What are ants afraid of? Use of orange peels in gardening Citrus peels as fertilizer

Orange peels in the garden, in the garden and in household successfully used all over the world. And it's not just oranges—the peels of all citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, or limes) can act as a natural fertilizer, repel unwanted insects, or turn into a glass and grill cleaner.

Any organic waste (including orange peels) can and should be used for the benefit of our garden. Dumpsters are overflowing and landfills are failing. So why throw away something that can still benefit the cause? “No to landfill - yes to ingenuity”!

Have no idea how to use orange peels in your garden? Ten folk recipes help us all!

Citrus peels contain potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. Like any organic matter, it is a nutrient medium for soil inhabitants, and the more nutritious the “population” of the soil lives, the more fertile it is.

It is recommended to simply cut orange peels and bury them in the ground to a depth of 5 centimeters. When you have time and desire, the peel with a small amount of water can be ground in a blender to a paste. And add drops in this form, because crushed organic matter is absorbed faster.

There is an opinion that fertilizing with citrus peel acidifies the soil. In fact, to even slightly change the pH, it will take more than one ton of skins and more than one year of fertilizing. And yet, to be on the safe side, we recommend burying “orange fertilizer” only under crops that grow well in acidic soils. For example, under spinach, radish, turnips, blueberries or honeysuckle.

Another use case orange peels for fertilizer - place them in a trench when installing.

Orange peels in compost

The fastest and convenient way using orange peel for the benefit of the garden - composting it. Before throwing the skin into compost heap, it is advisable to cut it smaller. But even this is not necessary!

But for those who have worms working to create compost, creating vermicompost, you should not add orange peels. Worms don't like them.

Orange peels to repel cats and ants

Our purring pets simply love to rummage in the beds in their spare time. And, as luck would have it, precisely in those places where the seeds had just been sown. But as soon as you place fresh citrus peels nearby, all the troubles will go away. Cats don't like strong smells! Some summer residents brew orange peels with boiling water and pour the cooled broth over the beds from which cats need to be warded off.

Ants don't like oranges either. This is used by gardeners who want to get rid of ants. safe methods. The first step is to prepare a liquid paste from the zest. To do this, grind the peels of 2-3 oranges in a blender along with a glass of warm water. Then pour the resulting substance onto the anthill. You may have to repeat this procedure before the insects leave their home.

Even more folk recipes for repelling ants are here.

Infusions of orange peels against pests

Tangerine, lemon and orange peel contains lemonene, a hydrocarbon that destroys the protective coverings of some insects. This property is especially valued by farmers who do not use chemical pesticides. Against thrips spider mite and aphids use infusions of citrus peels. Here are a few variations of their preparation:

  • 100 grams of dry lemon peels are infused in a liter of water for 3-4 days (in the dark);
  • 350 grams of dried citrus peelings are soaked in warm water until they swell. Together with the liquid, the blender turns it into a slurry, which is transferred to liter jar. Add water and leave for 5-7 days. After which the infusion is filtered, a tablespoon is added laundry soap. Before spraying, half a glass of infusion is diluted in a bucket of water.
  • The peel of 2-3 oranges is crushed, poured with a liter of warm water, and then left for a week in the dark. After filtering, dilute with two liters of water and add a tablespoon of liquid soap for adhesion.

Infected plants are treated with infusion of orange peels (sprayed or wiped with leaves) against aphids 2-3 times, against mites and thrips - 5-6 times.

Containers for seedlings made of orange peel

Our inventive gardeners grow seedlings in everything they can! And in orange peels they came up with the idea. Orange halves (without contents), soil and seeds are all you need. And it’s convenient to plant in the garden: I buried the seedling right along with the crust and everything was in order. Such natural “cups” are suitable for seedlings that:

  • subject to picking, that is, with the appearance of the second or third leaf it will be transplanted into a larger container;
  • grows quickly and is planted in the ground a few days after germination (for example, cucumbers, zucchini or pumpkins).

Citrus peel for lighting

Dry orange peels can be used to light a barbecue, fireplace or stove. They burn beautifully and exude a pleasant citrus aroma. Sitting by such a fire is much more pleasant!

Orange anti-tick and flea spray for dogs

For this you will need:

  • peel of one orange;
  • half a liter of water;
  • a tablespoon of rosemary;
  • 1-3 cloves of garlic.

Place all ingredients in a blender and grind as finely as possible. Then bring the entire resulting mass to a boil and keep it on low heat for about 15 minutes. Cool and strain. All that remains is to pour the product into a spray bottle and you can carefully (so as not to get it in the eyes) spray your pet.

Contained in the peel of citrus fruits, lemonene not only repels pests, but also has cleaning properties. Therefore, quite often this substance is found in natural environmentally friendly cleaning products. We can prepare such a remedy ourselves. It's called orange vinegar.
We will need:

  • half-liter glass jar;
  • peel of 2-3 large oranges;
  • a bottle of white vinegar.

Line the inside of the jar with orange peels so that as much as possible can fit in. Then fill the jar with vinegar, covering the crusts completely. We seal it tightly and send the jar to a cool, dark place for two weeks. Then we filter. The universal cleaner is ready! Before use, it is diluted with water 50:50.

You can wash everything with orange vinegar. Combined with regular baking soda, it even cleans grills and ovens well.

Orange peel - a natural mosquito repellent

For evening tea on country veranda grab a couple of oranges or lemons. And the tea is more aromatic, and there is good protection from annoying itchy mosquitoes. Many natural repellents contain citrus oils as a base.

It is enough to rub your skin with orange peel (unless you are allergic to citrus fruits), and for a while you can forget about mosquitoes. It’s also a good idea to spread fresh peels on the windowsills. Lemon halves with cloves (spices) stuck into them are excellent at driving away bloodsuckers.

Orange Peel Bird Feeder

The most creative summer residents use citrus peels as material for all kinds of crafts. For example, it’s easy to make small bird feeders from empty orange halves. By hanging such fragrant cups with seeds on fruit trees, we both repel aphids and attract birds.

Natural air freshener with orange peel

Freshen the air in country toilet It is possible without the use of chemicals. Again, fragrant citrus fruits will help us. The simplest air freshener is made by boiling citrus peels in water for a couple of minutes and then straining.

For a more sophisticated version, additional ingredients will be required:

  • peel of two oranges;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon ground cloves;
  • a packet of vanillin and cinnamon.

All of the above is poured into one and a half liters of water and brought to a boil. When the aroma comes out, remove from heat. The mixture is cooled, poured into small containers and placed where required.

How to dry orange peels?

Orange season and summer season They don't match at all. We eat most of our citrus fruits in winter, so we will have to harvest the peels. It's not difficult. Most easy way- freezing. However, it is suitable only for those who regularly visit the site in winter. I froze the bag and took it to the place. And the freezer doesn't overflow.

The second method is also not difficult - drying. Just lay the orange peels on paper next to the battery and wait a little. The dried peel is stored in paper boxes or glass jars. And in the spring they transport them to the dacha.

A citrus fruit like tangerine has a lot of fans. After eating the fruit, a lot of fragrant peel remains, which is a pity to throw away. I wonder what use it can be found at home or in the garden?

The benefits and harms of the peel

Citrus fruits are famous for their benefits, helping to strengthen the immune system and improve mood. Very often, lovers of tangerines dry the peels, but then do not use them. But in vain. After all, the benefits are not only in the pulp of the fruit, but also in its peel.

The peel contains a huge amount of different essential oils, all kinds of acids, antioxidants and other useful substances. Tangerine peel contains substances that have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. Useful properties peels help normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune system, help fight viral diseases, help fight obesity and reduce bad cholesterol levels. The zest can help during flu or cold, can be an excellent cough remedy and more.

Essential oils and vitamins contained in the peel help fight depression, depressed mood and chronic fatigue. The aroma of tangerine is often used during aromatherapy, as it has only a beneficial effect on the human body. In addition, this aromatherapy helps fight the flu and strengthens the immune system.

Also, the peel of the citrus fruit helps fight nail fungus, strengthens the nails and returns them to a healthy appearance. To do this, you just need to rub your nail plates with fresh peel for several days in a row and the nail fungus will disappear. In addition, a decoction of citrus peels helps restore shine and beauty to hair.

Due to its enormous benefits, this peel is used for making sachets, for preparing decoctions and drinks, for inhalation, or simply as a dietary supplement.

Of course, this product also has some contraindications. For example, excessive consumption of such peels can lead to such serious illnesses like an ulcer or gastritis. You should not eat tangerine peel when increased acidity, for ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes and allergies to citrus fruits.

Women should not use this product during pregnancy and lactation. Also, you should not give infusions or decoctions with crusts to children under five years of age.

How to use peels in the garden?

Tangerine peels can also be used in the garden summer cottage. Using such peels in the garden will help control some pests. You can use both fresh and dried crusts. Just be sure to wash them with soapy water before using and drying them to remove harmful deposits. You can simply dry the peels in the sun by placing them on a board or paper. You can also use a special apparatus for drying vegetables, berries and fruits.

From aphids and ants

Every gardener or gardener is well acquainted with such a pest as aphids. Tangerine peel perfectly repels pests, preventing them from spoiling the harvest. To do this, it will be enough if you simply lay out the peels next to those plants on which aphids usually appear. You can also make a special citrus solution that will be convenient for spraying plants.

For one liter of boiling water you will need two hundred grams of dry or fresh tangerine peels. Leave the mixture to steep for three days. After this, the infusion should be carefully filtered and diluted with water. One liter of infusion is enough for five liters clean water. You can also add soap shavings there and start spraying the plants. After this procedure, no pests will remain on the plants. This product is completely safe and environmentally friendly, so don’t be afraid to spray fruit trees with it.

In addition to aphids and other pests, trees are often attacked by crowds of ants. These small insects make paths and spoil crops. To prevent ant infestation, you can use tangerine peel. Make a thick paste from the fresh peel and coat the tree trunk with it.

If the peels are dry, you can pre-soak them and grind them in a blender with a small amount of water.

As a fertilizer

If we talk about tangerine peels as a fertilizer, then it is worth mentioning that they are capable of releasing large amounts of nitrogen. Gardeners are well aware that compost contains some amount of nitrogen. And to saturate the compost with this component even more, just add tangerine peels to it.

It's no secret that citrus peel contains a certain amount of sulfur, calcium and many other useful substances. All of them can benefit the soil. Tangerine peels will help nourish the earth useful substances which will contribute good harvest. Dried peels are also suitable for this fertilizer.

Methods of use at home

Our grandmothers used dried citrus peels as the most effective remedy from moths. To do this, you just need to lay out the crusts on the shelves in the closet and your winter clothes will be safely stored.

If you put a small candle in half of the peel and light it, it will replace the aroma lamp during a romantic dinner. You can also make a spray or air freshener that will not only help fill your home with a pleasant aroma, but also get rid of mosquitoes. To do this, steep the crusts with plain water for 24 hours.

You can also use the peel as a cosmetic product to cleanse pores. To do this, you need to thoroughly rinse the peel, chop it and fill it with cold, purified water. In a day, the tangerine tonic will be ready. If you have dried peels in the house, you can grind them, add them to shower gel and you will get an excellent body scrub.

Use in cooking

The peel of tangerines is so aromatic that it is often used for various drinks or baked goods. For example, if there are dried citrus fruit peels in the house, then they can be used when brewing tea in cold period. As a result, the drink will be aromatic and healthy. You can brew black tea using not only the peel, but also spices such as cloves, cinnamon or ginger. They go well with citrus fruits and will give the drink additional benefits.

If you grind the dried crusts in a coffee grinder, this powder can be used when baking buns, cupcakes or muffins. It will be natural flavor, thanks to which baked goods will acquire a unique aroma and taste.

Ground zest can also be used as an ingredient for preparing various sauces, salads or any other dishes. The peel of the citrus fruit will add a unique aroma and piquant taste to the dish, and it also helps improve digestion.

It is quite possible to prepare candied fruits. To make them, you can use quick recipe. For two hundred grams of peel you will need the same amount of sugar and two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. The peel should be washed thoroughly, then soaked in clean cold water. You need to soak it for two days, periodically changing the water. This will rid the product of bitterness and harmful substances.

Then cut the peel into cubes or strips and cook over low heat for fifteen minutes. Mix sugar with water and cook syrup. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add our peels and cook over low heat until all the liquid has disappeared. Place the candied fruits on a baking sheet lined with paper and dry. If you plan to store such candied fruits for a long time, then add a pinch of citric acid to the syrup.

To learn how to make aromatic jam from tangerine peels, see the following video.

Olga Lenko

In one of the previous articles we gave general tips regarding how tangerine peels can be usefully used. This publication will talk about the benefits this New Year's by-product can bring in the upcoming or already current summer season.

Protecting the garden from codling moths

In gardening, a problem arises quite often, the name of which is codling moth. It is this little pest that can deprive a person of a good part of a high-quality harvest if its quantity exceeds the permissible norm.

Citrus fruits will help correct the situation and preserve the fruits of hard physical labor. For this purpose, it is recommended to collect 0.5 liters of tangerine skins, pour them into a 10-liter bucket and fill with water. Then all this is infused throughout the day, and boiled for another 15 minutes.

As soon as the product has cooled, it should be mixed thoroughly, strained and flavored with 30 grams of urea. It is recommended to spray the resulting solution fruit trees, beginning to form buds early spring, and then the codling moth butterfly will not dare to settle on them and leave its offspring. In the event of a rainy spring, such a tangerine decoction will need to be sprayed before the flowers bloom on the trees.

Fighting ants

Ant colonies are a source of numerous troubles in suburban area. These small creatures are able to sneak into the house in search of tasty food and spoil young plantings.
vegetable crops, breeding aphids, the harm from which is truly enormous. Moreover, despite its minimal size, it is very difficult, but possible, to remove ants from your territory. One of the eviction options involves using a paste of fresh tangerine peel. You need to remove the skin from a couple of fruits and grind it in a blender (grate it).

The porridge is then mixed with a small amount of water until pureed. The latter needs to be laid out along the paths that the pest has laid through the beds and garden area as a whole. If there is a full-fledged anthill on the site, you can water it with dry citrus powder diluted in large quantities liquids. The disadvantage of this method is that the ants most likely will not leave the garden, but will radically change their habitat, choosing, for example, an unnecessary piece of land behind a farm building or under a fence.

Braving cats

For reasons known only to them, representatives of the cat family love to lie around in a flower garden or newly sprouted crops, completely killing hopes for a good harvest.

To prevent this from happening to your plantings, you can do the following: in problem areas, spread dried coffee brew mixed with freshly grated citrus peels.

Or you can simply scatter the skins over the flowerbeds and beds, but you will have to change them after each watering or rain.

Eliminate aphids and small caterpillars

Tangerine, orange and lemon peels twisted in a meat grinder help get rid of aphids, scale insects and small caterpillars.

For this purpose, the following spray mixture is prepared:

  • Three kilograms of fresh skins, crushed using a meat grinder, need to be filled with 10 liters
    heated water;
  • The composition, located in a glass container, is tightly sealed and sent to a warm and dark place for 5 days;
  • Then the mixture is well filtered through cheesecloth and quickly poured into small bottles of lemonade or beer;
  • The latter are tightly closed and filled with sealing wax/garden varnish, and placed in a cool place. There they can be stored until the moment of use.

Application of this homemade remedy from aphids and other pests mentioned above, it happens like this: take 100 g of the finished tincture, mix it with 10 liters of water, and the resulting solution is sprayed on the plants in need of treatment.
Another option for using tangerine peels in gardening is to prepare a composition that helps get rid of pests such as thrips and spider mites. The skin of a couple of citrus fruits is taken, crushed, and filled with a liter of heated water. The container with the preparation is placed in a dark room for a week, then a little liquid toilet soap is added to it, and everything is filtered through several layers of gauze.

This product can be used to spray plantings containing colonies of aphids, spider mites or thrips. This is done once a week, and the number of treatments depends on the number of pests and the scale of the damage they cause. In addition to everything said above, it is worth adding the following: citrus peels can be dried and placed directly into holes or grooves intended for planting potatoes, seedlings or sowing carrots. If you believe for experienced summer residents, this technique allows you to protect the future harvest from invasion Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

You can always fertilize the soil for indoor plants using the most common natural fertilizers, which can be found in almost every house or apartment. Natural fertilizers for home flowers may become good analogues various purchased fertilizers, especially when the family budget is limited. However, such fertilizing should be applied to the ground rarely, so as not to worsen the condition of the indoor plant. Simple organic fertilizers for house plants without chemicals.

It should be remembered that there is no need to overuse such fertilizing and fertilizers; it is better to do them once a year: in the spring, if the plants grow normally, they look normal and nothing bothers them. If the plant is sick, then fertilize the soil as carefully as possible.

Homemade fertilizers for indoor flowers

Citrus peels(lemons, oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, pomegranates) can be used as organic feeding for indoor plants. You will have to make a special solution at home from the peels of citrus fruits: the peels (zest) must be thoroughly chopped. Some of the crusts should be poured with two parts of boiling water. For example: fill a third of a half-liter jar of crusts to the top with boiling water. Let it sit for a day, then remove the crusts from the infusion, add clean water to the original volume and water your indoor flowers with this infusion. Used crusts should be thrown away.

Banana skins They should also be well dried and crushed, and then you can add them directly to the soil. It is convenient to do this during a transplant. You can also prepare an infusion of banana skins in exactly the same way as the infusion of citrus peels described above. You can grind the dried skins into coffee grinders and apply the powder to the soil flowering plants before watering itself, the flowers will bloom even better.

Tea brewing And coffee grounds have been used since ancient times as fertilizer for indoor flowers. It is enough to simply pour cooled tea or tea leaves directly from the teapot into the soil. True, sometimes after such fertilization midges may appear in the soil. To prevent midges from appearing in flowers, only pour out the tea infusion, do not add the tea leaves to the soil. You can dry the tea and coffee grounds thoroughly and then add them to the soil. The seedlings are fed with tea leaves steeped for 5 days after straining.

Garlic protects against pests and fungi. Simply stick garlic cloves into a pot with a plant; they will protect it from fungal diseases and strengthen its immunity. The cloves will not sprout if you cut them in half.

Sugar most possible in a simple way dilute in water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass of water and pour this sweet solution over the soil. This should be done once a week 2-3 times a year. Only weak and sick flowers need such feeding. By the way, cacti really love sugar. Ficus plants can be watered with sweetened water once a month at the rate of 1 teaspoon of sugar per 1 liter of water. You can just sprinkle a little sugar on the ground before watering.

Wood ash is an excellent fertilizer that has a nutritional and disinfecting effect. It is also used to prevent various diseases. It’s easy to use: you can simply mix it with soil (it’s convenient to do this when replanting plants), or you can dilute 1 tablespoon wood ash in a liter of water and pour the ash diluted in water over the soil in the flowerpots. For such purposes, only natural wood ash is suitable; ash from burnt notebooks, magazines and newspapers is not suitable, as it may contain harmful residues of printing ink. There is also a slightly different way of diluting the ash solution: 1 tablespoon of wood ash should be poured into 1 liter hot water and leave it for 1 week, stirring from time to time. Watering with this solution should be done once every 10 days.

Yeast are an excellent growth stimulator for a wide variety of house flowers. But you should not just add them to the ground, but prepare them in advance yeast feeding: you need to take 10 grams of ready-made yeast, 1 tablespoon of sugar needs to be mixed thoroughly in one liter a little warm water. You can also use dry yeast (you can buy it in the same place as ready-made yeast, in almost any store), but dilute it in water in slightly different proportions: for 5 grams of dry yeast you should take only 1.5 tablespoons of sugar and dilute the data ingredients in 5 liters of water. The yeast infusion should sit for 2 hours, after which the yeast fertilizer should be diluted with water at a rate of 1:5 and watered in the most usual way on the soil in the pots.

Aquarium water very convenient for feeding home flowers, especially if you have an aquarium with fish living in it. It is recommended to water house plants with it in spring and early summer, no more than once a month.

Onion peel is also excellent organic fertilizer for a wide variety of indoor plants (both flowering and other). To create such a decoction filled with useful substances, you need to add just a little, literally 50 grams of onion peels, pour 2 liters of hot water, put on fire and boil the peels for 10 minutes. After the infusion has been infused for 3-4 hours, the cooled, strained decoction can be watered on the ground or even sprayed from a spray bottle onto the leaves of flowers to disinfect them.

Coffee grounds After drinking coffee, it is also suitable as a natural home fertilizer. Just need to mix up the leftovers coffee grounds with the soil after drinking a cup of coffee, thanks to this the soil will become light and loose.

Mineral water also considered good fertilizer for indoor plants, so the leftovers can be safely poured into a pot with your favorite flower.

Leaf humus successfully used by adding to the soil when transplanting flowers. You can simply place fallen leaves and flowers from other plants, torn into small pieces, in the middle of the ground.

Water from washing cereals also quite effectively used as natural fertilizer for indoor flowers.

Ground eggshells simply applied to the soil. By the way, it is rich in calcium and perfectly neutralizes acidity. You can also use the water left after boiling the eggs. This type of fertilization should not be done frequently. You need to grind the egg shells as finely as possible. To fertilize seedlings, you need to fill a clean and dry shell with three liters of hot water and let it sit for 5 days, after which this fertilizer is applied to the soil by regular watering.

Castor oil will give a wonderful effect for flowering indoor plants at the moment when the buds are set before flowering. It is enough to water them with this fertilizer at the rate of 1 teaspoon of castor oil per 1 liter of water.

Aspirin significantly increases the immunity of indoor plants. To do this, dissolve 1 aspirin tablet in 1 liter of water and spray indoor flowers with this solution from a spray bottle.

Aloe juice is a biostimulator of plant growth, it perfectly helps newly planted plants take root, and it will also help other plants and will have only a beneficial effect. You just need to dilute 1 teaspoon of aloe juice in 1.5 liters of water and pour it over the flowers. Some people recommend pre-soaking the aloe leaf for several days in the refrigerator.

Rules for fertilizing the soil of indoor plants

  • Fertilizers can be applied to new soil only after 3-4 months,
  • Before applying fertilizer, it is better to water the flower with regular water. clean water so that there is no fertilizer shock for the root system..
  • Weakened or diseased plants should be fed very carefully and carefully with a much less concentrated solution, so as not to worsen the condition of the plant.
  • Fertilizers for plants in the garden and vegetable garden, as well as for house plants, are usually applied at the most beneficial time for them: in spring or summer.

In one of the previous articles, we gave general advice on how to profitably use tangerine peels. This publication will talk about what benefits this minor New Year's product can bring in the upcoming or current summer season.

Protecting the garden from codling moths

In gardening, quite often a task appears whose name is the codling moth. It is this small pest that can deprive a person of a good-hearted part of a good harvest if its number exceeds the possible norm.

Citrus fruits will help correct the location of the prophetic, and preserve the fruits of hard physical labor. For this purpose, it is recommended to collect 0.5 liters of tangerine skins, pour them into a 10-liter bucket and fill with water. Then all this is infused throughout the day, and boiled for another 15 minutes.

As soon as the product has cooled, it should be mixed thoroughly, strained and flavored with 30 grams of urea. It is recommended to spray the resulting solution on fruit trees that begin to form buds in early spring, and then the codling moth butterfly will not decide to settle on them and leave its offspring. In the event of a rainy spring, such a tangerine decoction will need to be sprayed before the flowers bloom on the trees.

Fighting ants

Ant colonies are a source of countless troubles in a suburban area. These small creatures are able to sneak into the house in search of appetizing food and spoil young plantings.
vegetable crops, breed aphids, the damage from which is truly great. Moreover, despite the minimum size, it is very difficult to remove ants from your territory, but it is possible. One of the eviction options involves using a paste of fresh tangerine peel. You need to remove the skin from a couple of fruits and grind it in a blender (grate it).

The porridge is then mixed with a small amount of water until pureed. The latter must be laid out along the paths that the pest has laid throughout the beds and garden area in total. If there is a full-fledged anthill on the site, you can water it with dry citrus powder diluted in large number liquids. The disadvantage of this method is that the ants, most likely, will not abandon the garden, but will radically change their habitat, choosing, for example, an obscene piece of land behind a farm building or under a fence.

Braving cats

For reasons known only to them, representatives of the cat family really like to lie around in a flower garden or newly sprouted crops, completely killing their faith in an excellent harvest.

To prevent this from happening to your plantings, you can do the following: in problem areas, spread the spent coffee brew mixed with freshly grated citrus peels.

You can simply scatter the skins over flower beds and beds, but you will have to change them after watering or rainfall.

Eliminate aphids and small caterpillars

Tangerine, orange and lemon peels twisted in a meat grinder help get rid of aphids, scale insects and small caterpillars.

For this purpose, the following mixture is prepared for spraying:

  • Three kilograms of fresh skins, crushed using a meat grinder, must be filled with 10 liters
    heated water;
  • The composition, located in a glass container, is tightly sealed and sent to a warm and dark place for 5 days;
  • Then the mixture is carefully filtered through cheesecloth and quickly poured into small bottles of lemonade or beer;
  • The latter are tightly closed and filled with sealing wax/garden varnish, and placed in a cool place. There they can be preserved until the moment of use.

The use of this homemade remedy for aphids and other pests mentioned above proceeds as follows: take 100 g of the finished tincture, mix it with 10 liters of water, and spray the plants in need of treatment with the resulting solution.
Another option for using tangerine peels in gardening is to prepare a composition that helps get rid of pests such as thrips and spider mites. The skin of a couple of citrus fruits is taken, crushed, and filled with a liter of heated water. The container with the preparation is placed in a dark room for a week, then a little liquid toilet soap is added to it, and everything is filtered through several layers of gauze.

This product can be used to spray plantings containing colonies of aphids, spider mites or thrips. This is done once a week, and the number of treatments depends on the number of pests and the extent of the damage they cause. In addition to everything that is said above, it is worth adding the following: citrus peels can be dried and placed directly into holes or grooves prepared for planting potatoes, seedlings or sowing carrots. According to experienced summer residents, this technique allows you to protect the upcoming harvest from the intervention of the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

As you can see, get eco-products from your personal plot not as difficult as it might seem.

The folk piggy bank is rich in recipes for potions that can get rid of almost all pests; you just need to experiment and don’t give up. Wishing you generous harvests!