How quickly does lawn grass grow? When to plant lawn grass and how to achieve its best germination

Sowing lawn grass (some people, although incorrectly, call sowing planting lawn grass) is one of the most common methods of arranging grass surfaces, along with laying ready-made rolled turf and hydroseeding. Unlike other methods, it has a number of features and nuances, knowing which you can make your life easier and speed up seed germination.

Lawn grass planting and care.
lawn grass at the dacha, how to sow lawn grass

Timing of sowing lawn grass (timing of planting lawn grass).
(when to sow lawn grass, when to plant lawn grass, when is it better to sow lawn grass, when is it better to plant lawn grass, when is it better to plant lawn grass, time to plant lawn grass, time to sow lawn grass)

Lawn grass seeds can be sown immediately after snow melts on prepared soil and before stable snow cover appears. The most favorable timing- early spring, second half of August. Provided regular watering, the lawn can be sown at any time.

How to sow lawn grass correctly.
(how to plant lawn grass correctly, how to plant lawn grass, how to plant lawn grass, how to plant lawn grass correctly, how to sow lawn grass correctly, how to plant lawn grass with seeds, sowing lawn grass)

Distribute the total amount of seeds into three parts, while in one pass spending no more than one part on the entire sown area. With each pass, the quality of sowing will increase.

Lawn grass seed consumption:
(lawn grass seeds consumption)

the rate of sowing lawn grass depends on the type of seeds used, their condition (germination and quality of seeds in general), as well as on the goals pursued when sowing or overseeding.

How much lawn grass do you need (how much lawn grass should you buy)?
For single-species seeds, lawn grass consumption is as follows:
meadow bluegrass - up to 2.5-3 kg per 100 m2
red fescue - up to 3.5-4 kg per 100 m2
perennial ryegrass - up to 4-5 kg ​​per 100 m2
bentgrass - up to 1-1.5 per 100 m2
white clover - up to 1.5-2 kg per 100 m2.

For grass mixtures, seeding rates can be divided into two groups:
for meadow grasses - urban gardening - 4.0-5.0 kg per 100 m2
for lawn grasses - home gardening - 3.0-4.0 kg per 100 m2.

For example, when landscaping urban areas and using a mixture, this mixture will need from 40 to 50 grams per 1 m2 due to its composition and purpose. To create sports fields from the mixture, up to 30 g/1m2 of this mixture is required.

The consumption rate of lawn grass depends on the size of the types of grass used (for different types- different seed sizes), germination and quality seed material(the lower the quality, the higher the lawn consumption rate per 1 m2), the goal pursued when creating a grass surface (reclamation, regular grassing or construction of sports fields).

Germination of lawn grass. How long does it take for lawn grass to grow?
(how long does it take for lawn grass to sprout, how many days does lawn grass sprout, lawn grass sprouts)
Grass used for landscaping and creating lawns in field conditions capable of sprouting from 3 to 30 days, depending on the type of grass, temperature, watering regime, and the presence of covering material.

lawn grass how to plant photo
when to plant lawn grass
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when to plant lawn grass, when to sow lawn grass

You got the idea to create a lawn, prepared the soil, sowed the seeds and are now looking forward to the first shoots. How to find out how long after sowing the lawn will come up grass? The answer to the question depends on the plant variety and sowing time.

A landscape designer can confidently name 7 types of lawns:

  • urban;
  • shadow;
  • ground floor;
  • Mauritanian;
  • ordinary;
  • sports;
  • wild;
  • roll

The latter type is a layer of turf, that is, there is no need to wait for seedlings. But herbs for other species differ in characteristics: the germination period of plants depends on the variety.

Germination time of lawn grass depending on its type

Grasses for a city lawn should not require much attention; this is achieved by sowing a mixture of ryegrass, tall fescue and timothy. The interval between sowing and the first shoots will be 7-10 days, depending on air and soil temperatures.

Grasses for a shady lawn must be shade-tolerant, so 80% of the mixture is red fescue. Under favorable conditions for the plant, the first shoots will appear in 10-12 days.

Parterre lawn among landscape designers considered prestigious, they place it in a visible and sunny place. Effectiveness is achieved by sowing bentgrass, meadow grass and different varieties fescue Plants emerge slowly, such as bentgrass when sown will rise in the spring in 9-13 days, if you sow before winter, shoots will appear in May.

Plants for the Moorish lawn - cereals and flowers. The proportion of flowering plants, depending on the mixture, is 5-7%. The heterogeneity of the mixture composition increases the period of overall germination: depending on weather conditions, the first shoots will appear 8-16 days after sowing.

An ordinary lawn is slightly inferior in beauty to a parterre lawn, but due to the sowing of different types of bluegrass and ryegrass, it does not require careful maintenance. It depends on the variety of bluegrass how long it takes for shoots to appear: if ryegrass sprouts after 6-7 days, then bluegrass - after 10-20 days.

Grass for a sports lawn should be strong and unpretentious. Perennial ryegrass VIC 66 and red fescue are used, which will sprout 14-15 days after sowing.

A wild lawn is called "lazy". The basis is wild herbs: chamomile, lily of the valley, clover, yarrow, thyme. It is difficult to say how many days it will take for this type of lawn to sprout: the timing depends on the predominant plants in the mixture. Clover, for example, sprouts after 11 days, and yarrow - after 12-20 days.

In general, lawn grass of all types sprouts within 20 days. But if you do not want to fight weeds, then sow the plants before winter. In this case, the first shoots will appear in April-May.

Much has been written about how to create a lawn. And the technology for creating a lawn is no secret to anyone, and many gardeners create it using classical technology: buying seeds - preparing a place for a lawn - sowing the lawn - caring for it. The technology is simple and has been used by many who already have a lawn. But here I would like to draw your attention to the final result - appearance lawn 2-3 months, or a year after sowing it. For some, the lawn has sprouted evenly and thickly, while for others, the seeds have sprouted only in places, and such a lawn, of course, has a pitiful appearance.

What is the reason for this germination? You can say that you bought low-quality seeds. I agree, this may be the case. Someone else will say that the seeds were pecked out by birds, washed away by rain, or the young lawn was not watered regularly. He will be partly right. But the main reason lies a little differently.

I'll tell you little secret that gardeners around the world have not yet developed a clear rule for the depth of planting lawn grasses. And there is nothing strange here, because the depth of seed placement depends on many factors, the composition of the soil, for example.

But at what depth should lawn grass seeds be embedded in the soil? To begin with, I will say that the seeds of lawn grasses are very small and cannot be planted deeply. According to English researchers, meadow grasses emerge from a depth of 1 cm approximately 6-8 days after sowing, but their own nutrients for growth are enough for them for approximately 5 days. Based on this, we can say with confidence that this planting depth (1 cm) is critical for the germination of lawn grasses.

But despite this, grassland scientists advise not to plant grass seeds deeply, although deep planting reduces the likelihood of them being pecked out by birds or washed away during watering. So, for example, the seeds of meadow grass are planted to a depth of 0.5 cm, and the seeds of other lawn grasses are planted at 1-2 cm, but not deeper than 3 cm.

The appearance and quality of your lawn in the future will depend on the correct depth of seeding of lawn grasses. Personally, I fundamentally adhere to this rule, because the result is visible a week after sowing the seeds - the seedlings of cereal grasses are friendly and germinate evenly.

The second important question that novice gardeners ask is “When is the best time to sow lawn grasses?”

The biological properties of lawn grasses are such that they germinate and take root throughout the season. This suggests that the lawn should be created in the warm period from mid-spring to early autumn.

But despite this, there are the most suitable sowing dates; they are divided into spring, summer and autumn. All three periods are optimal for creating a lawn, but again, gardeners do not set a clear period, and everyone chooses the best one for themselves.

It happens that when sowing in spring period better grass stand is formed, but in other cases good grass stand is obtained in summer period, and it happens that in the autumn. Regardless of the sowing time, seed germination is influenced by two factors: moisture and heat. In the spring, for example, it is not very warm, sometimes there is not enough moisture, and in the summer there is just not enough moisture, but there is too much heat (during this period, you should not forget about regular watering of the lawn). At the beginning of autumn, there are fewer warm days and their lack sometimes slows down the friendly germination of lawn grasses until the first frost.

Considering the natural dynamics of such factors in different times seasons (spring, summer, autumn) and average data on their deficiency and availability, we can safely say that spring, summer, and early autumn are suitable for creating a lawn.

From the above we can conclude that you can sow a lawn at any time, but this is not true. In each of these three periods, there are optimal times that are considered the best for sowing a lawn.

In the first half of May, for example, when the soil is sufficiently warmed by the sun and average temperature air above +10, approximately until May 10-15, is the optimal time for creating a lawn in the spring. Moreover, I would like to note that sowing a lawn after this date no longer guarantees successful seed germination. Because in a later period, at the beginning of summer, for example, the summer heat (drought), which begins in last days May and can last until the end of June, and sometimes July.

But what if you bought lawn grass seeds, but did not have time to properly prepare the plot? There is only one answer - wait for summer. A favorable period for creating a lawn is in the summer, this is the period when the ground is abundantly saturated with moisture after the summer rains. But you shouldn’t delay planting a lawn in the summer, because... Then comes the July heat. Experts recommend creating a lawn in the second decade of June. It is also believed that in June, to create a lawn, the most favorable conditions for its growth and development are created; this is facilitated by air temperature and humidity.

If you again did not have time to sow the lawn at the beginning of summer, then the next optimal period is considered to be the end of August - beginning of September. At autumn sowing seedlings of cereal grasses do not have time to gain sufficient strength, i.e. grow stronger, and with insufficient feeding and poor care, they may not survive the winter well.

It is better not to sow a lawn in July and early August, especially if you come to your site on weekends and cannot provide it with high-quality and regular watering. During this period, the heat sets in and the lawn may not germinate at all, and even if it does somehow germinate, it may dry out. Although I oversowed my lawn in some places, I watered it abundantly almost every day, because I live in the country in the summer.

To be honest, there are no standard recommendations for the periods of creating a lawn. Because each region has its own climatic zone (air temperature, precipitation rate, etc.). Therefore, each gardener must determine for himself optimal timing creating a lawn.

In addition to these three periods, there is also a winter period. In the winter period, not only lawn grasses are sown, but also some vegetable crops.

Pre-winter sowing is characterized by sowing seeds at negative temperature, with the expectation that the seeds will no longer germinate in the fall, but early spring When the soil warms up a little they will begin to sprout (late March - early April). And when the rest of the gardeners begin to sow the lawn in May, your lawn will have already sprouted sufficiently.

Pre-winter sowing should be carried out in late October - early November. It all depends on your climatic conditions natural area. But with such sowing there is a risk of seed germination in November-December. This is due to the fact that in recent years autumn can be long and warm, and winters are also warm and snowless. But once the frost sets in, your lawn may freeze.

That's all! I wish you success in choosing the sowing period and a green lawn!

Even the most beautiful country house It won’t seem like that if the area around it is unkempt. Arrangement on the site flower arrangements, lawns, alpine slides will make it attractive and unique. Let's take a closer look at lawns. Many people ask questions: how long does it take for lawn grass to sprout and why does it take a long time to appear or does not sprout at all? To answer them, you need to consider all the factors that influence the growth and development of these plants. But first of all, you need to know the characteristics of lawn grass.

Lawn grass, unlike ordinary grass, is more delicate, soft, and has a rich green color.

The herbs that are used for have several distinctive features. They are more delicate, soft, have a rich bright color and resistant to abrasion.

Basic requirements for lawn grass:

  1. Creating a dense cover.
  2. Resistant to trampling.
  3. Easy to care for.
  4. Frost resistance and shade tolerance.
  5. Good resistance to various diseases.
  6. Beautiful appearance.

Types of lawn grasses

Lawn grasses can be annual or perennial. When the above-ground part of the plant dies in winter and grows back from the root in spring, such grass is considered perennial. Plants live from a simple seed to a flower. Common: red fescue, perennial tares, meadow bluegrass, horned grass. At rapid development the age of grass is short-lived. Such grasses include common comb grass, perennial and multi-flowered ryegrass, rhizomatous wheatgrass and wheatgrass. Cereal grasses are often used for lawns.

Requires certain knowledge and adherence to technology. The timing of germination directly depends on how correctly the seeds were planted, on the time of sowing, on the choice of seeds, on the preparation of the soil.

Only by considering all these factors together can you determine how long it will take for lawn grass to sprout and understand why it does not sprout for a long time.

Lawn grass needs careful care, otherwise it will not look so fresh and attractive.

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Timing for sowing lawn grass

You can sow herbs almost any time. The most common practices are autumn, spring and summer sowing. In some cases, the lawn is sown before the snow melts, and it is done directly on the ice crust. The timing of sowing depends on several factors:

  • on the climatic conditions of the region;
  • on the type of soil on the site;
  • on the condition of the soil;
  • on the possibility of providing sufficient watering.

During autumn sowing, it is very important that at least 45 days remain before the first frost. The most optimal conditions for sowing: warm cloudy weather, moderate regular precipitation. For middle zone Russia more favorable time considered to be the second half of summer and the beginning of autumn. For the central part, as a rule, the most the right time for sowing - August 10-25. Summer sowing cannot be carried out in dry, hot regions. After all sun rays very harmful to tender seedlings. Even regular watering cannot always save the situation. In such regions it will be more preferable spring planting, and if it is done in autumn, then it is first necessary to water the soil abundantly so that the moisture saturates the ground to a depth of more than 50 cm.

In summer and spring they can germinate and sprout along with the weeds. When sowing in autumn, only grass comes up. And if he doesn’t have time to ascend, then he ascends in next year early spring before weeds appear.

The timing of sowing grass depends on climate conditions and soil conditions.

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Tools and materials needed to create a lawn

  1. Gardening tools: shovels, rakes, hoes.
  2. Seeder.
  3. A sheet of plywood, a roller or a wide board.
  4. Cultivator.
  5. Fertilizer.
  6. Lawn grass seeds.
  7. Chemicals for weed control.

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Preparing the soil for creating a lawn

It is necessary to remove garbage and other unnecessary items from the site. Under no circumstances should garbage be plowed up, as this will create very unfavorable conditions for the growth and development of the root system, and during this process, equipment can be damaged.

  • mechanical method: dead or growing large stems of annual and perennial weeds are pulled out, the rest are mowed as low as possible or weeding is performed;
  • chemical (more effective way): vegetating weeds are treated with a continuous action herbicide. The drug does not immediately decompose in the soil and retains its active effect for several days, so sowing should be carried out according to the recommended timing indicated on the drug. During this time, other preparatory operations are carried out.

Before planting lawn grass seeds, you need to cultivate the soil well.

Next is created flat surface on the site. If the thickness of the fertile layer is less than 10 cm, you need to start new fertile soil, distribute it evenly and level it. If the soil has not been brought in, then leveling should be done. Its goal is to get rid of holes, depressions, hummocks and tubercles. It is not necessary to create an ideal horizontal surface on the site; it may have a slope. This will even relieve the lawn of stagnant water, which is detrimental to many varieties of grass. Areas with small hummocks and holes are filled with fertile soil from other places garden plot. On uneven surfaces removed top layer soil, and the soil is leveled, and after that the removed layer is returned to its place.

Simultaneously with leveling, drainage is created. Drainage installation is mandatory in areas where water may stagnate after snow melts, irrigation and rain. Therefore, under the layer of soil removed during leveling, a layer of large stones, gravel or broken bricks is poured onto the infertile soil and compacted well. A fertile layer of soil is placed on top, which has been removed.
You can create a subsoil irrigation system on the site.

The next step is to improve the soil structure. Most perennial grasses develop and grow better in medium-sized soils. fertile soils. Often, in grass mixtures to create lawns, seeds of plants are used that can grow for several years on peat, sand and clay soils. You can create it if you want good conditions for long-term use of the lawn using the following operations:

  • on heavy clay soils, sand is added before digging (5-15 kg per m2) and mixed with the soil by digging;
  • On sandy light soils, manure or peat should be applied; the rate will depend on the type and condition of the soil.

To make grass grow better, you can add organic matter to the soil. mineral fertilizer.

To improve fertility, before digging, you can add organic or mineral fertilizer containing the necessary nutrients: potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and trace elements.

Plowing before sowing helps to loosen the soil, improve the air-water regime of the soil, suppress weeds, deepen the turf, and mix the fertilizer applied to the soil. Plowing is the main method of combating the development of pathogens and pests. In mid-autumn or spring, the area should be dug up with a shovel to a depth of 20-25 cm. large areas It is better to use a plow or cultivator. During processing, you should get rid of foreign objects in soil and stones.

The last stage of soil preparation is loosening and leveling the surface. In small areas a rake is used, in large areas a cultivator with a harrow is used.

In order for the grass to grow well, after plowing the area must be left fallow, that is, weeds whose seeds constantly germinate in the prepared area must be destroyed for several weeks. This is a very effective way to combat pests, diseases and weeds, but at the same time the soil preparation time is very delayed.

Lately, sowing green manure grasses—plants that are used as “green manure”—has become popular. They should be sown several weeks before you decide to create a lawn. Root system These plants absorb nitrogen from the air, enriching the soil with it.

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Selection of seeds for the lawn

Having prepared the soil, you can start choosing seeds. The lawn can be intended for intensive use (for playing golf, football or tennis) and for medium loads (in recreation parks, playgrounds, recreation in the country), or as decorative element landscape design.

Different varieties of seeds, invented by scientists in laboratories, can quickly adapt to environment, endure cold or heat.

The lawn can be in the sun, in the shade, in any climatic zone, outside the city or in urban areas, on a hillside and on flat ground, etc. Seeds should be selected taking into account functional purpose lawn and all natural and climatic conditions. Considering that lawn grasses can have a lifespan of over 20 years, seed quality cannot be ignored. Most often, the purchase of seeds is the smallest cost item when creating a lawn in relation to such factors as planning, soil reclamation, use drainage systems, labor costs, irrigation and fertilization.

The quality of the seeds is tested and verified by international national laboratories or ISTA laboratories. The purity of the mixture, germination, humidity and other indicators can be guaranteed by certificates. In Russia, the quality of seeds is checked in special accredited laboratories, which, after verification, provide a test report. Purchasing seeds that are not certified or whose origin is unknown carries a risk. Such seeds may not sprout at all.

  1. It is not recommended to create a lawn from one type of grass. Any weather or soil factor can negatively affect this species and create conditions for complete loss of the lawn. It is necessary to sow a mixture of 3-5 types of grasses that complement each other, thereby increasing the likelihood of germination and extending the life of the lawn.
  2. You should not choose a herbal mixture that has beautiful name. The choice must be made based on the type of soil and taking into account other conditions on the site (slope, shade, location groundwater etc.). Only then will the seeds germinate quickly and the plant will develop well.
  3. You should not choose a herb mixture that consists only of perennial grasses. The presence of feed varieties in grass mixtures should not be allowed.

Various new varieties of grasses developed by breeders are able to quickly and fully develop even in shaded areas, while they can withstand soil salinity and are not at all demanding of care. Such mixtures quickly gained popularity because they can be used on lawns for various purposes.

Herbs, like other plant forms, can be different sizes, color and have other characteristics that are suitable for certain conditions. The right choice provides for complete compliance of the type of grass with all growing conditions on the lawn. Also, consumer qualities are affected by how fast or how long it takes to grow plants, the color of the grass, and the recommended mowing height.

Good afternoon, my dears!

This spring I became the happy owner of a house and 17 acres of land. I'm the only woman in our big family of 5 people. And I’m the only one doing the gardening. You can probably imagine what a huge plot I got. And in order to reduce my work in the garden and bring beauty, I decided to sow 2 acres of land with a lawn. Before this, I already had experience of planting lawn grass seeds at my dacha.

In the store, I consulted with an experienced salesman who suggested I buy lawn grass seeds or a grass mixture from Euro-Seeds LLC. This manufacturer produces as many as 9 types of lawn grass (they all differ from each other). All types were available.

I chose Euro-Sport (Perennial)- this lawn grass can be walked on and is practically not trampled. Of course, if you walk on a freshly sprouted lawn, nothing good will come of it.

Price: 395 rubles.

Weight: 1 kg.

Place of purchase: "Udachny" chain of stores.

Compound : Fescue, Bluegrass, Ryegrass.

Seeding rate: 1 kg per 25-33 sq.m.

How to plant a lawn? I did it like this:

  • I removed the weeds from the freshly plowed soil.
  • Leveled it with a rake.
  • I sowed the seeds and simply distributed them evenly over the ground.
  • I covered it with 3 cm of soil on top.
  • Watered it generously.

The instructions say 1 cm, this is not true - given the rains and winds, this layer of earth is not enough and even 3 cm was not enough. After the first rain, 30% of the lawn grass lay on the surface of the ground. I advise you to fill 5-7 cm on top, it’s more reliable.

How long did it take for the lawn grass to come up?

The seller said that it will rise within a week. This is not true, my lawn sprouted in 2-3 weeks, given that the rains were heavy and the seeds were constantly in a moist environment favorable for germination .

To be honest, at first I even thought that the seeds had lost their viability and was upset, because I wanted to quickly create comfort on the site.

How to deal with bald spots on the lawn?

And after 4 weeks, this “Dalmatian” sprouted on my site. The lawn is growing with bald patches. Of course it's not pretty. I bought the second pack and will sow the neighboring plot with a lawn, or rather my fruit and berry garden.

And bald spots next spring I'll patch it up with a new portion of lawn grass.

The grass is tough, relatively speaking. Bright green, juicy in appearance - basically beautiful. It should be thoroughly washed with water.


Budget lawn grass that sprouts within 2 weeks. It is practically not trampled on - sometimes my Bo-Bloom (Tibetan Mastiff - Dog) runs along the edge where there is a lawn and it grows further. Of course, it came up in bald spots, but I think it was my fault and the rains washed the seeds into piles, hence the “Dalmatian”.

Have a great summer day, your Olga!