Average service life of household appliances. How long household appliances should last

Careful use of household appliances is a kind of investment in their durability. Exists certain rules use and care of every household appliance, observing which, you can enjoy quality work equipment not only for the period of the warranty period or the service life recommended by the manufacturer, but for a much longer period. What does this give the user? Firstly, cost savings - no need to save up money or get bogged down in credit obligations to buy a new device. Second, whether you like it or not, every time you don't throw your old refrigerator, you automatically join the cause of preserving the ecology of the planet. Believe me, no one has the right to demand more contribution from you!

Refrigerator (service life 10 years)

A refrigerator is one of the most essential household appliances. Almost all manufacturers define the lifespan of their refrigerators to be approximately 10 years. The life of your refrigerator can be extended by defrosting it at least once every six months. During such events, you should thoroughly clean all inner space refrigerator. All shelves and walls of the refrigerator compartment must be washed with a soft cloth dipped in a solution of water and baking soda, and then allowed to dry completely for about an hour. After such a procedure, the camera gets rid of odors that will certainly appear due to the storage of some products. While the washed shelves and chamber are dry, you can start external cleaning. Armed with a rag or sponge, as well as a mild soapy solution, you need to walk over the entire surface of the device, and gently vacuum the back wall, removing dust and cobwebs.

Particular attention should be paid to seals: they often collect dust and fine debris. Ignoring contaminated rubber parts can lead to their drying out and deformation, which will entail a loose fit of the doors and a whole range of related problems, one of which will be the loss of cold, and therefore unnecessary energy consumption.

Washing machine (service life 10 years)

Main enemy washing machine - limescale. It affects the heating element, drum and other metal parts in contact with water. This can be avoided by using special agents during washing to prevent the formation of limescale. Also, a fairly effective method is a single wash at maximum temperature with the addition of a small amount of vinegar or citric acid... Who doesn't trust folk methods, it is worth buying a special descaling mixture at the hardware store. These simple methods will help the machine stay in service longer, significantly exceeding the manufacturer's recommended service life.

Microwave oven (service life 7 years)

A microwave oven assumes the use of heat-resistant glass, porcelain or plastic dishes. The most important condition is no metal, even in the form of golden borders or rims on the cymbals. Any metal object getting into the microwave chamber can lead to the failure of the most important part of the device - the magnetron.

You can protect the inside of the microwave from splashing food by purchasing a special heat-resistant hood. Washing this item is much easier than cleaning food particles burnt to the inner walls. However, you still have to periodically wash the microwave inside. To facilitate this process, you need to boil a glass of water with lemon juice in it: the steam will soak the dried splashes, and the lemon will remove extraneous odors.

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

To avoid damage to the vacuum cleaner, do not use it for too long without interruption. A vacuum cleaner working for an hour or an hour and a half can easily burn out. Also, when cleaning, do not press the brush hard against the surface to be cleaned - this can restrict the flow of air, which cools the motor winding. The movements of the brush should be light and even, then the cleaning will turn out to be of high quality, and it will not be difficult for the vacuum cleaner. Do not forget about the timely cleaning of the dust collector and remember that the fabric bag cannot be washed under any circumstances, otherwise it will deteriorate forever. All filters should be periodically cleaned to prevent dust from entering the engine compartment.

Iron (service life 3-5 years)

If the iron is not equipped with a descaling function, then fill it with only distilled water (you can buy it in pharmacies). Remove any dirt adhering to the sole immediately with special means, solution with vinegar or napkins. If rust spots appear on the metal surface, they can be removed as follows: rub the problem area with a paraffin candle and sprinkle with a little salt, and then rub with moderate force with a woolen cloth.

Probably, many have noticed that in last years more and more devices fail, like clockwork, having worked a little more (less than 130..150%) gantry term. Given that the service life of the product, determined by the manufacturer, is usually (as they say in the instructions) 300..500% of the warranty period. According to our observations, this has been happening since the early 2000s. It turns out this is not without reason! Indeed, many devices start to break down abruptly immediately after the expiration of the warranty period. Whose fault is it? - Of course, manufacturers ...

Surprisingly, the devices literally start to crumble after a certain period of time. Printer cartridges stop functioning normally, monitors deteriorate, small parts in complex mechanisms wear out, a battery stops working in a laptop, or good phone... And what are you forced to do? That's right, buy New Product or use an expensive service. And only a few will be able to fix something themselves. So, what tricks manufacturers go to, we will now consider.

How it all began

All these non-accidental breakdowns became more frequent in a planned manner. Almost a century ago, in the not so distant 1924, a meeting of the owners of thriving lighting companies took place in Geneva. There were representatives of well-known companies such as Osram, General Electrics, Philips. Together, they founded a secret cartel called " Phoebus". Its essence was. To get more profit from products that fail faster. At that time, technology allowed to create bulbs with a service life of about 2500 hours. But the members of the cartel agreed to bring the service life up to 1000 hours. they worked longer than 1000 hours, paid them fines, and so they mass-produced short-lived light bulbs, thereby raising sales and their profits to unprecedented heights.
It was only in 1942 that the US authorities discovered these ingenious plans, penalty receipts and contracts were found. The trial dragged on until the 50s of the 20th century, but, be that as it may, the members of this ill-fated cartel got out of the water. No penalties were applied to them. Such agreements were prohibited, but these are only conventions. What do we see in practice - all the same incandescent lamps burn out, having worked for about a thousand hours.

We are buying a potential marriage

To maximize profits, manufacturers specifically design the product in such a way that it will have to be changed periodically. And why make durable and high-quality products, because then consumers will rarely be forced to buy new products, and this is unprofitable for manufacturers. For this phenomenon, introduced special term- deliberate aging. Any search system will return many results for this query, where the problems of the durability of the technique will be discussed. But this is how our modern economic system works. We live in a consumer society, and we deliberately buy products, knowing that we will soon replace them. It turns out that this society can also be called - "throwing society". By the way, a lot of all sorts of electronic junk is brought to third world countries, where locals smelt valuable metals. Moreover, they do it without any protection, risking not only their own health, but also the health of their future descendants.
In the area of high tech we are forced to constantly update components and devices due to the rapid development and capacity building. The warranty period of the processor may be 5 years, but who will sit for 5 years on one processor, when in 2 years there will be almost twice as powerful and offering more features a brand new processor at an attractive price.

Cleverly planned design

Manufacturers of goods seek to accelerate the vicious circle of "buy quickly and throw out even faster" with the help of all sorts of tricks and tricks, in particular, to make a clever design. One of the simplest ways is to make a case that would be very difficult to open on its own without damaging the appearance. For example, the same new iPad, it is very difficult to open it without special tools. From the same story - not removable, i.e. built into the cover and cannot be replaced. You either have to pay dearly for repairs, or even buy new model.
And there is also such a trick: you bought it expensive good camera... The battery in it died after intensive use, you bought a new enhanced Chinese battery. And what do you think? It will work longer - hell with two. The fact is that manufacturers often put a special chip that checks the original battery or not (that's why they write in the instructions to use only original ones. rechargeable batteries). If the battery is not original, then the energy is consumed just before our eyes. And the original ones cost 2-3, or even 5 times more expensive than their Chinese counterparts. Therefore, many angry words are poured onto Chinese batteries unreasonably.
Another way to force the device to conditionally "age" is the internal counter. This approach is practiced in inkjet cartridges that stop printing after some time. Or batteries digital cameras, having filmed a certain number of frames, they write that wear has come and a replacement is needed. Although, in fact, they can still work and work.

Other minor tricks and malfunctions

In order to hook the buyer on expensive original inks, manufacturers can sell the printer at a big discount. And the printers themselves so often and diligently clean their heads in cartridges that not so little ink is spent on this procedure. And all for one reason - to buy more. When the special absorbent sponge is completely clogged with ink, the device will indicate that a defect has been found. Now there are many ways to reset this "Waste Counter" on your own, and continue printing calmly.
The release of heat can also be used for your own selfish purposes. For example, some detail during operation can burn out and damage the entire circuit. And the price of spare parts is set such that repairs cost a pretty penny. And for a little extra, you can buy a completely new device.

The same is happening in the digital market. Previously, the service life of TVs was 10-20 years. What about now? Owners of multi-inch TVs will be disappointed with burned-out capacitors from the heat generated by the backlight. Also, manufacturers can put cheap on / off buttons, for example, on a monitor. The plastic spring breaks down quickly, the consequence is that you might think that the monitor itself is broken, but in reality it is just a button.

Naturally, the fact of such fraud is very difficult to prove, and manufacturers are not stupid either. The average user will have to sweat for many years to collect evidence. And test laboratories simply do not want to test the product, it will take a huge amount of time. Employees of factories of large IT companies could be a useful source of information, but they do not do this in order to keep their jobs. Therefore, the protesters concentrate on the Internet: on forums, facebook "e, Vkontakte, where you can find many solutions to problems that were considered unsolvable. Manufacturers, in order not to discredit themselves, offer spare parts for more affordable prices, provide complete technical documentation, and give a longer warranty period.

In order to assess the relevance of the question posed, the author interviewed the owners and potential buyers different ages from different social groups: “How long should a refrigerator last? When and why does the need for replacement arise? "

Most young people believe that a refrigerator, for reasons of prestige and obsolescence, needs to be bought for 5-7 years or for the warranty period (like a car). In their opinion, consumer characteristics are of secondary importance. Reducing the electricity consumption of the new refrigerator for family budget Russian is insignificant. Life extension due to expensive repairs impractical since replacing a compressor with a medium volume mass model is half the price of a new refrigerator.

Middle-aged Russians are in favor of a service life of up to 15 years. Older buyers are in favor of operating as long as the refrigerator meets the food storage requirements. Until that moment, replacement is considered impractical, since the refrigerator is a durable appliance with well-established functions, and frequent updates model lines happens only through design and decoration. Arguments that the new models have become much lighter, consume half as much energy, increased the storage time of products in various states, reduced the labor intensity of maintenance, it became possible to preserve freshness, rapid cooling and quick freezing, do not affect the opinion on the lifespan of refrigerators.

“Conservative” buyers and families with low per capita income are interested in longer refrigerator operation and, preferably, without repairs. "Conservatives" get used to old things and hardly part with them. People with low incomes cannot afford to make frequent replacements.

An insignificant part of the respondents with a minimum family income do not think about the duration of exploitation. For them, the main criterion when buying is the price. For a very low price they are ready to buy a refrigerator of any brand and any design.

Retired seniors want a refrigerator to last the rest of their lives. This category and low-income families are most concerned about extending the life of the refrigerator.

V Everyday life Russians are not as economical as Europeans. Often they do not notice and do not cherish what they have. But the attitude to durable goods is special. Cars in the recent past have not been replaced for over 10 years. Refrigerators "ZIL" and "Saratov" Soviet production in some families they have served for more than 50 years.

Active longevity of a person is laid from birth and is provided with constant health support throughout his life. The durability of a household refrigerator is laid down at the stage of a technical assignment for design and in manufacturing technology, it is ensured by observing the rules of storage, transportation and operation. Until now, some thrifty owners have the first ZIL and Saratov refrigerators produced in the 50s and 60s. They pass from grandparents to children and grandchildren (like a tailcoat of a true English gentleman).

Ensuring the durability of domestic refrigerators was supported by the state. The law prohibited the production of replacement parts for old models from being stopped as long as there was demand for them. The durability of the first refrigerators is confirmed by numerous evidences. Several years ago, this topic was covered in the TV show “ Old apartment". This year, an Englishwoman was shown on television with a pre-war General Electric refrigerator. One of the first single-chamber refrigerators, model DH-2 of the Moscow Automobile Plant "ZIL", manufactured in 1951 and continuing to serve three generations of its owners, works at the author's neighbor's dacha. The author was unable to photograph antique product because the refrigerator is installed in a cramped closet and the hostess did not allow it to be moved for fear of damage. She has another refrigerator from the 1980s, but it recently refused (Leonid Brezhnev had a DH-2 refrigerator).

Since the 80s of the last century, trends in the reduction of the service life of refrigerators began to appear in European countries. According to some experts, manufacturers and sellers, the refrigerator becomes obsolete after 5 years and therefore it is inappropriate to put a longer operating time into the design. Manufacturers and sellers are interested in relatively quick refrigerator changes. The material consumption and labor intensity of the manufacture of modern models is half that of refrigerators of old designs. The economy, commerce, and increased wealth for residents are pushing designers to create shorter-life refrigerators. The most successful is the design in which all the defective components are destroyed simultaneously after the expiration of the refrigerator's service life.

In European countries, to accelerate the replacement of old refrigerators with new models, they effectively use the continuous improvement of operating economy. Governments are encouraging the production of high-efficiency refrigerators and punishing those manufacturers who continue to produce uneconomical models. The RF has developed Government program energy saving and energy efficiency improvement until 2020. The program proposes to stimulate the replacement by the population of refrigerators and washing machines over 15 years old with new models. But so far this lever is not working.

Calling the normative average term services, manufacturers inform buyers that most refrigerators of this model will work for the time they announced. But personally, your sample may last more or less than the period specified by the manufacturer. However, failure to operate earlier than the average standard life does not qualify for replacement or compensation.

In the USSR for different models the standard service life was from 15 years (according to state standard) up to 25 years (by technical specifications Moscow automobile plant "ZIL"). GOSSNAB insisted on 40 years to calculate the volume of spare parts for ZIL refrigerators. Perhaps this was one of the reasons that hindered the progress of development. household appliances.

With an average service life of 15 years, some of the refrigerators from the total production will fail without having worked for 10 years, and the other part may work for more than 20 years. Premature failure can be caused by accidental manufacturing deviations and harmful effects that occurred before installation in the apartment, unfavorable operating conditions (for example, high humidity and temperature, storage of aggressive substances and other violations of the manufacturer's recommendations). Extraordinary reasons are also possible: an accident during transportation, fire, natural disasters.

To extend the "life" of your refrigerator, you must strictly follow the plant's recommendations for operation, protect it from mechanical damage and chemical influences, dampness and heat. Moisture on external surfaces leads to bulging paintwork and premature metal corrosion. Direct Sun rays and elevated temperatures accelerate the deterioration of paint, plastic and rubber parts.

Higher temperatures cause an increase in pressure in the cooling system and temperature controller. The higher the gas pressure, the greater the likelihood of leaks and malfunctions in the refrigerator. For this reason, when stored in a warm place, a new temperature regulator purchased "in reserve" may fail earlier than the one installed on the refrigerator.

After long-term operation and hundreds of thousands of openings, the refrigerator door may move slightly or defects may appear on the seal. The resulting gaps between the cabinet and the door will lead to excess moisture in the refrigerator compartment. With a good seal, a 5 cm strip of newsprint placed between the door and the cabinet should not fall under its own weight.

Open liquids, fruits and vegetables with a high water content create high humidity in the refrigerator compartment even with a good door seal. Liquid foods should be covered and vegetables with a high water content should be wrapped in a waterproof foil. A head of cabbage in the refrigerator without packaging withers after a few days and significantly loses its nutritional and taste qualities. Opened milk absorbs foreign odors well and will acquire an unpleasant taste.

Water condenses on cold walls, flows down them and creates favorable conditions for corrosion of metal parts. In some cases, it can get on the electrical contacts of the control devices, which will lead to the failure of the refrigerator and can be life-threatening.

On old refrigerators with a metal refrigerating chamber and soft thermal insulation, the inner cabinet is connected to the outer one through plastic decorative overlays. There is always a small gap between the cover and the inner cabinet. The volume of the draining water is often larger than that which can be accommodated by the recess in the bottom of the cabinet. Water begins to overflow over the bottom edge of the cabinet and can enter the cabinet space. To prevent this from happening, put a thick dry cloth on the bottom of the cabinet before starting the hygienic cleaning. In refrigerators with plastic inner chambers and solid polyurethane foam insulation, it is also possible for moisture to enter the cabinet space and corrosion of metal parts, but less likely.

Various acids, including food acids, are especially dangerous for the internal parts of the refrigerator. Aggressive liquids and liquid medicines should be kept in sealed containers.

Fridge parts can be damaged during transportation. Safety during transportation depends on the strength of the structure, resistance decorative coating to abrasion and scratches, the packaging used and the method of attachment to the vehicle.

Refrigerators with solid metal outer cabinets are more durable than panel models with cardboard or paper backs. An old ZIL or Saratov, whose cabinets are made of millimeter steel, is more difficult to damage than a modern refrigerator with a thin metal or even paper wall. However, and "gentle" modern refrigerators are not damaged if the transportation rules are strictly observed and can work reliably for many years. European fridges with paper backs, packed in polyethylene bags with foam padding, are transported on normal roads over very long distances without any damage.

It is recommended to transport household refrigerators in their original packaging and in an upright position. If the original packaging is not available, additional measures should be taken to protect the cabinet cover and refrigerator door from damage. A loose door can move, breaking hinges and fragile plastic parts. Customers who have to move frequently are advised to keep the original packaging of the refrigerator.

The risk of damage to compression refrigerators is higher than that of absorption or thermoelectric refrigerators. Absorption and thermoelectric refrigerators do not have compressors and are therefore more resistant to traffic jolts. On normal roads, traffic jolts with minor impacts are not dangerous for refrigerators of all types and with any compressor. With strict adherence to the manufacturer's recommendations, the possibility of damage to any refrigerator with any type of coating (paint, powder or film) is practically excluded. Violations of the transportation rules lead not only to external damage to the cabinet, but also to the destruction of parts of the cooling system, causing the loss of the refrigerator's performance.

When transporting a compression refrigerator on a bad road Special attention pay attention to the compressor mounting. A loose compressor can cause pipe breakage and refrigerant leaks from the refrigeration system. If a car with a "lying" refrigerator moves at high speed along a bad road with pits and bumps, the compressor will come off the cabinet and break the tubes of the refrigeration unit. The compressor mounting parts may not withstand even if the refrigerator falls from a height of about half a meter.

In case of rough shocks, overturning and falling from a height, even multiple safety margins in the design of a household appliance do not save from breakdowns. Therefore, the transportation of expensive household appliances cannot be trusted by drunken loaders and unscrupulous drivers.

The refrigerator can be damaged if improper storage... In an unheated room, moisture can condense on the outer surfaces. To reduce possible moisture condensation and keep the walls dry, air must circulate freely around the refrigerator.

For long-term storage in a non-residential area, it is necessary to provide for the protection of the refrigerator from small rodents. Mice can damage electrical wiring, gnaw through plastic walls, and dig holes in fiberglass insulation. A refrigerator "treated" by mice will hold the temperature poorly and corrode faster. Damaged electrical insulation can cause malfunctions and pose a risk to your life.

During long-term storage, the refrigerator doors must be fixed in a slightly open position so that musty odors do not appear in the chambers.

Strictly follow the rules and recommendations of the manufacturer during transportation, operation and storage. When transporting, use the original packaging, and if it is not available, take special precautions.
Monitor the humidity level in the refrigerator compartment (liquid food should be covered, vegetables with a high water content are packed in a waterproof film, there should be no gaps between the door seal and the cabinet).
During hygienic cleaning, avoid getting water into the gaps between the plastic parts of the inner chamber and the flange of the outer cabinet.
When stored for a long time in an unheated room, protect against dampness and high heat, from mechanical damage and rodents.

The listed simple rules it is useful to know not only for those who want the refrigerator to serve for decades, but also for those who are planning purchases for 3-5 years. Ignoring the basic rules can lead to the failure of your refrigerator earlier than planned by you.

Buying a variety, the inhabitants of course want it to serve them faithfully as long as possible.

But recently, it is difficult to choose a durable and highly reliable unit from a huge assortment of diverse home mechanical assistants.

The problem of choice lies in the fact that household appliances break down in a short time and repairs result in a tidy sum. It seems that manufacturers deliberately limit the period of flawless operation. microwave ovens, irons, refrigerators and other appliances, thereby pushing consumers to regularly update them.

When purchasing a refrigerator, pay attention to its dimensions and volume, as well as customer reviews.

In contact with

Operational period of equipment

The duration of the service life of household refrigeration equipment is directly dependent on the technological potential, the types of materials used, the design properties and individuality of the units.

As a consequence, products of the same type from different manufacturers can be produced with dissimilar declared terms of work.

Most of the creators of refrigerators in the "Rules for the operation of technology" indicate the duration of the service life. This regulation contains only an informational aspect and does not at all bind the manufacturer / seller to anything.

Note: the assignment of the service life of the equipment is not the responsibility of the manufacturer, but the right.

During the period of service, the average person has the right to count on:

  • compensation for harm;
  • equipment maintenance and provision renovation works in the event of a breakdown;
  • presentation of significant deficiencies in the operation of the equipment;
  • free replacement of faulty elements of the device.

Consequently, during the specified period of service of the refrigerators, the manufacturer must produce spare units and parts for the manufactured equipment in order to carry out repairs and eliminate the problems that have arisen.

The service life of products is determined by experimental, accelerated testing under laboratory conditions.

Note: service maintenance or entrust repairs only to the official representatives of the manufacturer.

When buying a home assistant, you should pay attention and trust those manufacturers who establish a longer warranty for the operation of their products and rely not on the trademark, but on the country of origin. High quality distinguishes products made in Japan, Germany, Scandinavian countries.

It's important to know: for electric household refrigerators, GOST has a warranty period of service - at least three years from the date of sale of equipment in trading network.

Typically, the average service life of household refrigerators is 7-15 years. Some creators deliberately reduce the operating life of the equipment in order to avoid claims and all kinds of demands from consumers.

Manufacturers of such brands of refrigerators as Bosch, Veko, Atlant, Biryusa, Indesit, Ariston, Stinol have publicly set a service life of 7-10 years, while Liebherr refrigeration units have a service life of 15 years.

How to extend service life

The actual period of uptime of the refrigerator or the period during which minor, insignificant repairs are carried out is predetermined by many circumstances. The most important thing is a reasonable installation site and the observance of certain operating instructions.

Consider: refrigeration equipment should be transported with a rigidly fixed compressor.

  • as far as possible, install the device as far as possible from heating batteries and gas (electric) stoves;
  • produce a minimum amount with a short duration of opening the refrigerator door;
  • products placed in the refrigerator must be pre-cooled to room temperature;
  • evenly place food on the shelves for the best air circulation;
  • it is necessary to get rid of ice formations in the freezer on a monthly basis;
  • on an ongoing basis, inspect rubber gaskets and hinged loops to prevent malfunctions;
  • regularly wet cleaning internal surfaces cameras without the use of corrosive chemical detergents.

A negligent attitude towards the installation and operation of the refrigeration unit can lead not only to serious breakdowns and a reduction in the period useful use, but also to the threat to the life of the man in the street.

Correct care for household assistants will allow you to extend the service life for a fairly long period of time.

Watch a video in which a specialist tells how to extend the life of the refrigerator:

How long will the refrigerator last, and why change the kettle every two years

There are several large chains in Blagoveshchensk selling household appliances... New items, useful and not so useful, appear regularly. However, like the complaints of the townspeople that home electronics are no longer what they used to be - and this can hardly be argued with. More and more often washing machines break down due to scale and TV sets "burn out". But people did not buy less equipment. Based on the results of a survey by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, we can conclude that there are more owners of household appliances in the country compared to the end of the last century: almost every family today has a TV and a refrigerator (96% each, in 1990 - 87 and 85% respectively). Also, more than 80% of respondents are owners of a washing machine (their number increased from 73% to 89%), a vacuum cleaner (from 66% to 80%).

Term for the future

When buying an expensive refrigerator or air conditioner, we certainly want them to serve us long years... But the "good old eternal" production has long become unprofitable - then who will buy new items? Therefore, there is nowhere to go. You certainly won't be able to live without a refrigerator and a stove.

Various manufacturing companies set their own service life for household appliances, for large-sized appliances - about 10 years. Household items like kettles, irons and microwaves last even less.

Most manufacturers rarely give a warranty for their equipment for more than seven years, - says Household appliances store manager Igor Chuguevsky.- The only exceptions are some components, such as compressors and motors for refrigerators. Their service life is 10 years. Although, as practice shows, good technology can serve much longer than the manufacturer's recommended period. Therefore, if your automatic machine has been regularly washing for 7-10 years, you should not send it to the trash heap, just because it is morally outdated. It is better to contact the service center, and if any deficiencies are found during the diagnosis, they will be eliminated - and your old refrigerator, machine or stove will last another ten years, or even more.

True, you should not rely on the specified service life and high-quality service if you use equipment and forget about caring for it. After all, careful handling is a kind of investment in the durability of expensive devices.

Defrost the refrigerator at least once every six months.

Refrigerator (service life 7 - 10 years)

The most necessary device in everyday life, as a rule, breaks down due to a burnout of the motor-compressor. The main reason for such a breakdown is power surges.

The refrigerator will last longer if you defrost it at least once every six months (except for equipment with the No frost system) and follow a number of simple rules:

    do not put the refrigerator next to a gas or electric stove

  • do not put hot food in the refrigerator
  • keep containers with water closed
  • wash at least once a month without using acidic substances

Washing machine (service life 7 - 8 years)

The main enemy of all washing machines is scale, which is so much talked about on TV. Only now there is no point in being afraid of its residents of the region, our water is very soft, - said service center specialist Evgeny Podlinov.

When using the washing machine:

  • do not forget to open the tank of the machine for drying
  • do not overload the machine with extra pounds of linen
  • use low temperature wash programs whenever possible
  • systematically clean filters

Cookers (service life 10 - 15 years)

The service life is the same for electric and gas stoves. WITH gas problems less, but electric burners and switches can burn out. By the way, sockets for electric stoves are also not eternal - they must be changed every 10 years. Stove maintenance is simple:

  • after each use, the stove must be wiped with a dry cloth
  • unplug before cleaning
  • do not use abrasive and chemical cleaning agents
  • after each cooking in the oven, leave it open for airing
  • do not keep the stove on long time- the enamel coating may crack
  • Do not use the surface of the plate as cutting board, as the enamel or glass-ceramic coating can be damaged
  • use dishes with a flat and dry bottom

Air conditioners (service life 10 years)

Trust the air conditioner service only to professionals

Photo: depositphotos.com

The lifespan of a refrigeration appliance often depends on the brand.

Japanese air conditioners last longer than Korean and Chinese ones, says Master in the installation and repair of refrigeration equipment and air conditioners Alexander Ivanov... - But for the latter it is easier to find spare parts, and it takes only about a week to wait for them from the trans-river state. The main cause of breakdown is dirt, so you need to regularly clean air conditioners from dust and poplar fluff, especially for those who live on the lower floors. The service time also depends on the quality of the installation, which should only be trusted by a professional. And before the beginning of summer, you should call specialists so that they carry out routine maintenance - cleaning, diagnostics of the air conditioner and refueling with freon.

Microwave oven (service life 7 years)

The most important condition safe work- rejection of metal dishes, as well as porcelain and earthenware with golden borders or rims. Any metal object getting into the microwave chamber can lead to the failure of the most important part of the device - the magnetron. It is worth remembering that:

  • the oven should be at least 40 cm from the refrigerator
  • ventilation openings must be open
  • Microwave must be cleaned of contamination in a timely manner
  • touch and other control panels can only be wiped with a slightly damp cloth

Vacuum cleaner (service life 10 years)

In order to avoid damage, it is important to remember that a vacuum cleaner operating for an hour can easily burn out. Engine combustion is a major problem with this technique. The reason is simple - the engine clogged with dust and the same surges in electricity. To prevent this from happening, it is important:

  • when cleaning, do not press the brush strongly against the surface to be cleaned
  • do not forget about the timely cleaning of the dust container and remember that the fabric bag cannot be washed under any circumstances, otherwise it will deteriorate forever
  • All filters should be periodically cleaned to prevent dust from entering the engine compartment.

Iron (service life 3 - 5 years)

Such necessary thing, like an iron, most often breaks down for a banal reason - a heating element (ten) burns out. This is unlikely to be prevented. This object is also sensitive to voltage surges in the mains.

Kettle (service life 2 years)

The electric kettle is perhaps the most short-lived household appliance. With him the same trouble as with the iron - the ten often burns out. Moreover, for often incomprehensible reasons. Therefore, teapots do not last long. And besides, over time, plastic begins to emit toxic substances... This device is not worth how washing machine, therefore, you do not need to risk your health and exploit it for more than two years. But you shouldn't forget about leaving anyway:

  • need to descale on time
  • do not turn on the kettle with a small amount of water
  • do not pour water over the kettle and stand

A big problem

Power surges are dangerous for any equipment, - declares disappointingly electrician Andrey Samostin.- You can save household appliances from them, but only if the drops are not very strong. Small surges can be smoothed out by new wiring or special devices that dampen the surges. They can be easily installed in any apartment.

Into the junk

Some large stores sometimes hold promotions for the disposal of old, but still working household appliances. This is a great opportunity to replace boring or simply obsolete stoves, refrigerators, and cars with new ones. The scheme is as follows: your old technique take out for free and give you a big discount on the purchase of a new one. Quite beneficial if you have the extra money to upgrade your electronics.