Kitchen design with gas boiler. Options: how to hide (disguise) a gas boiler in the kitchen? rules for safe installation and masking

Now we will look at how to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen and what requirements for its installation currently apply in order to comply with safety rules.

Plasterboard construction

  • Furniture to order: one of the most practical methods, since today there are various companies providing services for its production. By ordering special furniture, you can hide not only the boiler itself, but also pipes and communications;
  • Drywall: inexpensive material from which you can build a box to disguise a gas boiler from prying eyes. The box must have a door that, if necessary, will provide access to the unit; it can be painted in the color of the interior or, for example, covered with wallpaper to give a more presentable look.
  • Boiler case

    To hide a floor-standing boiler in the kitchen, a pencil case is suitable. In addition to the boiler itself, it allows you to hide the gas and drainpipes. Moreover, you can order it at various options execution.

    This option is suitable for a boiler with a closed combustion chamber, because most of the manufactured gas boilers with an open combustion chamber cannot operate without open access to air.

    At the same time, the design of the canister used should allow unhindered maintenance of the boiler, ensure constant air circulation, not tip over, and be quickly disassembled if necessary.

    Therefore, it is also not worth ordering sliding doors, which will narrow the opening and limit access to equipment and all communications.

    Often a floor-standing boiler in the kitchen is installed under the windowsill. In this case, the front panel must be equipped with ventilation grilles.

    So that the installation of a gas boiler does not become an obstacle to creating a beautiful and cozy interior, there are many ways to decorate decorative doors and panels: forging, carving, painting, stained glass, frosted heat-resistant glass.

    Therefore, installing a gas boiler in the kitchen does not seem such an impossible and difficult task. The design of the room will definitely not suffer from this.

    Modern household appliances make it much easier to manage household and improves living standards. Dishwashers And ovens, blenders and cauldrons make the home more comfortable, speed up the preparation of dinner and allow you to free up several hours for communication with family and hobbies. The only problem remains the proper introduction of the unit into existing interior. Can kitchen design with gas boiler be modern and stylish?

    A gas boiler can fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, despite all the technological components.

    Boilers in the interior

    If you are faced with the need to purchase and install a gas boiler, try to choose a unit that is in maximum harmony with the existing or planned interior. Boiling white, chrome or aluminum colors, black and even decorated with a stylish pattern, today you can choose a boiler of almost any color. A properly selected gas boiler will decorate any kitchen.

    To decorate a floor-standing gas boiler, you can use a furniture section ordered to fit the size of the boiler.

    If you manage to purchase a model of a suitable shade, the problem of camouflage will disappear by itself. Otherwise, you should not give up and try to calm the zeal for beauty by promising it functional prospects. Absolutely any boiler can be successfully integrated into the kitchen design; the main thing is to know where to start and what to strive for.

    Gas heating boilers there are two types:

    • floor;
    • wall-mounted

    They differ in characteristics, but are absolutely identical in terms of their harmonious fit into the existing or planned interior. The only difficulty can turn out to be minimal permissible distance from the unit to the wall or furniture surface.

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    Simple rules of camouflage

    The easiest way to organically fit the unit into the kitchen interior is to disguise it as existing parts. To do this, you can use one of the methods.

    Painting a boiler in the style of a kitchen interior is a wonderful creative way to decorate it.

    1. A boiler mounted on the wall between two wall cabinets will not be conspicuous, especially if the upper and lower boundaries of the objects are at the same level. But you need to remember the safety rules, because a heating device is not a design element. The distance between the boiler and the walls of the cabinets must be at least 3 cm on each side, in addition, it is worth taking care of additional protection for others wooden parts. A heat-resistant coating will help solve the problem, and the heat-insulating material will not allow the contents of the cabinet to heat up. Using a similar scheme, you can fit a floor-standing boiler into the design, but the distance to the wall or furniture facade must be at least 0.1 m.
    2. The boiler, hidden from prying eyes between two cabinets, can be additionally decorated with a curtain, especially if the kitchen is decorated in a country style. But you should resort to this method with extreme caution; flammable fabric should not have the slightest chance of contact with fire. The method is not suitable for a floor-standing unit.
    3. You can always modify the heating device, which serves faithfully. Just paint its surface with the paint of the desired shade, and the boiler will become a worthy addition to your kitchen design. First of all, you need to clean the facade from the old coating and carefully treat it with sandpaper. After this, apply a primer designed for working with metal, and after drying, paint with a suitable enamel. You need to choose a paint that is marked as heat resistant and compatible with metal.
    4. If the usual one-color painting seems boring, develop creativity and describe the bulky unit. Initial stages, right down to applying the primer and base coat of paint, are similar. After complete drying, add some zest to your kitchen design with a boiler; use a stencil to apply an original ornament or design. Or maybe your talent will allow you to paint a real picture on the surface of the cauldron?

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    The easiest way to fit this bulky heating device into the interior is to plan new design kitchens, taking into account the need to install the unit.

    Gas boiler matched to the style kitchen furniture- the easiest way to enter the device.

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    Everything important is hidden

    If surface camouflage does not inspire you, you should turn to more complex methods of introducing the boiler into the interior. Today, almost all kitchen furniture is made to order. This makes it possible to accurately select sizes, choose the appropriate color scheme and, of course, provide places for household appliances, hidden from view.

    Placing the boiler in one of the cabinets requires special attention to air circulation around the boiler.

    1. The boiler can be placed in one of the cabinets, but you need to take into account that manufacturers put forward certain requirements for furniture in contact with heating devices, because gas is no joke. For wall-mounted models, in addition to the required 3 cm gaps on both sides of the boiler, the cabinet should not have a back wall, as well as a bottom and top cover. This installation method will ensure unhindered natural air circulation. In a word, from wall cabinet Only the front door will remain, behind which the gas boiler will be hidden. For greater functionality, small shelves can be placed on both sides of the device for storing non-flammable items that are not afraid of hot surroundings.
    2. It is even easier to transform the kitchen design if the unit is located in the corner, between the wall cabinets. A simple diagonal door will solve the problem and will not contradict the rules safe operation. The masking door can be made of façade material or frosted glass.
    3. Floor-standing models should be masked with caution. The distance to the walls of the cabinet or pencil case must be at least 10 cm and not create obstacles to air circulation.
    4. You can hide a wall-mounted or floor-standing boiler using metal roller shutters. The mobile design will provide easy access to the unit and will not harm the design of the kitchen. In addition, the metal will ensure fire safety.

    When choosing a method for masking a heating device, it is important to remember that in in this case the main thing is not the perfect design of a kitchen with a gas boiler, but the safety of the household.

    Many buyers of heating and water heating equipment are concerned with the question of how to hide a gas boiler so that it does not spoil the interior of the kitchen. After all, it is in this room that it is most often installed. There are several most common methods that you can use. And everyone chooses for themselves the one that is most suitable, based on their capabilities and the characteristics of the kitchen space.

    What options are there to hide a gas boiler in the kitchen?

    Modern gas boilers, compared to those units that were produced before, much more compact in size. In addition, they have more varied designs and different color solutions. Of course, the choice of colors is not very large, but there is still some variety. A neat and compact boiler with a shiny surface can fit perfectly into a kitchen designed in certain styles, for example, “High-Tech”. And a traditionally white unit will not stand out at all against the background of furniture of the same color.

    If you still need to hide the gas boiler so that it is not conspicuous, you can consider the following options:

    • when placing equipment, take advantage of the existing features of the kitchen premises;
    • integrate the unit into one of the pieces of furniture in the kitchen set;
    • cover the device with a decorative element;
    • disguise it or, on the contrary, highlight it as a separate element of interior design.

    Each of these methods is good in its own way, you just need to choose the most acceptable one for yourself.

    Gas boiler built into kitchen furniture or hidden by a decorative element

    There may be several solutions, but when implementing any of them, security requirements must be observed, the main ones being:

    • unimpeded access to equipment for its maintenance;
    • presence of some free space around the boiler for its natural ventilation;
    • non-combustibility of the material of the internal walls of kitchen cabinets or decorative elements.

    A profitable option is to place a gas boiler in a kitchen cabinet. Of course, it is convenient when the installation of the unit is carried out during the renovation of the premises, and then, taking into account this moment, it is ordered directly kitchen set. In this case, the cabinet for the gas boiler will be made exactly to its dimensions and from a material that is resistant to heat. If the kitchen is already furnished, but you need to somehow position the boiler, then you can convert one of the existing cabinets to fit this unit or order a new one that fits the style of the interior.

    Quite often, a gas boiler is located in the kitchen between wall cabinets. In this case side walls already available, all you have to do is order decorative grille or doors that attach to adjacent cabinets. Upper part and you most likely won’t need to order an additional bottom, because they are still not visible from the outside. At the same time, the side walls of the cabinets and the inner surface decorative element must be painted with heat-resistant enamel or made of materials resistant to heat and fire.

    Attention! The gas boiler must not be placed in kitchen cabinet close to its walls. There should be some space between them and the unit itself on all sides - at least 3 cm. The same applies to doors or grilles covering the boiler from the facade.

    How can you disguise a gas boiler in a kitchen?

    Various options for integrating a gas boiler into furniture are just one of the ways to conceal the unit in the kitchen. In some cases, it may not be hidden, but simply disguised. To do this, the body of the device can be painted to match the color of the kitchen interior. If it is possible to purchase a boiler in that color scheme, which is already present in the kitchen, then this is an even simpler option. In these cases, the unit will not stand out against the general background, which means it will not attract special attention.

    Interesting and original solution may not be a disguise of the boiler, but, on the contrary, its highlighting in separate element interior – bright and eye-catching. There are many options here - this includes decorative painting and painting in several bright colors, and other ideas. Everyone can dream up and choose their own option that best suits the kitchen interior design.

    To hide a gas boiler, you can take advantage of some features of the room layout. If there is a niche in the kitchen, it is convenient to place the unit in it, covering the outside with doors, a grill or some other decorative element. If there is a column in the room, the boiler can be hidden behind it, covering the entire structure, for example, with a screen.

    It often happens that a gas boiler is installed at some distance from the kitchen unit. To hide such a free-standing unit from view, you can order a pencil case or build a box-shaped structure yourself. In addition to the boiler itself, in such a case you can place another kitchen utensils, for which it is better to make separate doors for different compartments.

    How to hide communications?

    In addition to the gas boiler itself, it is necessary to hide all communications from view. The pipe through which gas is supplied to the boiler is prohibited from being walled up in the wall. It is desirable if the remaining pipes are within access for their maintenance. If communications are not covered, the look in the kitchen will be completely unaesthetic. To hide them externally, you can purchase special panels or a decorative box at a hardware store. It is not very difficult to make such a box yourself, then paint it to match the color of the interior or cover it with film to match the walls.

    Advice. It is better if the decorative boxes are collapsible. Otherwise, they will have to be broken when the need arises to access any section of communications.

    You will also need to hide the chimney pipe. To disguise it, you can make a decorative box with heat-resistant inner surface or order wall cabinet in the same style as the rest of the kitchen furniture. The material for making the cabinet must also be resistant to heat, since the pipe for removing combustion products heats up.

    Various options for how to hide a gas boiler in kitchen area, there are quite a large number. Therefore, when purchasing this useful equipment, there should not be any problems with how to hide it from view and not spoil the kitchen interior with the appearance of the unit.

    How to install a boiler in the kitchen: video

    How to hide a boiler in the kitchen: photo

    In the kitchen, a gas water heater is indispensable for everyday life. The need to install such equipment is more negative emotions. Many owners are sure that a gas boiler will ruin the overall interior of the room. However, this is a deep misconception! A well-planned kitchen design with a gas boiler will be stylish, unusual, and quite attractive. The most important thing is to integrate the equipment organically and think through every detail of the kitchen interior. In that article we will look at several solutions for decorating and masking a gas water heater.

    A gas water heater in the kitchen is indispensable for everyday life.

    Kitchen design with a gas boiler can be made beautiful and attractive

    The most important thing is to fit this technique into the interior beautifully and harmoniously

    Standards and rules for installation in the kitchen

    To organize the safe use of such a unit in the kitchen, it is important to adhere to certain rules. The room selected for installation must be at least four square meters. It should have: a window, an exit to the corridor, a special device that notifies of a leak.

    To install a gas boiler you must adhere to certain rules

    The room in which the boiler will be installed must be at least four square meters

    The power of the speaker should not be more than sixty kilowatts. The device can be installed on a wall or floor. Do not install it too close to the kitchen unit - leave room for air circulation. If the device is mounted on a wall, it must meet certain requirements. The kitchen wall must be made of non-combustible materials. It is better to cover walls made of wood with a metal sheet.

    A certain gap must be maintained between the stove, refrigerator, and gas water heater. His minimum value- thirty centimeters. You need to retreat almost one meter from the meter or electrical outlet. After installation, you should definitely check the correct operation of the device and chimney.

    The power of the speaker should not be more than sixty kilowatts

    The column must be located at least thirty centimeters from the stove and refrigerator,

    In most cases geyser can be harmoniously integrated into the interior

    Features of kitchen design with a column

    Gas heating is a convenient, relatively inexpensive way to heat your home. Modern technology for these purposes is not very aesthetically pleasing. Often it needs special design. When creating a kitchen design plan with a gas boiler, consider the following aspects.

      Own financial capabilities. If you have a high budget, you can afford to purchase a unit with attractive design. Then there will be no special problems in the kitchen interior.

      Location of the device. This criterion should be selected solely on the basis of installation rules and ease of use.

      Stylistic direction of the room. The method of decorating the device will depend only on it.

    Gas heating is a convenient, relatively inexpensive way to heat your home.

    When thinking about the design of a kitchen with a gas heater, take into account all the nuances and features of the room

    How to hide communications?

    After installing the equipment, the pipes, hoses, and chimney are not at all pleasing to the eye. Many people would be more than happy to hide them in the wall. However, due to safety precautions this cannot be done. Elements must always be available. Today there are several safe ways hide communications. One of them is the construction of a plasterboard box. Several profiles and moisture-resistant plasterboard are used for this.

    According to the operating rules, it is impossible to hide pipes in the wall

    You can hide communications in the kitchen set

    Currently, you can purchase a speaker that fits perfectly into your kitchen design.

    A well-designed kitchen set will also help hide communications. But there is one rule - cabinets, bedside tables, shelves should not put pressure on the pipes. IN ideal the distance between them should be about one centimeter. For such purposes, the kitchen set is made to order.

    Communications can also be decorated in an inexpensive way. They can be painted to match the color of the walls, decorated with artificial flowers, or mosaics.

    A well-designed kitchen set will also help hide communications.

    The column pipes can be decorated. Paint in the color of the walls or decorate with mosaics

    Thinking through the design

    Modern kitchen design with a gas boiler on the wall can be different types. Let's look at the two main types in more detail in the table.


    1. Open:

    decoupage, pasting, painting, painting.

    Provides for the selection of equipment as an original element of the interior. It is covered with photographs, painted in original ways with special safe paints, and decorated with mosaics. These techniques are great for Provence and country styles.

    2. Closed:

    disguise using plasterboard construction, furniture.

    In this case, the gas boiler is masked as much as possible from others. The difficulty of this type is compliance with safety precautions. Materials must be non-flammable and air must circulate freely. Floor equipment is masked with a pencil case. It will protect children from injury and will not contradict the main stylistic direction of the kitchen.

    To completely hide the boiler, you can purchase a custom-made set

    Be sure to follow safety rules

    Modern kitchen design with a gas boiler on the wall can be of different types

    Installation of a chipboard cabinet

    The simplest method of camouflaging a gas boiler is furniture. Pipes, communications, and a column can be easily placed inside a purchased cabinet. The choice of such furniture is quite large. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the dimensions, the possibility of integrating such equipment, the quality of the fittings, safety, and price. It is also important to choose the right cabinet design. It should be in harmony with the design features and decoration of the room.

    As practice shows, choosing a cabinet in a store is very difficult. In such a situation, you can make an individual order from the masters. However, the cost individual work will be quite high. The best way savings - making a simple cabinet with your own hands. Let's look at this process step by step.

    Modern boilers can easily fit into the kitchen interior

    Pipes and the boiler itself can be placed in a cabinet

      Design development of a cabinet for a gas boiler. For convenience, you can draw a graphic plan of the product on a regular piece of paper. The design of the cabinet should match the look and style of the rest of the furniture. It is worth choosing an identical paint color and, if possible, an identical material. For ease of manufacture, you can exclude the upper and lower walls. This will significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to build the cabinet.

      Preparation of materials and tools. You will need: a tape measure, bolts, chipboards, a finished door, a jigsaw, awnings, wooden slats.

      Determination of sizes. The gas boiler should be placed at a distance of three centimeters from the side of the cabinet. The size of the door is easy to calculate - just add six centimeters to the width and height of the boiler.

      Making the side walls. We use chipboards and a jigsaw. We cut out two sides according to individual measurements.

      We cut holes for furniture curtains. It is more convenient to do this with a crown.

      We attach two planks parallel to each other to the wall instead of the back wall. We attach the finished slabs to them with bolts. Then we install the doors.

    Before you start hiding the boiler, draw up a work plan

    Nowadays it is not difficult to hide a gas boiler

    If the gas boiler fits into the interior, it does not need to be hidden

    Gas boiler - an original art object

    Original gas boilers do not need to be hidden behind furniture doors. They themselves can be an excellent decoration for the kitchen. To do this, you should choose the right color for the equipment and decorate it with decorative painting. This solution will allow you to add some zest to the interior and save money. cash on the purchase (manufacturing) of a special cabinet.

    The gas boiler can be decorated with stickers or painted

    A gas boiler can be easily hidden in a cabinet

    There is no point in painting a gas boiler without the minimum artistic skills. This can only damage the equipment. If you want to decorate it in this particular way, then it is better to use ready-made stencils. They can be easily found on the Internet, printed, cut out. Using stencils, a design can be applied within a few minutes. The most important thing is to follow the general theme of the room in terms of color and ornament.

    Video: Kitchen design with a geyser

    50 photos of kitchen design ideas with a gas boiler:

    A kitchen with a gas boiler is a room equipped with a special heater, which allows you to significantly save on heating your home. This convenient option, but when creating an interior there is often a need to disguise this element. In order for a bulky speaker to fit organically into the kitchen design, you need to know some techniques, which will be discussed in this article.

    Nuances of designing a kitchen space with a gas boiler

    Gas heating is very convenient and economical solution warm if necessary private house or an apartment. But for its operation you will need to install special equipment, which does not always fit well into the created kitchen interior.

    Even at the stage of designing the interior of a future kitchen, you need to know about the exact location of the appliance, the stylistic direction of the room and the decoration of the gas boiler. But first of all, safety rules must be followed, which include:

    • availability of free air access to the device;
    • avoiding cluttering the approach to the column;
    • compliance with the rules fire safety.

    It is difficult to decide how to design a gas boiler, especially if the equipment is old and does not look as attractive as modern models. The solution is replacement, but it can only be done by professionals and costs a lot, so most often the owners of such devices come to the conclusion that it is better to decorate it.

    So, if a gas boiler in the kitchen is mounted on the wall and is a wall-hung device, then it is either hidden behind the cabinet fronts or highlighted as an interior detail. The first option is not always suitable, since it contradicts the presence of free air access to the column.

    If the boiler is a floor structure, then you can install a pencil case or plasterboard box to hide not only the unattractive column, but also the pipes with meters. The decor of the boiler depends on the stylistic direction of the kitchen interior. We will talk about this a little later.

    Boiler placement options

    If the purchased apartment is located in an old residential building, then the gas boiler in the kitchen, of course, is installed in a certain place. As a rule, it can be transferred, but this process associated with great difficulty and duration. That is why it is easier to leave the device where it is and simply laconically introduce it into the kitchen interior.

    If the gas boiler has not yet been installed in a private house, you can select the desired location for its installation. This option is simpler, since you can build on your wishes.

    Depending on the owner’s wishes and the type of kitchen interior design, you can choose one of two options for the location of the gas boiler in the kitchen.


    At this method You can disguise the boiler in a cabinet that is included in the kitchen set. But in this case, it will be necessary to ensure the necessary air flow to the boiler by creating the necessary ventilation in the piece of furniture. It is also important to follow fire safety rules and eliminate the possibility of fire. To avoid this, inner side The cabinet is decorated with foil or similar material.

    Usually, already at the stage of ordering and purchasing furniture for the kitchen, the question is raised about the need for a separate cabinet for a gas water heater. Furniture manufacturers are often faced with such individual requests and will make a box according to the required dimensions, which in appearance will not differ from the kitchen set. Thus, a uniform design is obtained that is not disturbed by the appearance of the boiler design.

    If the owner does not plan to put the gas boiler in the closet, then you can decorate it with curtains. This technique will be relevant for rustic styles, for example, country or Provence, which involve a large amount of textiles in the kitchen.


    If there is a desire to highlight a gas boiler in the kitchen as a decorative element, it is not placed in a closed space, but one of the following options is used:

    Decoration using decoupage technique involves pasting the structure with selected stickers that match the style and covering it with varnish to protect the design. As an option for decorating a boiler located on the floor, interesting idea becomes an imitation fireplace. In general, decoupage allows you to highlight any element in the interior so that it turns from a disadvantage into an advantage and will delight the owners with its unique beauty and integration into the overall concept of style.

    Painting of a gas boiler. Those who have drawing skills and do it well may like the idea of ​​depicting stylistic drawings on the surface of the device, which will be a worthy addition to the column.

    Decorating a gas boiler using a carved or forged grille. This option will fit perfectly into various styles, depending on the chosen decor of the product. The grille will help not only hide unwanted appearance technology, but it will also become additional protection from using a gas boiler by children. This piece of furniture will be perceived as a highlight of the design, and not as an attempt to hide something.

    Location of the gas water heater in the niche of the kitchen unit. In this case, you will need to purchase a set of kitchen furniture with a separate place for a gas boiler. It is not covered with anything, but is simply placed in a niche and becomes part of a single structure.

    Masking the boiler to match the color of the walls. You don’t even have to highlight the gas boiler, but simply match it with the color of the walls. This way the device will be almost invisible, at least at first glance.

    Exclusion of design. In modern industrial styles, for example, in a loft, a geyser that is not decorated in any way will look relevant. On the contrary, it will emphasize the direction of the interior. Thus, in a futuristic style, a gas boiler with communications intertwined at all possible angles will look correct and create the illusion of an exhibit from a museum of modern art.

    Modern models of geysers can be very diverse in design, so choosing the one that fits into the kitchen concept will not be difficult. Thus, the assortment successfully combines models of ultra-modern design and those that meet the laws of retro. For example, a cast iron boiler, polished to a shine, has full technical “stuffing” inside, but looks like a device from the century before last.

    Stylistic ideas for designing a gas boiler

    The kitchen in the house can be made in one of the available at the moment styles. This depends on the desire of the owner, and the gas water heater should in no case interfere with the implementation of the planned project.


    This style is the most popular for kitchen decoration. One of its differences is the unacceptability of having household appliances and appliances on display. This means that in classic cuisine There is no place for a gas boiler. In most cases, for this design, the gas water heater is hidden behind the lattice façade of the furniture set. This is visually attractive and allows air to circulate freely in the box due to the lattice door. Such a façade will fit perfectly into the kitchen classic style and will not change the style of the room.

    Advice! To avoid disrupting the ergonomics of the kitchen, it is best to place the gas boiler in a corner.

    Country, retro or Provence

    Rustic styles are characterized by maximum simplicity. To fit a gas boiler into such a kitchen, you can go one of the following ways:

    • Hide behind a textile curtain. As a rule, both country and Provence tend to a large number textiles in the kitchen, so a small curtain covering the gas water heater will fit here perfectly. It is necessary to choose such textiles to match the napkins or curtains so that the harmony of the interior design is felt. Most often the print on them is floral or checkered.
    • Place in a closet. Here, too, it is appropriate to install a cabinet designed in accordance with the style trend. Thus, a wooden lattice on the facade will perfectly decorate the kitchen and allow you to hide the gas boiler, which is not appropriate for a rustic setting.
    • Paint or decorate desired images.


    As mentioned earlier, it is not at all necessary to hide a gas heater in a loft-style kitchen, since it becomes the element that is necessary in these conditions. This direction welcomes the presence of all communications that not only do not spoil the appearance of the kitchen, but also make it original. In some cases, it is even worth focusing specifically on the gas boiler and pipes in order to achieve a unique design.


    This high-tech style is impossible without technology latest generation, so the gas boiler in such a kitchen must be ultra-modern with many functions. Thus, the chrome surface, lighting, display and other related components will only fuel interest in this interior detail.

    No masking or painting of the boiler is required. In addition, you can place a gas water heater next to kitchen equipment of the same design, which will create an imitation of a single system.

    Nuances of masking communications

    If you have a gas boiler in the kitchen, you have to think not only about its design, but also about masking all communications that are connected to it. It is worth immediately noting that when carrying out repairs, in no case should these parts be walled up in the walls, since according to the rules, all gas elements must be located so that they can be easily accessed. It is also prohibited to hide pipes of this type in plasterboard casings without doors.

    You can disguise all communications behind the panel with the possibility of its removal or the presence of a door for access on it. There is an option to purchase a ready-made removable casing. To do this you will need to visit hardware store and choose a design that is more suitable in size than others.

    Pipes from a gas boiler can be hidden from view by placing them behind the kitchen unit. But in this case, the cabinets are not installed close to the wall, so that they do not put pressure on communications.

    Corner gas pipes, which cannot be hidden in any way, can be decorated by painting them in the desired colors or by applying images to their surface.

    Important! Failure to comply with the described placement rules gas equipment may lead to a fine from the authorized organization and even injury in a possible accident.

    Gas boiler in a small kitchen

    Cramped spaces are always inconvenient for creating adequate conditions for certain purposes, and placing a gas boiler is no exception here. In a small kitchen, a gas heater can take up significant space, which makes it much more difficult to install a kitchen set with required quantity places to store utensils.

    Advice! It is best to install a gas boiler in a small kitchen in the upper part of the room.

    The easiest way to install a gas water heater in a small kitchen is not in the middle of the wall, but in the corner farthest from the entrance. There it will be less noticeable. In this case, it will be necessary to exclude the use of bulky furniture items in the kitchen, since they, together with a gas boiler, will create the effect of clutter and cramped space. Only the use of compact and transformable furniture models will help make a small kitchen, even with a gas heater, a convenient place for cooking and spending time. General minimalism and airy design of furniture and a gas boiler in light colors will help visually expand a small kitchen space.

    Another place to install a gas boiler on small kitchen may become one of the corners near the door. This placement will be successful for floor-standing models of gas equipment.

    Self-installation of the casing

    Situations often arise when a kitchen set has already been purchased and installed, and the gas boiler is installed later. In this case, you can order a cabinet for it from the same furniture company where you purchased the set, so as not to go beyond the design.

    If this is not possible, then it can save self installation doors for masking a gas boiler. If the owner of an apartment or house has basic carpentry skills, then he can easily build a casing of the required size from chipboards and slats. In addition to the materials, you will need the usual tools that every home has: a tape measure, a jigsaw, a screwdriver and fittings. If there is a need for this, then you can order only the door, which will be installed on the finished frame.

    Before starting work, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the future cabinet according to all the rules for placing a gas boiler. So, the minimum distance from any surface of the cabinet to the boiler is 3 cm, which means that the box is made 6 cm larger in width and height, like the door.

    The process of creating a cabinet for a geyser with your own walks with his hands according to the following algorithm:

    1. The side walls are cut out of chipboard boards with a jigsaw in accordance with pre-taken measurements.

    Important! The depth of the box is also made 3 - 4 cm greater than the same indicator of the boiler.

    1. Holes are made in the lower and upper walls to install all communications.
    2. Using a crown, cut holes for installation furniture canopies right and left.
    3. All completed sides are fastened with bolts and in compliance with strict perpendicularity. The back wall is not completed. Instead, two strips are installed, which bring together the upper and lower parts and make the structure rigid.
    4. The back slats are secured to the kitchen wall.
    5. Install the door on the hinges.
    6. Place the structure on the gas boiler and attach it to the wall.

    In this simple way you can save a lot on the purchase of a separate cabinet for a gas boiler in the kitchen.


    A kitchen with a gas boiler, with the right approach, may well be beautiful room. If you approach decorating a geyser and its communications with all responsibility and a sense of style, you can get exactly the interior that the home owner dreams of.