Which pump is better to choose to increase pressure. Recommendations for the selection and installation of pumps to increase water pressure

You open the tap and water flows out of it in a sluggish stream. It’s still enough to wash your hands or rinse the dishes, but it’s no longer possible to take a full shower. The situation is even worse with complex household appliancesgas water heater it simply does not start, and the notorious “Error” is displayed on the displays of the washing machine or dishwasher.

The situation is very sad, but, alas, quite common. Residents of apartments in city high-rise buildings face this problem to a greater extent - during peak water collection hours, the pressure in the water supply on the upper floors drops sharply. But owners of houses “on the ground” connected to city water supply networks are not at all immune from this - we have to admit that the quality of public services is often still very far from acceptable indicators. This means that some measures need to be taken.

It would seem that the solution is obvious. It is necessary to install a pump to increase the water pressure, and the problem will go away on its own. However, such a measure often becomes a “half solution,” that is, it does not completely resolve the issue. And in some cases, installing just such a pump becomes a waste of money, since a more in-depth, systematic approach is required.

In technical documentation pumping equipment, in articles and descriptions on this topic, different units of pressure in the water supply can be used on instrument scales. To immediately clarify this issue, here is a small table that will help you navigate in the future:

BarTechnical atmosphere (at)Water column meterKilopascal (kPa)
1 bar 1 1.0197 10.2 100
1 technical atmosphere (at) 0.98 1 10 98.07
1 meter of water column 0.098 0.1 1 9.8
1 kilopascal (kPa) 0.01 0.0102 0.102 1

We don’t need too high an accuracy at the everyday level, so to assess your conditions, with a completely acceptable level of error, you can get by with an approximate ratio:

1 bar ≈ 1 at ≈ 10 m aq. Art. ≈ 100 kPa ≈ 0.1 MPa

So, what pressure is considered normal for a home plumbing network?

According to current regulations, water must be supplied to the end consumer at a pressure of approximately 4 bar. With this pressure, the operation of almost all existing plumbing and household appliances will be ensured - from ordinary taps and cisterns to hydromassage showers or bathtubs.

However, in practice such even pressure is extremely rare. Moreover, deviations to a smaller or larger direction can be very significant. Both phenomena can seriously affect the correct operation of the home water supply system. Thus, if the threshold of 6÷7 bar is exceeded, depressurization may occur at pipe connections and at shut-off and control valves. With surges up to 10 bar, there is a high probability of more serious accidents.

But dealing with high pressure, in principle, is not difficult - it is enough to install a special device at the entrance to a house or apartment, a reducer, which will equalize the pressure in the internal water supply distribution and eliminate the phenomenon of water hammer. With the correct selection or configuration of the gearbox, it will be maintained at all points of water intake optimal value water pressure.

The problem is much more acute if there is a systematic lack of water pressure in the system. And here, first of all, it’s worth trying to figure out what is causing this phenomenon. Well, for this you need, first of all, to have a clear idea of ​​what the pressure is in your local home water supply, whether it changes depending on the time of day or the point of water supply, how things are, for example, with neighbors on the landing and on the riser - above and below . Such information will greatly clarify the picture.

The easiest way, of course, is to measure pressure using a conventional pressure gauge. Such a device is not so expensive, and it makes sense to install it permanently at the entrance to an apartment or house. It’s even better to install a mesh wash filter for coarse water purification at the inlet with a built-in pressure gauge - two problems are solved at once. All that remains is for a certain period to regularly take and record readings approximately four times a day - during peak consumption hours in the evening and morning, in “normal” daytime and night mode. Then it will be possible to carry out preliminary analysis situations.

You can have a portable pressure gauge on your farm or rent it from friends. It is easy to temporarily connect it, for example, using a flexible connection, to the water sockets of faucets or even directly to the spouts, if the threaded connection allows.

You can also make your own simple pressure gauge, which, despite the primitiveness of the design, is nevertheless capable of giving very accurate results.

To make such a device, you will need a transparent plastic tube about 2000 mm long. Its diameter of great importance does not have one - the main thing is that it is convenient to make a sealed connection with a fitting that will be screwed, for example, onto a faucet spout instead of a divider nozzle.

Before starting the measurement, the tube is connected to the tap (in principle, it can be any other water outlet) and is positioned vertically. The water is started briefly, and then a position is achieved so that the liquid level is approximately on the same horizontal line with the connection point, so that there is no air gap on the tap side (shown in the diagram - left fragment). In this position, the height of the air section of the tube is measured ( ho).

Then the upper hole of the cabin is tightly closed with a plug to prevent air from escaping. The tap is opened fully. The water, compressing the air column, will rise. When the position stabilizes, in a minute or two, all that remains is to measure the experimental height of the air column ( heh).

Given these two values, it is easy to calculate the pressure using the following formula:

Rv = Ro × (ho/he)

Rv– pressure in the water supply at a given point.

Ro– initial pressure in the tube. It would not be a big mistake to mistake it for atmospheric, that is, 1.0332 at.

ho And he – air column height values ​​obtained experimentally

Calculator for experimental determination of pressure in a water supply system

Enter the results of two measurements and get the result


Ho - height of the air column before opening the tap, mm

He is the height of the air column with the tap fully open, mm

If measurements are taken at several points and the readings are different, then this is a sure sign that possible reason insufficient pressure on a particular plumbing or household appliance lies in defects in the internal water supply wiring itself. It is possible that the old pipes are completely overgrown with rust or limescale, and no additional equipment will change the situation - the piping will have to be changed.

Require from such a water supply normal pressure- just naive

The reason for the drop in pressure may be filters that have not been changed or cleaned for a long time - and carrying out appropriate prevention will immediately put everything in place.

You should compare the readings with similar parameters in neighboring apartments located at the same level - they should be approximately equal. Sometimes this helps to identify a problem that lies in the water riser.

It would be nice to find out the state of affairs in the neighboring apartments vertically - to what extent the problem of low pressure affects them. As the floor height increases, the pressure (in meters of water column) should decrease by approximately the excess value.

And finally, if, of course, it is possible, it is advisable to find out the pressure on the “loungers” of the house, that is, on the collectors in the basement to which risers in the entrances are connected. It is possible that the utility companies are fulfilling their obligations, and the water pressure to the risers is normal.

This means that the area of ​​the problem will be localized - often the “instigator” of all the troubles becomes the owner of the apartment living down the same riser, who, when carrying out repairs in his bathroom, narrowed the diameter of the pipe for one reason or another - “it’s cheaper”, “it’s more convenient and beautiful” , “that’s what an experienced plumber suggested,” or even “everything is fine with me, and the rest doesn’t bother me.” Here you will either have to come to a good agreement, or take administrative measures through public utilities.

If the pressure on the house collector is also weak, you should “seek the truth” from the utility companies, since the quality of the service they provide does not meet the requirements. Whether anything will be achieved is still a big question, since you can hear a lot of reasons: from the need to replace main pipelines to the current impossibility of installing new pumping equipment to replace the outdated one.

What can you do?

If all the steps taken in the “administrative plan” have not yielded results, and pressure is not enough to ensure the correct operation of plumbing and household appliances, technological measures will have to be taken. Here you will need to install one or another additional equipment. But, again, to say that a pump to increase water pressure will become a panacea would be naive.

Such a measure will only become effective if water always flows almost uninterruptedly, but its pressure is not enough to operate household appliances. For example, the owner of a private house connected to a main line, in which there is a constant pressure of no higher than 1 - 1.5 bar, will be able to install a pump at the entrance to the house or even in front of the water collection point, which requires higher levels. To some extent, this is also acceptable in urban multi-storey buildings, but again - with a stable water supply, but with a “deficit” of pressure.

If the “dips” in pressure reach the point that on the upper floors there is often a complete loss of water from the taps, the booster pump will not justify itself in any way. Firstly, he needs to “rely” on the minimum permissible pressure in the pipe for a given model in order to produce the required value at the output, and he will not be able to create anything from emptiness. Secondly, by increasing the pressure, the pump necessarily creates a certain vacuum behind. If there is insufficient pressure, a tap open on any lower floor turns into a “hole” through which air can be sucked in. The pump will start trying to pump air, and in the best case, if it is equipped with a dry-running protection system, it will simply turn off constantly, but if not, it will quickly burn out. And thirdly, while somehow improving the situation in his apartment, the owner of the pump unwittingly worsens the situation in the neighboring ones.

What is the way out? There are several of them, but not all of them will be easy to implement.

1. Install a pumping station operating in automatic mode, preferably with a hydraulic storage membrane tank of the maximum possible volume. The main element of such a station is a self-priming centrifugal pump, that is, capable of independently, even with “zero” inlet pressure, raising water from a certain depth (for example, from a basement collector or autonomous source) and create a very significant outlet pressure.

The pressure switch usually included in the station kit will ensure that the pump motor is turned on only when the pressure in the home (apartment) water supply drops below the set level. The storage tank will create a reserve supply of water, which will also be under pressure and consumed in cases where the water supply to the main line is temporarily interrupted.

Thus, the pumping station both lifts water upward and creates required pressure in the system, and provides a certain supply of water. The larger the volume of the storage tank, the less often the pump will turn on.

The solution is excellent, one might say optimal for private households, but in multi-storey buildings it can pose a lot of difficulties. If the pressure in the risers is weak, then many residents of the upper floors suffer from this. If they begin to get out of the situation in the indicated way, then real competition “for the stream” will flare up in the house, since total quantity the incoming water will still not be enough for everyone. Again the same situation as mentioned above - sucking water out of the pipes will lead to airing with all the ensuing consequences. In this case, scandals and proceedings, “denunciations” against each other to the operating organization or to the “vodokanal” are inevitable. And installing such a station without the knowledge of utility workers may well result in a hefty fine, since the equipment introduces an imbalance in general work home plumbing system.

There is one more limitation: self-priming pumps are usually limited in depth (in the case of a high-rise building, height) of water lifting - about 7 ÷ 8 meters. That is, for the first or second floor it will be suitable, the third is a stretch, and higher it is unlikely to cope.

2. Install a large, non-pressure tank in your home so that it is constantly replenished during normal water supply hours, even if the pressure is insufficient. A simple float valve will prevent the tank from overfilling.

If such a container of at least 200 ÷ 500 liters can be installed at ceiling height, then water from it will either flow by gravity to the water collection points, in front of which it is already possible to install conventional compact pressure booster pumps, or it will be possible to mount a booster pump at the common outlet of the container a pump whose power and performance will be sufficient for all consumer devices. As an option, a compact pumping station with a small-volume hydraulic accumulator, which will already be powered from a storage tank. In this case, you don’t have to lift the tank up, but find the most convenient place for it for the existing conditions.

The main obstacle to the implementation of such a project is the cramped conditions of standard city apartments: there is simply nowhere to install even the largest container. Again, this solution seems optimal for a private developer.

However, it is quite possible that it will be possible to cooperate with neighbors who also have similar problem to set collective storage tank large capacity, for example, in the attic of a house. The scheme will be the same - water flows to each apartment by gravity, and then the owners themselves decide at which points they need to install a booster pump.

A possible solution to the problem is to install a collective storage tank

3. The third option also involves cooperation - using the collected funds, installing a powerful pumping station with an impressive storage tank and a hydraulic accumulator, so that the power and productivity of the equipment is enough for the entire riser. Thus, in the basement it will be possible to have a significant free-flow and pressurized supply of water, and all residents will equally receive it in the required quantity and with the required pressure.

It is clear that this is easy to say, but very difficult to implement, since it can be extremely difficult to persuade people. Nevertheless, there are plenty of examples of such collective interaction between residents of the house.

Now that the main possible applications of pumps that increase water pressure have been considered, we can turn to a review of the equipment.

Selecting a pump to increase water pressure

So, if the situation can be completely corrected only by installing a pump to increase water pressure, then you need to know how to choose the right device.

All pumps of this class can be divided into two large groups - these are devices with dry and wet rotor.

  • Pumps with a wet rotor are more compact, less noisy, and do not require any preventive maintenance, since all rubbing parts are lubricated by the pumped liquid. They are installed directly by inserting into a pipe, for example, in front of a household appliance or water collection point, and do not require any additional fastenings.

A typical representative of wet rotor pumps

Their disadvantage is their low productivity and the additional water pressure created. In addition, there are restrictions on the installation method - the rotor axis of the pump electric drive must be located in a horizontal position.

  • Pumps with a dry rotor can be immediately distinguished even externally due to their pronounced asymmetrical shape - placed to the side power block, which has its own air cooling system - a fan impeller located on the axis. This arrangement most often involves additional cantilever mount device to the wall surface.

Dry rotor pumps usually require additional wall mounting

Such devices usually have higher performance characteristics, and with proper selection and installation, they are sometimes able to “serve” several water collection points at once.

Pumps with a dry rotor require regular lubrication of friction units, and during operation they can create, albeit small, but still noticeable noise - this must also be taken into account when choosing their installation location.

In general, devices of this class of both types, both in design, principle of operation and installation rules, are very similar to circulation pumps that are built into the circuit autonomous system heating. To avoid repetition, the reader who is interested in these issues can be directed to the appropriate publication.

What you need to know about circulation pumps?

These compact devices ensure stable movement of coolant along the circuits of the heating system. Read about the device, calculation of the required operational parameters, selection and installation in a special publication on our portal.

The fundamental difference is that circulation pumps, as a rule, operate in constant mode while the heating system is in use. Devices designed to increase pressure in the water supply system do not require this mode - they should work only when necessary, when pressure needs to be provided.

There are two approaches to solving this issue.

  • Some inexpensive pumps have only manual control - that is, the user turns them on independently as needed. This is definitely not the most good approach, given the forgetfulness of some people. In addition, if the device, for example, provides operation washing machine, then the water intake for washing and rinsing is carried out periodically, in accordance with the program, that is, most of the cycle of pumping equipment efforts is not required.
  • The optimal solution is to install a device equipped with a flow sensor. The pump will start only when the tap is opened and, naturally, if there is water in the pipeline. This will relieve the device from unnecessary work and prevent it from overheating or burning out due to “dry running”.

A flow sensor can be included with the pump or purchased additionally. It is always installed after the pump in the direction of water movement.

If the water pressure in the water supply is unstable, that is, it can be normal, but at certain periods it becomes insufficient, then an optional, but very useful addition can be a pressure switch, which is installed at the inlet, in front of the pump.

A useful addition to the connection diagram is a pressure switch

In this case, the pump power circuit is switched through a relay, which can be configured so that it is activated and turns on the power to the device only if there is insufficient pressure in the system. At normal pressure levels, the pump will not turn on even after the flow sensor is activated.

When choosing a pump, be sure to take into account the necessary difference by which the pressure must be increased for the correct operation of plumbing fixtures or household appliances. You should not expect “exorbitant” values ​​- usually this parameter lies within the range of 0.8 ÷ 1.5 bar (8 ÷ 15 meters of water column).

If a pump is purchased for installation on a hot water supply pipe (there are such situations), then its characteristics must correspond to operating conditions at elevated temperatures of the pumped liquid. Typically, such information is indicated in product passports.

An important parameter is the performance of the device - the amount of water pumped per unit of time. The performance must be higher than the average flow rate at the point of consumption before which the equipment is installed.

When choosing a model, it is certainly worth giving preference to “reputable” brands, while checking how available it is in your region service, and what warranties apply to this device.

Several popular high-quality models are shown in the table:

Model nameIllustrationBrief description Created additional water pressure
"Grundfos UPA 15-90" and "UPA 15-90N" One of the most popular models of the famous Danish manufacturer.
Wet type pump. Built-in flow sensor.
Quiet operation, small dimensions.
Usually installed in front of a specific point of consumption (washing machine, geyser, etc.).
Model UPA 15-90 – cast iron body, UPA 15-90 – stainless steel.
The minimum inlet pressure is 0.2 bar.
Power – 110 W.
Maximum productivity – up to 25 l/min.
8 m water. Art.
"Wilo-PB-201 EA" Glandless rotor pump.
Drive power – 200 W. The engine is air cooled.
Built-in flow sensor - triggered at a flow rate of at least 2 l/min.
Connecting pipes – 1".
Increased productivity – up to 55 l/min.
Quiet operation. Console for fastening to the surface.
Capable of providing pressure at several points of consumption.
15 m water. Art.
"Jemix W15GR-15 A" Pump with a “dry rotor” and air-cooled drive.”
Power -120 W.
Designed for use in cold and hot water supply - permissible water temperature - up to 110 ° C.
Productivity – nominal 10 l/min, maximum – 25 l/min.
Pipes for tapping into pipes – 15 mm.
A flow sensor is included in the delivery package.
The control unit allows you to select manual or automatic mode work.
10 ÷ 15 m water. Art.
"Aquatica 774715" An inexpensive pump, usually designed for one point of consumption.
"Dry rotor". Brass body. Asynchronous, almost silent motor.
Low power consumption - power of only 80 W.
Connecting pipes – ¾".
Three operating modes.
Capacity – 10 l/min.
Only for cold water.
up to 10 m water. Art.

Video: installing a pump in an apartment to increase water pressure

Selecting a pumping station

So, the second option for a radical solution to the problem of ensuring normal water pressure is to install a pumping station.

This device is a surface centrifugal self-priming pump. It can be conventional or equipped with an injector - this technological addition significantly increases the pump’s ability to lift water from a significant depth, but, however, makes its operation noisier.

The pumping station may already have a built-in membrane-type hydraulic accumulator, or this element of the required volume can be purchased separately. Required condition– presence of a pressure switch, but in in this case it is already installed after the pump itself - when the set pressure threshold is reached in the hydraulic accumulator, the power to the power unit is turned off.

The working pressure in the accumulator is always somewhat excessive - it is calculated in such a way as to ensure the correct operation of all plumbing and household devices, and at the same time maintaining a certain reserve. As water is consumed, the pressure drops, and when it reaches a certain lower limit, pre-set by the manufacturer or the user himself, the relay closes - and the pump again runs the cycle of replenishing the water supply to the upper threshold.

In fact, the pumping station does not just increase the water pressure - it creates it itself in a closed loop. home system water supply and constantly maintains it at a given level. And the presence of a hydraulic accumulator makes it possible to hope for a reserve supply of water in case the supply from an external source (main network) suddenly stops.

In this case, a flow sensor is not required - the pump does not respond to the current water flow, but to the pressure level in the storage tank.

As a rule, pumping stations are equipped with pressure gauges to make it easier to visually monitor the work.

Installing a pumping station is much more complicated than the usual installation of a booster pump. It is better not to deal with this issue yourself, but to invite an appropriate specialist.

When installing, it should be taken into account that there are practically no completely silent pumping stations. This means that it is necessary to provide a place for it that, firstly, would be located at the entrance of the water supply to the house or apartment, and secondly, would provide the necessary sound insulation for residential premises.

The hydraulic accumulator can be quite small...

The hydraulic accumulator included in the pumping station kit can be quite small, literally a few liters. However, it should be remembered that while gaining in compactness, you can lose in the duration of operation of the device and in energy consumption - the smaller the volume of the tank, the more often the pumping unit will turn on and off, the faster its “motor resource” is consumed.

There is nothing stopping you from purchasing a hydraulic accumulator of the required volume - they are also sold separately. For two people, a 24-liter tank is usually sufficient. For a family of 3-5 people, a hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 50 liters will already be required.

Well, if it allows free space, and there are interruptions in the water supply from city networks, then a free-flow storage tank with a float valve will not hurt - the pumping station will draw water from it. This scheme has already been mentioned above.

The optimal solution is that the pumping station takes water from a large non-pressure storage tank

Since a pumping station is usually installed to ensure the operation of the entire water supply network of a private house or apartment, when choosing a model, you need to pay special attention to the pressure it creates and the performance. It will be of little use if, taking into account the height and distance of the water collection points in the farthest section, the pressure is insufficient. In the practice of private households, this could be, for example, a garden tap through which watering is carried out personal plot. Therefore, when choosing, you should focus on the points that are most distant in height and length. If these are just mixers, then a pressure of 10÷15 meters (1÷1.5 bar) will be enough for them. In the case of installation of equipment that requires special pressure parameters, they are taken as the basis.

An indicator of the quality of a water supply system, both centralized and autonomous, is the pressure indicator. To measure it, specialized pressure is used (mainly to adjust the pressure when connecting household appliances - a washing machine or dishwasher, boiler, gas hot water supply or as part of a heating system).

Sometimes the pressure is so weak that everything is clear even without the use of instruments. Increasing the pressure in the system when connecting will help correct the situation.

1 Features of use

Pumps for increasing water pressure in an apartment or private house are a special category of pumping equipment. Cold water and hot water systems consist of a network of pipelines, the free movement of water through which is determined by the pressure level in the system.

According to standards adopted in Europe, this figure should be from 2.5 to 4 atmospheres, depending on the length of the system and the average daily load on it. The intensity of the pressure also affects the amount and type of equipment used. For example, a pressure of 2.5 atmospheres is sufficient for connection. And for connecting a shower, jacuzzi or heating systems - 3.5-4 atmospheres.

The water pressure in the apartment, as a rule, is 3.5-4 atmospheres. But this does not mean that you will have to give up more comfortable living conditions. An effective and inexpensive solution is pressure-increasing pumps for water in apartments. With the development of multi-storey construction, cases have become more frequent when water does not reach the consumer due to the riser being too long and the pumping station used in the pipeline is not capable of raising the water to the required level. In this case, an alternative for a pump to the apartment will be.

The same situation applies to suburban and cottage developments. In them, the water supply system is often autonomous, and one pump, even one with increased power, does not always provide the required flow rate. It will not pump water with proper efficiency even if errors were made during the design or installation of the system.

A water pump that increases pressure is also used in industry. These are large-sized backup models that allow you not to stop production processes in the event of an emergency shutdown of the system or a decrease in the water level in the water supply.

2 Device, principle of operation

As a rule, a pressure-increasing water pump, including a household pump for an apartment, turns on automatically when a critically low pressure level is detected. They differ in type of design and purpose.

2.1 Types and differences

According to key operational and production parameters, water pressure booster pumps are divided into 2 main categories:

  • circulation pumps to increase water pressure in the apartment;
  • self-priming pumping stations.

The circulation pump for increasing water pressure is considered the most popular due to its universal simple design. A pump for increasing water pressure of this type is easy to install and provides optimal traffic intensity within the system. It is compact and is intended mainly for adjusting the performance of heating systems and.

The unit consists of a compact motor that drives an equipped rotor. By increasing the rate of water circulation, the pressure in the entire system increases. There are models on the market for both cold water and hot water. Pumps of the first type are cheap due to the use of durable but inexpensive plastic in the production process. They can operate in a temperature environment not exceeding +40 o C.

The second type of pumping equipment - stations - is more complex and productive. The key difference from circulation equipment, which cuts into any part of the network and does not affect its autonomy, is that the pumping station completely cuts off the system from the external source of recharge. However, it is this installation that allows you to increase the water pressure to the required level.

The design consists of a surface pump powered by a hydraulic accumulator and equipped with a self-priming mechanism. Such a unit is guaranteed to improve the quality of water supply even if, for technical reasons, water is by definition unavailable on the upper floors of the building. The pressure level is regulated and maintained at the level specified by the relay adjustment parameters using a membrane-valve system.

2.2 Main characteristics

When choosing a model, we recommend paying attention to the information provided by the manufacturer, since not all units are universal. In general, to select a pump or pumping station, it is enough to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • type of BC system – hot or cold;
  • the power of the device, determined by the water intake capacity, the height of the water rise and the maximum value of the pressure increase;
  • pressure and flow;
  • temperature range;
  • energy consumption parameters;
  • productivity (amount of pumped mass per unit of time);
  • the direction of the axis along which the working bodies move;
  • start type (mechanical or automatic);
  • motor cooling method;
  • generated noise level;
  • material for the production of the body and node connections.

3 Well-known manufacturers

The corresponding market segment is extensive - it presents equipment from both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

The leader is the product, in particular, 15-90/UPA15-90N. The advantages include low weight and size, ease of connection to the pipeline. With a relatively low power, they increase the pressure level by 1.5-2 atmospheres, are made from high-quality durable materials(cast iron and stainless steel, respectively) and create virtually no noise. Both units are equipped with a switch that allows you to adjust the operating parameters using manual or automatic settings.

The German brand Wilo produces pumps equipped with a flow sensor, mainly with a wet type of rotor cooling. Popular models are PB 088-EA, PB-H 089 EA, PB 201-EA and PB 400-EA in cast iron housing. The advantages of this brand's products include:

  • easy installation thanks to fastening with nuts;
  • thermal protection of the motor;
  • low power consumption;
  • compactness;
  • low noise level;
  • corrosion resistance.

Chinese pumps WESTER WPA 15-90/20-120 have proven themselves to be reliable equipment in the affordable segment. They can be used to equip apartments, country houses and cottages. Each of the models operates in one of the three provided modes in the temperature range of +6...+60 o C, has low consumption and raises water to a height of up to 9 m.

4 Connection rules

Installing a pressure booster pump is simple - it can be done without the involvement of specialists. It is most effective to make a cut at the entrance.

Circular pump installation:

  • the product is embedded in a single position according to information from the manufacturer;
  • When starting work, make sure that the water supply system is turned off and there is no water in it;
  • cut the pipe, connect and fix the pump, treat the joints with moisture-resistant and heat-resistant sealant;
  • connect the unit to the power supply;
  • test the installed pump.

Pumping stations also cut into the system, but this process is best left to specialists. The difficulty of installation lies in the fact that in addition to inserting and connecting the pump, it is necessary to correctly assemble it and connect the inlet/outlet hoses. The process of setting up a pumping station is also labor-intensive and requires practical experience.

4.1 Installation of a pump in an apartment that increases water pressure GPD 15-9A (video)

With a centralized supply of water to apartments in multi-storey buildings, residents of the upper floors may experience inconvenience due to low water pressure. For the normal functioning of a washing machine or dishwasher that heats water from a gas water heater, a pressure in the plumbing system is required from two to four atmospheres. At lower pressures this technique will not work. And a weak stream from the tap, or a complete lack of water, is not at all pleasing when you need to wash dishes or take a shower. In order to normalize the water supply situation, residents of high-rise buildings should use pumps to increase the water pressure in the apartment.

Installing a pump in an apartment will only be necessary if the cause of insufficient pressure is unclogged water pipes, and other problems, the solution of which requires a global modernization of the water supply of the entire house.

1 Installation required

Own water pumps in the apartment are installed to create and maintain acceptable operating pressure, taking into account all points of water consumption. When used simultaneously water resource in several places there is a natural decrease in pressure in the overall system.

The normal pressure for an apartment with domestic water use is considered to be four atmospheres. This is enough to prevent malfunctions in the operation of the washing machine, shower cabin, jacuzzi, geyser, which have automatic shutdown of the device when the pressure is insufficient.

Possible occurrence high blood pressure. An indicator of seven or more atmospheres leads to damage to household appliances and individual elements water supply

With a technically competently designed and properly installed water supply system apartment building situations arise with pressure drops due to peak consumption. For example, in the evening hours, when most residents come home from work and begin doing household chores, water consumption increases sharply. This leads to an annoying situation where everything is fine on the lower floors, but on the top floors it’s difficult to even wash your hands.

A pump for increasing water pressure, mounted directly on the supply line, is capable of providing complete and stable comfort of water use at any level of a multi-storey building.

2 What should you pay attention to?

A water pump installed in an apartment can have two types of control:

  • manual - requiring constant monitoring during pump operation;
  • automatic - the operation of the device is regulated using special sensors (pressure, pressure, flow).

Installing a manually operated water supply device is advisable if it is not used regularly. And human control is necessary to prevent the pump from running dry. If there is no water in the central water supply, the electric motor will overheat and burn out.

Pumps having automatic control, do not require any attention. They can be turned on constantly, since their operation is regulated automatically, depending on emerging situations.

The temperature of the water in the central water supply is also important, since some models that increase pressure can work as follows:

  • only with cold water;
  • only with hot water;
  • both cold and hot (universal device).

An important factor in the operation of the unit maintaining water pressure in the apartment is the method of cooling it:

Air cooling causes increased ambient noise, but the performance of such a device is higher than that of its water-cooled counterpart, which operates almost silently. It is used in pipelines for both cold and hot water.

2.1 Important Features

Since the water pump will be installed directly in the apartment, some of its characteristics should be taken into account:

  • power - the higher it is, the greater the number of consumption points will be provided with sufficient pressure;
  • noise level is an important factor that should be taken into account to maintain a comfortable noise environment in the apartment. Units that are too noisy are not suitable, especially when working at night;
  • the diameter of the pipes brought into the apartment - an increase in pressure is possible only if the cross-section of the pipeline and the pump nozzles fully correspond;
  • lifting height - each pumping unit is designed for a certain height of liquid delivery;
  • overall dimensions - for an apartment that has limited spatial capabilities for installing this type of equipment, compact units should be selected.

3 Installation in an apartment

Installing a pressure booster pump in your home pipeline will allow you to provide all your household water needs for a long time. In order for the equipment to operate smoothly, you should use the following recommendations:

  • Liquid must enter the pump through a coarse filter. This prevents solid particles from entering the unit through water, which can cause mechanical damage;
  • location only in a dry and heated room, to prevent the corrosive effects of moisture and the negative effects of low temperatures;
  • mandatory presence of a shut-off valve (taucet) installed in front of the pump, which will allow for preventive and renovation work when disconnected from the central system;
  • reliable fastening - will ensure the absence of leaks caused by constant vibration of the operating unit.

Installation of equipment capable of increasing water pressure in an apartment occurs as follows:

  • the water supply to the apartment is cut off;
  • marks are made with a marker on the supporting pipe selected for installing the pump, taking into account the overall dimensions along the length and the presence of adapters;
  • the pipe is cut at the marked places;
  • on outside the free ends of the pipe are cut into screw threads of the required pitch;
  • adapters with internal threads are screwed onto the ends of the pipes;
  • adapters are equipped with fittings;
  • the pump is installed in compliance with the correct direction of fluid movement indicated by the arrow on the device body;
  • a three-core cable is wired from a household power source;

Upon completion installation work It is necessary to test run the device to check for leaks in the connections. For absolute sealing, it is recommended to use FUM tape, wrapping it around the threaded connection.


4 Models from famous manufacturers

When choosing a water pump for an apartment, you should pay attention to the products of manufacturers who specialize in the manufacture of only such equipment. The most famous companies are Wilo, Grundfos and Jemix. Brief description and technical characteristics of one model from each of them:

Wilo PB-088 EA is a small-sized model that is installed directly on the pipe. Suitable for use on pipelines with both cold and hot water. Cooling occurs due to the flow of passing liquid. It is equipped with a flow sensor, which turns on the pump when consumption begins (opening the tap at the point of use).

There are two operating modes: with automatic and manual control. Has protection against dry running and overheating. The body is coated with an anti-corrosion compound. Produces little noise during operation.


  • maximum head: 9.5 m;
  • permissible liquid temperature: from 0 to 60 O C;
  • engine power: 0.09 kW;
  • capacity: 2.1 cubic meters m per hour;

Grundfos UPA 15-90 - provides increased water pressure when installed on a pipeline inside the apartment. With small overall dimensions and low weight, it works with liquids different temperatures. Cooling down running water and has protection against dry running and overheating. The body is protected by an anti-corrosion coating. There is practically no noise during operation. Manual control and automatic operating mode.


  • maximum head: 8 m;
  • permissible liquid temperature: from 2 to 60 ° C;
  • engine power: 0.12 kW;
  • diameter of connecting pipes: 20 mm (¾ inch).

Jemix W15GR-15 A - the device is designed to create and maintain pressure in water supply systems at an optimal level. Two operation control modes - manual and automatic. It is cooled by an air fan, so it is noisy.


  • maximum head: 15 m;
  • permissible liquid temperature: from 0 to 110 O C;
  • engine power: 0.12 kW;
  • capacity: 1.5 cubic meters m per hour;
  • diameter of connecting pipes: 15 mm (½ inch).

Perhaps you have ever encountered a situation where water flows from a tap in a very weak stream. At the same time, it is inconvenient to wash dishes, and there is no need to even talk about taking a shower. But the inconvenience, unfortunately, does not end there. If the water pressure in the tap is low, it is impossible to start a gas water heater, washing machine or dishwasher may also “refuse” to work in such conditions. As sad as it may be, this situation is quite common. Very often, residents of the upper floors of tall apartment buildings suffer due to insufficient water pressure during peak hours. Owners of private houses also often face this problem, which is explained by shortcomings in the work of public utilities. If you are familiar with the problem described, then know that it has a fairly simple solution: they will help you out in a private house.

What needs to be done before choosing a pump to increase water pressure in a private home

Pressure can be indicated in different units measurements. That is, for example, in the technical documentation of a pump, the pressure can be indicated in MPa, in articles - in kPA, and on instrument panels - in mm of water. Art.

You are unlikely to need to know the exact pressure value in the water supply system, so you can use the following ratio, which will make it easier for you to assess the operation of the water supply system in your private home:

1 bar ≈ 1 at ≈ 10 m aq. Art. ≈ 100 kPa ≈ 0.1 MPa.

The standards establish pressure requirements tap water for residents of a private house or apartment - 4 bar. With this value, all household appliances in private or apartment building will be able to work well.

Unfortunately, few residents of private houses have pressure in their taps at exactly this level. Most often the deviations are significant. Any deviations from the norm are harmful to the water supply system. Thus, a pressure of more than 6-7 bar can lead to depressurization at pipe joints. A jump to 10 bar is fraught with an emergency situation.

The solution to the problem of insufficient or increased water pressure in a private house is to install a reducer that equalizes the pressure in the internal water supply, which eliminates the possibility of water hammer. If you avoid mistakes at the stage of selecting and installing the gearbox, the pressure in the system will always be optimal.

A more complex situation is a systematic lack of pressure in the water supply of a private home. It is necessary to identify the cause of this problem. Conduct a simple study to find out what pressure in the water supply of your private home is normal and how it changes during the day. After research, the situation will become clearer.

You can measure pressure with a pressure gauge. It is inexpensive, so we recommend that you purchase it and install it on the inlet main of your private home. It will be even better if you buy a mesh wash filter for coarse water purification with a built-in pressure gauge. It is enough to record the device readings 3-4 times a day at certain hours (including peak hours). Then it will be possible to analyze the water pressure in your private home and draw preliminary conclusions.

You can ask someone you know or buy your own portable pressure gauge. Connecting it is not difficult: you can do this using a flexible connection to the water sockets of faucets or to spouts, if the threaded connection is suitable. In fact, you can even assemble a simple, but quite accurate pressure gauge with your own hands.

In order to assemble the pressure gauge, you will need a plastic tube approximately 2000 mm long. The diameter of the tube must be such that it forms a tight connection with a fitting that screws onto the faucet spout, replacing the divider nozzle.

You can accurately determine the water pressure in a private house in the following simple way:

The first step is to connect the tube (vertically) to the faucet (or other water outlet). Then turn on the water and level the liquid level: there should be one horizontal line with a connection point (without an air gap at the tap - see the left figure). Now you can measure the height of the air section of the tube ( h o).

The next step is to close the top hole of the tube with a stopper (so that air does not escape) and open the tap completely. The water will rise. After stabilizing the position, you need to measure the experimental value of the air column ( h e).

Now you can calculate the pressure:

P in = R o × (h o / h e)

Where R in– pressure in the water supply at a given point; R o– initial pressure in the tube. It is acceptable to take it as atmospheric, that is - 1.0332 at; h o And h e – experimentally obtained value of the height of the air column.

It may be that the pressure at several different points in the pipeline of a private house varies. This is evidence of the formation of rust or limescale. In this case, it is necessary to replace the piping.

It is possible that the filters used in the water supply of your private home are very dirty or too old. To troubleshoot problems, it is necessary to perform appropriate preventative measures.

Classification of pumps for increasing water pressure in a private home

On sale you will find different options pump designs for increasing water pressure in a private house:

    circulation pumps for increasing pressure;

    self-priming pumping stations to increase pressure.

Are standard devices to increase water pressure in a private home. They received this name because they accelerate the movement of water in the pipes. Circulating ones most often have small sizes, they are very compact. They are installed in sections of pipelines with insufficient pressure.

Developers of pumps to increase water pressure in a private home pursued specific goal- they wanted to come up with a device to improve the operation of systems with hot coolant. This is understandable, since the heating circuits have an impressive length, and there is resistance at the node connections. Without the use of pumps, such systems will not function effectively.

If we talk about water supply, then the essence is the same, with the only difference being that the pump accelerates the movement of water, and does not pump up hot coolant.

A circulation pump for increasing water pressure in a private home consists of a motor that drives a rotor part with an impeller. Thanks to these elements, the pump accelerates the movement of water in the chamber and significantly improves the characteristics of the pipeline as a whole.

The installation consists of a surface pump and a hydraulic accumulator. Surface pump pumps water into a hydraulic accumulator, which has an air membrane and check valves, with the help of which the pressure in the water supply system of a private house is regulated and maintained at the required level.

The pressure switch allows you to adjust the value of this indicator and automates processes.

Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house operate in the following systems:

    with cold water;

    with hot water.

To increase the pressure of cold water in a private home, they use the simplest plastic pumps. They work with liquid whose temperature does not exceed +40 °C and do not tolerate prolonged contact with hot water.

Boosting pumps hot water in a private home they are more expensive, but can be used in heating and hot water supply systems. They are made from expensive polymers, stainless steel and high-quality rubber.

The circulation pump for increasing water pressure is not very powerful, but it also consumes very little energy.

It increases the water pressure in a private house by 2-3 atmospheres. There are more powerful analogues that pump up to 2-3 m 3 of water per hour.

Significantly more powerful are water stations for increasing water pressure, the self-priming pumps of which consume 2 kW of electricity when operating. They "attract" water from long distance(up to 12 meters).

So, when planning to purchase a pump to increase water pressure in a private house, it is important to determine why it is needed: simply to improve pressure or to raise water to the upper floors. A small amount will do to increase the pressure. powerful pump“in-line” design, embedded in the pipeline. But if you need to raise the water level, you need a centrifugal water pump high pressure with hydraulic accumulator. The operating mode of such pumps is:

    Manual– in which the equipment can operate continuously. It will be necessary to monitor the temperature of the pump itself in order to avoid overheating and failure.

    Automatic– in which the pump operation is controlled by a flow sensor. The pump will start the moment water flows from the tap. This is an ideal operating scheme, as it eliminates the need to start the pump to increase pressure in dry mode. Such a pump is more profitable because its service life is longer.

Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private home can be cooled thanks to the motor impeller or the pumped liquid. Here is a classification of pumps depending on the method of their cooling, namely:

    Blades mounted on a shaft(dry rotor design). Such engines have a low efficiency value and create little noise during operation.

    Liquid(wet rotor). The operation of such pumps is almost silent.

For the homeowner, the size of the pump to increase water pressure is important, since it is necessary to allocate space for its installation.

The advantage of a pump with a dry rotor is high efficiency, and with a wet rotor it is quiet.

As a rule, pumps are installed at the inlet private house. Note that there are models that can be installed on both cold and hot water supply systems (universal pumps) or for a certain water temperature.

Pumping stations

After you check whether the water supply pipes are clogged, you can think about purchasing a powerful self-priming pumping station. Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private home can be equipped with a hydraulic accumulator. More often than not, homeowners prefer without it. However, experts advise choosing pumping stations with hydraulic accumulators.

Station is a surface centrifugal pump for increasing water pressure in a private home. It is connected to a hydraulic accumulator and a pressure switch, which controls the entire system. Using the station, water from the system is supplied to the tank. Thanks to the tank, the consumer always has a supply of water, even if it is turned off, which is very convenient. Gradually the pressure drops, and at a certain point the relay will automatically turn on the pump.

It is more profitable for the tank to be large, since there will be enough water in it for a longer time and, accordingly, starting and shutting down the mechanism will be carried out less frequently, and the equipment will wear out more slowly. A standard connection diagram for a pressure booster pump and a diagram for installing a pumping station in a private house with a nearby well are shown below. Please note that connection is possible to any available water source.

What to consider when choosing a pump to increase water pressure in a private home

When selecting a pump, consider the following:

    what problem should a pump for increasing water pressure in a private house solve;

    throughput pumps and the pressure it creates;

    How reliable is the manufacturer;

    the dimensions of the room where the pump will be installed to increase water pressure in a private house;

    how much money are you willing to spend on purchasing such a pump?

If you do not know the required performance and pressure, it will be very difficult to choose the most suitable pump for your water supply system. It would be right if you entrust the calculations to a specialist, especially since it is not difficult to find one: many companies involved in the sale of such devices offer this service completely free of charge.

If you need to slightly increase the pressure (by 1.5 atm), then choose a compact pump to increase water pressure in a private home. It is very easy to install.

It can be cut directly into the pipe. Scheme:

    Circulation pump.

  1. Stopcock.


    Safety valve.

It is necessary to choose such a pump to increase water pressure in a private home so that its power meets the needs of the system. When the pressure is insufficient, this is bad, but excess pressure should not be allowed, since the system elements will function under conditions of unreasonably high load, which is fraught with rapid wear.

The minimum pressure in the system is 2 atm. In such conditions, you can safely wash the dishes and start the washing machine without any problems (note that some models can be “capricious” and refuse to work in such conditions).

However, if you are used to using hydromassage in the bathroom and lying in a jacuzzi, then the pressure in the system should be higher - 5-6 atm. Some techniques only work with even more high values. Thus, when thinking about buying a pump to increase water pressure in a private home, re-read the instructions for the household appliances you have (and those you plan to purchase in the future).

To obtain accurate numbers, you will need the help of a specialist. Most likely, he will have enough preliminary estimated data to carry out calculations.

Now it is important to understand what problem you want to solve by installing a pump in a private home. If you cannot take a normal shower when someone is washing dishes in the kitchen, then a regular pump will be enough for you to increase the water pressure in a private house (it will provide an increase of 2 atm.). You probably have some household appliances(the operation of which is related to water pressure), so study the instructions for it.

The devices operate normally at a certain water pressure in a private home. If the water supply system cannot provide your expensive equipment with the required amount of water, then it will have to run idle, which will most likely lead to a breakdown of the device that cannot be repaired under warranty.

When choosing a pump, take as a basis the maximum permissible pressure indicators for the equipment (data from data sheets). If you have too many of these household appliances, consult an engineer.

There is an opinion that you should not buy an expensive and powerful pump to increase water pressure in a private home. Supporters of this judgment claim that you should choose a less powerful device that is connected directly in front of the analysis points and household appliances, the operation of which needs to be optimized.

Buying a pump today is easy, since their range is quite wide. We recommend purchasing the device not on the market, but in a company store, where there is plenty to choose from, and, which is important when purchasing expensive models, warranty service available.

How to install a pump to increase water pressure in a private house

How to install a self-priming pump

Installation of this type The pump is quite simple. You don't need to purchase any complicated tools to install the equipment. You should follow these steps:

    determine the location for the accumulator and pump;

    install a hydraulic accumulator;

    install pipes to connect equipment to the water supply;

    hang a pump to increase water pressure from the wall;

    tie the pump and accumulator;

    check the operation of the pump in automatic mode.

A pump and hydraulic accumulator with a pressure switch are a variation of a pumping station for increasing pressure in a private house. In order to install it, you will have to think about where exactly the tank can be placed. Some owners of private houses, instead of a hydraulic accumulator with a membrane, install ordinary large plastic tanks(volume 200 l).

In such cases, the pressure switch replaces the float sensor, due to which the tank is filled with water when necessary. Such a tank should be located as high as possible (attic, top floor). It is necessary to think about its most suitable configuration in a timely manner.

To save space, you should choose a narrow flat tank; its shape can be arbitrary. The installation should be carried out in such a way that access to it or to the hydraulic accumulator is maintained (alternatively, it can be made so that it can be easily removed if necessary). This is important, as otherwise difficulties will arise during maintenance, repair or replacement of the device.

A store-bought hydraulic accumulator does not require any preparation for installation, but you will have to create holes in the tank through which water will flow in and out. It would be a good idea to install an additional shut-off valve, with which you can quickly drain the water in the event of an accident. The pipes that take and supply liquid to the water supply system are mounted to one water pipe.

Nowadays, it is most convenient to use plastic pipes for assembling a water supply system: they are easy to install and, what is very important, they are reliable. It makes sense to install check valves on the pipes: they will prevent air from the pump and water from entering the container when the equipment is turned off.

Now you can begin assembling and installing a suction pump to increase pressure in a private house, which was probably purchased disassembled.

If you decide to mount the pump to the wall, then do not forget about the markings for fasteners. After the device is installed, it is connected to the water supply. This is not difficult, but it is important to carefully monitor the direction of water movement in the device (there should be special marks on the body).

The liquid in the pump to increase water in a private house must move from the tank to the water collection points. In other words, the installation must be connected according to the following scheme: hydraulic accumulator - pump - consumer. The next stage is piping the pump.

Below is a diagram of connecting a pump to increase water pressure in a private house to the water supply system.

Installation is usually carried out as follows: the pipes at the beginning of the system are disconnected and a pump is connected to them (fittings are used for this).

It is important that the connections are tight. If a pump is “screwed on” to increase water pressure in a private house, then threaded connection there must be a seal in required quantity(FUM tape, linen thread). To connect the device to plastic pipes fittings will be required.

It is important to check the operation of the system; to do this, fill the tank with the float with water. It is necessary to make sure that the container does not leak, and also check the operation of the sensor. In the absence of these problems, you can test the work yourself.

To do this, connect the device to the network (automatic mode), open the tap and observe its operation. If everything is correct, then the pump to increase water pressure in a private house should automatically turn on, and the liquid pressure should increase significantly.

Installing a circulation pump to increase water pressure

Installation is carried out in the same way circulation pumps increased pressure in a private home. They are cut into the water supply in a certain place. It is important to consider the direction of fluid movement. If the device is not positioned correctly, water will pass through the pump.

But you will not notice an increase in pressure, since the device will not perform its task. Therefore, carefully study the instructions; they describe in detail the correct position of the pump to increase water pressure in a private home. If the pump connected to the network affected the water pressure, then it means that no errors were made during installation.

Installation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator

Installing a system equipped with a hydraulic accumulator is somewhat more difficult. Before proceeding with installation, you must carefully study the design pumping unit to increase pressure in a private home. The pump is connected to the hydraulic accumulator using special hoses. A pressure switch, which is also connected to it, is responsible for turning the device on and off.

The figure below shows in detail the principle of operation of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator and the sequence of its connection. The pump turns off after the tank is full.

It is quite difficult to configure the relay. Therefore, carefully read the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer. If you have never done anything like this, we recommend that you consult with a specialist or entrust him with all the work.

Whatever pump you choose to increase water pressure in a private home, you will have to additionally purchase pipes, fittings, connections, etc. Give preference only to high-quality products from reliable suppliers.

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Often water supply systems have insufficient pressure, which complicates not only the adoption water procedures, but also the operation of auxiliary household appliances. For example, the correct operation of a washing machine or shower may be disrupted. To get out of this situation, you have to use a pump to increase the water pressure. In an apartment or house in such situations, it is indispensable.

Many residents of houses and apartments experience low water pressure

Devices that increase pressure in the water supply system are small structures with an engine operating from a conventional electrical network. Installation of the device is carried out by inserting into the pipeline. During operation, torque from the rotor is transferred to the impeller, which creates additional pressure.

All products can be divided according to the control method:

  • manual devices are switched by a person during operation for a certain amount of time;
  • automatic devices switch independently, as they have a special sensor.

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Another classifying feature is the type of cooling;

  • models with a wet rotor operate almost silently, as they pass liquid directly through themselves;
  • products with a dry rotor create noise during operation, but are more productive.

Pay attention! Before purchasing a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or residential building, you must also take into account the permissible temperature of the working environment. However, there are also universal devices that operate in a wide range.

Requirements for the device

If the problem associated with insufficient pressure in the water supply system is solved by using a special pump, then you should understand what requirements are placed on it. Basically they come down to this:

  • uninterrupted operation;
  • optimal pressure working fluid;
  • affordable price;
  • required performance.

Pay attention! If the water does not reach the upper floors of an apartment or private house at all, then it is recommended to purchase a special station instead of a conventional pump. The necessary pressure is created in them.

Various models of pumps to increase water pressure: prices and manufacturers

High-quality devices that can serve well for many years are produced by trusted manufacturers. In this regard, it is proposed to study the prices of well-known pump models brands. On modern market The following products are popular.

Model Wilo PB-088EA

Of all the water pressure booster pumps, Willo PB-088 EA can be considered the most suitable for home use. The device is installed on a pipeline with a working medium of up to 60 degrees. It is low noise, so its operation is quite comfortable. The device can operate in two modes at once - automatic and manual.

The productivity of the device is 2.1 cubic meters. m in one hour. You can buy it in a specialized store for about 3500-4000 rubles.

Model Grundfos 15-90

An alternative option for use at home is the Grundfos 15-90 water pressure booster pump model. Its characteristics are very similar to the above-mentioned products. However, its cost is slightly higher. It reaches 6000 rubles.

Other analogues

The product range is not limited to the models listed above. The table shows products from other manufacturers, the quality of which is beyond doubt.

ImageModelPower in wattsCapacity liters per hourCost in rubles
Vodotok 15GZ-15120 1 500 3 100
Unipump UPA 15-90120 1 500 6 200
Unipump UPA 15-120120 2 700 11 500
Comfort X15G-10B90 1 200 2 500
Comfort X15G-18260 1 800 4 600

Pay attention! It is impossible to buy a high-quality pump to increase water pressure for a small amount of money. If the cost of the product is much less than the minimum amount indicated in the table, then it is better to refuse to purchase the product.

How to install a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or house

It is quite possible to carry out the installation of the device yourself. However, it is still necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of installation in order to avoid catastrophic mistakes. Refusal to involve professional workers will save on installation.

Familiarization with the installation process

When installing a pump to increase water pressure in a house or apartment, a small piece of pipe is cut out at the inlet part of the water supply system. The device itself is connected directly to the two ends. If the pipes are made of plastic, you may need a special soldering iron.

The device must be inserted between the cut pipes

When connecting to a pipeline, you can confuse the direction of water movement through the device, so you should carefully look at the instructions that come with the product to improve the pressure. After installation is completed, the device is connected to the mains.

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A properly installed pump will ensure that your home's water needs are met. long time if you follow these recommendations:

  • It is advisable to protect the installed equipment from blockages by installing a coarse filter at the inlet;
  • in front of the pump should be mandatory install shut-off valves so that it is possible to carry out preventive measures;
  • the unit must be located in a heated room that is protected from moisture;
  • At first, it is necessary to check the device for leaks in order to identify malfunctions in time.

Pay attention! Preferably for safe operation devices that increase pressure in the water supply system, equip a special one, which will be connected through a separate RCD.

Main selection criteria

When purchasing a product to increase pressure in the water supply network, certain points must be taken into account. Typically, six criteria are taken into account.

  • Power indicator. The value of this parameter will determine how many consumers can operate the device simultaneously.
  • The level of noise generated during operation. Models can operate loudly or very quietly. This primarily affects the comfort of use.
  • Possible height of water rise. Some devices may not last work environment directly to the required level.
  • Device dimensions. The size of a particular model will determine the possibility of placement in a certain room.
  • Section of connected pipes. If this criterion is not taken into account, problems may arise during installation.
  • Manufacturer's fame. Mostly, high-quality products are produced by companies that are highly popular in the market.

Summing up

With the advent of pumps to increase water pressure in apartments and separately standing houses deficiencies in plumbing systems can be completely eliminated. Such devices are accessible from an economic point of view to a wide range of consumers, and therefore are in demand. In some cases, it is better to purchase a device to improve pressure yourself rather than solve the problem with specialized services.

Video: installing a pump in an apartment that increases water pressure GPD 15-9A