hatch lined with tiles or other material similar to the main one in the bathroom, only a mechanism is purchased that ensures the operation of the door system. The buyer himself must choose how to decorate the device. It is worth remembering that the installation of a secret hatch is carried out before finishing the walls;
  • locks and latches must operate smoothly to ensure constant and unhindered access to communications. For a secret door, locks are used that open after the user presses the door itself. This design allows the door to be deprived of any external handles and locks;
  • To ensure a tight fit of the doors to the frame, you can use furniture magnets.

How to make it yourself

Almost any repair cannot be done without the help of specialists or other hired workers, however, there come times when the owner of the house decides to do something with his own hands. It is quite possible for even less experienced repairmen to make a plumbing cabinet with their own hands. Here are some useful tips:

  • Depending on the layout of the room, you will need to install a built-in or wall-mounted plumbing cabinet. In the first case, there will be less consumption of materials and, possibly, less work;
  • Having decided on the choice of design, it is worth building a frame. Metal frame more durable than wood and stronger. When installing a frame behind the toilet tank, it is worth remembering that it will interfere with opening swing doors. The niche frame is a simple rectangle to which the door is attached;
  • If interior space allows you to organize storage in such a cabinet, you need to install shelves on pre-attached horizontal ones metal corners. When installing shelves, it is very important that they do not touch the pipeline;
  • The last stage of assembly is the installation of the selected facade.

It is important to remember to treat all parts with impregnation against moisture, and such a cabinet will last a very long time.

