Pink bean shrub. Bobovnik: planting and caring for a summer cottage

Garden bean- a popular and very attractive multi-stemmed garden tree up to 5 meters high. The homeland of garden bean is the southern regions of Europe.

My grandfather purchased a small seedling of garden bean back in 1936 (the plant was then valued much higher than exquisite standard roses, and was not very common in gardens). I planted it near my house downwind sunny side into a well-processed garden soil. I added lime because the plant does not tolerate acidic soils.

For the first 3 years the bush was protected from frost. In subsequent years, the garden bean developed well without watering or fertilizing, and even withstood forty-degree frosts in one winter without damage.

The plant is interesting with its trifoliate leaves and multi-flowered golden-yellow inflorescences. The plant begins to bloom in May and, depending on the weather, blooms for 15-20 days.

A flowering tree looks great and gives the surroundings a feeling of celebration - a real golden shower. By the way, this is its second name. Hanging long (up to 15cm) brushes are very beautiful. Numerous flowers have a pleasant smell.


A special feature of garden bean is its absolute unpretentiousness.

All plant care comes down to trimming faded inflorescences. This technique not only improves the decorative appearance of the tree, but also stimulates flowering next year.

Cultivated in warm regions of the country, in Crimea, as well as in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, Ukraine and the Baltic states.

Soil for Golden Rain

The ground underneath must be good quality water-permeable, not prone to moisture accumulation. Any type of land is suitable. Garden bean grows well on poor and calcareous soils.

Selecting a location

The plant loves sunny and semi-shaded places, so it is planted in a sunny place, protected from the cold north wind, for example, on the south side of a house or other buildings on the site.

It is important to take into account that due to lack of sunlight, the garden bean plant may lose leaves or flowering may be weak.

By the way, for central Russia it would be optimal to plant bean plants not alone, but in a group with others garden trees and bushes. With this planting, golden rain tolerates winter better and produces more intense flowering.

Reproduction of garden bean

Golden shower reproduces by seeds. By autumn, its rather large seeds ripen. They should be sown freshly harvested before winter in loose soil to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. In spring, shoots appear. But you can also plant early spring, as soon as the ground thaws.

Self-seeding often forms around the tree. Bushes grown from seeds begin to bloom at 5-6 years.

Reproduction of garden bean using layering

In addition to seeds, garden bean also reproduces by cuttings and layering. Hybrid varieties can be propagated exclusively by cuttings.

You can not only grow seedlings yourself, but also buy them.


You need to buy young, strong bushes of garden bean along with a lump of earth or in some container in October or before the leaves begin to bloom in the spring. There is no need to buy very large specimens that already have blossoming leaves. They take root very poorly.

Planting beans

You will need: in a pot, bayonet shovel, scoop, compost, support stick, rope.

To plant a garden bean bush, you need to dig a spacious hole twice as large as the earthen ball of your bush, and mix the excavated soil with compost.

Remove the bush from the pot and slightly straighten the roots. If the earthen ball in the pot is dry, then water it generously first.

We drive a support stick into the dug hole and place our bush there, generously moistened. We place the bush at a depth corresponding to the size of the earthen clod.

We fill the hole with earth mixed with compost, tamp it down and form a watering circle. Then water the bean seedling very generously.

We tie the bean stem to a support stick, and mulch the ground around the seedling with compost.

Garden bobwhite does not need regular pruning; radical pruning is harmful to it. Garden bean is a shrub that has a luxurious natural crown and does not need shaping pruning.


In spring you need to plant as early as possible, as soon as the snow melts.

In summer, garden bean can withstand prolonged drought. But mulching of the soil is required, since the compost layer retains moisture in the soil

And enriches it with nutrients.

In winter, snow must be removed regularly. If there is a thick layer of snow on the branches, they may break, so you need to shake off the snow from the branches after heavy snowfalls.

Bean diseases

When the weather is warm and humid, garden bean plants are always at risk of being attacked by powdery mildew. The leaves of affected plants are covered with a powdery gray coating on both sides. If the plant is severely affected, I can recommend using biological fungicides.

Self-seeding often forms around the tree. Bushes grown from seeds begin to bloom at 5-6 years. IN middle lane In Russia and even in Ukraine, in some winters the branches of the garden bean tree freeze slightly.

It is not without reason that the plant has a poisonous bright color. The fact is that garden bean is poisonous.

All its parts are poisonous: foliage, branches and especially seeds, so when planting and pruning you must be careful and wash your hands after finishing work.

I would like to emphasize once again that bean seeds that ripen at the end of summer are especially dangerous, so if you are afraid for the health of your children, then you will have to give up the beauty of bean.

Bobovnik's neighbors

Due to its undemanding conditions, garden bean is a universal neighbor for all kinds of flowers and shrubs. Garden bean is a traditional element of all hedges from flowering plants, bright yellow spot on the fence. Typically, wonderful neighbors of the bean tree that go well with it are: wisteria, colquitia, hawthorn, mock orange, exotic mackerel, rhododendrons.

Garden bean, blooming with golden clusters of flowers, looks amazing against the backdrop of dark green shrubs and coniferous trees.

Use of bean grass

Elegant is a godsend for small garden. It is very good to place the bean plant near the terrace, in a flower bed and on the lawn, in general, where nothing covers it.

Golden shower looks charming in isolated groups of several trees, as well as in a flowering hedge.

Read Garden Works and learn with us!

Legumes are deciduous trees or shrubs belonging to the Legume family. This is a whole small genus in which there are two natural looking plants and one hybrid. In nature, the bean plant is found in the Mediterranean region and Central Europe, but since 1560, after its use in culture, the boundaries of the plant’s distribution have expanded significantly. The bean plant is a very beautiful, elegant plant that has long, hanging clusters of light-colored golden flowers that are characteristic of the legume family.

Anagyrophyllum bean: general description

This type of plant is the most common. Represents small tree, reaching a height of about 7 m. It is often used for single planting, as a result of which its funnel-shaped crown with hanging branches looks very good, as well as for organizing magnificent berso, where it is more like a vine.

And if you walk through this blooming fragrant tunnel created by the plant, you immediately understand why it received another name - Golden Shower.

Laburnum is the Latin name of the tree, literally translated as “shamrock bean”. The bean plant came to Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. Initially, it was grown in the Caucasus, Crimea, and also in Central Asia. Now the planting material of this plant is more accessible, but before planting it on your site, you should carefully evaluate the possibility of such cultivation.

Growing conditions for anagyrofolia

Bobovnik is thermophilic and can only tolerate temperatures down to -23-26 degrees Celsius. As a result, in a colder winter period its annual growths will freeze, and old shoots may also suffer. Severe Moscow frosts will not allow the plant to turn into a tree, reaching only the size of a shrub no more than 3 meters high. The only fact that saves a plant is its high speed growth (25 cm per year), which allows the bean plant to recover. As a result, we can conclude that this plant is better suited for cultivation in the southern regions. In the Caucasus and Crimea, it will not only delight you with beautiful flowering and fruiting, but also with self-sowing.

Growing beans in the middle zone is quite difficult. Will provide him with favorable conditions for growth only right choice place and time of landing. Like any other heat-loving plant, bean plants are planted in the spring, even if the material is containerized. When buying beans for planting, pay attention to the country of origin. Plants grown in Holland, Italy or Belgium are not suitable for planting in central Russia, exclusively for the southern regions. So the site advises using planting material from Northern Germany. But even in this case, severe and prolonged winter frosts can kill the plant.

It should also be taken into account that the most frost-resistant and hardy plants are obtained when growing beans from seeds.

Despite the fact that bean grows quite well in partial shade, in our conditions it is better to choose a well-warmed, sunny place protected from northern winds. You can use tree and shrub groups for planting, which are more preferable than single landings on open place.

In general, the bean plant prefers calcium-rich soils, but it also does well with slightly acidic cultivated loam, and will even grow well in acidic soil. It is quite unpretentious to moisture, loves any fresh soil, but is drought-resistant; it needs to be watered only during particularly dry periods. Mulching promotes good growth of the root system.

It is better to cover young plantings for the first two to three years. For this, it is best to use non-woven covering material grade 60 with several layers. Root system for additional protection It is better to sprinkle with compost.

Alpine bobwhite

This type of plant is more hardy. In nature, it is a tall tree, reaching an average of 10 meters in height. It differs from anagyrofolia in light green foliage, smaller flowers that do not have a scent, and bare beans. Also one of distinctive features is that the alpine bean blooms a little later.

What is a bean plant (video)

Bobovnik Waterera - a magical hybrid

Bobovnik Waterer is a hybrid of the two previously described species, often found under another name - intermediate bean. It has dark green long foliage, the length of which reaches 50 cm, silky-pubescent fruits, and inflorescences. The legacy of the anagyrofolia bean plant has become a magical aroma. But this species is less winter-hardy, therefore in Moscow it reaches no more than 1 meter in height. It often freezes and does not bloom at all. So this plant is only suitable for the south. This type of bean plant reproduces by cuttings.

One of the options for growing beans is a temporary crop with wintering in a cold greenhouse or basement. But there is one drawback to this method - heavy weight container plant.

Using beanweed: where and how

In fact, the bean plant is a poisonous plant. Moreover, all parts are poisonous, especially the seeds. They have large number dangerous alkaloids – laburnine and cytisine. Bobovnik is considered one of the most poisonous plants European flora, since even two accidentally eaten fruits can lead to a mortal threat to the child’s life.

In this regard, when growing bean plants on plots, it is necessary to limit access to it by children and animals. But at the same time, goats are very fond of bean clover; it is not for nothing that it received the name Goat Clover. The plant is also an excellent honey plant.

Cytisine is very similar in structure to nicotine. During the First World War, it was not tobacco that was even used for rolling cigarettes, but this particular plant. It is currently used in anti-smoking preparations and in homeopathy.

Very beautiful, polishes well and hardwood bean is valued as a material for wooden sculptures, musical instruments, inlays. In ancient times, it was used to create crossbows and bows that were in no way inferior to yew bows.

Reviews and comments

(4 ratings, average: 2,62 out of 5)

Dacha Decor 01/22/2015

In the book “Toxicology of Poisonous Plants”, 1955 edition, author Ivan Afanasyevich Gusynin describes the bean plant. It states that the stems of such a plant reach only 1 m, and its flowers are pink. In our case, we are talking about a seven-meter tree, blooming in yellow clusters, due to which the tree has a second name - golden shower.
The video has been replaced.

Valya 12/21/2015

When I first saw a blooming bean tree in Yevpatoria, I thought it was some kind of acacia. Beautiful trees, and the smell of yellow brushes is pleasant. So it’s also in folk medicine are used. The friend we lived with brewed bean leaves with boiling water every morning, steeped them, and then drank them in small portions. It turns out that this infusion helps with hypotension (low blood pressure).

Vadim 02/03/2017

Everything would be fine, just remove the photo of forsythia, barberry and gorse from the bean tree

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The question is which ornamental plants choose as decoration land plot interests a lot of people. Bobovnik, or golden rain, is a shrub that is ideal for these purposes.

This plant received its name because of its hanging branches, which at the time of flowering are abundantly covered with beautiful yellow flowers. In order for the bean plant to grow and bloom well, it is necessary to follow the basic principles of caring for the plant.

Bobovnik is most common in Asia and Central Europe (photo)

First of all, it should be noted that beans are a small genus of plants, which includes 3 species. Two of them occur naturally, and the third is obtained by hybridization. The most common bean plants are in Central Europe and Asia. It can be grown in many regions, for example, in the Moscow region.

The most popular species is the Anagyrofolia bean. Such a plant is a whole tree, the height of which can reach more than 7 m. Most often, this species is planted in individual areas, as this allows the crown of the tree to fully bloom. This type became widespread in the 19th century, when it was brought to Russia from the Caucasus.

Another variety is Alpine bean. This plant is characterized by endurance, winter hardiness and easily adapts to adverse conditions. environment. The height of the tree can reach 10 m. Distinctive feature is light green foliage, as well as small flowers, in comparison with Anagyrofolia. In addition, these plants differ in flowering time, since the alpine species begins to bloom later.

The Waterera bean is a hybrid, that is, obtained by crossing the two plant species described above. The bush reaches up to 1 m in height, and has long leaves - up to 50 cm. In addition, a feature of the plant is its pleasant aroma. This bean plant is extremely sensitive to cold, and therefore should be grown in southern regions with warm climates.

It is important to remember that beans. Therefore, they should be planted only if there is no likelihood that the child could eat any part of the plant.

Generally, existing species beans are beautiful appearance, and therefore are ideal as a decorative element.

Where and how to plant beans?

Bobovnik can be called a generous plant without any doubt, since during flowering it produces a huge number of flowers and stands out clearly against the background of surrounding objects. Often used in landscape design. It will look good near bodies of water.

However, this is only possible if the plant was planted correctly. Unfortunately, many gardeners encounter difficulties when planting golden showers, which are usually associated with a lack of experience working with such plants.

Bobovnik blooms very profusely (photo)

Before planting, you should choose a suitable place for the bush. It is best to grow bobwhite or "Golden Rain" in areas that are well lit by the sun, as these are heat-loving plants. It is important to pay attention to the condition of the soil. The fastest growth occurs if the soil is well drained and contains lime.

You can plant the plant using seeds purchased from a specialized store. It is recommended to carry out this procedure before the start of winter. This will eliminate the need to keep plants in the refrigerator for more than a month in order for them to adapt to low temperatures.

How to sow seeds:

  • For sowing, use light, pre-cleaned soil
  • Seeds should be placed at a depth of 2-3 cm, depending on the density of the soil
  • After sowing, it is necessary to water the soil with a small amount of water.
  • The container in which sowing is carried out should be covered with a bag or film.
  • Cultivation is carried out throughout the summer (during this time the height of the plant should be more than 0.5 m)
  • From time to time the plant should be opened to allow it to get air.
  • Disembarkation at open ground best done in September

In addition to growing using seeds, you can purchase ready-made young bean bushes, which need to be planted in a pre-selected area. This method will eliminate the need to plant seeds. In addition, flowering of a young plant can occur already in the first year of life.

Before planting, you need to straighten the roots, carefully clearing them of any remaining soil from the container.

The hole for the bush should be spacious, and its dimensions should be at least twice the volume of the pot in which it was transported. Having placed the plant in a hole, you need to carefully bury it with ordinary soil mixed with compost and tie it to a low stick for support.

After planting in the ground, it is recommended to cover the bean plant for the winter until it grows and its resistance to low temperatures don't get stronger. When buying a young bush, it is best to choose small specimens, as they take root much easier in new conditions.

If a plot with sufficient sunlight no, then you can choose partial shade. A generous layer of drainage should be added to the bottom of the planting hole. You can use gravel, expanded clay, sand or broken brick for this. Don't plant too deep. For a young plant, we recommend organizing support in the form of a peg or support to which the shoots are tied so that they do not fall apart. different sides and did not lie down on the ground.

The soil must be alkaline. If this is not the case, we recommend deoxidizing the soil using ash or chalk. Lime should not come into direct contact with the bean roots. It is better to mulch the space under the bush, for example, with peat.

Rules of care

Bobovnik does not require special effort in care (photo)

Its condition directly depends on how well the bean plant is cared for. Despite the fact that this plant is quite finicky and reacts quite sharply to changes in certain conditions, caring for it is not very difficult. An important factor when growing this species ornamental trees is experience. By following the presented rules, you can avoid many difficulties and unpleasant moments.

Rules for caring for beans:

Watering. In general, water does not play a significant role in the growth of the bean plant, and therefore it does not need to be watered too often. Excessively permeable soil can cause root rot and also encourage the appearance of fungi and other harmful organisms.

Feeding. To provide the plant with nutrients, humus is used in combination with compost and lime. The soil should not be acidic. But at the same time there should remain a significant amount of nutrients. Fertilizing must be done from the second year of growing the plant.

Loosening. During active growth of the bean plant, care must be taken to keep the soil loose. This improves the supply of oxygen to the roots of the plant. It is recommended to carry out the procedure at least 1-2 times a month.

Fertilizers. From a wide range chemicals superphosphate is ideal for beans. In addition, it is recommended to use potassium fertilizers.

Protection. It is known that bean or “sunlight”, however, it is adversely affected by wind, especially if it is wet and cold. They can lead to the fact that the plant may not bloom for a long period of time, sometimes even several years. If the plant is negatively affected by the wind, it is recommended to replant it, or plant other trees near the bean tree that can protect it.

Pests. An important advantage of the presented ornamental tree is that it is not affected by various pests. This is due to the fact that beans contain poisonous and toxic substances.

Trimming. Regular removal of some branches allows not only to give the plant beautiful shape, but also make it healthier. It is recommended to carry out the procedure between the end of summer and the beginning of winter. This is necessary in order to prevent the loss of plant juices, which has a bad effect on the condition of the bean plant. Dead shoots should be trimmed with pruning shears before reaching the living tissue of the tree.

At proper care behind the plant, it will bloom regularly. As a rule, the flowering period occurs between May and the end of June. Most often, its duration is about 20-25 days.

Bobovnik can tolerate drought, but not excessive watering. But during the flowering period, it is worth making sure that the deep layers of the soil do not dry out. It is best to use thin wooden stick. They deepen it to 3–5 centimeters and see if the soil has dried out at this depth. If yes, then it’s worth watering.

Organic is also suitable as a more convenient quality, just use one that has been well fermented. You can pour it in liquid solutions, for example, mullein, and mulch the soil with compost. Of course, it is necessary to trim for the purpose of sanitation, but in moderation, otherwise your pet will not get healthier, but will get sick.

At least he can get sick. The biggest problem is powdery mildew. For treatment, the affected areas are removed and sprayed with fungicides. Best protection- this is the prevention of excess moisture near the bean tree and in the soil, as well as the treatment of other plants on your site.

While watching the video you will learn about the legume family.

Undoubtedly, bobovnik or “Golden Rain” is one of best options For decorative design land plot. With the right approach to the growing procedure, as well as with proper care, this plant will develop well and delight its owners with regular flowering.

The main difference between the bean and other ornamental trees is the large drooping brushes yellow flowers(sometimes they have pink or white shades). Flowering brushes reach half a meter and exude a delicate aroma. With proper care, the tree begins to bloom in late spring and lasts about a month. At the end of flowering, seeds are set. These are quite large beans, with the help of which the tree conquers new territories. Bobovnik reproduces well by self-sowing. In the photo, bean flowers look like a flock of bright, light-winged butterflies. Recommendations for proper cultivation crops and timing of planting in open ground will be discussed in detail in this article.

Three varieties of beans

The distribution area of ​​broom in nature is limited to the southern regions of Europe. Growing bean is possible in the Crimea and the Caucasus; the tree is also common in Central Asia.

In the middle zone, the bean will need additional shelter for the winter

A cascade of fragrant flowers makes the bean plant a very attractive plant for decorating private gardens and parks. The plant is increasingly being cultivated garden plots. Broom is ideal for planting next to lilac wisteria, different types honeysuckle and hops.

The genus Laburnum (legume family) is distinguished by its small number - only three species of trees are known in cultivation:

Bobovnik: planting and care (follow simple rules)

It should be noted that growing an unpretentious crop is not particularly difficult. When planting laburnum, you need to choose a sunny place with permeable soil. If there is insufficient sunlight, flowering is delayed or does not occur at all.

Important! The plant does not withstand stagnation of water at the roots; it develops well on poor, calcareous soils without excessive addition of organic matter.

When planting broom, protection from the wind should be provided. It is preferable to plant plants in the garden in groups, so they can withstand winter more easily and bloom more profusely. Best time for planting crops - early spring, immediately after the snow melts.

Plant the plant so that it is protected from the wind

To plant laburnum seedlings, holes should be prepared in advance. Fresh humus soil with the addition of lime is added to the bottom of the holes. The seedling is placed in a hole, along with it a support trunk is dug in, to which the young tree is tied. Tree trunk circle mulch with bark, peat, moss or a special film to retain moisture.

After flowering, caring for the plant comes down to removing faded flowers and timely watering.

Important! Removing weeds around the plant should be done with great care. The bean plant has an extensive system of surface roots, which are easily damaged by careless loosening.

Special care should be taken for broom in winter. If the branches are frozen, the flowering of the plant will not be as amazing and beautiful as in the photo. In the central and northern regions of Russia, the bean tree must be covered for the winter. During heavy snowfalls, the branches of the plant break from the heavy weight of the snow, so it is necessary to shake the snow off the branches. In the northern regions, in winter the main trunk of the plant should be insulated, protecting it from frost.

Bean pruning

In the spring, dead branches are cut out from the plant; young plants can be pruned to form a crown.

The main fertilizing is applied under the lagurnum twice a year. In spring, the plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, which stimulates the regrowth of green mass. Before the plants go into dormancy, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied.

Successful reproduction

All known methods are suitable for successful propagation of the crop:

  • cuttings;
  • seed method;
  • propagation by layering;
  • graft;
  • dividing the bush.

Bean cuttings

The main method of propagation of broom is by sowing seeds.

Advice! The bean shell is very durable and strong; before sowing, it is sawed off or treated with emery cloth.

The seeds cannot be stored for long periods of time; they should be sown immediately after collection. Seeds are placed in pre-prepared furrows, lightly sprinkled with soil. When sowing, the beans are embedded in the soil to a depth of 1 cm. Self-seeding often forms around an adult bush. These seedlings can be used for planting. Flowering in this case will occur in 5-6 years.

Vegetative propagation of a crop by layering occurs according to classic scheme: a tree branch is bent to the ground, pinned and covered with soil. Within a year, bean cuttings turn into a strong tree, which is planted on permanent place in the spring.

Bean seeds

Propagation of beanweed by cuttings is used for hybrid varieties that better retain their decorative qualities. Cuttings are cut from the tree, leaving at least 3 live buds on them. Planting is carried out in greenhouses, in light soil, providing the cuttings with uniform watering. Young plants develop very quickly. A year later they are planted in the ground.

Dividing overgrown bushes is suitable for propagating the variety, but adult plants can hardly tolerate such an operation.

Pests and diseases of beans

In hot and humid weather, bean bushes are often affected by powdery mildew. Powdery plaque appears on the leaves of the plant on both sides, gradually the leaf dries and falls off. Bare bushes are not decorative at all, so at the first signs of the disease it is necessary to treat the plant with special means.

Systemic fungicides for the treatment of powdery mildew are used in the dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Monitor the health of the plant: take measures to prevent diseases

At the first signs of powdery mildew, stop spraying the bean leaves with water.

Pests do not particularly bother the plant. All parts of the bean plant are very poisonous, especially the ripened seeds - they contain the greatest amount of toxic substances.

Advice! When transplanting, pruning, cuttings of bean trees, you should use protective gloves, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, being careful not to get the plant juice on the mucous membranes of the eyes or mouth.

Bean flowering: video

Bobovnik: photo

Alpine bean (lat. Laburnum alpinum)– beautiful flowering shrub; representative of the genus Bobovnik of the Legume family. Another name is alpine golden shower. The plant is native to the mountainous regions of Southern Europe. It is actively used in landscaping parks and gardens in European countries, as well as in Russia. In central Russia it is rarely cultivated because it is not frost-resistant, like its closest relative, anagyrofolia.

Characteristics of culture

Alpine bean is a deciduous shrub or bush-like tree up to 10 m high. When grown in central Russia, plants do not exceed 2-3 m. The leaves are compound, trifoliate, light green, petiolate, alternate. The flowers are small, light yellow, up to 2 cm in diameter, collected in hanging narrow brushes up to 35-40 cm long. Alpine bean blooms in May, however, unlike anagyrofolia, flowering occurs a couple of weeks later. Flowering lasts about two weeks. In central and central Russia, flowering is irregular.

The species is relatively winter-hardy; in severe winters, annual shoots freeze. In the middle zone, plants up to 3-4 years old must be covered non-woven material(in several layers), and mulch the soil in the tree trunk zone with compost or dry fallen leaves. The growth rate of the alpine bean is average; the growing season lasts from May to the second ten days of October. The species reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. When propagated by cuttings, the rooting rate reaches 60-63%. Alpine bean grass, like its closest relative, favors sunny areas protected from cold northern winds. Soils are desirable: drained, calcareous, rich, loose, and moderately moist.

The species in question is drought-resistant and needs watering only during long periods of lack of precipitation. Protect root system You can combat dryness with mulch; it will not only get rid of weeds, but will also retain moisture in the soil for a longer period. Alpine bean is smoke and gas resistant, therefore it is adapted to urban conditions, which is a definite plus. It is often used in urban plantings. An undoubted advantage of the type of bean tree under consideration is the fact that the shrubs do not need shearing or formative pruning; annual removal of broken, damaged and frozen shoots is sufficient. The branches of the bean tree are fragile and cannot withstand a thick layer of snow; it must be shaken off periodically.

Subtleties of propagation and planting

As mentioned, alpine bean grass reproduces by seeds and vegetatively. As planting material Rooted green cuttings, divisions and layering can serve. With proper care and favorable growing conditions, plants obtained from such material bloom within 3-4 years, with seed method- for 7-9 years. You can also get a beautiful flowering shrub from seedlings purchased from specialized nurseries. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the condition of the seedling; it must be strong and healthy, and its roots should not be exposed. It is better to purchase seedlings on which leaves have just begun to bloom; such material will take root faster in a new place.

It is preferable to plant seedlings in early spring. Planting pit should be twice the size of the earthen coma enveloping the roots. The soil removed from the hole is mixed with compost. Before planting, the earthen ball is watered generously, then the seedling is placed in a hole and covered with the prepared mixture. Next, the soil is compacted, a watering circle is formed, watered and a layer of mulch is applied. By the way, it is advisable to drive a support stick into the hole, to which the seedling is tied. In the future, you need to provide the plants with careful care. For the winter, shrubs are wrapped in non-woven material, and the soil in the tree trunk area is mulched with a thick layer of compost.

The culture is very rarely affected by diseases. The same applies to pests, which is due to the toxicity of all parts of the plant. Among the diseases we can note powdery mildew. As a rule, the disease is a consequence of wet and warm weather. It is not difficult to recognize the disease: a powdery gray coating appears on the leaves, on both sides of the leaf blade. When the first signs are detected, it is necessary to treat the plants with biological fungicides. Otherwise, caring for a bean tree is similar to caring for others ornamental shrubs and trees.