How to beautifully paste wallpaper in the corridor of two. How to choose the right high-quality wallpaper for the corridor and hallway: photo ideas for an apartment

Let's talk about how to combine wallpaper in the hallway. The issue related to the choice of materials for the corridor is an important and responsible event, on which the final result of the repair directly depends.

The corridor is the place that is often called the “calling card” of any house or apartment. Depending on how correctly the design of a given room is chosen, guests entering the house will have an impression of the owner of the house, his taste preferences (in the photo - modern design hallway in a city apartment).

Choosing materials for the corridor

When thinking over the design for your corridor, do not forget that there is practically no natural daylight in this room.

In addition, the corridor is generally small in size, it has several doors at once, which significantly complicates the design (in the photo - combined wallpaper in a small corridor).

Advice! When choosing materials for the corridor, preference should be given to light shades, canvases with small patterns, and smooth texture.

Such materials will not only look beautiful in the hallway, but will also help you get the effect of visually expanding the space (in the photo - combined wallpaper for the hallway).

Attention! Canvases with large flowers are not suitable for the corridor, as they will “steal” the space and make the room smaller.

Designers recommend choosing combinations of several wallpapers for the corridor. Many manufacturers of modern finishing materials They offer ready-made ensembles, which include 2-3 types of wallpaper (the photo shows an example of such a composition).

Plain canvases can be used to decorate the upper half of the walls in the hallway (pictured). The design of the lower part is carried out using materials with vertical stripes.

Attention! It is important that the canvases for decorating the bottom of the walls are darker so that no traces of dirt are visible on them.

This combination will help you bring harmony to the corridor, make it cozy, beautiful, and functional. Considering the high traffic volume of this room, professionals recommend using washable materials for the walls when designing a corridor. In this case, you can easily remove traces of clothes and shoes from the wall, save them on long time an aesthetic appearance for your walls (the photo shows an example of decorating a hallway with washable materials).

The design of hallways can be done using laminated materials that have excellent dirt-repellent function. These fabrics have a special protective film, so you can wipe them with a damp cloth. Interesting solution for the corridor there will be a combination of several options for washable wallpaper (example in the photo).

Do you want to receive useful information about how to design a corridor? We invite you to watch the video carefully

Liquid wallpaper will help hide all the imperfections and unevenness on the surface of the walls. In addition, you can choose the texture and color of such finishing materials so as to achieve maximum harmony in your apartment or house (in the photo - the design of a corridor with washable materials).

Thanks to the combination of several types of liquid wallpaper, complemented by voluminous applications, you can create an amazing style in the corridor (an interesting solution for this design in the photo).

Among the new trends in interior design, metallic wallpaper should also be mentioned. Such materials are covered thin layer aluminum foil, so they have a long service life and can be washed. Depending on the personal preferences of the homeowner, you can choose metal wallpaper with different patterns.

Cork can also often be found in the corridors of city apartments. Manufacturers coat these materials with a special layer of protective varnish so that they can be washed. Cork wallpaper is made from natural cork, so it is absolutely safe for human health.

Advice! An interesting solution would be a combination of such wallpaper with other types of finishes.

Such materials are easy to care for, so they are ideal for the hallway.

Secrets of decorating a small corridor

Most often, the average apartment has small hallways. When choosing wallpaper for them, give preference to light colors.

Attention! Avoid dark finishing materials with large flowers, this will lead to “concealing” the space, as a result of which the corridor will appear even smaller in size.

When combining wallpaper for such rooms, professionals recommend purchasing washable light-colored canvases with minimal patterns. To visually increase the ceiling, it would be optimal to cover the walls with striped wallpaper. As additional element To enhance this effect, you can consider mirrors and wall lamps.

Decorating a long narrow corridor

Designers consider such a room to be one of the most difficult to design. But by using several techniques for combining finishing materials, even from it it is quite possible to get a beautiful and cozy room. First of all, avoid wallpaper that has a rough texture. Do not forget that in a narrow corridor you and your guests will constantly touch the walls with your hands, touch them with damp clothes, bags, and therefore the materials for decorating the walls in this room must be especially durable and resistant to high humidity, mechanical deformation. Choosing a color scheme for narrow hallways, try to combine several types of wallpaper at once.

For example, one stripe can be made light, and dark shades can be used for the second stripe. The option of horizontal division of walls also looks original in a narrow corridor. For such a design solution, you can use companion wallpaper strips. This is the name in interior design for materials that belong to the same texture and color scheme and are similar in thickness. If you wish, you can try to select the wallpaper yourself, or you can immediately use the assortment offered by major wallpaper manufacturers.

For example, you can try a combination of two or more options offered in one series. By choosing a roll with bright patterns, it can be used as an accent in the interior created in the hallway. The rest of the hallway can be covered with plain materials so as not to lose space in the room.

Meaning of design

The meaning that the hallway has in modern apartment or country house, cannot be overestimated. It is from its interior that everyone who enters the house will create a first impression of all the rooms that are in this room. In addition to the combination of wallpaper, it is important to choose the right additional lighting and use it in the corridor additional accessories. It is better to use spotlights as a lighting source for the corridor. ceiling lights, they will help to favorably emphasize the combination of wallpaper.

Would be appropriate in the hallway various types washable wallpaper. Some materials are washed with soft sponges, as they cannot withstand severe mechanical loads. Other washable materials can withstand detergents, and there are also types of wallpaper that can be cleaned even with hard brushes. For the hallway, it is best to purchase wallpaper of the third type, so that throughout the entire operational period, they retained their original appearance. But textile and paper wallpaper for such premises will not be the best option, they will quickly lose their attractive appearance, and you will have to waste time and money on the next repair.


Combination different types wallpaper, a selection of canvases of different colors, with or without a pattern, will help you turn your ordinary corridor into a real “ business card» of your apartment. You will rightfully be proud of the interior that you create in this room. By choosing liquid ones, there will be no visible joints on the walls, which will make them aesthetically pleasing. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that you can change the area without removing all the wallpaper from hundreds of walls. Periodic maintenance of such materials will guarantee that for a long period of time you will be able to enjoy the design created in an ordinary corridor.

Entering the house, guests begin to get acquainted with the apartment, its design and interior, making a first impression of the owner. And the entrance hall is the face of the house. Owners often make a big mistake by devoting little time and effort to decorating the hallway.

But an attentive and responsible owner will try to think through all the little things. When creating a hallway, everyone wants it to be one of a kind, exclusive and unusual. Both the decoration of the room and the furniture in it can help with this.

Choosing wallpaper for the hallway

The hallway is the most quickly dirty room and you should approach the choice of wallpaper very carefully. Of course, they must be moisture resistant and easy to clean. When combining them, it is not necessary to glue washable wall coverings throughout the room; the main thing is to pay attention to areas that quickly become dirty.

Types and characteristics of washable wallpaper

On vinyl based – they are considered the most convenient to use. This material is moisture resistant and does not fade when sunlight, withstands frequent friction and does not lose its original appearance. Due to its relief texture, it will hide the unevenness of the wall, if any. They are divided into several types, depending on the method of their creation.

Thick vinyl is the thickest type of vinyl wallpaper. It is made using hot stamping. They are not afraid of moisture and water, are considered the most wear-resistant and serve as additional sound and thermal insulation.

Foamed vinyl wallpaper is created using heat treatment. They have a voluminous texture and it may seem from the outside that they are heavy, but they are not. They are also good for painting if you suddenly want new paints.

Flat vinyl wallpaper is made by hot smoothing the foam material. They are easy to clean with a soft brush. A type of flat vinyl wallpaper in its texture. They are made to imitate stone, plaster and even fabric.

On acrylic base – they are less moisture resistant and have a shorter wear life. The advantages of such material are not only in variety and softness (the wallpaper is velvety to the touch), but also in the fact that it allows air to pass through well - “breathes”. When caring for them, do not get carried away with detergents and rough brushes.

Non-woven base– they consist of cellose and are very resistant to mechanical damage and abrasion. Such wallpaper is not considered environmentally friendly. They are more expensive and can be repainted several times; they are not afraid of wet cleaning using detergents.

Fiberglass wallpaper is the most popular type of washable materials. They are absolutely not afraid of moisture and the use of detergents. They are environmentally friendly as they are made from natural materials such as sand, soda, lime and others. Resistant to scratches and friction, as well as infection by microorganisms. This coating can be painted several times without fear of ruining the design.

Liquid wallpaper - sold in powder form, which is diluted with water before applying to the walls. They are easy to use and are as easy to wash off as they are to apply. When using such a wall covering, it must be additionally coated with a special acrylic varnish so that it does not wash off when cleaning. Again, if damaged or heavy pollution, it is convenient to wash off the damaged area and apply a new layer. They consist of various natural fibers and are considered environmentally friendly, easy to install and with them it is easy to create a smooth transition of colors and patterns when decorating.

Metal wallpaper- at all new look wall coverings, they consist of porous paper covered with foil, paint and a pattern. They are often plated with gold or silver and painted by hand. This is an expensive type of wallpaper and requires individual adhesive and perfectly smooth walls. They are not afraid of moisture, but do not allow air to pass through and often do not allow dark colors to pass through.

Cork wallpaper with wax coating– environmentally friendly, made from natural materials. They do not cause allergic reactions, tolerate moisture well, are good sound insulators and thermal insulation material. A certain color palette can be considered a disadvantage - these are ocher, green and brown shades, the colors of trees and plants.

Secrets of successful wallpaper selection

By combining wall coverings you can not only make the room visually larger, but also visually change its shape. This technique will help decorate the room, especially if there is no room for decorative details.

Important ! When combining wallpaper, you need to ensure that the colors are in harmony with each other.

When choosing a color scheme for the hallway, you should adhere to some rules that will help visually expand the room and make it practical and functional:

Combining wallpaper

When combining several types of wallpaper with a relief pattern, make sure that the patterns are on the same theme and are in harmony with each other. You can combine options with a convex texture and smooth ones with the same pattern or the same color, additionally decorating them with moldings or wallpaper strips. They also take into account the thickness of different types of wallpaper so that they do not stand out too much at the junction. Again, the joint between them can be decorated with molding or narrow panels.

Combination methods

There are several options for how to combine wallpaper in the hallway. Most often this is:

  • Horizontal combination.
  • Vertical combination.
  • Combination in the form of a panel of patches.

Horizontal combination works well if the ceilings in the hallway are high. It is worth gluing waterproof and wear-resistant materials on the bottom due to constant contamination and friction, and on top any other materials that suit the style of the hallway interior. For example, patterns will add romance, and classic interior Suitable for light stripes. One color will look good, but in different shades.

Advice ! When combining wallpaper, you should not take more than three colors, as it will be too colorful and visually make the room smaller.

Vertical combination is well suited for small and narrow spaces. By gluing vertical identical stripes of different colors onto narrow walls, visually expanding the room. A square hallway will be made more spacious by covering three walls with light wallpaper and one with dark wallpaper. If the hallway is in the form of a narrow corridor, this method of combination will help divide it into zones, which will make it wider.

Advice ! Vertical combination will help well if there are uneven walls. Contrasting vertical stripes will distract from imperfect walls.

Combination in the form of a panel is the insertion of other wallpapers of different sizes and colors. They can be made on a free wall in the form of a picture, framed with a frame; photo wallpapers will look good in this design. You can also make darker wallpaper inserts under hooks and hangers, making room for outerwear.

There are also other ways of combining, such as creating patterns and compositions from leftovers, small pieces of different wallpaper.

You can see several ways to combine wallpaper in the video


Combining wallpaper in the hallway will not only help you create your own special interior for the room, but will also visually expand it if it is small. It will also help hide uneven walls and other imperfections. It’s easy to combine wallpaper yourself; it doesn’t require any special skills.

The hallway is the very first room where everyone who enters the home ends up, be it the owner or a guest who visited the house for the first time. Because of this, decorating the very first room in an apartment or house is an important task as it creates the first impression. Today there are a huge number of options for decorating the hallway. But most the best option is wallpapering.

A huge range of these materials will allow everyone to emphasize the uniqueness of their home. At the same time, a completely logical question arises for the owners - what kind of wallpaper should they use in the hallway? Photo various options finishing will help you decide on the best option.

As a rule, the hallway is a small, narrow and long room without windows, which creates certain inconveniences. Still, there are many options to create a pleasant appearance for this room, which will be discussed in this article.

What kind of wallpaper to put on the hallway. Photo

Selection color range wallpaper in the hallway

Since the hallway has small geometric parameters, it is important to choose correct color, which can visually enlarge the room. When choosing wallpaper you should consider following rules and recommendations:

  • As with other rooms with a small area, the choice of light pastel colors remains relevant. In addition to visual enlargement, this way you can add warmth and comfort to the room.

  • If small children or animals live in the house, then bottom part The rooms should be covered with wear-resistant wallpaper.

  • Remember that it is very bright colors can hide the volume already small room. It is better to use colorful fragments as separate inserts or combine them with calm shades.

  • When using a dark color, you can hide dirt, but take away the visual dimensions of the hallway. In addition, if the room does not have a window, you will have to use additional lighting fixtures.

  • An excellent solution is to combine light and dark tones, which allows you to create contrast and hide small unevenness in the walls.

  • If you plan to use wallpaper with patterns, you should not choose a large pattern so as not to reduce visual space. It should be noted that the horizontal arrangement of the pattern will expand the walls, and the vertical arrangement will expand the ceiling.

When choosing wallpaper for the hallway of a room, you should not forget about its combination with furniture and the overall interior. It is also worth remembering that construction market a huge range of materials that differ not only in color, but also in quality different characteristics. For example, for the hallway you can choose natural or washable models. Paintable wallpaper is very popular. To make the right choice, you need to understand all the diversity.

Types of wallpaper for the hallway

Paper wallpaper

The cheapest and most popular option is paper wallpaper. This is an environmentally friendly material that is easy to glue. They are presented in different textures and colors, allowing you to hide some imperfections in wall decoration. This option can be one- or two-layer.

As for the disadvantages, they are not resistant to moisture, chemical and mechanical influences. Often friction with the surface will lead to loss of the original appearance. It is impossible to remove dirt with a damp cloth or brush, since the material will immediately be damaged. Because of this, this option is not the most successful for the hallway.

Cork wallpaper

Cork wallpaper is antistatic, which means it practically does not attract dust; in addition, it is an excellent sound insulator. They are made from natural cork chips, making them environmentally friendly and do not cause allergic reactions.

The disadvantages include high hygroscopicity and high cost of the material. Quite poor color variety. It is also necessary to note the complexity of pasting and the need to use special glue. When using them, additional protective treatment wax or varnish.

Bamboo wallpaper

It is also an environmentally friendly material that is characterized by high wear resistance. They are easy to apply to the wall using liquid nails without primer and particularly careful leveling. The only disadvantage of such materials is the small selection of colors, which does not allow their use in every interior. This is an ideal option for small hallway made in a tropical style.

Non-woven wallpaper

This is an inexpensive wallpaper that has excellent air permeability, is not afraid of high humidity and has excellent wear resistance. With their help you can hide flaws in the decoration of walls, and they can also be painted. A variety of textures and colors will please every owner. If you paint the wall before gluing, the transparent structure of the non-woven fabric can provide a unique look.

Vinyl wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is distinguished by a colossal variety of models with different colors and patterns. They can be non-woven or paper backed with embossing or smooth. I also distinguish several categories by type of production:

  1. Flat vinyl with smooth surface, which is easy to clean.
  2. Foamed vinyl has a three-dimensional structure and is suitable for painting.
  3. Thick vinyl is the most expensive models, because they have excellent moisture resistance and wear resistance.
  4. Models imitating stone, wood or plaster.

Despite a number of advantages, there are also disadvantages. First of all, it is airtight. In addition, when burned, the material releases toxic substances.

Acrylic wallpaper

This is the most profitable and optimal option for the hallway of a house where small children or animals live. In their structure, they are something between paper and non-woven wallpaper. Caring for them is very simple, just wipe with a damp cloth. They allow air to pass through perfectly and will satisfy the financial capabilities of everyone.

Speaking of disadvantages, we can say that they will not withstand strong mechanical stress or excessive humidity. At the same time, the choice of patterns and designs is not very large. If a large family lives in an apartment, this is not the most good option for the hallway.

Fiberglass wallpaper

Nowadays it is one of the most popular environmentally pure materials, which is made from natural raw materials. Such wallpaper is resistant to fire and moisture. Fiberglass models will hide uneven walls and can be used for repeated painting. The only drawback is low elasticity.

Metallized wallpaper

Metallized wallpaper models are made on the basis of foil, which gives a metallic appearance. They tolerate high humidity well and do not lose their original spectacular appearance during long-term use. They are presented only in cold and dark colors. It is important to use them if the hallway is decorated in high-tech style.

Textile wallpaper will help emphasize the uniqueness and sophistication of the hallway interior. Due to the thinness of the material, seamless gluing technology can be used. They have excellent sound and heat insulation properties. Today, stores offer a huge range of textile wallpaper with a wide variety of designs and colors.

Disadvantages include high cost and rather difficult dry maintenance. They also attract dust and odor. Pasting textile wallpaper requires special skills, since technology has its own characteristics. Because of this, think twice before using such models for the hallway.

Liquid wallpaper

By and large, this is a type of plaster. This material Sold in bags in powder form, and diluted with water for application. The sticker is done quite easily using a seamless method. In case of mechanical damage to the wallpaper, the surface can be updated with a new layer.

The disadvantage is that the material is easily washed off, which does not allow for wet cleaning. Such troubles can be avoided by protecting with a layer of varnish. The material has a high cost and little color variety.

Photo wallpaper

This is another option for decorating the hallway, which will allow you to create individual interior. A huge range of designs will satisfy the most demanding buyer. This universal material, which is easy to glue and maintain. When gluing, you must be extremely careful so that the pattern is even and looks perfect. Large images will take away the visual space of an already small room.

Quartz wallpaper

A new material for consumers is quartz wallpaper, which has a grainy surface. This is a universal material that has high wear resistance and environmental friendliness. They are available in a variety of colors and are also suitable for painting. The surface of the canvas masks wall unevenness well and does not fade over time.

Disadvantages: quartz wallpaper is susceptible to moisture and is quite expensive. Cleaning can be done using a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth. It should be noted that gluing is carried out using a special glue, which is also not the cheapest.

Stone wallpaper

This is a great replacement natural stone, since they have a gypsum base. The material itself is quite light, resistant to moisture and resistant to mechanical stress. A wide range of colors and a variety of textures will allow you to combine wallpaper with other finishing materials.

The disadvantages include the complexity of installation and the high cost of the material. Also, the textured surface collects a lot of dust, making cleaning quite difficult. This is an excellent option for a hallway when combined with other materials.

Having familiarized yourself with the huge variety of materials, you can make a conclusion for yourself what wallpaper to use in the hallway. Photos of various interior options will give you an idea of ​​how they will look on the wall. In addition, it is worth considering various wallpaper combinations different types and colors.

Options for combining wallpaper in the hallway

Almost every owner of a house or apartment strives to give the hallway the most attractive and cozy appearance. Despite the fact that people spend a small amount of time in the corridor, this room creates the first impression of the entire home. This room creates general idea guests about the preferences and tastes of the host.

If you decorate your hallway in an interesting and stylish way, you will be able to impress your loved ones and friends. creative solutions finishing. This goal can be achieved by combining wallpaper with different colors and designs.

The practical implementation of combination allows you to give the room the following advantages:

  1. Creative and attractive look.
  2. The right combination allows you to change the visual size and shape of the room.
  3. This will fully demonstrate your artistic talent, design abilities and sense of style.
  4. In this way, the entire design idea of ​​​​the housing can be emphasized.
  5. You can also give additional protection walls from exposure to aggressive factors.
  6. Create a comfortable and cozy hallway.

In addition, similar combination techniques different materials You can do it yourself, which will save on the work of designers and builders.

Basic criteria for choosing wallpaper for the hallway

  1. Resistant to high humidity and dirt. Ideal option are materials that can be cleaned with a brush.
  2. Practicality. Since the corridor has high traffic, the wallpaper must be scratch-resistant.
  3. Environmentally friendly materials. It should be noted that not all types of wallpaper are equally safe for human health. Paper ones are absolutely harmless, but it is better not to glue them in the hallway, as they will quickly lose their original appearance.
  4. Color solution. You should not use black colors, since in the corridor, as a rule, there is no natural lighting and the room will become completely dark.

To get the maximum and long-term effect, you need to take care high quality wallpaper when choosing them.

Experienced designers advise carrying out a combination when using wallpaper of the same type, since different models may not have the same thickness. In this case, the joints will not be noticeable. Of course, they can be hidden with tapes or overlays, but this additional costs and work. For example, you can use non-woven or vinyl versions of different shades.

To give the hallway the most tidy look, the lower part of the room is covered with darker wallpaper. This technique will help hide minor scuffs and scratches that often appear during use.

To highlight any area in the corridor, it is enough to use bright canvases with an unusual texture or large print. This technique will allow you to draw attention to a specific part: a mirror, shelf or niche. In addition, professional designers note that it is easier to create a complete look by combining different coatings.

To create a classic look in the hallway, you should use plain or striped wallpaper. At the same time, they may have small plant patterns or imitation of weaving. Ultra-modern design can be achieved by combining abstract themes.

Types of combining wallpaper in the hallway

To figure out what wallpaper to use in the hallway, you can consider some photo options that show the final version. Initially, you need to think through all the nuances and draw up a combination plan. Wallpaper is usually combined according to texture or shade. A professional combination of paintings on the walls of the hallway will create a luxurious example of style. The main task when choosing is to choose the color and theme, only after that can we talk about combining.

In narrow hallways you should not use photo wallpaper or models with a glossy finish. Such options are capable of reflecting light glare from lighting fixtures. In a small room, this creates a messy look. As for the combination, it is quite easy to carry out, the main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​the end result. Because of this, it is worth performing this work with special responsibility.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you should invite a professional designer who can turn your ideas into reality.

Horizontal combination of wallpaper in the hallway

One of the most optimal solutions for corridors is still striped wallpaper with horizontal placement. It is important to place them in the center of the wall, where there is no furniture. As an addition, you can use small decorative elements.

This arrangement allows you to transform the visual size and shape of a small room. Similar visual expansion used quite often. The horizontal arrangement of the lines seems to extend the length of the walls. To make sure of this, it is worth considering several options in the photo.

Vertical combination

More modern version One that is popular is vertical wallpapering of corridor walls. At the same time, monochrome wall coverings alternate with printed ones, gluing vertical stripes on them. Quite often, narrow striped inserts of 53 centimeters are used. This is done to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

However, striped coverings are quite boring, so it is worth using additions such as a floral print. It is necessary to understand that such combinations and combinations will lead to a rather bright image of the room that will catch the eye.

Wallpaper inserts when wallpapering a hallway

As you know, large objects, geometric patterns or flowers on wallpaper reduce the size of the room, so you should not overuse them. With such canvases or separate inserts it is necessary to focus attention on a certain part of the wall or its element.

It is useful to use inserts near shelves, mirrors or niches. This will allow you to create an imitation of paintings with an elegant frame. Thin moldings or lighting will create a cozy look. At the same time, the rest of the corridor space should be covered with plain wallpaper, which is made in a similar style. All this will allow you to get an interesting and harmonious hallway room.

Fashionable wallpaper trends for the hallway

  • In drawings you should give preference to conciseness and accuracy. Do not use overly catchy shapes, abstract motifs or obtrusive ornaments.
  • The key to success is ease of design.
  • Creating accents on zones can be done using small inserts or black and white motifs.
  • The use is still relevant natural colors with imitation of plant scenes or landscapes.
  • It is better to combine several monochromatic styles.

Now you know what wallpaper to use in the hallway. Photo variety of options execution will allow you to verify the selected material and design solution. The main thing is that the chosen wallpaper for the hallway is durable and washable; these two characteristics will significantly extend its service life. Using the above tips and recommendations, you will be able to admire the repairs for more than one year.

Do you want to know what wallpaper to put in the hallway? Let's try to find the answer to this question together. Let's start with the fact that the hallway has certain features, so not all wallpaper can be glued in this room. The photo shows wallpaper that can be hung in the hallway.

Features of the hallway

How to beautifully hang wallpaper in the hallway? Photos offered by interior professionals help beginners understand where to start gluing wallpaper in the hallway.

Attention! Even for those who try to keep the hallway clean and tidy, dust and dirt will accumulate in this room.

That is why, when selecting wallpaper for the hallway, it is necessary to choose practical finishing materials.

Original ideas

Don't know what wallpaper to put in the hallway? First, take a closer look at dark wallpaper to decorate your hallway.

Advice! If you have a narrow and long corridor in the hallway, it would be better to purchase light, washable, vinyl-based wallpaper for it.

Let's talk about how to glue the hallway different wallpapers. By using dark wallpaper, you can achieve a visual reduction in the space of the hallway, so it is better to select a combination of several types of wallpaper at once. It is quite possible to paste the corridor with different finishing materials, for example, dark canvases in the lower half of the corridor, and for the upper part it is better to choose dark wallpaper.

The corridor in many city apartments is small in size, therefore, when discussing which wallpaper is best to glue in the hallway (see photo below), you can opt for light wallpaper that has a large print.

Types of finishing materials for the hallway

What kind of wallpaper should I use in the hallway? Photos of numerous options, tips on where to start repairs are presented in the video fragment

Vinyl wallpaper is a modern finishing material that will help you beautifully decorate even a small or long corridor.

Vinyl materials are available in a range of prices. Manufacturers offer wealth color palette, a variety of prints, so everyone has the opportunity to choose wallpaper according to their taste preferences. Thanks to the relief coating, such materials have a certain texture that allows you to hide minor defects on the walls.

If you don’t know what wallpaper to glue in the hallway (photos of the finished hallway interior can be found on the Internet), keep in mind that it is better not to choose liquid wallpaper for the hallway. The reason is the instability of such materials to high humidity.

Attention! Having chosen liquid finishing materials for the walls for the corridor, you will have problems with carrying out wet cleaning in this room.

The photo shows designers' advice for those who don't know what wallpaper to stick in the hallway. Professionals consider the use of natural finishing materials for the corridor to be an interesting solution. You can glue, for example, bamboo sheets in the corridor. It is them that professionals consider fashion trend last season.

They fit perfectly into any interior style and help achieve maximum naturalness after all finishing works. The photo shows how to glue bamboo wallpaper in the hallway. It is better to start from the corner of the room so that the joints between the individual canvases are not visible.

Attention! Such finishing materials will help you create an excellent image in the corridor, but the cost of bamboo wallpaper is quite high, you will have to spend a lot of money.

Paintable wallpaper is good option decorating the walls in the corridor. Professionals consider their main advantage to be the ability (pictured) to change images in a matter of hours, without removing the canvas from the walls to do so. High-quality paintable canvases can withstand up to ten repaintings.

It is better to glue such canvases with a master who knows exactly where it is best to start work from, what kind of materials should be taken according to the structure high-quality execution finishing works.

Fashionable options for the corridor

Non-woven fabrics are also in demand among interior professionals. They have a strong structure, so they can be glued in the corridor.

Vinyl materials can be considered an excellent combination of quality and reasonable price; you can glue such canvases without fear that any problems or difficulties will arise during operation. The photo shows an example of what finishing materials are suitable for decorating a corridor. You shouldn’t give up textile materials, for example, linen.

Advice! Among the latest interesting options When decorating walls in the corridor, professionals use jute and velor finishing materials.

If you don’t know what kind of wallpaper would be best for your hallway, try glass wallpaper or silk-screen printing.

Repair in a small corridor

In such a room, you need to glue only those finishing materials that will help visually expand the space. You need to start by selecting a pattern on the trellis. Professionals advise choosing canvases with frequent and small patterns, as well as tapestries with large prints.

Advice! Not a bad option For a small corridor, purchasing canvases with an unusual geometric image would be a good idea.

After you decide on the pattern, you need to start choosing the color of finishing materials for the corridor. If its size is too modest, dark shades will be inappropriate, they will further reduce the size and make the hallway uncomfortable and ugly. The photo shows an option for decorating the hallway with light finishing materials.

Among those colors that can be considered ideal for a given room, professionals call olive, blue, and gray tones. All of them are considered cool colors; they help bring additional freshness into the corridor, creating a feeling of airiness and freedom.

If, despite the warnings of the experts, you still choose liquid wallpaper, some care and caution must be observed when using them. In the photo you see where you need to start work in order to get an aesthetic coating on the walls. It is the external attractiveness that forces many property owners to choose liquid trellises for corridor walls.

Where to start renovation work? First, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the composition of liquid materials. They contain glue, a certain dye, and also contain natural cotton or cellulose fibers.

Among the many advantages of such decorative coatings, first of all, the craftsmen highlight the possibility of applying it to the surface without creating joints between the individual layers. It is this feature that for many property owners becomes the basis for their purchase.

To apply them to the wall, you need to dilute the proposed composition with water in the proportion specified by the manufacturer of the materials. Due to the presence of natural fibers in the mixture, the finished trellises have excellent antistatic characteristics.


Among the various trellises offered by manufacturers on the modern construction market, you can choose exactly those that will not only decorate the corridor, but will also be convenient to install and easy to maintain. In addition to these characteristics, the duration of the operational period of the purchased trellises is also important.

Date: 06/23/2017

Any apartment begins with a hallway. Appearance space in front of the front door is important to make a first impression on the visitor.

The appearance of the space in front of the front door is important to make a first impression on the visitor.

The design of the hallway should be combined with general finishing apartments. You can competently decorate a space of any size by choosing the right wallpaper for the hallway and corridor; photo ideas for an apartment will help you find a suitable option.

The design of the hallway should be combined with the overall decoration of the apartment.

Hallway, even small size, should be comfortable and cozy, set the overall tone and evoke a desire to return home as soon as possible.

The hallway, even a small one, should be comfortable and cozy.

A simply and tastefully decorated corridor in light colors.

When choosing wallpaper for the hallway, you should pay attention to some features of the layout.

Wallpaper - types and features

You have to choose practical options decoration of the walls in the hallway.

Considering that front door is a constant source of pollution, you need to choose practical options for decorating the walls in the hallway.

  1. Vinyl wallpaper. Dense, moisture resistant, due to the outer layer of protective film, hide minor defects on the walls.

    Vinyl wallpaper, due to its outer layer of protective film, hides minor defects on the walls.

  2. Liquid wallpaper. The powdery substance is diluted with water in the required proportion, application is carried out with a spatula. The heterogeneous structure creates the effect of an untreated wall.

    The heterogeneous structure creates the effect of an untreated wall.

  3. Glass wallpaper. A durable option, suitable for painting; the non-uniform surface relief gives additional volume.

    Glass wallpaper -durable option, suitable for painting.

  4. Non-woven wallpaper. Suitable if imitation of natural materials (wood, stones) is required.

    Suitable if imitation of natural materials (wood, stones) is required.

  5. Wallpaper with a fabric coating on a paper base. A budget alternative to upholstering walls with fabric.

    Wallpaper with fabric covering is a budget alternative to upholstering walls with fabric.

The paper type of wallpaper is not the most durable, but the most environmentally friendly and economical. Eco-friendly, since the base is cellulose - the breathable material prevents the development of fungus on the walls.

The paper type of wallpaper is not the most durable, but the most environmentally friendly and economical.

Paper wallpaper is economical due to its reasonable cost, which makes it possible to update the interior without significant costs, as they say, cheap and cheerful. Considering that periodic changes to the interior are necessary, the use paper wallpaper is the best option for those who like to do their own repairs.

Paper wallpaper is economical due to its reasonable cost, which makes it possible to update the interior without significant costs.

A variant of modern paper wallpaper is duplex, consisting of two compacted layers. Produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers.

A variant of modern paper wallpaper is duplex.

Color solutions

Depending on the chosen color scheme for the walls, you can achieve stunning visual effects - make the room more spacious, taller, “push apart” the walls narrow corridor. Therefore, choosing the color of wallpaper for the hallway is an issue that requires additional attention.

Choosing the color of wallpaper for the hallway is an issue that requires additional attention.

  • Pastel creates coziness, makes the space “weightless”, fills it with “air” (color options: peach, mint, lavender, baked milk, etc.). You can combine shades that match each other or use wallpaper of the same color.

    Pastel creates coziness, makes the space “weightless”, fills it with “air”.

  • Monochrome - black and white classic wall decoration is popular due to its versatility. The volume of the room visually increases (design options: black and white patterns, abstractions, newspapers, retro landscapes and photos).

    The volume of the room visually increases.

  • Brightness. A bold combination of different colors of plain wallpaper shows that a pattern on the wallpaper is not necessary (manufacturers offer ready-made options combinations), fashion trend white plus rich red, yellow or blue. Such brightness is not appropriate in all residential premises due to its impact on the psyche.

    A bold combination of different colors of plain wallpaper shows that a pattern on the wallpaper is not necessary.

  • Vintage. Bright or faded patterns are combined with plain wallpaper neutral color, this creates a feeling of cozy antiquity.

    Vintage creates a feeling of cozy antiquity.

  • Floral ornament and floral theme. Repeating fragments form a regular vertical pattern, visually making the room taller.

    Repeating fragments form a regular vertical pattern, visually making the room taller.

  • Abstractions. Practical colors in which dirt and defects are less noticeable.

    Practical colors in which defects are less noticeable.

  • Photo wallpapers can significantly expand the space while maintaining the correct proportions between the size of the wall and the image.

    Photo wallpapers can significantly expand the space.

Common Mistakes

If the apartment design was developed independently, it is possible that some nuances were missed that would be immediately noticeable to a professional, who would immediately tell you how not to design the corridor and hallway.

  • dark color in a confined space makes the atmosphere in the hallway gloomy and oppressive;
  • too large, three-dimensional images visually reduce the room;
  • the abundance of decor on the walls gives a feeling of clutter.

Beautifully decorated corridor in burgundy color.

IN design solutions Regarding the appearance of the hallway, there are some subtleties, by studying which you can achieve excellent result without the help of a professional. A lot of ideas and tips on how to choose wallpaper for a hallway have been published, so there’s sure to be something that suits your personal preferences. The main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion and style, to follow the general concept in the interior.

The main thing is not to lose a sense of proportion and style, to follow the general concept in the interior.

The look of even a small hallway can be transformed using the features of different wall coverings, color and relief combinations of different wallpapers.

The appearance of the hallway can be transformed using the features of different wall coverings, color and relief combinations of different wallpapers.

The variety of offers on the finishing materials market will allow you to bring to life any ideas for decorating the hallway and corridor. A wide range of wallpapers will help you find exactly what matches your planned renovation budget.

Video: Wallpaper in the hallway and corridor

50 photo ideas on how to wallpaper a corridor and hallway: