How to plant in peat tablets correctly. How to plant seeds in peat tablets and why they are good

Peat tablets are widely used for growing. With their help you can grow both garden and indoor plants. They are characterized by a unique composition, which allows them not only to propagate plants, but also to root leaves and take cuttings.

The advantage of peat tablets

In its form, this device resembles a medical tablet, which has significantly large sizes. The composition of peat tablets includes trace elements and beneficial substances in large quantities, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of plants. Using this device, you can grow a healthy and complete plant, which over time will give good or lush flowering.

This device is pressed crushed peat wrapped in a mesh.

By using peat tablets you can provide the most suitable environment for the plant. When you buy a tablet, it is 8 centimeters high and about three centimeters high. After adding water, swelling of the tablet is observed. However, its diameter does not change. The tablet can be used for planting only after it is completely swollen.

Benefits of peat tablets:

  • Quick similarity
  • Easy to use
  • Low cost
  • Space saving

Peat is characterized by a soft consistency, which limits the possibility of injury to the root system of plants. Peat tablets are quite air and water permeable, which has a positive effect on plant growth. These devices are characterized by ease of use, which allows them to be used by people without relevant experience.

Using peat tablets you can easily germinate expensive seeds. This is explained by their 100% similarity. When using tablets at home, the user can significantly save surrounding space, since they do not take up much space in the room.

Peat tablets contain special nutrients, which ensures the fastest growth of seedlings.

Transplanting seedlings in peat tablets is quite easy. Plants are placed in the ground together with this device, which limits the possibility of stressful situations at his place. Peat tablets are a unique device with which the growth of seedlings is significantly accelerated. They are characterized not only by their fairly low cost, but also by ease of use.

Features of use for seeds and seedlings

Many users ask how to plant in peat tablets? It's quite simple to do this:

  • Before using the peat tablet, it is activated. These devices must be placed in special containers. For this purpose, it would be most appropriate to use plastic cups.
  • The peat tablet must be placed so that the hole in it is facing up.
  • Next, the tablet is filled warm water. For one unit of this device you need to use 150-200 milliliters of water.
  • After this, you need to wait a while for the tablet to fill with warm water. This process On average it takes half an hour.
  • This device can increase in size six times after absorbing moisture. If there is excess water, they are drained. A cylinder forms in the middle of the tablet. It contains the premises and any other planting material.

During the period of growing plants, it is necessary to strictly monitor seed germination. To do this, periodically moisten the peat and support optimal temperature. Also, seeds and seedlings need adequate lighting. That is why when growing, if there is not enough light, it is necessary to install lamps.

The use of peat tablets is maximum simple process. With their help you can save not only time, but also energy.

Germinating seeds in peat tablets

Thanks to the presence of peat plants, gardeners do not need to use soil to grow planting material. This allows you to significantly save time on cleaning. Most often these devices are used in confined spaces. In such conditions it is possible to grow to the maximum short terms.

Peat tablets are a nutrient medium that does not require fertilizing or the use of additional fertilizers.

Thanks to the universal structure of peat, the roots of the seedlings breathe fully. This makes the plants as hardy and strong as possible. Many gardeners use only these devices for growing seedlings, as they are very easy to use.

Thanks to peat tablets, the growing process is greatly simplified:

  • After preparing the tablet, an enlarged indentation is made in its upper part.
  • One seed is placed in the resulting hole.
  • You need to put a small piece of peat on top and compact it a little.
  • seeds are produced as they dry.
  • Seed tablets must be kept in a greenhouse or any other room characterized by good lighting and optimal temperature.
  • Before the first shoots appear, the boxes with seeds must be covered with glass.

Seeds that germinate unevenly are much more convenient to grow than in ordinary boxes or. Those seeds that sprouted earlier are removed from under the film, and the rest are kept under it until the first shoots appear. Tablets with seedlings after germination of seedlings are placed in special containers with soil. In this case, the mesh of the tablet can be left in place. It depends on what type of plant is grown in the tablet. Some plants are characterized by the presence of rather delicate roots. The mesh will interfere with their full growth and development, so it would be better to remove it.

If you follow the storage conditions for peat tablets, their shelf life will be unlimited. It is necessary to store the tablets in places where there is limited possibility of moisture. Otherwise, the tablet will get wet and after drying it will become unsuitable for planting.

Tablet in mandatory should turn into non-woven material, which will ensure its integrity, and the gardener - convenience during its use.

Peat tablets are a universal agro-industrial invention that greatly simplifies the process of growing seedlings and seeds. In addition, with the help of these tablets you can significantly increase the process of seed similarity.

More information can be found in the video.

In the last article, I tried to briefly talk about peat tablets, why they are needed, how to choose them and what their advantages are. And in this article I want to talk about how to grow seedlings in peat tablets.

What plant seeds can be grown in peat tablets?

There is an opinion that seeds of certain crops can be grown in peat tablets, for example, those with a long germination period or only heat-loving ones. Actually this is not true. You can grow any seedlings in peat tablets. It is especially convenient to grow seedlings vegetable crops for a summer house, garden or personal plot. This is due to the fact that later, when replanting, the plants will not need to be pulled out of the soil, which means there is no chance of damaging the root system. In addition, plants made from peat tablets do not get sick when transplanted and they do not need time to “take root” in a new place.

Preparing peat tablets for planting seeds

It is not difficult to prepare the tablets for planting. First of all, we need water, but plain water from the tap is undesirable. It is believed that it is better to take filtered, thawed or rainwater. But also plain water from the tap is also suitable, the only thing is that before pouring it into the tablets, this water must be allowed to sit for a day. While the water settles, we prepare a deep tray or cups for peat tablets. If the tablets do not have a special mesh shell, then the tray cannot be used; cups will be needed, since the peat will not hold its shape on its own, and the cups (with holes for watering on the bottom) are placed in a deep tray.

Place the tablets on a tray or in cups. Attention! Always place the tablets with the notch facing up! Now we complete the preparation of the water: add several crystals of potassium permanganate to it for disinfection until a light pink solution is obtained (manganese is still easily sold in some pharmacies!), fill it with warm (about 28-30 degrees) water. Now we wait until the tablets are saturated with water and take normal cylindrical shape. This may take several hours. Check the tablets periodically and add water to the tray if necessary. For tablets in cups, watering is also done through a tray! After the tablets are saturated with moisture, you can begin planting the seeds.

Plant in peat tablets

We take the seeds and carefully place them in a special recess. You can have 1 piece, you can have 2 pieces. There is no need to sprinkle small seeds with anything, just place them in the recess and that’s it. But lightly sprinkle the larger ones with peat. After planting the seeds, there is no need to water the tablet, since it is already saturated with moisture and this moisture will last for a long time. Important! Do not use overhead watering on peat tablets, only use tray watering! Firstly, peat is well saturated with moisture, and secondly, peat will not take up excess moisture, and this is very good for our seed plants.

If there is a need (cool, dry air), then cover the tray with the tablets with film until shoots appear. There will be no need to water at this time, since moisture is well preserved under the film. If we don’t cover it with film, water it (add water into the pan) as needed, that is, when the peat dries.

Seedling care

In principle, caring for seedlings grown in peat tablets is very simple: watering, ventilation, hardening. Last operation We spend it as it gets warmer outside.

By the way, a little more about watering. If the sprouts are quite large, strong and well rooted, then, in addition to watering through a tray, they can be watered by spraying water from a spray bottle. But this must be done carefully.
And the last thing - about feeding.

I would like to draw your special attention to the fact that peat tablets initially contain all the necessary supplies of nutrients for the proper growth of our seedlings. In no case do you carry out additional feeding, this can lead not only to growth stagnation, yellowing of the leaves, but also to the complete death of our seedlings.
I wish everyone good seedlings and an excellent harvest!

Many gardeners strive to plant petunia themselves. But this does not always work out due to the fact that unsuitable conditions for germination are chosen. The most the best way For planting, it is generally accepted to root compressed peat in tablets. Before burying seedlings, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules for planting and growing brightly beautiful seedlings. The information in this article will help you learn how to properly plant petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets. In addition, you are expected step by step instructions, recommendations, tips, videos.

What are peat tablets, what are they, the benefits of planting

Peat tablets are round plates made from compressed peat of several varieties. Manufacturers add a certain set of mineral components to the composition of the material, as well as microelements that stimulate the growth of the root system. All the required nutritional elements for a good start in the development of a young seedling are added to a kind of dragee.

WITH outside peat tablet is secured with a dense mesh, which perfectly allows excess moisture to pass out. The necessary air easily penetrates through the fabric shell, which is the mesh. This property is required for the normal development of rhizomes of petunia seedlings at home.

Also specific The shell holds its shape perfectly. When peat absorbs nutrient moisture, the latter tends to swell. At this moment, the mesh prevents the internal soil from falling apart, remaining in the shape of an inflated barrel.

Thanks to all the advantages of this method, using peat tablets for petunia seedlings is very easy and convenient.

The following advantages for planting seed material are distinguished:

  1. Peat tablets look like full-sized cups, no need to prepare plastic containers for placing petunia seedlings.
  2. When placed they take small area.
  3. Designed specifically for planting small seeds (like petunia) - they have a special recess.
  4. Have specific internal structure– porous inside, excellent permeable to both moisture and air. The soil always remains airy and loose, which has a beneficial effect on rapid development root system.
  5. When planting petunia in tablets no additional deposit required mineral fertilizers to stimulate seed development. You can study more complete information about feeding petunia seedlings in other cases.
  6. It is impossible to overwater the plant, causing stagnation of water in the soil. All excess nutrient moisture not required by the plant flows into the pan. It is poured out of the pan.

Important! Planting a plant in open ground, you must definitely cut the mesh in the middle and completely remove it from the peat. If this is not done, then root system will completely fill the entire space, as a result the flower will begin to wither and ultimately die.

Tablets come in various sizes: 27, 36, 42, 70, 90 mm. Both small and large sizes are suitable for germinating seedlings. Before you plant petunia seeds in peat tablets, you should choose optimal size for planting material.

The photo below illustrates what petunia seedlings planted in peat tablets look like:

Important! Buy well-packaged tablets. It is imperative to check that they have a protective polyethylene mesh and a forming mesh. Without their presence, material for planting petunia seeds is not worth buying.

How to plant petunia seeds in peat tablets

A certain time is selected for planting petunia seed material. Deadlines are regulated for different varieties separately. In most cases, planting takes place in March. At early boarding the sprouts that appear will have to be additionally illuminated with phytolamps. If you sow petunia seedlings correctly in peat tablets, the seedlings will be ready for planting in just 3 months.

Pay attention! Choosing T orphyte tablets for growing petunia from seeds at home, it is better to stick to a cassette diameter of 4 cm.

Let's figure out how to plant petunia seeds in peat tablets step by step.

First of all necessary pre-prepare planting soil. A deep container is selected in which the tablets are placed in one row. Water is poured on top of them and left for a short time (up to 30 minutes). They manage to absorb all the moisture from the container and turn into a kind of barrels, increasing 8 times.

Important! It is forbidden to suddenly pour water into the pan, since liquid that gets on the peat can wash away all the nutrients contained in the soil.

After the water has been completely absorbed, any remaining moisture should be removed from the tray.. Now the planting process begins. Petunia seeds are tiny grains. A moistened toothpick will help you sow petunia correctly in peat tablets. With its help, small seeds are picked up and placed in the hole located on top of the tablet.

Carefully! After sowing petunias in peat tablets, the seeds should be lightly pressed into the soil. Under no circumstances should the seeds be buried in soil. They will then rot and not sprout. Seed germination is stimulated only in light.

Specialized stores sell pelleted seeds in almost all packages. They have a dense shell, equipped with nutrients that help the sprout hatch faster, while saturating it with a growth stimulant. To speed up germination, you can help the top shell dissolve. For this use a spray bottle, spraying petunia plantings with warm water.

Plantings are covered with a plastic cover or film in order to create greenhouse conditions and promote rapid germination of petunia seeds at home.

Step by step photography planting petunias in peat tablets:

The greenhouse is placed in warm place, where there is a lot sunlight . It is recommended to maintain the temperature inside the container at +21..+25 0 C. Lowering air degrees has a negative effect on the seedlings; they stop growing.

Video: how to properly plant petunia seedlings with seeds in peat tablets.

Caring for petunia seedlings after emergence

After sowing petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets, you should periodically open the container for watering and eliminating condensation.

Attention! The first shoots appear after 5-15 days. Some earlier, others slightly later, but almost all planted planting material has good germination.

To get high-quality seedlings, you should properly care for petunia in peat tablets after germination:

  1. Emerging seedlings must be constantly monitored. The temperature for rapid growth should be left at +22 0 C, placing the container with plantings in a sunny place. On cloudy days, it is worth additionally illuminating with phytolamps in order to maintain daylight hours for 12-14 hours.
  2. During the opening of the greenhouse It is recommended not only to ventilate, but also soft cloth or use a napkin to eliminate moisture evaporation. This will help prevent any fungal diseases, which often affects young seedlings, for example, blackleg.
  3. There are no specific requirements for watering petunia seedlings in peat tablets. It is necessary to introduce nutrient moisture at the moment when the peat begins to dry out.. When the soil dries completely, it will lead to the death of the developed plant. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is required. After watering, water that has seeped through the soil must be removed from the pan.
  4. Feeding should not be carried out. All nutrients are pre-packaged peat pot. If you feed the plant at home at this stage, you can provoke a bush disease. It is better to leave the bush without mineral fertilizing than to destroy him.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

Transplant petunias in open ground from peat tablets are carried out V last days May and until the middle of the first ten days of June. These dates are optimal for planting in the southern regions of Russia and above, which is due to the fact that the air temperature is set at a positive level of +10+15 0 C. At the same time, the soil is thoroughly warmed up, and there is no longer any danger of the last frosts, which could destroy tender seedlings.

Attention! Before planting in open ground, the mesh on the ground must be cut off, otherwise the seedling will outlive itself and die from lack of soil.

Although many gardeners advise leaving the mesh, arguing that it will dissolve on its own, such a judgment is incorrect - it will remain and will interfere with the development of the root system.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings should be prepared and training days should be arranged for them. 9-10 days before transplanting petunia from peat tablets into open ground, you must stop watering the seedlings, but at the same time do not let the peat dry out completely.

Move the pots outdoors every day to harden them. Here's how to do it:

  1. On the first day, keep them on for no more than 5 minutes. fresh air. The next day, it is worth slightly increasing the interval of air baths.
  2. By day 10, petunia seedlings in tablets should be taken outside for the whole day.
  3. In the next 3 days, you need to leave the plant to spend the night outside, but under a canopy, so that in case of rain the drops do not fall on the seedlings.
  4. On the last day before planting begins, you should start preparing the flowerbed or bed where the plant will be placed.

If the acidity level of the soil does not show 5.5, then an additional 0.2 kg per 1 m 2 of lime should be added. It will level the pH environment in the area to the required level. You can add rotted humus to the soil; the plant will respond to such fertilizing with active growth and development of both green mass and rhizomes.

Planting in open ground should be done early in the morning, but best late in the evening.. Overnight the plant will be able to acclimatize to a new location. Besides this, the best option It will be a cloudy warm day.

A hole in the ground should be dug no more than 10 cm in both depth and width. Distance between holes for planting petunia seedlings in peat tablets you need choose based on variety, which you want to grow at home:

  1. For small-flowered petunias - from 19 to 22 cm;
  2. For large-flowered bushes - 24-28 cm from each other;
  3. For bush plants - up to 35 cm.

Important! When transplanting petunias into open ground, you should never remove the seedlings from the tablet - all the rhizomes will be damaged. The only thing you need to do is carefully cut and remove the mesh.

The plant is placed in the ground and covered with soil on top, slightly compacting the top. Be sure to add plenty of warm water. This is necessary to smooth out the difference between open ground and peat soil.

Further care should be carried out according to the recommendations for caring for adult petunia bushes.

Thus, planting petunia seeds for seedlings in peat tablets is the most best option for growing seedlings. This method does not require additional care at home in separate flowerpots. The seedlings are planted together with a lump of peat, from which the plant receives all its nutrients. Therefore, gardeners in most cases choose this particular method of sowing seeds, which helps to grow remarkably healthy and high-quality seedlings of beautiful flowers.

Video: correct landing petunias for seedlings in peat tablets.

Growing seedlings is a labor-intensive process, but gardeners are happy to devote time and effort to it. To get strong healthy plants, use soil mixtures based on peat. Relatively recently appeared tablets from pressed peat - excellent helpers in gardening endeavors. The article tells how to plant seeds in peat tablets and how to choose them correctly.

Instructions for using peat tablets for seedlings

Using tablets (sometimes called washers) for seedlings is convenient for several reasons.

Features of peat tablets

The main feature of peat washers is that a small lump contains complete set useful substances, necessary for tiny sprouts to fully develop. This is convenient for the gardener, since there is no need to mix the soil, disinfect it, or add additives - nutrients and protective substances. They allow air to pass through well, are sterile, and overwatering of seedlings is excluded, because... excess water quickly drains into the pan.

Advantages for seedlings

The practice of using peat washers has shown that almost all seeds germinate in them, ultimately forming healthy seedlings. The main advantages of peat tablets:

  1. Seedlings do not need fertilizing or treating the substrate against diseases.
  2. Ideal for growing seedlings of plants with a fragile root system, for which picking is undesirable: melons, cucumbers, sweet peppers.
  3. They simplify the germination of very small or difficult-to-germinate seeds.
  4. Watering seedlings through a tray makes it easier to care for seedlings with fragile stems that are prone to blackleg disease.
  5. They facilitate planting and germination of expensive exotic seeds that require special germination conditions.
  6. Unlimited shelf life when stored in a dry place.

The use of tablets is complicated only by their high price, which is not profitable for large planting volumes. Resourceful summer residents make briquettes with their own hands. There are a considerable number of videos posted online showing how summer residents use simple devices to prepare peat tablets for future crops.

Commercially available tablets vary in size and substrate characteristics. The diameter of peat tablets from 20 to 90 mm provides:

  • sowing small seeds - 20-36 mm;
  • sowing medium-sized seeds - 40-50mm;
  • sowing large seeds - from 60 mm and above.

In addition to peat, the tablets usually contain:

  • humus, which creates a nutrient medium;
  • antibacterial additives that prevent the development of diseases;
  • minerals.

The tablets have different acidity– from 5.2 to 6.4, i.e. you can choose the optimal environment for each type of plant.

Note! Instructions about the composition of peat briquettes and the pH value are given on the packaging. They are often sold in bulk, but if the seller is unable to accurately describe their parameters, it is better to make a purchase at another retail outlet.

Instructions for planting seeds

In addition to the technological advantages of peat briquettes, summer residents value them for their ease of use. The method of planting seeds in washers is elementary:

  • Prepare a mini-greenhouse or select a container with a transparent lid. An excellent option would be disposable packaging of cakes and salads, previously thoroughly washed and treated with potassium permanganate. The sizes are selected so that the required number of tablets fits. The height with the lid should be equal to 8 times the thickness of the peat tablet plus a margin for seedling growth.
  • The tablets are removed from their original packaging and placed in a mini-greenhouse. The seed recesses (they are clearly visible) point upward. The mesh or organic paper that covers the tablets is not removed; without the mesh, they will fall apart before they have time to swell.

  • The distance between the washers is minimal; having swollen, they will support each other “in shape” and will not fall or roll over.
  • If the greenhouse is not completely filled with washers, clean sand is poured onto the bottom to maintain stability.
  • To swell, pour a little into the bottom of the mini-greenhouse. warm water, adding more as it is absorbed. Regular time swelling - about 30 minutes. Excess is removed with a sponge.
  • The seeds are placed in the holes. The number of seeds per tablet depends on their size, quantity and degree of value.
  • The mini-greenhouse is closed and placed on a warm, well-lit windowsill, unless otherwise provided by germination agricultural technology.

When sowing seeds of some crops, their natural characteristics are taken into account.

How to sow petunia

Peat washers greatly simplify the cultivation of high-quality petunia seedlings, creating the most favorable environment for seed development, increasing germination and simplifying the care of seedlings. Place one grain at a time into the recess of the prepared tablet; there is no need to press or cover it with a substrate. The coated petunia seeds are immediately sprinkled with water, and after a few minutes the shell is smeared with a toothpick. Lobelia seeds are sown in peat tablets in the same way. It is permissible to place several seeds in one puck.

Sowing strawberries in peat tablets

Growing strawberries from seeds gives gardeners a lot of trouble. Using peat tablets greatly simplifies the matter. The hatched seeds, prepared using conventional technology, are placed on the prepared tablet, 1 pc.

Advice! The recommended diameter of tablets for sowing strawberries is 24-36 mm.

Features of growing cucumber seedlings in peat tablets

Cucumber seedlings are easy to grow using peat tablets with a neutral reaction, the size is at least 40 mm. Cucumber seeds are placed in swollen tablets. Whether to prepare seeds before planting or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Use a match or toothpick to deepen the seeds to the limits indicated on the package. If there is no information about the planting depth, use standard figures - 1.5-2 cm. There is no need to fill the seeds.

Sowing peppers, eggplants and tomatoes

Suitable tablet diameter is 30-40 mm. Prepare the seeds in the same way as for regular sowing of seedlings, lay them out on prepared tablets, using a match to deepen them to the required depth. Experienced summer residents sow 2 pieces for insurance. In this case, the strongest of the two shoots is left, the weakest is removed.

Important! Excess seedlings are not pulled out, so as not to damage the roots of neighbors, but simply cut off at the root.

The sown seeds are covered with a small amount of substrate - level with the surface of the tablet.

Interesting! Small seeds of tomatoes and eggplants germinate well and produce strong seedlings even when they are laid out in dry tablets and then moistened. As the substrate swells, it covers the seed.

Rules for transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

The procedure for planting seedlings grown using peat tablets is simple and time-consuming.

  1. The grown seedlings are hardened off.
  2. The beds are prepared for planting according to the rules of agricultural technology for each crop.
  3. Tablets with seedlings are placed in planting holes without removing the shell.

Microorganisms living in the soil will process the mesh or paper, providing additional nutrition to the plants. At the same time, the rules provided for planting seedlings of each crop are observed.

Rules for watering peat tablets

The degree of moisture content of peat tablets is strictly monitored: a dry substrate destroys the still weak root system of seedlings in a short time. Watering “tablet” seedlings is a delicate process. Top watering is undesirable as it can lead to diseases. Water strictly by adding water to the tray (container) where the tablets are placed. Particular difficulties arise when they stand in dense rows. Experts recommend using a syringe for watering: its thin spout easily penetrates to the bottom. It is also convenient to remove the remaining water after watering.

Note! At high humidity In mini-greenhouses, mold may appear on the barrels of tablets. It's easy to remove cotton swab moistened with a disinfecting solution.

Cleanliness when working with seedlings, high speed landings large quantity seeds, no need to pick seedlings, excellent seedling health - these are additional bonuses of using peat tablets. In addition, it is possible individual approach to each sprout - it is easy to place a slowly developing seedling in special conditions. Peat tablets - great solution, saving energy and time.

Peat tablets have long been no longer a novelty among gardeners. Many people are familiar with this device; some summer residents have even tried it out several times. And yet, even with a large number detailed information, few people still know how to use peat tablets for seedlings correctly. That's what we'll talk about today.

Which peat tablets to choose

The first thing a gardener has to deal with is purchasing the tablets themselves. You don’t have to read the ingredients, because all manufacturers have practically the same ingredients and rarely differ. These are peat, fungicides and fertilizers.

It is important for you to choose the correct tablet diameter. They range from 2 to 7 cm in size. And the main thing here is not to make a mistake. It all depends on what exactly is intended to be grown. For example, a seven is too big for a petunia, but a two will be too small for a tomato.

Some summer residents, looking at the tablets, think: “Bah, they’re moldy!” This is a mistake. A whitish coating on the outside, similar to a mycelium or cobweb, is nothing more than a forming mesh. Without it, the tablet will simply fall apart when wet. By the way, some manufacturers are guilty of not having such a mesh. In principle, its presence is not at all necessary if you have a container exactly the size of an individual tablet. The peat isn't going anywhere. But then, when transplanting, in any case you will have to disturb the root system of the seedlings. It is logical to assume that why spend money on buying a tablet if you can simply pour peat into a container and plant the seeds.

Therefore, in the store, be sure to choose those manufacturers who do not skimp on the forming mesh. By the way, it does not decompose in the ground. But at the same time, it does not harm or interfere with the roots. Therefore, before transplantation, the mesh can not be removed from the tablet, but only cut on one side. In the fall, when harvesting plant debris, pull the stem out of the soil and throw it away along with the net. It's simple.

What else do you need to buy?

Manufacturers offer special cassettes for peat tablets. No doubt, they are very comfortable, ideal in diameter and height. But they take up plenty of space. By the way, when placed in a cake lid, the tablets take much less area, than would be in cassettes. But here main role The thickness of your wallet plays a role. She is the one who decides whether you need this additional device, or you have other containers in stock.

Therefore, you will have to buy seeds and a spray bottle. It is the most convenient for watering. The fact is that one of the disadvantages of peat tablets is that the upper part dries out too quickly. At the same time bottom part still wet. Therefore, watering into a pan will only aggravate the problem, but will not solve it. A spray bottle will allow you to moisten the peat tablets from above, without fear of knocking down young seedlings with a strong stream of water.

Perhaps that's all you need to buy. Some sources also recommend purchasing a propagator. This is such an abstruse container with a lid and heating to create a certain microclimate. We consider this purchase an unnecessary luxury and not an essential necessity. The propagator can be perfectly replaced with a foam pad under the container and cling film or glass on top of the container.

How to prepare tablets for planting

You will need:

  • clean warm water
  • tablespoon
  • container
  • peat tablets
  • 30 minutes of free time
  • enthusiasm

Place the peat tablets in the container so that they do not touch the walls very tightly. No need to squeeze them in. Let them insert freely. Now take clean warm water and pour 2 tbsp into each tablet. l.

By the way, do not confuse the top and bottom of the tablet! The recess for the seeds is located on top and is always clearly visible. After watering, wait 15 minutes. Do not be alarmed that the “test subjects” will begin to grow sharply in height, almost without increasing in diameter. That's how it should be.

Then add another 1 tbsp. l. and wait another 12-15 minutes. Now drain the excess liquid that has appeared at the bottom of the container. That's it, the tablets are ready for planting.

How to plant seeds correctly

Remember: 1 peat tablet - 1 seed. You should not try to cram 2, 3 or more in order to save expensive material. Yes, yes, peat tablets are not cheap. The sprouts simply do not have enough space and nutrition for normal development. And then you come across reviews like this: “I tried these pills of yours, it’s complete nonsense. And I only planted 3 peppers in each. The plants were weak, sick and did not take root well.” We don't need such savings.

Now, as for the seeds. Sowing in tablets is not much different from sowing in the ground:

  1. Large ones - by hand. We deepen it by 1-1.2 cm.
  2. Small ones - with a match or toothpick. We pick it up with a wet tip and lay it on the surface.

After planting manipulations, cover the container with tablets with glass or cling film. Then we put it in a warm, dark place until the first shoots appear.

How to care for seedlings in peat tablets

Yes, exactly the same as for a regular one. If you see that the sprouts are starting to hatch, then immediately move the container to a bright place. Otherwise they will begin to stretch. Ventilate the container periodically to prevent condensation from creating excessive humidity. As soon as the plant gets stronger, it will be possible to remove the cover completely.

The most convenient way to water peat tablets is from a spray bottle. This will allow you to dose water without fear of flooding the sprouts.

And one more thing. Don't forget to put insulation under the container. For this you can use:

  • foam plate
  • thin board
  • piece of cork sheet
  • underlay for laminate
  • thick woolen fabric
  • several layers of newspaper

Why are such tricks needed? The fact is that the root system of the sprouts is still too weak. It gets supercooled very quickly, and then a black leg cannot be avoided. And additional insulation from below will allow you to forget about this problem.

How to properly plant seedlings with tablets

Well, the long days of waiting are over. The sprouts rose and became stronger. The time has come to plant them in a greenhouse or open ground. How to determine this moment? Very easy. Lift up one of the peat tablets. Do the roots break through the mesh, but the sprout itself has 3-4 true leaves? So, the next stage has arrived.

You will need:

  • seedling
  • spatula
  • utility knife (optional)
  • 2 hands
Procedure. Use a spatula to dig a hole large enough to freely install the peat tablet. Pour a little water. Then take the seedlings in one hand and with the other stationery knife carefully cut the mesh. Be careful not to spill the tablet. Next, place all this stuff in the hole and cover it with soil. Try not to bury plants other than tomatoes. They can be planted under the very cotyledon leaves.

Now you need to slightly press the soil around. All that remains is to lightly water the new home and mulch the ground with humus or whatever you are used to. As you can see, everything is doable even for a beginner in farming.

By the way, about cutting the mesh. This is not at all necessary, because it does not interfere with the growth of the root system at all. Moisture and fertilizers also flow to the plant completely unhindered. But some summer residents strongly recommend tearing the mesh. It is not clear what they are guided by. Therefore, the choice is yours.


  • less dirt
  • more convenient to transport
  • no need to fertilize
  • take up little space
  • treated for diseases
  • easy to transplant seedlings
  • can be used for rooting leaves and cuttings
  • the root system is not damaged
  • take up little space when stored


  • are expensive
  • dry out quickly
  • occupy a large area in cassettes
  • not sold everywhere
  • may become covered with moss
  • unjustified expenses for a large number of seedlings

Here are the main things you need to know when you buy peat tablets for seedlings, and not ready soil. Which must also be additionally treated to remove larvae of harmful insects and pathogenic bacteria. Otherwise, you will need to water it with regular water, spread out the seeds and wait. A little care and healthy strong seedlings you have in stock. Use it and enjoy the ease of care.

Now you know how to use peat tablets for seedlings. All that remains is to buy the required quantity and follow our recommendations. We assure you that a rich harvest is guaranteed!

Video: growing seedlings in peat tablets