How to build a horizontal tandoor. How to make a tandoor at your dacha: from a brick, wooden or plastic barrel

Tandoor is a multifunctional oven in which you can cook any dish. oriental cuisine while consuming the minimum amount of fuel. The design is stationary or portable, made of clay or brick. Wood is used as fuel for the tandoor hardwood. Such an oven can be purchased ready-made or you can make a tandoor with your own hands, following certain stages of the technological process.

What is a tandoor? This is a special type of oven-brazier in which cooking is carried out due to heat transfer from the walls of the structure. Food cooks slowly as the heat comes in gradually. Its uniform distribution contributes to the preservation of the juiciness of products and all the useful qualities of food.

In appearance, the tandoor looks like a large clay cauldron with holes, which is turned upside down. The height of the product is 1-1.5 m, the diameter of the bottom is 1 m. The thicker the walls of the structure, the more heat the furnace will give off. At the bottom of the tandoor there is a channel for feeding fresh air, which contributes to the maintenance of the combustion process. The classical design has a rounded shape, but there are rectangular and square brick tandoors.

To improve the thermal insulation properties, the oven is lined with bricks from the outside. The special shape of the tandoor contributes to the accumulation of heat in the walls of the structure, which is slowly released inside. This helps to maintain a constant high temperature inside the product. long time.

Important! To create the optimal amount of heat in the tandoor, you will need half as much firewood as you need for a classic barbecue.

The main advantages of the tandoor are the following characteristics:

  • long-term preservation of high temperature inside the structure;
  • no need for constant monitoring of the cooking process;
  • economical fuel consumption;
  • the possibility of preparing several dishes for one heating of the building;
  • ease of operation;
  • the design does not need special care;
  • unpretentiousness of the furnace in relation to the type, quality and quantity of fuel;
  • simplicity of design.

The disadvantages of the oven include:

  • the presence of one common hole for firewood and food;
  • lack of a chimney;
  • the formation of soot deposits on the walls of the product after ignition;
  • the need to use fireproof gloves to prevent burns.

Tandoor device, principle of operation and features of operation

The Uzbek tandoor in the form of a clay jug-shaped cauldron turned upside down is installed on a foundation that rises 20 cm above the ground and also deepens into it. The structure is predominantly located in the open area of ​​the courtyard. Above the foundation there is a built-in blower, closed by a door. A cast-iron grate is installed above the opening. Next, a chamber is placed in the form of a dome with a smooth inner surface covered with a layer of clay.

The structure is covered with brick, creating a small air gap, which is filled with salt or sand, so that a high temperature is maintained inside the tandoor for six hours.

Firewood or coal is placed through the top hole. After the fuel burns out completely, the soot that covers the inner surface crumbles off, leaving the coating clean. This means that you can load food into the oven. Before baking, the resulting ash is pulled out. In the case of meat, this is not necessary. Dough cakes are glued to the inner surface of the oven.

In the tandoor for barbecue, skewers with meat are hung vertically on a special rail, with the tip down. A cauldron with pilaf is placed on the neck of the structure. Next, the tandoor is covered with a lid from above, the blower is closed. Cooking time depends on the dish and is 15-45 minutes.

Helpful advice! To take out pastries from the tandoor, use a hook or ladle.

The kindling process depends on the time of year. In winter, the temperature should gradually rise, so the chips are first kindled, and then the main fuel is added. In summer, you can do without preliminary ignition. After the tandoor has completely cooled down, it is recommended to completely clean it of ash. Fat deposited on the inner surface of the structure will burn off during subsequent use of the product.

Varieties of designs depending on the installation option: photo of tandoors

Tandoor in the form of a ceramic hemisphere with a round hole can be ground, underground or portable. The first version of the design is installed on flat surface horizontally or vertically depending on the orientation of the tandoor. Fuel is loaded through the side or top opening, respectively. The draft occurs through a blower located at the bottom of the furnace. According to the reviews of the owners, the ground-type tandoor is the most popular among other options.

An earthen, or pit, tandoor is partially or completely submerged underground. Kindling is carried out through the upper opening, which also serves to load products. To maintain the necessary traction, a pipe is brought to the bottom of the product, which is buried in the ground at an angle of 450.

Helpful advice! In stationary tandoors, you can cook several dishes at the same time.

Portable tandoor can be installed anywhere. The product is made of chamotte clay in the form of a barrel or jug. Depending on the weight of the tandoor oven, there are four types: small (up to 50 kg), medium (50-79 kg), large (80-100 kg), very large (over 100 kg). This design is additionally equipped with carrying handles and legs on which it is installed. Also included with the product are skewers, grills, hooks and nozzles.

Mobile tandoors have thick walls (up to 70 mm), additionally reinforced with steel strips. For such structures, it is necessary to provide proper protection against moisture during storage, so it is recommended to purchase special covers.

What type of fuel can be used for tandoors

Traditional tandoors use hardwood or wood as fuel. charcoal. The product is a thick-walled pot with a lid made of refractory clay. A special hole is located in the lower part of the product for air inflow and ash extraction. Firewood is loaded through the top opening. After they are completely burned, you can start cooking. Such products are characterized by the lowest price. You can buy a tandoor from 5500 rubles.

Helpful advice! The amount of fuel is determined from the volume of the furnace and is 2/3 of this value. Overuse fuel will not increase the temperature inside the tandoor.

There are tandoors that use gas as fuel. Such designs are usually used in cafes, bakeries and restaurants. You can install such a tandoor on home kitchen, however, in this case, you should take care to purchase a good hood to remove the exhaust air.

The jug is made from baked white clay and placed inside a metal case. For long-term preservation of heat, voids are filled with heat-insulating material in the form of sand, expanded clay of fine fraction or salt. Gas ovens are easy to operate, do not emit harmful substances and are economical. However, the dishes do not have the characteristic smell of smoke.

For home cooking, you can purchase an electric tandoor, for which heating elements serve as a heat source. They are located along the perimeter of the lower part of the structure. These are convenient and compact products that do not need firewood, do not emit soot and smoke. Electric tandoor for cakes is made of metal. Inside the product has a ceramic coating. The design of such braziers is diverse, which allows you to choose a product for a certain style of interior.

Electric tandoors are equipped with mini-computers that control the cooking process by regulating temperature and humidity. You can also buy a tandoor for barbecue and baking, where wood can be used along with electricity.

How much does a tandoor cost depending on the type and type of fuel

The cost of tandoors is influenced by many factors: the material of manufacture, the type of firebox, design, dimensions of the product and the availability of additional accessories. Products are presented in a wide price range, so any buyer can choose an option for your budget.

A large family tandoor can be selected from a number of wood-burning household products, these include: Okhotnik, Nomad, Bolshoy Sarmat and Sredny. The height of the structure is in the range of 63-105 cm. Such clay products surprise with an interesting design. Used as cladding broken glass, brick, natural and artificial stone, which allows you to create original patterns and ornaments on the surface. The average price of a tandoor is 8500-20000 rubles.

Electric tandoors are very popular today. Customer reviews of such products are positive. advantage electrical models is the possibility of their installation not only on the street, but also in the apartment. The structures are made of refractory clay and are heated by heating elements. You can buy an electric tandoor for an average of 15,000-80,000 rubles.

For the production of large quantities of bread and cakes, you can pick up electrical products from fireclay clay of the Profi category. Such ovens are designed for baking in the amount of 60-120 pieces. You can buy a tandoor for cakes from 145,000 rubles. Gas ovens are also very popular, the cost of which depends on the type of device and amounts to 75,000-135,000 rubles. You can buy an Uzbek wood-burning tandoor for industrial needs at a price of 50,000 rubles.

Related article:

The advantages of products, varieties of models, installation of the structure, recommendations for the manufacture and selection of materials for creating with your own hands.

What can be cooked in a tandoor? Almost any dish. Such an oven is used for cooking flatbread, samsa, vegetables, fish and various meat dishes. Not used here open fire, but the heat coming from the walls of the structure. it perfect option for baking best quality. Many recipes for dishes cooked in the tandoor can be found on the Internet.

Helpful advice! Before starting the first furnace, the inner surface of the tandoor is lubricated with cotton-based oil. Further, during the day, the oven is heated, so that the dough cakes will not stick to the clay surface.

Flat cakes before baking in the tandoor should be moistened for better adhesion of the dough to the surface. To collect fat flowing from meat dishes, a special bowl is used, which is located under the meat.

In the tandoor you can cook barbecue and pizza. However, for this you need to buy additional element in the form of a lattice, which is attached to the neck of the structure with the help of special fasteners and lowers to the middle of the furnace. In a large tandoor on the grate you can place a pot or a cooking pot fragrant pilaf or shurpas.

When cooking barbecue or kebab, skewers are installed in the hole of the tandoor or can be hung on a transverse iron rod. The neck in this case is covered with a lid. Much less time is spent on cooking than when using a barbecue or stove. For pork or lamb it will take 18-25 minutes, for beef - 30-35 minutes, for fish and poultry - 8-15 minutes, for vegetables - 5-7 minutes.

Helpful advice! In a half-cooled tandoor, you can place a pan with tough, sinewy meat and leave until the morning. The next day, this product in any dish will melt in your mouth.

Preparing the composition for making a clay tandoor with your own hands

The traditional Uzbek tandoor is not built of clay with one's own hands, but is molded from clay. It uses a special composition of the material. You will need kaolin clay, which has good ductility and high thermal insulation properties. In order to prevent the body of the tandoor from cracking under the influence of high temperatures, camel or sheep wool with a fiber length of 1-1.5 cm is added to the clay mixture. wool, in a ratio of 4:1:1:2.

Clay is pre-cleaned of impurities, rubbed through a sieve, mixed and soaked for 48 hours. The remaining elements are added to the prepared substance. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until a viscous state is formed, resembling the consistency of sour cream. Next, the prepared composition should be left for 7 days so that it dries and acquires the necessary condition. During this period, the mixture should be periodically stirred to ensure its uniform drying. The water that collects from above must be drained.

The less moisture remains in the molding composition, the less the risk of cracking the tandoor during its firing. The mixture is suitable for further use when the consistency resembles plasticine.

How to make a tandoor with your own hands: the traditional version

The method of making a tandoor from clay is called tape, since long strips of about 2-3 cm thick, 20-25 cm wide and 2 m long are made from the material.

Helpful advice! The manufacture of the furnace should be carried out in the shade under a canopy so that the clay does not lose its elasticity when fast drying under the influence of sunlight.

Prepared strips must be left to dry in the sun for a while. Further, a bowl without a bottom is formed from them. The product is displayed in a ring with even walls. As a frame for forming the lower part of the product, it is recommended to use a metal barrel, which will immediately need to be removed. So that the clay does not stick to the metal, it should be lubricated sunflower oil.

Then, one or two strips must be attached to the bottom of the product to form a part of the jug tapering upwards, which looks like a dome. Next, the process of sealing the walls is carried out. For this, two tools are used: a metal or wooden trowel in the form of a disk with even rounded edges and a wooden spatula with embossed diagonal stripes.

It is necessary to hold a trowel in one hand and press it against the inner surface of the product, and from the outside, through the clay wall, gently tap it with a spatula. This process contributes to the compaction of the clay and the formation of a pattern in the form of diagonal stripes on the surface.
The final stage is the formation of the upper part of the neck of the tandoor with your own hands. The oven tapers at the top. The diameter of the neck should be two times smaller than the bottom of the jug. Clay is compacted and leveled in the same way as for the main part of the tandoor.

The finished product is transferred to the shade for final drying for 30 days. After the product is completely dry, its inner surface should be smeared with a plentiful layer of sunflower oil.

Preparing a site for the installation of a finished clay tab

There are two options for installing a clay tandoor: on the foundation, followed by brick lining and underground. The place for installation of the product is selected in advance.

If the finished clay tab will be located in a recess, it is necessary to prepare a pit, the depth of which is determined by the height of the product. Its upper part should peek out from under the ground by 7-10 cm. Thus, the function of storing heat is performed by the earth. An additional blower should be equipped in the lower part of the tandoor.

To create a foundation, you need to dig a pit. It can be round or square in shape. It depends on the configuration of the thermal casing in the form of a brick wall around the tandoor. The second option is more preferable, since a sufficient gap is formed between the tab and the wall, which is filled with a heat-storing or heat-insulating composition. The size of the pit should exceed the dimensions of the bottom of the tab by 10-15 cm. The depth of the pit is 15-17 cm.

The pit is covered with sand with a layer of 5 cm and is well compacted. Next, crushed stone of the middle fraction is added with the laying of a reinforcing mesh, which makes it possible to obtain an additional reinforcing layer. Then formwork is performed with a height of 10-15 cm. The foundation should rise 5-7 cm above ground level in order to exclude the possibility of masonry being washed away by storm water. A concrete solution is poured into the formwork, which consists of gravel, cement and sand. The surface is leveled by the rule under the level. In more detail, the installation process can be studied in the video "Do-it-yourself tandoor".

Installation of a clay tab with the construction of a brick wall

After the concrete base has completely dried, the formwork is removed. The surface is marked according to the dimensions of the clay insert for erection brick wall. First, a brick platform is made with open area for arranging the channel of the blower chamber, which is closed with a special door. Can be built into a brick tab metal pipe. It is recommended to install a damper in it, thanks to which the amount of incoming air is regulated. The damper can close completely.

A cast-iron grate is laid on the blower chamber, where fuel is burned. The ash enters the blower, from which it is easily removed through the open door. A clay tab is installed on top of the grating on the platform. For reliability and sealing, the joint between the lower edge of the jug and the brick base is covered with a clay solution. Then a brick wall is erected around the entire perimeter of the tab. The gap between the structure and the tandoor is filled with expanded clay, sand or salt. The brick wall reaches the height of the insert.

Making a tandoor with your own hands from a barrel

The traditional version of making a clay tandoor requires special knowledge, skills and abilities. The surface is often curved, and the clay may subsequently crack. To avoid such troubles, a simplified technology was developed. It is based on making a tandoor from a 200-liter barrel with your own hands. The essence of the method is to create clay walls around a wooden product.

To build a tandoor with your own hands, you will need kaolin clay, vegetable oil, fireclay sand of fine fraction, wooden barrel with iron hoops and sheep or camel hair. The first step is to fill the barrel to the top with water for 24 hours. This is necessary for the impregnation and swelling of the wood. Next, you should prepare a molding mixture of clay, sand and wool in a ratio of 2: 4: 1, which should dry, while becoming plastic.

All water is drained from the barrel. It must dry completely, after which its inner surface is saturated with sunflower oil for 24 hours. Then, from the inside, the barrel is covered with a clay mixture 4-5 cm thick. The composition should be well leveled, wetting the hands with water, so that the result is the smoothest possible surface. Moving up to the neck, the layer of clay must be increased, due to which the upper part of the furnace narrows. A small hole is made at the bottom of the structure for the free passage of air.

The design should dry completely in a dry, dark and ventilated place for 3-4 weeks. After that, the iron hoops are removed and the wooden barrel is disassembled, leaving the clay structure intact. The finished frame is installed on a thick sand cushion, where it is fired. To improve the thermal insulation qualities around the furnace, you can make a brick wall.

Do-it-yourself brick tandoor: step-by-step instructions, drawings and photos of the process steps

The traditional version of the tandoor is made from kaolin clay. This is a rather time-consuming and expensive process that requires the involvement of a specialist or requires a high level of skill. To simplify the task, but at the same time get the desired result, you can make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. The simplest option for making a home oven consists of several processes, each of which will be described in detail in this article.

For construction, you will need the following list of building materials:

  • furnace brick;
  • wooden template;
  • masonry sand mixture;
  • cement;
  • sand;
  • kaolin;
  • reinforcing mesh.

To finish the stove, a solution is used, consisting of clay, salt, sand and wool in a ratio of 4:1:1:2. Sheep or camel wool plays the role of a reinforcing element and contributes to good thermal insulation. Mortar for laying brick rows is prepared in the same way (with the exception of wool). Brick for the tandoor should be chosen silicate or red heat-resistant, which can withstand high temperatures for a long time.

Before you build a tandoor, you need to prepare the foundation. For this, a round pit is being prepared with a diameter exceeding the size of the future structure by several centimeters. At the bottom, a sand cushion 10 cm thick is created, which is covered with a metal mesh made of thick wire or reinforcement bars. Next, the pit is filled with concrete mortar, which is carefully leveled with an iron rule. Be sure to check the horizontalness of the surface by using a level. Then the marking of the lower part of the future domed chamber is carried out with the definition of the outer boundaries of the walls.

Helpful advice! To ensure reliable waterproofing, the concrete foundation must be covered with a sheet of roofing material.

Before you make the tandoor yourself, a brick base is prepared on the foundation. Three rows of fireclay bricks are laid on the concrete surface: the first is placed along the pit, the second - across, the third - along. The elements of the two lower layers are stacked tightly to each other without the use of mortar. For the top row, a clay mixture is used. The created foundation must be fixed with pieces of reinforcement from all sides. The rods are driven into the ground. Their height above the ground is equal to the mark of the top row of masonry.

How to make a brick tandoor: step by step instructions

After the concrete base has gained the necessary strength, you can begin to build a brick tandoor. Photos that can be found on the Internet clearly display the sequence of actions. The diameter of the bottom part will be 1 m, and the height of the structure will be 130 cm. At the first stage, marking is carried out for the future furnace. The first row of the foundation is laid out with an opening for the blower chamber. Clay mortar is used for masonry. The second row covers the chamber, leaving a window in its central part, where a cast-iron grate is mounted.

Starting from the third row, the wall of the structure is erected along the circumference. Bricks are laid in the traditional way. From the inside, the surface is coated with a thick layer of clay, which should be as smooth as possible. Thus, twelve rows are erected. Next, you should proceed to the formation of the tandoor dome. To do this, each subsequent row is shifted to the center by a certain distance, which is calculated in advance.

Knowing that the diameter of the furnace is 1 m, it must be taken into account that the neck should be twice as narrow. This value should be reached after 10 rows, which will correspond to a structure height of 130 cm. Having performed a simple arithmetic calculation, we conclude that each subsequent row should be shifted 5 cm to the center.

In order to make a tandoor with a smooth inner surface, the edges of the bricks that will be turned inward should be processed with a grinder. And also the surface can be leveled with a clay mixture, constantly wetting it with water. After the completion of the masonry process, a jug-shaped structure with a smooth inner surface is obtained.

Next is performed exterior finish tandoor with clay mortar. All seams must be well sealed. The steps that were formed during the execution of the dome must be completely hidden. After the stove has dried, which will happen after 2-3 days, you can make the first kindling.
Then they begin to build the outer wall of the tandoor, which comes close to the brick domed structure. The height of the structure is equal to the height of the inner chamber. The wall is solid, except for the area opposite the blower hole, where a window is left. For better thermal insulation, the space between the outer wall and the inside of the furnace is filled with fine-grained expanded clay, sand or salt.

Helpful advice! top the tandoor can be finished with stone or brick, held together with clay, which will allow you to get a complete structure.

Building a brick tandoor with your own hands: a simplified version

The previous option requires a certain skill to make an arched brick vault. Do-it-yourself tandoor in the country can be built using a simplified method. For this, it is recommended to use an old brick. As masonry mortar you can buy a ready-made heat-resistant mixture in hardware store designed for the construction of fireplaces and stoves. To prepare the solution, you should strictly follow the instructions written on the product packaging.

According to the do-it-yourself tandoor drawing, the brick is laid in a circle, the diameter of which is determined at the planning stage. Usually it is 50-70 cm. With the help of a wooden frame, the brick is placed on the end, forming a circle. For laying, a sandy mortar can be used, which consists of fireclay clay, the necessary plasticizers and quartz sand. Such a composition is very plastic, sets quickly and will not crack during firing.

The first row is laid without gaps. In the second row, a small hole should be left, which will be used as a blower in the future. It can be a small window with an iron door or a chimney. The third row is laid out completely. If the size of a brick tandoor is 100-120 cm in height, four rows of bricks are enough, the horizontalness of each of which is controlled by a level.

When erecting each new row, it should be tied with steel wire. Its ends are twisted and hidden in the gaps between the bricks. When creating the last row, it is required to form a tapering neck. To this end, the brick must be laid with some inclination inside the tandoor. The video shows in more detail the entire construction process.

Do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks: coating and cladding of the structure

At the end of the construction work, the process of coating and facing the tandoor made of bricks is carried out. Refractory clay is applied to the inner and outer surfaces of the structure. The layer thickness is at least 1.5-2 cm. There should be at least two such layers. The second is applied 2-3 days after the first has dried. In order for the drying to be uniform, the structure should be covered with plastic wrap.

Helpful advice! Before applying the coating layer, it is recommended to moisten the brick. This will contribute to a uniform and gradual drying of the clay solution.

The inner surface must be perfectly smooth, so the clay mixture is leveled with constant wetting with water. In the upper part of the furnace, a metal ring 30-50 mm high is mounted around the hole, thanks to which the cover installation area is separated from the rest of the surface. The space from its outer side to the edge of the wall is filled with clay.

Further, the furnace body can be lined natural stone, this will give the structure an attractive and aesthetic appearance, which is clearly shown in the photo of the tandoor. The price of the finished structure will average 4500-5000 rubles.

Helpful advice! For coating brickwork, you can use finely ground fireclay mortar.

The final stage in the manufacture of the tandoor is its firing, which can be performed 3-4 hours after the completion of the coating and finishing work. The structure is completely filled with firewood, a fire is kindled inside the oven, which contributes to the gradual heating of the walls of the structure to 400 ° C. It is necessary that the fuel burns out completely, after which the furnace must slowly cool down. Such a process contributes not only to the drying of the structure, but also to the firing and hardening of the clay.

At the end of all work, the tandoor should be left for 7 days. During this time, you can make a wooden cover, thanks to which heat will be retained inside the structure. In more detail, the process of erecting a structure can be viewed on the video "Do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks."

Since ancient times, the tandoor has served as an indispensable attribute of the national Uzbek cuisine. Today it is widely used in private households. In such an oven, you can cook any dish. Thanks to a special principle of operation, it is possible to create not only a real masterpiece of culinary art, but also significantly save on fuel.

The design can be made of clay or brick on your own, having mastered certain requirements, or you can buy a stove. Tandoor in specialized stores is represented by a wide range of varieties. With original finish finished product this traditional Uzbek stove will become a real decoration of the yard.

How to make a brick tandoor with your own hands: video

Currently, there are many types of ovens. A curiosity for our country is the tandoor. This oven is a brazier special kind. Unlike other stoves, it is not used for space heating. Its main purpose is food preparation. Dishes in it are prepared due to the heat that comes from the evenly heated walls of the oven.

The history of the appearance of tandoor ovens

Problem with cooking in hot conditions Central Asia helped nature. This area is dominated by a sunny dry climate. In addition, in the countries of Central Asia in in large numbers there is loess - a natural material, which is stone dust, which is crushed to a powder state.

The homeland of the tandoor is considered to be Central and Central Asia. The first mention of the tandoor dates back to the 11th century AD. It is no coincidence that tandoors appeared there. The shortage of fuel forced people to look for ways to cook food without using fuel due to the shortage of the latter. The solution was to bake a tandoor.

It is characterized by many unique properties:

  • It is a heat-resistant and breathable material with high strength.
  • Loess is a material with significant heat capacity and good heat dissipation. This means that it heats up quickly, and it can give off heat for a long time.
  • The processing of loess is quite simple. And when it is in a wet state, then it can be molded from it, as from ordinary plasticine.

It is this unique material used by people in Central Asia to make the first tandoors. Due to the dry hot climate, the manufacturing technology of such furnaces is greatly simplified.

The first tandoors were earthen. They arranged as follows:

A hole 50 cm in diameter and 35 cm deep was dug in the loess soil. An air duct was arranged in the side part. Subsequently, the pits were made in the form of a jug, which ensured good fuel economy. This shape guaranteed a good concentration of heat in the center of the furnace chamber.

In the manufacture of such structures is currently used fireclay or kaolin clay. In its properties, it is similar to loess. When creating furnaces, sand is added to the clay solution, as well as chopped wool. This allows you to get a fairly thick solution.

The blanks made from this solution are left in the sun, under which they have been for two weeks. Low-temperature firing conditions created intense heat and prevailing dry air. This is how the Uzbek tandoors, which are now well known, were made.

Tandoor is an oriental miracle building with which you can cook the most variety of dishes- tasty and appetizing. Such furnaces are created by craftsmen who use special clay, horse hair and quartz sand for their manufacture.

The manufacture of the furnace is carried out in a handicraft way, creating it in the form narrow neck cylinder. The usual wall thickness is 2 cm. When the tandoor structure is ready, it is dried in the sun for 7 days. Then the walls of the structure from the inside are coated with cottonseed oil. After that, the furnace starts to heat.

This process continues throughout the day. This ensures good clay drying, as well as rapid incandescence of the walls of the furnace chamber. Subsequently, even loading a small amount of fuel into the chamber, its walls will warm up in a short time.

The procedure for coating the walls of the tandoor with oil is also carried out so that after burning out the surface of the walls of this structure becomes smooth. When removing cakes from it, clay crumbs will not stick to their back side.

Tandoor: what is it and how it works

The principle of operation of this stove is based on a combination of design features and unique properties that the loess material used to manufacture such stoves has.

The tandoor oven, heated from the inside, is usually made of loess or chamotte clay. These materials are characterized by high heat capacity.

Therefore, a heated furnace evenly gives off heat, providing the optimum cooking. When foods are cooked in a tandoor, they are baked, and not fried like on coals, on a grill. In this, such a stove is similar to the Russian one.

When food is cooked on the grill, the heating is uneven, so you need to constantly monitor the cooking process. In the tandoor, everything happens differently. Heat arises in the closed volume of the furnace from its heated walls. Therefore, the heating of dishes occurs evenly.

Types of tandoors

There are three types of tandoor ovens: ground, pit and portable. Speaking in general about such a stove, then in its appearance it is a ceramic hemisphere with a round hole. It is located on the top side.

You can place such a stove in the yard, using as a base clay platform or below ground level.

AT recent times Portable tandoors have become quite popular. Their manufacture began to be practiced relatively recently. According to the principle of operation, they do not differ from traditional tandoors. We will talk about them in more detail later.

As the main material for the manufacture of portable tandoor is used chamotte clay High Quality. It is characterized by the following properties:

  • high heat capacity;
  • significant heat dissipation.

The lid, which closes the mouth of the stove, consists of two levels. In her appearance, she represents two piece construction: lower large and upper small. Depending on the size of the furnace, the wall thickness can vary from 3 to 7 cm.

To provide convenience for carrying the tandoor, its design has two forged metal handles located on the sides. To ensure additional structural strength, the tandoor is pulled together with vertical and horizontal strips of metal.

The blower is located at the bottom of the structure. It is used to kindle the furnace and to extract coals. It is used for vertical arrangement of skewers, which are fixed on special hooks. The oven kit also includes the following accessories:

  • Grill nets, wire racks and baking sheets.
  • Skewers for vertical and horizontal loading.
  • Special attachments for poultry preparation.
  • Tongs.

If you decide to cook food in the tandoor, then you must perform the following sequence of actions:

Advantages of the tandoor

As with any oven, the tandoor has certain advantages:

There is no need for constant monitoring of the cooking process. It is enough to bookmark the products, and after some time the dish will be ready.

Compared to other types of ovens in the tandoor, cooking is faster. For example, in order to cook pork skewers, it takes no more than 20 minutes. If you decide to bake chicken, then in the tandoor the cooking process will take about an hour. Fish dishes will be ready in twenty minutes after loading semi-finished products.

The walls of the tandoor have a high heat capacity, so the cooking process will require a minimum amount of fuel.

Tandoor can be used to prepare a variety of dishes: barbecue, baked poultry and fish, vegetables, cakes. The oven can also be used to brew tea. At the same time, the quality of the prepared drink does not differ from the samovar. This oven can also be used to cook cereals and other dishes.

Dishes cooked in this oven are different fragrant taste and juiciness. They do not burn, and in the cooking process, you can refuse to use fat and oil.

Features of working with the tandoor

The use of this oven is quite simple. However, there are certain nuances in terms of using it. Observing them, you can ensure reliable and safe operation of the furnace.

The main requirement that the owner must fulfill is that it is necessary to store such an oven only in a dry place. The clay from which such a stove is made is distinguished by its ability to absorb moisture. When wet, it is vulnerable to low temperatures.

During frost, cracks may form on the surface of the furnace. In dry indoors it is best to store the tandoor.

If this is not possible, then in order to avoid moisture on the surface of the furnace, it is necessary close it with glass or film. If it gets wet, then drying should be done naturally.

Fuel for kindling

Kindling technology largely depends on the time of year. In the winter months, it must be melted gradually. First, you should kindle the chips, and after a while, when the walls of the furnace warm up, you can lay the rest of the firewood.

In the same way, the tandoor should be kindled for the first time. When on the street warm weather, then you can immediately load all the firewood into the oven chamber at once.

It is best to use firewood for kindling. birch, oak, hornbeam. They have a higher heat transfer coefficient. It is worth abandoning the kindling of the tandoor with firewood fruit trees. When burned, they emit a specific odor. Firewood coniferous trees also should not be used to kindle stoves due to the resin they contain.

The volume of firewood. The optimal bookmark is considered to be one when firewood occupies no more than 2/3 of the volume of the tandoor chamber. If their number is greater, then this will lead to a decrease in the effect of heating. The heat generated will heat the air, not the oven walls.

Kindling duration

It depends on a whole range of factors:

  • size and wall thickness;
  • ambient temperature.

Everyone understands that the larger the volume and thickness of the walls, the more time it will take to warm up the tandoor. The lower the temperature outside, the more time it will take to kindle it. Practical experience shows that about 1 hour is required to kindle this stove.

Tandoor cleaning. During the operation of the furnace, ash arises, to remove which it is necessary to use a scoop and a poker. If the walls of the oven are glazed, then after the tandoor has cooled down, they should be wiped with a damp cloth.

The stove can be used not only for heating the room. It can also be used for cooking. In addition to the Russian stove, the tandoor is also suitable for this.

In our country, such structures are unusual. But gradually they are gaining ground. They came to us from Central Asia. They are mainly used for cooking.

Using the tandoor, you can cook a wide variety of dishes from meat, fish. Often the tandoor is used for baking bread. Products cooked in such an oven do not burn. Dishes cooked in this oven are tasty and appetizing.

With the use of the tandoor there are no big problems. However, there are a number of rules that should be followed during operation. this oven. In this case, long-term operation of the furnace and fuel savings will be ensured.

Tandoor - oven-brazier for cooking in the form of a ball, dome or jug ​​among the peoples of Asia. Distributed very widely - from the Balkan countries to China and Latin America. This is due to the fact that the simple device of the tandoor has been verified for centuries and worked out by many generations.


Modern tandoor

AT modern design the stove is made of kaolin clay (inner layer) and brick (lining). The gap between them is filled with salt, clay or expanded clay. A hole is left in the lower part of the structure - a blower. Through it, the accumulated ash is removed.

Tandoor device

The principle of operation of the brazier:

  1. Hardwood firewood is loaded up to 1/5-1/4 of the furnace volume. Conifers are not recommended because of the high resin content.
  2. After the fuel burns out (usually an hour and a half), the inner surface of the tandoor is cleaned of soot and soot on its own and becomes light.
  3. You can start cooking. Skewers are lowered vertically and fixed at the mouth of the oven, cakes and other dough products are stuck directly on the clay surface. Pilaf in a cauldron is placed on the neck of the structure. The tandoor is covered with a lid.
  4. After 15-40 minutes, the dishes are ready. A bucket or hook is used to excavate pastries.

The shape of the tandoor in the form of a round cavity with a narrowed neck ensures the accumulation of heat from the combustion of firewood, and a thick layer of fireclay clay or brick maintains the temperature for a very long time. Conditions are being created for fastest cooking food from the radiation of embers and heated walls. The food in the oven is evenly baked, remaining juicy. The heat obtained in the tandoor allows you to cook several servings of food in one warm-up. Often braziers are placed in the ground, so the heat is retained for a very long time. A small amount of firewood or other fuel is consumed. In Central Asia, which is not rich in forest reserves, cotton, camel thorn, and saxaul are used.

Classical braziers are round in shape, but there are rectangular and square tandoors.


tandir- this is the name of the traditional oven in Uzbekistan. It bakes Uzbek cakes - tandir-non, puff pies with meat - samsa, vegetables and meat.

The device of the Uzbek tandoor

The classic Uzbek tandoor was built from high-quality chamotte clay with the addition of cut sheep or camel wool and sand, and was a pommel mounted on a stone hearth. First, an inner mold 40-50 mm thick was prepared and dried in the sun for 2-3 weeks. Then the outside was covered with ordinary gray or white clay for additional thermal insulation.

During firing, the wool burned out, the smallest pores formed in the clay layer. This gave additional heat-shielding properties of the furnace.

Sometimes the tandoor was additionally lined with fireclay bricks. A small armful of desert bushes was enough to make cakes and boil water for kumgan.

The disadvantage of the Uzbek tandoor is that it is rather difficult for a person without pottery skills to make a clay construction. You can use the ready-made form sold in stores.

Uzbek tandoor


In Armenia, the stove is called tonir. In addition to cooking in ancient times, it was used to heat dwellings, for medicinal and ritual purposes. Often one tandoor was installed on a village street for several houses. Men were not allowed to bake bread, and women, bending over the oven, bowed to the Sun. The Armenian people hold every year the festival of tonir - Tonraton.

Armenian clay is not as plastic as Uzbek. It is difficult to get a rounded capacity from it. large diameter. Therefore, the tandoor was made of fireclay bricks.

It is quite possible to lay out the furnace in the form of a cylinder with a diameter of 1 m independently according to the scheme:

  1. Dig a pit 30-40 cm deep under the foundation.
  2. Fill with liquid clay mortar.
  3. After the mixture hardens (after 12-14 days), lay out the first row of bricks on clay mortar, leaving a hole for the blower.
  4. Run the next rows of masonry to the required height, shifting the bricks relative to each other for dressing.
  5. Coat the outside with clay mortar, filling the gaps between the bricks.
  6. If you plan to cook pastries, after 2-3 weeks, line the inner surface of the oven with clay mortar.
  7. Finish the outside with tiles, if desired, natural stone.

It remains to carry out preliminary firing. And the Armenian tandoor is ready!

Armenian tonir

The disadvantage of the Armenian tandoor is a lower heat capacity compared to the Uzbek one. This is due to the simplified form of the design, because. it is much more convenient to mold a narrowed vessel from clay than to lay it out of brick. Some of the heat is lost, but the taste ready meals it is not reflected.

The advantage of toner is that it has large area inner surface. It is convenient for baking cakes and bread.

By installation type


Pit-furnace - a stone or brick "bag" in the ground. Kindling is carried out through the upper hole. Food for cooking is also loaded through it. The draft is supported by a pipe buried in the ground at an angle of 45°.

There are two ways to build an earthen tandoor:

  1. Dig a hole 1.25 m deep, lay out the bottom and walls with fireclay bricks, leaving a hole for the air pipe. Insert it from the bottom into this opening, and bring the top to the surface of the earth. Equip with a damper. Treat the inside of the pit furnace with clay mortar. Burn after drying.
  2. Place the finished clay mold in a pre-dug pit. Fill the sinuses with earth, tamp. The extraction device is similar to the first method.

Lay tiles around the opening of the furnace-pit, close the lid.

Tandoor in the ground

Earthen tandoor - the oldest oven

Earth stoves accumulate heat well. They were used in the old days to heat homes. The disadvantages include that they cannot be built at a high level ground water, because structure is saturated with moisture. It is impossible to cook anything in such a tandoor.

Ground (stationary)

With all the variety of shapes and designs of braziers, it is possible to distinguish the general characteristic properties of ground-based tandoors:

  • The "body" of the furnace is located above the ground vertically or horizontally.
  • The heat source is inside the brazier.
  • The draft occurs through a blower hole in the lower part of the structure.
  • Loading of fuel and products is carried out through the upper opening of the tandoor in the case of its vertical arrangement or lateral - in the case of a horizontal layout of the structure.
  • Cooking begins after the firewood and soot on the inner surface of the stove have completely burned out. She should be light.

Juice and fat flowing from meat dishes are collected in a special bowl placed under the meat. Before baking cakes, their surface is moistened with water for better adhesion of products to the walls of the oven.

Improved rectangular tandoor

Portable (mobile)

As an alternative to capital stationary ovens light portable tandoors made of refractory fireclay clay in the form of a jug or barrel are used. Equipped with carrying handles and two-level lids.

They are usually equipped with cooking utensils: skewers, hooks, grills and nozzles. In portable ovens, you can cook several dishes at once.

The walls of the vessel are quite thick - up to 70 mm and durable. But for greater reliability, they are reinforced with steel strips.

Large-capacity portable ovens are produced for large companies or cafes. In such braziers, 8 kg of meat will be well baked in just 15 minutes.

Clay portable tandoors need to be protected from moisture during storage, because. clay is a hygroscopic material. Therefore, usually when selling such furnaces, they are equipped with covers.

Mobile tandoor

By type of fuel


Gas braziers are used in cafes, restaurants and bakeries, where there is an established and formalized provision of "blue" fuel. It is possible to install a tandoor in a home kitchen, but with a mandatory exhaust air exhaust.

A clay pot is placed inside the metal body of the furnace. The voids are filled with heat-insulating material for long-term heat retention.

Made from fired white clay. Manufacturers sometimes introduce sheep wool into the composition of raw materials in order to achieve greater similarity with the correct "natural" tandoors.

Gas tandoor ovens are easy to use, economical, do not emit harmful substances. But the dishes lack that smell of smoke, for which Asian dishes are so loved.

Gas tandoor

Gas burner for tandoor


Heat sources in such stoves are heating elements located inside along the perimeter. Electrical appliances are convenient and compact, they can be used in city apartments. They do not require firewood, do not emit smoke and soot.


The design of electric braziers is very diverse, with an accentuated oriental style. The case is made of metal with a ceramic coating on the inside.

Ease of use is accompanied by a small drawback - the dishes are inferior in taste to those cooked in a real tandoor.

Modern electric tandoors are equipped with minicomputers to monitor the cooking process, regulate temperature and humidity. There are models where you can use natural firewood along with electricity.

Wood and coal

Braziers on coal or wood are closest to their progenitor - the classic tandoor. They are a thick-walled refractory clay pot with a lid, richly decorated with ornate oriental patterns. In the lower part there is a hole for air inflow and ash extraction.

wood burning tandoor

The tandoor is equipped with metal handles for carrying, sometimes legs are built in for secure installation on the ground.

Firewood or coals are loaded into the oven. After complete burnout, they start cooking. The kit often includes skewers, hooks, ash shovels. Additionally, you can buy whatnots, fish grills, cast iron. Only charcoal or hardwood firewood is used as fuel.

Size gradation

Capital structures can be small, but usually the diameter is about 1 m, and the height is 1-1.2 m. These are the optimal dimensions that allow you to use the brazier most efficiently.

Portable tandoor stoves are conventionally divided into 4 types:

  • small weighing up to 50 kg,
  • average 50 ... 79 kg,
  • large 80 ... 100 kg,
  • very large from 100 kg and above.

Knowing what the tandoor is for, you can choose it correctly:

  • for family use;
  • for going out into the countryside;
  • for a large company;
  • for business.

To cook a small amount of food, you need to purchase a small stove. There is even a desktop version. For simultaneous cooking of several dishes, you should choose a larger oven.

A lot of firewood can be loaded into voluminous tandoors. This will give more heat and the ability to cook an impressive number of dishes.

Small braziers are freed from coals after they burn through before cooking. Large ones do not need such cleaning.


The tandoor is a unique oven in its simplicity and efficiency, capable of cooking a lot of food with a minimum amount of fuel. Dishes have an appetizing smell and unique taste. You can build a structure with your own hands or purchase it in a store. Modern braziers offered by various manufacturers will satisfy the requirements of the most demanding customers.

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The brick tandoor is the best option for making your own. Many people want to make this oven out of clay, but such a design will not last long, because ceramics need a temperature of over 1000 degrees to bake. In addition, the bricks are cheap enough and the process is so simple that there is no reason to refuse to build a tandoor with your own hands.

Drawings and dimensions

Brick tandoors are of two types - horizontal and vertical. The vertical one is considered classic, its lid is on top, and not on the side, and it is he who is used to prepare dishes of Uzbek cuisine. In addition, it is easier to build, since there is no need to brick the base.

The general scheme of the tandoor looks like this:

Three-digit numbers indicate the overall dimensions (in mm). It should be noted that they may vary depending on the type of masonry and the number of rows typed. The rest are labeled:

  1. Bassoon clippings.
  2. Chamotte brick laid vertically in three rows.
  3. Expanded clay.
  4. Red brick.
  5. Expanded clay with clay mortar.
  6. Bassoon clippings.
  7. Paving slabs.
  8. It blew.
  9. Metal plate above the blower.
  10. Grids.
  11. Galvanized.
  12. Hanger for vegetables.
  13. Skewers.

What will be needed?

To stock up on everything you need to build a tandoor, you will have to visit a hardware store.


The following tools will be used:

  • Bulgarian with a diamond wheel designed for ceramics.
  • Plaster rule and spatula.
  • Paint brush.
  • A vat for mixing concrete or an electric concrete mixer.
  • Building level.
  • Saw-hacksaw.
  • Hammer and nails or screwdriver and screws.
  • Shovel.
  • Pliers.


The names of the required materials and their approximate quantity are displayed in the table. Please note that the actual consumption may differ both up and down.

Table. Consumption of material for the construction of a tandoor

Making a tandoor with your own hands

Since the brick tandoor is quite heavy and is installed outdoors, only the right foundation can ensure its long-term service.

Before building it, you need to find out how high the groundwater is at the intended installation site of the tandoor. If they are close to the ground surface, you will have to find another territory. Next, determine the type of soil. If it is clay or loam, you will need reinforced columnar foundation. On sandy and sandy loam, as well as on sod-podzolic, you can get by with a monolithic casting concrete slab. Since these types of soil are most common, a method for creating a concrete foundation will be described.

Foundation pouring

The base for the tandoor has a size of 100 x 100 cm and a thickness of 10 cm. They make it like this:

The concrete solution is prepared according to this recipe: for three parts of sand, one gravel and cement. Water is added so much that the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained.

Rule making

While the foundation is hardening, it's time to start making the rule. In shape, it resembles a yacht sail and serves to ensure that the walls are even.

Since a regular tandoor has the same height and width at the base, the length of the lower part of the rule will be equal to half its height. The diameter of the neck is a third of the width of the base. Based on these measurements, a rule is made, placing its transverse strips at a distance of 25 cm.

For convenience, you can draw a pattern on any sheet of paper or cardboard.

building walls

When the foundation has gained sufficient hardness, the walls begin to wall.

This can be done in two ways - placing the bricks vertically or horizontally. In the first case, a significant savings in consumables is obtained, and in the second, the tandoor keeps heat much longer and can gain more high temperature. If it is planned to build a tandoor for domestic use, vertical masonry will fully justify itself, and it will also take less time.

The process looks like this:

In the classic tandoor there is no exhaust pipe. Some craftsmen include it in the design of their stoves and claim that it greatly facilitates use. For example, it can be used in rainy weather, because air access to create traction occurs not through an ajar lid (where water enters, which extinguishes the fire), but through a horizontally located pipe.

External processing

When brickwork will be finished, you need to start processing the outer part of the tandoor. It is plastered with oven mixture, making sure that its layer is not less than 1 cm.

The upper edge is rounded and four recesses are made in it, into which the supporting parts of the lid are then placed.

After that, the tandoor is covered with cellophane and left until the plaster is completely dry.

Terms of use

Tandoor is a unique and multifunctional oven. In it you can bake cakes and pies, fry meat, bake potatoes and cook many more dishes.

Flour pastries are “glued” to the walls of the tandoor. This is how the process of making samsa looks like:

Ready pies are pry off with a special metal spatula, substituting a metal sieve with a long handle. The cake falls into the sieve and is taken out.

Shish kebab is prepared by hanging skewers vertically on a special stand and closing the top with a lid. In the absence of such, it is possible to build such a structure from two empty skewers or thick metal rods:

Vegetables are baked, laid out on special grills. You can also put pizza, a large pie with filling or put tin bread there. Assembling such a device with your own hands is not difficult. The grate is hung in the same way as skewers with barbecue:

Cooking begins after the firewood burns out and only coals remain, giving heat. The tandoor heats up to a temperature of about +450 ° C and gradually cools down. It stays hot enough for cooking for 6-7 hours.

It is important to remember that there is a risk of getting burned, so you should work with the tandoor carefully and in no case should children be allowed near it.

Tandoor built near a private house or on suburban area, can easily replace both the grill and the oven. It can be used at any time of the year, and the wood consumption is so economical that it cannot even be compared with other stoves. If the question is what to build - a tandoor or a barbecue, the choice is obvious.

Tandoor do it yourself. Step by step instructions with photo

It is not an easy task to create a miracle oven called tandoor, common in Asia, in your yard or on a site. But if you follow step by step detailed instructions, then you will get a reliable and durable unit.

Laying the foundation, like foundations.

The first step is to dig a hole for the foundation of a small depth. The finished pit is filled with 10 cm of sand, which will retain the heat. A metal mesh is installed on top of the sand, which will need to be poured with concrete. The concrete surface is leveled and checked building level.

Advice! Carry out the first stage in advance, since it will take about a week for the concrete to completely harden and gain strength.

The construction of the walls of the tandoor

To build walls for you you will need a large sandstone stone, an arch-blower, roofing material and cement. You can build a tandoor with your own hands from brick or other stone of your choice.

From roofing felt several rectangular pieces are cut out and attached to cement, forming a circle, as in the photo;

Ready-made is attached to the cement arch;

Arm yourself with a spatula and start laying on the cement in a circle stones;

Check with construction level uniformity of upper sandstone stones. If necessary, level with cement;

how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick. A photo

When laying between some stones, place pieces wire. They will help in the future to better hold expanded clay with cement.

Lining from the inside:

Dilute in a separate container expanded clay With cement in a ratio of one to one;

Take a leaf roofing felt or PVC 5 mm thick and the same height as your future oven. Roll it into a cylinder, secure it with tape and place it inside the oven;

The radius of the cylinder must be significantly smaller than the radius of the furnace in order to have a distance between them;

Fill temporarily the cylinder stones that they keep his form;

Start pouring the empty space between the walls of the cylinder and the furnace prepared cement-claydite mixture;

After it dries, first remove the stones, and then the cylinder itself from the structure;

If necessary, trim the surface of the walls inside with a spatula or trowel;

Build a small ledge in a circle at the bottom of the tandoor, avoiding the place near the arch. Pay attention to the photo, bricks are used there as a temporary support for the tape holding the mixture;

Install the plate from marble over the walls.

Clay cover:

AT equal parts clay, straw and sand are mixed.

Advice! Chamotte clay is perfect for finishing a home tandoor.

With the finished mixture 3-5 cm thick, you need to evenly cover the entire inner surface until it becomes smooth;

It is necessary to wait for the clay to dry completely naturally or help it with a lamp, a fan.

Closing holes

Buy a metal door for the arch and a cover for the top opening.

tandoor in the country with their own hands. A photo

Checking the oven in operation

Do-it-yourself tandoor is ready. Throw in some firewood to check if the stove is working. The temperature will quickly reach 111°C. If you add more firewood, the temperature will rise to 345°C and higher, which will allow you to cook your favorite dishes in the brand new oven.

Brick tandoor for giving. Master Class

There are many ways to create a tandoor in the country with your own hands. Basically, all tandoor ovens are vase-shaped. They are built from various materials, they have distinguishable designs. What unites them all is the ability to keep warm inside for a long time, which makes it possible to cook delicious food. Those who have ever tried delicious meals piping hot, I'm interested in the question of how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick.

The task before those who wish will appear difficult, but doable. The drawings of the tandoor will help to better understand the essence of the design.

You will need:

  • Natural stone (you can take raw);
  • Chamotte clay;
  • Refractory brick;
  • Finished reinforced concrete slab for foundation or cement;
  • Metal pipe and cap.

do-it-yourself tandoor drawings. A photo

Step 1. Foundation

The hole is pre-dug round shape, the diameter of which will be equal to the size of the future furnace. Laid in a hole reinforced concrete slab.

Advice! If you decide to pour the foundation yourself, then place a steel grate at the bottom of the pit. When you pour the cement, it will give additional reinforcement to the future foundation.

Step 2 Walls

While the foundation hardens, and this is from 1 to 2 weeks, you can start creating wooden template for the walls of the tadyr.

Important! The template is wooden frame, which is temporarily attached in the middle of the structure and, when rotated, exactly repeats the shape of the planned furnace.

Wall laying is carried out in a circle. Bricks are laid out in a vertical position. After completing the first row, it is necessary to fix the pipe that will regulate the movement of air.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Photo step by step

Advice! To make the tandoor with your own hands a tapering shape, when laying each layer, place the bricks at an angle. This can be done by adjusting the thickness of the cement layers.

Step 3. Covering with clay

When the brick tandoor has reached the height you need, it's time to move on to the next step. Replace the solution of clay and sand in a ratio of 4 to 1 in the container and add a pack of salt to it. Carefully outside and inside the future oven must be lubricated with a clay consistency.

Advice! It is better to wait not only for the complete drying of the clay, but also to burn it. Put firewood inside the stove and just fire it up.

Step 4. Facing

To improve the appearance and thermal insulation properties, the tandoor is lined on the outside natural stone. Cover the finished structure with a pre-purchased lid. The oven is ready for use.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Video step by step

Do-it-yourself large stationary brick tandoor

If a small, budget do-it-yourself tandoor is not for you, then pay attention to the example of a massive oven. Brick is already very familiar as the main material, but the design is not so ordinary.

Advice! When designing such a tandoor, be prepared for high costs of materials, and during operation - fuel.

You will learn how to build a tandoor with your own hands by studying the following steps.

The basis for the construction of the tandoor was chosen concrete pad . Since the furnace is quite large, which means it will give more heat, there is no need to heat the entire foundation with it. To do this, the bottom of the oven is laid out refractory brick.

To make the walls even, a homemade plywood template on the axis.

The first layer of brick is laid out in such a way as to place a special blew.

The inner wall is laid out in layers in half a brick.

When the design is completely dry, it must be wrapped basalt wool in 2 layers and proceed to the outer masonry.

Can be placed on the neck metal corners , which will serve as nests for skewers and other devices during cooking.

The builder of the oven in the photo used an ordinary one as a lid for the tandoor manhole. You can repeat after him, or you can purchase a lighter cover that will simplify the operation of the oven.

Such a brick tandoor, thanks to its even masonry, can look beautiful and dignified even without external decoration. And thanks to its size, it is possible to cook even the largest dishes in it.

DIY brick tandoor on a mobile platform

An excellent option for giving would be a do-it-yourself tandoor made of bricks on a mobile basis. A small amount of materials is used for its design, but in shape it will look like any massive tandoor. Its walls are a quarter of a brick thick. And the entire height will be only 3 bricks. You should first purchase a metal platform with wheels or attach them yourself.

Brick rows, as they are laid, must be tied with wire, and then covered with a pre-made clay mixture. Chamotte clay- the best material for these purposes.

Do-it-yourself tandoor oven is compact and convenient. But some dishes can not be cooked in it because of its size.

how to make a tandoor with your own hands. Video

Do-it-yourself earthen tandoor

You are already familiar with the construction of different types of tandoor, and you just have to find out how to make a tandoor with your own hands from brick underground. The advantages of such a furnace include the possibility of using improvised materials, as well as saving space.

To build his underground tandoor, the master used:

  • Red brick;
  • red clay;
  • Neck from a large ceramic container;
  • Lid
  • Convenient place to park your car.

Step 1. First of all, you need to dig pit about 1 meter deep. Such a do-it-yourself tandoor oven without fail needs a pipe through which air will flow. For the pipe you need to dig channel inclined.

Step 2. For laying the bottom is used brick. The seams are filled with ordinary clay.

Step 3 Pipe should be of such length that it reaches from the bottom to the surface of the earth. It must be installed at a 45° angle.

Step 4. Laying out the walls is carried out bricks upright. In the first row, which took 24 bricks, no bonding mortar is needed. The diameter of the future tandoor is approximately 50 cm. In total, 3 rows of vertically placed bricks should be obtained.

Step 5. All seams should be carefully sealed. clay.

Step 6. Go to cooking clay mixture. To do this, dilute the clay with water to a creamy consistency and hang it to be filtered through a special plaster mesh. Leave the clay for 1 day to infuse and separate from the water.

Step 7. Ready-mixed clay through a plaster mesh with fiberglass internal surfaces future oven. The thickness of the clay layer turned out to be 1 cm.

Step 8. To create throat the master approached creatively. He carved the bottom of a large flat clay vase and used the container in construction.

Step 9. The vase is installed on the brickwork upside down. To fix it, you need to carefully coat it with clay.

Step 10 Cast Iron or Other lid, which you can find in your arsenal, will be able to close the brick tandoor.

Step 11. To secure the entire structure, the free space around the vase is filled up. expanded clay. And the protruding part of the furnace is coated with cement.

Step 12. To recreate the integrity of the floor, the place around the tandoor is poured concrete, and then put tile.

Do-it-yourself tandoor in the parking space is ready.

Do-it-yourself tandoor, a budget option

If you decide to build a tandoor in the country with your own hands and do not want to invest a lot of money in it, then pay attention to the following example.

First of all, an Asian oven needs a quality foundation. The standard for it is 100 * 100 cm. The thickness of the plate is 10 cm. It is necessary to dig a hole 15 cm deep. Use sand at the bottom, and fix a reinforcing mesh at a distance of 5 cm from it. For formwork, 15 cm roofing boards were taken (10 cm should remain in the ground, and 5 should rise above the ground). Concrete is poured only when everything is level. It will take at least 72 hours to dry.

For the base and walls was chosen refractory brick.

Important! Fireclay brick is ideal for tandoor, as it is not affected by temperature changes and does not collapse.

The base of the oven will be round, so you will need blueprints tandoor to cut a pattern 75 cm in diameter.

Advice! Extra parts of the bricks for the circle can be removed with a cutting wheel.

Brick is laid on the roofing material and fastened to the refractory furnace mixture.

To make the walls smooth and beautiful, you will need a template for their construction.

Important! According to the rules, the tandoor has a height equal to the width of the base, and its neck should occupy 2/3 of the size of the base.

Brick laying is carried out in a vertical position. All seams are coated with a solution. The first row is stretched wire.

The second and third row are laid out similarly. Inside, the edges should fit as tightly as possible, and on the outside they should be carefully smeared with a solution.

DIY tandoor a budget option. A photo

The finished barrel is plastered outside furnace mix. The layer should be 1 cm.

Advice! While the budget tandoor is drying with your own hands, cover it from exposure to the sun or bad weather.

When the solution is completely dry, the tandoor is covered with a refractory acrylic paint.

It remains to clean the finished oven inside from dirt after construction and dust and use it for your own pleasure.