Homemade machine for floor scraping. Do-it-yourself scraping of wooden parquet

Natural materials have been used as floor coverings since ancient times. Previously, this was done forcedly, since there were no other products.

But over time, people came to the conclusion that the warmest, most beautiful and durable floor can only be made of wood.

One of the most ancient natural floor coverings is parquet and, although it requires careful treatment and regular maintenance, a worthy replacement has not yet been invented for it.

To keep it flawless for many years it is necessary to periodically carry out restoration measures, and the very first tool for them is a parquet scraping machine. What is it and what capabilities does it have? How to choose the required model?

Sanding machines are a worthy replacement for manual labor

Previously, processing of wood materials was carried out manually. A plane was used for this. But to give parquet floor perfect evenness and smoothness was required good tool, and skills to perform such work.

A sanding machine was able to simplify the parquet processing process. The first model was created in Germany in 1964, but domestic market its analogues appeared only in the 1980s.

When the Ukrainian company Novatek, together with the Belarusian MISOM, developed an analogue of the German model. They completely replaced manual labor, performing the same functions as a regular plane, but much faster.

These days you won’t surprise anyone with such technology. Manufacturers offer dozens various modifications. Do not get confused in brands and models from the most famous manufacturers The following information will help.

Equipment intended for scraping parquet is divided into three main types:

  1. simple scraping machines
  2. angle grinders
  3. surface grinding

They are produced by domestic (SO-206, SO-301, SO-401, SO-318, SO-501) and foreign (Hummel, Flip, Elan - Germany) manufacturers.

Types of scraping machines

Since the appearance of the first models, more than one generation of parquet sanding equipment has already changed. Planing samples, which removed a large layer of wood, are practically no longer used, thereby reducing the resource of the parquet. They were replaced by parquet grinding machines.

They are produced in two main types:

  • drum
  • tape

The difference between them is that in the drum model the abrasive is held on the drum, while in the belt model a continuous solid material is provided. It does not need to be cut when refilling and is very easy to replace if necessary.

At the final stages of processing, it is permissible to use surface grinders, which allow achieving high quality parquet processing.

Choosing the right equipment

Since today all work involving the restoration of parquet floors is carried out using sanding machines, you should find out in advance which type of equipment will be most suitable for you. The most important limitation to their use is the thickness of the parquet. In the case of scraping thin piece material use machines most rationally drum type. Sandpaper is fixed along the outer diameter of the drum in such models.

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It is also permissible to use surface grinding samples, which may have several disks rotating in a horizontal plane, which significantly improves the quality of parquet processing. And the presence of a special dust suction device in them increases ease of use.

It is acceptable to use both belt and drum models with 36 or 40 mm sanding grain. But there is one nuance here - tape ones are the most convenient and easy to use, so in lately are being used more and more often. At the same time, drum machines, although practically no longer produced abroad, are used in Russia in great demand. These models are preferred by many professional parquet floorers for their high reliability.

Brands, manufacturers, prices – what to choose?

To decide which tool for scraping parquet will be the most practical and profitable to purchase, you need to study all their features. Let's start our consideration with domestic models.

They are represented by CO 206 parquet sanding machines, which are of the drum type. It is difficult to use for non-professionals, since if used incorrectly it can make the surface wavy.

But this defect can be detected only after applying a protective layer of varnish and under certain lighting. In a small area it is completely invisible. The drum machine is the optimal device for sanding parquet made of hard rocks wood, which is more difficult for belt technology to handle.

Imported equipment on the domestic market is represented by the following types of machines:

  • tape (Cobra, Humel)
  • surface grinding (Trio)

The use of the former allows you to completely avoid waviness and dispense with the use of surface grinders in the future. Parquet scraping using such equipment is the most profitable in terms of price-quality ratio. This is the most convenient sanding machine in terms of surface treatment, but not everyone can buy it, so most often such equipment is rented.

Processing using surface grinding technology is more expensive due to the high cost consumables, but at the same time does not require the use of other equipment.

The Trio parquet sanding machine is capable of performing the entire range of sanding work, if only changing the abrasive is necessary. They are very easy to operate and working with this equipment is accessible to everyone.

There is another type - angle grinders or eccentric grinders. They are used for processing parquet in hard-to-reach places, where other equipment is powerless.

As you can see, each of the listed models has its own application nuances and therefore the choice of a specific model depends not only on the quality of the parquet that requires processing, but also on the skill of the person who will perform all the work.

There is one more aspect. If a domestic machine for scraping parquet boards, the price of which is about 50 thousand rubles for a drum model and 80 thousand rubles for a belt model, is available to the consumer.

Not many people will be able to buy imported models costing more than 200 thousand rubles. Therefore, most often, if it is necessary to restore an old parquet floor, it is more profitable to resort to the services of companies and rent the necessary equipment.

IN in this case there is always the possibility of using it yourself, but most the best option is to use the services of professionals. They know all the nuances of grinding work and will be able to complete them on high level. If you are interested in this option, then renting equipment for scraping parquet ranges from 400 to 2000 rubles per day, which will save a significant amount of money.

Purchase or...

So your hardwood floors look terrible? Are you determined to update it? Then renting a sanding machine can be the only necessary and very profitable option that can return your floor covering not only the same appearance, but also to make it flawless.

Looping is the fastest and, perhaps, the most the right way restore your parquet flooring to its former luxury. This technique consists of removing the top “worn out” layer using a special manual scraper or sanding machine. The latter is a rather expensive tool and it makes no sense to buy it just to use it once. It is better to contact a company that specializes in restoring parquet floors, or do this simple task yourself. This article will discuss exactly how to scrape parquet with your own hands.

Manual scraping of parquet - great way breathe into your floor new life

Elimination of parquet defects - the first stage of restoration work

Before sanding, repair parquet blocks, which can dry out over time, become loose, fall out and simply creak. Such a floor cannot be scraped; it must first be returned to its “digestible” appearance.

Repair of parquet tiles - the first stage of restoration of old parquet

Loose dies can be “calmed down” as follows: drill small holes in them, drive nails into these holes so that their heads “sink” as deeply as possible into the wood, and fill the resulting holes with a mixture of varnish and sawdust.

Creaking floorboards can also be prevented from disturbing your peace of mind. To eliminate squeaking, a 6-8 mm wide hole is drilled between the dies at an angle of approximately 45 degrees. A wooden pin is driven into it, pre-lubricated with wood glue or PVA glue. The piece of pin remaining outside is cut off with a chisel. All! The creaking will no longer bother you.

The gaps between the dies need to be mandatory fill with special putty for wood - this is the only way appearance the floor will regain its original appearance.

The gaps between the dies must be filled with putty

All potholes and depressions are carefully filled, and for accuracy, you can use a stencil specially cut for this purpose - this way the floor around the damaged area will remain clean.

Parquet scraping - bringing life back to the floor

The most crucial moment has arrived, but first you need to find out whether your parquet flooring can be sanded at all - maybe it has already been subjected to this torture more than once. In general, parquet blocks 15 mm thick can be restored by scraping no more than 5 times, and thin parquet 8 mm thick can be restored no more than three times. The process itself, performed by the hands of a skilled craftsman, looks quite simple from the outside: a special scraping machine light machine movements transforms your old floor into a new one. But if you decide to restore the parquet yourself, then be prepared for the fact that sanding is actually much more complicated than it seems at first glance. And the most difficult thing here is the absence of this same scraping machine in your arsenal.

Sanding parquet with a sanding machine. Fast, but you'll have to part with money

You won’t have a machine, but you will have a manual scraper, which can easily replace an impressively sized unit. True, you will have to work with it “by the sweat of your brow” - in the literal sense of the word.

A few words about the cycle itself:

  • It’s better to buy a cycle in a store than to make it yourself - the tool is factory-made, sharpened as needed, and has a comfortable handle;
  • choose a scraper with a short handle - although such a tool is harder to use, it is much more effective in terms of removing the top layer of wood;
  • The width of the cycle should not be more than 5 cm, otherwise your hands will get tired very quickly.

Cycle - a tool for manual processing of parquet

Parquet scraping technology

To make work easier, the parquet floor should be slightly moistened with a spray bottle. It is advisable to start from the middle of the room, gradually moving towards the walls, and the strips to be processed must be passed from beginning to end along the fibers, without interrupting other areas. In addition, each lane must be passed twice: the first time in one direction, the second time in the opposite direction.

Parquet scraping using a manual scraper. Cheap but long

Prepare yourself for long, tedious and tedious work, because with the help of a manual cycle, the process of restoring parquet can take several days.

And here it is, the end of all misfortunes! You have finished sanding the parquet, all that remains is the “small” task - sanding the floor. But even here you will be deeply disappointed if you don’t have a regular electric floor polisher in your arsenal, which can easily be turned into grinder, putting cloth-based sandpaper on his brush. It will be an excellent tool. And if it’s not there, then a tedious “fuss” awaits you again: in pieces sandpaper you will have to treat the entire floor. Long, hard and dreary. True, you can lighten your fate a little and involve your legs in the test by attaching sandpaper to the sole of your boot, but your legs will also get tired sooner or later. In general, the work ahead is enormous.

When the sanding stage is completed, all you have to do is coat the parquet with varnish, although there are several nuances to consider:

  • on very old parquet, even after the most thorough sanding, dark areas may remain, which can easily be equalized with the shade of the rest of the floor using matte varnish;
  • between the first and second varnishing it will be necessary to carry out intermediate grinding- it will remove all excess debris, dust and lint, and also improve the adhesion of the layers.

If we compare the cost of manual sanding and sanding using a special machine, then the first, of course, wins (restoring parquet in a company costs from 100 to 350 rubles per square meter), but such an event will take much more time and effort from you. Therefore, before you decide to renovate the flooring in your apartment yourself, think a hundred times.

The floor is the most used surface in a residential area. It is for this reason that the floor loses its appearance faster than other surfaces and requires repair. The biggest difficulty in repairing floor coverings is sanding parquet. But if you know the stages of this process and have necessary tools, lead parquet board Even a beginner can get it in proper shape.

The process of scraping parquet is carried out with a special machine. It consists of several stages, including:

  • elimination of visible defects,
  • surface preparation for varnishing,
  • varnishing.

Once the work is completed, wooden parquet will regain its former beauty even after many years of use. Restored with my own hands the parquet will become more the best decoration rooms.

Required tools and materials

Effective scraping of parquet is possible only with the help of a special drum-type machine, which can be rented
  • Drum type scraping machine(parquet sanding machine). This is expensive equipment that does not make sense to buy. An excellent option is to rent a car (cost about $20 per day for a sanding machine, $50 for a parquet sanding machine). Typically you need to rent a car for one day;
  • Equipment for scraping corners, called “boots”. Previously, the processing of corners was carried out exclusively by hand scrapers and Bulgarian ones with a special attachment. If “boots” are difficult to get, then you can use the old proven method;
  • Rolled sandpaper. You need an abrasive for rough processing (P40) and for grinding (P80 and P 120 depending on the type of wood);
  • Scissors for cutting sandpaper;
  • Keys for drum clamps(often included with the machine);
  • Vacuum cleaner.

Despite the fact that the dimensions of the scraping machine are quite compact and this tool can be transported in the trunk of a car, it is very heavy. The machine weighs about 70 kg, so when going to buy a tool, you should take this into account.

Stages of parquet scraping work

Stage No. 1. Preparation

The most important thing is to prepare the room for work.

All furniture that hangs on the walls should be covered with a film that will protect it from dust
  1. To do this, all the furniture that is on the floor is removed from it. Furniture that hangs on the walls needs to be protected from dust with film.
  2. After clearing the floor from furniture, it must be vacuumed and washed well.
  3. Next, examine the parquet for any falling out or loose tiles. If they are, then you need to find their place and glue it securely.
  4. The last step in preparation will be removing the baseboards.

In older homes, baseboards are often firmly nailed to the base. When dismantling such skirting boards, there is a high probability of damaging the parquet board. If you cannot carefully dismantle them, then it is better to leave such skirting boards in place.

Before starting work, it is also recommended to inspect the floor again to ensure there are no protruding nails. If they are noticed, they should be driven in or removed. You also need to check the condition of the wiring, because the machine requires up to 2.5 kW of energy, especially at the time of start-up.

Stage No. 2. Personal protection

Sanding parquet without dust is impossible. It is imperative to wear a respirator and goggles to protect yourself from small particles that will appear when working with the machine. Also earplugs to protect against noise.

Stage No. 3. Rough scraping

Rough sanding removes unevenness from the parquet and possible contamination

Initially, rough sanding of the parquet is carried out. During this process, the varnish will be removed from the old parquet; if a new parquet is being processed, then rough sanding will eliminate unevenness and possible contamination. During this stage of work, a layer 5 mm thick will be removed from the wood.

Before starting work, you need to install a coarse sanding tape (P40, in rare cases P60 is required) on the machine drum. The first row must be walked diagonally across the room. Then move the machine half the width of the drum and make the next row. This is how the entire floor is sanded. If the sandpaper wears off, it must be replaced. If the floor is in very poor condition, up to three rough sanding cycles may be needed.

The machine has a special screw that allows you to adjust the pressure of the drum on the floor. If the engine is unable to dial required quantity rpm, the pressure should be reduced. If it is noticed that the layer removed by the machine is too small, then the pressure should be increased.

Manual scraping

A hand scraper consists of a wooden handle and a sharpened steel plate that removes top layer wood

If for some reason it was not possible to rent a sanding machine, you can sand the floor with your hands. It will be complex process which will take a lot of time. In the store you should purchase a hand scraper or a steel plate in the shape of the letter “L”. Optimal width manual scraper - 5 cm. This tool consists of a wooden handle and a sharpened steel plate that removes the top layer of wood. To make it easier to work with manual cycles, it is recommended to either stroke the parquet with a cloth or moisten it.

Stage No. 4. Grinding

At this stage of the work you will need P80 or P120 sandpaper. The first is suitable for heavily damaged parquet, and the second for treating regular flooring. When sanding, passes are made along the dies, that is, as if along the wooden fibers. A fine abrasive will remove scratches and stains from the surface from the previous stage of work, making the wood almost perfectly smooth.

Stage No. 5. Treatment of hard-to-reach places and corners

To scrape hard-to-reach places you will need a “boot” or a curb scraper

After sanding, untreated areas will remain along the walls and in the corners. It is almost impossible for a car to get into such narrow places. Here you will need a “boot” or a border scraper. If it is not there, then the old varnish is removed by hand scraping, and then processed using a grinder with a grinding attachment.

After sanding the entire floor, you can begin applying new varnish to the parquet. After the varnish has completely dried, the process of restoring the old parquet will be completely completed.

One day will be enough to sand parquet flooring in a regular-sized apartment. A special machine greatly simplifies the process of self-restoration of parquet, so preference should be given to this method.

Parquet is always stylish and luxurious interior. And its environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance are a clear advantage. But during operation, the coating wears out, it loses its shine, scratches, abrasions and cracks appear. Sanding is a technology for leveling parquet using the scraping method. It can be done either manually or using special equipment.

During the sanding process, a small layer of wood is removed. Homemade parquet can withstand up to 7 procedures. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the floor needs to be sanded.

To do this, carefully inspect the floor for the presence:

  • Dry and swollen areas;
  • Potholes and chips;
  • Presence of woodworm;
  • The thickness of the strip, if it is thinner than 5 mm, is not subject to scraping.

To check the thickness and quality of the dies, you need to insert an awl between the floorboards. If it penetrates between the boards at an angle greater than 40 degrees, the boards are rotted or damaged by insects. You also need to make sure the wood floor is dry. For this small area cover plastic film, pressing down with bars. The structure is left for a day. If condensation appears under the film, then the dies are wet and fungus may spread. Such a covering must be dismantled and properly equipped with waterproofing.

Detecting a bug is quite easy. Upon examination wooden covering you can see small holes, next to which there are small piles of shavings.

If the above problems are detected, the procedure is not carried out. Relay the parquet or replace damaged areas. If the nail heads stick out, they are driven into the dies. Creaking parquet floors can be eliminated by driving a wooden dowel with adhesive between the floorboards. The protruding piece is cut off flush with the floor.

Parquet scraping machines

Floor scraping is labor-intensive work. Special scraping machines will help facilitate and speed up the process. Grinding machines there are tape and disk design. The first type is used for rough stripping. Disc surface grinder conducts finishing coverings. With its help you can achieve professional quality work.

Modern sanding machines have a connection for connecting a dust collector, which greatly facilitates the work.

Depending on the volume of coverage, the unit is selected. Large rooms require a serious device, preferably with 3 removable drives. For medium and small apartments will do manual typewriter. There is no need to buy equipment. Modern construction stores often offer tool rental services. By using this service you can save money and speed up the scraping process. When renting a unit, make sure it is in working order on site. The scraping machine is quite heavy, but its dimensions allow you to place the device in the trunk. Machine models are divided by power from 220 to 380 Volts. To operate the devices, you must follow safety precautions.

The process of scraping parquet with your own hands

Grinding machines will help you perform sanding quickly and efficiently. wooden surface. In addition to the equipment, you will need to purchase sandpaper No. 40 for roughing, No. 80 for finishing, No. 100, 120 for finishing sanding, as well as replacement discs for the unit and putty to eliminate defects. When scraping the floor using the hardware method, you must follow safety precautions. Before the procedure, it is necessary to check the quality of the electrical wiring.

For best result The machine must be driven smoothly and evenly across the entire floor, without stopping in one place, otherwise you can remove too much of a layer and create a strong drop. Before starting work, the machine is raised, turned on and waited until the machine picks up speed. Then they lower it smoothly and begin grinding. For the machine, a special piece of sandpaper is used, which is threaded along the arrow indicated on the machine.

Scraping technology:

  • It is necessary to install coarse sandpaper No. 40 into the machine and start the machine;
  • The grinder is cycled hard to reach places under radiators and baseboards;
  • Next, work is carried out from the far wall to a passable place;
  • The dust collector is emptied as soon as the bag is full;
  • Use an angle grinder to process the corners and remove the remaining small varnish stains;
  • Putty is made, to which some parquet dust is mixed for color and chips and cracks are covered;
  • After the putty has dried, the coating is treated with sandpaper No. 80 perpendicular to the first run.
  • Next, the surface grinder is driven with 120 abrasive for finishing work.

After the work is completed, the surface of the wooden floor is covered with varnish or mastic.

Manual scraper for parquet

You can scrape a parquet floor manual method by using special device. A hand scraper consists of a wooden handle and a blade 5 cm long. The floor is pre-moistened and the top layer of wooden covering is removed. You only need to spend money on a scraper, however manual method very labor intensive. It will take a lot of effort and time.

The blade blade should be 10 - 20 mm wider than the die to prevent scratches and chips during operation.

It is better to start looping from window to door. The scraper should be driven in the direction of the wood fibers. You should press the tool with the same force, and try to grab not one, but several dies. Grinding of difficult areas is done using a grinder with a special attachment. After treating the parquet with putty, all chips and cracks are covered. Next you need to do final grinding which is carried out only on a dry floor. To complete it you will need wooden block 25 cm long and sandpaper No. 100 or 120. You need to wrap the beam with sandpaper. Then move the resulting device along the floor in a circular motion, kneeling down. The work should be done carefully to wipe out all small scratches.

You can use another method. Sanding sheets are glued to old shoes and they begin to smoothly rub the floor, checking the quality of the sandpaper from time to time. Cleaning the floor will take time, but if done correctly, a smooth floor will please the eye. After all the work has been completed, the floors are vacuumed and the coating begins to be varnished. The varnish is applied in 3 layers. There is no need to rush; each layer must dry. Before applying the 3rd coat of varnish, the floor should be sanded again with fine sandpaper.

Proper scraping of parquet with your own hands (video)

Spectacular and glossy parquet will become the pride of the owners and emphasize the design and luxury of the entire interior of the room. You just need to put in a little effort and diligence.

Historically, the concept of scraping or floor grinding, despite the fact that they are different in principle, have long become a single whole. And the concept scraping machine often replaced by the concept of parquet sanding machine and vice versa. Therefore, to avoid discrepancies, let all devices whose main task is floor polishing be called the same. Moreover, a sanding machine is almost never used for a number of reasons, including roughness of processing, “fear” of nails, their heads, or the need to connect a compressor, while a belt sanding machine is devoid of all this.

One of the most popular (as a result, more common) devices used to carry out floor sanding, this is a CO 206 sanding machine from Nova Tec. It is produced in two versions, CO 206 and CO 206.1. However, their difference comes down to the installed electric motor for one and three phases, while everything else is “one to one”. Although the CO 206.1 machine is more powerful and therefore more productive than the CO 206 scraping machine, this advantage comes down to the low prevalence of such sockets.

Important characteristics of the CO 206 machine

The total weight is 70 kg, while the dimensions are 1150*1000*400 mm. But these are dry description figures, but it is worth explaining that two men of average build can easily put it in the back seat of a small sedan and the scraping machine is ready for transportation.

According to the manufacturer, the processing speed is 42 square meters per hour But this is data for ideal conditions, which in real life must be divided by two. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s a lot or a little, but the fact that in just an hour you can completely scrape the floor in a small room is very good.

Power consumption is 2.6 kW, so even in an old housing stock, a working sanding machine will not cause any overload, and surface grinding will not stop at the most inopportune moment.

The width at which the floor is sanded in one pass is 200 mm, which is quite standard and coincides with the usual width of sandpaper rolls. And the diameter of the snare drum is 185 mm, so there is less than one segment linear meter, will be sufficient.

The rotation speed of the drum at which grinding is carried out is 1,400 rpm. But most of us simply have nothing to compare with; whether the SO 206 sanding machine is “ahead of the rest” or “far behind” is simply unclear. Another important thing is that the floor is polished quickly and efficiently, and this is the main thing.

But all this can be read on the official website or in the instructions for this device. What about a subjective assessment from those who sand the floor, who know what a sanding machine is “from the inside”? Let's listen to them, to their opinion.

Sanding machine CO-206 – floor sanding

Despite its dimensions and weight, the machine is quite maneuverable not only in the hands of a two-meter hulk, but also in the hands of the majority of “average” users. But this is achieved quite simply - the device itself has soft covering working shaft, rollers and a small diameter swivel wheel with a rounded profile. This “symbiosis” ensures that a sanding machine in the hands of even a beginner can transform most people at a minimum cost.

Working "butt-to-end". The CO-206 sanding machine is designed so that floor sanding is possible close to a wall or other vertical surface. Moreover, an additional protective roller on the top of the main unit makes application even easier and more convenient, without any uncovered surfaces. And at least like this simple design seems somewhat archaic, but provides very high result work with absolute simplicity.

The scraping machine, after its transportation, requires a minimum preparatory work before the first floor sanding is carried out. Easy adjustment of support wheels wrench using a special ruler, installation of a new sheet of sandpaper using the same key and can be plugged into the outlet, having previously removed the cable for convenience and safety in a special guide.

The device is controlled quite simply, with a massive rotary lever, which also lifts the shaft on untreated surfaces. The engine is started by pressing a button. It's quite simple. And the fact that the sanding machine consists almost entirely of metal is another plus for its reliability, and surface grinding without unplanned repairs is possible, and for this you need a CO-206 sanding machine.

After all floor sanding We don’t need it monthly, or even annually, but such a need still happens. Most often we need short term, and the result of her work will be visible for many years to come.