How to clear a clog in a sewer pipe. How to clean a drain using different methods

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A fairy tale about a magic cable and a plunger, or how to clean a sewer in a private house

In this article I want to talk about how to clean a sewer in a private house. In addition to the usual tools, for this purpose you can use many available items, household chemicals and even some food products from your refrigerator. Read further in the text about specific methods.

Causes and localization of blockages

There is no such thing as a blockage at all. You can always name its specific cause - an object or substance that blocks the path of wastewater in a very specific place.

Here is a list of the most typical reasons blockages:

  • Paper. If rolled toilet paper rarely creates problems when flushing, then stiffer newspaper paper often clumps up before flushing the toilet or at one of the pipe turns;

When kept moist for a long time, newsprint noticeably increases in volume and makes the clog denser.
If at first it lets water through, albeit in a small amount, then literally after half an hour the paper stopper seals the pipe hermetically.

The main cause of clogged toilets is paper.

  • Rags. They end up in the sewer when water left over from washing floors or windows is flushed into the toilet. A blockage usually forms where there are irregularities, burrs on inner surface pipes and fittings;
  • Wool and hair. Their typical location is the outlets of bathtubs and showers;
  • Sand and other suspended matter falling into waste water when washing shoes or dog paws after a walk. They settle in bathtub siphons;
  • Fat. Where is he from in the sewer? Mainly from plates; however, ordinary soap also contains a fair percentage of fats, which gradually settle on the walls of the pipes. Fat plugs form mainly in the knees after siphons (that is, where warm water poured into the sewer cools down). In addition, fat is deposited in all areas with a counter-slope.

Opened sewer pipe. The loose white mass is ordinary fat that gets into the drain when washing dishes.

I deliberately excluded from the list the causes of blockages that are typical for apartment buildings - flushed down the toilet cat litters, food waste and construction waste.
It is assumed that the owner of a private house is sane and well understands the consequences of violating the operating standards of the sewage system.

Cleaning a sewer in a private home begins with finding out the cause and location of the blockage. How to do this?

  1. Often, interviewing family members can provide comprehensive information. If the toilet stopped working immediately after half a roll of toilet paper was in it, a cause-and-effect relationship is not difficult to establish;
  2. If water gradually stops leaving the sink or bathtub, while the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly, we can assume with a fair degree of confidence that the blockage should be looked for in the outlet, siphon or elbow. The drainage performance is gradually reduced by suspended matter settled in the siphon, grease, and hair collected by the outlet grate;
  3. In the event of a sudden blockage, the causes of which are unknown, it can be localized by the operation of plumbing fixtures. If the water leaves the sink, but does not leave the bathtub located a meter away from it, it is obvious that the pipe is clogged somewhere between them.

Tools and Techniques

Let's look separately at each cause of blockage and methods of dealing with a communal disaster in each specific case.


How to clean a sewer pipe in a private house if it is clogged after trying to flush it large number paper?

The narrowest place that a paper ball passes on its way to the well is the toilet outlet. If you push it further into the pipe, then the problem will almost certainly be successfully solved. For this purpose, you can use water hammer - sharply increase the pressure on one side of the paper plug.

The easiest way is to use a plunger for this purpose. It is pressed against the neck of the bowl, followed by several sharp presses on the handle. The destroyed paper plug continues its journey through the pipes.

A plunger is a very useful and versatile tool that you should definitely have at home.
Opt for a plunger, the price of which is minimal: neither the length of the handle, nor the pressure it creates, nor the presence of a pressure gauge (I’m not kidding, there are such tools on sale) affect the functionality in everyday life.

If you don’t have a plunger at hand, and the upcoming trip to the store makes you feel an attack of acute laziness, you can use an improvised tool available in the house. It could be:

  • A polyethylene bottle for soul-melting drinks, 2 - 2.5 liters. It is enough to remove the bottom of the bottle, screw on the cap - and you have in your hands a complete replacement for the plunger;

  • A damp cloth tightly wrapped around any stick (mop handle or regular bar) can also help clear the clog.

I usually clear such blockages as follows:

When pressing, do not lean over the toilet and carefully examine its contents.
If the clog is not cleared the first time, water from the bowl will fly straight into your face.


How to clean a drain at home if the clog is caused by a floor rag?

In this case, we will need another “must have” tool - a plumbing cable. In the simplest version, this is a piece of twisted steel, at one end of which steel fibers are fluffed or a hook is bent, and at the other there is a handle that allows you to rotate the cable around its axis.

All the numerous improvements to this tool (winding drums, rotation gears, etc.) make the tool less reliable and increase its cost. On the functionality of the cable (by at least, when used at home) they have no effect at all.

You will need an assistant when cleaning. To destroy the blockage, it is necessary to apply a cable to it while continuously rotating the handle; At the same time, the cable must be tensioned - otherwise it will fold into loops.

Once your catch is hooked and the water has subsided, the line is slowly pulled out of the pipe. At the same time, you need to continue to rotate it in the same direction as before: in this case, the rag will not break off and float down the pipe.

The blockage is cleared from top to bottom, from the side of the sewer backup through the nearest tee (for example, through an outlet for connecting a washbasin, bathtub, kitchen sink) or inspection.
If you clean from the side of an empty pipe, then at the moment of cleaning, a stream of sewage will hit the open hole with a fair amount of pressure.
The spray has a unique and persistent smell, is not afraid of swear words and always finds its target.

How to clean it at home sewer pipes, jammed between the house and the well? As a rule, the cable length is insufficient in these conditions. Not only that: in a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, it begins to fold into loops.

A similar tool will help here - sewer wire. It is designed in the same way as a cable, but is much more rigid. In addition to wire, you can often find steel sewer tape on sale.

The photo shows a steel tape for cleaning drains.

Contrary to all official recommendations, it is more convenient to clean the clogged outlet from the well from the well side. However, safety rules are more important than ever here. Comrades, take them seriously: following simple rules can save at least your clothes, and possibly your life.

  • Work with a partner. He will help you get out of the well if the ladder brackets break off;

  • Do not go down into the well immediately after opening the lid. Let the air in it be renewed. Methane and other gases that are products of rotting wastewater and released by the soil often accumulate in wells. By themselves, they are slightly toxic, but oxygen deficiency can lead to loss of consciousness and death;
  • Clean the outlet by standing above it on the well brackets. After cleaning, a stream of sewage hits the opposite wall with the force of a professional boxer. The height advantage will allow you to retreat in time.


How to clean a bathtub drain clogged with hair or pet hair?

  • The easiest way to do this is with a knitting needle. The lush mane hanging from the exhaust grate is pulled up through the grate in parts;
  • Instead of a knitting needle, you can use a plumbing cable with a small cross-section that is already familiar to us. It passes perfectly through the plastic grill and wraps around everything that fills the outlet;
  • Finally, most radical way— dismantling the siphon, outlet and completely cleaning them of debris. Be prepared to replace rubber sealing gaskets: Over time, they lose elasticity and may leak when assembled.

To prevent blockages, install fine stainless steel mesh on all outlets.


Sand that has clogged the siphon of a bathtub or shower stall is best removed by unscrewing the bottom of the siphon and shaking it out into the trash bin.

However, this is not always convenient: personally, I’m simply too lazy to remove the shower screen and disassemble the harness every time the dirt from the dog’s paws clogs the sump.

In this case, our old friend, the plunger, will come to our rescue again. It is enough to cover the outlet with it and pump the siphon with several back-and-forth movements. The remaining sand is washed off with plenty of water.

Don't forget to plug the overflow with a damp cloth or any other plug. Otherwise, the plunger will idle air between it and the outlet.


Grease plugs are the type of blockage that occurs even with strict adherence to all operating standards of the sewer system. How to clean a pipe clogged with grease at home with your own hands?

Blockage internal sewerage Can be easily cleaned using a plumbing cable. The algorithm of actions looks like this:

If the pipe is only partially clogged with grease and the water drains slowly, you can simply rinse it with boiling water. Hot water is turned on with minimal pressure; as the fat plug is destroyed, the pressure gradually increases.

To effectively destroy the blockage, the water temperature must be at least 50 - 60 degrees.

The easiest way to clear a clogged sink elbow is to completely remove it and empty the contents into a nearby bucket.

Grease blockage of the outlet to the well or a long horizontal outlet is cleared with sewer wire. The hook, with continuous rotation, repeatedly passes the place of greatest resistance, tearing off layers of fat from the walls of the pipe.

Sewer tape is even more convenient for cleaning grease plugs. Its edges, when rotated, clean the pipe walls of all deposits.

Finally, the problem of greasy pipes can often be solved with the help of household chemicals. The most famous of them is the Mole drain cleaner, produced on the basis of sodium hypochlorite. How to use it?

Instead of a specialized product, you can use any preparations based on alkalis and acids: all of them effectively break down fats and other organic matter. What exactly is suitable for our purposes?

  • Cleaning products (Belizna, Domestos, Sillit);

  • Electrolyte for batteries;
  • Vinegar essence;
  • Regular and caustic soda;
  • Powdered lemon or oxalic acid, previously diluted with warm water.

Most household chemicals cannot be used if you use a deep biological treatment station to dispose of wastewater.
The death of bacterial colonies that process organic matter will lead to a sharp drop in the quality of wastewater treatment.
It is better for owners to use mechanical cleaning means - cable and wire.

No one is immune from unpleasant surprises in the house. A clogged sewer occurs unexpectedly, along with unpleasant surprises in the form of smell and dirty water. The complexity of the situation depends on the type of pipes, location, cause and degree of blockage.

To clean the sewer, it is not necessary to call a plumber; in mild cases, you can do it yourself using household chemicals and improvised means.

The main sign of a clogged drain is familiar to everyone - water that does not drain well and an unpleasant odor. In severe cases, there is constant stagnation of fluid.

The place where the blockage occurs can be:

  • kitchen sink;
  • toilet;
  • bathroom;
  • shower cabin.

Most often, problem areas become clogged: the corner joints of the system, the bend of the siphon in the kitchen and bathrooms.

The causes of blockages can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Mechanical.

The pipes are clogged with large food debris, fruit pits, pieces of rags, sponges and other foreign objects that have gotten inside.

  1. Operational blockages.

They are formed over a long period of time due to the accumulation of fat deposits, solid suspended water, small food particles, sand, hair and pet fur on the walls of pipes. Over time, this plaque hardens and turns into stone.

  1. Technical blockages.

They arise due to errors during the installation of the sewer system (for example, the absence of a slight slope of the pipe, which slows down the outflow of water), deformation of pipes by heavy objects, and soil subsidence.

The blockage may be partial or complete. In the first case, the water goes away slowly. If the blockage is complete, the liquid can stand either in one sewer drain or in the entire home (if the riser is clogged).

To determine the location of the blockage, it is not necessary to disassemble the sewer system or use a professional cable with a camera. Plumbers can determine the location of the problem by the speed at which signs of a blockage appear:

  • water stops going down the drain after a few seconds - the siphon is clogged;
  • The liquid begins to accumulate after a longer time - the congestion is further away.

Experienced plumbers determine the location by eye using this feature.

How to clear clogs in the kitchen and bathroom

Sewer cleaning methods can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • mechanical;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • chemical;
  • specific or folk.

The methods by which the blockage can be cleared depend on its severity, location of formation and the material from which the pipes are made.

Mechanical elimination

In most cases, the most effective method sewer cleaning - mechanical action on the cause of the blockage using a plunger or plumbing cable.

A plunger is a device in the form of a rubber bowl with a wooden or plastic handle.

Using a plunger is very simple:

  • fill the clogged area with 10-15 cm of water to ensure a tight fit of the rubber bowl;
  • place the plunger in the center of the drain hole;
  • press the handle forcefully several times;
  • remove the plunger.

This action creates a vacuum inside the pipe; when the bowl is lifted, the liquid and the blockage move up, and then, under high pressure, heading down. The manipulations are repeated until the water begins to flow freely into the drain. Using a plunger, you can remove the blockage in a few minutes.

If a bathtub or sink with an overflow is being cleaned, this hole must be closed with a stopper to ensure a vacuum and create the necessary pressure.

Instead of a plunger, you can use a vacuum cleaner: insert the hose into the drain and turn on the device for blowing.

If the plunger does not help clear the blockage, more aggressive action will be required. In this case, it is necessary to use a plumbing cable - a long, thick steel wire with a drill-shaped tip. At the other end of the device there is a handle that allows you to rotate it.

Technique for using a plumbing cable:

  • remove the siphon to make access to sewer pipes easier;
  • lower the cable with the tip inward;
  • move it forward while rotating the handle;
  • remove the cable, remove dirt;
  • repeat the manipulations several times until the water flows freely inside.

The cable tip loosens the blockage, and the spiral shape allows it to be removed from the sewer to prevent blockages from occurring in other areas.

The cleaning process must be completed by rinsing with plenty of water, preferably very hot, to melt the fat on the walls of the pipes.

For self-cleaning, they use hand cables; professional plumbers use electrical appliances with a long drill-shaped cable, it rotates at high speed and will allow you to remove even serious mechanical obstacles on the way.

Hydrodynamic method

This method is used only by professionals, since keeping a hydrodynamic machine at home is problematic and impractical.

The device is a unit that supplies water under high pressure into the sewer system. The machine is equipped with nozzles designed for pipes with a diameter of 5 to 30 centimeters.

The process of clearing the blockage is as follows:

  • remove the siphon;
  • insert the hose into the pipe;
  • include a hydrodynamic machine.

The flow of water under high pressure separates even old deposits from the pipe walls and pushes them further into the sewer. The hose moves inward several meters on its own.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Modern industry can offer liquid and bulk products for cleaning sewers. The principle of their action is to dissolve the cause of the blockage.

All funds are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Alkaline.

The preparations are intended to remove blockages formed from fat deposits. Such products are often used in the kitchen.

  1. Acid preparations.

Will dissolve organic residues (hair) and components detergents. More suitable for bathrooms and toilets.

The most popular:

  1. Mole.

The alkaline preparation is available in liquid and powder form. Designed for cleaning metal-plastic and metal pipes; it can dissolve plastic ones.

  1. Mister Muscle.

A universal product for the prevention and cleaning of dirt. Dissolves organic deposits and fat in half an hour. All drugs of this brand contain antiseptic additives.

  1. Tiret.

A gel that allows you to quickly remove plaque. Due to its thick consistency, it does not dissolve in water and will dissolve even deep-seated clogs. Suitable for both plastic and metal structures.

The method of using chemicals is the same:

  • the product is poured or poured into the drain, the powder is diluted with a small amount of water;
  • maintain the allotted time;
  • washed with plenty of water.

All chemicals are very aggressive and can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes, therefore, when using them, you need to wear rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator (gauze bandage), and open the window.

Whenever chemical reaction Splashes and steam may come out of the drain hole, so it is better to close it with a plug.

Before use, be sure to study the manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging; some products have a limited scope of use and can not only dissolve the blockage, but also damage the sewer.

Please note that under no circumstances should you use alkaline and acidic preparations at the same time.

In general, chemicals are quite effective in removing mild to moderate blockages and are gentle on sewers and plumbing if the instructions are followed.

Traditional chemicals are not suitable for removing blockages in private homes equipped with a septic tank (cesspool). Waste in such conditions is processed by bacteria, which die in an aggressive environment. The result is unpleasant smell And fast filling septic tank It will take several weeks for dead bacteria to recover after using alkaline or acidic agents.

To clean sewers in private homes, bioactive compounds have been developed that contain bacteria that can quickly process fat and organic residues:

  • Sanox;
  • BioClever;
  • WC Activ.

Biological products are produced in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. To clean the sewer, the recommended amount is placed in the drain hole for a day. During this time, the sewer system cannot be used.

Folk remedies

You can remove blockages without chemicals or mechanical stress. Some products and substances at hand will help solve the problem:

  1. Boiling water.

Fill the drain hole with several liters of very hot water, which will dissolve the layer of fatty plaque. The method can be used for preventive purposes, as a main method for minor blockages and as an auxiliary method before other means.

  1. Soda is a common alkali in everyday life, with a very wide range of uses.

To clean the sewer, a package of powder is poured into a sewer pipe (the siphon and corrugation are first removed) and filled with the same amount of table vinegar. The hole is covered and left for several hours. You can use boiling water instead of vinegar.

  1. Soda and salt, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2, are dissolved in warm water and poured into the drain. After half an hour, the pipes are pierced with a plunger and washed with running water for 5 minutes.
  1. Alka-Seltzer.

Works similarly to soda. 2-3 effervescent tablets are crushed, poured into the drain hole and filled with 300 ml of vinegar. After 20 minutes, all that remains is to rinse the pipes with water. Anti-hangover pills will remove not only congestion, but also the unpleasant odor.

Folk remedies are used mainly for prevention and to eliminate minor congestion in the kitchen. Using them to get rid of foreign objects and stones is almost impossible.

Recommendations on how to clear clogs soda ash, you can watch in the video.

Recommendations for different materials: what is the difference between plastic and cast iron pipes?

Today in almost all homes sewer system consists of plastic pipes that have undeniable advantages over traditional cast iron:

  • light weight;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • easy installation.

The surface of plastic pipes is smooth, so particles of food and fat practically do not cling to it. Blockage plastic sewer It is quite rare, mostly corner joints. To clean them, chemicals, a plunger or a hydrodynamic machine are often used.

Plumbing cables and other mechanical devices can damage the surface and cause leaks.

Cast iron sewerage is durable, but the surface of the metal quickly becomes overgrown with organic deposits and grease. To remove blockages in cast iron pipes, mechanical action is most often used, since some chemicals can corrode cast iron.

The effectiveness of certain remedies depends on what the blockage is made of:

  • fat deposits can be removed with alkali or boiling water;
  • hair will be easily dissolved by acid;
  • solid particles (sand, construction waste, stones) must be removed only mechanically or washed with water under pressure.

Mechanical cleaning with a plunger and cable is a universal method for clearing any blockages.

How to clean drains in an apartment and private house

A blockage can appear anywhere in the sewer system in an apartment or private house. Before choosing a method to eliminate it, you should determine its location; further actions will depend on this.

If a blockage has formed in the kitchen, first of all you need to unscrew the siphon, corrugation and rinse them. These sewerage elements have many bends to protect against unpleasant odors, but fat, soft and hard particles accumulate in them. If after this the water drainage has not been restored, you can use any suitable method.

In the bathroom, the most common cause of clogs is hair and solid particles; you can use a plunger to unclog the pipes. If the blockage is not cleared, remove the siphon and use a plumbing cable of the maximum length and rotate it in all directions.

You can remove a serious blockage in the initial section of the bathroom drain using a brush manually or by attaching it to a drill.

If pipes in a private house are clogged, you can use any of the above remedies only if it is connected to a central sewer system. If there is a cesspool, only bioactive preparations can be used.

Long sewer systems are the most difficult to clean, especially if the area at the end is clogged. A plunger will not be able to create required pressure, chemicals are designed to dissolve plugs near the drain, but breaking through it with a cable is problematic.

In such cases, you need to use professional devices to remove blockages: a hydraulic or cleaning machine, a Karcher car wash.

Preventing blockages

Removing a clogged drain is not as easy as it might seem. In some cases clogged drain forces you to make repairs, often not only in your home.

It is much easier to prevent such a nuisance than to look for a solution later:

  • install grates on all drain holes to trap hair and food particles;
  • You can additionally install a grease trap in the kitchen;
  • Before washing dishes, remove any remaining food from it;
  • wash your feet before taking a bath or shower;
  • do not wash shoes in the sink;
  • pour water into the toilet after washing the floors;
  • use products that remove blockages (Mole, Tiret, soda) or pour boiling water over the drains once a month.

You can get rid of sewer blockages on your own. The speed and method of eliminating the problem depend on the degree of contamination of the pipes. Minor blockages can be removed using folk remedies; complex ones can only be dealt with with special equipment.

If you have cleaned all the pipes in your house, can you breathe easily? Not at all. It seems like everything seems to have been cleaned - and drains from the sinks, toilets and bathroom drains. However, the water may slowly disappear or simply stagnate.

What to do in this situation? The problem is a blockage, which may be in the sewer pipes, deck chair or elevator.

As a rule, the plug is installed either in one of these elements or directly in the tube.

If water from any plumbing doesn't seem to go away, the sewer line is probably clogged. If the water supply to the water supply is too slow, the clog is likely located near the drain hose.

Covering scheme in the house.

  1. Fan.
  2. Sewer channel.
  3. Kitchen.
  4. Bathroom.
  5. The blockage at this point blocks the separation from the toilet and washbasin.
  6. Washing machine.
  7. Blocking at this point prevents leakage from the sink.
  8. The obstructions prevent the drainage of all waterworks on the upper floors.
  9. Solar roof for cleaning sunbathing areas.
  10. The locking block blocks the drain for the entire house.

Basic methods for cleaning household sewers

Let's look at the key methods that will clean up your wastewater.

Chemical cleaning

How to clean the sewer system?

Various chemicals are commonly used for this purpose. However, they do not always succeed. For example, if there is a delay of several months or years, the chemical effect will simply mix up the coarse dirt, but will not eliminate it.

This will cause the water to stagnate after some time.

A simple recipe for wastewater treatment. You need to bake juice (0.5 cup), wine vinegar (1 cup), boiling water (1 liter).

Use of chemical cleaners must be very careful as they are highly alkaline. If it gets on your skin or boggles your eyes, wash them immediately and consult a doctor immediately.

Of course, children should not be allowed such a shot.

Water penetration

Another simple way to clean a sewer pipe is to keep the water under pressure. You can usually do this with a garden hose that connects to a hydrant. If the diameter of the sewer pipes is small enough, this method can be successful.

Removing wastewater with water.

The method is very effective.

A fairy tale about a magic cable and bokeh or how to clean a sewer in a private house

However, never use it after using chemical breakout agents. Because if water under pressure does not collide with the plug, it will come out, all saturated with chemicals.

Before blowing under pressure, hang the hose with a cloth and insert it firmly into the hose.

Even diluted lye can cause a lot of damage, so be careful.

Cleaning channels with wire

Wires, spirals or cables are often used to pierce sewer lines.

The wire used manually must be up to 10 meters long.

By the way, there are special automatic devices that use spiral cleaning pipes.

We will describe them later in the same article.

To prevent blocking when closing, you must remove the plug from the hole you want to clean and insert the wire into it.

Remove the plug from the cleaning hole and use the wire. Bend it into different directions until the blocking is interrupted. Then remove the second plug and try to break the block on the other side. Close the screws, open the water and make sure the blockage can be cleared.

The bore cleaner is usually a short tube that points upward and ends in a plug.

If the lock is not in the door, the cord should be pressed against the outside of the door. To clean the hose with water, close all plugs.

  1. Unscrew the plug, be careful - the air in the tube may compress it.
  2. Clear the blockage in the main sewer pipe from the trap.
  3. If there is a seal block or sewer pipe, remove the plug with cleaning holes, close the curtain plug and secure the plunger with a high pressure hose.
  4. Cork.
  5. Litter.
  6. In the sewer system of the house.
  7. General sewerage for wastewater.
  8. Line.
  9. Plutovinec.
  10. Sewer deck.
  11. Cleaning the hole.
  12. Riser.
  13. Tube.
  14. Plutovinec.

When the lock is in the deck, you must use the common lock to access it.

Move along the rope to the cleared hole nearby. After cleaning, open the hole and water supply to the drain.

Spring wire for cleaning small debris in the sewer system of a house.

There are often several cleaning branches in a sewer system.

As a rule, they are located in the basement or concrete ceilings between the floor.

At the bottom of the riser, the hole is cleared, which is ideal for removing blockages in the sewer system.

Unscrew the plug and use the wire or cable. In addition, you can also use large amounts of water from the pipe as an option.

  1. Riser.
  2. Litter.
  3. Sewer pipe.
  4. Cleaning the hole.
  5. Pen.
  6. Line.
  7. Plutovinec.
  8. Instead of a stream, you can use a water pipe.

Often with these bridges to clear access to the sewer that exits the house.

These openings are usually located somewhere between the sewer or settlement and the home's piping system.

In a house, the cleaning pump is usually located at the very bottom of the riser.

Remove the faucet from the faucet. Be careful - water that accumulates in the faucet will flow out of the hole. It is advisable to wait until all the water that is clogged due to a clogged system runs out.

Blockade is punishable by wire or rope

Now you can work with the wire and insert it into the hole.

The coupling looks like a soft and flexible mass that will not allow you to return the wire.

When you encounter resistance, keep turning the wire and push it forward. In this case, you don't have to push the wire just onto the lock - pull it towards you, turn it and push it forward until you succeed.

Sometimes the blockade is easily pulled out of the pipe, especially if it is soft object like fabric.

If you can't hit the obstacle, try changing it to the wire accordingly.

Spring wire kit for professional cleaning units.

When the blockage is cleared, screw the drain plug into place, then flush the pipes with water.

You can do this, for example, with running water in the toilet or just with a garden hose.

Wire for manual cleaning.

Example of using a cleaning cable with a manual nozzle.

Often the fork from the transparent hole becomes very distorted. Take WD40 or regular thread oil and treat the threaded socket properly.

Then take the key and cancel it. Sometimes a small hose may be provided on the wrench to increase the length of the lever and therefore the force.

You don't need to prove your heroic strength, otherwise you may move the fasteners of the pipe itself.

The easiest way to unscrew a fork is to trim it with a regular chisel, then press the chisel inserted into the recess with a hammer and unscrew the fork.

Another option for cleaning your vent or drain system is to use a wire from the roof, as shown in the diagram below.

To clear ventilation and drainage ducts, you can use a wire or rope that is operated directly from the roof of the house.

  1. Insert the cable into the drain.
  2. Fan.
  3. Ceiling ceiling.
  4. Sewer channel.
  5. Sewer channel drainage.
  6. Litter.
  7. Intermediate floors.
  8. Expansion to multiple plumbing installations.
  9. To the sewer channel and cleaning chute.
  10. Possible blockade.

After cleaning the tube, rinse the entire system again with a garden hose from the ceiling.

Be sure to check that the water is from the sink or toilet. If this is the case, then the blockade is still in place and the water must be turned off. Again use the wire or cable and try as if in test tubes.

In a particularly hopeless situation, a piece of pipe is removed to remove the blockage.

Unfortunately, sometimes there is no other way to get rid of it. In such a situation, a piece of pipe is cut out to obtain dirt or some object. Then there is no need to rebuild the pipe section - it is better to do additional cleaning in this area.

Video about using hydrodynamic technology to clean sewer pipes

Domestic wastewater is becoming clogged worse than ever before.

It is not surprising that while concentrated detergents containing paved substances, as well as fats that constantly accumulate on the walls of the pipe, then fall back to the ground and clog the throats and completely block the pipe.

Video review of sewerage

Learn how to use a specific video camera to analyze seismic blockage and take the necessary steps to remove it.

Wire and rubbing

As a rule, closing operations begin to use the simplest means.

The elemental of them is the plunger, the correct use of which is described in the corresponding article. If this does not help, a screw is included in the bag or so-called toilet wire with a handle, which allows you to break down severely clogged plugs.

If, however, the wastewater is so clogged, it is so important that these methods do not help get into the well and the special wire nozzle to treat the wastewater.

Looks like it.

Cleaning drainage pipe drill using wire.

This method allows mechanical interlocks to be completely cleared.

By the way, this is actually a manual cleaning that has a special drill bit for drilling. So you can work with it manually, but the efficiency will of course be much lower.

Use a corded drill.

Offense has no options.

Electric cleaning without drilling

Here, such a model, equipped with an electric motor, provides the same method as described above, but without the need for drilling. Made from compressed aluminum, this tool features an internal drum on which the cable is wound.

Reversible motor with ball bearings provides different rotation speeds. The maximum cable length is 25 meters, which is enough to drain almost all sewer systems.

Electrical cable with blades

If tree roots penetrate into the canal, then the described methods are not applicable. The method shown in the diagram below will help solve the problem. We're talking about power cable. This is the most powerful, highly effective and uncompromising tool available only to the home owner.

Electric fence sewer in action.

It is enough to buy this kit once and easily remove even the most terrible and impenetrable blockade in your house or cottage.

To clear wastewater from tree roots, a blade cable and an electric motor are used to turn off all faults.

With the device turned on, connect the cable to the hose. When a cable breaks, fill the system with water and move the cable in front of you to clear the blockages.

  1. The blades, which change position, fit tightly to the walls of the pipe.
  2. Sharp blades cut out the obstacle.
  3. Drainage curve above ground level.
  4. Litter.
  5. Earth.
  6. External wall of the house.
  7. String blades.
  8. In city canals.
  9. Sewer deck.
  10. Sewer channel.
  11. Cable routing on the steering wheel.
  12. Electric drive.
  13. Cable.
  14. Cleaning.

Electric cable with blades for complete cleaning of wastewater at home from any blockages and dirt.

Machine for professional wire cleaning with electric motor.

The model is similar in function to the model shown above.

The power cable allows you to get rid of even the toughest jam as the blades can end up cutting through all the obstructions.

However, this problem often occurs due to the fact that young trees are planted near a sewer pipe, which is strictly not recommended.

Signs of a blockage
Circumstances causing clogging
Methods for preventing and eliminating blockages

Sewage is one of the best inventions of mankind, which allows you to get rid of sewage and liquid waste without collecting it or removing it from your home. However, this convenience comes at a cost: occasional blockages in the exhaust pipes that prevent the system from functioning properly.

We will describe cleaning sewer pipes in a private home below.

Signs of a blockage

Evidence that it takes time to clean sewer pipes in a private home:

Typically, burglaries in private homes are blocked during the summer and fall, as water consumption is highest during this period - mainly due to the preparation of empty parts for winter.

And when washing mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, a large amount of dirt and debris from them gets directly into drainage system.

Therefore, at any time and at any other time it is necessary to have various means and devices for cleaning pipes in a private home.

Circumstances causing clogging

Understanding the causes of traffic jams in the canal allows not only to reduce the likelihood and frequency of this event, but also to choose the most suitable means for cleaning sewer pipes in a private house.

In particular, the reasons for the formation of blockages depend on the material used in the production of the pipe.

Cast iron pipes

Such products are used in most older homes where the communication elements have not yet changed.

The casting material has many advantages, and especially this material is durable and has noise-preventing characteristics, which allows the channels to be cleaned most effectively.

However, the disadvantage is extremely important: the alloy is susceptible to corrosion. As a result of the gradual destruction of iron on the inner surface of the pipe, which is already rough, even more irregularities are formed, which are deposited during operation of fat, debris and other foreign inclusions, redirecting the water.

After some time, the amount of precipitation becomes critical and stops.

The very difficult cleaning of such products and the fact that it is impossible to determine exactly where the blockage was formed.

Most often, he is a commander who thinks about how to clean sewer pipes in a private house, paying attention to the following gas pipelines:

  • part of the communication between the discharges in the kitchen and bathroom;
  • Interval including the length of the pipe from the toilet to the elevator.

Plastic pipes

The inner surface of the macromolecular compounds of the tube is very smooth, it is difficult for lubricant to accumulate in it, but it is still the owner of the sewer system, looking like a private sewer workshop from time to time.

In most cases, pipes in plastic pipes (usually the material they are made of are polypropylene or polyethylene) are caused by errors in the installation of the pipeline.

What kind of wastewater treatment in a private house

In particular, homeowners sometimes ignore the need to maintain single-pipe plumbing.

Basic Ingredient Blocks

Regardless of the materials used to make the pipes, the most important cause of blockages and traffic searches, such as cleaning residential sewer pipes, is household grease.

During the cleaning of the container or after wastewater leaks into the sink, due to its viscosity, it is retained and retained inside the pipe. In the grease layer, dirt, grime, sand, hair and other particles begin to become contaminated, causing a plug to form without proper cleaning.

Methods for preventing and eliminating blockages

Pipe cleaning is not always inevitable, sometimes it can be prevented due to blockages or it can be delayed as late as possible.

How to deal with fat dams

The above has already been mentioned that the main reason for blocking fat; therefore, future blockages in the sewer system can be prevented or reduced.

This result can be achieved by installing a lubricating paste (or lubricating trap) and a grease separator.

The devices are divided into industrial and household and consist of two compartments:

  1. In the first part, liquid waste is filtered and mechanical impurities are removed;
  2. In the second case, fats are separated, and then the treated waste enters the sewer system.

The separator is installed under the sink, and it is not difficult.

A quick way to get rid of traffic jams

If your pipes are still clogged, you can try two simple and effective home remedies before cleaning your drain with expensive tools.

In any case, you must first turn off the tap and wipe the dish dry, and then:

  1. The first method is to carefully and slowly pour boiling water into the drainage hole.

    If the water in the pipe disappears at an increasing rate, the measure should continue until the rate reaches the normal level.

  2. Another way is to prepare something for the sink connection in advance, fill half a cup of soda into the tube, then add the same amount of vinegar and a quick release screw; After a while, take out the plug, you should put in a hot water hose.

Using household chemicals

Before using any product on the market, protect your skin and respiratory system with protective gloves, a respirator, and goggles.

In addition, fresh air must enter the room.

The pipe cleaning tool is divided into acid and alkaline and does not mix them during use. It is also not recommended to use two different substances at the same time.

Among the most popular songs:

  • "Krtica";
  • "Pothan";
  • "Sanford"
  • "Mr. Muscle";
  • Domestos.

Each of these substances has instructions for use, but in general the procedure is as follows:

  1. The required amount of substance is poured into the drainage tube or closed.
  2. Add about 0.5 liters of hot water, occasionally plugging the hole.
  3. Let the ingredient sit for about 15 minutes, then rinse the circuit with some bucket of water.

Sometimes chemical method does not give the expected result; In this situation, you need to know how to break through wastewater in a private home in other ways (also read “How to break a hose in the kitchen - choose the best cleaning method”).

Mechanical method

In this case, the pipes are filled with boiling water and cleared by the typical displacement of the vent. If the result is not satisfactory the first time, you can repeat the action until it is completely cleared. Also read: “How to clear a print stop - cleaning methods and rules.”

Hydrodynamic method

For cleaning these methods in a pressurized pipe supplied with a jet of water.

Depending on your existing equipment, you can use a mini machine liner (for products with a diameter of 50-300 mm), various pumps or professional cleaning devices with attachments different sizes. Also read: “How telescanning of sewer pipes occurs, diagnostic rules.”

Using the cable

Plumbing cable is a twisted wire.

To use it properly, remove the trap from the sink and hold the wire with one hand for the special ring or loop designed to insert the free end into the hose.

After the movements rotate, the cable moves forward along the coupling element, periodically scraping and clearing away dirt.

At the end of the process, rinse the tubes with hot water.

Chemicals for cesspools and toilets, choosing drugs

1.Assortment of chemicals for cesspools
2. Use of biological products for cesspools
3. Chemicals for cesspools

Sewage systems in a private home require constant care, otherwise the cesspool may become clogged.

If similar problem arose, you should not use the first available means to solve it. More than one year in many foreign countries To clean septic tanks, live bacteria intended for wastewater treatment and chemicals for cleaning cesspools are used.

Assortment of chemicals for cesspools

Biological products for cesspools are products consisting of organic microorganisms that actively react with organic types of waste (for more details: “Biological products for cesspools - choosing the right cleaning products”).

Such preparations for sewer sumps contain a complex of living bacteria that process feces and beneficial enzymes.

They are sensitive to compounds such as:

  • aldehydes;
  • alkalis;
  • phenols;
  • acids;
  • chlorides.

Bioactivators convert sewage into a mass that is safe for people and the environment.

The waste produces high-quality organic fertilizer, which can be used, for example, for garden care.

Chemical preparations for cesspools and biological preparations are widely used for the treatment of wastewater that is generated in the process of human household activities.

The use of biological products for cesspools

Biological products for outdoor toilets can be used when the air temperature is from 4 to 30 degrees Celsius.

During the cold season, chemicals are used for cesspools, but many of them can cause significant harm to the environment. Therefore, in recent years Many homeowners and summer residents prefer strains of live bacteria, if the temperature allows (read: “Cleaning agent for cesspools and toilets, choose the most effective”).

Bioactivators are used for outdoor toilets, septic tanks and pits to decompose waste - the results of human activity (read: “Septic tank for a toilet - design options”).

They effectively solve the problem of waste disposal and maintaining environmental balance.

Biological agents allow:

  • prevent the proliferation of pathogenic organisms;
  • fight unpleasant odors;
  • prevent the formation of toxic fumes and gases.

They do not irritate the mucous membranes of human organs and the skin of the hands.

Among biological products for cesspools, Doctor Robik, the packaging of which is shown in the photo, has proven itself to be very effective.

It is a potent and very effective mixture consisting of 6 types of bacterial strains, specially designed for the disposal of sewage and waste that are not destroyed by biological means (read also: “Mean for sewer pits - how and what is the best way to clean”).

These microorganisms are able to utilize detergents, fats, phenols, etc. The use of this product allows you to reduce the number of calls for sewage disposal equipment, eliminate the stench and increase the degree of utilization of solid particles in wastewater.

Biological products such as Doctor Robik have the following advantages:

  • environmental safety;
  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • effective processing of various organic matter, feces, paper, fats;
  • absolute safety for people, plants and animals;
  • the need for the services of vacuum cleaners is reduced.

When biological products and chemicals are used for toilets and cesspools, the contents of the package are diluted in water poured into a bucket and poured into a sump, or the product from the bag is poured into the toilet and flushed several times.

Bioactivators are divided into biopowders and biopreparations.

The first of them are non-toxic compounds consisting of enzymes and microorganisms that significantly accelerate the decomposition of sewage.

The use of bioactivators increases the speed of natural purification. This breaks down organic matter in wastewater into gas, water and sediment. Sludge does not accumulate so quickly, and the septic tank will have to be cleaned no more than 3 times during the year.
Bioactivators are also produced in the form of granules.

If they are in the form of tablets, they are placed in the toilet and the chemical ends up in the cesspool while in an active state. Today, many manufacturers are working to expand the scope of their application in terms of primary purification. Biorefining allows you to penetrate into the layers of fibers and, as a result, complex organic matter is converted into simple compounds that form a mineral deposit.

How to clean drains at home

Over time, these deposits are colonized by living bacteria. The output is water and carbon dioxide.

Today, scientists have managed to realize such an idea as growing microorganisms that can naturally process wastewater.

There are also liquids for cesspools on sale, for example, the biological product Waste Treat.

This is an environmentally safe complex, which contains 6 anaerobic bacterial cultures that quickly process feces and household waste in cesspools and in all types of septic tanks.

This drug also eliminates stench.

This liquid:

  • completely cleans the drainage system laid to the drainage pit;
  • eliminates bad odor;
  • cleans outdoor toilets and septic tanks;
  • reduces the volume of runoff and waste in cesspools.

A septic tank is an individual treatment facility designed to treat domestic and household wastewater coming from private households where there is no central sewerage system.

In the process of operation in sewer septic structures, the method of gravitational settling and biotreatment using biological products is used.

Septic tanks have a daily capacity of 2 -12 m3. The waste liquids remain in it for about three days, and during this time the precipitated sediment becomes compacted and at the same time undergoes aerobic decomposition. This treatment plant has a sealed housing, which consists of three chambers.

Wastewater enters the septic tank by gravity.

Chemicals for cesspools

Currently, not only biological preparations are widely used to clean pits, but also chemicals for cesspool toilet. The latter products are produced mainly in powder form. They perfectly purify wastewater and dispose of waste in composts and toilets, freeing sewer pipes from fatty deposits.

Cleaning a cesspool with chemicals has a number of advantages, since chemicals:

  • have the ability to function effectively at any temperature;
  • are not afraid of aggressive impurities or hard water.

At the same time:

  • their use negatively affects the state of the environment and the sewerage system as a whole;
  • are destroyed metal elements, used in the construction of treatment structures.

To clean sewage, the following chemicals are used for cesspools:

  • formaldehyde is the cheapest chemical for household and household waste settling tanks.

    Just 5-10 years ago it was widely used everywhere. But then it was proven that this product is very toxic and has high degree carcinogenicity. Today, formaldehyde has been phased out;

  • Nitrate oxidizers are nothing more than nitrogen fertilizers. They are used for cleaning street toilets and cesspools. They are environmentally friendly and consist of surfactants that dilute organic waste and waste.

    Nitrate oxidizers have increased cleaning power, and their effectiveness is not affected by the presence of detergents in the waste liquid;

  • ammonium compounds - are considered excellent disinfectants that process feces. They are also effective in decomposing waste. This chemical for cesspools eliminates unpleasant odors and accelerates the decomposition of waste into components.

    But ammonium compounds work worse in the presence of detergents in waste water and are ineffective in aggressive environments. An important point is that the influence on environment ammonium compounds. If they are used for a cesspool, you must be extremely careful when cleaning it. It is advisable to drain this waste into specially equipped ditches, and it would be best to use the services of sewer trucks.

You need to know that none of the modern chemicals cannot turn feces into compost.

How and with what to clean sewer pipes in a private house - methods and methods from an experienced technician

Cleaning drains in a private house

Many cottage owners periodically encounter problems with their drainage system. The first warning sign of impending trouble may be a decrease in bandwidth engineering communications.

Often unpleasant odors occur, indicating the appearance of silt deposits. Sometimes cleaning the sewer system in a private house on your own can help in the early stages. A standard plunger and a certain amount of perseverance and hard work can sometimes work wonders. Unfortunately, often only the intervention of professionals with an appropriate knowledge base and equipped with specialized equipment is required.

Technological features

It must be said right away that ready plan action appears only after assessing the situation on the spot.

Dozens of nuances are taken into account. Experts evaluate the design features of the system, pipe diameters and slopes, allowing them to identify the real state of affairs. The following information will help you understand how blockages in a house or cottage are cleared by specialists:

  • Video diagnostics will help you understand the current situation and determine the causes of the blockage.
  • Extremely rarely used chemical method, which involves the use of special means.
  • Time-tested still pays off mechanical method, in which a cable is used.

    This workflow is in many cases automated, allowing you to not only fix the current problem, but also prevent it from occurring in the near future.

  • Hydrodynamic cleaning, which has proven its effectiveness in practice, deserves special attention. With its help you can deal with particularly complex, advanced blockages.

Simple prevention

Always use protective screens to prevent large particles of food waste and debris from entering the pipes.

If possible, install a disposer in the kitchen. Periodically use gentle products that can remove at least part of the plaque accumulated in the system. If trouble does occur, calling the emergency service remains the only reasonable option. Call the dispatcher and describe the current situation in detail. The more details you provide, the better prepared the field team will be. The cost of the service depends on the time spent, the level of complexity of the work and the location of the cottage.

Don't forget that the best way prevention than competent laying of utilities during construction own home haven't figured it out yet. Try to comply building codes and tolerances for the construction of your home.

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More than 5 years of experience

Our advantages

  • We work in Moscow and the Moscow region!
  • We have affordable prices in Moscow and the Moscow Region!
  • Work of any complexity!
  • We use only certified equipment by the Company - rothenberger, preus, ridgid, rioned.
  • We work in cash and non-cash payments
  • We are happy to provide free consultation by phone, 24 hours a day.
  • We are professionals in our field (All our specialists have SRO approval)
  • Warranty and quality
  • Individual approach to each client
  • We will not leave the site until we are sure that the removal of blockages in the pipes has been carried out flawlessly and the sewer system will function without interruption.

Everyone who lives in apartment building, I have repeatedly encountered the problem of a clogged sewer system. For example, the water in the bathtub or toilet drains slowly. One thing - private house, where the owner himself is responsible for the sewerage system, where he can control everything that happens to the system. But how can you control what your neighbor below or above your apartment is pouring into the system?

So it turns out that they get into the pipes foreign objects. For example, while washing the floors, I forgot to take the rag out of the bucket. So she fell through the toilet into the pipe. What to do? It will certainly cause a blockage in the sewer system. We will tell you how to get rid of such troubles.

How does the sewerage system work in a house?

In most apartments, the sewage system is designed as follows: first comes the washbasin. From it, the drains pass through a pipe towards the bathtub. There may also be a bidet and a jacuzzi nearby. Then comes the toilet. Next is just the riser.

Many apartments still have Soviet cast iron pipes, which served for more than half a century. But in the early nineties, plastic pipes for sewage began to be actively used. They do not collect plaque and deposits inside themselves. In addition, the installation of plastic pipes is simpler compared to cast iron pipes. It is enough to compare the weight of a cast iron pipe and a plastic pipe. Each plastic riser has a special window, which is designed for cleaning the pipe. It is located at a height of one meter above the floor level.

The most polluted places in the sewer system

The degree of pipe clogging depends on how the person himself relates to the system. For example, in winter the sewer becomes clogged much less often than in summer. This is due to the fact that in summer period people use more water. Accordingly, more wastewater is discharged into the sewer system.

The most common drainage area that gets clogged is from the kitchen drain to the bathroom. Grease, debris, rust, sand, hair and many other wastes collect here. The second place where blockages most often occur is the toilet, where the pipe meets the riser. It is very rare that the area from the bathtub to the toilet drain becomes clogged. The fact is that up to two hundred liters of water can come out of the bath. This means that a large amount of liquid washes away most of the debris.

Preventive measures

To ensure that the sewer system does not create problems, it is necessary to prevent blockages. So, you need to pour a large amount of boiling water down the drains once a week. It is advisable if soda is dissolved in water.

Another way to avoid sewer clogging is to use special drain filters. Collective filters allow you to collect hair and other large debris that can clog your system.

However, if the first signs appear that the system is not functioning properly, action must be taken immediately. You shouldn’t wait until the water stops flowing completely.

What should you do first?

Experts recommend initially pouring a large amount of boiling water into the pipes. Better yet, try to identify the section of pipes where the blockage is observed. Waste may have accumulated in the sink elbow. Then there is no reason to panic. It may be that deposits have accumulated in a certain area of ​​the pipes. Here again are the advantages of plastic pipes, which can be easily not only assembled, but also disassembled.

Most often, boiling water in which baking soda is dissolved helps. If the blockage cannot be eliminated, then more serious measures must be taken.

Cleaning the sewer with a plunger

If boiling water does not help, then you need to use a plunger. This is a device that is the safest way to clean drains. It is noteworthy that the plunger must be of such a size that its bowl completely covers the drain hole.

So, remove the filter from the drain hole. If you are cleaning the drain from the side of the bathtub, then you need to close the hole, which is designed to eliminate water when pouring liquid into the bathtub. Lower the plunger to the drain hole. This should be done at an angle so that the water displaces all the air that is in the bowl. Pressing the plunger tightly against the drain, make about twenty sharp movements. In this case, you need to hold the plunger strictly vertically. As soon as the last forward movement is made, you need to sharply remove the plunger from the hole.

If the blockage was not cleared the first time, you need to repeat the procedure again. The operating principle of a plunger is as follows. During translational movements, it creates pressure that constantly varies: sometimes with a force directed forward, sometimes backward. Due to this, the plug in the pipes is destroyed.

We use chemistry

If the plunger does not help after a long time, then you need to use chemicals to clean the drain. However, before you start using this or that product, you must read the instructions for use. Firstly, some products can harm pipes. Secondly, chemicals can be harmful to human health. In any case, you need to work with special rubber gloves and be careful not to get the product on your skin or eyes.
We carefully ensure that chemicals do not splash out of the pipes.

Otherwise, caustic substances may damage the enamel, for example, of a bathtub. Previously, when there were cast iron pipes, it was possible to clean the system even using hydrochloric acid. In the case of plastic pipes, this is unacceptable. Even any product that is sold in stores today is not recommended for use too often.

Chemicals based on alkalis and acids are used to clean sewers. The first type actively fights fat deposits. Acidic products eat away soap scum and hair. Please note that mixing acidic and alkaline products is prohibited, as the reaction can be unpredictable. Not only will toxic gases begin to be released, but the pipes may also be damaged.

Most chemicals require copious rinsing with water after use. Therefore, you need to read the instructions for use before starting work.

If chemicals do not help clear the blockage, then even more stringent measures will have to be taken.

Using a spiral to clean drains

When chemicals don't help clean up, we get to work various techniques. Most best option– spiral cleaning machine. However, it is worth noting that not everyone can have such a machine in everyday life. Therefore, it is best to use a regular cable, at the end of which there is a handle for rotation. At the other end, the cable is branched to break the plug in the sewer system.

To get rid of the blockage, you need to insert a cable into the pipe and slowly advance it, while rotating the handle. The cleaning method is unpleasant and time consuming, however, it is the most effective among all listed.

How to clean a sewer pipe using folk remedies

In addition to the listed means of combating blockages, there are so-called folk remedies. People have been using vinegar and baking soda to clear clogged pipes for a long time. The substances are used in the form of solutions with boiling water. It works best when baking soda and vinegar work together. So, to perform this procedure you need:

  • wipe the washbasin or bathtub dry;
  • Use a spoon to pour baking soda into the drain hole;
  • prepare a special plug to close the hole;
  • when everything is ready, pour plenty of vinegar into the pipe;
  • Immediately close the drain with a plug.

Everyone knows the reaction of combining soda with vinegar. This may allow you to remove the blockage. However, it must be said that only minor blockages can be eliminated this way.

Today there are many washing machines for cars. All of them operate under high jet pressure. You can try to apply them in practice.
In most cases, drastic decisions have to be made.

Call the master

When there is no strength left to deal with sewer plugs, you need to call specialists. And there are many reasons for this. Firstly, a professional knows how to properly deal with the problem. Secondly, he may have tools that simply may not be available in everyday life. For example, specialists use hydraulic devices in their work, which in a matter of minutes allow you to forget that the system was clogged.

For many people, the struggle with sewer blockages equated to hell. And here it should be noted that the work is really not pleasant. Anyone who has dismantled sewer pipes should know what we are talking about. Firstly, the system emits a terrible rotten smell that makes you sick. Secondly, when you see this whole picture, when sewer liquid flows from the pipes, you lose the desire to continue working. And only the most persistent and persistent people can overcome this problem.

In order not to experience all this “torment”, you can simply call a team of specialists to your home who will carry out all the work promptly. The team of workers will have the necessary tools and experience in performing the work. You don't have to deal with chemicals or get your hands dirty with a cable or plunger. For a small fee, you can forget about clogged sewer pipes.

Once again, it is worth noting that the sewer system does not become clogged not only when nothing is drained into it, but also when preventive measures are taken to get rid of unnecessary problems. There are currently a huge variety of means for prevention. You can easily use any of them.