Design of a house made of logs inside - how to decorate the interior of a log house. Interior in a log house: photo

Interior of a wooden house

the interior can fully retain the natural charm of wood. Moreover, even without additional cladding, there is a wide variety of decorative techniques and technologies. Interior of a wooden house inside, exploring ideas and decor.

The most technologically advanced material for wooden houses considered laminated timber. Gain: minimal shrinkage and high decorative possibilities the material itself. These factors are important for finishing works- enough to do final grinding and varnish.

The design of a wooden house made of timber in this photo is based on the harmony of two materials - wood and stone. Small hallway opens into the central hall-living room. Despite the scale, the entire interior is simple and attractive - typical modern minimalism.

This is the same house, only the view is from the hallway to the living room.

The style of the traditional village house. You could say it's a classic. The beauty of the wooden floor is preserved and even emphasized with varnish. The walls, on the contrary, have a light, almost white tone, which adds “volume” to a small room.

Wooden chest of drawers, classic sofa, small simple mirror, decorative plates and a lamp in the form of a kerosene lamp - create an atmosphere late XIX century. And even modern photographs, due to the fact that they are black and white, fit into the overall picture.

Rustic style is highlighted by a deliberately rough, aged surface wooden supports, beams and boards in wall cladding. This technique is especially effective in contrast with the smooth surface of the ceiling and openings (doors, arches and windows).

The “red” carpet at the entrance and the bench the color of a fire engine enliven the brutality of the style, and the unusual “color” of the deer’s head makes one know about the sense of humor of the inhabitants of this house.

In general, the hunting theme is especially close to the interior of a wooden house. In addition to the deer's head, these could be its antlers hanging on the wall. Like in this hallway of a small “beach” house on the lake.

In the hall of this big house shabby chic style content volumetric panel on the wall, and a small extension of the horn serves as a decorative accessory.

Modernism is not alien to a wooden house. Black doors stand out effectively against the background of wooden walls with a “living” texture. The pattern in the lower part of the panel repeats the geometry of the walls, and large glasses open up an overview of the painting. The contrast of the white wall on which it hangs and the black floor only enhances the overall effect.

Interior of a wooden house inside: living room

This living room was in the first photos of the hallway - a modern house made of timber on two levels. Already in the hallway and corridor, the widespread use of glass was noticeable (partition, interior doors, staircase railing). From this position you can see that it also plays an important role in the living room: large skylights, fencing of the second floor landing and a door to the patio. All this makes the room very bright.

In a classic log cabin, everything is traditional. Massive walls made of large logs without decorative cladding (which they don’t need) and just as powerful rafter system create the feeling that the house will last for centuries. Fireplace from wild stone this feeling only enhances, and the leather armchairs and sofa make the rather large room cozy.

And this is a classic style in which the aesthetics of a wooden house are completely preserved. Floors, ceiling beams and wall coverings completely match both in color and geometry with wooden furniture.

They are echoed by velor and leather upholstery of upholstered furniture. If it were not for the electric lamps of the forged chandelier and not the modern TV, the illusion of a house straight out of an ancient painting would be complete.

This living room interior can be found in any modern house. Here the emphasis is also placed on traditional solutions, but in the current sound. Smooth painted walls, suspended ceiling with light panels, a chandelier-fan, double-glazed windows - all this indicates the use of new technologies and materials.

The next photo shows a living room with a distinct modern style, where simple shapes and laconic color solutions. Minimum furniture, complete lack of decor, limited number of accessories, panoramic windows without curtains and drapes (roller blinds) plus indoor plants- typical minimalism of eco-style.

The owner of this house also prefers modern technologies and materials, but he takes full advantage of them. For example, a gas boiler with air heating is more efficient, although a fireplace as the center of the living room would be more effective.

To ensure that the interior does not lose its attractiveness, the chimney is made of polished stainless steel, and the boiler stands on a platform made of heat-resistant glass.

Interior of a wooden house inside: bedroom

And again the chapter opens with a photo of a bedroom in the attic of the same house, which was number one in the hallway and living room.

In this case, the main material of the walls is rounded logs, and the partitions are made of timber. The natural texture of wood makes the room warmer and brighter.

Another example of the use of new wood processing technologies. The amazing dimensional accuracy of each element allows us to limit ourselves only to tinting and varnishing the walls without additional cladding.

“Rough” rustic bedroom interior made of aged timber. And only a light niche with a collection of bird cages visually “lightens” the slightly gloomy design of the room made of dark wood.

Men's bedroom-office in a small village house, which probably passes from generation to generation. A measured life in nature in a leisurely rhythm and patriarchal atmosphere. Interior of a wooden house inside

Simple and at the same time luxurious bedroom in classic style. Exit to the balcony and large windows offer a view of the forest. The two columns supporting the ceiling beam are made of unsanded logs, which only “enhances” the overall mood.

The same idea, but with access to the terrace and modern style. It's like you fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the forest.

This is already a beach style. Dark ceiling beams only emphasize the white surface of the walls and ceiling, and the door probably leads to the sea or lake shore.

And every woman can dream of such a cozy and gentle bedroom.


The material does not impose any restrictions on the designer’s imagination. You can hang vines and a rope ladder leading to the platform under the ceiling.

Give the ceiling the blue of a clear sky.

Make it simple and functional for a teenager.

Or gentle and a little flirty for a young lady. Ideas


Wooden facades to match the walls visually make the kitchen a single whole. It seems that the furniture is built into the walls of the house. And only the difference in the direction of the textured pattern indicates that this is not so.

This kitchen interior is devoid of even such a difference - the painted walls perfectly match the facades in color and location. Even the width is the same.

An industrial loft in a wooden house, rather than a converted industrial space, seems unfeasible. But not the designer of this kitchen. Roughly processed ceiling beams and a massive wooden platform attached to them with an antique mechanism make it possible to solve this problem.

Everything looks especially original against the background of a modern kitchen with an island bar counter and a work table. The diagonal laying method is very interesting flooring. Its location is at an acute angle to furniture facades and finishing the walls in the kitchen area, due to the perspective effect, they make a rather large room even larger.

So big but compact corner kitchen The owner of a modern city apartment with an open layout may be envious. Especially if it is located on two levels - even the space under the landing is used as a closet.

Another kitchen in wooden house with a bar counter. Where not only the “island” stands alone, but also work area located in a short pier of the internal partition.

The interior of a small wooden house is on a completely different scale. Garden or country house with its own small but fully equipped kitchen. And on a limited budget, you can create a normal level of comfort (you even have your own small wood-burning stove with a work surface). And don't forget about that will provide functionality while saving useful space.


Almost any direction of the interior can be implemented in the bathroom of a wooden house:



eco style;

For reference.

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- this is natural tranquility and comfort, and an entirely wooden house, the interior of which is also decorated with wood, is almost the quintessence of these characteristics. Touching wood, no matter in what form or what kind of processing this material has gone through, you feel a hidden nobility, warmth and environmental friendliness even on emotional level. It's nature's generous touch. Wood is widely used as a facade material from the Urals to the suburbs of New York. From tiny village huts from pine log houses, up to frame Finnish cottages with an area of ​​hundreds square meters. Manual carpentry during the construction of such houses worth its weight in gold, literally and figuratively.

Wood trend

Even if you have not yet been lucky enough to become the owner of a house entirely made of wood or your habitat is two-room apartment V panel high-rise building, don't be upset. Design solutions using natural wood in residential premises no one has yet canceled. Vice versa. The wooden trend is spreading everywhere. The material is so versatile that it fits seamlessly into various interior designs. styles. The market for wooden surfaces is presented in great abundance: cut, smooth, bent, carved, straight, smooth, antique, embossed, varnished or simply treated with antiseptics, etc.

In addition to the main wood, the interior also uses bark, stumps ( original version stools), birch bark, branches. The designer’s fantasy plan is ready to transform these ordinary wood elements into a unique highlight that complements the entire stylistic ensemble. Particularly popular among decor from wood they use plywood and veneer. Previously, plywood surfaces were undeservedly considered auxiliary materials, a substrate or a base, but thanks to new technologies for processing with oils, varnishes and waxes, they have found wide application in everyday design from making waterproof shelving And shelves to full-fledged cabinets And chests of drawers.

Wooden house: interior interior and which wood to choose?

Depending on the purpose of the room, its dimensions and the chosen style, an individual selection of wood raw materials is carried out. For example, strong and durable parquet board made from oak. Oak- extremely hardwood. Chocolate-dark is popular in interior decoration, almost black bog oak. Furniture from bog oak with brown, sometimes greenish tints it looks very expensive and exclusive.

Pine - flexible tree and at the same time quite durable. It is no coincidence that ship masts are made from pine. It has a golden sunny texture. Even after processing paint and varnish materials you can feel the subtle characteristic aroma of pine needles. It is inexpensive and excellent for making stairs And . If climatic conditions permit, sometimes even houses are built from pine.

For visual lightening, you can use beech with light pink undertones in the interior. Under the influence of steam, beech becomes flexible and takes any shape. This quality has found its application in the manufacture of bent Viennese furniture. Very durable breed and good for grinding.

Another noble breed is walnut. Thanks to its wide color range, decorative and finishing elements made of walnut can be reddish, chocolate or even light yellow. Please note that walnut tends to darken over time.

To create a patterned carved panel in the Rococo or Baroque style, linden with a yellow core is most often preferred.

Karelian birch from the harsh Siberian regions with honey tones architecturally fits into the style and country house, and a spacious penthouse.

Do you want to show off your mahogany mezzanines to your friends without… red tree? For this purpose, quite affordable cherry with tinting impregnation, masquerading as this expensive material, will do. Yes, it's a scam. But beautiful.

The original mahogany is not cheap, but it proudly bears the title of “king of trees” for its unique rich red color and durability.

Another stylish exotic are compositions made of black ebony wood. This natural material has such a density that it can only be cut with high-speed circular saws.

Traditionally, ebony is used for decorative elements and inlays.

Where to start and where to end?

So, you wanted to modernize a concrete apartment box into something ecological, natural, aesthetic and at the same time modern (the price is not even an issue here, wood is wood). Where to start? Since the late 90s, services for replacing wooden frames with plastic. And in vain. The transformation of the interior will begin with the reverse process. Be sure to make sure that the wooden frames have gone through all stages of the preparatory process of moisture-resistant impregnation and further opening with varnishes. This is very important because the windows will have to withstand aggressive environment in the form of rain, sun rays, wind, hail and snow.

If you are hesitating whether to change the three-layer steel armored door on wooden, you can come to a reasonable decision on the arrangement of veneer covering. But remember that such coating requires careful handling. Matching the tone and texture of the veneer and new window frames, you can choose an option interior doors for a holistic perception of the interior.

empstenup/ February 24, 2016 / /

IN lately domestic welding electrodes have become much better, new progressive models are being produced that can be used for normal operation. Such electrodes are produced at a few enterprises in other countries of the world, but individual copies of domestic products, electrodes for welding, are not inferior to foreign models.

Wood is a natural material that allows you to maintain a favorable microclimate in any room. Experts advise avoiding interior parts made from artificial synthetic materials. The interior of a log house on a wooden base, as well as the outside, is the most successful option. There is no need for additional decorations for the wood; it is enough to highlight the natural beauty.

Advantages of a log house

Wooden houses are initially built with minimal interior finishing in mind. Wood for interior decoration is distinguished not only by its attractive appearance and environmental friendliness. It is also quite expensive material. Often only used inside decorative materials, and they cover everything with clapboard.

It is advisable to use wood in the finishing of floor coverings near the log house. It is easy to install special panels on the ceiling. We choose parquet for the floor; it will make the interior respectable and more solid.

Logs are the most noticeable element in timber houses. The entire interior must be built around it. Great value depends on exactly how many logs are used. IN modern interiors logs, they are used to decorate only one of the rooms.

Even the size of the rounded log will influence the design of the log house. Therefore, it is recommended to think through this factor in advance. For example, large diameter Suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings. If the room itself is small, then the diameter of the rounded log is small.

Houses made of rounded beams

Registration internal space houses made of rounded logs involve the use of many styles. There are the main options that are most widespread: Art Nouveau style, Scandinavian style, country style, “Russian Izba”.

Folklore elements in the interior of a log house are more characteristic of the “Russian hut” style. Here the interior includes wall painting with bright elements, a samovar, benches and chests of drawers, chests and so on. Scarves and carpets, blankets - everything should be decorated in bright colors.

An excellent solution is country style. Simplicity of form and the use of natural materials in finishing are important here. Everything should be as close to everyday life as possible.

A functional solution for lovers of tranquility - design in Scandinavian style. Most attention is paid smooth walls, light shades in the interior.

Large window openings, glass doors are acceptable solutions for the Art Nouveau style. This gives the room an unusual appearance in combination with wood.

The “Chalet” style for a log house differs from the others in that in this case they are trying to incorporate elements made of stone, natural or artificial, into a wooden house. A fireplace is a spectacular addition to such an interior. Characteristic sign– presence of bear skin.

Structural elements

Well-maintained walls will help create a finished interior. The attractiveness of the interior is determined by the quality of processing used for the walls and rounded material.

The tree becomes more massive, for example, when using light shades of caulk. Sanded logs of a light shade can become an independent decorative element. This design additional decorative elements will not be required.


It is necessary to take into account the size of the premises when processing materials. Wide boards and laminate are a good solution for rooms with a lot of free space. You can use several contrasting types of materials, this option is considered quite acceptable. For example, a combination of laminate with stone or tiles with wood. If the log floor is lighter than the walls, the room will appear visually larger. Natural floors will be an excellent backdrop for rooms with many windows.


Planed boards will be the best solution. You can use exposed ceiling beams for decoration.


Gone are the days when only windows were installed inside wooden buildings. small sizes. This will create pressure and dark interior. After all, too little light will penetrate inside. Nowadays, it is common for windows to look more like frames for framing street views.

Dormer windows look good inside buildings built from rounded material. They all year round fill the space with light. To harmonize with the general background, the doors should also be wooden, but not from rounded material. Doors with an arch shape and massive dimensions look great against the backdrop of large logs.


Furniture for a wooden house with the effect will look good artificial aging, from rounded logs. It is not necessary to use only wooden models, inserts from various materials, including varieties of fabric, glass, metal, leather and so on. There are no clear rules. The main thing is that the items complement the interior, and do not stand out from it.

Ceilings practically do not require the use of additional decorative elements or logs. Treatment with special protective compounds is sufficient.

Rustic style assumes only the presence of natural materials. Glass and metal are suitable for minimalism and hi-tech. Any elements will fit well into the interior of a wooden house made of rounded logs, if you make the right choice.

Forged parts in the form of a fireplace grate, furniture legs, and staircase decorations will be an excellent addition to a wooden house.

Original decorative elements will make the appearance of any room or home unique. Figurines and glass, ceramics, flowerpots, paintings, porcelain vases - these are just some of the decorations that perfectly complement the decor of the premises. Your home will have a unique, exclusive ambiance if you use handmade items.

Interior features

Details such as the fireplace and staircase enhance the feeling of comfort when living on site wooden building from a log. It's good if it's possible to put classic model from natural materials. But there are also electrical imitations that are also absolutely safe. They also differ in the extended list of additional functions included.

More opportunities for decorators are provided by the unplaned variety of timber and logs. For this material, not only additional finishing, but also internal insulation becomes mandatory.

The natural lighting system on the territory of a wooden building must be strictly thought out. The main thing is to choose a sufficient number of windows and make them large. Attention should also be paid to such an issue as orientation to the cardinal points. East or southeast sides are ideal for placing a children's room.

2 videos about timber houses

Interior of timber houses (29 photos)

Wooden buildings are very popular even with the advent of modern finishing materials. Everything is explained by the coziness and comfort that reigns in such houses.

To make such a home truly cozy, you should properly arrange the interior of the wooden house inside.

Advantages of a wooden house

Many will agree that a wooden structure has an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Also, these buildings have high sound and heat insulation properties.

Log houses maintain comfortable humidity in any weather. Their walls emit beneficial phytoncides, and a comfortable microclimate is maintained in the rooms.

Buildings made from solid wood have not only important practical qualities, but also aesthetics both outside and inside. Many owners are interested in wooden interiors, which can give their homes a special chic.

Interior decoration of wooden houses

For internal lining There are several options.

  • Drywall. A common material that allows you to experiment with the arrangement of premises and types of cladding. The top is painted, covered with wallpaper or covered with decorative plaster.
  • Lining. Another popular finishing method, which is often found on balconies and loggias. It has an attractive appearance, durability and strength. There is a choice of any wooden profile and different wood tones.
  • Leave the tree in its original condition. Most owners of houses made of logs or timber prefer to preserve traditional wooden walls without covering their structure with wallpaper. It is enough to caulk them and treat them with paint or varnish.

It is worth remembering that the interiors of wooden houses should correspond to the specifics of a cozy home, so decorating them in a high-tech style would be inappropriate.

Even when covering the surfaces with plasterboard, which allows the choice of any decoration, a wooden house should not be replete with chrome and concrete.

Different styles are selected for the exterior and interior furnishings, but it is advisable to focus on options that combine with each other.

Country style for a wooden house

This rustic method is ideal for decoration. wooden interiors. Bright and rich textiles, typical of country, harmonize perfectly with wood.

Thanks to this style, the home will be as reminiscent as possible of a traditional grandmother’s house in the village.

Vintage and antique pieces of furniture are also made from solid wood. But at the same time, you should not get carried away by the abundance of the effect of aging and wear.

The most important thing is the furniture, which supports the country atmosphere. It has straight lines and a minimum of decor. Some roughness, lack of polish and a small number of functions are allowed.

In a village house, simple chairs and benches, wall shelves and cabinets, and ordinary beds will be in place.

A good solution for country style would be forged and wicker furniture. In such a home, chests are used as bedside tables and rocking chairs.

Curtains made of cotton, linen and chintz are preferred. It is best to choose a fabric with a checkered, floral or polka dot pattern. For decor in country houses, lamps with lampshades, napkins and bedspreads with embroidery are suitable.

Paintings depicting landscapes. Be sure to equip wooden housing with a fireplace - real or imitation.

Hunting house or chalet

Many people associate a home made of wood with a hunting lodge. In this case, the interiors of wooden houses are decorated with trophies, large leather sofas, and stuffed animals.

There should be a fireplace inside the chalet buildings, preferably a real one. Carpets are not only placed on the floor. But instead of carpets, animal skins are often found.

The walls are decorated with large tapestries, landscapes and animal horns. Don't forget about weapons and other hunting equipment.

The floors in a hunting chalet are often artificially aged. Good option flooring – solid board, not treated with paint or varnish.

Only semi-matte or matte boards are allowed. In the kitchen and bathroom, the floors are tiled from natural stone. To create an antique effect, tiles with imitation of chips and cracks are suitable.

The ceiling in the chalet is decorated with massive beams. At the same time, the ceilings themselves are also made of wood material.

Wooden house in English style

The tree looks good in English interior, which is characterized by restraint, severity and luxury.

With the help of this retro style they try to highlight excellent taste and the status of the owners, therefore, considerable financial costs are required to create it.

Wooden interiors in english style allow you to hide massive walls with wallpaper or drywall. The walls are decorated with floral patterns, stripes and other designs.

Bulky ones are welcome here soft sofas with floral patterns, a carpet with an original pattern, but in restrained colors.

Many details, exquisite paintings and porcelain are effectively combined with solid furniture.

The ceiling is decorated with beams or stucco. The English living room plays the role of a reception hall, so it is lavishly decorated: a stone or brick fireplace, weapons, portraits, oak panels.

Japanese interior

Many components of the Japanese style will find a place in a cozy wooden structure. This includes floor mats, paper screens, and low furnishings.

This style strives for calmness and naturalness, so you won’t find an abundance of modern elements: glass, plastic, metal.

Instead of the usual tables in Japan, there are bamboo tables that are easy to transport. Cushions, tatami, and soft podiums are used as floor seats.

The bedroom is also minimalist. There must be a tatami bed and low bedside tables.

It is advisable to decorate wooden interiors in Japanese style with natural wood in light shades. Traditionally in Japan, bamboo is used for this.

The best imitation of bamboo will be coniferous forest species: pine, spruce, larch. Wood trims the ceilings and walls. The flooring is also only made of wood.

As decorations in Japanese house Rice paper chandeliers and images of hieroglyphs on surfaces and decorative items would be appropriate. Such a style cannot do without screens of laconic design.

Wooden interior in Mediterranean style

This style is known as Italian or Tuscan. It is used to decorate stone and brick houses in the southern regions of Italy. But this style is also suitable for buildings made of timber.

It is difficult to maintain the entire Mediterranean atmosphere, but some of its elements in the best possible way will fit into the situation country house.

It will be enough to organize the ceiling beams and veneer ceramic tiles kitchen countertop and floor.

Ceramics look harmonious next to wood trim. An effective solution would be mosaic tiles. It is advisable to decorate the apron with themed designs in the Italian style.

Natural stone will also find its place in this room, but in small quantities. It is suitable for cladding fireplaces, sections of walls, columns.

The floor in the house is made of solid wood, but the wood should have a neutral texture. Budget option is linoleum, although it is not very suitable for Italian design.

But if it is high-quality linoleum, then its pattern will look natural.

A wooden house in a Mediterranean style is decorated with low pendant lamps, especially if they look like antique products. Built-in ceiling or wall lamps are allowed.

Bottles of olive oil, a wicker basket of fruit, etc. can add the spirit of Italy to this decoration. pottery. There are always living plants here.

The Italian interior of a country house is effectively emphasized by simple bedspreads with floral patterns, luxurious curtains with fringe and lambrequin.

A simple wicker basket can be placed next to an exquisite figurine, and luxurious furniture will look good against an artificially aged wall.

Ethnic style of wooden interior

Houses in Africa, Asia, and South America have their own unique features, which residents of other countries try to recreate. These ethnic furnishings combine luxury, originality and comfort.

Any of the mentioned styles would be appropriate in a house made of natural wood. Mexican and African design methods allow for bright, rich colors and natural materials.

With their help, even a banal house can be transformed into an exotic and exclusive home. But you should not get carried away with the large abundance of variegated flowers, otherwise it will not give the desired result.

African rooms are decorated with leather, mats, and plant patterns. Zebra skin elements would be especially appropriate here: carpets, wall fragments, lampshades, bedspreads.

Mexican rooms are traditionally decorated in orange, blue, yellow, pink tones. Brown actively involved in cladding and furniture.

Here, the free use of colors is allowed, even if they are not very compatible with each other. The houses of Mexico are always quite colorful.

The floor is usually covered with Mexican tiles. But large-format terracotta-colored tiles, combined with the decor typical of this country, will do.

Mexican patterns are found on steps, around mirrors, and paintings. The role of flooring in the rooms is played by a dark board.

Wicker objects and any furniture in wood tones - polished or matte - will fit into such a wooden house.

Objects with simple and rough features are desirable. Upholstered furniture has colorful fabric or leather upholstery.

Common features characteristic of the interiors of wooden houses, photos of which can be seen on relevant websites or in magazines:

  • Fireplace or its imitation.
  • The roof is mansard type.
  • High quality lighting. In this case, natural light plays a big role.

Natural materials must dominate in these rooms, otherwise a lot of glass and metal will disrupt his desire for comfort.

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From year to year, an increasing number of families prefer a wooden house for permanent residence. The interior of a wooden house can be decorated inside in different ways. The article describes the most common styles of design of log and timber houses. You will get acquainted with current design techniques, learn how such popular trends as chalets, country, Russian and Scandinavian styles are similar and different.

Interior in old Russian style

Wooden house: design specifics

A wooden house is a millennial trend that is not going to lose popularity. The use of wood makes the house attractive and sets the overall mood of the interior space. At the same time, restrictions appear when choosing one or another interior solution, and the question of choosing the most suitable style arises, which is pressing for many owners. In any case, the following questions influence the final result:

    Question installation engineering systems . Special attention (due to the increased fire hazard of wood) requires the calculation and installation of electrical networks, the choice heating boiler and fireplace, which may influence the choice of style.

    Question illumination. The layout of the rooms is planned taking into account the nature of natural light. Also a significant role is played by such a feature of the wooden surface as light absorption. If the living room windows face north and the lighting fixtures are placed incorrectly, there is a high chance that the room will look gloomy and inhospitable. The problem is solved by a competent combination of the main diffuse light and point sources (floor lamps, sconces).

The important role of proper lighting

Wooden house: features of interior decoration

When designing the interior of timber and log houses, we must not forget about the shrinkage of the structure associated with the loss of moisture from the wood. The process lasts quite a long time - one and a half to two years; only after this they begin interior decoration. The choice of style solution is based on the design of the basic elements - walls and floors; they are designed in different ways:

    In most cases it is carried out minimal finishing. The structure of the wooden surface has a unique pattern, which allows you to do without additional decorations. Most styles suitable for wooden buildings require only protective impregnation and treatment with matte or glossy varnish.

    You can cover the walls with wallpaper or paint. Some types of wood darken over time; if you don’t like the atmosphere of an old peasant hut, then finishing will be the ideal solution.

    Paul can draw attention to yourself or serve as a neutral background. A natural surface always looks advantageous: processed or parquet boards, as well as a combination of boards with natural stone.

In most cases, wood requires minimal finishing

Interior design: current techniques for wooden housing

Professional decorators know that wood goes best with natural materials - glass, metal, clay, leather and stone. Fans of traditional eco- or folk style enthusiastically perceive wooden surfaces, choose minimal finishing and strive to preserve the naturalness of the design log house. If you like other interiors, tone down the clear rhythm of log or timber walls The following techniques will help:

    Combined room decoration. Interesting effect, for the implementation of which part of the walls is covered with decorative plaster, and natural or artificial stone is used to decorate the floor.

    Stove or fireplace. An ideal decorative element, in the design of which you can use both stone and forging elements. The fireplace can also be electric; the main thing is that it fits into the finished interior.

Combination of stone and wood in bedroom decor

    For upholstery best suited velvet, jacquard and tapestry fabric; Leather upholstery goes perfectly with the dark matte surface of the walls. A voluminous deep-pile carpet will look great on the floor.

    If you select for registration retro style, electrical wiring it will be right execute open method , running along the walls in the form of twisted cords. The use of characteristic push-button or rotary retro switches will make the interior especially colorful.

    Ideal wallpaper for a wooden house- with floral patterns, floral or landscape prints that make the room especially cozy.

    Fits perfectly into many styles carved and forged elements ; they can be both furniture parts and various decorative items.

Fireplace in a modern wooden living room

Popular styles for decorating a wooden house

The modern interior of a log house can be very different; By now, many interesting interior solutions have taken shape, with a lot of options and interpretations. When starting to decorate, you don’t have to limit yourself to one style; it is possible to use various techniques for different rooms. Popular options that make the interior unique include the following styles:

Russian style

A popular type of ethno-style (it is also called rustic or folk). Contrary to expectations, country house, decorated in Russian style, does not at all resemble a branch of a souvenir shop, although the use of folk crafts (in reasonable quantities) is certainly welcome. In general, the Russian style is described by the following features:

    Bake. An indispensable attribute of a log or timber house. It is decorated with tiles, paintings and decorative plaster.

    Interior space. Pile up of furniture and things is not allowed; The rooms have an abundance of light and space.

Bedroom with a stove in Russian style

    Materials. Use of chipboard, MDF and plastic double glazed windows excluded. Natural wood predominates - all pieces of furniture are made from it. To preserve the wood texture, the surface of tables, chairs and cabinets is not painted. On the furniture and some interior details (on the stairs and platbands), skillful carvings look organic; built-in appliances can be hidden behind carved facades.

    Furniture. Select comfortable, solid, massive furniture; For the kitchen, a spacious table with wide, comfortable benches is required. Some of the usual items can be replaced with chests and caskets.

    Decor. The highlight of the Russian style is handmade items, Khokhloma and Gzhel, Kasli casting and Vologda lace. You will also need pottery, a samovar, a variety of antique-style lamps, barrels and jugs.

    Textile. The style is characterized by natural tablecloths, curtains, bedspreads, napkins and towels. Products with hand embroidery are especially valuable.

Tiled stove in Russian kitchen

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian interior is minimalism in detail. You won't see fancy decor here; there will be no need for a long and painstaking selection of jewelry, antiques, antique lamps or paintings. The main thing in the Scandinavian approach to design is functionality and unpretentiousness. The interior design of wooden houses in the Scandinavian style is characterized by the following design techniques:

    Color range. The predominant shades are those that help visually expand the space: white, cream, beige, shades of blue and gray. Terracotta and ocher shades help add energy to the palette; bright colors are also allowed color accents(especially in fabrics) - yellow, red, green.

    Interior. Scandinavian-style accommodation is bright and spacious. Open layouts are popular; wide doorways and large (often panoramic) windows are welcome.

    Wall decoration. For cladding, lining of light, pastel colors is often used.

Scandinavian style bedroom

    Furniture. The decor is simple. To maintain style, choose practical, non-bulky furniture; Wicker armchairs, sofas and chairs are especially loved.

    Windows. It is not customary to cover them with curtains made of thick, heavy fabrics; Light translucent curtains or blinds are suitable.

    Decor. The patterns of carpets and furniture upholstery contain marine and northern motifs. Watercolors and photographs in strict colors help to revive the situation. wooden frames, funny ceramic figurines of animals and birds.

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About the rules of Scandinavian interior design in the following video:

Chalet style

The chalet style is a distinctive type of country, originally from the snow-capped Alpine slopes. The origin influenced the interior design; a chalet-style home resembles the setting hunting lodge; If you like ascetic furnishings and natural materials with virtually no processing, you will like this style. The interior of the chalet is characterized by the following features:

    Wall and floor materials. Definitely natural, with a predominance of untreated wood and stone. The walls of the chalet are left in their natural state or plastered. The floor is reliable, made of high-quality solid wood. The chalet floor is not painted, the surface is opened with stain and varnish.

    Ceiling. Ceiling beams, real or decorative, are an essential part of the style.

    Using stone in the interior. Stone (natural or artificial) is used for flooring in the kitchen and bathroom. Partial cladding of walls, for example around a doorway, is also encouraged. The fireplace is decorated with both wild stone and wood.

Kitchen, modern interpretation of chalet style

    Palette. The design of a house made of rounded logs in the chalet style is made in natural color scheme. Shades of brown, ocher, burgundy and terracotta go well together; They are complemented by contrasting white, green and gray-blue.

    Furniture and decor. Large-sized furniture will look most natural simple shapes upholstered in leather and rough fabric. The room is decorated with carpets, tapestries and knitted bedspreads; the ceramics chosen are simple, in a rustic style.

    Fireplace. It should be real, with a firebox, a chimney and a woodpile nearby.

    Design techniques. The surfaces of some items can be artificially aged; a light touch of antiquity will give your home a more comfortable and lived-in look. Ideally, there should be no polished, shiny surfaces in the room.

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About the interior of a chalet-style house in the following video:


Provence - variety rustic style, conveying the flavor of the French countryside. To decorate the interior in this romantic direction, the following techniques are used:

    Color. Warm shades of wood go well with muted faded colors that form the basis of the Provence palette. The design uses all pastel colors; the interior is associated with hot summers, colorful meadow grasses and endless vineyards and lavender fields of southern France.

    Walls and ceiling. The most delicate colors are chosen for them: beige, cream, lemon and lavender. Classic doors and windows are white, but you can choose a different shade.

    Floor. In rooms, a textured decorative board in a vintage (aged) style is selected for the floor. You can often find terracotta tiles on the floor of a kitchen or bathroom.

    Furniture. Pieces of furniture can be new, but must be artificially aged. For a room in the Provence style, simple, rough tables and cabinets, wicker chairs and shabby sofas, beds with forged parts are chosen.

Kitchen-living room in Provence style

    Textile. Slow provincial life is emphasized by the use of light fabrics with floral motifs; You can’t do without floral patterns on furniture upholstery either. For all kinds of textiles (tablecloths, napkins, curtains) natural linen, cotton and chintz are used.

    Accessories. There are many of them and they are varied. You can safely decorate any room with flowers and all sorts of elegant things: porcelain trinkets, decorative plates, figurines, photographs and watercolors in intricate frames.

    Forged products. The decor in the Provence style will not be harmed at all by one or more openwork forged parts - a candlestick, a mirror frame, a fireplace grate or a chandelier.

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About the interior in Provence style in the following video:

Classic (noble nest)

For obvious reasons, this style is quite widespread in Russia. The timeless classics of the family estate are valued more and more every year. The interior design style is consistent, characterized by the following techniques:

    Walls. They can be left in their natural form, plastered or sheathed with fabric. Wooden walls require aging. Skillfully aged surfaces look noble and create the necessary ambiance in the room.

    Furniture. Vintage or vintage-looking interior items are used: chairs and tables with bent legs, always leather sofas and armchairs, antique-looking furniture, desks and chests of drawers. The fittings should not stand out from the general style - the keyholes and handles are covered with gold and decorated with figured elements.

Noble manor style, bedroom

    Fabrics. The style generally allows large number draperies and other textiles using satin and velvet fabrics.

    Accessories. Crystal chandeliers, stylized candelabra with candlesticks, bas-reliefs, mirrors, landscapes and portraits in gilded frames are suitable.

Other styles

There are other, no less common ways to design a room in a wooden house; Popular options include the following:

    Country. The design has many similarities with the style of the chalet - the same natural palette, ceiling beams, fireplace, practical furniture, coziness and comfort. At the same time, country is in many ways similar to Provence: an abundance of textiles, hand embroidery and forged chandeliers. Country's own highlight is a variety of hand-made items, from furniture to wicker napkins. Diluting the main palette with bright, rich colors gives the style soulfulness and comfort.

Harmony of country life in a country living room

    Canadian style. In fact, the name refers more to the frame-log technology of wall construction. It originated in medieval Europe, where it was called half-timbering: the basis is a rigid frame of logs and beams, the gaps are filled in any way and material. Interior design frame log house has many similarities with chalet or country styles - all natural materials, high-quality furniture and handmade textiles are appropriate.

    English style. It can be easily reproduced by watching one of the Sherlock Holmes films. The interior is decorated in a distinctly elegant manner, using valuable types of wood (walnut, oak, yew, mahogany) or their imitation for decoration. The rule of contrast is often applied in design - if the floor and ceiling are dark, then light shades are chosen for the walls, often covered with wallpaper with floral patterns. An English-style room will be decorated with a fireplace with a shelf for trinkets, a massive round sofa with many pillows, a rocking chair, carved bookcases and many photographs and paintings on the walls.

English style in a wooden country house


There are many ideas that can make stylish interior any wooden house. Every owner of a log or timber house wants the living room, bedrooms and other rooms not only to become beautiful and comfortable, but also to preserve the natural charm of natural wood. In this case it may turn out useful help professional designer.

The author's design of a wooden house takes into account both the wishes of the owners and fashion trends recent years; the result will be an interior that will appeal to all family members. The cost of a design project (including implementation) is influenced by the choice of style and finishing materials, as well as the area of ​​the house. The larger the footage of the designed space, the lower the final cost.

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