How to heat a private house. What is more profitable to heat a house - comparative analysis

Today, undoubtedly, the most accessible, effective and economical option heating of residential buildings is . For apartment buildings, in the private sector, in places where there is a centralized gas supply, gas becomes the main type of fuel. However, when heating season In the midst of this, situations often arise when the allotted limits for gas consumption are quickly exhausted. What to do in such cases? How to save gas in a private home, thereby reducing heating costs? The only way out in such situations is to have auxiliary heat sources on hand.

What are the best heating alternatives to gas? How much something costs and what effect is achieved in this case is a problem with several unknowns that we have to solve.

There is no gas - we are considering all possible heating methods

Increased financial costs for heating a residential building in cold period, excessive consumption of blue fuel is a frequent and familiar situation for many owners of private houses. Let's try to find it together optimal output from the current situation. The main condition that in this case relevant - not inferior in its technological parameters to gas water heating that is familiar to us.

Having assessed all technical capabilities various options heating, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

The most proven and old way heating a residential building - . IN rural areas, in the private sector you can still find houses where there is a traditional stove not just as an element of ethnic decor, but as a important component home life. Most common are combination stoves, which act as a heat source and serve for cooking. Having a stove in the house will save gas, especially if there is an abundance of firewood and its quantity is not limited.

If such a stove is available in the house, the issue with an alternative option for heating the house has been resolved. Despite the existing disadvantages that are characteristic of stove heating. When the house is warm at relatively low costs, few people pay attention to the soot and soot present in the room. The only aspect that remains in attention is fire safety stove heating.

Important! The oven needs constant cleaning. Optimal mode operation depends on the condition of the chimney. Good draft allows you to avoid the accumulation of combustion products hazardous to health, and access fresh air guarantees an acceptable level of CO 2 in the room.

Other no less convenient option If there is no gas, use liquid fuel heating systems. The main type of fuel in this case is diesel fuel. Less common are boiler models that run on rapeseed oil or kerosene. Heating a private house in this case will be effective, given the high efficiency of liquid fuel boilers. Heating residential premises with diesel fuel is used quite rarely. The reason for this is the difficulty of storing large volumes of diesel fuel and the high fire hazard similar systems heating. And who would like the constant smell of diesel fuel in the house, eternal dirt and soot?

Using solid fuel in cases where gas needs to be saved is the best option. In our country, neither firewood, nor coal, nor peat are unusual, so using them as fuel is convenient, rational and efficient, from an economic point of view. We have already talked about the home stove, but the option remains to install solid fuel or universal boilers. It's up to you to decide which is more profitable or coal. It all depends on the availability of each type of fuel in a particular region.

Modern technologies have stepped forward, providing consumers with a wide choice of equipment models that, through the combustion of solid fuel, have high heat transfer. Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers have a fairly high efficiency, about 80%, are equipped with automatic equipment, and do not require permanent presence person and frequent fuel loading. Solid fuel is still the most cheap way heating It is up to you to evaluate the existing disadvantages of such heating options, especially when there is a question of quickly and effectively replacing the missing gas.

Combined, multi-fuel boilers, offered today by many firms and companies, have a high cost. Due to objective reasons, such equipment has not yet found its niche in the consumer market, taking into account the financial capabilities of the population.

Important! Before you take up the calculator and do calculations without gas, it is necessary to eliminate the confusion between volumes measured in cubic meters. meters and fuel mass, measured in kilograms. It is better to measure all types of fuel, except electricity, in kilograms, since the calorific value of the fuel is related to weight.

Here it is appropriate to conduct an unbiased analysis of the effectiveness of use various types fuel. The table below will give you a clear idea of ​​what type of fuel is most efficient today, and the cheaper it is to heat a house.

These tables allow you to carry out simple calculations yourself by substituting the current cost of fuel.

The cost of thermal energy obtained by using each type of fuel is calculated as follows:

We roughly divide the cost of fuel in your region by the specific calorific value of the fuel. We divide the data from the second column by the parameters indicated in the third column. In the fifth column we enter the data from the calculation:

  • to heat a private house of 100 m2 during the heating season, 5 kW/h will be required;
  • 24, the number of hours in a day;
  • We take into account the duration of the heating period - 180 days (6 months).

As a result, we get: 5 x 24 x 180 = 21600 kW/h.

As can be seen from the table, the data for all types of fuel used in our homes are the same. This indicates approximately the same efficiency of the proposed heating options. The only amendment possible is when it comes to different sizes buildings. The household intensity of use of heating devices and the thermal efficiency of a private home play a significant role. The calculated value of 5 kW/h is typical for a well-insulated modern materials buildings. The duration of the heating season may also vary depending on the climate of the region.

Let us multiply the cost of 1 kW/h of thermal energy in each individual case by total quantity kilowatt hours, we get the cost of each type of fuel. We divide the obtained figures by the theoretical value of the efficiency of equipment for burning each type of fuel, we obtain the actual efficiency parameters and the answer - the more profitable it is to heat buildings without gas.

Electricity is a worthy replacement for gas due to its absence

Economical, efficient heating a private house or dacha should be more focused on preserving the familiar living conditions. The level of comfort determines the choice alternative way heating, besides today technologies provide ample opportunities for maneuver. The availability of electricity will allow you to achieve gas savings in the cold season. No wonder many owners country houses And country cottages, due to the lack of technical capabilities for connecting to the gas mains, they give preference to electric heating systems.

Compared to other heating devices, electric heating devices have almost 100% efficiency. An electric boiler is easy to maintain and inexpensive. In this case, there is no need for exhaust hood and chimney equipment. Electricity remains the most affordable alternative today gas heating, if we take into account efficiency and ease of maintenance.

In addition to installing an electric boiler for a water heating system in the house, convectors are actively used for heating small residential buildings, heat guns and infrared emitters. The installation of heated floors in a private home is becoming a fashionable phenomenon today. The technology is quite new, however, it has already proven its effectiveness. The variety of heat sources offered gives you the opportunity to make a choice as to how best to heat your home.

Note: In the event that a heated floor is your main source of heating residential premises, the power of the equipment should be 150-180 W per m2 of living space. Warm floors must have an area of ​​at least 70-80% of total area the building itself. Otherwise, the expected heating effect will be negligible.

When heating a private home using other methods, you can achieve even higher economic indicators. Without gas, an economical and uninterrupted source of thermal energy in your area can be obtained using a heat pump. The operating principle of the equipment is based on the difference in temperature, deep in the soil and on the surface. By using heat pump, which really costs a lot of money, you can provide yourself with an almost eternal source of heat in a country house. The effectiveness of this system is confirmed by simple calculations. An indicator of the successful operation of a heat pump is the heat conversion coefficient (HCR).

For example. When a heat pump consumes 1 kW of electricity necessary to ensure the operation of the entire system (Htn), the heat conversion coefficient (COP) is 3.0, which means:

Rtn x COP = 3 kW Rp energy output. The savings and efficiency of this heating method are more than obvious.

There is no clear answer to the question: is it more profitable to heat? private house gas or other fuels does not exist. In each individual case, the presence of a variety of factors plays a role, not least of which are the economic and technical capabilities of the consumer.

Instead of gas for heating, you can use almost any fuel. Another thing is how fully you can heat own house in cold weather, create comfortable living conditions for yourself. When faced with such a situation, the choice is yours. How to save money and make your heating costs optimal depends on you, on your attitude to the very fact of saving energy and technical capabilities.

Many people want to buy housing outside the city. But, during construction country house a problem arises. How and with what to heat a country house? Usually, on plot of land no connection to central heating. Therefore, you need to think about which type is best to use.

Several years ago, every home owner tried to gasify their home. Currently the situation has changed a little. Other methods of heating a home have also emerged. And prices for space heating have increased several times.

Therefore, many owners of private houses began to think about alternative methods of heating the premises. Below we will describe heating options for country houses.

When building a house away from the gas line, you can install a wood heating system. With this option, it turns out to be more profitable to heat a country house. How does a wood stove work?

The operating principle of this design is as follows: you buy a stove, put firewood in it and heat it. When wood burns, the stove equipment heats up. It gives off its heat, and the air in the house warms up.

With simplicity of design this method heating has a number of advantages:

  • rapid heating occurs furnace equipment;
  • does not require installation, pumps or pipes;
  • the reliability of the design allows you to use this stove for a long time;
  • Buying firewood will not take a lot of money.

Currently, modern ones are not like the well-known old potbelly stoves.

The design and mechanism of the stove are designed so that the installation gives off a lot of heat and operates for a long time from one load of wood.

IN this system you can build in a boiler. When buying a boiler, it is better to choose a design pyrolysis type. With such a boiler, heat will be generated due to the combustion of pyrolysis gases. This type of boiler equipment operates without electricity.

Below we will understand how a solid fuel boiler works. At increased temperatures and in the complete absence of oxygen, the fuel decomposes into gas and solid waste. In this case, it is possible to obtain maximum heat transfer from fuel combustion.

Now let's write about cons this type of heating:

  • all furnace installations are large in size, so you will have to think carefully about where to put it; The weight of the stove is quite large, so it will not be possible to install the stove yourself;
  • You will need additional covered storage space for firewood. It is very important that there is enough firewood for the entire heating period;
  • if oven equipment is used incorrectly, its combustion products can be dangerous to humans;
  • it is necessary to equip the pipe;
  • at large areas at home, the stove will not heat the rooms evenly.

Heating with coal

As we wrote above, you can heat a country house without gas using stove equipment. But, since purchasing firewood in some regions is difficult, you can consider the option of heating a country house using solid fuel.

These furnaces have boilers with special sensors for temperature control. The use of coal during combustion reduces the amount of harmful volatile substances.

Consist of:

  • heat exchanger;
  • the furnace in which the combustion process takes place;
  • grate

The heat exchanger is made from cast iron or steel. Therefore, the markets are mainly presented in steel and cast iron. It is worth noting that steel boilers have a low cost compared to cast iron boilers. The reliability of boilers made from these materials is very high, and if you wish, you are unlikely to damage the furnace structure

On to the pros
Coal stoves can be attributed to their durability and increased heat output. Such a heating system does not require any electrical energy.

As for coal, it is better to purchase it in advance and build a room for its proper storage.

Electric heating

If the country house is located in close proximity to power grids, then you can heat the country house with electricity. It is worth noting that the country house will be heated not by electricity, but by heated water.

How to arrange electrical system heating

The first thing you need to do is buy a boiler for heating water.

The stores offer them designed for different powers, with one or more circuits. System with one circuit It only warms the house. System with double circuit heats water for the bathroom and kitchen. Typically, two boilers are installed. And in summer time one of them is simply turned off. The second heats water for personal needs.

Types of electric boilers

For private homes, as a rule, wall-mounted or floor-mounted electric boilers are purchased.

Floor standing boilers have larger size and weight. Therefore, they must be installed on a horizontal surface.

The water entering the boiler heats up and expands. Due to this, the water pressure increases, and the liquid moves independently through the pipes to the radiators. heat up and heat the entire house. When the water cools, it returns to the boiler again to be heated. The whole system has a closed loop.

Sometimes installed boiler with compulsory system water circulation. But for this you will need an additional pump and tank.

If the house has electricity, but a water heating system is not installed, you can use other heating options. Currently in construction stores can be purchased different types heaters powered by electrical energy. Usually buy oil

Usage natural gas is the most economical heating method wooden cottage. This fuel is inexpensive among all other alternatives, and boilers based on it are extremely easy to operate.

But how to organize heating of a private house without gas, since there are not main gas pipelines everywhere? What alternatives are there to this fuel? Which option is the most profitable? You will find the answers in the article we presented.

The most common in domestic country houses autonomous system heating of the home is water. It uses water heated in a boiler or furnace as a coolant. After heating, it releases heat to the rooms using radiators and pipes, creating comfortable conditions in them.

Heating systems depending on the connection diagram heating devices are divided into:

  • – with serial connection of radiators, according to which the coolant is supplied and removed from the device using one pipe;
  • – with supply and return lines and a sequential diagram of connecting devices to pipes, according to which the coolant is supplied to the device by one pipe and discharged by another.

Both types heating systems They come with top and bottom wiring types. The first option involves laying the supply pipe above the location of the coolant receiving devices, the second, respectively, below.

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If there is no gas in the house, then heating can be built using solid fuel or electricity, or better yet, a combination of both. The more diverse the heating sources, the less likely it is that the system will fail.

For example, the installation of a solid fuel boiler can be supplemented with an electric convector for each room. You can combine a Russian stove on the first floor of the house and infrared heaters on the second floor. However, electric and solid fuel energy sources are not the whole list. So, let's start in order...

To heat a house without gas or electricity, you should think about the energy of burning solid fuels:

There are also fireplaces, but it is difficult to classify them as a home heating system, since they can only be used to heat one room.

Boiler operating conditions

The main models of solid fuel boilers are designed in such a way that the air flow that ensures combustion is directed by a mechanical thermostat with a chain drive. In this case, natural draft of the chimney must be ensured. However, for normal operation of the boiler, a number of conditions must be met:

  • Place the pipe so that it is no higher than the incoming pipe.
  • Provide the system with free communication with the external environment using an open expansion tank, located at the top.
  • Create a pipe system with optimal diameters and a minimum number of dead-end branches.
  • Equip the boiler with fire safety equipment.


The cost of solid fuel boilers varies in a very wide range - from 20 to 300-400 thousand rubles. It all depends on the design and capacity.

However, despite the price, solid fuel boilers are the best sellers among home heating equipment without gas or electricity.

The difference between a liquid fuel boiler and a solid fuel boiler is insignificant. To obtain thermal energy, liquid fuel is poured into a liquid fuel boiler instead of coal:

  • diesel fuel;
  • fuel oil;
  • kerosene;
  • vegetable oils;
  • alcohol.

The last two are provided only as an illustration of the possibilities. The use of oil and alcohol is an unaffordable luxury. And the point is not even that alcohol, for example, is very expensive, but that this fuel is obtained from plant raw materials, which could be used to produce food.


A distinctive feature of liquid fuel boilers is their high efficiency - up to 92%. In addition, for installation and operation, permission from special services is not required, unlike, for example, gas boilers.


The price range for such boilers ranges from 25,000 to 180,000 rubles and depends on the manufacturer and the volume of the combustion chamber. The average annual cost of heating a private house is 150 sq.m. without gas and electricity diesel fuel about 150,000 rubles.

Which is higher than the cost of solid fuel and even electricity.

Convert solar energy You can use heat only if the sun shines frequently and for a long time above the roof of your house. Unfortunately, 80% of Russian territories have nothing to do with this. However, even in warm climates you cannot rely solely on solar heating; a backup source is definitely needed.

Operating principle

Light-absorbing batteries are installed in place “under the sun,” which process solar energy directly into thermal energy and then transfer it to the coolant. There are two types of solar collectors - vacuum and flat. Vacuum ones are considered the most efficient and economical. Using solar energy is an achievement of science.


The advantage of solar heating is the low price solar collectors. Flat devices can be purchased at prices ranging from 1,500 to 60,000 rubles. Vacuum ones are much more expensive - about 80,000 rubles. However, if you consider that you don’t have to pay for fuel, the price is quite reasonable.

Biofuel use

Biological fuel is any organic matter that can burn. However, under these terms in lately began to understand the use of gases released by rotting organic matter.

Operating principle

Anything that rots with sufficient intensity is suitable as a source of such gas. Manure is usually used food waste, plant mass. All gases formed during the decay process burn well and replace natural gas.

The biofuel heating installation itself consists of units that collect the emitted gas, purify it and feed it into boilers for combustion. And then the operating principle is the same as that of a natural gas boiler.


A significant disadvantage of this heating method is the low rotting performance under natural conditions. In order to speed up this process, you need to increase the temperature, which costs energy.

For this reason, use biofuels as the main heating method big house impossible, but heating small house or creating an auxiliary system is quite possible.

Biofuel heating is widely used farms countries such as Greece, Spain, Portugal.

Such heat is extracted from nothing, just from the air. This is an air conditioner in reverse. The pump itself does not produce heat, it only extracts it from the medium and sends it in the desired direction.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of the pump is to take heat from the environment in which it is placed. However, the pump needs starting energy. For example, in order to move 10 kW of thermal energy, it needs to consume about 3 kW of electricity.

The difference is impressive! And if electricity is available, it allows you to choose a heat pump for economical heating of a private house without gas.

Features and prices

However, the problem is that in severe frosts such a pump malfunctions. Works well in frosts down to −15, stops working at −30. There is one more drawback - with practically free energy, the pump itself is very expensive - from 200,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.

Once upon a time they were called potbelly stoves. This name dates back to ancient times. civil war and subsequent devastation, when the simplest pleasures of life were associated with great wealth.

Much has changed since then, but an iron stove is still called a potbelly stove. They look different now. Many of them are equipped with fireproof glass windows, but their essence has not changed - they heat up quickly and cool down just as quickly.

Maybe that’s also why this stove was called a potbelly stove, because to maintain a constantly high temperature requires a lot of wood, bourgeois style.

Folk fantasy

In Siberian taiga huts, where it is possible to install a cast-iron stove, but it is difficult to deliver bricks, the potbelly stove is lined on three sides with large stones, rolled in by the river. It turns out beautiful and functional - the stones heat up and slowly release heat to the air.

This technique is quite applicable in the conditions of a country house - when the house is built, but the heating is not yet ready. To some extent, stones perform fire-fighting functions, absorbing random sparks and excess heat. Stone structures can serve as a reason for the designer’s flights of fancy.

Efficiency metal furnace will increase if you equip it with a coil for heating water and connect heating batteries to it.

Brick stoves or Russian stoves

In its classic form, the Russian stove is a miracle of engineering soap with a very efficient heating system. Not only did the stove heat the entire hut, it was also a multifunctional kitchen, a heated bed and even a bathhouse.

Nowadays, a number of functions of a Russian stove are not needed, but as heating in a private house without gas and electricity, it is effective!

In modern conditions

Making an ancient Russian stove modern is quite simple:

  • If one of the sides is built into the wall separating one room from another, then two rooms will be heated. However, the stove has four sides.
  • If you manage to build a stove into two walls of two different rooms, then you can heat almost the entire house.
  • If the house is large, then one heat source cannot be used - you will have to create a system of pipes and batteries with a water heating element.

A Russian stove differs from a simple brick stove in its size and the absence of a stove bench. A brick oven has great inertia - it takes a long time to heat up, but it also takes a long time to cool down.

To make the cooling process last longer, there is a damper system that retains hot air. However, it is in this system that the greatest danger of the stove lies - if the damper is closed ahead of time, then carbon monoxide from the firebox it will not go into the chimney, but into the house.


Construction cost brick oven depends on a number of factors: firstly, on the size, secondly, on the selected materials, thirdly, on the remuneration of the stove maker. Moreover, the work costs the most.

So, if the stove maker charges moderately, and you are not going to decorate the stove with marble and ceramics, then you can spend 20-60 thousand rubles. Whether it is expensive or not - everyone evaluates it differently. However, you should take into account the fact that the stove will last for decades.

How to light the stove

You can drown anything that burns. Classic version- firewood and coal. However, the following sources of thermal energy have also been used in the furnace at all times.


Dung - completely dried cow dung. It burns well and leaves almost no ash. Horse manure can be used for the same purpose. By the way, there is no smell from such fuel.


Peat, or more precisely, peat briquettes. In terms of calorific value, it is somewhere between wood and coal. Briquettes burn in an already heated firebox. This means that you first need to heat the stove with wood, and then add briquettes.

Advantages - peat is environmentally less toxic than coal.

More precisely, the toxicity of peat smoke can be equated to the toxicity of firewood. Only peat produces more ash and smoke. You can only talk about the benefits of using peat if you have the opportunity to buy it at a low price. In all other cases, it is better to use wood and coal.


Wood burns quickly and is not always hot. To support high temperature You don’t just need a lot of firewood in the house, you need to put it in the firebox all the time.


It is best to use coke. Coal burns for a long time, and good coked coal is also hot.

If you use black coal with low ash content and high calorific value, then one measure of coal can provide as much heat as 3-5 such measures of firewood. The only argument against coal is its high ash content.

Coal ash is toxic, so there will be a problem with its disposal.


There are other firewood substitutes. For example, seed husks or corn cobs. Both burn well, but not for long, and without intense heat. However, these types of fuel should not be considered seriously.

Thus, among all types of solid fuels, it is worth choosing firewood and coal. Moreover, precisely in combination. Firewood is good for lighting the stove, and coal is good for long and slow burning.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a dozen systems for heating a private home without gas or electricity - from a classic stove to solar energy. It’s difficult to advise which one to choose. However, I can give one universal piece of advice - try to create a multifunctional system with duplicating functions and minimizing risk, as on warships.

It is realistic to provide cheap and effective system heating. The electric convector is built on the principle of natural air circulation. Warm air moves upward from the heater, thus stimulating the movement of air inside the room and ensuring uniform heating. However, a convector is effective only in warm climates, when the temperature does not fall below 10-15 degrees.


  • No forced air blowing. Even in the cleanest home there are solid particles that lie on surfaces. With artificial blowing warm air from the heater, this dust becomes part of the air we breathe. Natural air circulation is not so active, so dust does not rise into the air.
  • Small size with sufficient power. The heating elements of convectors heat up quickly, converting electricity into heat with an efficiency of up to 80%. In addition, there is a system of operation in different modes, as well as thermostats that allow operation not constantly, but only when the air temperature drops.
  • Mobility, allowing you to move the convector around the room, to places with maximum cold flow.
  • The possibility of creating a heating system exclusively using convectors or using them as an integral part of more complex system heating
  • The electric heating element does not heat up more than 100 degrees, and the body - 60 degrees. Have increased level protection from moisture, which allows you to use the convector in the kitchen and bathrooms.


  • The disadvantage of electric convectors is the installation of heaters in every room of the house.
  • In addition, if you turn them on at the same time, there is a possibility of exceeding the permissible power limits.

However, the disadvantages can be turned into advantages by installing a relay for switching on the heaters one by one. The relay will allow you to create a stable temperature in the house, reduce energy costs and remain within the permissible power limits. There is another argument in favor of a system of convectors - they will not all fail at once. Replacing one or two appliances without losing heat is not difficult.

The photo shows an electric convector from Nobo, Norway

Method 2 - tubular electric heaters

They transfer heat from a tubular electric heater to a liquid-based coolant. Typically, water and oil are used as a coolant, sometimes antifreeze. The principle of the heaters is the same as electric kettles, that’s why they are also called heaters and oil radiators. In fact, it is a boiler placed in a vessel with water. The efficiency of such devices is quite high, and heat loss for heating is minimal.


  • The undoubted advantages of tubular heaters include their safety, operational reliability and versatility of use.
  • Can be used in both gaseous and liquid media.
  • Not explosive, and not afraid of vibrations and shocks.
  • Tubular heaters are available in a variety of design solutions, which allows you to economically heat a private house with electricity without disturbing the aesthetics of the interior.


Heating heating elements have a high cost due to the expensive metals that are used in production. Since scale forms on the tubes, it is necessary.

A tubular radiator is a thin-walled metal tube with a spiral inside, so if you do not need particularly high temperatures, then you need to take a heater with carbon steel tubes. If the device must produce a consistently high temperature or operate in aggressive environment, then you need to take a stainless steel device.

The photo shows a tubular electric heater made by yourself

Method 3 - heated floor

As the only source of heating, they are chosen to free usable area, i.e. arrange heating without using radiators. In addition, uniform distribution of heat in the room helps reduce dust in the air. I recommend buying electric floors in the form of heating mats - this will greatly simplify installation.

Method 4 - electric boiler with heating element

Their popularity is determined by their safety, low cost and reliability. Most consumers opt for heating element boilers - they are much cheaper than electrode and induction boilers, and they are easy to maintain.

However, due to the use of a thermoelectric heater (TEH), such heating cannot be called the most economical. In addition, before purchasing, I recommend checking the operating mode of the local electrical networks - perhaps the networks will not cope with the load you need and the purchase will be in vain.

The photo shows an electric boiler KOSPEL, Poland

Method 5 - induction boiler

This is a transformer with two types of winding. The resulting eddy currents follow the short-circuited loop, which is the boiler body. The secondary winding receives energy, which is converted into heat, which heats the coolant.

Induction boilers heat your home quickly, can operate at low voltage, and have no parts that can fail. The efficiency of such a boiler is almost 100% and does not depend on the service life.

The photo shows an induction boiler EPO Evan 9.5 kW, Russia

Method 6 - electrode boiler

Inside there are electrodes that perform the function heating element. When current passes through a liquid, heat is generated. This means that in electrode boilers there is no actual heating element on which scale could form. The absence of scale will greatly facilitate operation.

Electrode boilers are highly reliable and operate much longer than tubular heaters. In addition, they have small sizes, which is very convenient for a small residential building. The disadvantages include high demands to the liquid used as a coolant. Water must undergo special treatment. Often, antifreeze generally must be exclusive - from the device developer.

The photo shows an electrode boiler Galan, Russia

Method 7 - infrared heaters (the most economical)

Infrared heaters are considered the most economical of all types of electric heaters. They do not need heating elements and water pipes. Infrared heaters heat objects, not the room. Then the heated objects heat up the air. If an electric boiler can be compared to a kettle, then an infrared boiler can be compared to a microwave oven.

Infrared panels are especially popular. They are installed on the ceiling or walls of residential and production premises. Since the heating area is increased, the room becomes warmer faster than usual. Such a panel can be used as an independent heating source or as an addition to an existing system. Goes well infrared heater With electrode boilers. For example, an infrared heater can only be turned on in spring and autumn, when it is too early to turn on the main heating, or when it suddenly gets cold outside.

Pictured is a GROHE infrared panel, Germany


  1. It is generally accepted that heating a house with electricity is not cheap. This is certainly true if we mean only payment according to tariffs. However, to the price of heating you need to add the cost of the equipment, as well as the costs of its maintenance and repair.
  2. If you compare bills for electricity, firewood, coal, pipes, boilers and other equipment, you can come to the conclusion that private heating with electricity is cheaper than stoves and other heating alternatives gas systems.
  3. In addition to money, there is another argument in favor of electric heating - it saves time: turn it on, leave and forget. The only downside is a sudden power outage.

Below, watch a video about how we managed to create cheap heating with electricity for a large private house.